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Fandom Freelancer Files: Down for the Count (Red vs. Blue)

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Thank you, guys. I am not trying to sound mean by pushing you guys. I just want to get shit done, 'cause it kinda stopped before and, like I said, my life will become crazily, annoyingly busy in the next week. Just like it does every year around this time of the year. I want to get something done before my free time goes to hell, and I do not want to leave any of you behind when we start. I would feel bad.

@1stLt HChurch

Heya, folk. Look, I know that I really wanted this, but...

Y'see, I've got four baby RPs to tend to. And the thing about babies is that they are messy if you leave them alone too long.

In addition, Ian and I will be gone until the 10th. @Atom should like to know that in particular. Oh, and if I don't log on tomorrow (getting gear packed and I'm the only one) then would you tell the other guys for me? I'll try to get on to tell my other RPs that I'll be gone, but still. Thanks, mate.

Once again, sorry. I put a lot into it, sure, but I'm afraid I have to leave it now. Feel free to use the idea of Seer or Ezra as much as you like. I inow you two will put them to good use.
Darth Corvus] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7297-huntrey/ said:
@1stLt HChurch

Heya, folk. Look, I know that I really wanted this, but...

Y'see, I've got four baby RPs to tend to. And the thing about babies is that they are messy if you leave them alone too long.

In addition, Ian and I will be gone until the 10th. @Atom should like to know that in particular. Oh, and if I don't log on tomorrow (getting gear packed and I'm the only one) then would you tell the other guys for me? I'll try to get on to tell my other RPs that I'll be gone, but still. Thanks, mate.

Once again, sorry. I put a lot into it, sure, but I'm afraid I have to leave it now. Feel free to use the idea of Seer or Ezra as much as you like. I inow you two will put them to good use.
Don't worry buddy, I understand completely. I wish you luck on the other RPs, and if you have time to join us then I hope you'll return if you can.
I have most of the character sheet down baring history, but I won't be able to get it done in time. A family problem sprouted last Sunday and it's taking most of my free time.
TheAncientCenturion said:
I have most of the character sheet down baring history, but I won't be able to get it done in time. A family problem sprouted last Sunday and it's taking most of my free time.
If the history is all you need, that can be left to a later date. I don't doubt that the quality of the rest will be high. And you can start late if need be, there's not really anything we can do about that.

Hopefully your family problems resolves themselves. I feel bad for people dealing with those types of problems.

For unknown reasons, Agent Iowa and Arizona insisted they preformed this together. You have been warned.

Birth Name:

"My brothers original name was Shittard-"

"That's a fucking lie and you know it."

"But he changed it to Quentin Morece. I'm Jones Morece."

State Name:

"He's Arizona, I'm Iowa. Simple as that."


"He tried to convince everyone that my nickname was Cupcakes....."

"Well? Did it stick, Cupcake?"


"I can't hear you, Cupca-"

"It stuck....."

Code Name:

"I'm Mason 213, he's Asshole 666."

"People called me that for two years.... I fucking hate you. It's Ares 32."

"Come on! It captured the essence of being Shittard Morece!"

"That's not my name!"


"I'm 27, Shittard-"

"You need new insults."

"Over there is an infant in a 27 year old's body."

"We're twins If you haven't noticed yet, dipshit."




"Was born a She-Man."

"No, I wasn't."

"Yes. You were. I know it's hard for you to accept it, but you have no dick."

"Shut up. We're both male."


"I like..... Don't even say it."

"Say what?"

"You know what. You say it every. Fucking. Time. Don't do it."

"I don't know what you're talking about, but okay."

"I like-"


"Fuck it, I'm done with this shit."

"We're both Hetero."

Relatives in the Project:

"Just Quentin. Sadly, that means I have no one intelligent to talk to."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're dumber than a doornail."

"Says the guy who put Nair on his ass."

"I thought it was shampoo....."

"You put shampoo on your ass?"

"Shut up!"


"Mini-Me, Aka Quentin, wants to bone every girl he see's, so everyone. Wait, does he have to actually date them or do fantasies count?"

