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Fantasy Four Wings

Talking to the police had been a delicate game of Operation, what with her giving them only the pieces that wouldn't lead them to question her further. She had to be especially careful in explaining how precisely they had taken the perps down, but luckily she had overheard the bartender's story, and more or less had gone with what he had said.

After they were all finished up and the blue lights finally pulled away, she turned back to the saloon, tugging her coat a little tighter around her now that the night air was really settling in. Back to work, I suppose.

She walked back into the saloon, head down in hopes of not attracting too much attention. Unfortunately, this method of walking obscured her line of sight significantly, and she found herself bumping into a large, solid object. She glanced up and saw the bartender that had helped them in the alley.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." She paused, found herself at a loss for words. Then, "Listen, I wanted to thank you. For what you did back there. I'm not really sure what might have happened if you hadn't shown up."
Leo had basically lost his sense of direction when he entered the sea of police officers and paramedics. The police didn't make it easier for him when they tried questioning him, trying to get a sense of what happened. Leo didn't know what to say and his mentalist abilities were muffling all the voices in his head, so he just went with "I got sucker-punched before blacking out." The police didn't seem to buy it but let him go anyways, obviously wanting to get this situation over and done with.
Jesus Christ, I never thought I'd be lost in a sea of uniforms. It's a small robbery, not a serial killer case! I guess they can't help it. In a small town like this, crimes must be rather rare.
Leo tried to navigate the sea again, hitting a stroke of luck when he recognized a familiar shade of red amongst deep navy uniforms. He made his way towards the waitress, hoping to be in the company of familiar faces when he saw her chatting with the bartender that saved them earlier.
"-ight have happened if you hadn't shown up," Avery thanked the man.
He inched behind Avery and likewise gave the man a thanking nod.

What greeted Ali’ikoa upon his return wasn’t any sort of fanfare or celebration for his actions, instead he was greeted by the glum face of Jimmy.

“Are you good? I heard the gunshot bro.” Jimmy opened the door for him as Al approached the saloon. “But so did Sarah. She isn’t exactly thrilled right now.”

“Yeah, I know. And I’m fine, thanks Jimmy.”
Al responded as he waited for several customers to exit the saloon before he slipped back in. “Back to work yeah?” He gave Jimmy a quick fist bump as he passed by.

Alik wasted no time in returning to his post; his only interaction with Sarah was to flash a smile at her, attempting to cut through her glare with his charm, before continuing with his job. He made note of the woman, Malaya, who was busy working away at the last of her meal.

She’s acting very nonchalant considering what just happened. And there’s definitely something unusual about her. But is it my place to pry?

He didn’t look at Malaya as he continued to clean glasses while waiting upon more orders from patrons at the bar. He allowed himself to get into a rhythm as he coasted about, letting his work take his mind off of the recent events until someone bumped into him from behind.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." It was the waitress, Avery, who has just bumped into him as he had allowed himself to zone out.

“Ah, no worries. I should be the one apologizing.” Ali apologized in turn as he reached out a hand to help steady her.

"Listen, I wanted to thank you. For what you did back there. I'm not really sure what might have happened if you hadn't shown up."

“Oh, don’t mention it. Since you work here, you are part of the Mangy Moose family. We gotta look out for each other to the best of our abilities.”
He flashed her his signature smile. “I don’t believe we have officially met, seeing as I have been away with the guiding outfit, the name is Ali’ikoa, but you can call me Al for short. As you can probably guess, I am one of the bartenders around here. But, that aside, are you ok? They were more than a little rough with you in that alley. But you did get them back pretty good, haha.” He spoke as he offered a hand to her. He noticed the young man stumbling in and heading towards the bar as well.
"It's nice to meet you, Al." She replied with a kind smile, observing the man with perhaps a more analytical gaze than she should have. His presence in the alley had been something severe and terrifying for the thugs holding her and Leo, and she looked at him now trying to muster the same kind of feeling. She came up empty. Maybe it was the lighting? The situation? The fact that they didn't know who he was? She had no idea. "Yeah, I'm fine. You get in enough sticky situations and things kinda stop phasing you, ya know? Name's Avery."

As she finished the sentence, she felt the rush of a breeze across her back and looked back quickly, not expecting to see the man from earlier standing behind her. "Leo!" She exclaimed gleefully, "You're up! I was starting to think you were gonna sleep on that gurney all night." She turned back to Al with a wide grin, one thumb pointing back at Leo. "This is Leo, by the way. My...friend." She hesitated at the last part, realizing of course that she had only known the man for less than an hour, but also realizing that it would seem odd for them to be anything but considering they had walked out of the bar to have a chat like friends would. Yeah, definitely don't need people prying into that conversation.

But as much as the man's bright smile and warm gaze comforted her in the moment, she couldn't get that moment in the alley out of her head. The man holding her had been shaking. She felt it in the hands he had on her head and arms, in the way his grip had loosened, and he had faltered.

Oh well. Guess it's a mystery bound to go unsolved.
"My... friend."
Leo could feel the hesitation on that last part as Avery spoke. Yeah... Leave it at that.
He tried to push the thought into her mental space again, but having just woken up from passing out was probably not helping him concentrate.
Leo turned to the man that towered in front of them and said, "Yeah, we're friends. Thanks for helping us out back there..." Leo froze, realizing he didn't know his name, and scrambled for the best next thing he could think of. "...bartender."

Maybe I should've let the dude shoot me if I knew this would've happened.

Eager to change topics, Leo turned to Avery. "Anyways... It's been a long night. I'm B. E. A. T. I'm gonna head out for the night. I'll see you soon I guess?"
Leo nodded to both the man and Avery before pivoting in the opposite direction, his head starting to once again fill with voices from fatigue.

