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Fandom Freelancer Files: Down for the Count (Red vs. Blue)

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1stLt HChurch

Just call me Church
BEFORE ALL OF YOU OLD HEADS POST YOUR CS, MAKE SURE TO UPDATE IT. More information has been added to the CS format. Also, READ THE GODDAMN OVERVIEW, PLEASE. You won't be accepted fully until you do, and I will know if you have read it or not.

State Names that CAN NOT be used:

• Washington

• North Carolina

• South Carolina

• New York

• North Dakota

• South Dakota

• Wyoming

• Maine

• Florida

• Texas

• Utah

• Georgia

• Connecticut

State Names already reserved (If I tagged you here and you do not wish to be in the rp anymore, please tell me. That way I can make the state name available for new people. The people that I suspect will not be in it anymore have a ? beside their state name.):

• Oregon (@1stLt HChurch)

• Montana (@1stLt HChurch)

• Alaska (@Huntrey)

• California (@Huntrey)

• Delaware (@Daimao)

• Michigan (@Mockingbird)

• Ohio (@Mockingbird)

• New Jersey (@TheAncientCenturion)

• Oklahoma (@Shadowborn Omen)

• Nebraska (@Shadowborn Omen)

• Colorado (@Shadowborn Omen)

• Wisconsin (@GrieveWriter)

• Vermont (?) (@Phantom King)

• Massachusetts (@Darkangel666)

• Kansas (?) (@Agent Iceland)

• Rhode Island (@Assailant)

• Iowa (@AvidElmV2)

• Arizona (@AvidElmV2)

• Nevada (?) (@apoliseno)

• Louisiana (?) (@Darth Corvus)

• Kentucky (@Mysterion7514)

• Tennessee (@Mysterion7514)

• Indiana (@ryanpk200)

• Arkansas (@Rosyshark)

• Missouri (?) (@Noyeh)

• Hawaii (@Atom)

• New Mexico (@Nava)

Project Freelancer Agent:

Birth Name:

State Name:
(You must use a state name. Also, do not pick any names that were already used in the show. The list of names that are in the show or are already called for are above. If you have already called a name, well then by golly you better use it. Otherwise I will make it open for other people to use.)

Nickname: (If your State name can be shortened into a nickname of some sort, and you want that used. Optional.)

Code Name: (Word that has to start with the same letter as your state name, plus two or three numbers to go behind it. Examples are Sierra 117, or Foxtrot 12)

UNSC Rank Before Joining PFL: (Nothing too crazy, and remember that all the characters were either just ODST's or ODST's and regular Marines augmented into Spartan IV's before the project.)

Age: (26 to 35. You can only be a Spartan IV, not a II or III. Only a IV.)



Relatives in the Project:
(Any siblings, cousins, etc. that are in the Project with you. It can be an Agent, or even just one of the PFL Marines on the ship. I dun care. If the character is played by someone in the rp, make sure to get their approval first. And do not try to say that your character is related to any canon character. Just..don't. Please. That would save both of us from a lot of headache. This can be edited later if you please. Optional.)

Relationships: (Anyone you are dating or whatnot in the Project. Same goes for this as with the relatives thing. Optional.)

Defining Feature(s): (Like Wash's swirly straw and cats and skateboard, or Wyoming's knock knock jokes, or York's lock picking and fake eye, or Maine's Brute Shot and growl, or Theta's fireworks and skateboard, etc. Up to four.)

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks: (If your character has them, please explain them. Don't just list them. Optional.)

Personality: (Do not just make a list. Actually EXPLAIN the personality of your character, adding all the small things and large things. If it doesn't exactly match the character while in the rp, that's fine. I have trouble with that as well. But type out what you are aiming from them to be like so that people will know.)

Appearance Under Your Armor: (Picture only. If you just want to describe your character through writing, ignore this bullet point and put it in the next one. If you put a picture in this one, you need to have a description below in the next bullet. No if's, and's, or but's.)

Description: (Sometimes a picture doesn't really cut it when it comes to describing a character. If you use a picture for the appearance, please add a written description of the character to this. It needs to be at least two paragraphs, with anything about their skin color, eye color, hair color, build, size, general appearance, etc. The more the merrier, don't hold back, and you can do it. I believe in you.)

Height With Your Armor: (If this is a crazy height that does not make sense, I will ask you to change it. Keep that in mind.)

Height Without Your Armor: (Same as above. Remember, the armor only makes a person a few inches taller than they normally are. Not a foot, or even three quarters of a foot more. A few inches, no more than 6 or 7 inches.)

Weight Without Armor: (Again, no crazy numbers.)

Armor Configuration: (Picture or list of all the different pieces, I don't care. If you just want to use a picture to show what your armor looks like, then just put it with this point and ignore the next three points. But you can also add the next three points if you want, even if you have a picture.)

Primary Armor Color:

Secondary Armor Color:

Tertiary Armor Color: (optional)

Primary Weapon: (Do not choose a weapon that makes no sense for a freelancer. Can changed throughout the rp.)

Secondary Weapon: (Same as above.)

Melee Weapon: (If it is a Covenant weapon, remember that an Agent might not be able to work it quite as well as the aliens would. Optional.)

Preferred Grenade: (Can change throughout the rp. Optional.)

Preferred Vehicle: (Can change throughout rp. Optional)

Agent Skill(s): (Infiltration, stealth, lock picking, hand-to-hand, sharp shooting, firearms, field medic, transport, etc. Anything that makes sense. Just make sure you can easily rp with your chosen skills. Up to four.)

Primary Armor Enhancement: (Speed boost, enhanced healing unit, holographic projection, active camo, adaptive camo, temporal distortion, domed energy shield, E.M.P., strength boost, enhanced motion tracker, and enhanced bio scan. Only those eleven, and you can alter them slightly if you want to. If it is too crazy, do not get mad if I ask you to change it a bit. If you have any questions about how they can be altered, ask me.)

Secondary Armor Enhancement: (Same as above. Optional.)

Likes: (At least 4.)

Dislikes: (At least 4.)

Positive Qualities: (At least 4.)

Negative Qualities: (At least 4.)

History: (optional)

Home World: (Any world in the Halo universe, including Earth and any Outer Colonies mentioned in the books. Do not make up any new worlds if you haven't read the books. And you don't have to add the city, state, etc. Just the world will do. Optional)

Other: (You can put anything here. Literally anything about your character that you find important to add and doesn't for above. Even a song or poem describing your character if you want. I dun care. Optional.)

Your Agent's Artificial Intelligents Program:

A.I. name: (DO NOT use any names from the show. And the names don't have to be from the Greek alphabet. They can be whatever the hell you want them to be.)

A.I. Personality Trait(s): (Up to three listed personality traits. If you use one of the traits mentioned in the show, please add at least one other. And explain more of what they are like after you list their primary, named personality trait(s). Because they may just be an A.I., but they are still a character you will have to rp for, too. So they will have almost as much of a personality as your Agents will.)

A.I. Appearance: (What it's chosen hologram looks like, in a description or picture. If you choose a picture, please also add a description like you did with your Agent. The A.I. can be anything, really, since A.I. can project themselves to look like anything at all. Even a neon rainbow colored pile of shit if that's their or your fancy. I don't care. Just please make sure they don't look exactly like any from the show. Can be same shape, but different color or colors.)

A.I. Color(s): (Anything, just make sure they don't look exactly like any from the show. Can be same color, just give them a different shape.)

Other: (You can put anything here. Literally anything about your character that you find important to add and doesn't for above. Even a song or poem describing your character if you want. I dun care. Optional.)

Additional info:

Powered Assault Armor (Spartan Armor)-

The bodies of Spartans (including IVs, which are what the Agents are) are, say, specially made for this armor. A normal human would not have the muscular and bone strength or the reflexes to work the armor, as it's quick movements do not match the slower movements of a normal human. In turn, a human in the suit that is moving even slightly could have shattered bones in only a moment, and could eventually kill themselves with their painful struggling. The Spartans, though, have advanced bodies due to augmentation and implants, so their fast reflexes and strong bones coated in thick muscles and ceramic/metal move normally and safely in the power armor. It is the perfect fit for them; quite literally, too, for all of the Spartan armor has a, and quote from Doctor Halsey in the Fall of Reach by Eric Nylund, "...gel-filled layer to regulate temperature; this layer can reactively change in density. Against the skin of the operator, there is a moisture-absording cloth suit, and biomonitors that constantly adjust the suit's temperature and fit. There's also an onboard computer that interfaces with your standard issue neural implant.

"The armor's inner structure is composed of a new reactive metal liquid crystal. It is amorphous, yet fractally scales and amplifies force. In simplified terms, the armor doubles the wearer's strength, and enhances the reaction speed of a normal human by a factor of five" (131-132). The outer layer is a remarkably strong multilayer alloy. It has a refractive coating to disperse incoming energy weapon attacks, with a power pack on the back to run everything. The visor can also change on its own to protect the user from light damaging their eyes and to help them see easily, no matter how light or dark it is. The visor works much like sunglasses with transition lenses. The armor weighs 1000 lbs when in use, with the Spartans' body being able to easily take the weight due to their augmentations and ceramic/metal implants on their bones (the implants make their bones nearly unbreakable). They can run and jump very easily in the armor, too, even being able to sprint at up to 40 miles per hour. More info on the abilities of the Spartan IV's is in the below links.

Spartan IV augmentation- SPARTAN-IV augmentation procedures

Spartan IVs- SPARTAN-IV Program
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Birth Name: Autumn Church

State Name: Oregon

Nickname: That little child I'm dating named Alaska (or, as I like to say, Ass) gave me the fucking nickname of Oreo. He just started calling me that once as a joke, and now he keeps doing it because of how much it pissed me off. He finds it highly amusing, but I sure as hell do not.

I will only deal with it if Alaska calls me Oreo. Anyone else who does will get the shit beat out of them. Be warned.

Code Name: Omaha 142

UNSC Rank Before Joining PFL: Staff Sargent (First an ODST, then a Spartan IV.)

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relatives in the Project: That dick over there named Agent Montana.

Relationships: Okay. So, that's a weird one. Because I am..in love with Alaska, and I can tell that he is as well. We love each other, a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. But we don't really show it to a lot of people, besides for the little hints that many people pick up if they know us well enough. And we have never really..actually talked about us being together? And neither of us have asked the other? I mean, he has asked me to marry him multiple times in that half joking, half sincere way, but that's not exactly asking me out. That's just him being his completely adorable and goofy self. Which I love, because it comes from Alaska, the man I have loved for years. I guess we both just know that we love each other with all our hearts, and there isn't any reason for us to announce to anyone at all that we are truly together. We just know. We will talk about with people once in a while, and our friends give us shit in that way friends do. But it isn't a crazy relationship; rather, it is a subtle one that only some people can really see. Which is good for me, actually. I don't like those huge, in-your-face relationships where anyone at all can tell. It gives a nicer feeling when the relationship can only be seen by the people in the relationship and the people they know well, rather than anyone that looks at them. The relationship isn't as obnoxious that way, and feels more genuine. I like that. So, yes, I am in a relationship with Alaska, and we have been for some time. We might not be loud about it, but I love him more than you can imagine. And no one will be able to change that.

