Fox Family {CLOSED}


Magic Eight Ball
In the midst of a snowy winter lays a fox with her six small kits. They squeak as they cuddle under their mother's warm fur. It will be a long, long winter.

Fox RP! I will accept six fox kits. Please keep them the same age, for they were born on the same night. I'm the mother.

Name:: Feather

Age:: 4 years.

Gender:: Female

Bio:: After her husband getting shot while out to get food, she has been living by herself, protected by the large burrow she had created under a great sycamore tree. She hopes her kits will grow strong, and healthy, despite the fact they were born in the winter.

Persona:: Very pessimistic, but remains cheerful enough in the presence of her kits. She always worries about what might happen to them.

Other:: She has an annoying knack for grooming her kits, even if they are already clean.

6 5 1 kits left.





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Name:: Storm

Gender:: Male

Bio:: All Storm remembers is that he was born under a sycamore tree, not seeing his father very often. Now he lives a normal life with his mother.

Persona:: Storm is very quiet, and detached. He likes to think a lot, and is very smart. He loves his mother so much, and would protect her if he could.

Other:: None.
Name: Haku

Gender: female

Bio: Haku remembers her father strongly.

Persona: She is somewhat detached. She feels close to her brother Storm. She is very intelligent and strong willed.

Other: Haku is the odd ball of the litter. She is solid white with red eyes.
Name:: Briar

Gender:: Female

Bio:: Briar has a faint memory of her father. She can remember getting in trouble a lot for wondering off.

Persona::Briar is a very adventures kit, that often times gets into trouble. She her own way a leader. She is mischevious and is always looking for something new to discover. She likes to stay up late and stare up at the sky and dream.

Other:: She has several knoches on her ears, from fighting with a lynx cub.
Name:: Kama

Gender:: Female

Bio:: Kama is a strong kit, she's quite large and seems to a magnet for trouble.

Persona:: Kama is a smart, and very curious kit. She tends to wake up very early in the morning to watch the sun rise. Kama is very intrigued by humans, and tends to wander up to them, which usually ends up in either a pet and some food or a kick and a yell.

Other:: She loves to get dirty which annoys her mother very much. Kana is the classic red/white/black coloured fox with large black eyes.
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Name:: Piper

Gender:: Female

Bio:: Piper is known to be absent-minded and usually gets lost in her thoughts. She was the runt of the litter and doesn't remember anything about her father.

Persona:: Piper always stays within the shadows, watching over everything and everyone instead of interacting with them. She loves to play every now and then with her siblings but more often than not she just watches and learns from them. She gets very curious which makes her love to go on adventures and discover new things.

Other:: Piper is a dark and misty grey which helps her blend into dark areas and she is very small which makes her stealthy and fast.
Name:: Natsuki

Gender:: Female

Bio:: Natsuki resembles her father the most out of her siblings.

Persona:: She is protective of her family and she is the same size as Kama. She feels the need to try to fill her father's role since she was born first. She's always ready for a fight but she is mainly playful and wild.

Other:: Is solid black with a green eye and a blue eye.

Name: Klyde

Age:4 1/2

Gender: Male

Bio:He had a family once, a litter of 3 kits, and his mate named Sock. Shortly after his children were born Sock began to get angry at nearly everything he did. Eventually he decided to teach the kits how to hunt and lets just say...the hunter became the hunted. Sock got mad at him for letting the kits get hunted and forced him to leave. He now lives under a tree stump.

Personality: He might seem slightly aggressive at first but otherwise pretty friendly.

Other: He is a dark red color with blue eyes and big ears
Everyone's accepted, so I'm starting...

