Free School: Rejects Welcome (info/signup)


One Thousand Club

Welcome to Arcadia!

(Link to RP)

If you are reading this then you must have run into our eccentric headmaster(don't ask us what his name is, he won't tell us either!), or perhaps one of our lazier students left their packet out, alone and defenseless, and it ended up in your lap. Either way, welcome to Arcadia, the only free school offered in the state of New York. What is this you ask? A free school? Plain and simple, Arcadia is a school open to the public, there is no tuition(Though some courses you have to pay a small fee for supplies), there are no grades, and attendance isn't even mandatory(true story).

Why are we here? Arcadia is a place for the lost souls led astray. Hey if you are reading this, then you most likely get it. Not everyone is made to go through the public school system(so called social norm), and not every one wants to. Arcadia is a safe haven for those of you that feel you have no home or place to go, where you just might find others that understand you.

Even though nothing is required of you to attend Arcadia, we still can help you get a diploma and have courses and tutors available. Aside from the cafeteria and library there's a few special rooms available for whatever your passion may be, all that we ask is that no one burns the place down(again). Most of these rooms are empty and set up like regular conference rooms, and we actually have rooms the faculty set up like computer labs, and art studios.

Some pictures of Arcadia

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If you would like to enroll, please fill out the attached slip and hand it in at the Headmasters office

(Feel free to use the NPC teachers/tutors as well)





Reason for attending:


Quick question: Do you have a preference on what type of image is used? Anime, real, etc? Just wondering ^^; (I'm new here, and the old forum I used, people would post preferences... So I guess I'd rather be safe than sorry.) I'm writing up a profile now, but stuck on what type of picture to use.

Realistic is preferred, but both are welcome(I know what it's like having the perfect picture one way, and being told I need the other)

Name: Riley

Age: 16

Sex: Male


Don't read if you don't plan to keep up the surprise fairly till your own character finds out, or well Riley starts to free himself.

She used to cosplay a lot of female things, which as you know can be a bit short or what at times. She also had a DnD group she loved to play with. After awhile the leader of the group grew to have a crush of sorts on her, and when she rejected him too much raped her. Of course explaining it was all her fault due to what she wore and how she dressed.

She never told a soul she was raped and instead started to only cosplay guys, and could only express herself now when she was in a costume. Outside it she feels shy, and very much afraid and insecure. This of course got her mocked, being called a Dyke and other horrible names, since she never went without a costume since. The school upon finding it was a new home although her costumes still seemed to scare off most. She didn’t mind so much though, the aggression wasn’t there and that was the worst part of everything. Also the guy who touched her was now gone, and couldn’t keep threaten to keep her quiet or touching her. She was at fault in her head either way . . . or so she felt.

How she really looks:

Reason for attending:

He's known as a freak in his old school, and is usually found in many cosplay/DnD/gaming outfits through out the halls. If he's not out battling dragons, acting out an anime scene, watching/reading manga, pretending to be a vampire, or playing video games on a computer, he's in the gaming room playing DnD or other geek related games. If these all fail he's probably off trying to design or fix up his new outfit.


No one really knows his real eye color (has lots of color contacts) or Hair color (has lots of wigs).


He tends to get carried away with his live action roleplays in the halls, to the point he tries to drag others in and likes to do his best to stick in character.

Name: Chersier Kyles

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Background: Born an only child, Chersier learned to live life a bit too comfortably at an early age, before everything she grew accustomed to broke apart. Her family was happy, some would call them a ‘Barbie Family’, a family that everyone thought had no problems, and was not concerned by the common worries of a family. Eventually though, her mother got bored with this. Her ‘work’ hours would get longer and longer. Her father would get impatient waiting up for her and would leave to go hang out with the guys at a local bar or God knows where. This was when Chersier began to become more and more of a recluse. Besides school, she would rarely leave her house. She would stay inside, having mini-tea parties with her stuffed animals, or just sleeping. As the mother continued her more and more apparent affair, and her rather frequented the bar more and more, Chersier would be home alone. She learned to use the microwave for herself, and became more and more self-sufficient.

One day, her father got the brilliant idea to take Chersier to the bar with him. He seemed to be already drunk and his judgments screwed up enough. At one point during this bar visit, he got into a tiff with a fellow bar-mate. Well, a bit more than a tiff. Before long a rather large brawl was going on, involving at least 5 people, three being on the opposing side of her father, that she remembers. During this, Chersier got a long scar running along her hair line, long and jagged, cut by broken glass.