Defining Features:

•My love for my dairy cattle I owned in my younger years, cats, and wolves.

• My sarcastic comments.

• My occasional spurts of random but intense knowledge.

• My curiosity and strong interest for melee weapons, especially knives.

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:

Tattoos: I have a black tattoo of a wolf paw print on the back of my right hand, which covers as much of the back of my hand as possible. That paw print is my way of showing that I will stand up for and protect wolves, like I have for almost my whole life. And on the inside of my right forearm, I have the name 'Maisy' tattooed in small, simple cursive font running parallel with the sides of my arm. Next to her name is a tattooed picture of a small Johnny Jump-up pansy, about 3/4 of an inch tall. I have that for reasons I don't care to explain, except for that it has to do with Maisy. That may seem silly to have a name as a tattoo, but that is the name of my Brown Swiss dairy show cow that I owned in my teen years. And she is my greatest friend in the whole world, even though she is sadly now deceased. I feel the need to have something to remember her by. Those are the only tattoos I will ever get, and they are on my right arm because that is my good arm.

Scars: On the outer side of my right index finger, there is a thick and defined scar running most of the distance between my knuckle and the middle of my finger. I got it from..accidentally getting my finger stuck in the head of an irrigation sprinkler in my family's pasture. When I pulled it out, the skin in that strip was ripped up to the bone. It healed after having a bandaid on it for a few weeks with no stitches, and now it is nothing more than a scar. Don't ask how I managed to have that happen, okay? I was only eight years old. You don't always know what you're doing when you're eight. Give me a break. I also have a dozen or so long, thin, scars on various spots on my arms. Some are very noticeable while some are hardly even there. I got most of them from various things that happened on my family's ranch. Also, I have a scar below my ribcage. It is below my bottom rib on the left side of my body, about two inches from the inner end of my ribs. It is kind of ragged looking and about three inches long. I got that during a raid on a warehouse. Some asshole got the jump on me with a wicked knife before I realized he was there, and stabbed me right in the side in just the right area for my armor not to cover it. The knife scraped on my bottom rib a bit because of where he put it in first, and then he dragged it a bit before I beat the shit out of him and he pulled it out. In fact, once he pulled the knife out, I disarmed him, took the knife as I was hunched over slightly and bleeding everywhere, and stabbed him multiple times in his stupid fucking little head and slit his throat. He indeed died. And I continued to kill people in rage with the knife before I almost passed out due to pain and blood loss. That scar reminds me of that event whenever I see it (more about the knife below). The last major scars I have are kinda related to the last one, but more brutal. And painful. While out on a mission, I was stuck in a hand-to-hand fight with a rather sharp Insurectionists. He didn't really have any weapons on him, he was just skilled in this way of fighting. And that aggravated me. While fighting him, I hadn't known that someone with a Battle Rifle was trying to kill me, though, probably with a head shot or two. It was brought to my attention as two sets of three bullets ripped into me. They hit me in the chest, right in the corner just to the right of my sternum and just below my collar bone, and the bullets actually got through my armor and into my flesh. Damn near in my throat, too. The shots caused me to stagger in surprised pain and fall in the middle of the fight, and I fell stunned but still awake and alive. One of the other Agents - I forgot who to be honest - saw after a moment, and ran up to kill my closest opponent before he finished me off. Once that was done, I was moved to a safer spot, then evacuated once the mission was over. I tried to get back into the fight the whole time, but it hurt so much to move and breath. After later examination, it was discovered that I received two cracked ribs and few more scraped ribs, multiple bullet entrance wounds in my chest, and a punctured lung due to where a bullet hit the side of it. Could have been worse, but it thankfully wasn't. I now have multiple round scars on my chest from where the bullets hit me. They aren't terrible looking, but they are still there and visible. I don't like looking at them.

Birthmarks: On my fourth finger on my right hand, I have a very prominent birthmark. It sits at the very base of my finger, and goes almost a quarter of the way up my finger. It has the look of a burn mark, since it is a random splochy shape and very red in color. But I have had it my whole life, so it is definitely a birthmark. I also have a similar birthmark just above my left temple, just barely hidden under my hairline. It is larger than the mark on my finger, but it is also the same color. Even though my hair is normally split at that point, that birthmark isn't too extremely noticeable unless someone looks right at it and pays strict attention to it.

Personality: (This isn't exactly how Oregon will be, because I am kinda bad at creating a personality and sticking to it. But this is still as accurate as I can get.) I am generally quiet and reserved, wanting to keep to myself rather than in a larger group of people. I also tense up, get uncomfortable, and react in unfavorable ways for the other person when I am touched by someone that I don't know or who doesn't have my permission. Even if its just a little tap or poke, which usually happens. And I am just uncomfortable in general with people touching me. But I come out of my shell more and act more comfortable when I am around people I am used to and feel comfortable with. Although, I always seem to have difficulty making eye contact with people unless I know them well. For that reason and because I am a very secretive person, I don't usually jump to the occasion of going without armor in front of people, unless I absolutely have to. Especially not large groups. So if you see me with my armor off regularly, know that I trust you. I am also naturally pretty sarcastic and snarky in most situations, and can get very loud and vocal when I am feeling good, feeling annoyed, and/or feeling snarky and sarcastic. Also, I tend to get annoyed or mad or stressed out kind of easily, depending on the situation. And I am very stubborn and easily suspicious, as well as observant and attentive. Anyone who knows me knows that all is true. But, I am actually a caring and nice person, despite all of those personality traits. I may not be the best at showing that because I keep a lot of that to myself, and giving heartfelt speeches definitely isn't my forte. I tend to mess up and feel stupid when I make those. But I will still try to be nice to people if they deserve it. Also, I don't like to see people that I care about getting hurt, and I will fight to defend them whenever I see fit. Or I will just defend any person that I think deserves it. I will willingly fight for what is right whenever I can. But, there is one thing you should know about me: my view on respect. I don't care how old someone is to me, or who they are to me or anyone else. If someone respects me, then I will respect them. If someone is nice to me, I will be nice to them. But if someone is an asshole to me, or plain disrespectful to me, I will definitely return that. I will act the same if someone disrespects someone I care about. I will not be nice to someone if they are mean to me, unless I absolutely have to if I want to live. It is just hard for me to do, and it leaves me pretty sour afterward.

Description Under My Armor: My hair is sandy blonde in color, and it looks more golden in the sunlight because it shines when in the sun. My hair reaches to the bottom of my shoulder blades when it isn't in a braid or ponytail, but I usually wear my hair up. Especially when I am wearing my armor. And by "up" I mean in a braid or ponytail. No matter how my hair is done, though, I always have it parted right above my left temple. The part starts at my temple and goes straight back to the other end on the left half of the top of my head.

My eyes are stormy gray-blue in color. The rings around the outer edge of my eyes are a straight dark blue color, while the edges around my pupils are a straight silver-gray color. They gradually blend together between those two edges. Sometimes, my eyes look more blue than gray, or look more gray than blue. It all depends on my mood and what I am wearing. My armor normally causes my eyes to look more blue, though, since it is mainly blue and brings the color out in my eyes.

I am naturally a pretty lean person, without an excessive amount of muscle visible on my body when I am out of my armor. I just seem to have a smaller, more feminin look than most normal Spartan IV's, even with augmentation. But I am no weakling. My form just falsely portrays that.

The pigment of my skin is naturally light Caucasian. My hair and eyes contribute to that, as well as the fact that I spend so much time in my armor and out of the sun. But my skin on the top of my arms and hands is darker, tanned a bit from working outside when I was younger and neglecting to wear sun screen (it's a habit I never broke, even when one of my summer jobs required me to be in the sun constantly). This causes me to also have a farmer's tan line on my upper arms. Other than that and my face, the rest of my body is very light in color.

Height Without Armor: 6'0"

Height With Armor: 6'5"

Weight Without Armor: 158 lbs.

Armor Configuration:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/proxy-4.png.f4e87981419f7d4c118b0dfcfe7acad1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/proxy-4.png.f4e87981419f7d4c118b0dfcfe7acad1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Primary Armor Color: Cobalt

Secondary Armor Color: Yellow

Tertiary Armor Color: Aqua

Primary Weapon:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/halo_4_weapon-skin_battle-rifle_artic.jpg.360dae7c536c50a05f098dfe030c6fa8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66209" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/halo_4_weapon-skin_battle-rifle_artic.jpg.360dae7c536c50a05f098dfe030c6fa8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Secondary Weapon:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/haloCoveWeapons1_html_55f70612.jpg.d07673251b0cbb497a99428092cf5b67.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62979" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/haloCoveWeapons1_html_55f70612.jpg.d07673251b0cbb497a99428092cf5b67.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Type-33 Guided Munitions Launchers (needler pistols) stolen from a warehouse while on a mission a few years ago.

Melee Weapon:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/proxy-7.png.e654572dc96a552785e1ffbbfa1e35d7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62970" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/proxy-7.png.e654572dc96a552785e1ffbbfa1e35d7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dual Energy Dagger Gauntlets that I stole at the same time I snatched my Needlers. These may be difficult to use since I'm not an alien, and they don't always work the greatest with my armor when attached to my wrists. But they are still damn cool, and I use them when I can. Also, Zeta helps me run them smoother.

If those fail (which I am always prepared for), I always keep one knife on me. Its metal sheath is attached to the outer side of my right calf, flush and parallel with the side of my leg. The knife itself is rather long and large, with the blade being nine inches long and the handle being five inches long. The knife is built and shaped like a strong, pretty standard combat knife, except for the fact that it is really long. The edge on the tip is deadly sharp, while the edge after the curve of the tip blends to a slightly serrated edge. It's the standard color and everything, the thing is just really long. I always make sure this knife is in tip-top shape, and I only use it if I have to. That is because I really like the thing for some reason. Which actually is odd to me, since it is the knife (mentioned above in the Scars section) that was used by an enemy solider to stab and almost kill me. I just refused to let it go after I used it to kill that asshole and a bunch of other enemies in a fit of pained rage after he stabbed me. It also looks cool as hell to me. I just don't use it too much because I don't want to damage it beyond repair.

Preferred Grenade: Plasma Grenade. I haven't used them a whole lot, even back when I was still in the UNSC, but I still love the things. The carnage they make is amazing.

Preferred Vehicle: Covenant Ghost. In my opinion, they are the best vehicle for fighting known to man. Oh, I love using the little things.

Agent Skills:

• Hand-to-hand combat (with limbs and knives, but primarily melee weapons like knives).

• Marksmanship/sharpshooting.

