• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Multiple Settings Four Heavenly Kings [Season 2]: CS Thread

Elenion Aura

Two Thousand Club
"Be a dear and feel out your prisoner intake form.

Try to be thorough, but brief. Ve don't have all day."
  • 「 CS 」
    You know the drill by now.

    You must use the templates below. If you're carrying over a character you can copy over their CS from the previous thread. Be sure to keep in mind any changing scenarios over the course of the time skip.

「 CS 」

[font=Akronim][comment][font=Raleway][font=Josefin Sans][font=Jost][font=Roboto].[/font][/font][/font][/font][/comment][border=0px;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px auto;
/* Character image */
--character: url('');
/* Potentiality image */
--potential: url('https://i.imgur.com/1AVudk6.jpg');

/* Card subtitle font family */
--sub-font: 'Raleway', sans-serif;

/* Card title + section header font family */
--title-font: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif;

/* Label + section body font family */
--label-font: 'Jost', sans-serif;

/* Label field font family */
--field-font: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

/* Card background + divider colour */
--main-c: #313739;

/* Card subtitle colour */
--sub-c: #00C5A5;

/* Card title colour */
--title-c: #dde7dc;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
filter: hue-rotate(-50deg);][Tabs]

[Tab=MAIN PROFILE][border=transparent;
filter: hue-rotate(50deg);
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
justify-content: center;
gap: 15px;
margin-top: 16px;][border=1px solid #f2f2f2;
box-sizing: content-box;
position: relative;
border-radius: 8px;
padding: 18px;
flex: 0 1 360px;
max-width: 100%;
height: 576px;
background: var(--main-c);][border=transparent;
padding: 0px;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
background-image: var(--character);
background-size: cover;
border-radius: 8px;
background-position: center;
filter: hue-rotate(15deg);][/border][border=transparent;
position: absolute;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 0px auto;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
border-radius: 8px;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0px;
width: clamp(250px, 100%, 380px);][border=transparent;
margin: 0px 0px 6px;
padding: 12px 0px 0px 0px;
font-size: calc(18px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--sub-font);
color: var(--sub-c);
text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 0.12em;]SABLE SERPENTS[/border][border=transparent;
padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--title-font);
color: var(--title-c);
text-align: center;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.15em;]ROLE NAME/ALIAS[/border][/border][/border][comment]

padding: 0px 10px;
flex: 1 1 550px;][border=transparent;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 0 6px 0;
font-size: 38px;
line-height: 1;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]OC NAME[/border][border=transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
gap: 5px;][comment]
// Full Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]LEGAL NAME[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]Name[/border][/border][comment]
// Age & Birth
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]AGE & BIRTH[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx (month xx, xxxx)[/border][/border][comment]
// Alias
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ALIAS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Gender
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GENDER[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Height and Weight
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]HEIGHT | WEIGHT[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)[/border][/border][comment]
// Gang and Rank
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GANG & RANK[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx of the Sable Serpents[/border][/border][comment]
// Active Since
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ACTIVE SINCE[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xxxx[/border][/border][comment]
// Reputation
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]REPUTATION[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Home District
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]Home District[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]North District[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background:#c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]GENERAL DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Personality
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]PERSONALITY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Historical Biography
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][comment]
// Relationships
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]RELATIONSHIPS[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]



filter: hue-rotate(50deg);
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
justify-content: center;
gap: 15px;
margin-top: 16px;][border=1px solid #f2f2f2;
box-sizing: content-box;
position: relative;
border-radius: 8px;
padding: 18px;
flex: 0 1 360px;
max-width: 100%;
background: var(--main-c);
height: 576px;][border=transparent;
padding: 0px;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
background-image: var(--potential);
background-size: cover;
border-radius: 8px;
background-position: center;
filter: hue-rotate(15deg);][/border][border=transparent;
box-sizing: border-box;
position: absolute;
margin: 0px auto;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
border-radius: 8px;
padding: 0;
width: clamp(250px, 100%, 380px);][border=transparent;
margin: 0px 0px 6px;
padding: 12px 0 0 0;
font: calc(18px - 0.25vw) var(--sub-font);
color: var(--sub-c);
text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 0.12em;]POTENTIALITY PROFILE[/border][border=transparent;
padding: 0 0 10px 0;
font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--title-font);
color: var(--title-c);
text-align: center;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.15em;]NAME[/border][/border][/border][comment]

padding: 0px 10px;
flex: 1 1 550px;][border=0;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 0 6px 0;
 font-size: 38px;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]NAME'S POTENTIAL • NAME[/border][border=transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 10px 0 10px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
gap: 5px;][comment]
// Potentiality Category 1
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]PRIMARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Potentiality Category 2
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]SECONDARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Common Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]OTHER NAMES[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]POTENTIALITY DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0px 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Strengths and weaknesses
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]STRENGTHS + WEAKNESSES[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Weapons Equipment
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]WEAPONS + EQUIPMENT[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]


    xx (month xx, xxxx)
    x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
    xx of the Sable Serpents
    Home District
    North District

[font=Akronim][comment][font=Raleway][font=Josefin Sans][font=Jost][font=Roboto].[/font][/font][/font][/font][/comment][border=0px;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px auto;
/* Character image */
--character: url('');
/* Potentiality image */
--potential: url('https://i.imgur.com/WrhheBd.jpg');

/* Card subtitle font family */
--sub-font: 'Raleway', sans-serif;

/* Card title + section header font family */
--title-font: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif;

/* Label + section body font family */
--label-font: 'Jost', sans-serif;

/* Label field font family */
--field-font: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

/* Card background + divider colour */
--main-c: #9F0000;

/* Card subtitle colour */
--sub-c: #EDE9D0;

/* Card title colour */
--title-c: #3A001E;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
filter: hue-rotate(142deg);][Tabs]

[Tab=MAIN PROFILE][border=transparent;
filter: hue-rotate(-142deg);
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
justify-content: center;
gap: 15px;
margin-top: 16px;][border=1px solid #f2f2f2;
box-sizing: content-box;
position: relative;
border-radius: 8px;
padding: 18px;
flex: 0 1 360px;
max-width: 100%;
height: 576px;
background: var(--main-c);][border=transparent;
padding: 0px;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
background-image: var(--character);
background-size: cover;
border-radius: 8px;
background-position: center;
filter: hue-rotate(15deg);][/border][border=transparent;
position: absolute;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 0px auto;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
border-radius: 8px;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0px;
width: clamp(250px, 100%, 380px);][border=transparent;
margin: 0px 0px 6px;
padding: 12px 0px 0px 0px;
font-size: calc(18px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--sub-font);
color: var(--sub-c);
text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 0.12em;]SCARLET PHOENIXES[/border][border=transparent;
padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--title-font);
color: var(--title-c);
text-align: center;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.15em;]ROLE NAME/ALIAS[/border][/border][/border][comment]

padding: 0px 10px;
flex: 1 1 550px;][border=transparent;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 0 6px 0;
font-size: 38px;
line-height: 1;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]OC NAME[/border][border=transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
gap: 5px;][comment]
// Full Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]LEGAL NAME[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]Name[/border][/border][comment]
// Age & Birth
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]AGE & BIRTH[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx (month xx, xxxx)[/border][/border][comment]
// Alias
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ALIAS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Gender
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GENDER[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Height and Weight
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]HEIGHT | WEIGHT[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)[/border][/border][comment]
// Gang and Rank
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GANG & RANK[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx of the Scarlet Phoenixes[/border][/border][comment]
// Active Since
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ACTIVE SINCE[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xxxx[/border][/border][comment]
// Reputation
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]REPUTATION[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Home District
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]Home District[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]South District[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background:#c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]GENERAL DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Personality
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]PERSONALITY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Historical Biography
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][comment]
// Relationships
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]RELATIONSHIPS[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]



filter: hue-rotate(-142deg);
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
justify-content: center;
gap: 15px;
margin-top: 16px;][border=1px solid #f2f2f2;
box-sizing: content-box;
position: relative;
border-radius: 8px;
padding: 18px;
flex: 0 1 360px;
max-width: 100%;
background: var(--main-c);
height: 576px;][border=transparent;
padding: 0px;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
background-image: var(--potential);
background-size: cover;
border-radius: 8px;
background-position: center;
filter: hue-rotate(15deg);][/border][border=transparent;
box-sizing: border-box;
position: absolute;
margin: 0px auto;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
border-radius: 8px;
padding: 0;
width: clamp(250px, 100%, 380px);][border=transparent;
margin: 0px 0px 6px;
padding: 12px 0 0 0;
font: calc(18px - 0.25vw) var(--sub-font);
color: var(--sub-c);
text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 0.12em;]POTENTIALITY PROFILE[/border][border=transparent;
padding: 0 0 10px 0;
font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--title-font);
color: var(--title-c);
text-align: center;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.15em;]NAME[/border][/border][/border][comment]

padding: 0px 10px;
flex: 1 1 550px;][border=0;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 0 6px 0;
 font-size: 38px;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]NAME'S POTENTIAL • NAME[/border][border=transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 10px 0 10px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
gap: 5px;][comment]
// Potentiality Category 1
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]PRIMARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Potentiality Category 2
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]SECONDARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Common Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]OTHER NAMES[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]POTENTIALITY DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0px 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Strengths and weaknesses
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]STRENGTHS + WEAKNESSES[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Weapons Equipment
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]WEAPONS + EQUIPMENT[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]

    xx (month xx, xxxx)
    x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
    xx of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    Home District
    South District

[font=Akronim][comment][font=Raleway][font=Josefin Sans][font=Jost][font=Roboto].[/font][/font][/font][/font][/comment][border=0px;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px auto;
/* Character image */
--character: url('');
/* Potentiality image */
--potential: url('https://i.imgur.com/iJ6p74E.jpg');

/* Card subtitle font family */
--sub-font: 'Raleway', sans-serif;

/* Card title + section header font family */
--title-font: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif;

/* Label + section body font family */
--label-font: 'Jost', sans-serif;

/* Label field font family */
--field-font: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

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[Tab=MAIN PROFILE][border=transparent;
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padding: 0px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
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height: 576px;
background: var(--main-c);][border=transparent;
padding: 0px;
box-sizing: border-box;
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height: 500px;
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position: absolute;
box-sizing: border-box;
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width: clamp(250px, 100%, 380px);][border=transparent;
margin: 0px 0px 6px;
padding: 12px 0px 0px 0px;
font-size: calc(18px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--sub-font);
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letter-spacing: 0.12em;]ALBINO TIGERS[/border][border=transparent;
padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--title-font);
color: var(--title-c);
text-align: center;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.15em;]ROLE NAME/ALIAS[/border][/border][/border][comment]

padding: 0px 10px;
flex: 1 1 550px;][border=transparent;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 0 6px 0;
font-size: 38px;
line-height: 1;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]OC NAME[/border][border=transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
gap: 5px;][comment]
// Full Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]LEGAL NAME[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]Name[/border][/border][comment]
// Age & Birth
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]AGE & BIRTH[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx (month xx, xxxx)[/border][/border][comment]
// Alias
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ALIAS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Gender
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GENDER[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Height and Weight
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]HEIGHT | WEIGHT[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)[/border][/border][comment]
// Gang and Rank
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GANG & RANK[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx of the Albino Tigers[/border][/border][comment]
// Active Since
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ACTIVE SINCE[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xxxx[/border][/border][comment]
// Reputation
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]REPUTATION[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Home District
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]Home District[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]East District[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background:#c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]GENERAL DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Personality
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]PERSONALITY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Historical Biography
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][comment]
// Relationships
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]RELATIONSHIPS[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]