Defining Feature(s):

"If you have a keen ear, you can hear the constant LOUD bickering that comes from both of us! Oh, that, and I have skate board and Quentin is always listening to music."

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks: (optional)

"Joan has a heart on her right ass cheek."

"Okay, back. What are they laughing about? Did you tell them about the ass cheek thing!?"


"Neither of us have any tattoos, but Quentin does have a scar the goes down from his chest to his abdomen."


"Have you been listening to us at all?"

"I'm sure you have an idea."

Appearance Under Your Armor: (picture or description, I don't care what you use)

Both brothers, being twins, are extremely pale with blonde hair that is often kept untidy. The only notable difference between them is that Agent Iowa's eyes are violet while Massachusetts are light blue.


Quentin is 5'9, Jones is 5'11

Weight Without Armor:

Quentin 193lb, Jones 217lb

Armor Configuration:





Primary Weapon:

"I use an SRS 99 Anti-Matériel."

"Sniper bitch....."


"I said dual Type-25 Directed Energy pistols."

"Good boy."

"Shut the fuck up."

Secondary Weapon: (can changed throughout the rp)

"I use a M45 tactical Shotgun, Cupcake has dual Automags."

Melee Weapon: (can changed throughout the rp. Optional)

"Dual energy daggers implanted on my suits wrist. They're pretty cool, just a little hard to..... Control."

"Fuck that shit, you nearly killed me with those things! I was in the hospital for a month because of you! Anyways, I use an energy stave."

Preferred Grenade: (can changed throughout the rp. Optional)

"We both use plasma's."

Preferred Vehicle: (can changed throughout rp. Optional)

"Duh, Mongoose! What else would we use?"


"You're dead to me."

"The feelings mutual."

Agent Skill(s):

"I'm a sharpshooter. I know a little first aid as well."

"He's good at hiding while I do he real work. I'm trained in most anything that deals with stealth and I'm pretty agile. Awhile back, I started working with explosives."

"Stealth IS hiding, dumbass."

Primary Armor Enhancement: (speed boost, enhanced healing unit, holographic projection, active camo, adaptive camo, temporal distortion, domed energy shield, E.M.P., strength boost, enhanced motion tracker, and enhanced bio scan. Only those eleven, and you can alter them slightly if you want to)

"Speed boost."

"Adaptive camo."

Secondary Armor Enhancement: (same list, optional)

"Enhanced motion tracker."

"Strength boost."

A.I. name: (do not use any names from the show. And the names don't have to be from the Greek alphabet)

"Vice, mind coming out a saying hi?"

"Sup. How's it going, Agent Iowa?"

"Naomi, get out here."

"Y-yes Agent Arizona? Do you require my assistance?"

A.I. Personality Trait(s):

"Vice is pretty chill. He doesn't act like a logistical A.I., more like one that's just there to keep someone company. He can get annoying at times, though.... So many knock knock jokes....."

"Naomi's alright, but she's shy for some reason. It's just weird. She's weird, to be honest. Other than that, she's a nice girl. A.I.... Whatever the fuck you wanna call her."

A.I. Appearance:

"Quentin tried to tell Naomi to look like his favorite porn star, but she refused."

"Naomi looks like some kind of monk. That's the best way I can describe it."

"Vice kinda looks like a DJ or something. He always has a pair of headphones on and stuff."

A.I. Color(s):

"Naomi... She wears like this long, black dress with a little blue on the sides. After awhile I made out some white hair, but that's it."

"Vice is green. Don't ask me why, but he's green. Maybe he likes green. Can A.I's even like things?"

History: (optional)

"Ya, no."

Home World:

".... Do we look like we're from an alien planet? Earth dumbass. Earth."