• Adapt generally easily and quickly to new surroundings and weapons, and I usually quickly know how to use them to my advantage (even if the "weapon" isn't exactly a weapon).

• Intelligence mostly pertaining to the situation while on the battle field.

Primary Armor Enhancement: Mini E.M.P. with a max radius of 30 to 35 feet around myself (similar to Wash's from season 10, episode 8). If I choose it to, my armor will also go into a hard, locked state the second my E.M.P. activates, but I don't always use that because it requires more energy to use. The E.M.P can immobilize vehicles and most electrical objects (save most A.I.), and the lock can protect me from most things that can bring harm to me while I am letting the E.M.P. run its course. But the lock can only last for a maximum of five seconds before it breaks. The enhancement takes 15 minutes for the whole thing to charge back up to its maximum again when uses to its full potential. With the help of my A.I., I can customize the strength and range of the pulse, as well as the durations of the lock and if I even want to use it. My armor is also modified slightly to help protect Zeta and I from the shock, but I still always feel a bit weird after using it.

Secondary Armor Enhancement: Chameleon (adaptive camo)


• Wolves.

• Cattle, especially dairy.

• Cats.

• Being in control of the situation.

• Keeping to myself or a small few people I know.

• Being in my armor.

• Covenant weaponry.

• Respectful people.

• Feeling safe.

• Being able to see my enemy easily.

• Melee weapons, especially knives.


• Arguments. I fucking hate being in arguments since they get me so worked up and I sometimes don't know what to say in response, and some that I listen to also make me just want to retreat away and be by myself for a while. Arguments just don't sit well with me.

• Downtime, and having nothing to do to entertain me. Boredom is a killer.

• Extremely stressful situations.

• Being away from Zeta.

• Being away from those I care about.

• Being out of my armor.

• Dealing with assholes.

• Zombies, ghosts, swimming in the wide open ocean, having wide open dark spaces at my back, being chased by something that makes me uncomfortable/scared.

• Feeling like I have no control over the situation I'm in.

• Making a goddamn fool of myself.

• Seeing those I care about being in pain.

• Creepy, weird eyes, especially ones that look too abnormally large, flat, or dead. Those creep the shit out of me.

Positive Qualities:

• Attentive in most situations.

• Curious.

• Quick thinker.

• Adapt easily to things.

• Trustworthy.

• Knowledgeable about most things.

• Determined to get shit done when needed.

• Good leader when I have a clear head.

Negative Qualities:

• Stubborn.

• Curious.

• Sarcastic.

• Can freeze up when I become too scared.

• Becomes mad rather easily.

• Can be rather mean sometimes without meaning to, which I later regret.

History: I was born and raised on a 20 acre ranch on the outskirts of a rural community. We owned beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, dogs, and cats. And two extremely strong, cockroach-like, one-foot-long goldfish that lived in our main water trough for around 13 years (they even survived sitting in the bottom of the bone dry trough in the middle of the summer multiple times. Like, they were still just fine. I don't understand how those shits survived as long as they did). I lived there until I graduated from high school at the age of 18. Then, I planned to go to college to be a nurse, and come back after college to live on the ranch again. I love that place, and wanted to continue the tradition of our family owning it. But I then decided that it would be more beneficial if I joined the UNSC rather than be a farming nurse, with the war starting to get heavy and whatnot. So I did, and trained to become an ODST.

That training was fucking brutal. I had heard prior that Spartan II's and III's have gone through a lot of shit while training, and it sounds very difficult. Our training didn't seem a whole lot different, though. Still difficult, still a pain in the ass, still made me want to just scream to the heavens each night and punch a hole straight through a wall..or someone's face..with a chair..Anyway, I did make it to be a full ODST, and was sent out on quite a few missions to fight the Insurectionists, then the Covenant at the beginning of that blasted war. I served as an ODST for almost exactly two years.

Then, people started talking about the possibility of normal soldiers - like us - being trained to become Spartans. I didn't believe it, as it just didn't seem possible to me. I had fought with Spartans before, and I didn't even think they were real humans. So the thought of regular (well, almost) people like us becoming Spartans just amazed me. But then I got an official notification that myself and many others were being offered the chance to train to become the latest generation of Spartans: Spartan IV's. I was surprised, amazed that it was actually true. That this was happening. I mulled it over for a while, thinking about if it was a good idea to do or not, then I finally decided that I would.

Lets just say that training and the three weeks of augmentations to become a Spartan IV were absolutely terrible. It was so difficult, and it hurt so bad. Lets just leave it at that. I trained for a few years, going on missions and becoming more used to my enhanced body. I was nowhere near the best of all the Spartan IV's made, but I was nowhere near the worst either. And no matter the pain and hardship of becoming one, I enjoyed the aftermath.

Then, after I had been in combat as a IV for a few years this little thing called Project Freelancer got a hold of me and wanted to talk. I was hesitant at first, because I didn't really want to trust them. But their project intrigued me, with what we would train to do. And how they told me I was a special soldier that they wanted to work with. So, after years of service in the UNSC, I left my days as a regular Spartan IV of the UNSC and joined the Project. Of course, it was all illegal how I did it, but it still happened.

I trained for months to become the best Spartan IV I could be, which guaranteed my job as an Agent. That leads to where I am now. I honestly enjoy being a Freelancer Agent. Sure, it is pretty stressful and taxing on your health sometimes (and you almost meet your maker on occasions), but I still like it. And, come on. Is that really anyvdifferent from being in the UNSC with my current position? Being a Freelancer is my dream career that I never realised existed until I joined, and I plan to serve for PFL until it is no more. And the friends I have met in the Project make it all the better.

Home World: Harvest

Other Section

Weaknesses: I become stressed and mad easily, as well as afraid. I also freeze up sometimes if I am too afraid, even though I know I should not. But Zeta helps me with that, because his personality trait is mainly calmness, along with strategy. That is why he was paired with me, to help me in situations when my emotions get ahead of me and to help me think in quick ways when stress slows me down.

Physical Ailments: I mainly have two. One I've had since I was 16, and it has to do with my left leg being slightly crippled sometimes, which can hamper me in combat. It is really a two parter thing. The first part started while I was in a Lifetime Fitness class. We had to stand on one foot and hop onto, forwards down from, backwards onto, and backwards off of a block that was at least nine inches high. I was hopping on my left foot once while doing that, and my toe hooked on the block as I was hopping over it. I fell heavily and full of emberrassment, the whole class looking away from their workouts and at me in the middle of the room. My ankle was fine for the moment, but I couldn't even walk on it by the end of the day. It was almost unbearable to put weight on it, and my ankle would just collapse under me anyway. So my dad wrapped it since he suspected it was a sprained ankle. I then could not do anything other than hop around for the rest of the day. It was then fine by the next day. I thought I was done with that, but then it started to act up in the same way too much that summer. That is because I joined Cross Country for the first time, and we obviously ran a lot. So my ankle was having strain put on it that it wasn't used to, and it was gradually getting bad again. Then, after practicing for around a month and a half, my second injury occurred. And it was caused in part by my ankle. My knee started to hurt on the same side as my ankle (my left side) during practice, and it got so bad by the end of practice that I could hardly even walk. My whole leg hurt, I couldn't put weight on it, and it hurt to bend it. I still tried to run, but my coach stopped me once I broke down and told him because the pain was getting too much. And he could notice anyway. He let me take the rest of the day and week off. After that, we hoped it would heal. But it just got worse and worse. Some days, my leg was fine. Others, not so much. A few months later, it got so bad during practice that my knee nearly gave out on me while I was running. Again, I was trying to run as much as I could, no matter how bad my knee hurt. I was determined, and I have always been competitive. I had to stop, though, when it felt like it was about to give out under me. That happened three times on just one two mile loop around town. After that, my knee would have good days and real shitty days. I could never gage which it would be each day, either. It would even hurt when I was only walking, and I would have to stop sometimes because it got too bad. And my knee repeatedly felt like it would give out on multiple days. I finally went to my high school's chiropractor, and he found that my ankle was on the verge of being sprained again, and that strain was putting extreme stress on my knee. I went back multiple times to have him work with my knee and ankle, but nothing seemed to work. He eventually concluded that I must have tendinitis in my knee which was brought on by my still bum ankle. So he let it try to heal on its own. It eventually got a bit better once Cross Country was over, but I still have problems now and again, even now. Sometimes it is just a twinge, that is in the left side of my ankle and/or knee. That's just an annoyance I am used to and can usually ignore. But too much stress and weird movements on my left leg sometimes causes true pain to act up again. Along with with a burning sensation through most of my leg. I am somewhat used to it, and I can usually push the pain out of my head. But it still really gets to me sometimes. Especially in combat situations, because then I can't move how I want and need to. Because of the pain and discomfort, mostly. My second physical ailment is a hereditary one, which can also sometimes effect me greatly in combat. I have acid reflux, just like my mom, her sisters, and their mom all had. It's a weird one, too, where it mainly effects our stomachs and throats. Certain foods that are difficult to digest cause pain and discomfort in our stomachs. Then I have one weird thing that the others don't really have as bad as I. The flap covering the opening of my stomach and that keeps acid out of my esophagus is weak, and will sometimes flap open to allow acid to splash into my esophagus. That causes a uncomfortable and constantly ticklish and burning sensation in my throat. That feeling causes me to feel the need to cough a lot, almost constantly. Yes, it was a lot worse when I was a kid, because I did cough practically constantly. From about the age of 6 to 10 or 11. But once my doctor figured out what it was, I got medicine that curbed that urge to clear my ticklish feeling by coughing. It took a few weeks, but it worked. Now I don't have as many attacks. But there are some instances that always cause me to cough: when I become sick, no matter the sickness, the acid starts to splash up more and makes me cough. And believe me when I say that I have had this long enough to know the difference between my acid reflux cough and my illness cough. There is a stark difference for me; it is also caused by running too much. That doesn't happen as often as it used to, but running for too long in certain conditions causes my throat to have a dry, cold feeling, and my chest hurts slightly. Then I have the urge to cough a lot. It sometimes gets so bad that I have to stop whatever I am doing and just cough. I have fits like that a lot when it acts up, and they usually involves constant hacking coughs that last for around a minute or so. It's a bit difficult to breath after that, but I regain my breathing after a few moments; another is when there are particles of stuff in the air, such as spices or otherwise safe chemicals. The worst culprits are scented air freshener sprays (especially cinnamon. That causes me to have a fit), and hair spray. Other stuff does too, but those are the worst; and the last are drinks with a lot sugar in them. Especially lemonade, energy drinks, and gatorade. A lot of them don't effect me, but some are really bad (*glares at certain lemonades*). What these drinks do is cause a ticklish, itchy feeling in my whole throat. That might sound okay, but it really isn't. It causes my eyes to water sometimes, it actually feels painful, I have the urge to cough again, and it is just extremely uncomfortable. And it is difficult to swallow. The whole thing is just not a favorable experience, and I cannot finish drinks that do that. And the feeling usually occurs after the first sip. It sucks. In order to keep all of these fits at bay, I have to keep pills in stock that help me with them if they occur. I have a special pocket on my armor that houses them, and it is always stocked just in case. So, my left leg and my acid reflux are my two ailments. They don't always affect me, but they pack a punch when they do.