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padding: 12px 0 0 0;
font: calc(18px - 0.25vw) var(--sub-font);
color: var(--sub-c);
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letter-spacing: 0.12em;]POTENTIALITY PROFILE[/border][border=transparent;
padding: 0 0 10px 0;
font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--title-font);
color: var(--title-c);
text-align: center;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.15em;]NAME[/border][/border][/border][comment]

padding: 0px 10px;
flex: 1 1 550px;][border=0;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 0 6px 0;
 font-size: 38px;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]NAME'S POTENTIAL • NAME[/border][border=transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 10px 0 10px;
display: flex;
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gap: 5px;][comment]
// Potentiality Category 1
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]PRIMARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Potentiality Category 2
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]SECONDARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Common Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]OTHER NAMES[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]POTENTIALITY DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0px 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Strengths and weaknesses
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]STRENGTHS + WEAKNESSES[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Weapons Equipment
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]WEAPONS + EQUIPMENT[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]

    xx (month xx, xxxx)
    x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
    xx of the Albino Tigers
    Home District
    East District

[font=Akronim][comment][font=Raleway][font=Josefin Sans][font=Jost][font=Roboto].[/font][/font][/font][/font][/comment][border=0px;
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px auto;
/* Character image */
--character: url('');
/* Potentiality image */
--potential: url('https://i.imgur.com/OI3uvyk.jpg');

/* Card subtitle font family */
--sub-font: 'Raleway', sans-serif;

/* Card title + section header font family */
--title-font: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif;

/* Label + section body font family */
--label-font: 'Jost', sans-serif;

/* Label field font family */
--field-font: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

/* Card background + divider colour */
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/* Card title colour */
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width: 100%;
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filter: hue-rotate(-30deg);][Tabs]

[Tab=MAIN PROFILE][border=transparent;
filter: hue-rotate(30deg);
width: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
justify-content: center;
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flex: 0 1 360px;
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height: 576px;
background: var(--main-c);][border=transparent;
padding: 0px;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
background-image: var(--character);
background-size: cover;
border-radius: 8px;
background-position: center;
filter: hue-rotate(15deg);][/border][border=transparent;
position: absolute;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 0px auto;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
border-radius: 8px;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0px;
width: clamp(250px, 100%, 380px);][border=transparent;
margin: 0px 0px 6px;
padding: 12px 0px 0px 0px;
font-size: calc(18px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--sub-font);
color: var(--sub-c);
text-align: center;
letter-spacing: 0.12em;]AZURE DRAGONS[/border][border=transparent;
padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px;
font-size: calc(25px - 0.25vw);
font-family: var(--title-font);
color: var(--title-c);
text-align: center;
line-height: 100%;
letter-spacing: 0.15em;]ROLE NAME/ALIAS[/border][/border][/border][comment]

padding: 0px 10px;
flex: 1 1 550px;][border=transparent;
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0 0 6px 0;
font-size: 38px;
line-height: 1;
letter-spacing: 0.1em;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]OC NAME[/border][border=transparent;
border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);
margin-top: 5px;
padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;
gap: 5px;][comment]
// Full Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]LEGAL NAME[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]Name[/border][/border][comment]
// Age & Birth
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]AGE & BIRTH[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx (month xx, xxxx)[/border][/border][comment]
// Alias
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ALIAS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Gender
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GENDER[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Height and Weight
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]HEIGHT | WEIGHT[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)[/border][/border][comment]
// Gang and Rank
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]GANG & RANK[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xx of the Azure Dragons[/border][/border][comment]
// Active Since
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]ACTIVE SINCE[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]xxxx[/border][/border][comment]
// Reputation
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]REPUTATION[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]XX[/border][/border][comment]
// Home District
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]Home District[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]East District[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background:#c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]GENERAL DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Personality
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]PERSONALITY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px]TBA[/border][comment]
// Historical Biography
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][comment]
// Relationships
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]RELATIONSHIPS[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]



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letter-spacing: 0.12em;]POTENTIALITY PROFILE[/border][border=transparent;
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padding: 0px 10px;
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border-bottom: 2px solid var(--main-c);]NAME'S POTENTIAL • NAME[/border][border=transparent;
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// Potentiality Category 1
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]PRIMARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Potentiality Category 2
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]SECONDARY CLASS[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px]TBA[/border][/border][comment]
// Common Name
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 18px; flex: 1 0 250px;][border=0; padding: 0; font: 12px var(--label-font); font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0.08em]OTHER NAMES[/border][border=0; margin-top: 6px; padding: 0; font: 15px var(--field-font); text-indent: 8px;]TBA[/border][/border][/border][comment]
// General Description
[/comment][border=0; padding: 0; margin-top: 15px; overflow: hidden; font-family: var(--label-font); font-size: 15px; text-align: justify;][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]POTENTIALITY DESCRIPTION[/border][border=0; padding: 0px 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Strengths and weaknesses
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000;]STRENGTHS + WEAKNESSES[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][comment]
// Weapons Equipment
[/comment][border=1px solid rgba(90,90,90,0.42); padding: 13px 10px 10px 10px; font: 14px var(--title-font); text-transform: uppercase; margin-bottom: 6px; letter-spacing: 0.2em; line-height: 100%; background: #c9c9c9; border-radius: 6px; color: #000000]WEAPONS + EQUIPMENT[/border][border=0; padding: 0 3px 15px 4px; font-family: var(--font);]TBA[/border][/border][/border][/border][/Tab]

    xx (month xx, xxxx)
    x'xx" (xxx cm) | xx lb (xx kg)
    xx of the Azure Dragons
    Home District
    East District
    Hector Moses
    Hector Moses
    Male, he/him
    6'2" (188 cm) | 154 lb (70 kg)
    Queen of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    December 25th, 2012
    He's stuck by us for a long time, but what's best for us?
    Home District
    South District
    Hector has a lanky build, standing at 188cm. He has a sallow complexion, and is very expressive. He has brown hair, and green eyes. He lost an eye during the Tiger raid on the Phoenixes (“The Recruit”), and wears a metal patch over the socket. It is evident from his appearance that he neglects to take care of himself.

    He has a bizarre sense of fashion, never buying new clothes. Most of his shirts seem to be picked from a jumble sale, or a dumpster. He is fond of hideously inappropriate graphic tees. His long white coat, torn from many fights, is his most recognizable piece.
    Hector is the psychotic, passionate Queen of the Scarlet Phoenixes. It takes very little to anger him, and his first option is usually violence, seemingly unbothered by the death that constantly surrounds him. He was loyal to the Phoenixes for years, acting as their attack dog. Now that he's near the top, he still has the Phoenixes' best interests at heart, but it's hard to deny that the power has gone to his head.

    Hector has no issue with getting his hands dirty and has never rejected a job. On numerous occasions, he's returned to HQ covered in multiple different body fluids. Whatever gets to job done. Off-the-job, Hector is far from professional. He drinks heavily, dabbles in various substances, and has mingled with too many people to count.

    Though he isn't great at first impressions, he has high respect for those who take the time to befriend him. If he likes you, he'll die for you. He is a surprisingly good listener and genuinely wants to see people succeed. He does view himself as being far superior to the people around him.
    Historical Biography

    1995 - Hector is born alongside his twin, Mary-Anne. His father was imprisoned the same year for several armed robberies and murders. His mother, plagued with mental and physical illness, was unable to work and barely able to care for her children.

    1995-2011 - Hector and Mary-Anne learned to fend for themselves. In 2011, Hector left school to start working at a local restaurant.

    2011 - Hector brought home everything he earned to support the family. His sister was concerned when the money became far more than he could've earned at his job. Hector had begun committing crimes to earn more money.

    One winter night, Hector returned to find their house broken into. Unbeknowst to him. his sister and mother had safely hidden away. Hector confronted the group of men who were ransacking the house, recognizing them as people he attempted to rob in the past. Judgement clouded by rage, Hector used his potential to rip the men apart beyond recognition, not stopping until their blood pooled at his feet.

    When his family emerged, Hector expected praise.

    He left that night with few possessions. He hitched rides through Amestria until he reached New Oasis, the city of potential.

    2012 - After a year of hiding in the shadows, working and living at a bar in South District, he finally earned an invite to join the Scarlet Phoenixes. He never looked back.

    2020 - Following the decimation of the gang, Hector was promoted to Ace under Queen Reika.

    SEASON 1
    Arc 1 - [TBA]

    Arc 2 - Hector is ambushed by Milo Nagisa, defending against his attempts to kill him. Following this, he fights a group of Tigers, winning the fight at the cost of his eye. Following this Arc, he takes up the position of Queen after Reika is rendered comatose.

    Between Arcs 2 and 3 - Hector has focused his rage against the Tigers, picking off several off their members.

    Arc 3 - Hector leads a mission to a casino inhabited by Tiger member, Alice. The Casino is largely destroyed, but the mission is a failure.

    Between Arc 3 and Outbreak - The King position is vacant following Lyric's disappearance. Hector holds out hope for her return, but the chances become slimmer. Hector is hospitalised due to ill-health during this time, but refuses to back down.

    Outbreak - Hector leads a group to investigate the mysterious happenings in Central District.

    Between Outbreak and Season 2 - Hector attempts to claim the King title, but this attempt is interrupted by Sura, a Board plant. Hector remains as Queen, but has been plotting to remove Sura from leadership.

    Lyric - Sponsored Hector to join the Phoenixes in 2012
    Reika - Lover. Became her Ace in March 2020 after the hurricane, succeeded her as Queen when she fell into a coma.
    Hide - Friend and rival in the Phoenixes, enjoys working with him, especially when given the chance to show off
    Yong-Yut - Likes her more than she likes him
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    Somewhere in his 20s (Unknown)
    Fault; Musai; Mumu; Muji; Muzilla
    6'0" (183 cm) | 140 lb (64 kg)
    Veteran of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    Homie for Hire, M.V.P (Most Valuable Part-timer)
    Home District
    South District
    Musai is brown skinned with messy, black hair that stops above his shoulders. He has a muscular but lanky build and has lip-stache and small goatee on his chin. One of Musai defining features is his eyes, with one being black and the other having cherry-red iris, with the sclarea being a dingy yellow. Musai is usually seen wearing beach shirt over a custom T-shirt and a pair of joggers. Most people will ever rarely see him wear actual shoes, preferring tow ear sandals or flip-flops instead.
    He is fond of fighting and has a tendency to pick fights for petty reasons. Musai is extremely competitive and will take on any and all challengers to further test his skills and potential use it as a means of self-improvement for combat. However, Musai tends to be greedy. Given he grew up impoverished most of his life, he puts a high value on gain. He would arrange goals in terms of the highest profit he could gain from them and was often unwilling to involve himself in something if there was nothing to gain from it, as well as claiming that he tended to forget opponents who were not worth any money after he was done with them. Despite his materialism, Musai's loyal and is more than down to back up those within in the gang or those he likes in general.

    Musai never got a formal education growing up, so he tends to be fascinated by things he's never seen before which leads to him either growing a deeper appreciate for the knowledge he gains or completely renounces if it makes no sense to him as Musai is actually rather introspective, having to look at things from different perspectives through-out his life, allowing him to empathize with others easier though he'll rarely ever show it outright to prevent being manipulated by others. Musai is also cautious and patient despite his crass and brash personality. Given that he prides himself on being the best at any job given to him, he's willing to put in the time and effort to adapt his skillset to whatever needs to be done.
    Musai grew in Hiraeth City and lived as an orphan on the streets for most of his childhood. Musai grew up without having his potential yet, leaving him and many other street kids at the mercy of gangs and corporations of the city in order to get by. While it gave him certain skills to use to his advantage, he was still at the bottom of the latter economically and genetically. As a result, Musai learned had form close bonds with some people while betraying others for his own survival. Under unknown circumstances, he unlocked his potential and left the city and traveled on foot to wherever his feet could take him. Little to none of his friends know where he was and how he survived the harsh environments.