Feather brought all of her kits into a small herd, around the corner of her burrow, watching them carefully. She made sure the front of her burrow was thoroughly covered to make sure no animal could find them. She had made a wall of snow to cover the entrance. She looked over all the kits, counted them, then began to groom them with her tongue.
Klyde was out on a peaceful stroll. He had recently moved into his new den, and so he decided to discover some areas nearby
-Haku squirmed under her mothers rough tongue.- ''Mommy I'm clean!'' -she protested. She managed to pull herself away. She trotted near the sealed entrance and through a small hole in the solid structure, peered at the moon.-
"Haku-" She stopped and watched her look at the moonlight. She had a deep sense of longing to be like a kit again, so playful and naive. She shook her head, then got up to bring her back to the group. "Haku, stay with the rest of us, please."
-Haku lowered her soft white ears and tail. She wanted to protest but the grip her mother had on the nap of her neck was soothing. She aloud herself to be carried back to the group. With a soft chirp she cuddled against her mothers breast for milk.-
Kana ran around the burrow, rolling around in the snow and getting herself all messy. Her classic red, black, and white fur were stained with mud.

"Mama!" Kana ran up to her mother, tripping clumsily over he paws and into her mother's fur. Backing out of her mother, Kana shook herself, regaining her balance.

Jumping up and down, Kana gestured over to a small butterfly. "I'm gonna catch it!" Kana crouched down and wiggled her butt, aiming her shoulders at the little insect.

Pouncing for the bug, Kana extended her paws and swatted it out of the air. Landing, Kana gently peaked in and saw nothing. Somewhat disappointed, Kana looked up to see the butterfly flapping it's wings in the air, as if mocking her.

Growling lowly, Kana crouched back down again, determined to get that insect. "Get back here!" Kana yelled, as the butterfly flew out of the burrow. Not thinking, Kana jumped out and followed the butterfly, unaware of the other fox nearby...
Natsuki was digging through the snow until it got into her nose, causing her to sneeze. She shook to get rid of the snow clinging to her fur and looked around the burrow for Mama. Her ears pricked up when she noticed that someone was missing, it was too quiet. That's when she realized that Kana was missing and she ran out of the borrow looking for her, "I'll be back Mama!" Natsuki continued to follow her sisters scent.
Piper watched as two of her siblings ran outside, the others getting viciously groomed by our mother. She shook her head and walked up to her mother quietly. "I'll be back Mama, just going to be right outside." She nuzzled her quickly before going out of the den, lingering right outside as she looked for her siblings. Who knows what kind of trouble they could get into.
-Haku pulled away from her mother and followed Piper outside.- ''Kana and Natsuki are gonna be in trouble. I got in trouble just for looking at the moon.'' -She decided it best to stay by the den with Piper despite her urge to follow.-
Piper smiled slightly at Haku, still looking out into the snowy horizon."I hope they get hurt or become a meal for another animal." She flinches slightly, a sigh coming out of her mouth.
-Haku side glanced at Piper. Was she serious?- ''Well momma will probably get them.'' -she gazed up at the moon as it faded behind a cloud then appeared again-
Natsuki continued her search for Kana until she smelled an unfamiliar scent. Her fur was standing on end and grinned at the thought of a fight. She shook her head in an attempt to calm herself and focus on Kana. Family first, fight later. She kept saying that in her while she picked up on her sister's scent again.
Kana chased after the butterfly, jumping over rocks and logs. Without seeing where she was going, Kana ran straight into an older fox (DarkElite020 ).

Losing sight of the butterfly, Kana stared at the older fox in fear. Whimpering slightly, Kana pulled her ears back and lowered her shoulders. The kit stared up at the older fox, waiting anxiously at what he would do. Knowing that she couldn't out run this big fox, Kana glanced back quickly, realizing that she was completely lost.
Klyde looked at the kit. He backed off a little bit. He figured there mother would be nearby and he wanted to avoid a fight. "um.. Sorry i wasnt looking where I was going." He said, trying to make a friendly approach
Her ears twitched forward when she heard a sound and she ran as fast as she could towards it. She saw Kana and she smiled, "Hey Kana! What were you thin-." That's when she noticed that there was an older fox in front of her and she bared her little fangs while she stood in front of Kana. "Who are you," she growled out.

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