A.I. name: Zeta

A.I. Colors: Primarily pitch black, secondarily bold, bloody red. His fur is the black color. His eyes, open mouth, nose, whiskers, and extended claws are the red color, as well as other things mentioned below.

A.I. Appearance:

(I'll get a picture of him that I drew posted here once my phone sTOPS BEING A DICK.)

A slender and elegant looking tom cat, that appears to be about four inches tall at the shoulder and about five inches long from his rear end to his chest. When he is standing, anyway. His hologram basically looks like a shrunken cat. Wherever he places his "paws" or "sits", or just sets his body on the "ground", there is usually a barely noticeable pool of red light the same red color as his eyes. The pale rays surrounding him also change with his surroundings. The lighter the area is around him, the more black the rays appear. The darker the area is around him, the more silver-white the rays appear. This is done to make him seen wherever he is. You can also always tell the edges of his figure very easily because of this. Zeta also makes actual cat sounds sometimes, such as growls to alert me to certain things or meows just for shits and giggles. And he acts exactly like a real cat with his body language.

Zeta almost always sits with a rather straight and upright posture, proper looking and elegant. But not cocky or rigid; rather, he just looks calm and pretty and smooth. Looking at him when he's like that just radiates a calm feeling (to be honest, I just realized that he kinda holds himself like the Counselor does when he's calm and relaying info or stuff like that. Good reference). He does the same when he stands, with his head up and everything nice and in line, and he walks in a slower, more precise way than most cats. While sitting, he also always wraps his long tail around his paws. Every time. He only does all that when he's comfortable and in control, though. And sometime, especially when he's in a good mood, he'll sometimes look looser. Zeta looks more like a regular cat in those moments, even though they are kinda rare. When he can sense something wrong or knows that something is going on, though, he becomes very rigid and still, like most cats do. His ears will move in the direction he is paying attention to, his whiskers will twitch, other parts of his body will twitch, etc. Then when he gets angry, he tends to bend over a bit more, like he's preparing to pounce at the enemy. You can tell that he is hostile, just like with any cat. And then when he's nervous or scared (a side that is actually kinda rare to see), he will knead subconsciously, usually in a crouched position.

A.I. Personality Traits: Primarily calmness, but also creativity, strategy, and curiosity. He may look like an evil bastard, with his black fur and red eyes, but he is actually very calming and caring, and always nice (unless he feels the need to be stern with someone, though. He almost does it in a passive aggressive way. Or, at least, that's how he sounds). He also likes to be humorous on a lot of occasions, and do funny things just to lighten the mood. He is sometimes stern if the situation requires it, but he is still mostly nice. Zeta is also quiet and attentive, as well as curious. His voice is kind of an average male human voice, with a calm feel to it (it is similar to a combination of Sigma and the Counselor, with feeling and emotion. Not an excessive amount, but still more. And not as much of an evil feel. Zeta's voice has more of a soothing, friendly feeling to it. Also, it's just one, plain, non-echoing voice. No combined sound or obvious echo or anything like that; just a regular voice). He hardly ever shows much stress, but he does show that he cares about the safety and welfare of people.



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“Hi, I’m Ohio. My brother, Michigan, is going to the restroom right now so I’ll take this over for him. He told me to. Promise….ish.”

Birth Name:

“Unfortunately enough my dear brother was named Elizabeth Q-“

“Dude. What the fuck are you doing?”

“Oh. Hi Mich. I was just introducing you while you were going to the restroom.”

“Fuck that, I was just taking a piss. I’m a guy. I don’t piss that long.”

“….Hmmm…So you DO naturally smell bad…”


“Nothing nothing. Shall we continue?”

“Whatever…..Oh my fucking god. My name is Ian Queen, you Dumbledouche.”

“Did you use a Harry Potter name as an insult?”

“Yeah. Got a fucking problem with that?”

“No. Moving on.”

State Name:

“It’s Michigan if you couldn’t already tell for the first five fucking million times it has been mentioned.”

“Actually it has only been once.”

“Shut up Dumbledouche, I know that already.”

“Obviously not. You-“

“Shut. The Fuck. Up.”

“Love you too.”


“I hate nicknames but Dumbledouche here,”

“That joke is getting old.”

“, Started calling me Mich which is apparently very fitting because now everyone else calls me that.”

Code Name:


“Fuck off. No. It’s Mark-021.”

“Hmmm…I like my idea better.”

“Seriously, Shut up.”

UNSC Rank Before Joining PFL:

"Believe it or not,"

"Still having a hard time believing."

",I was a First Sergeant. Better than Assface here."

"Your variety of insults amazes me."


“I’m 28.”

“Mentally 12.”

“Oh my god.”


“Mich was born a girl.”


“I’d say more of a boy…Man is over exaggerating a bit.”

“I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a better statement than that.”

“Just trying to help.”



“Straight. That’s all there is too it.”

“I doubt that at times…”

“Look who’s talking!”

Relatives in the Project:

“I only have one brother, that’s Fucktard here.”

“Now now, no need to call yourself that.”

“I’m talking about you Dumbledouche.”

“I think you need new insults.”

“How about Shiterous Snape?”

“That’s an improvement.”



“Don’t you have a crush on Or-“

“No. Shut up.”


Defining Feature(s):

“Can I say you’re use of the word ‘Fuck’ is one?”


“But it’s so charming.”

“Dude, just shut the fuck up.”



“Nothing. Ah what are defining features of my little brother. Ah. Books.”


“You almost always have a book in your hand no matter the situation.”


“Well I certainly don’t see anyone else have a book in their hands so much.”


“How about you always are thinking about something?”

“Again, what?”

“Well you always looks like you’re thinking. The way you move and such.”

“I can hardly call that a defining feature. Seriously, you fucking suck at this.”

“I tried didn't I?”

“Yeah. But you failed.”

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:

“He has the weirdest Unicorn tattoo on his left ass cheek…”

“No, I fucking don’t. I don’t have any tattoos or birthmarks though I have scars here and there. The most notable is the large slash from waist to shoulder where I got slashed by an energy sword a long time ago. I nearly died BECAUSE SOMEONE didn’t have my back.”

“You’re the one who ignored the original plan.”

“That’s because it fucking sucked.”

“Says your near death wound.”

“I got the mission done faster, didn’t I?”


“You’re fucking welcome.”


I’m sure you can get a good image on how they are.

Appearance Under Your Armor:

“Michigan is adorable under his armor. Many mistake him as a girl..”

“No they haven’t! Seriously, fuck off!”

“Fine fine, he is actually quite handsome. Better?”

“Yes. Thank you Dumbledouche.”

“How many times are you going to say that?”

“As many times as I fucking want, Dumbledouche.”

To take over while those two fight, the dear creator Mockingbird shall pop in….Also for the sake of getting this done faster xD

Mich has bright green eyes and black hair that falls messily into his eyes. His hair is about little over than medium length. He has a more athletic build to his body, a light tan skin tone.



Weight Without Armor:


Armor Configuration:



“Did you just scoff?”

“No. I felt slightly sick though.”


“Ah…no offense but your armor color is…well…shitty.”

“Go die in a hole assface.”

Primary Weapon:

“Two badass plasma pistols.”

Secondary Weapon:

“My good old BR85HB SR Battle rifle.”

Melee Weapon:

“Two awesome plasma daggers on my wrists. I mean, they are a last resort kind of thing seeing I’m still not use to them. Don’t get me started on how hard it was to get these fucking things. Let’s just say it was a mission where I found these in some weaponry collection then boom. They're mine. ”

Preferred Grenade:

“Plasma Grenade fuckers.”

Agent Skill(s):

“My brother is actually quite good in hand to hand combat but that is the basics with most freelancer agents. I’m not too bad myself, he is just better at it, especially with melee weapons. Not only that but he can come up with plans very easily and has a very fast reaction time. I tend to follow plans he comes up with. It’s really impressive I admit. He will always have a backup plan or have a plan of his own that despite different from the original orders. It gets him in trouble but he does tend to get things done faster and...well better a lot of times. ”

Primary Armor Enhancement:

“Doomed Energy shield.”

“It’s very useful.”

“No shit, especially WHEN YOU USE ME AS A DISTRACTION.”

“You make it out fine most of the time.”

“Most. MOST. Not all Dumbledouche.”

“That again?”

Secondary Armor Enhancement:

“Enhanced healing unit. Also helpful when it comes to some fucker kicking me in the open.”

“That happens very few times.”

“But it fucking happens doesn't it?”


"Why the fuck is this important? Fucking hell.....I like soda, sweets, dogs, books, cussing, hating, all of that shit."

"Also there iiisss-"

"I swear to God I will shove your energy sword so far up your ass, you'll be chocking on it."


"How long do I have to finish this?"

"An hour or so."

"Well fuck. I'm going to need fucking days."

"Perhaps a shortened version."

"Shit, i'll try....Well I hate annoying asses, super nice fucks, Ohio, Ohio, more Ohio, sour shit, Ohio, should I continue?"

"Please, I think you forgot to add a bit more Ohio's in there."

"Really? Why thank you for reminding me."

"Your welcome."

"I was being sarcastic you Dinglefuck."

Positive Qualities:

"My brother Mich is actually a very kind-hearted man... surprisingly enough."

"I'm a cold ass mother fucker."

"One, I'd rather you not fuck mothers. That's disturbing."

".....I wasn't born with enough middle fingers to show you how much I hate you."

"Two, he can be quite intelligent at times. Hmm... is there anymore? Ah, he puts his life under others which is a good but bad thing. Truth be told, he is actually pretty funny. A comical relief."

"Fuck you."

Negative Qualities:

"I think I may need a whole day for this..."

"Again, Fuck you."

"Well, as I mentioned before he puts his life under others. Meaning he gets in danger quite often."

"Hey Assbus, I'm in danger all the time because you USE ME."

"I don't use you, stop your strange fantasies please."


"Now fucking God? When shall this end..."


"As I was saying....Ah, Mich has a hard time making friends due to his harsh first impression. He tends to get angered easily, he bottles up any negative emotions like grief which can really harm him on a mental scale, and lastly...he apparently likes to fuck mothers."


Home World:

“Motherfucking Earth.”


“Fuck. Off.”


A.I. name:

“Let me get the little shit out. Oi. Eve, come introduce yourself.”


“Introduce yourself.”

“But you already did.”

“I only said your name.”

“Oh, ok. Hello. I am Eve, the A.I. unit assigned to Agent Michigan. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Pleasure is all mine.”

“She already knows you, shit head.”

“I was only being kind back. Really Eve. How do you cope with him?”