    During this trek Musai has visited several other cities and towns as vagabond and resulted to thievery, murder, and unintentional arson in an attempt to survive while also branding himself as a known and wanted criminal, being wanted in several areas as a result. Musai would eventually come across a woman he referred to as the "Glass Lady". Though unclear of the specifics of their meeting, Musai began to learn basic education from the Glass Lady, from reading, and writing, and counting, and began to develop his own taste in other things such as music, dance, movies, and art. She even trained Musai as to gain a better grasp on his potential as Musai either neglected to use it or used it on accident, which resulted in very deadly aftermaths. Sometime later, he found himself in New Oasis and once he got acquainted to how things operated within the city, he opted to join the Scarlet Phoenixes as another means to his own survival. However, what started out as a means to an end became a new way to live for Musai as he became attached to the bond the Scarlet Phoenixes upheld. While the gang life wasn't new to Musai, the idea of family was, and he'd be lying to himself he didn't find comfort and belonging within it.
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    Hiachi Ito
    20 (August 4th, 2002)
    5’4 ft. (162.56 cm) | 135 lbs (61 kgs)
    Rookie of the Albino Tigers
    April 1, 2021
    pathetic little mouse
    Home District
    West District
    Hiachi has medium-length black hair that tapers in length at the back and messy, grown-out bangs. Her eyes are dark grey and look almost lifeless. Her skin is fair, and the texture is rough and dry. The bags under her eyes are heavy and dark. A large burn scar covers her body, which snakes from her left eye to her left arm. Her nose is flat, and she has semi-prominent cheekbones. Her overall face is round and short.

    Hiachi has an average height. Her legs and arms are on the thinner side, but she has gained weight over the years because her diet has been instant ramen alone for three years. She is deficient in at least half of the necessary nutrients she needs to live.

    Hiachi looks generally unkempt because she doesn’t feel motivated to take care of herself.

    Who's she talking to all the time? Hushing and hissing? Hope it's not ghosts.

    Other than that, she's not mean. Kind creepy, really. She doesn't mean it, or maybe she does. She's not a big talker, nor does she do a lot of emoting—other than panic and stress, of course. Hiachi has spent her whole life wresting with the fact that her lack of emotion is unnerving. She's thrown away any desire to make others comfortable at this point. She's stuck in a chronic state of depression, only breaking through with flickers of anger and hysteria.

    And yet, she's not docile. A compact cruelty sits at the center of her weak heart. She's coming up on a year within the Tigers, and has learned but one thing: kill, or be killed.
    Hiachi grew up in a crowded household. Being the second youngest child out of five siblings didn’t make things any easier for her. Her parents were busy middle class parents, so they put most of their focus on looking after the baby of the family—who needed a lot of attention, considering the youngest Ito sister had developed Postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS) when she was four. Hiachi was raised mostly by her older brothers. They were incredibly annoying, but did care for her deep down. Her oldest brother is currently a plastic surgeon, the second oldest is a musical producer, and her youngest brother is an assistant manager at a car company. All of them have always been very talented in their fields of work. Even though she was raised in the shadow of her brothers’ accomplishments, Hiachi never really worried about her future. She had always been fine with being a mediocre kid with her own unique range of hobbies.

    As Hiachi got older, she started conflicting with her parents. As their only able-bodied daughter, they had very specific ideas about how she should live her life. They wanted her to get a high-paying job, marry a wealthy man of status, elevate the family in ways that the boys of the family were not expected to. It wasn’t just her future, either; they wanted her to dress elegantly, have more feminine hobbies, and do better in school. Hiachi, as a girl who was determined to stand on her own two feet ever since she was a toddler, did not like this. Daily comments about her lifestyle turned to arguments, and to full-blown fights at an exponential rate. On the day of Hiachi’s seventeenth birthday, she decided she was fed up with the constant fighting and moved herself out.

    For three years, Hiachi did decently for herself. She managed to keep a roof over her head and keep herself from starving to death all while furthering her education at a local community college. However, a parasite started to grow in the pit of Hiachi’s mind. This wasn’t nearly enough for her. If her parents saw her now, they would turn their heads and laugh. She wanted everything they wanted for her—but on her own terms. The perfect rebirth.

    Hiachi took a few days out of summer vacation to stroll around the West District. She had originally done it to inspire herself with the high-class lifestyle, but the trip was going to change her life forever. After being coaxed into a casino by a suspiciously smooth-talking stranger, she found her true talent—gambling.

    Only 10% of the world had potentials, and only 1% of the world had “useful” ones. Her pediatrician had found her to be a part of that 9% of useless potentials when she was a child. However, on that day, Hiachi felt like that 1%. Her eyesight was so sharp, so quick, that even for that instant that someone looked down at their cards, she could see the reflection in their eyes.

    Hiachi gambled at the Western casinos for about three months, with an impossible winning streak tailing behind her. She made more than enough money to give herself a comfortable life, but as Achilles had his heel, Hiachi had her vices—Winning gives her a rush of life that she hasn’t ever felt, and she felt no urgency to quit. She thought that as long as she had her potential, her money would only multiply.

    Unfortunately, that was far from the truth. The second the tigers caught wind of her, they gathered a team to not only shut her down, but also wring more money out of her. The tiger queen played her in a game of poker wherin she gained a two million amestriyen debt—an impossible price tag for her to match, even with her past winnings.

    Hiachi spent her first months as a lackey for the tigers, primarily working under Camila for espionage jobs. It wasn't gonna ever pay off her debt, but it saved her from staring down the end of a Tiger's barrel. Instead, she got kicked around by everyone else—on every mission she attempted, it seemed. Going to sleep with new physical and mental scars every day started to take a toll on her.

    After the coup, Hiachi was promoted into Hashimoto's spy. It doesn't completely save her from danger, but it's lightyears better than scrambling through the crossfire.
    Ryutaro: Big boss. Resentment.
    Camila: Old boss. Cold comfort.
    Tak: Best friend. Writhing null.
    Dante: Surrogate brother. Anchor.

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    Elizabeth Robin Krantz
    35 (February 14th, 1989)
    The Ripper
    5'10" (177.8 cm) | 152 lb (68.946 kg)
    Veteran of the Albino Tigers
    Sociopath. Murderer.
    Home District
    West District
    Long hair, flowing down to her waist and colored a bright, intense red. A lean, toned body. Piercing red eyes. Often wears nice suits, but is also seen from time to time in high-end casual clothes. Has scars on her palms, due to the use of her Potential, so she often covers them with leather gloves. Has a pair of black mirrored Aviators that she wears on sunny days. Carries business cards to give to fellow Tigers who catch her attention, or at the request of her 'boss'.
    Robin is a textbook sociopath, with a hint of psychopathy laid on top. Superficial charm and lies mask a total lack of remorse and empathy. She is impulsive, narcissistic, and often plays the role of sadist. If she is taking part of something, it's usually for her personal benefit or some sense of self-gratification.

    To most other Tigers, she's professional and courtious. The truth, however, is she doesn't particularly feel anything for them beyond a loose sense of loyalty. Gangs seem to sort of shove that into you. To others, especially members of other gangs, she's heartless and brutal. More than willing to shove something sharp into you, if she ever got the urge to see what your insides look like.

    She gets those urges often, really, but her 'boss' makes sure she doesn't act on all of them. She's kept on a nice leash, and kills whoever he says to kill. At least she gets paid well for it, and gets to 'cut loose' now and then.
    "My name is Elizabeth Robin Krantz. I am thirty-five years old. I believe in taking care of myself, as well as believe in a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In fact, I begin my days with exercise. Three hundred crunches, three hundred squat thrusts, two hundred and fifty leg lifts, and two hundred and fifty push-ups in alternating positions. Afterwards, I begin my daily beauty routine. It consists of a warm shower, facial cleansing, and proper make-up application. I tend to my hair, making sure that it is clean and has no split ends. Following that, I eat a balanced breakfast, planned out beforehand by the day of the week.

    I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and hatred. There was something else there once, long ago. Happiness, perhaps. Maybe even some form of peace, and some slivers of childhood innocence.

    I once lived in the East District of New Oasis, at 1124 Liberty Street. It was a moderately-sized, two story blue house in a sub-urban neighborhood. My mother and father were excellent parents, both working in New Oasis's Central District. My father was a stockbroker, while my mother owned a popular clothing store for the more preppy oriented youths. Life was comfortable. I didn't have much to want or need, as all was provided for me by my parents.

    A few days after my fourteenth birthday, my parents died in a car crash. Both of my parents were only children themselves, and neither of my grandparents were still around to claim me. I was taken and placed into an orphanage, and eventually adopted by two people that would eventually become my first victims. These two people, whom I shall not name, placed me into the care of some of their associates down in the darkest pits of the East District. I was used as a prostitute for most of my teenage years by unsavory businessmen, who treated me with cruelty and malice. Surprisingly, the Azure Dragons seemed not to notice. Perhaps hush money was offered. I'll likely never know, as I do not associate with the Dragons.

    Shortly after I turned twenty, I managed to escape from the brothel. I located my adoptive parents, and killed them both in their sleep using a knife I made from a shard of glass. I would spend the next five years hunting down the twelve businessmen that frequented the brothel to have their way with me. I slew all twelve, cutting their hearts out and mailing them to the same brothel that held me prisoner for all of my teenage life.

    I grew to like the killing. I felt better when I bathed in someone else's blood. A catharsis that I rightfully deserved. So, I continued doing just that, and years passed. However, in my ecstacy one night, I was caught in the act by a member of the Albino Tigers. I had slain another businessman in the western district, but I had grown sloppy over the course of the night. I had been caught on three different cameras entering the building, as well as on camera entering the victim's apartment.

    The Tiger informed me that the cops were already on the way, as my victim had set off the alarm during our struggle. Surprisingly, the Tiger offered me a way out. I would work for him, and in exchange, he wouldn't turn in the recordings he had collected of me. I, of course, accepted. The police would likely have killed me instead of locking me away, given that I was an HP.

    I was recruited into the Albino Tigers afterwards, and have been a member since 2015. I work as a contract killer, executing targets given to me for acceptable sums of money and the chance to 'stretch my legs'. The targets don't matter to me. Really, no one does. Man, woman, child... blood is blood. I'll fill my cup, as I always have.

    I've grown used to the taste."
    - Tigers -

    Ryutaro 'Dio' Hashimoto - 'The Boss', and current King of the Tigers. The man that saved her from an early death nearly a decade ago. Keeps Robin right under his thumb, using her as his personal attack dog, but provides for her various needs.

    Samira 'Bacchus' Calrissian - Current Queen of the Tigers. Another associate of Robin's, who she is working alongside along with Hiachi. Robin finds her a bit snobbish when it comes to sense of style and taste, but otherwise has no problems with her.

    Stratsimir 'Mutra' Kolev - The Tiger's Jack, and an associate when doing jobs for Ryu. A true professional, and quite the enforcer when it comes to collecting debts for the Tigers. Also knows not to get on Robin's more bloodthirsty side.

    Hiachi 'Ghillie' Ito - A fellow Tiger, and someone else stuck under the thumb of Ryu. Worked with her once or twice previously, but never really got to know the girl until after the coup that placed Ryu as King (and Robin as an executioner.) Ryu wanted Robin to get comfortable with working with Hiachi... so, of course, she will. She might just teach her some things as well.

    - Serpents -

    Karina 'Mockingbird' Zemova - A Serpent that Robin absolutely detests, after a brief incident at a movie theater during a themed Halloween movie marathon. The only reason the woman is still breathing is because there were cops there, and too many witnesses... plus both she and Karina were cosplaying. A bit difficult to fight in cosplay.
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    Dante Aguilar
    Dante Aurelio D'Angelo Aguilar
    25 (October 30th, 1997)
    5’11’ (180 cm) | 189 lbs (85kg)
    Veteran of the Albino Tigers
    September, 2021
    The man for the job; The monster in your closet.
    Home District
    North District | West District
    It's really been a year, huh?