Time to find me a nice tree.
Malaya smirked as she noticed the young one separate from the group and she got up, she leaned forward as she placed the backpack she had on her back, "Thanks for the food." she said, she started to go towards the young guy. She made sure to stay a good distanced, before she would get close. She was going to have to make sure that there was nothing too threatening about him, before she worked on finding out about him, personally. She couldn't help herself, there were a few personality traits that other powers had, that she knew about and that is exactly what she wanted to know. There were a few traits that would obvious when someone was not exactly what she should try to learn about. But this one had taken a place in the group that was interesting, he was the shadow, and that meant that he had a power that might overpower him. That was something she had to find out on her own.

So, she made her way out the door, waiting outside, since it seem to be the way he had been going and she was ready to watch him pass by her. There was one thing she was sure of, and that was that he would have to leave the saloon at one point. The question was, was he leaving it now, like she thought or doing something else. No matter what happened she stood outside of the door, a few feet, looking around and making sure to stay covered as she did. She didn't want to make it seem like she was keeping herself warm, which she was. But she also didn't want to deal with an episode with someone trying to talk to her, before she got a chance to talk to this young guy. She couldn't help want to understand their powers before telling her who she was, but she knew, when she found out that she would have to find some trust to tell them. Which she planned to, if they happen to be just like her, on the run from the Darkness.
Leo pulled his hoodie closer as the night air started setting on his skin. The further he got from the bar, the fewer voices he heard in his head, and he was thankful for that. His head hurt from passing out and he couldn't wait to find a nice comfy tree to sleep in. For most people, trees aren't exactly 'comfortable', but with all the roughing-it-out Leo has done in last few days, a tree is the highest on the comfortable spectrum for him.

Now he wasn't sure about the layout of the town, but he knew trees were easy enough to find. He took a few random turns here and there, hoping to happen upon a towering trunk of wood and leaves. But with his luck, it was if the town was completely devoid of trees. Leo's legs were just about to give up when he felt that eerie feeling you get when someone was following you. That feeling fueled his walk a bit, turning it into a run as he dashed through alleyways and across streets, hoping to lose his pursuer... if he had one.

He stopped after a series of evasive turns and breaks, opting to tuck himself in a cubby between a car and a dumpster. It wasn't the best of places for sleep, but it would have to do as Leo was about ready to pass out. Leo pulled off his detachable hoodie, shaping it into a makeshift pillow. He lay the pillow behind his neck and leaned back onto the wall behind him as he looked up into the night sky, stars barely visible in the light-polluted town.

Malaya watched him as he came out of the saloon, before she started to follow him, she planned on getting his attention by touching his shoulder, but he was off before she was close enough. She tilted her head, at this. Malaya looked around at the nearly complete white town, very few people were out and once she followed him out of sight, she used the went to push her up to the roof and watch him. Moving from one to the next, staying low, to avoid getting any attention, she was about to keep up with him, as she stayed low and high. It wasn't until he thought he was safe that she looked around for anyone else. It was a quiet night, from what she could tell, before she blow like a leaf to the ground and started to the car parked in the back of a building near a dumpster. She tilted her head, slightly as she moved closer, before she was standing before him, trying to sleep, "You know you are a little hard to follow, when you run." she said, looking down at him, "Aren't you cold?" she asked, then smirked, at him, "I noticed you didn't have much so I thought you would like to share a camp with me, outside of town." she chuckled, "You know, with a fire?" She knew that she hadn't made a camp yet, but she also was too curious about the three of them, that she had to find time and a reason to be near at least each one of them. The fact that he was trying to rest outside, was just another reason for her to use to get to know him. The young man was going to have to be the first she knew about, while keeping herself hidden.
Leo stifled a surprised shout when the lady from the bar revealed herself. He didn't necessarily trust the woman, but something about her drew him to stick with her. It's probably just her personality. Leo thought. The random and scattered voices from around the area, despite it being the dead of night, threatened to overload his brain again. Is there any way to freaking turn this stupid ability off? I hate it already. Can't even get a good night's sleep. Leo tried to focus his ability into reading the lady's mind, but his efforts were in vain as he was shut down by a dull headache.

The lady's offer though sounded very enticing. This lady seemed to be very friendly with the bartender... And he's a good guy... So I guess I can trust her. Just this once though.

"I'll take you up on that offer. But just for tonight. I'll leave straight after."
Malaya smirked at the young guy, nodding as she turned, motioning him to follow her, "That is find, I am always up for the company, if you change your mind." she said, as she moved through town. She made sure to have him with her, so she could lead the way. As she did, she glanced to him, "You know, I saw you leave with the waitress, but come back with both the bartender and waitress. Are you all friends?" she asked. It was strange for her that they would be, but the way things had went, she had to know if they had known about each other. If she had been like some, she might not have even noticed. It was something she had been thankful, there was just so much she wanted to say, but she knew that if he knew as much, he would not be as welcoming as she would like. So, she just lead the way, her camp was a spot just outside of town, the only spot without snow, because she had melted it all before leaving the area, so she recalled where she was going to sleep. It was before she saw the town, but she was sure that it wasn't a long distance from the town.

She was careful to trace her steps, looking through the area to make sure that she was going the right way. She had freed the space of snow, but was sure a thin layer had already formed, she had been gone for awhile and the heat she used would only last for so long. It was the thing about being an Elemental she did not like, she had to be near the subject for her powers to still effect it. She smirked at him, "I am new, myself. I travel a lot, mostly on my feet. I love nature and everything that it has to show us, do you?" she asked, as she paused, before her curiosity could drown him in questions that he would back down and she would have no company at all. She wanted to know about him and what he could do, but she had to make sure that she didn't push too hard. After all, she didn't need to open the door of suspicion, when she was planning to stay here for a while. Now that she knew that there were others like her here.

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