Life continued like this until her mother got the divorce to marry her younger, more attractive lover. Chersier’s father went into a depression, and she would sometimes go days without seeing her father. Chersier tried to cope, but after her second difficult (both with home life and grades) year in high school, she ran. She felt the overwhelming need to get away from her small Connecticut home.

Reason for attending: She needs someplace to stay, being so far from home. She also wants to at least get through high-school, and hopes that this ‘Free’ School can help her. She would have remained near and attend her old school, but being bullied for her quiet nature and the fear of her father finding out where she was, was too much too risk.



Other: -While her grades aren’t exactly the best, what she really excels in is sewing and cooking. She’s pretty decent at cleaning too. -She has her bangs cut the way they are so that it hides her scar. –She will flinch if anyone she doesn’t know well puts their hand near her. –She tends to be a quieter girl, although as most people, is much more open with friends.
Name: Violet 'Vi' Montgomery

Age: 15

Sex: Female

Background: Grew up with a narcissistic mother, and as the oldest of three siblings became the fabled scapegoat for all her mother's misery whilst her younger brother was the glorified golden child. She was never physically abused but if she ever stood up for herself her mother would become forceful with her. Was never allowed freedom and was withdrawn at school, unable to connect with all the children that were happy and had interactions outside of the classroom. As the years went on she became more withdrawn and she stopped showing up at school completely, instead spending the time walking through the park just to get away from it all. After two years of this she was recruited by the headmaster and started at Arcadia, still unsure of what path she has to take.

Reason for attending: There's no pressure or president, and her social anxiety is greatly lessened in such an environment

Other: Unknowing of what typical social interactions are, over the years she became a mimic of sorts. She collects personalities and mannerisms like one might collect clothes,always trying on new faces, trying to find one that fits her. When a mask slips or she is just misfitted to a situation she tends to act in odd ways


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Name: Prince

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Background: Prince is homeless, moving in and out of shelters and avoiding child protective services as best he can, not wanting to be thrown into a foster home, or worse, sent back to his biological parents. He's been this way since he was thirteen, and strong enough to escape the abuse he'd been subject to from practically the moment he was born. Throughout his time on the streets, he has stolen plenty, gotten into plenty of fights, and been exposed to plenty of substances, but he's never made any long-lasting connections with anyone - he's not trusting enough for that. He doesn't know his last name and there are too many bad memories attached to his first name for him to ever want to use it again. Thus, he began going by his ironic middle name - Prince.

Reason for attending: No one really knows. He shows up, listens, and studies, but doesn't talk to anyone unless he absolutely has to.


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Other: Has scars everywhere. Hardly ever talks, but when he does he has both a stutter and a lisp. He's extremely socially inept but has a caring side that struggles to show through.
Name: Sebastian 'Sebby'

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Background: Grew up in foster care and by the time he was first placed had developed an attitude, so began jumping from home to home. Had been through a number of experiences, none too traumatizing, but not exactly anything too bond building. Started dealing when he was 14, his own foster father started him out. Soon enough he got in on the business by himself and was the hookup in his school, only for a kid to OD and die. They had suspicions but no proof, but it wasn't exactly hard to kick him out for a number of other rules he was already breaking already.

Reason for attending: expelled from his latest school, and hates other people

Other: Has picked up the habit of smoking, not so much for taste, but figures it's the closest to drugs he can go himself, in a way trying to kill himself slowly to repent for the death he caused.


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I was just keeping it open to see if there was any more interest before beginning. I can start it up now(well today), and its a type of RP that can be joined any time in the story and not mess with the plot.
Sleep? Pshhh, who needs it :D

Oh my god I do, but I seriously cannot fall asleep. I haven't been able to for the past two days, I have no idea why.
The RP is open, linked in the OP, feel free to post!

[MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] a bit more background into Justin please? What's the reasoning for the anxiety and being a former cutter?
*is laughing so very hard*

I'm glad you know Chobits at least, it's not hentai, and I guess Riley forgot like I did about certain parts of it.
Haha, yeah I'm currently watching Chobits, I forget which # but I just finished the one where Hideki sees the picture of Chi (or robot/girl who looks like Chi? Not sure.)
Name: Terrence McHauflin (Vo Nguyen was his birth name)

Age: 16

Sex: Male


Born of another country and with little hearing, Terrance was an outcast to the people around him. Living with adopted parents due to his parents inability to support another child, Terrance struggles an abusive relationship with his adopted mother and older sister. Around the time he was adopted, age 7, his adopted parents were very caring and took him in when no one else would. After returning to their home country of the states, they gave him everything he really needed, family and care. Terrance's older sister, Lana, his new parents biological daughter who was 14 at the time, was very sadistic and grew very jealous of her new younger brother. She would often blame her brother for theft, call him names, beat him, and try to defeat his spirit. Terrance had never really taken her sister seriously, since his prior home was similar, possibly worse.

One day Lana was asked to take Terrance to his first day at school, since his mother had many errands to run that day, and Lana was forced to comply. She dragged her brother by the wrist and soon they came at a crossing, and at the corner of Lana's vision was a cart selling stuffed animals for cheap. One really caught her eyes so she instantly darted towards the cart forgetting her brother completely and suddenly Terrance was swamped by a hoard of pedestrians crossing the street. They were slightly pushing him into the direction of the street to cross, but he went against the grain but ended up lost. Terrance ran around looking everywhere for something familiar, but things were still too new for him to really find his way around. He ran down into a subway entrance and under the card swipes to find anyone who can help him. He still didn't know English very well, just descriptive words and actions. He waited sitting in a light up section near some performer's by himself. He would sit there until the afternoon, to overwhelmed to move, afraid he would get more lost if he tried. A man tapped his shoulder later, and it was his father, wondering how in the world he had ended up in a place like this. After walking out of the subway, his anxious sister was just walking past the subway to meet her dad to tell him an excuse for what happened, when he saw Terrance next to her father. She was furious and scared at the same time.

They walked together, on their way back Lana was getting harsh verbal punishment and Terrance was happy, but distracted. Lana was in tears, red in fury, she looked at her brother blaming him for all of this, and pushed him into the street. Terrance was shoved into moving traffic, but then pushed out of it by something else- his father. Since that day, Terrance was blamed for the death of his father by a lie his sister concocted.

After that event, his family went into poverty and subjected to project housing. His mother was forced to work two jobs, and barely every spoke. His sister quit school at an early age and became addicted to crack and sold her body for money every once and a while. Terrance went back to square one, the only difference was that he was older and he was in a different country. He went through a depression and drowned in his own guilt. His English has gotten better, but it was more street worthy, urbanized, and muffled slightly. His hearing had progressively gotten worse. He barely went to school, and was lucky to graduate middle school, but never thought of high school as an option, with his guilt, life wasn't much of an option. That was until he found Arcadia.

Reason for attending: Needed a place where the people would accept him, where he can learn to speak properly, where he didn't feel so out of place. Recommended by a person living in the same project housing area as he was.


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Other: Hard to communicate with due to his hard of hearing, but is really kind when people try to get to know him.
Name: <alias> Dalton Johnson <real name> David Jacob Morris

Age: 16

Sex: Male


Computer genius, he was a major hacker since the age of 8. He was finally caught just last year and was given a choice to either keep up with a job (forced upon him time served this way) or go to jail and serve the time there for the only hack they could catch him for. Of course he decided to take up the deal with the job. He tends to be watched off and on, from a far by strange men now.

Reason for attending: It's one of the few schools he can attend and still do his job at. That and he's not very social really, he tends to . . . not think very highly of others. He tends to get paid well for his work, although he doesn’t enjoy it at all for some reason. He doesn’t let anyone know what his job is and most the time when he’s on the computer it looks like a bunch of random streaming numbers or done in programming languages so others just can’t find out. He seems to live on the computer, and doesn’t really know much of the real world outside of that box, or well does just doesn’t see much of it.


ALWAYS carries around a laptop and a few other useful electronics. He has tons of flash drives of all shapes and colors, as well as sd cards and what not.


Dalton: It's NOT DJ, don't make me hack your computer so that it flashes random colors every time you type a key!
That... actually sounds cool

*hands Violet a note saying that a new student named DJ is starting shortly*
I'm finally starting to fall back into the groove! I was a little rusty since I had to take a break from RPing, but I managed to (finally) express Chersier's personality a little better~! I'm so proud of myself. xD

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