“The same way you do Agent Ohio. I’m stuck with him. He’s not bad, he can be very nice.”

“I know. Being at his side for so many years.”

“Oh yes. I almost forgot.”

“I thought you were fucking A.I. Aren’t you supposed to be all super memory and shit?”

“Sorry, I will try better to remember.”

“Don’t say sorry! You don’t need to, god. You say sorry for everything. It’s annoying.”

“Then I will say sorry for displeasing you.”

“Aw, Mich. You’re being so rude to her.”

“Stay out of this. Eve, go away.”





“Ok~ Bye~”

“That little shit is annoying.”

“She made you say please. I need to learn a thing or two from her.”

“Shut up.”

A.I. Personality Trait(s):

“She’s all innocent and kind, its annoying. Saying sorry for EVERYTHING, always so nice. Very adult like. The little shits annoying but I will say she can be good company.”

“Thank you Michigan. That makes me very happy hearing that.”

“Yeah yeah. Whatever.”

A.I. Appearance:

“She looks literally like an angel. Well…at least that’s what her shape is. It’s hard to tell her form with her glow though you can see her form and that she has wings. So. Angel.”

A.I. Color(s):

“Eve is golden. Like motherfucking angel.”

“Well, I guess it’s my turn. My-“

“Nu uh fucker. It’s my turn to ‘introduce’ you.”

“As long as you don’t mess around with it.”


Birth Name:

“This guy’s real name is names Assbus Dumbledouche.”


“Shut up. You fuck with my name I fuck with yours.”

“It’s actually Jason Queen.”

“Yeah, that’s a stupid name.”

State Name:

“Ohio. When we joined the freelancers they found his real name so stupid that they changed it.”

“May I remind you that they changed your name too?”





“I don’t have one.”

“It’s Dumbledouche.”

“You really like that insult, don’t you?”


Code Name:


“I give you credit on the Orgy part but reusing my 69 insult is pretty pathetic.”

“There was nothing else. Shut up.”

“Don’t listen to this idiot. It’s Othello-16.”

“Still lame as hell.”

UNSC Rank Before Joining PFL:

"I was a Gunnery Sergeant before my Freelancer life."

"Guess who is better?"

"Better not let Oak hear that."



“I’m 29. A year older than you.”

“Yeah. Old.”

“Isn’t your birthday soon?”


“So wouldn’t you be ‘old’ too?”


“Whatever you say ‘youngster’.”

“I fucking hate you.”


“I’m not going to be an asshole with this. He’s a guy.”

“Aw. You really do care.”

“Fuck off.”


“I will not deny that I’m bisexual.”


“What? No insult?”

“I would but I don’t want to piss off anyone.”

“Good boy.”

“I’m not a dog!”

Relatives in the Project:

“My dear little brother, Michigan. That’s my only relative…sadly.”

“What do you mean about SADLY?”

“I would say nicer things about you...but i’d rather tell the truth.”

“Go fuck yourself. With a cactus.”


“No, I don’t care for thing such as a relationship unlike my brother with his adorable crush on-”


Defining Feature(s):

“This annoying fuck acts all gentlemanlike. Always soooo sincere and kind.”

“I hardly call that a defining feature.”

“Also his ‘nice guy’ talk is fucking annoying.”

“I think you have the annoying part down.”

“Shut up. I’m talking. As I was saying Ohio talks like a fucking idiot.”

“I know I talk like an idiot. If I dont you wont understand me.”


Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:

“None that I can think of.”

“What about that fucking disgusting mark on...oh wait. Thats just your face.”

“Very amusing.”

“I’m practically a comedian.”

Appearance Under Your Armor:

Ohio has dirty blonde hair that is slightly shorter than Michigans and is curly. He has a more muscular frame but not too much. Tan skin and dark green eyes.



Weight Without Armor:


Armor Configuration:

“I believe the proper word to describe my armor is badass.”

“Oh fuck that, it’s stupid as hell.”

“Mich, we aren’t talking about your armor.”

“You really inspire my inner serial killer.”

“Have you tried talking to someone about your problems?”

“Fuck off.”

“Anyway my armor is quite nice.”

“It looks stuffy in there. Why don't you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma.”

“Your sarcasm is amusing at times.”

“I was being serious dickwad.”

Primary Weapon:

“An M395 Designated Marksman Rifle.”

Secondary Weapon:

“A very nice Sniper Rifle System 99 Anti-Matériel.”

Melee Weapon:

“I have a Energy sword.”

Preferred Grenade:

“Flashbang grenade, not damaging though extremely useful in battle or for distraction.”

Agent Skill(s):

“Dumbledouche is actually not a bad sharp shooter. He can figure out almost any unfamiliar weapon. As much as I hate to admit it he is almost equal with me when it comes to hand to hand combat and he is good for cover up. I come up with plans and he follows.”

Primary Armor Enhancement:

“Temporal Distortion, It’s very enjoyable.”

“I fucking hate it. Especially when you use it to fuck with me.”

“I’ve told you, i’m innocent.”

“Bull. Shit.”

Secondary Armor Enhancement:

“I have a speed boost enhancement.”

“To run away like a coward.”

“Actually so I can save your ass.”


"Preparing my birthday list? Well then of course I will say what I like. Money is always useful, sour candies or spicy food is nice, I've always wanted a cat, embarrassing photos of Mich are my favorite though."

"You're a fucking prick. I hope you know that."


"I dislike things such as loud annoying noises, like my dear brothers voice."

"Fuck you."

"I'm not a fan of sweets."

"Fucking wierdo."

"I don't like cussing all to much."

"Fuck shit God dammit ass fuck."

"Mich, are you going to let me finish?"


"Some Freelancers, and so on so forth."

Positive Qualities:

"Nope. Moving on. Nothing can be put here, sorry. Next."

"Come on Mich. Be fair, I listed good things about you."

"Stupidassface....Fine! Just shut up and let me think."

"Shutting up."

"Hrm, well he's caring...to me at least. As much as I hate to admit it."

"Aw, you do notice."

"Shut up! I GUESS he's good at listening when it comes down to it. He can get people to like him easily too, the asshole."

"Can I speak?"

"Nope, it's time for the fucking negative shit."

Negative Qualities:

"He's a fucking asshole. Even if he seems all nice, he's really just a huge dick face asshole. Another thing is he doesn't give a shit about anyone else. Unless you are me or Oak he couldn't give two shits about what happens to you."

"Now that's exaggerating."

"Like hell it is! Yeah, this fling fuck may save your life but it's to keep up his 'good guy' streak. Meaning he's a dickwad."

"There is some truth in that."

"See?! I'm the fucking better person!"

"Says the one that many dislike."

"You know what? If you are going to be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass."


“How is my history important?”

Home World:

“ Earth."


A.I. name:

“His name is Xi. Xi, want to come out?”


“Dude. That little fuck is creepy as hell.”

“You offended him.”

“Yeah. Sure”


“Don’t look at me that way you creepy little fuck.”

A.I. Personality Trait(s):

“Xi is-“

“Creepy as all hell.”

“More of a darker kind of A.I. I don’t consider him bad but I don’t consider him good either. He can be good company, like Eve is for Mich. It all depends on the A.I. and soldier. He is completely silent to most of all and rarely speaks. Well for me we speak more often.”

“So he’s a dark minded, creepy, mysterious little fuck.”

A.I. Appearance:

“Xi just appears to be a shadowy mass with two yellow eyes as orbs. You can faintly see a human like figure.”


"Yes Mich. He's creepy. We get it."

A.I. Color(s):

“He’s a shadow, so black.”
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To everyone: Okay. With this one, both Hunter and I will be accepting the CS's, so you need a like from each of us before you're good. But, also, go read the entire overview.
Birth Name: Felix Tracks

State Name: New Mexico

Nickname: Felix finds that New Mexico is to long a name and prefers to be called Mex.

Code Name: Nexus-244

UNSC Rank Before Joining PFL: Seargeant

Age: 27, Spartan IV

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relatives in the Project: Felix is the cousin of a long dead agent. (Who wasn't in the show!)

Relationships: Nope

Defining Feature(s): Will not use heavy weapons unless very necessary and is fairly talkative.

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks: While in the UNSC Felix encountered a Brute Chieftain which caught him off guard and stabbed him with the bladed end of a brute shot which left a 9 inch scar, which is near perfectly vertical, once Felix recovered.

Personality: Felix is calm and collected most of the time, but flips out if one of his friends are injured. He prefers swift speedy strikes rather than pure brute force due to his lack of actual strength compared to others, making him a bit of a strategist, exploiting weaknesses.

Description: Felix is generally pale skinned and a bit slender compared to others and his hair is jet black with tiny streaks dark, dark brown. Felix's scar is slightly darker than his actual pale skin and the irises of Felix's eyes are a calm blue. There are no other major differences between Mex and other people of his race.

Height With Your Armor: 6'6

Height Without Your Armor: 6'1

Weight Without Armor: 189 pounds

Armor Configuration: New Mexico dons a standard Mark VI helmet with a generic visor, his shoulder armour plates are of the Scout variant as is his chestplate.

Primary Armor Color: Aqua

Secondary Armor Color: Mauve

Tertiary Armor Color: Mauve

Primary Weapon:
Felix will either use a generic Spartan Assault Rifle or Battle Rifle, he switches often.

Secondary Weapon: Either a SMG or a Magnum, he will switch occasionally.

Melee Weapon: A 14" machete with a red paint ring around the middle of the hilt.

Preferred Grenade: Spike grenade. You have to admit, the Brutes have a good taste in grenades.

Preferred Vehicle: Ghost. Agile, Rapidfire, Fairly sturdy, enough said.

Agent Skill(s): Scouting, and sharpshooting.

Primary Armor Enhancement: Speed boost.

Secondary Armor Enhancement: NOPE!

Scouting, Foxes, Lightweight weaponry, target practice, fishing, Veta.

Dislikes: Brute strength, bears, heavy weaponry, not having a plan, Sigma.

Positive Qualities: Positive, Talkative, Clever, Nimble.

Negative Qualities: Lacking a bit in strength, Talkative, A little clumsy, Cars hate him, A bit impatient.

History: (I might just make things up as I go along, but don't worry, I'm not going to make him a fucking war hero.)

Home World: EARTH!

A.I. name: Veta

A.I. Personality Trait(s): Awareness. Veta likes to be aware of every factor that could tip the tides of a battle.

A.I. Appearance: Veta projects himself to resemble a Spartan VI wearing a Mark V helmet.

A.I. Color(s): Dark purple with dark blue accents.
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Agent Tennessee

  • Birth Name:

    Richard, Last name is classified

    State Name:


    Code Name:






    Sexual Orientation:




    • Birth Name:


      State Name:


      Code Name:






      Sexual Orientation:


      I created a new character.
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PFL Agent CS:

Birth Name: Scott Williams

State Name:


Code Name: Indy 736

UNSC Rank Before Joining PFL:




Relatives in the Project:
Had a cousin who worked on board the Mother of Invention. He worked in the medical lab and helped with A.I. implantation. He didn't survive the ship's destruction.


