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Fantasy Freelancer Files (Red vs. Blue)

Top Ten, I actually find that quite a compliment. You have my regards in your future endeavors.

On the topic of my first post, I have the draft ready. After I go through the arduous task of rereading, rewriting it, and rephrasing it, then I shall submit it. I will be able to post within the hour, but these changes must be completed before it is satisfactory in nature.
GrieveWriter said:
Top Ten, I actually find that quite a compliment. You have my regards in your future endeavors.
On the topic of my first post, I have the draft ready. After I go through the arduous task of rereading, rewriting it, and rephrasing it, then I shall submit it. I will be able to post within the hour, but these changes must be completed before it is satisfactory in nature.
Totally a robot. <3
[QUOTE="Shadowborn Omen]I don't know why, but that cracked me up.

The entire post had me smiling ear to ear. My God it was fantastic.
Indubitably, TAC.

"Calvin Klein" ... XDDDDD I'm assuming that was his name for CAL, which makes that hilarious.

I just want to point out that Oklahoma will almost always call Wisconsin "Wis" (Pronounced wiss), or "Mr. Consin"

If Oklahoma says Mr. Consin or Wisconsin, he's going to say it with a Chicago accent. Why? Because that's how I said it when I said it out loud.
TheAncientCenturion said:
@Shadowborn Omen xD . I'd be surprised if he didn't play along with it all.
And shit, I just think Oregon made things easier for Zed/Jersey.
And that right there was what I was fucking worried about. Son of a bitch. You lied to me, Hunter. Lol. I'm scared for Oregon now. And, just so ya know, I'm not one of those people who will kill off my character. So she is not dying.

Good god, I'm gone for a few hours and things explode. I have a lot to read..
Actually it's pretty much just my intro post and the ensuing commentary which is here, it shouldn't be much of a concern.
[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]And that right there was what I was fucking worried about. Son of a bitch. You lied to me, Hunter. Lol. I'm scared for Oregon now. And, just so ya know, I'm not one of those people who will kill off my character. So she is not dying.
Good god, I'm gone for a few hours and things explode. I have a lot to read..

That's fine, I'm not the kind of person who enjoys constantly killing other characters. I'll make it seem like that may be their intent, if they go down that road. But it'll be just an attempt at best.

Yeaaah, We've got a robot in the group, now.
TheAncientCenturion said:
That's fine, I'm not the kind of person who enjoys constantly killing other characters. I'll make it seem like that may be their intent, if they go down that road. But it'll be just an attempt at best.
Yeaaah, We've got a robot in the group, now.
Yes, we have a robot.

All we have to worry about is if it's a computer OS or an A.I. xD
I think it's a Dalek....

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/soft_dalek__warm_dalek_by_b4dw0lf1-d6ch6v2.png.e87ad5bbbeb71d800503035dee87add3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41887" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/soft_dalek__warm_dalek_by_b4dw0lf1-d6ch6v2.png.e87ad5bbbeb71d800503035dee87add3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • soft_dalek__warm_dalek_by_b4dw0lf1-d6ch6v2.png
    310.8 KB · Views: 22
So, have any of you watched RWBY? I think it'd be interesting to have a fandom role play of that... However, I know what most of us, including myself, probably don't have time. Just inquiring.
My most recent post probably has some spelling errors or careless mistakes. I'll correct it tomorrow after work, I'm just too tired to do it right now.
Sorry guys, but Church is on vacation so her post might be drawn out, I don't know. I have a physical challenge today, so I'll be a little busy, but my post will be up today around lunch or a little later. It will have a lot of different things to do, but for now just work on your beautiful character development. My god y'all are great RPers, which is why I have to make my post amazing. Jerks. I'll still be on for questions and to keep up on post.
I've had my reply ready last night, I just fell asleep before I posted it xD I woke up and was like


And don't worry Hunt~ I'm pretty busy myself =w=
Ulala, it's good to see you are relaxed enough to call me Hunt. Not gonna lie, I've been trying to keep a serious tone up when I post. Lenient RP mods are fun, but upholding all of Church's standards means I have to have a tight chain on the RP... She's a little nitpicky, but I love it.

But back to the subject, glad your relaxed enough to call me Hunt. My original reason for replying right now is that my PT ended early. So ill be home in a bit and then I'll post.

For those of y'all with ODST's: Be prepared to post, the reply I'm making will give them something to do. Hopefully it'll give you a chance to hone personalities and abilities before they go to Earth.
Huntrey said:
Ulala, it's good to see you are relaxed enough to call me Hunt. Not gonna lie, I've been trying to keep a serious tone up when I post. Lenient RP mods are fun, but upholding all of Church's standards means I have to have a tight chain on the RP... She's a little nitpicky, but I love it.
But back to the subject, glad your relaxed enough to call me Hunt. My original reason for replying right now is that my PT ended early. So ill be home in a bit and then I'll post.

For those of y'all with ODST's: Be prepared to post, the reply I'm making will give them something to do. Hopefully it'll give you a chance to hone personalities and abilities before they go to Earth.
Yay! Murdock gets some action! xD

I just went and realized there's supposed to be a rank on the ODSTs; I didn't have one planned out. Name a rank I should put on him, and I'll do it. I'm not sure what the parameters you have on it are.
I will be typing out a response for the rp right now. I am kind of distracted, but I can't go skiing right now because it is freaking pouring at this resort. So I am stuck inside. But I can type my response, so that's good.
[QUOTE="Shadowborn Omen]Yay! Murdock gets some action! xD
I just went and realized there's supposed to be a rank on the ODSTs; I didn't have one planned out. Name a rank I should put on him, and I'll do it. I'm not sure what the parameters you have on it are.

So the Captain is a captain, I don't remember what type of sergeant Remington is, but I'll just say First Sergeant (Easiest to remember since I'm one). Anything below first sergeant in the navy ranks. No one should be an officer.

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