[From Heaven to Hell] From Heaven to Hell Discussion

Fine by me. Sakuya is still lost in thought for a little longer, and with Deus still MIA - he was supposed to be back today fully but I haven';t heard from him - we should just get going.
Tabby said:
Fine by me. Sakuya is still lost in thought for a little longer, and with Deus still MIA - he was supposed to be back today fully but I haven';t heard from him - we should just get going.
Roger dodger.
so uh I've been dealing with... Stuff in the last few days and got college starting up this week, but I should have a post up tomorrow or tuesday at the latest.
No worries. I've been in the same boat. I'm in for the long-haul on this game. Tabby's a good friend. I'll stop when she says stop. :)

oh and I guess the rest of you people are ok too
All's well that ends well, I guess. Yeah, everything's fine, thanks. Nothing really "happened", per se. Just ... life.

Thanks for waiting. Tabs, I care a lot about this site, the friends I've made here, so on and so on, but you and this game, despite the fact that we really haven't played any of it, is why I felt the guiltiest being away. I'm not saying that to as a negative thing. I mean that in the best way possible.

Anyhow, I should have a post up tomorrow or so.
<Q I'm just happy you're okay honestly, I know life happens and I've peaced for a month or two without warning before as well so I couldn't be mad even if I wanted to, I just can't help but worry about you when you disappear. IT'S HOW I ROLL. Mommy tabby and all.
Okay, so the discussion is over, I gather? You guys are going to head to the nearby village Fa'Yul? Is Fa'Yul the nearby village or is that the greater Lordship?
The village they were heading to is Luin, unless you wanted to name it something different in which case Sakuya is just misinformed. Fa'Yul was just an arbitrary house name that hoshi's character made up on the spot for where she was from.
Nope, you're right. Good call.

Luin. So, I think we either pick it up in town or on the walk there. Thoughts?
I'm just happy to have it moving at all really, but it depends on what you wanted to do with village. The original plan was to meet up with Blacklion's character but he hasn't finished yet since he was waiting to OK a few things about forms with you, not sure what the story there is. Speaking of forms I gotta hit you up about Aspects for Sakuya, I'll write that up a bit later. BUT YEAH.
wwwait is it Suzume or Sakuya who's had dealings with the god guy before? cuz it's written like sakuya, but... suzume

god now I'm getting confused by the names, I wrote Suzuma by accident before fixing

(god guy is awesome looking regardless and I LIKE where this is going)

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