Defining Features:

Enjoys messing with others through use of the Temporal Distortion Unit.

He's an extremely dirty fighter.

Commonly makes pop culture references.

His choice of skills and experience with them.

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:

Scott is a friendly guy. He's works well with a team but on his own he won't do to well. He enjoys helping people, evidenced by his skill as a medic. He's willing to do anything in a fight. That his given him a reputation as a dirty fighter. Along with helping people he's pretty talkative. He does his best to get to know people under the idea that it will help him work together better. On the battlefield he uses the TDU like Fallout's VATS. Slowing down time is pretty useful for lining up shots and assessing the field. The use of his Enhanced Bio Scan is to know if a teammate's injury is bad enough and can't be fixed easily he will reverse time. He does like messing with people with the TDU. His weapons of choice have him ready to hit a target at close range to mid range to long range.

Appearance Under Your Armor:

6 Feet 1 inch

Height With Armor:
6 Feet 6 inches

Weight Without Armor:
175 Pounds

Armor Configuration:

(I'm using the colors shown in the picture.)

Primary Weapon: M45d Tactical Shotgun

Secondary Weapon:
M395 Designated Marksman Rifle

Melee Weapon:
Energy Sword

Preferred Grenade:
Plasma Grenade

Preferred Vehicle:
Warthog. He's fine with any seat.

Agent Skill(s):
Skills include firearms, field medic, infiltration, and transport.

Primary Armor Enhancement:
Temporal Distortion Unit

Secondary Armor Enhancement:
Enhanced Bio Scan

Driving, Target Practice, People, Food, Reading, Talking, helping people, old movies, pop culture, and the Temporal Distortion Unit.

Dislikes: Assholes, people being stupid, people not accepting his help, lone wolves.

Positive Qualities:

+Jack of all trades

+Works well with others


+Team player

Negative Qualities:

-Master of nothing

-Doesn't work well on his own

-He's willing to abandon mission objectives if it means saving a team member.

-Minor prankster

A.I. name: Phantom

A.I. Personality Trait(s):
Phantom takes on the traits of real life snipers including patience, cleverness, and discipline.

A.I. Appearance:
Phantom is a 21 century sniper in a ghillie suit

A.I. Color(s):
Camo Colored

History: Agent Williams was born on Eath in the year... *the rest of the page is unreadable with a note taped to it* Nobody needs to know this -Indiana

Home World:
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@Mysterion7514 @Nava Well, it looks like one of you two is going to have to change the name of your Agent's A.I., because both of you guys have an A.I. named Psi.

Also, Mysterion plus @Mockingbird and @ryanpk200 need to add the extra things to your CS's. And everyone needs to go read ALL of the overview, or at least the rules. I will know if you have or not.

And, Nava, sorry, but no one is related to any characters from the show. I know a second cousin is a bit of a distance, but that means that Mex would still be related to Wash. Sorry, bud, but no can do. Other than that and (I'm pretty sure) reading the rules, though, you're good. And is see that you probably like Wash as a character. Good choice.
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Oh, really? Huh, didn't know I couldn't be related to Wash. Okay then, I'll fix that up right now.

And, fixed
Nava said:
Oh, really? Huh, didn't know I couldn't be related to Wash. Okay then, I'll fix that up right now.
Sorry. I know I sound mean (and to be honest, my character would probably be related to at least him as well. I mean, her state name is Oregon, which neighbors the state of Washington. And I live about five minutes into Oregon from Washington, soo..), but I don't want people to get jealous or something because one person is related to a canon character and their character isn't (bad reason, I know). I also just don't want to have literally everyone related to at least one canon Agent. That just doesn't sit well with me.

Don't worry, I'm not mad (honestly I feel bad whenever I have to correct minor things in people's CS's)! I just wanted that fixed so it wouldn't bug me.


@Nava Lol. I like what you changed it to, as it fits and I can hint the possible snark in it. You're good in my opinion now, Nava, except for the A.I. name to be situated with Mysterion. And reading the overview, which you do need to read. Now you just need to be accepted by Hunter.
1stLt HChurch] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5933-mysterion7514/ said:
@Mysterion7514[/URL] @Nava Well, it looks like one of you two is going to have to change the name of your Agent's A.I., because both of you guys have an A.I. named Psi.
Also, Mysterion plus @Mockingbird and @ryanpk200 need to add the extra things to your CS's. And everyone needs to go read ALL of the overview, or at least the rules. I will know if you have or not.

And, Nava, sorry, but no one is related to any characters from the show. I know a second cousin is a bit of a distance, but that means that Mex would still be related to Wash. Sorry, bud, but no can do. Other than that and (I'm pretty sure) reading the rules, though, you're good. And is see that you probably like Wash as a character. Good choice.
I updated mine.
Birth Name: Maxwell Teller

State Name: Rhode Island

Nickname: Rhodey

Code Name: Rhino 027

UNSC Rank Before Joining PFL: He was actually a combat medic, and they decided to experiment by making him an agent.

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relatives in the Project: None at all!

Relationships: His designated AI

Defining Feature(s): Pretty shy, and doesn't like direct confrontation much. Always prefers to avoid conflict, making him stand out from the others.

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks: None.

Personality: Shy but kind. Believes everyone deserves kindness... doesn't always work out for him. A disorganized klutz. However, he'll be very protective when his love is called into question, or when his AI is insulted. Protecting and helping others always comes first.

Appearance Under Your Armor:

Description: He has jet black hair swept to the side. He often times holds a relaxed posture. Well, maybe not relaxed, but rather slouched. He always looks tired, particularly around his blue eyes which sport giant bags under them.

His skin is pale with few blemishes. He is scrawny, and looks underfed even though he is perfectly fine. Due to his shyness, he tends to try to stay in his armor, though he'll take any chance he can get to get out. Due to this, few know what he truly looks like.

Height With Your Armor: 6'1"

Height Without Your Armor: 5'9"

Weight Without Armor: 130

Armor Configuration: Full Enforcer class armor.

Primary Armor Color: Black

Secondary Armor Color: Red

Primary Weapon: Dual wields magnums in exchange for conventional primaries. The reasons for this vary, but it's primarily so he can maintain his speed and agility. They are also light, and prevent him from needing more strength than he has to wield them. Furthermore, the ammo does considerable damage. Fire rate is traded out for damage.

Secondary Weapon: Dual wields magnums.

Melee Weapon: A small, sharp knife that specializes in piercing both armor and skin. Not much reach, but highly deadly up close. This further utilizes his speed, agility, and stealth. It was also part of the test. The trainers made him use that weapon to see how a nigh pacifist would react to having a weapon that requires blood to literally stain his hands when he kills. He won't use this weapon unless in dire circumstances for that reason.

Preferred Grenade: Sticky

Preferred Vehicle: Mongoose: they're quick and easy to use! Again, all of Rhodey's preferred arsenal revolves around stealth and speed. The mongoose is quiet (relatively), quick, and easily maneuverable.

Agent Skill(s): Specializes in stealth, agility, and speed.

Primary Armor Enhancement: Active Camo

Secondary Armor Enhancement: Speed Boost

Likes: Annie, Kind People, Food, Helping Others, Puzzles

Dislikes: Mean People, Killing, Being asked the same question repeatedly, Pain, Maine ("The Agent, I have nothing against the state!")

Positive Qualities: Kindness, Medical Experience, Belief in the kindness in all, Sense of Chivalry

Negative Qualities: Shyness, Belief in the kindness in all (this time in the fault sense), Easily Offended, Hatred of Violence (Normally this is good, but not when at war)

History: Nothing special

Home World: Unimportant

Other: Nothing of note, other than his strange love for his AI, and his avoidant personality.

A.I. name:

A.I. Personality Trait(s): Flamboyant, outgoing, kind. She doesn't like being categorized by the Greek alphabet, so she made a human name for herself. She considers herself equal to a human, and Max tends to agree. She wants to attain metastability, but will not resort to violence to do so.

A.I. Appearance: A pink woman with short, cut hair by her neck and a sweater with khakis. This is often the form she takes, however she is fickle about it occasionally.

A.I. Color(s): Pink

Other: Her love with Rhodey is often considered to be very strange, and many agents will insult them, occasionally resorting to violence.
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Birth Name:Rory Daye Darrow

State Name:

Nickname:I prefer to go by Ark, mostly because people actually do mispronounce Arkansas. Y’know, it’s supposed to be Ark-an- saw, but people will say it Ar-kansas, and correcting them makes me sound pretentious… Yeaaah so Ark is fine.

Code Name:Ava 1319

UNSC Rank Before Joining PFL: Sargent




Relatives in the Project:
I sure hope not. No one else in my family is exactly much of a fighter.

Relationships: None.

Defining Feature(s):

-I’ve apparently become very adapt with making impromptu weapons. She just grabs the nearest blunt object and uses it until it either breaks, she wins by some miracle, or she manages to escape.

-My hair is extremely frizzy and hard to control, it’s not like a big huge afro or anything, but still very messy and takes forever to get back in a helmet.

-I love reptiles, snakes, lizards, any of them. I had a bunch of them back at home. I hope they’re being taken care of.

-Also, I love using big guns. They’re kinda my thing.

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:
Well I have a tattoo on my right shoulder. I got it when I was 18 for a birthday present. Well my sister and I both got them. We’re twins but very different in both looks (we’re fraternal twins) and personality, and mom and dad would say we were as different as night and day. So mostly because we thought it was funny, and I thought it looked nice, I got a sun on my right shoulder, and Emet got a moon on her left. I also have a small scar across the left side of my mouth but….. Okay well don’t share this but I got it shaving. Emet startled me and I slipped and it was bad enough to leave a scar. Yes I was shaving my face, girls do that sometimes, I mean I’m sure some can pull off a mustache but not me! I have enough trouble passing for a woman as is. I usually tell people I got it in a fight….

I try to be positive most of the time. But I’m told I can be a bit ditsy and immature, not that I mean to, and obviously it hasn’t gotten me killed yet so I’m not as dull as I seem… I hope. I’ll also admit I do tend to act before I think and I have been called brave… but it’s usually Mzazi calling me “stupidly brave.” I also and a bit awkward in conversation, so most likely when people talk to me I’m sure I come off as either stand-offish, or like a dork. But I try to be polite to at least my allies, though I can have a temper sometimes… Oh and when I get talking about something I actually know about I can ramble…. Just a bit…heh.

Well first off I’m mulatto but more on the dark side, and my hair is a pretty dark auburn color and as I mentioned it’s very very frizzy. When I wear my armor I tie it back as much as I can. I have my mom to thank for that. But build wise… I take after my dad. I’m sort of large, I mean I was always pretty tall… But I got the muscles to match, plus I have a pretty square jaw. This causes some to assume I’m a man just from my build plus lack of….you know…. I don’t really get offended anymore. Especially in armor I would say my face at least is still somewhat feminine, mom always said I had full lips. My eyes are also bright green, I like the color very much.