    It's been starting to show on him. In the countless scars that slash and criss-cross around his pale skin like jagged strokes from a frayed brush. In the tats that start to go colorless at the corners, on his forearms, back, neck, and legs, mangled unrecognizable by those very same scars. In the long, unkempt mop hair that he would usually have trimmed to an undercut at his local barber. Greying, an old man, going white at the tips like his mother's hair, kept at shoulder-length, only snipped laissez-faire every month once the bangs start to get annoying. He doesn't paint his nails black anymore. Keeps his jewelry in the drawer; only goes to his closet to put on the same plain suit every day. His eyes have gone from their usual grey to a hunter's yellow, gleaming sharply in the dark. He doesn't feel like himself anymore, but he doesn't feel like changing whoever he is right now.

    Things have changed. The only thing he's kept from when he was a rookie are the bags under his eyes.
    Authority feels wrong to use now that he has it.

    He used to act meek, unconfrontational, did what he was told to, whenever he was told to without barking back no more than a grunt and a reminder of the digits he expected to see on his bank account after the job was said and done. It was to keep things professional, maintain useful connections. He had things to lose, things to gain. Now, he's the one watching the hired hands hold their tongue and try not to glare too much when he speaks. The room goes quiet, people hold his input as gospel nowadays, snap their mouth shut at the sound of his voice. He doesn't take shit or turn the other cheek as much as he used to, doesn't have the time of day to. He's seen many personalities and characters out in the streets of Oasis this past year, too many to fully remember the intricacies of each, but all of them predictable enough to start recognizing patterns. Scum. Weasels. Con-men. Brawlers. They're the same as they were back when he started off fresh into the business. Only this time around, he gets to tell them to be quiet, that he doesn't have it in him to watch them act important anymore.

    He feels like the suit has grown into a second layer of skin, an intrinsic part of him. Even when he sheds the skin, when he arrives home after a long day of work, it still feels like he's wearing it. The things he's used to do to get his mind off things don't hit the same anymore. The days are dull, he doesn't connect with people, doesn't bother with conversation or niceties-- they burn through his clock, he doesn't have time for them.

    The border between the violence and his duties has started to blur even more, now that there's only one of the wolves. The shadows are a part of him, his will and the putrescence of his evil put onto the world to burden. There's no nasty feeling in the pit of his stomach when he kills anymore. It's almost a natural thing now, boring. Like pulling overgrown weeds from your backyard.

    He doesn't feel anything.

    North Oasis was one mess and a half. Still is, far as he knows.

    Dante was the older sibling in a family of five, living day by day somewhere near the very slums, in-and-out of some rundown motel his mom ran and his father's workshop.

    He remembered the very innards of both places. Hoarse voices thrown around, bouncing off the walls. The usual hopscotch here and there with the mixed accent. Tearing into his hand with the tools, grease lines in his other hand. The roar of an engine drowning out his very thoughts.

    That type of stuff.

    Mom was out of it for the most part, Dad wasn't any better, but they'd been kind enough to zone him out whenever they could. Gave him the freedom no child should have, that was, up until they needed him. His mother would more often than not set him up in her "trading business." Door-to-door movie delivery, she called it. He'd go around dragging a bag bigger than himself, sagging behind like he was carrying half a pig chopped up inside. Needless to say, that wasn't much of a pretty look for anyone in the force. It became his morning routine in a sense, his feet thumping hard as he ran from one street to another, the sweaty hands of the freaks he would deliver his mother's "trade," getting an inch too close with every exchange of the money. Like they wanted a piece of him too.

    By the fourth delivery he'd already connected dots, figured out exactly what he'd been carrying around these past few weeks. At the time it wasn't rocket science, really. He had ears. He could hear the cartridges rattling around inside the bag, he could hear his mom delivering the most cliche 90's "entertainment flicks" lines at the darker hours of the night, when pops was out drinking.

    It was one of the things you'd never want one of your friends to find out about. End up being the laughing stock for the rest of the school year, have to curb the memory out of a kid, etcetera, etcetera…

    It was her own inventive way of working corners without having to leave the house, he figured. At least it was better than having those lowlifes pay a visit to the motel at night.

    His father's jobs weren't all that exciting either. Up until his fifteen's, when he'd hit his big stretch, Dante had been rather small for his age. And his father knew exactly how to put those qualities to their best use. He could blend in at night easier than his old man could, fit nice through pet doors, open bathroom windows and half-opened garage doors. Above all else, little Dante could sneak around a house like a bastard. The threat of taking the beating of your life awoke certain skills within you, his genius in particular just so happened to be burglary.

    It was in those small spurs of action in-between midsummer vacation, breaking into houses in the dark, that Dante learned that the shadows were calling to him. He would see figures stalking, yellow orbs blurring past the corner of his eye, full-fang, pearly white grins beaming at him in the corner of the room. But he was never afraid of them. Rather, the darkness guided him to the safety of the pitch-black, shadowy corners. Where not a single soul could take advantage of him.

    The years went by, and after he hit his growth, mom and dad had little to no use for him anymore.

    One day his mother must've gotten just about as fed up as he was, so it wasn't that much of a shocker when she went off on his dad. She'd always been the stereotypical, docile housewife. Kissing her husband on the cheek as he was heading out to "work," dinner ready before he came back— she was quiet about it. Like she was waiting for someone to pull her trigger. And up till the day he dies, he'll always find the memory of that volcano going off to be something to marvel at. The ferocity in which this silent, passive woman chased after his dad, akimbo with a pair of kitchen knives in each hand. As if years of pent up rage built up into that one spike of adrenaline for her.

    Dante more or less stood there in the curb, half-eaten pb&j sandwich in hand, watching them run off into the next street as the houses they passed by lit up. It was an almost comedic spectacle for him. For his little brother and sister, Nina and Damian, not so much. They sat behind him sobbing as the screams of their dad drew further and further away, the hollers of some of the neighbors enjoying the show just as much as he was mixed in-between.

    From what he’s heard, old man never managed to round another street before she'd already had a big open loop drawn red on his neck. By the time he hit the ground she was up and on him like a trained assassin. That was, more or less, the most effort he'd ever seen his mother put into something. After that the waters got a hell of a lot more turbulent, on his mother's end of the stick that is. He tried to play the dumb innocent child act to save the poor woman from a lifetime behind bars, but lo', Dante was sent off to a foster home along with his siblings. His mother was locked away, he hasn't seen her since.

    Never did the thought of visiting her ever cross his mind anyway.

    The next few years were so quiet that he doesn't recall much of anything, really. His adoptive parents weren't that big of a memory for him. They were nice, religious, good people that would never lash out on them the way his biological parents would. Every time he'd walk in through that front door, no beats missed, there'd always be this palpable sense of surprise he couldn't quite register— even though they were just plain old hey's and good mornings, it still made him crack a silly grin at just how cheesy these people were.

    He knew every time he set foot into that house that his brother and sister would be raised like good people.

    It was the type of freedom no teenager should have. Freedom from consequence. Freedom from duty. So— dare he say— he tried to push those boundaries, far as he could. Dante wanted a bite of it.

    A week or two shy before the hurricane struck, young Dante took his foster parent's wheels and left it all behind, drove as far away as he could from the northern district. No attachments left for him to slam the brakes at a stop sign and make second guesses, no, he was alone and free. He left central, somewhere past the south district, and therein the west he crashed the damned thing on a public beach in the middle of the night. The ocean lazily reaching out for the shores ahead of him, the car purring as it was flipped on its nose between a concrete wall and the sand. Even in that mess, Dante belly laughed like a maniac for the first time.

    That was what he lovingly calls the peak of his life. He was free back then.

    Adulthood never hit him as hard as it should've.

    He'd set himself up an ink shop with a friend back in the north, something nice and simple in the West District. You'd have random people bent over on the chair with their dignity up in the air as the artists worked on them, the same artist having some sort of a knockdown-drag-out with themselves as the eyes struggled to focus out of a slumber. A man coming in, bare-chest, red-eyed with tears wanting to ink the name of his newest lover on his heart. It was nice and quiet without the dullness, and it paid well.

    Paradise, for a man like him. But that little exception didn't last long.

    He kept in contact with Nina and Damian throughout the years. It went from anonymous calls pretending to be a friend, to false usernames and even hanging around with them from time to time while they were heading back home from school. Damian was his own little admirator in the shadows. Even when he was doing the most heinous things for their father, the kid still looked up to him. He’d always seen Dante as this cool, delinquent older brother that never cracked under the pressure, always cold and stoic. Never afraid of anything, unlike him

    By the time Dante had his brother on the other end of the line, ugly crying on the phone, the fuckers were already storming his place. When he woke up from the beating, he was tied up in a dark room, some detective noir shit— lightbulb dangling from the ceiling and everything. There were voices. Shouting, demanding something from him. He couldn't make out a single bark from them, only sharp ringing in his ear. A voice, figures stalking the shadows, rounding corners in the room. Then one of the crooks snapped him awake with a kick to the groin. Dante became a punching bag for the crooks after the fourth hit.

    The tyrant kings of the western district, the Albino Tigers. He never got the full extent of it, but somehow Damian had ended up involved with them. Had a gigantic, long overdue debt with them, rather. An overdue debt that he’d somehow managed to get Dante mixed in. He told them his older brother, the fearless criminal, could pay his debt if they gave him some time.

    The tigers painted the choices clear for them. He either doubled what his brother owed, or they would come back to finish the deal.

    From that point onward, Dante began working for the Albino Tigers.

    His potentiality only grew stronger after the first few jobs, it started taking over him.


    Camila Gaspari - The woman who gave a tiger that'd yet to earn his stripes a chance. She put his name on the map, in a way. Out of all the employers he's had, Camila is the only one Dante truly respects. He owes her that much, at the very least.

    Ryutaro Hashimoto - Kingslayer. He's just another Markus, as far as he's concerned. Their interests happened to align and they struck a win-win deal with each other. Ryutaro always knows what to say, how to play his cards and what to offer. Dante knows to keep well away from a man so carefully fabricated. There's no loyalty from him, only the same level of obedience a loaded gun would offer your hand. Ryutaro points, Dante shoots.

    Minato Maeda - Foster brother, from St. Riviera Orphanage. A trickster. He was a thousand-faced guy, and he feels like he never really got to meet a single one of them fully. Dante doesn't know if he'll ever get to meet Minato's true self at all.

    Kisara McDowell - Foster sister, from St. Riviera Orphanage. A fighter. Dante feels like he ran away from her too, when he took wheels and left the North District. He wonders if he'll ever get to see her again, make things right.

    Shishido Takakazu - His best friend. As much as he used to hate his guts when they first met, he cares for him like a brother now. He can't help but feel that the days are empty now that they're not around to do their usual antics anymore, but he's happy that Tak's distancing himself from the tigers nonetheless. Dante will be there if Tak ever needs him. He won't fail him like he did his brother.

    Hiachi Ito - Surrogate sister. They've been through too much together. To this day, Dante still doesn't know how she's managed to keep herself together so well. She's frail and flaky, doesn't belong in the tigers. He's never heard her laugh genuinely, without something weighing on her chest, never seen her smile-- but he's working on seeing her happy one day. He can't be there to protect her all the time, and he still blames himself for it. He won't abandon her like he did his sister.

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    Samira Calrissian
    26 (October 23, 1995)
    5'4" (164 cm) | 135 lb (61 kg)
    Queen of the Albino Tigers
    Goddess of Wine
    Home District
    West District
    Unafraid to display her wealth, Samira is always seen wearing extravagant clothing. Her wardrobe ranges from designer power suits to elegant dresses that compliment her body. She is almost never seen without her signature golden hoops and hair adornments as it adds to her flare. In a professional setting, she will tend to wear more tame outfits but she always makes it a point to be the center of attention in times of pleasure.
    Professionally speaking, Samira holds herself in a confident and elegant light. She purposefully sells the poise, and foreign royalty image to attract business partners. Her sights are always set on benefiting her family’s trade, making strategic negotiations in the process. She is known to have a silver tongue, getting what she wants one way or another.