"No, we don't have anything else we wanna say."
1stLt HChurch]• [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7297-huntrey/ said:



@Phantom King


@Agent Iceland




@Darth Corvus





Hello! All of you tagged in this post either have not posted a CS yet, or have not been fully accepted yet. So, if you haven't posted your CS, please GET TO IT. I only have a few days more before shit hits the fan for me and I become really busy, and I would like to either start the rp as soon as I can before that or right after the really heavy part. And if you haven't been accepted yet, either Hunter hasn't been on to look at your CS, he doesn't think it's detailed enough, its still in the WIP stage, or you are missing key components to your CS that have to be in there (I saw some like that). Make sure that your CS has EVERYTHING you need in it, it's as detailed as you can get it, and it's just up to the standards we want it to be at. That is all. I just need you guys to get the CS done if you are going to post one. And if you are not going to join the rp this time, PLEASE TELL ME. I need to know those things.
Sorry, just got back from a scuba diving trip with the guys
Daimao said:
Sorry, just got back from a scuba diving trip with the guys
You're fine. I just wanted to give everyone the heads up before my schedule went to hell. And it will more than likely go there this week.
[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]You're fine. I just wanted to give everyone the heads up before my schedule went to hell. And it will more than likely go there this week.

Also, Delly's CS is complete
Darth Corvus] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7297-huntrey/ said:
@1stLt HChurch

Heya, folk. Look, I know that I really wanted this, but...

Y'see, I've got four baby RPs to tend to. And the thing about babies is that they are messy if you leave them alone too long.

In addition, Ian and I will be gone until the 10th. @Atom should like to know that in particular. Oh, and if I don't log on tomorrow (getting gear packed and I'm the only one) then would you tell the other guys for me? I'll try to get on to tell my other RPs that I'll be gone, but still. Thanks, mate.

Once again, sorry. I put a lot into it, sure, but I'm afraid I have to leave it now. Feel free to use the idea of Seer or Ezra as much as you like. I inow you two will put them to good use.
Also, so add to what Hunter said (I just thought of this), the state name you reserved for your Agent will always still be reserved unless you tell me to do otherwise. So if you ever feel that you want to and can come back, you will still have your character.


Daimao said:
Also, Delly's CS is complete
Yeah...I've been a lazy rp creator lately and haven't looked back here to look through people's CS's. I just accepted two or three people, including Daimy's CS. So now all they need is Hunter's okay.
Yeah, I think it's because you changed your avatar recently, and Darth Corvus also had a Meta-style avatar. So I for some reason thought that was him instead of you even though he said he wasn't coming back anymore...?

Oh, fuck it. I posted that late last night. I always say weird shit when I'm tired. Just ignore me. Either way, I saw your CS and you're accepted by me.

Also, if you notice that your AI is missing, it totally wasn't me.

I swear.
..Uh, there's nothing wrong with his CS? It's still there and everything?

But if you touch my baby Zeta I will fucking gut you.
@1stLt HChurch @Huntrey

Thanks, guys. Once things settle down for me I might be able to join again, however, I am way too busy with my current games and life in general to dive into this. It's waaaaaaaaay too deep to run it with everything at once. Thank you, though. I appreciate it. May you keep Ezra's New Orleans blues forever in your soul.
(heads up, I know a guy with the physical stats this guy has, so don't freak out too much)

Birth Name:

"Ezra Nathaniel Benson. Everyone used to call me Ezra, though. It was either that or Butch, 'though I liked Ezra a hell of a lot better."

State Name:

"Louisiana? Dunno. Is the position for Alaska taken? Hm. Alright. Sure. Let's go with Louisiana."


"Ezra. Like, Ol' Ezra: the biggest damn bear you've ever seen. Although, a bunch of the guys back in the army used to called me Muscle-Head. To tell the truth, I wouldn't care if you called me maggot, 'cause until you can prove yourself better than me I KNOW you're wrong."

Code Name:


Rank from UNSC:








Defining Feature(s):

Ezra has a fascination with big knives, his collection lining the walls of his room and his locker. He also will occasionally smoke when he is stressed, although that is probably the only warning you'll get before he gets so mad as to cave your skull in.