Height With Your Armor:

Height Without Your Armor:

Weight Without Armor:

Armor Configuration:

Primary Armor Color:Olive

Secondary Armor Color:

Primary Weapon: AIE-486H Heavy Machine Gun, I’m strong enough to hold it and not fall over from the recoil, but really it’s my favorite to use. I feel safer, more so than I do with something like a pistol.

Secondary Weapon:
M45E Tactical Shotgun, not as big as my other gun but it still does the job it’s good. Plus I can lug a machine gun into every fight unfortunately.

Melee Weapon:
I usually stick to a hunting knife. But I’m better with my fists… or any blunt object I can find. Fists are a good bet though.

Preferred Grenade:
No real preference on grenades. As long as it works, I’m good. And my arm’s not too shabby either…. Aim could be better. I’m working on it.

Preferred Vehicle:
I mentioned earlier that I am not too comfortable with heights so best to keep me away from anything flying. So no real preference on the vehicle. But! I will admit I like manning the gun on a warthog.

Agent Skill(s):
Hand to hand and heavy firearms. I’m more of the brute force then the sneaky stuff.

Primary Armor Enhancement:
Strength boost.

Secondary Armor Enhancement:
advanced healing unit. As you can see I’m sorta supposed to be a tank.

Well first off I love reptiles, snakes, lizards, you name it. If I didn’t think I would be too busy I would have taken one of them with me when I left, but I doubt I would have been able to do that anyway. I also like to be outdoors, especially in warm weather, summer and spring were my favorite seasons. Exercising is very important to me, it helps me relax on stressful days. I used to jog outside at my old home when I was stressed about school or something silly like that. Music is something else I like, I’m not good at it but I can usually find at least one song from each genre that I like, so I’m not too picky. Last off, I’ll admit I do like dressing up, like putting on a nice dress and going somewhere, I haven’t gotten to do that in a very very long time though.

I hate to admit it, but I can’t stand cats. They really creep me out, I mean it could be because I scared Emet’s cat and she scratched me… But still I avoid them. I also do not like to be indoors too long, which is bad considering my career has me on ships very often. I’ll just say I love it when I get a mission that’s on solid ground and I can get at least a bit of fresh air. I’m not good with heights either, I get very very anxious. And on a final note while this is probably predicable… I don’t like being mistaken for a man. I don’t blame them, when I’m in my armor I do not look very… feminine. Especially with the helmet on. I mean when I’m out of the armor people don’t usually make the mistake but they still get a bit taken-aback when I turn around…. Oh! One more thing. I absolutely hate it when Mzazi lectures me, they’re my A.I. by the way. They talk to me like they’re scolding a kid. I am not a kid! I am a mature adult!...

Positive Qualities:
She is extremely brave, usually not taking much time to go into a situation that might make others hesitate. She’s also very athletic, with lots of upper body strength and stamina. She tends to put others first and works hard to protect those close.

Negative Qualities:
She’s so brave to the point it’s reckless, and won’t think things through before doing it so she tends to let others tell her what to do. She’s too self-sacrificing, opting to jump in front of a bullet when if she thought it through she could have found a better option. She’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer and slow to the uptake, and is aware of this and lets it hinder her a bit instead of trying to overcome it. She’s very quick to trust as well, if you tell her the sky was falling she would probably look up and get very concerned.

I was born on earth to a small family, just my mom, dad, and sister. We grew up with a pretty average life. We lived in a pretty small town, and I would spend most of my time outside. And I did a lot of sports in high school had okay grades. Nothing really important happened until I joined the military. Did my time with the normal stuff until next thing you know, bam, I’m in project freelancer and suddenly Agent Arkansas…. Yeah it’s not a very fancy or dramatic story. As far as I know my family is still alive so no huge tragedy for me so far… Knock on wood.

Home World:

She’s constantly afraid she’s the “No brains, all brawn.” type.

Your Agent's Artificial Intelligents Program:

A.I. name:Mzazi

A.I. Personality Trait(s):Paternal instinct, protectiveness. Its main goal is keep Arkansas alive and complete the mission, but Ark will usually take priority to it. It speaks much like a parent would to children, or a teacher to their students. And to them, everyone is a child, though Ark is the only one it has paternal feeling to. Unfortunately it can act like an overbearing mother, scolding Ark or being overprotective, though if Ark tells it to stop it usually does. It does get a little sassy though if Ark talks back to it.

A.I. Appearance:Mzazi chooses to look like an eye that emotes very slightly. Its voice sounds like a man and woman’s overlapping. It chooses to be referred to as completely androgynous.It’s chosen appearance is actually very unsettling because it looks like a realistic eye besides the colors. If you want a good example of how unsettling it’s similar looking to these
but just imagine it floating and mint green. And looking at you.

A.I. Color(s):Mint green

Other:It’s extremely protective of me. And acts sort of like a parent, which is weird considering how old I am.

You’re never too old to have some guidance Agent Arkansas. Not to mention you might be dead by now if I hadn’t been helping you.

Yeah…And it’ll usually put me before my teammates unless I tell it not to…. Which I have to… a lot.
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@Mockingbird I feel like you liked that post just to...mock me.

*Wash voice* Shitty grin, activate!!

No but seriously I can't like shit. And I can never see if someone else has liked my stuff. Or if they have liked anything, for that matter. What the fuck.

Now I can finally like stuff. Good.
Birth Name: Kai Valenheim

State Name: Delaware

Nickname: Delly

(If he catches you calling him that, he will probably kill you. Or maim you. Or both)

Code Name: Delta 000

UNSC Rank Before Joining PFL: Sergeant Major

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relatives in the Project: None

Relationships: None

Defining Feature(s):

His mismatched eyes (one green one purple)

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:

A scar running down the right side of his face and neck, from forehead down to collarbone. Caused by the knife of a terrorist leader, before Delaware killed the man with the same knife.

Multiple small scars and pockmarks on lower abdomen. Caused by fragmentation grenade in combat.

Across his back, he has tattooed the name of every person he's killed. Over one hundred names.

Personality: Delaware is usually cold and calculating, normally putting the mission objectives before himself and his fellow Freelancers (the few times he works with them.). But, if shit hits the fan, one can expect him to usually put his life on the line to save some poor fucker who, say, didn't activate their motion tracker on a stealth mission and got discovered. However, he does have a warmer, friendlier side, despite the fact that he usually keeps it hidden from all but the closest of friends, the list of which is extremely short.

Appearance Under Your Armor:


Delaware is of asian ethnicity and has a slim yet muscular build. While not bulky, his muscles are strong and well defined. He sports long, platinum blonde hair, which usually covers his eyes. The eyes in question are mismatched due to a head injury that he recieved when he was young. His left eye is a bright emerald green, and his right eye is an equally bright amethyst purple. His tattooed and scarred skin is pale due to long times spent inside the sunless confines of his armor.

Height With Your Armor: 7 feet

Height Without Your Armor: 6 feet 8 inches

Weight Without Armor: 224 Ibs

Armor Configuration:

Hayabusa Armor


Primary Armor Color:

Secondary Armor Color: White

Tertiary Armor Color: Gold

Primary Weapon: Stanchion Gauss Rifle

Secondary Weapon: Dual M7 Caseless Sub-Machine guns

Melee Weapon: Hayabusa katana

Preferred Grenade: Napalm grenade

Preferred Vehicle: Mongoose

Agent Skill(s):

Hand-to-Hand Combat

Close Quarters Combat


Sharp Shooting

Primary Armor Enhancement: Active Camo

Secondary Armor Enhancement: Strength Boost



Dead enemies


Getting a job done quickly




Being told how to do his job

People who can't take care of their own problems

Positive Qualities:





Negative Qualities:

A bit sociopathical

Doesn't always share his plans

Tends to follow his own agenda

Doesn't always play by the rules.

History: //[DATA EXPUNGED]\\

Home World: Harvest

Other: The Ruskie of Nebruskie

A.I. name: Mors

A.I. Personality Trait(s):

-Talks in a professional manner

-Oblivious to the feelings of living creatures

A.I. Appearance: (What it's chosen hologram looks like, in a description or picture. If you choose a picture, please also add a description like you did with your Agent. The A.I. can be anything, really, since A.I. can project themselves to look like anything at all. Even a neon rainbow colored pile of shit if that's their or your fancy. I don't care. Just please make sure they don't look exactly like any from the show. Can be same shape, but different color or colors.)

A.I. Color(s): (Anything, just make sure they don't look exactly like any from the show. Can be same color, just give them a different shape.)

Other: "We appear to be experiencing technical difficulties. Agent Delaware, I suggest you try punching the computer."
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Agent Oklahoma

Identification Information

Thomas Denny Harrison, better known by people in Project Freelancer by his state name "Agent Oklahoma", his nickname "Oak", or his code name "Oscar 327", is a twenty-nine year old male Freelancer. He was an ODST at the rank of Gunnery Sergeant before being recruited into the SPARTAN-IV program, later to be taken into Project Freelancer.

Harrison (hereby known as "Agent Oklahoma") is currently six feet and two inches tall (six feet, seven inches with armor), and weighs one-hundred and seventy five pounds.

Personal/Preference Information

Agent Oklahoma is a heterosexual male with no relationships or relatives inside of Project Freelancer.

Some of Agent Oklahoma's "defining features" are as follows:

Agent Oklahoma tells inappropriate jokes at inappropriate times quite often.

Agent Oklahoma has a bad habit of speaking too much.

Most of the time anyone has seen him, they've seen his iconic smile with him.

Agent Oklahoma has been explained to be quite the jokester. He doesn't take much serious, and often says things he shouldn't, yet he doesn't seem to care. On rare occasion, Agent Oklahoma's outward jokester personality has broken and revealed a darker, more serious, and unforgiving person.

Agent Oklahoma has recorded that he enjoys people, humor, lightheartedness, and smiling, while he dislikes most seriousness, waiting, silence (or general quietness), and anger (whether it is him or others around him).

Some of Agent Oklahoma's fellow Freelancers say he's an upbeat, happy, energetic, funny guy, while at the same time often being annoying, provoking, stubborn, and pestering.

Combat Information

Agent Oklahoma's preferred military loadout consists of a M392 Designated Marksman Rifle (shortened to DMR), M363 Remote Projectile Detonator, impact grenades, and a combat hatchet. Agent Oklahoma seems to enjoy using his DMR in long and short range combat, instead of the intended medium Marksman Rifles are built for. Agent Oklahoma's combat hatchet (seen below) can be folded to turn into an easy stabbing tool.

Agent Oklahoma's preferred operated vehicle is the M247-M "Gungoose" Ultra-Light All-Terrain Vehicle.