    Aside from the wine business, Samira indulges in gambling and parties. If she’s not hosting her own extravagant events, she’s attending the most influential gatherings. She’s always looking to make more wealthy connections in New Oasis. Her gambling addiction is fueled by her family’s wealth and while she does not understand all of Amestria’s card games, she somehow finds herself lucky most of the time.

    • Designer clothing
    • Gambling
    • Gold jewelry
    • Money
    • Parties
    • Wine
    • Peasants
    Being the firstborn in an affluent family, Samira was raised with a silver spoon and about a dozen tutors to prepare her to take over the family business. The Calrissian Family was known throughout Telabiim for their extraordinary wine trade. What started as a humble vineyard by her great great grandfather bloomed into an overwhelmingly successful company. From her early years, she was taught the ins and outs of the business, from production to marketing. She was a natural at it — rightfully born for it.

    As she approached her young adult years, her parents became more hands-off in the business, allowing her to flex her refined expertise. It was then that she proposed to operate the family trade internationally. While Telabiim was a fairly large country, she always dreamed of expanding their production even more. Samira set her sights on Amestria, specifically New Oasis. It didn’t take long for the roots of her family’s business to sink into the foreign country, allowing her to live just as luxuriously and successfully as she did back home.

    Not long after her arrival to New Oasis did she join the Albino Tigers. Although the idea of being part of a gang did not appeal to the image she was trying to keep, she was convinced once she found out several other affluent families were part of the same group. From there, she enjoyed the perks — mostly having acquaintances with similar backgrounds in a more relaxed setting.

    Arc 3: The Heist
    Instructed by the Queen, Samira and a few other Tigers meet with him at his real estate company. From there, they're tasked with infiltrating and robbing a prestigious bank in retaliation against a specific business. Armed and ready, the small group of Tigers successfully get through most of the security by force. After acquiring what the Queen came for, they're encountered by the Twins: brothers with the potential of intangibility. Utilizing a grenade launcher, one of the twins attack the Queen, leaving the rest shocked in his unexpected demise. Samira and the others battle the Twins.
    Ryutaro Hashimoto - The one to introduce her to the Albino Tigers. The two have collaborated on promotional events for both their respective companies and enjoy eating at the latest restaurants together.
    Helva Ezie Linxal
    Helva Ezie Linxal
    27 (December, 28, 1996)
    5'08" (173 cm) | 154lb (70kg)
    Veterain of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    Zealous, Scary, Loyal, Headstrong, Hostile.
    The Shadow Of The Scarlet Phoenix/ Shadow Of The South.
    Home District
    South/Central District
    Being 5 foot 8, weighing in at 154 pounds, they are known to have a lithe sort of build and is surprising acrobatic to the point that some would even call them double jointed in a sense. Though her eyes appear black they are actually a dark grey sort of color, her hair is cut short and is hardly ever maintained. She typically favors wearing suits, but she will sometimes wear hoodies, jackets and sweatpants when in more casual environments, though when it comes to shoes, they will typically wear either flip flops, combat boots, dress shoes or running shoes typically they depend on the occasion and what her plans are. They also are noted to have the wings of a phoenix tattooed on their back, along with two small phoenix tattoos on their shoulders, though only the one on their back has no color.
    Rude and blunt is one way to describe her, she doesn't care for many peoples feelings but will be a bit more careful with her words when it comes to people she does majorly care for. She is a bit of a wild card when it comes to her personality on most occasions, sometimes having a stoic sorta persona where she is cold, logical and not really wanting to talk to others. Other times she can be very open, enjoying messing around with others, especially those she deems to be friends or comrades, she typically favors talking with people she feels she has the best connection with. She is pretty intelligent and consistently enjoys a good challenge typically on subjects she enjoys. They are loyal to their friends and can be borderline sadistic with their enemies, easy to annoy but hard to anger. They typically know when the time to have fun is, and when to be professional and will typically be professional when circumstances are serious, even if they don't personally care much for the situation. They can range from being very chill and easy to talk to, to being extremely aggressive and antagonistic, wanting to intimidate or torture someone depending on their mood and if their bored or not. They have extremely low tolerance for Phoenix enemies, and will want them dead on sight, figuring that taking out a enemy for good, will mean one less problem to deal with. Helva thinks thing Tactically, if it would be better for them in the short and long term, and has a lot of trust issues, she isn't very open with the information they know unless it's vital for her comrades to know, and has constantly withhold valuable intel only sharing it with certain people, that mainly being lyric.

    - Sweets/ Candy
    - Fighting
    - Entertainment
    - Birds
    - Scarlet Phoenix Gang
    - Lyric
    - Messing with the king
    - Pain
    - Cats
    - Tea
    - Bombs/ Bullets/ Guns/ Swords
    - Strategy Games
    -The Night

    - The day.
    - Drugs
    - Dogs
    - Losing
    - Broken Promises
    - Alex
    - Incompetence
    - Threats to the Scarlet Phoenix
    - People from other gangs

    Being the youngest child of her family, Helva was noted for being the youngest of her family. Her dad being a Chief Scientific Engineer and her mother being a Chief Rocket Scientist, they were practically never home since their work required them to move around a lot. This resulted in her being home-schooled and practically being raised by her oldest sister who was noted to be quite irresponsible when it came to her, though she did receive a allowance by her parents every month which allowed her to buy whatever she wanted. She practically learned how to take care of herself at a early age, and became very self-sufficient. At the time she lived in the Central District in a relatively safe area, so she would often go out on her own to explode and be back by sundown. As she into her teen years, she was noted to be gifted in both math and science, and was able to even go on to skip a few grades cause of it. When going out with her sister in the Southern District, she was left to her own devices and encountered their first gang members who were in the middle of a turf battle. She ended up fighting against a member of the Scarlet Phoenix at first using her potentiality to attack one of the members, but eventually stopped after seeing how strong one of the members were. After they had earned her respect she started to help out the Scarlet Phoenix and was wanting to join their gang, they were reluctant to take her in at first considering their first meeting wasn't all too good. But eventually was given a chance after enough bugging and sucking up to a veteran woman, though it take a moment for her to convince her older sister to allow her to live with in the Southern District with her brother so that she would be closer to the gang. She eventually succeeded and got sponsored by the woman, eventually their relationship looked like that of a master and apprentice type which ended after a year within the gang.

    As a member of the Scarlet Phoenix she kept most of her activities secret from her siblings who hardly paid any attention to her anyways, and she worked hard to prove herself to be a asset to the gang doing just about whatever was asked of her. She took particular interest in the older veterans at the time, who were the main ones to introduce her into the gang, she tried her hardest to impress them, but they unfortunately didn't stay too long after she joined. As they soon began to retire from the gang thus becoming members of the board, or got too injured to continue in the gang, worst case of scenario even getting themselves killed. Still she strived to become one of the top members of the gang and worked hard in combat, training with her shadow friends and the most skilled members when she felt she was ready. When the new King stepped up, she didn't care much for it, but respected them very much as a fighter at the time and as one of their superiors.

    Though while she prioritized her duties as a Phoenix, she did care for her own blood family as well, and as she grew older her brothers and sisters grew wealthier, starting companies and making investments. Until the Linxal Family eventually turned into one of the rising wealthy families within New Oasis, her oldest brother founding multiple multi-million dollar companies with their most prized company being a Private Intelligence Agency called Cherztec, a agency completely unknown to the public, as great efforts are made to ensure it's secrecy and was founded by their older sister Azcela Linxal, who quickly turned into a Family Company. But while Cherztec was their families most prized company project as they could gather intel on other companies/ agencies/ groups. They made sure to also have a face company for the Family so that people would know where they get their money from, two companies founded by Helvas oldest brother Sukota Linxal called Linxal Holdings, a investment company that deals with stock investments, and their secondary compony Micro-Linx, which deals with Microchip production. With these things being companies being created by their family, their siblings were more than happy to allow any family member access to some of their family resources, knowledge and money, as long as the can converge with the Linxal family values and identity that they were founding themselves on.

    While the things with her family, have given her more access to information, and she was sure to use that information to the benefit of the herself, and as time passed on she become more experienced in the gang she became more outgoing and prideful, her skills had improved majorly, and she began to challenge authority more often than not. Still she had unquestionable loyalty to the gang, and was more than willing to take on whatever mission she figured would be hard and within her skill range. But eventually the war for the Central District began and she was practically one of the first people to start attacking other gangs and defending their turf, gaining a reputation for being crazy and constantly disappearing off the gangs radar. Eventually after they won central district she celebrated with the gang for a moment before deciding to become a international Mercenary, after seeing her older sister Panirra Lixal get into a Special Forces unit in their national military. Helva wanted to go to war like her older sister did, so she decided to join a Specialized Mercenary Team, called the Valkeries, noted for the unique system they were noted to be a really effective fighting force, and although Helva was Technically the Secretary for the team, she was still given missions and saw her chance on the field more often than not. Though due to her going Internationally, she had to leave for months on end to go on deployments with the group, where she eventually just made a habit of ghosting out of town and leaving her shadow friend in their place to watch over the gang for months at a time before coming back and ghosting again. This allowedd her Shadow Friends to go around unchecked and lead to her Shadow friend Syrup building a Candy shop with a lab and secret room underneath it in the central district, though they did go on to pay a 5% tax in order to help the gang out a bit, but it that tax had been doubled once the hurricane hit. After the event with the hurricane Helva came back to the gang more permanently in order to try to help out, as she planned to stay in town for good until the gang was strong enough to retake Central District and even went on to have her own gun store built in the South in that time as well.
    Paystill Lukallo- A employee at Syrups bakery, although Helva has no personal relationships with them, they are good friends with Syrup and is one of the only people they somewhat trust.

    Merhella Singallo - Helvas past mentor and member of the Scarlet Phoenix, she was a harsh woman who was noted to be very strong in her prime years, though they had drifted apart Helva still holds her in high regards and was saddened once she got killed during the hurricane events.

    Zyria Sarfin - One of the two Employees at Helvas gun shop, she typically runs the cash register at her shop, and is highly trusted Employee of Helva, knowing quite a bit more about her than most people could say, including her gang affiliations and the gang it's self.

    Jax Faelin - Another Employee of Helva, they typically operate Helvas firing range, being noted as the range master, they are trusted enough by Helva and are quite on friendly terms with one another.

    Skadi Mahoka - The only girl Helva ever sponsored, she is noted to be a top of the line Veteran who has consistently assisted with Helva on missions occasionally, Helva has a deep respect for Skadi due to how competent she is and the fact they work extremely well together.

    Hide Ishida - That weird kid that she knew, she considers him to be quite a softie who can be a bit annoying sometimes, but she likes him well enough nonetheless.

    Lyric Ashton Crianza - Helva was indifferent to Lyric when she first took the throne of the Scarlet Phoenix, however with time they grew to respect Lyrics strength and ambition, Helva is known to constantly duel Lyric and has a deep love/loyalty to them and is willing to do whatever it takes to full fill their goal and get them their Emperor title back.

    Charles Liam Hughes - One of the boys she is known to have sponsored, she has a lot of faith and respect towards him, she is more than willing to stick her neck out for him if the situation arises as well though, she can be a bit protective over Charlie at times, but is willing to let him figure things out on his own mostly.

    Zachariah Clifton Locke - They both shared the same Sponser, so to Helva, Zach is like a older brother to her, and she pretty much trusts him with her life, though she isn't afraid to fight, bicker and annoy him, though she ultimately loves him at the end of the day.

    Suzu - I trust the woman, she is very beneficial and would make a fine asset as a Phoenix Armorer, though her success rate isn't above par right now, i'm sure with time, a bit of luck she will do just fine, i just hope she stays loyal, losing her would be a extreme lost.

    Eliot Beaufort - Helvas latest Sponsoree, he has a lot of potential and also has a Shadow based potential, with him now integrating into the gang she hopes that with time he will turn into a amazing Phoenix.

