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Fandom Freelancer Files: Down for the Count (Red vs. Blue)

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[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]And I'm just sitting here thinking you're an asshole for trying to ruin my happy thoughts on this subject.

I do enjoy playing the devil's advocate. I didn't really get much together before I got bored and ran off to the Xbox. It's solid theory but I don't support it. It's just personal preference.
Mysterion7514 said:
I can see that being plausible.
I found this. http://ctsouth.tumblr.com/post/126766695581/what-characters-would-you-bring-back.

What the fuck are you implying Miles?


Any takers?


I found this gem.

I so hope it's true. That would make me feel a lot better. And it really does seem likely that he wrote that, going by the words used. Also, just think about the way the whole script was read. Granted, Burnie did have to read it out to say it, but it was read in a way that made it seem like Church was actually reading it off of a paper and recording it.

For some reason, the fact that most people on tumblr assume and agree that Doyle is a white, blond male makes me really happy. Because that usually doesn't happen on tumblr.

Oh, no. Fuck that. I will not go to any fucking place that serves pizza and is called Freddie's. Hell no.

And I saw that on tumblr a long time ago. I thought it was funny.


ryanpk200 said:
I do enjoy playing the devil's advocate. I didn't really get much together before I got bored and ran off to the Xbox. It's solid theory but I don't support it. It's just personal preference.
Well you're a dick, then. Because I love that theory. It makes for happier thoughts.
ryanpk200 said:


This is my favorite RVB gif/edit.

Hey Church have you seen the HUNT the TRUTH podcast? It's Halo 5 promotional material.
I saw that pic on tumblr as well and laughed.

That's the type of edit that you show people who aren't fans to get them to watch the show.

No, I haven't. And if it is one of the newest ones, I definitely haven't seen it. I've been way to fucking busy. The newest one I've watched was the couples one, with Gavin, Meg, Ashley, and Burnie. Also, I dunno if I want to watch it. It would probably make me a bit sad since I probably won't be able to buy and play Halo 5 until it is a year or two old.

Shit. I thought you meant it was an RT podcast. Dammit. Well, I also only watch RT podcasts. So I doubt I'll watch it.

Thank you for showing me the link, though. I appreciate it.
[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]I saw that pic on tumblr as well and laughed.
That's the type of edit that you show people who aren't fans to get them to watch the show.

No, I haven't. And if it is one of the newest ones, I definitely haven't seen it. I've been way to fucking busy. The newest one I've watched was the couples one, with Gavin, Meg, Ashley, and Burnie. Also, I dunno if I want to watch it. It would probably make me a bit sad since I probably won't be able to buy and play Halo 5 until it is a year or two old.

Shit. I thought you meant it was an RT podcast. Dammit. Well, I also only watch RT podcasts. So I doubt I'll watch it.

Thank you for showing me the link, though. I appreciate it.

You should check it out at some point. Even if you're not going to play Halo 5 until a year later, it's still pretty interesting stuff. There's no video so you could just plug in earbuds, turn it on, and go about your daily business. It's also on the IPhone podcast app. It would be faster to listen to it through the app instead of Tumblr. That's all I got to try and convince you to listen to it.

Oh. I should mention the podcast is in character expanded universe stuff. Not a bunch of dudes discussing Halo 5.
I love the beginning of this video, and the beginning makes me unbelievably happy. You have no idea.

Also, I love these idiots, and I have now discovered Burnie explains shit in a very similar way to me. Good to know.


Oh my god I'm fucking dying. This is too funny.


ryanpk200 said:
That was the greatest RVB video of all time.
North Korea is threatening to attack.


Have you learned about any of the wars that America has had with North Korea in the past? Any at all? Because they were pretty fucking brutal. I doubt this country needs another one.

And when I first started watching that edit, I was like, "Uh, okay." Then by the end I was laughing my ass off.
I started watching that Hunt the Truth thing because I found it on YouTube while binge watching videos on Halo lore. I was intrigued...until the guy claimed that he talked to a teacher that knew John when he was 12. Unless he was unknowingly referring to John's clone that was dumped after his abduction, that is impossible. Because John and all of the other Spartan II's were abducted at the age of six years old, not 12. They were already augmented and heavily trained by Chief Mendez by the age of 14. It is literally impossible for John to actually still be there, in his home town, by the age of 12. Even the clones didn't usually last that long. Most of the clones were very unhealthy and died pretty soon after they were implanted back in their homes. I don't see much of a way of his clone surviving to the age of 12. Sure, it could have been possible. But I still don't buy it.