Specific Scars/Tattoos/Birthmarks:

Ezra's torso is covered in a myriad of red and white scars that are souvenirs he collected from surviving from a massive blast of shrapnel back when he was still in the military.


Ezra is the most relaxed person you will ever meet, mostly because he can be. Being built like a bear has it benefits, it seems. Ezra has a constant habit of flirting with people of the opposite gender and occasionally of the same gender (although mostly just to harass them). Ezra is lazy to the point of being extremely efficient. He will often decide that instead of taking the stairs, hopping off of the ledge or building will save him time and effort. He is also extremely protective of his team mates. If anyone hurts his mates, he will hurt them.

If you ever find a way to remove Ezra from his state of happiness and general relaxed feel, you will find it rather... Deadly. Ezra, while he is relaxed and generally happy, is brutal and vicious if he is angered. You piss him off, you die. Simple as that. He didn't used to go so far as that (instead simply maiming and injuring), but his time in the military changed that.

Appearance Under Your Armor:


Ezra has a heavily chiseled face and even heavier muscle build. He is a massive man, towering above his peers and hauling about a muscle mass heavy enough to flip cars on his own.

Height without armor:


Height with armor:


Weight Without Armor:

297 lbs (and all of it muscle)

Armor Configuration:


Primary Weapon:

"It's me and my fists. Or I could blast you in to tomorrow with this baby if you like."

Ezra uses a long barreled shotgun that fires slugs, not buckshot.

Secondary Weapon:

Ezra uses a high power assault riffle.

Melee Weapon:

Choose any of his large knives (preferably one just over two feet long)

Preferred Grenade:


Preferred Vehicle:

"Give me a motor-bike and I'm golden."

Agent Skill(s):

Hand-to-hand fighting, infiltration (not the "sneaky-sneaky" type, but the "kick-the-door-down" type), firearm modification.

Primary Armor Enhancement:

Strength enhancement

Secondary Armor Enhancement:

Overcharged Shield (limit: 1 min operational time with 5 min cooldown for all system functions besides basic armor


Deep fried chicken, big guns, big knives, girls, a good smoke.


Little guns, Mexican food, Covenant, assholes, useless conversations.

Positive Qualities:

Strong, relaxed, simple, team player.

Negative Qualities:

Quick to react, says what he thinks, simple, picky when it comes to Mexican food.


"Don't you already know all about my past, Councilor? You wouldn't have hired me if you didn't think I would be willing to work with you. Whatever. I'll tell you my life's story if you really want to hear it.

"I was born and raised on Reach. I didn't like the place all too much, but it was home, y'know? My pa' lived there, my ma used to lived there for a while before she up and left, and the whole rest of my family hung around in the same place year after year as well. If you wanted to go see gramp's, all you had to do was walk a couple houses down. Same went for Kendrick and his folk. They actually lived right next door, so I was always runnin' over and goofin' off with him and his sister. Kendrick was always playin' with some brainiac game while me and Jaclyn were out sparin' in the front yard. It was all good fun.

"Anyway, my old man was a gunsmith, so I got to play with guns and explosives all the time and got to see all of the military recruits just before they left for warin' somewhere off planet or the vet's after they came back from warin'. I was always fascinated with the soldiers, getting to work with the new and old ones allot an' all, and it didn't help that they were always big in my town, like friggin' celebrities. If one came back form the military wounded, they were hailed like some kind of war hero. Everybody loved a soldiering man.

"I did as much as I could when I was young, gettin' ready to go fight with all those space marines, killin' bad guys and keepin' my home safe. The moment I was of age, I shipped myself out and got into the war. I expected to get straight to fighting, but instead had to spend practically two years training just like all the rest of the new recruits. After that, though, I finally got to go get into some real action. At that time we were wrapping up taking care of what we were told was this freaky cult that worshiped some kind of death god. They had caused massive damage on one of the new colonies, so a bunch of us got called in to take them out. Or, that's what we all thought. Turns out we started a whole 'nother war.

"When I got there the place was in shambles. A right mess, it was. Me and the boys started trying to find clues as to where the cult might have run off to, although we had a sinking suspicion that we wouldn't need to. How right we were.