    Alicia Morel - A family friend from a long time ago, she is sympathetic to the girl who she recalls having tea parties with whenever her older sister took her over to meet with her back in the day.

    Henrik Aurum - A sponsoree of her sponsoree, he had originally took Helvas trials in order to gain her sponsorship, while Helva was impressed with his results she didn't feel like he met her specific criteria when it came to picking a sponsoree but didn't want to waste his potential, so she offered her sponsoree Skadi to take him up as her own sponsoree, together they had turned into quite a effective team and she likes having him on her side.

    Christina Winchester - As a veteran Phoenix it is her duty to help out and support their other fellow Phoenixes when needed such is the cause with Christina, she recalls helping her out with issues in the past and considers her a valuable ally.

    Boltius Beckman - Our Phoenix Ace, Helva on a personal level Helva is fine with Bolt though as a leader she isn't, she considers him too hotheaded and impulsive not seeing the broader aspects of things before going in, he has a lot to learn before actually being considered a decent leader.

    Hector Moses - Their Phoenix Queen, Helva considers him a bit smarter than his Ace but too power hungry for the sake of power, not good qualities to have when in trying times, though she does respect his battle skills to the least.

    Zentsupa Pei - She doesn't just want to kill the guy, she wants to tear out his guts and use them as decorations for their next Christmas party event, she wants to murder the filthy traitor in the most painful way she can think of and use him as a example of why betraying the Phoenixs is not a good idea.

    Boba LaVeau - She has heard about Noas little Sponsoree, while she doesn't personally have many encounters with her any sponsoree of Noa is a friend of hers.
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    Alicia Morel
    19 (July 16, 2003)
    5'3" (160 cm) | 92 lb (41 kg)
    Veteran (?) of the Albino Tigers
    A cash-grabbing scheme; cute tool.
    Home District
    East District
    Alice's skin is smooth and umblemished, matched with silky blonde hair and bright, amber eyes. She often dresses up in frilly clothes that have just a little too much going on. Ever since the Tigers 'rescued' her, Alice has never been seen without a loving smile. It's been said that she often smells like tea and roses.
    The brightest, most positive person you'd never expect to see as part of the Albino Tigers. Yet, just as naive and unaware of her situation. Alice loves people, and she believes they love her back. She shows her warmth through hugs and the occasional presents, being the prettiest object she can find. She's always working to please others, living by her mother's word of "make yourself happy, and make others happy." To her, the only reason she's able to live so loved is because of the Tigers, giving her everything she asked for and more. "An investment, of sorts." Alice loves her fellow Tigers in turn, clinging onto them in a blind manner. She trusts them like proper family, even if she doesn't understand some of the things they do.

    But if there's one thing Alice looks forward to, it's meeting her mother again after so many years! The Tigers always reassure her that her mother is well, just busy; she will wait as long as she needs to, to reunite.

    But now, that bright sparkle is gone. Her mother is dead; has been for years, and she never knew about it until recently. Everything about her past with the Tigers is a lie, hidden by a thin veil of gold. She's trapped in a guilded cage—but Alice doesn't want to sulk about it. She wants things to change. For the Albino Tigers to reform, so nobody would ever have to go through what happened to her. So that no bad actors will ever take power that doesn't belong to them.

    Even at the cost of her own humanity.
    Darcy Morel was a gifted scout for the Albino Tigers, helping in reconnaissance missions against the rivaling gangs and occasionally delving deeper as a spy. The riskier the missions, the higher the pay. She wanted nothing more than to rise up in the world; to become a proper, elegant lady that people would respect. Having grown up in a family robbed of their savings via gambling, sworn to work for the Tigers to pay off their debt, it wasn't too much to wish for.

    She'd never killed anyone, going under the impression that her line of work put her out of that path's way. She had her own circle of close friends within the Tigers, all working for the same thing. To the gang, Darcy was just another expendable troop to use and throw away. She persevered, though, constantly thinking 'Just you wait and see.'

    During a mission into the Eastern District, however, she couldn't have accounted for one thing to go awry.

    The Dragons caught her by complete surprise as she was meeting with a brothel worker—an unwilling employee made an informant by Darcy. She would dress as a man and request service with her, leading to a room with only their ears. That's how it used to be, before the Dragons caught on and threatened the worker to capture the Tiger.

    The informant was brought away, never to be seen by Darcy again. As for Darcy? She was young and lean; blonde, unblemished, and fit. They forced her into work at one of the district's bustling brothels. Solely because that the people handling her arrest—frequent visitors there—lied about her attempts at 'assaulting' men in the area, going as far as to fabricating reports.

    In just one day, Darcy sunk lower than ever before.

    But she did not give up.

    Darcy quickly memorized the brothel's schedule, the working days of herself and her new peers, and the guards. She steeled herself for each client, refusing to break under the Dragons' obsession with control. Security was still high, as her arrest was still a recent thing. So, she took on a twisted long game to ultimately free herself... but the price of which, she couldn't bare to think about.

    At the start of a week of work, she did not take the pill.

    A few months later, and Darcy showed signs of pregnancy. The brothel employees scrambled to arrange things for her, although assigning guards to assure the captured Tiger that she was still in their grasp. For the time being, she was retired from brothel work and sent to a maternity ward. The security there expanded after her arrival, appearing around the corners and around the perimeter. But ultimately, with the other citizens filling the building, a less secure area.

    Several months passed, and Alicia was born. Darcy felt a rush of both fear and love at the sight of the newborn.

    It took many more weeks for her to recover from giving birth—during which, she prepared her escape. Everything was going smoothly: over what was almost a year, the security around her lessened; the pregnancy brought her to a less secure area; she was free of forced brothel work in that period of time. All she had to do was cut open the window with the diamond ring she'd convinced the old nurse to give, and then use the rope of linen gathered over the course of dozens of weeks. But, she couldn't go through with it. Alicia's face kept appearing fresh in her mind.

    Ultimately, she left the diamond ring in the old nurse's office.

    Over the next four years, Darcy returned to brothel work for the sake of money to support her child. Carrying a newborn during a flee from a district marked suicide for the both of them; she needed to be able to walk and run if they were to head back to greener pastures. A city where order wasn't something to be harshly enforced, invading privacy for the sake of "protection."

    As a result of this hope, Darcy never taught Alicia much outside of basic education; she kept her sheltered from the horrors of the world, and just what she forced herself to go through for each of their sakes. And, spurred by her lifelong dream of becoming a proper lady of wealth, played the typical noble games with her daughter, most commonly holding tea parties. These days were the only times Darcy would feel like she was where she needed to be; a blind facade to mask the reality.

    But all things culminate to an end, eventually. At the age of four, Alicia was left at home with only their important items stashed in a small bag. Her mother told her that they were moving, soon, and they needed to go as quickly as possible.

    Over at the brothel, Darcy stabbed a guard deep in the chest, fleeing through the back exit without anyone to take notice of her. An explosion erupted the building, sending all the guards and Dragons in the area to investigate. She'd acquired a small bottle of nitrogen from one of her returning clients: a lab assistant who she convinced to help her. Mixing with a few chemicals and some set up, and she created a timed explosive.

    Darcy returned home, donned an inconspicuous disguise, grabbed Alicia and the bag, and ran. She made sure to plug Alice's ears with wax, expecting the worst during her escape.

    And rightfully so. The enforcers chased her throughout the whole of the East District. Gunfire rained all around them as Darcy darted between cover. The child, unable to hear to see anything (her face was constantly stuffed against her mother's chest), only remained confused and nervous throughout it all.

    Darcy dashed through the least unprotected spot of the Eastern border. The guards shot at her, ripping several bullets into Darcy's back; she held Alicia close to her chest to shield her from the gunfire. Yet, she disappeared in the dead of night, into the Central District as the Dragons scanned the fields.

    Darcy ripped the wax out of Alicia's ears, muttering "I'm sorry, Alice, I'm so sorry..." between her strained breaths. The child didn't know what to say or ask; her mother was never this panicked, before. When Alice glanced around, it was all darkness as they rushed through. A thick smell of iron burnt her nostrils.

    Darcy fell as she set foot at the Western District border, pushing Alicia towards the Tiger guards with her last breath. She got a sight of her hands, covered in a warm, red substance.

    The young girl didn't know what happened to her mother—the guards immediately took her and covered her eyes, sparing her the sight of Darcy's fate.


    Darcy had succeeded; Alice is living as happily as she can be. After the border guards took her in, Alice's Potential rose up; she invited them to a small tea party while "waiting for Mama." The guard people became less tense after a few cups; a few more, and they became despondent, lost in euphoria. Her mother always taught her to "make yourself happy, and make others happy."

    The higher-ups who were observing them at the time reported the scene to the Albino Tigers. After some more testing of her Potential's capabilities, the Tigers kindly opened their arms to the orphaned girl. They told her that her mother was going to be busy for a long time, ensuring that they'd reunite however long that would take. Excited, Alice jumped into their grasps, and neither of them ever let go.

    And as the years tick by, Alice reaching the age of 18, she has yet to change much from her amicable persona back then. The Tigers warned her that anyone outside their ranks was a stranger—scary monsters that want nothing more than to eat her alive. She is safe wherever they keep her, and she is forever grateful. Alice gets everything she wants: friends for tea parties, flowers, stuffed animals, almost anything. Sometimes they take her along to provide courtesies for people in the form of tea and treats, created by her wonderful Potentiality. Sometimes she's left to her own devices, meeting people who stumble into her home and hosting lavish tea parties, where for some reason they leave vast amounts of money for each cup and plate they take—the Tigers come in weekly to "clean up" the piles.

    Alice knows her mother is still busy, but she is always ready for whenever she returns home.

    POST ARC 3
    Thanks to Elias, Alice has since learned the truth of her position in the Tigers; how the gang lied to her all her life, how she was only a tool to them, and how her mother never could nor will return home. Despite her best efforts to retain the life she knew, it was not to be. Especially not when the Phoenixes attacked with the intent to kidnap her—as though she was the pawn she always was.

    Tired of being treated like a prized possession and frustrated with the lack of control over her life, Alice wants to take things into her own hands...

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    Welsha Audax Reaper
    Welsha Audax Reaper
    21 (January 7, 2000)
    5'06" (171cm) | 146lb (66.2245kg)
    Rookie of the Albino Tigers
    Polite, Scary, Naive and Clumsy
    Home District
    West District
    Welsha is pale skinned woman who is noted to have long brown hair, red eyes and stands at around 5'6 she weighs in at about 146 Lbs and doesn't have any notable distinguishing features, she is noted to have a slim and lithe figure being a bit on the lanky side.
    Welsha is noted to be very Logical when it comes to handling situations on their own and will usually tend to be hyper focused when it comes to doing a task, but when put with a group they typically fall behind whoever is taking the lead. She tends to be a bit Asocial and has trouble when it comes to being empathetic, but is more than willing to strike up a conversation with someone she deems interesting and can fake empathy well enough. Welsha is pretty attentive to details though they don't typically express their opinion much unless prompted to or is given free reign in doing whatever they need to. They are able to find patterns pretty easily and loves testing their mind, making them a sucker for strategy games of that sort. Welsha is noted to be extraordinary polite and almost always has a smile on their face, but they aren't very good at discerning human emotions and will tend to misread situations occasionally, not even bothering to make eye contact. She typically favors only befriending a few people who she will allow to get close to her and will usually close off relationships for most others, when getting into a combat situation however she typically prefers to utilize strategies and scare tactics. She knows how to be fun loving and can be a bit clumsy sometimes, occasionally forgetting things in the short term, but not having a problem remembering long term things. She can also be a bit of stickler for rules being reluctant to break them without permission. They tend to enjoy competitive games as well, and they usually tend to give little information about themselves beyond cryptic clues that really barely narrows anything down, unless they feel comfortable around that particular person.