So, because of that, I don't really want to watch the rest of those videos. They seem like a bunch of bullshit lies to spread hate for John.
[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]I started watching that Hunt the Truth thing because I found it on YouTube while binge watching videos on Halo lore. I was intrigued...until the guy claimed that he talked to a teacher that knew John when he was 12. Unless he was unknowingly referring to John's clone that was dumped after his abduction, that is impossible. Because John and all of the other Spartan II's were abducted at the age of six years old, not 12. They were already augmented and heavily trained by Chief Mendez by the age of 14. It is literally impossible for John to actually still be there, in his home town, by the age of 12. Even the clones didn't usually last that long. Most of the clones were very unhealthy and died pretty soon after they were implanted back in their homes. I don't see much of a way of his clone surviving to the age of 12. Sure, it could have been possible. But I still don't buy it.
So, because of that, I don't really want to watch the rest of those videos. They seem like a bunch of bullshit lies to spread hate for John.

That's the point. The narrator has a bunch of conflicting reports and he has to "hunt the truth." "Glassed planets have bad records."

Of course the RT website decides to go down...
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ryanpk200 said:
That's the point. The narrator has a bunch of conflicting reports and he has to "hunt the truth." "Glassed planets have bad records."
Of course the RT website decides to go down...
I'm still skeptical.

And, of course, my Internet is always shit. What a fucking surprise.
[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]I'm still skeptical.
And, of course, my Internet is always shit. What a fucking surprise.

They do resolve the thing with the guy who knew John at 12.

Anyways you should continue the series.
The new episode has to stop literally every 20 fucking seconds just to let the video load because my Internet sucks. I'm sick and fucking tired of this absolute bullshit.

So....what did I miiisss?
[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]I started watching that Hunt the Truth thing because I found it on YouTube while binge watching videos on Halo lore. I was intrigued...until the guy claimed that he talked to a teacher that knew John when he was 12. Unless he was unknowingly referring to John's clone that was dumped after his abduction, that is impossible. Because John and all of the other Spartan II's were abducted at the age of six years old, not 12. They were already augmented and heavily trained by Chief Mendez by the age of 14. It is literally impossible for John to actually still be there, in his home town, by the age of 12. Even the clones didn't usually last that long. Most of the clones were very unhealthy and died pretty soon after they were implanted back in their homes. I don't see much of a way of his clone surviving to the age of 12. Sure, it could have been possible. But I still don't buy it.
So, because of that, I don't really want to watch the rest of those videos. They seem like a bunch of bullshit lies to spread hate for John.

Wait... How exactly does lies about John's past spread hate for him?
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ryanpk200 said:
Wait... How exactly does lies about John's past spread hate for him?
Because if they are giving false info once, they can do it again. And any information can be believable if its said convincingly enough and with the right amount of credentials, no matter how untrue it is. So he can tell literally any lie he wants to about John, spreading hate the whole time. That's way I'm getting at.


Mockingbird said:
So....what did I miiisss?
Nothing important, really.
[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]Because if they are giving false info once, they can do it again. And any information can be believable if its said convincingly enough and with the right amount of credentials, no matter how untrue it is. So he can tell literally any lie he wants to about John, spreading hate the whole time. That's way I'm getting at.

Nothing important, really.

This whole thing is run by ONI. Why would they want to ruin the image of humanities greatest hero?

How far did you get through the series? I want to know so I know what I have to build my argument with and spoil the least amount possible.

Consider this line from 00: Primer. "The story all of us wanted to hear: glossy, inspiring, the blockbuster hero biography." I would post the whole paragraph if it would allow me to copy it.
ryanpk200 said:
This whole thing is run by ONI. Why would they want to ruin the image of humanities greatest hero?
How far did you get through the series? I want to know so I know what I have to build my argument with and spoil the least amount possible.

Consider this line from 00: Primer. "The story all of us wanted to hear: glossy, inspiring, the blockbuster hero biography." I would post the whole paragraph if it would allow me to copy it.
ONI never fully agreed with the Spartan II program. That's why, by the early 2550's, they were tracking down Halsey, and arrested her at the first chance that they got. She's a prisoner now because she created the Spartan program. Besides, people in charge of ONI and the UNSC have tried to get the Chief killed off multiple times, and have shown their disliking towards him multiple times as well. Hell, the test run where he used Cortana for the first time was rigged against him, aiming to obliterate John and Cortana just to find an easy way to kill him off. That is canon material that was discussed briefly by Halsey, realized by both John and Cortana while running the course, and later confirmed by Cortana. And it happened just because people wanted to do it and some saw him as a competition with their many-man fleet. Even though he's seen as humanities greatest hero by the majority, that doesn't mean that everyone thinks he's that way. And sometimes, hatred from only a few people held in high regard can get you in huge trouble, even if the majority don't see anything bad. It seriously wouldn't surprise me if ONI was purposefully spreading lies about John just to slowly make more and more people want to kill him off. Besides, the Spartan III's and IV's weren't even Halsey's creation; they were ONI's experiments of altered II's. Halsey never even knew about them until there were thousands made, and it royally pissed her off. And since the II's are so different from the newer variants, and not a direct creation of ONI, they are bound to be resented at least a bit by ONI. Especially since ONI never fully knew the methods of the children's "recruitment" and how cruel it all was until much later.

It's just a speculation, but it makes sense to me.