"My squad was there all of five minutes when we got ambushed. Rick had gone under an overpass when we heard him scream out, then go silent. Real fast we were being swarmed by these freaky alien things, and in no time at all I was the last one left. I was almost a goner, too. I really was. I had three of them down, but this fourth one, a big guy, had me pinned and I was out of ammo. He and a couple others were coming for me when the main forces pulled in and shot them all down. They hauled me out of there and got me off planet, then started asking all kinds of questions about what I saw and what I did. I was in rooms with desks constantly for the next week, my breaks almost exclusively spent training. I didn't like that I could be beat that easily, so I went about to fix it.

"In that month my training scores skyrocketed, like from being able to hit 12 targets with 14 shots to 14 with 12 shots, mainly abusing rebounds. I got GOOD, and my superiors recognized it. At the end of the week they called me in again, saying that they were considering me for an elite group of soldiers. They said they were impressed with how I operated in the battle back on the colony, and in how my scores had improved. So I was moved up in the world. I got to join a group of special ops soldiers, although we didn't see much action. To tell the truth, it was mostly lots of training. Don't get me wrong, it was hard, but we all got REALLY good. I worked like that for a year, training and getting better, rising in the ranks. After a time, though, we got our call, but it weren't one that I liked. No, sir. Not one bit.

"Word got 'round to me during debriefing on our reassignment; Reach had been hit. Those same freaky alien things I had fought, things I now knew as Covenant, had razed my home. I didn't want to believe it. I was told that my family was dead, but I had to see for myself. The news was too much to handle. Well, long story short, they didn't lie. Every last one of them was dead, everybody but my cos' and his sister. They were off planet at one of Jaclyn's fighting tournaments at the time of the raid, and they had to stay there due to the planet being held by the Covenant. I know that the nerd found his place in the world after that, but I'm not sure about the ninja of a sister he had with him.

"Over the next couple years I fought and fought and fought. I worked day in and day out to free my planet from the grips of those fucking bastards. I fought and studied and fought so hard that on all of Reach I was the deadliest deadliest soldier in the official reports, and that only counted for half of the bastards I killed. Anyway, after an accident with a large bomb I was removed from the planet to let my body heal.

"While I was out I was given an anonymous offer to join an even high rank of elite soldiers. Once I was good and ready to get back in action my commander sent me off to a UNSC base somewhere in the middle of nowhere that the message I got said was being visited by a couple ambassadors for this group of elite soldiers.

"I did my training exercises there, spared a bit, and then sat down to talk to one of the ambassadors. The man never removed his armor, but just looking at him I could tell that he was better equipped than I could ever hope to be while in the position I was at. We talked, and he revealed that he knew my history, my story. He told me about how he technically wasn't a member of the UNSC anymore, and that all the others from his group were like him. From there he introduced himself as Agent Montana, a member of renegade and elite group Project Freelancer. He quickly told me that I had two choices: I either join them, or I get eliminated. Seeing s I am here in front of you now, I'd say you know what I chose. So tell, 'Councilor': when do I start?"

Home world:



Ezra has a deep seated hatred for the Covenant and will occasionally deviate from mission orders if it means being able to kill a couple of the "alien bastards".

A.I. name:

"Name: Davieranasc. Name used by Agent Louisiana: Davier."

A.I. Personality Trait(s):


Davieranasc is the master of lies and faking it, as well as negotiation and bartering as a result. Where Ezra seems to lack in emotion and people skills, Davieranasc more than compensates for it with his very people oriented skill set.

A.I. Appearance:


Only, minus the disks. Also, Davieranasc usually just stands upright, or leans against an invisible wall. He likes to project himself in a form that says that he is the opposite of Ezra by showing off a sleek black suit with opposing colors to Ezra's own color palette.

A.I. Color(s):

Davieranasc's colors are heavily black and red-orange influenced, a direct dichotomy to Ezra's mostly white and light blue color scheme.
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