Agent Oklahoma's armor is enhanced with Active Camouflage and Holographic Projection.

Skills that Agent Oklahoma possesses are stealth, lockpicking, and explosive expertise.

Artificial Intelligence
Agent Oklahoma's Artificial Intelligence Program Fragment is named Ada. Ada takes the form of a female SPARTAN, colored yellow with orange highlights. Ada is serious, but also favors unorthodox or cruel paths to success. Ada also speaks in a German accent, sometimes speaking German.

Agent Nebraska

Identification Information

Hailey Dawn Gable, or "Agent Nebraska", is a twenty-five year old female Freelancer that usually goes by the code name "November 414". Before Project Freelancer, Gable was at the rank of First Sergeant in the UNSC Marine Corps.

Gable (hereby known as "Agent Nebraska") is currently sic feet and one inch tall (six feet, six inches with armor), and weights one-hundred and forty-nine pounds.

  • af5506270f16bbf026a06dbb1d9a4d27.png

Personal/Preference Information

Agent Nebraska is a heterosexual female Freelancer with no relationships or relatives within Project Freelancer.

Agent Nebraska's head tilts sideways a little when she has nothing to do.

In regard to things that Agent Nebraska likes and dislikes, here is a quote from her to Agent Oklahoma:

There are plenty of things I like, Thomas. I like being alone, I like it when things are calm, and I like peace and quiet. You come with none of those things, so therefore I do not like you."
Agent Nebraska

Agent Nebraska also seems to like being a hero and being in control, while she seems to dislike it when people don't listen to her, when she is around most people, and generally being pestered.

Agent Nebraska has been explained to be forgiving and patient, while also being a good leader and showing exceptional teamwork. However, she seems to get aggrivated easily and hold grudges against people who purposely aggrivate her. She doesn't accept failure very well, and despite being a good team player she doesn't seem to fit in with people in a non-combat scenario.

Combat Information

Agent Nebraska's preferred combat loadout consists of a Sniper Rifle System 99C-Series 2 Anti-Matériel, an M7 Caseless SMG, Incendiary Grenades (specialized combined mines and tossable grenades), and a standard combat knife.

Agent Nebraska's preferred vehicle to operate is a Pelican, though she seems to be eager to fly any sort of aircraft.

Agent Nebraska's armor is enhanced with a Domed Energy Shield (explained in more detail later) and Enhanced Bio Scan (also explained in more detail later).

Agent Nebraska is skilled at Sharpshooting, Team Evacuation, and Reconnaissance.

  • 1000px-HaloReach_-_SRS99.png

Artificial Intelligence

Agent Nebraska's Artificial Intelligence Program Fragment is named Hans. Hans takes the form of a German officer wearing WWII officer uniform.

Hans is dark and sadistic, and acts like everything is a game. He also speaks with a German accent, to go along with the rest of his appearance.


Birth Name: Keith Moore

State Name: Wisconsin

Code Name:

UNSC Rank Before Joining PFL: (Nothing too crazy, and remember that all the characters were either just ODST's or ODST's and regular Marines augmented into Spartan IV's before the project.)

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Defining Feature(s): Wisconsin Snaps his fingers quite often when speaking and Acts similar to a Game Show Host in a majority of situations

Description: Tall and thin with ratty hair and lean physique. A bit pale and has quite a bit of an overbite.

Height With Your Armor: 7 Feet 2 inches

Height Without Your Armor: 7 Feet

Weight Without Armor: 180

Armor Configuration:


Primary Armor Color:

Darkish gray-blue

Primary Weapon: Mauler


Secondary Weapon: Magnum

Melee Weapon: A High-Powered UNSC Stun Baton

Preferred Grenade: (Spike Grenade

Preferred Vehicle: Mongoose

Agent Skill(s): Hand-to-hand, Firearms- Due to the nature of his build, Wisconsin prefers up close use of his weapons , and would probably dual weild Maulers if not for the wider range of possibilities keeping the magnum on hand brings.​

Stealth- Despite his obnoxiously boisterous and loud attitude in battle, Wisconsin is able to stay out of sight and move quietly when he wants to. He likens this to a set up for a dramatic entrance for "Everybody's favorite Host!"

Primary Armor Enhancement: Speed Boost, Mainly due to some... "extensions" in the feet of his armor, making him able to sprint and orientate his body with lessened difficulty, also allows Wisconsin to fall from greater distances without taking damage. He won't be able to just jump from a skyscraper and land with no problem, but it's an improvement.

Secondary Armor Enhancement: Enhanced Healing Unit- Given enough time, CAL's precise use and revision of the standard healing unit will be able to take care of most forms of injury, most injuries short of limb/organ loss and full on brain destruction. This form of healing, however, does require significant time out of hazardous environments, which means Wisconsin will have to find somewhere to recuperate. CAL won't exactly be able to pull off these medical techniques in the midst of battle.

Likes: Television, long and drastic monologues, exposition, game shows and eccentricities

Dislikes: Show stoppers, cheaters, interruptions,

Positive Qualities: Entertaining to many, his game show simplifies questions quite nicely for open interpretation, blatant comic relief, he makes a very good distraction for enemies.

Negative Qualities: (Can be annoying to many, his game shows are out of nowhere and constantly get in the way of progress, Being a distraction means anyone nearby Wisconsin is usually put at risk as well, his mental qualities leave him incapable of taking things seriously.

Home World: Jericho VII

Your Agent's Artificial Intelligents Program:

A.I. name: CAL

A.I. Personality Trait(s): CAL is an AI without morals, he can understand the necessity of them, but foregoes them in order to focus on the mission at hand.

CAL is almost religiously devoted to the mission at hand seeing Wisconsin as more of a tool than a partner, he only shifts focus back to survivability when no mission is present, and even then treats everything as if it were a simple simulation to view and record.

A.I. Appearance: Some sort of blue eye atop a cylinder


A.I. Color(s): Pixelated blue

Agent Colorado

Identification Information

Trenton Jacob Belmont, who goes by "Agent Colorado" and "Canvas 475", is a thirty-four year old male Freelancer. He achieved the rank of First Sergeant as an ODST before the SPARTAN-IV program and later Project Freelancer.

Belmont (hereby known as "Agent Colorado") is currently six feet and six inches tall (six feet, eleven inches with armor), and weights two-hundred and fifteen pounds.

  • Agent Colorado has heavy scarring to his chest due to sharapnel and burns, this scarring streches up his arms and down his legs to around the elbow/knee, where it quickly begins to diminish. The scarring goes up his neck and a little bit goes around his jaw.


Personal/Preference Information

Agent Colorado is an asexual male with no relationships or relatives within Project Freelancer.

Agent Colorado's defining features are:

He does not speak. His AI SAM speaks for him, and has pretty much become his voice. They communicate privately to each other, but if his SAM is speaking it's a combined voice of Colorado and SAM.

He has a thirst for combat.

Agent Colorado's personality is an odd one. Due to his lack of speaking, no one can really tell what he's like. However, he seems to be able to follow orders well and will put himself in a bad position if it helps an allied person escape danger. He seems to only enjoy himself when he's fighting, and the closer he is to his opponent the more he seems to enjoy it. The most accurate personality reading for Agent Colorado is through his AI, SAM.

Agent Colorado seems to enjoy any form of combat. He also likes being pushed beyond his limits, and will often go out of his way if a secondary goal will push him. He enjoys the feeling of adrenaline, and sometimes if he catches an unexpected enemy off guard you may hear a small deep chuckle of satisfaction.

Agent Colorado gets frustrated when he needs to communicate something, and usually just relies on SAM to do so, as it almost seems the two have a telepathic connection. He seems to shy away from things that require gentleness. If he believes something to be too easy for him, he'll either completely disregard it or put no energy into it, as he dislikes when he's not being pushed.

Agent Colorado has some good qualities. He seems to be nearly fearless, and he is the "take one for the team" type of person. He's hard to aggravate at most times. He's also very good at combat.

Don't be fooled by Agent Colorado's good qualities, however, as he has some bad ones too. His inability (or at the least evasion) to speak makes communication hard with him, and his thirst for combat sometimes drags him off of the path to success just to get a taste. Any time he achieves victory, he tends to do it over-the-top, which exhausts him more, and he engages one-sided fights often, and is quite lucky he hasn't been killed yet.

Combat Information

Agent Colorado's preferred military loadout consists of an M739 Light Machine Gun, Concussion Rifle (Type-50 Directed Energy Rifle), and his Energy Sword. He does not seem to prefer any type of grenade over another, and will use any he can get a hold on.

Agent Colorado has shown a dislike to vehicles in general. He does not like to get in them, and unless it is an air vehicle he would rather just hold onto the vehicle so he can drop at any time. If he can do something without using the vehicle, he'll choose that option most of the time.

Agent Colorado's armor is enhanced with both strength and speed boosts.

Agent Colorado is an expert in Hand-to-Hand combat, or more realistically, Hand-to-Sword combat. He is also good at suppressing enemy fire to assist in teammate cover.

Artificial Intelligence

Agent Colorado's AI goes by the name "SAM", and chooses to look exactly like Agent Colorado's armor.

SAM isn't humorous, and generally ignores humorous things. Not because he doesn't like them, but rather because he's always serious. He's always got something to say about a situation and is always intent on getting to the next location.





@Phantom King


@Agent Iceland




@Darth Corvus





Hello! All of you tagged in this post either have not posted a CS yet, or have not been fully accepted yet. So, if you haven't posted your CS, please GET TO IT. I only have a few days more before shit hits the fan for me and I become really busy, and I would like to either start the rp as soon as I can before that or right after the really heavy part. And if you haven't been accepted yet, either Hunter hasn't been on to look at your CS, he doesn't think it's detailed enough, its still in the WIP stage, or you are missing key components to your CS that have to be in there (I saw some like that). Make sure that your CS has EVERYTHING you need in it, it's as detailed as you can get it, and it's just up to the standards we want it to be at. That is all. I just need you guys to get the CS done if you are going to post one. And if you are not going to join the rp this time, PLEASE TELL ME. I need to know those things.
[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]
Hello! All of you tagged in this post either have not posted a CS yet, or have not been fully accepted yet. So, if you haven't posted your CS, please GET TO IT. I only have a few days more before shit hits the fan for me and I become really busy, and I would like to either start the rp as soon as I can before that or right after the really heavy part. And if you haven't been accepted yet, either Hunter hasn't been on to look at your CS, he doesn't think it's detailed enough, its still in the WIP stage, or you are missing key components to your CS that have to be in there (I saw some like that). Make sure that your CS has EVERYTHING you need in it, it's as detailed as you can get it, and it's just up to the standards we want it to be at. That is all. I just need you guys to get the CS done if you are going to post one. And if you are not going to join the rp this time, PLEASE TELL ME. I need to know those things.

My phone data is up in three days. Let me make sure it'll be renewed before I put myself back into this.
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