And, please, don't pester me about watching them. I'm really not in the mood, and I'm trying to catch up on the tons of sleep that I lost in the last week. Making me do something that I don't feel like doing right now will just tick me off.
You guys finally got the episode yesterday, which I got to see at RTX, but I have one question.

Which tower did they activate at the end?
Mysterion7514 said:
You guys finally got the episode yesterday, which I got to see at RTX, but I have one question.
Which tower did they activate at the end?

The Temple of Arms. It gave them access to alien weapon stockpile and activated the alien weapons at Armonia.
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Mysterion7514 said:
You guys finally got the episode yesterday, which I got to see at RTX, but I have one question.
Which tower did they activate at the end?

The weapon tower. Remember earlier in the season when Tucker activated then deactivated all of the alien weaponry just by playing around with his sword? That's the same temple.

My brother packed up his Xbox 360 and One last night, along with all of his games. I'm legit sad, to be honest.

The funny thing about that Hunt the Truth shit is that so much of the info of John's early life that Ben is trying to find out is explained in the beginning of the Fall of Reach. The book first brings up John on the day when Halsey and Keyes went and saw him for the first time back when he was six and playing on the playground at his school, playing King of the Hill and kicking some major ass. They were there to see if his physical makeup matched with his genetic makeup and what they wanted in a Spartan soldier. Then, it soon goes to when he was kidnapped and thrown into boot camp for the Spartan program at the age of six, where he started his training with Mendez. It even includes the fight with the ODST's, which is explained vividly and enabled me to know the exact story that that guy was going to tell Ben (and the outcome of it) as soon as he brought it up. It continues beyond that, to where Halo 3 took place. I know the beginning of this video series was just to get things started and get fans to understand his past, but any fan of Halo could have literally just gone and read the beginning of the book to understand where John came from and started at, and they could tell so easily that much of the bullshit that ONI was spewing to Ben were lies. So easy. I just find that funny.
[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]
The weapon tower. Remember earlier in the season when Tucker activated then deactivated all of the alien weaponry just by playing around with his sword? That's the same temple.

My brother packed up his Xbox 360 and One last night, along with all of his games. I'm legit sad, to be honest.

The funny thing about that Hunt the Truth shit is that so much of the info of John's early life that Ben is trying to find out is explained in the beginning of the Fall of Reach. The book first brings up John on the day when Halsey and Keyes went and saw him for the first time back when he was six and playing on the playground at his school, playing King of the Hill and kicking some major ass. They were there to see if his physical makeup matched with his genetic makeup and what they wanted in a Spartan soldier. Then, it soon goes to when he was kidnapped and thrown into boot camp for the Spartan program at the age of six, where he started his training with Mendez. It even includes the fight with the ODST's, which is explained vividly and enabled me to know the exact story that that guy was going to tell Ben (and the outcome of it) as soon as he brought it up. It continues beyond that, to where Halo 3 took place. I know the beginning of this video series was just to get things started and get fans to understand his past, but any fan of Halo could have literally just gone and read the beginning of the book to understand where John came from and started at, and they could tell so easily that much of the bullshit that ONI was spewing to Ben were lies. So easy. I just find that funny.

I decided to delete that post and post something else but you are now back. Dang. I wanted to cut out everything after Ben becoming a conspiracy nut and rewrite some stuff.
I only finished episode 6, because I was bored and thought why not. I was still kind of pissed when he was still relying on bullshit info in the earlier episodes, but when a bunch of that stuff started to be called lies by people, all I could say was, "Oh, no fuck! They are finally talking sense! OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES, BENJAMIN."

ONI is just trying to hide John's earlier life because of how cruel they were to the kids when they kidnapped them, made their families live with a dying clone (when he talked about how John "died" at the age of six, all I could think of is how that was definitely his clone. Because the way the death was described is exactly how the books described the death of many clones), augmented them when they were still in their early teens (which killed half of them), and sent them into intense conflict soon after. And how the Spartans were originally crafted just to stop the Insurectionists. They want to make John's life and "recruitment" seem normal, not forced and terribly hard. So they made a bunch of fakes pose as real people and spread lies. Because that's how ONI works. Granted, ONI wasn't fully in charge of the Spartan II program, but they still funded it and helped Halsey to hide it from the general public and quite a big portion of the military. So they have to take at least some responsibility, and want to hide as much as they can.

Although, Mendez was not a fake. At all. He was in charge of training all of the Spartan II's AND III's, so he DOES know how everything went down. But he has helped with the Spartan program from the beginning, and he's been a part of it for long enough to know exactly what to and not to say to please ONI, no matter what he believes.


I'm shaking. I'm legit shaking and I feel a bit dizzy and weak. My mind is reeling after sucking up all the info up until the end of episode 9. I fucking hate ONI too, holy shit.

And, no matter what is said, I still don't believe that John had no reason to do that, and I refuse to hate him. I want to know why he did it, bit I believe that he had a solid reason as to why. And I hope that message to the senators really made more people feel the same.
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