    Though Welsha may be very smart, she tends to downplay herself most of the time due to the fact that she thinks people will be less cautious around someone they deem to be less intelligent then them, plus it helps most peoples egos. It would sometimes get them out of having to do more difficult tasks, though she also seems to be quiet naive and is trusting the words of people until given reason to otherwise, but she also knows how to follow simple directions as well. Despite these traits she knows how to keep secrets very well, most of the time because she forgets the secret, as she typically nods along with anything even if she doesn't understand what a persons saying. Welsha is deeply loyal to her boss and is more than willing to do whatever they say even at the risk of death. Welsha sees her main purpose in life as someone who needs to be useful, and is very much into people pleasing, mostly for her bosses or people she cares for.
    Both of Welshas Parents are noted to be Military Generals and Welsha practically grew up outside of New Oasis, only really traveling to it in order to get a college education. She had developed a resistance to poisons early in her childhood since her Father was keen on training her to survive. Though she was spared from most of the Physical Labor, she was put to the test when it came to mental labor. She has however done quite a bit of gymnastics and is noted to be very acrobatic and able to balance herself quite well, and move with the grace of a veteran dancer. She did quite well school wise as well, passing all of her classes, and graduating with minimal difficulties, even going on as to graduate school early at the age of 16 and gain a degree at a New Oasis University in the Central Providence , where she was given enough money to go to college and live in one of the College dorms. When she finally graduated she moved to the South for work related reasons, eventually she ended up falling in with the Albino Tigers after assiting one of the Tigers with a mild deed and expressing interest in joining the gang.
    August Augustus August - Amusing, he seems to play dumb quite a lot, but i can see it in his eyes and his demeanor, the spark of intelligence that he has, his idiocity is all an act, which intrigues me... I think he would make a great friend if he so allows this blossoming relationship, but first, i need to know more about him.
    Charmy Devlin - Big boss, i hope to be of much use to her to Ms.Devlin.
    Lars Albrecht
    44 (May 10, 1978)
    6'6" (198 cm) | 210 lb (95 kg)
    Veteran of the Azure Dragons
    August 2, 2000
    Obnoxiously ambitious; one of the most zealous Dragons around...
    Home District
    East District
    Lars stands straight and tall, typically seen with a color scheme of purple and white. If the metal cubes formed by his Potentiality don't give him away, the bright natural white of his hair or the purple scar running down the side of his face will. Lars' resting face is in a permanent glare, but that countenance can change in the blink of an eye—it fits whoever needs what. Lars keeps his hair tied back in a thick ponytail, but even so it's honestly a mess.

    (Without a beard he just has a baby face, idk, maybe he uses his wife's skin care products or something)
    Lars Albrecht lives off of attention. He strives for perfection. A natural speaker, it was through his words that earned him his marriage, his fame, his wealth, his company, everything. He can either make you feel like the most valuable person on the planet, or a worthless wretch unworthy of anything good that ever happened to them; sometimes both in the blink of an eye. Despite how he initially comes off, Lars is quick to anger. Simple disagreements are enough to rile him into arguing, and many times it turns physical—albeit mostly against inanimate objects. Lars always craves for more in life, and he won't hesitate to use and throw people away for that goal. Lars approaches everything with an arrogant mindset, because he has deitized himself so much he genuinely believes himself to be the key to the society's success. Anything less than perfection is unacceptable. And in his mind, the major ingredient to a peaceful future is control.

    In his own words, "The wheel of civilization is constantly driving towards the future, and there are two roles in life: those who sit beside the wheel, or those who are run over by it." He knows which one he is.
    Anything less than perfection is unacceptable. Weak. Inferior. That was the mindset Lars Albrecht grew up with—the product of being constantly reminded that he'd be forgotten. That everybody he ever knew would eventually never see him again, and he'd become nothing.

    First were his parents, a dysfunctional couple who did not want the child they conceived for separate reasons. The father was a poor man who saw himself as a high-class worker. Anything that reminded him of his status was met with unquenchable anger. The mother was broken—endured her husband's abuse, and viewed her son as an extension of what she had become: worthless. While holding him in his arms, she'd constantly tell him and herself that they're stuck in the same boat; that they will never to anything.

    While they ultimately kept him alive, Lars' childhood was comparable to a race against time. A video game level hindered by seconds on a clock, demanding an exact score before it ran out, or else only failure awaited. Lars did not want to be forgotten. Not now, not ever. The future awaited him, and he didn't plan on missing out.

    As soon as he was able, he left his parents and never looked back.

    Before Albrecht Industries, there was Guardian—the brainchild of college students and close friends, Jesper Lexmond (who will be referred to as Lex to avoid confusion) and Lars Albrecht. At the time, Guardian was a simple A.I.; Lex’s passion project. It could play as an opponent for online games and adapted to obstacles, but that was all.

    During this time, Lex dated a beautiful high-class girl named Sophia Weinbrecht (currently known as Sophia Albrecht), who has a Potential that transfers memories of people who die near her into her own mind. Though he was an NP, they lived happily together. Lex credited Sophia with many of the ideas and innovations he implemented into Guardian, upgrading it from simple video game A.I. into a near-sentient program able to connect across different devices and override them under a singular control.

    Lars saw potential in using the program, causing his signature ambition to flourish with prospects of success and a brighter future for the world. He pleaded and bargained with Lex to go public with Guardian. Lex wanted otherwise, believing Guardian to be too dangerous if sold away and fallen into the wrong hands.

    Unfortunately, only a week after their initial argument, Lex was caught in a fatal car accident. Although their friendship worsened in that period, and conspirators claim that signs of Lars’ Potentiality were present at the time of the accident, he still mourned the loss of his best friend.

    Sophia was hit the hardest, as she was with Lex right when he died. She locked herself in her room for days upon days… It took years for her to recover, and it was thanks to Lars sticking by her side that she found peace.

    Some years after that, the two married.

    It was around that time that Lars requested she share her gained memories of Guardian and Lex’s life works. All of his insights and knowledge. He told her ‌he wanted to continue Lex’s legacy and honor what he stood for. For his dear friend and her love. She agreed.

    And so Lars created the Guardian program, ironing out a few twinks and optimizing the whole thing. He approached the Azure Dragons with his groundbreaking invention. Though it was still in just early stages, the gang took keen interest in the possibilities. With some earnest investing, the Albrechts were brought on board the Dragons. Gradually, Lars was finding the success he long dreamed of.

    He would ‌go on to launch Albrecht Industries, putting his technological wisdom to its fullest use. From drones in entertainment, peacekeeping, and discrete workings; to simple amenities like vacuum robots or smart fridges, it grew through Lars’ sheer work-minded will. He passionately believes in a better future for the world and its people, and that technology is the key to unlocking that better future.

    The company spread overseas, selling their products around the globe and making a renowned name for themselves while also making millions.

    Eventually, the Albrechts conceived their first son, Reyner Albrecht, named by Lars. A couple of years later, Jesper is born, named by Sophia after her deceased love. For years, Lars continued perfecting Guardian until it became his ideal vision.

    In 2017, Guardian finally launched. The program spread throughout the Eastern District and connected to the new surveillance system discreetly put up. At last, the district was safer—arguably the safest land in New Oasis. Lars was hailed for what he created.

    It was not enough for him, though—it was never enough. It wasn't uncommon for Lars to disappear for lengths at a time, isolating himself to improve his work and research. He always strives to make things the best of the best, even at the cost of his family relationships. His ambition brought him back home after an extended disappearance, hearing recent news of the Dragons. Like bloodhound, he sniffed out an opportunity for him and his company.

    The Azure Dragons is running out of time. The King, Shen, has shown weakness and has now vanished like the coward he was. The East District desperately needs to regain control. First in their home, and then through the rest of New Oasis. A bright future awaits, and he will be the one leading an industrial revolution...

    jericho s. madden
    jericho sterling madden
    21 (june 11th, 2001)
    cis-male | pansexual (w/ a strong male lean)
    6'4" (193 cm) | 212 lbs (96 kg)
    rookie of the scarlet phoenixes
    march 10th, 2020
    silly lil demon spawn; chili pepper lookin' ass
    Home District
    south district
    jericho is incredibly easy to pick out of a crowd. he's roughly 6'4 and has maroon hair, bright red skin, and piercing golden eyes. atop his head are two darker red horns; half of the right horn appears to have been broken off. all of jericho's teeth are very sharp and his canine teeth are longer than the rest; his tongue is a deep maroon and forked like a snake's. in addition, he has pointed ears and a long tail with a spade-like tip.

    notes: - usually smells like peaches and vanilla taffy (he likes fun scented shampoos, etc etc.), but also faintly of smoke
    - wears a broken rolex on his right wrist (he does not take this off unless it's to shower or during a fight. it belonged to his father)
    - wears a chain around his neck with both of his parent's wedding bands hanging from it
    - has a lot of piercings in his ears, a double eyebrow piercing, and a septum piercing
    - wears black armbands that hide slim knives.
    [please don't talk to me about this. i know it's scuffed as hell.]

    jericho is a very intense person. he is impulsive, rash, and generally isn't the smartest guy you'll ever meet; he can be incredibly dense and is very oblivious to the way other people feel. growing up beating his emotions back with a metal pipe definitely didn't do him any favours, but it could have been worse. once you get past his loud and intense personality, rico can be surprisingly chill. the people that he considers friends or family mean the world to him, anyone else is not worth wasting his energy on.

    truthfully, he enjoys the quiet and spends a lot of his free time focusing on his hobbies (anything arts and crafts + restoring vehicles). he never leaves anything unfinished and will put his all into whatever it is he's doing. although very hardworking if something doesn't catch jericho's attention he will put little to no effort into it; if it doesn't interest him, it isn't worth his time.

    + arts and crafts
    + dancing (specifically ballet)
    + guitar
    + frogs
    + spiders
    + doing his friend's makeup
    + ur mom lmao

    - candy
    - fizzy drinks
    - bugs
    - bullies
    - other stuff

    general refs:

    ballet refs:
    (both male + female parts of the dance apply)

    jericho was born to an hp mother and father. he had a relatively normal childhood, though many didn't believe that he was his parents' biological son- his parents looked about as normal as anyone else. his father had black hair, tan skin, and blue eyes, and his mother had pale skin, blonde hair, and hazel eyes. jericho didn't resemble them in the slightest and people reminded him of that as often as they could.

    kids are cruel, especially to those who are different; so, naturally, they taunted and teased jericho. it started with being called 'monster' and getting pushed around a bit. at first, he tried to fight back but quickly realized that no matter what he did he would always be the one that got in trouble. his parents unfortunately agreed and insisted it would be better to just deal with it, it would stop eventually. as he got older it slowly worsened, it went from simple teasing to being attacked and each time he endured it without complaint because he trusted his parents and believed them when they said it would get better.

    it never got better.

    it continued to escalate, but no matter what jericho never fought back. however, that all changed when the fire nation attacked when jericho was 14. he had been walking home from school and was jumped by some schoolmates; they assaulted him, held him down, and then broke one of his horns. this incident was his breaking point and he started acting out, he fought back against anyone that so much as looked at him the wrong way.

    at 17 his parents were killed in a home invasion and he was forced into foster care because legally he wasn't old enough to live on his own. no one trusted him to begin with, but after the deaths of his parents, no foster home kept him for longer than two or three weeks. no matter what jericho said, they believed he killed his parents, and because of that he ended up in 18 different fosters homes; no one wanted him. a year of that hell went by and the day he turned 18 he was gone; jericho left and never looked back.

    After the murder of his parents, finding himself a prisoner to residential services, Jericho bounced from foster home to foster home, eventually finding himself with the Stepanovs in the South District, a family of four: Igraine Stepanov (Mother), Alexsei Stepanov (Father), Eva and Anastasia Sepanov (Daughters).

    They were a tight-knit family, all NPs and mysterious in some ways, but welcomed Jericho like one of their own despite telling him from the beginning: “We won’t have you long before you’re onto the next, kid. So don’t get too comfortable, but enjoy your stay while it lasts.”

    Bandy and Jericho meet: 2018, December 20th
    --On this fateful day, for somewhat unexplained reasons, Jericho was made to stay home while Igraine took Eva and Ana to the winter festival in Central.

    --Roughly 45-minutes after Igraine and the girls had left the home, a man arrived, whom Jericho had never met during the two months he’d been staying with the Stepanov family.

    --Before the man (Kuzma) had made it to the doorstep, Alexsei said to Jericho: “Stay in the living room and keep your mouth shut… Igraine and the girls are never to know this man was here.” Then the doorbell rang, and Alexsei allowed the man in.

    --Alexsei and the man (Kuzma) disappeared into Alexsei’s study, but not before the man inquired about Jericho. “He’s a foster. We won’t be keeping him long,” was all Alexsei had said.

    --For a long time, maybe an hour, the house was quiet. Until three strangers (Barbados, Boo, and Bandy) made their entrance into the home, unannounced and without a word to Jericho as they strolled past, only two of them (Barbados and Bandy) disappearing into Alexsei’s study while the third (Boo) did a walkthrough of the house for cameras. Then, after about ten minutes passed, (Barbados and Bandy) moved in and out of the study, back and forth from a van parked out front. They carried cleaning supplies, buckets, barrels, bags, etc. And a lot of noise could be heard, such as the sound of a vacuum and some mechanical grinding.

    --When all went quiet, the three of (Boo, Bandy, and Barbados) left the house to wait outside, the fourth (Kuzma) sticking back to “talk” to Jericho. “I’m just gonna have a word with the kid… Call it a wrong place, wrong time,” he’d said. And (Bandy) eventually caught on. When he did, he made a scene of it, rushing into the home where he and (Kuzma) were at a disagreement. They fought over whether or not to let Jericho live until (Boo) put it up to a vote, which ultimately fell in (Bandy’s) favor, as (Boo) and (Barbados) cared a lot for (Bandy) even if they didn’t agree with every shot he called.

    --Jericho got snarky, however, and struck a nerve in (Kuzma). However, when (Kuzma) moved to put the hurt on Jericho, Jericho made a damn good show of his ability to defend himself. Before things got out of hand, Barbados took control of the situation.

    --They were gone then, the four strangers, and Jericho was left alone. Alexsei never came out of his study again. When, later, police got involved, Jericho was questioned but couldn’t be held accountable for a grown man going missing due to a lack of evidence against him.

    --Jericho’s time at the Stepanov household came to an end.

    Bandy grants Jericho his wings: 2020, March 10th
    --No longer were his days of bouncing from home to home as a prisoner of the city’s residential services, for Jericho had come of age and been granted his freedom. It took some time—it took some struggle—but he had managed to find work as a clerk at a musical instrument and equipment store, and things had been looking up.

    --On this unfortunate day, Jericho’s workplace was bought out and all of the employees were let go. Replaced. He stopped by a gas station on the way back to his apartment where he fell witness to a car crashing through the building. Not just one, but two.

    --From the first vehicle, a terrified man scrambled out of the passenger’s side; a calm and collected man, suited and armed, stepped out from the driver’s. At the same time, two men exited the vehicle that had come second. Two men whom Jericho had met before, (Bandy and Kuzma).

    --Before long, Bandy and Kuzma subdued the sophisticated-looking man and captured the other. Everyone who had been in the gas station before that was gone, employees and customers alike, for fear of being dragged into obvious gang violence.

    --When Kuzma went around the clerk's counter to casually swipe all of the cash in the register before they were going to leave and finish their work—“Might as well~ It’s already there,” he’d said—that’s when he found Jericho. Immediate recognition. How can you forget skin that bright? And those horns- or horn.

    --Bandy and Kuzma talked to Jericho then, with Kuzma eager to put the hurt on the boy that he’d once been denied the opportunity of doing. But Bandy; he was more interested in who Jericho was, so he got personal. Time was of the essence. “It’s a silly games fate plays, kid,” Bandy had said, intrigued by the nature of their second, unlikely encounter.

    --When, finally, the offer was made for Jericho to join the Phoenixes, after hearing a bit about Jericho's day, Bandy told Jericho: "Alls ya gotta do kick this guys ass," and pointed at Kuzma, "And make it quick. 'Fore the cops get here." Following that, Bandy and Jericho loaded the now-unconscious Kuzma and their Target™️ up into the vehicle Bandy had arrived in and made off.

    bandy ✨
    boo ✨
    barbados ✨
    callista ✨
    teddie ✨ (friends to lovers to enemies) (they met when jericho was 13 and teddie was 14. friends for a year, then they dated (jericho was 14, teddie was 15). broke up after being together for a little over a year and have been enemies ever since)
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    Хенрик Аурум
    25 (May 30th, 1998)
    6'00" (183cm) | 200 lb (91 kg)
    Rookie of the Scarlett Phoenixes
    September 2022
    Frat boy
    Home District
    Central District
    Henry is tall, presenting flamboyantly, and with a confident strut. He has snow white hair that he dedicates time into grooming each day, and ruby red eyes that he emphasizes with rose glasses. His outfits are flashy with golden accents, and he doesn't shy away from the sanguine appearance, and actively leans into it.
    "Well, tonight the stars are definitely out of alignment."

    Henry is a flamboyant and gregarious man known for his flashy parties and affability. These rancous celebrations are held almost every other day, consisting of rampant drugs, sex, and alcohol. In that sense, he is the epitome of a frat boy. Despite this party-centric lifestyle, Henry has an undeniable intelligence, as he simultaneously holds an interest in horoscopes and zodiacs while also studying astrology.

    Typically, Henry is incredibly meek and pacifistic. However, with his Chimeric infection, Henry developed a taste for flesh, a sense for bloodlust, and derives enjoyment from fear, whether his own or others. However, he keeps this under wraps, not killing anyone unless it was for a meal. He would rather the Phoenixes know him as the fun-loving novice with a bad partying habit.

    His favorite beverage is apple cider.
    Henry was born in Graad as a non-potential user, leading a normal, although privileged, life. His parents were both incredibly wealthy businesspeople, so Henry had naught for want. He was known in school for his exceptional grades along with his interest in astrology-- at first, this was in the form of zodiacs and horoscopes, but as he grew up, he developed a genuine interest in scientific astrology, which synergized with his more occultist interest in astrology.

    When he came of age, Henry began college and studied astrology in college, however, he began to develop an interest in parties, redefining himself as delighting in the joys of parties before worrying about schoolwork. At this time, he set his eyes on Amestria, finding the vibrant Greek life of the universities there enticing. Finally, two years into his college degree, and with the help of a transfer student named Pasha, Henry transferred to New Oasis University to complete his degree.

    New Oasis was a culture shock to Henry. While he was fluent in the language and studied Amestria in history classes, he was not ready for the culture of violence that encompassed New Oasis. Pasha had to help Henry adapt to being a non-Potential user in a city defined by Potentials. In time, Henry could fulfill the hedonistic desires that he came to Amestria for, all while dodging the violence of the gangs.

    Then the events of July 12th, 2022 occurred. Henry woke up with a raging headache, fading in and out of consciousness throughout the day. After finding himself and Pasha in an abandoned building and being attacked by a group of Tigers, Henry realized that both him and Pasha had been infected by the Chimeric virus, developing a sense of bloodlust. After slaughtering the Tigers, both him and Pasha decided to lay low for the time being, knowing that there was a systemic hunt for the Chimerics. Fortunately for them, both Pasha and Henry maintained their relative sanity when infected, and they both had the ability to transform out of their new forms into a visage of their old appearance.

    A month into his new life, Henry realized that he needed a new method of The simplest method, although not necessarily the easiest, was to join one of the four gangs. Considering that Pasha worked as an accountant for the Dragons, joining the Serpents was out of the picture. Joining the Tigers required a down payment, one that Henry would need to take a loan out for. Cannibalism was likely frowned upon in the Dragons, and Pasha was very upfront about the fact that Henry was not enough of a good person to be a Dragon. That left the Phoenixes.

    Henry's first exposure with the Phoenixes was through Helva. An alright interview, a mock fight, incredibly scuffed kidnapping test, and a fun interrogation session later, Henry was referred to Skadi to join the Phoenixes. That was where Henry spent the next year, working diligently with the Phoenixes to his own ends. He decided to keep his Chimeric abilities a secret, letting the Phoenixes believe that he was simply one of the 10% of society who had effectless potentials.
    Helva Linxal - Henry's primary confidant in the Scarlett Phoenixes, and one of the few people who know that Henry is a Chimeric. He sees Helva as a mentor of sorts.

    Skadi - Henry's mentor. The two of them work well as a team since Skadi's darkness does not affect Henry. She is one of the other people who knows that Henry is a Chimeric, and he is grateful for the missions that she brings him on.

    Charlie Hughes - Skadi and Helva have told Henry of how bright and friendly Charlie used to be, but all Henry sees now is someone who acts cordial and aloof. Henry is not deterred by this though, and continues to invite Charlie to his parties. Perhaps one day he'll accept the invitation. Unbeknownst to him, Henry and Charlie have clashed before, with Henry in his bestial form and Charlie donning his Behemoth disguise. Neither of them got an inkling that it was each other, and thus their relation remained as cordial coworkers.

    Akamozu Jun - In Henry's eyes, he sees Jun as a little brother. The two of them delight in making bad decisions, especially when it involves the other gangs.

    Minato Maeda - Back before Henry was a member of the Phoenixes, a Minato showed up to one of Henry's parties. Ever since then, it would be rare for Henry to host a rager without one of the Minatos being present. Henry is a terrible influence on them, encouraging them to do LSD.
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    Christina Winchester
    Christina Winchester
    26 (July 13th, 1996)
    Chris, Christie, Torch
    6'2" (187.96 cm) | 180 lb (81.6466 kg)
    Rookie of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    Determined, Caring, Passionate.
    Home District
    Born Overseas, Lives in South District

    At first glance, Christina seems like she's should be sitting in an office, taking calls about trading stocks or selling something. She's been told that before, and it usually earns a chuckle or two. That's not her thing. But she does love the look and feel of a nice suit. The suit deceives, too. Hides the boxer's body she has beneath, earned over the course of twelve years in her father's gym back home. When at home, or around friends, she swaps the suits for a more relaxed fit. Simple blouses, slacks/jeans, and sneakers. Occasionally a band-shirt, if she's feeling up for it. Colder weather? Turtleneck and a nice jacket.

    If wearing a jacket or blazer, she'll often remove it to work or 'work'. Rolling her shirt sleeves up so that they don't get scuffed. But hey, if it happens, it happens. Easy to wash or replace. Same goes with the tie.

    She styles her near-steel colored hair just so, trimming it here and there when needed. She likes it long, instead of like the more professional and shorter looks that her family often wore.

    Christina's the calm, sometimes quiet type on the outside. When you first meet her, that is. As she gets to know you, however, she opens up a bit more. People find she's quite caring, passionate about a variety of her interests, and surprisingly protective of others. If you become her friend, it's practically for life.

    As a fighter, she's rather defensive. Let them come to her, so she can figure 'em out. See what they're working with. Then figure out how to get around that, and come out victorious. When the stress of the situation is cranked and the blood gets pumping for all the wrong reasons, however, she grows more aggressive. And there's a good possibility her real potential will shine through.

    A real fighter does whatever it takes to win, right?

    - Music (Mainly Rock & Metal)
    - Cats
    - Boxing. (Her father was a boxer, and she grew to love it too.)
    - Pro Wrestling
    - Fighting
    - Working Out
    - Alcohol (Mainly Whiskey)
    - Smoking
    - Suits
    - Leather
    - Rain (Despite its effect on her Potential.)
    - Burgers. (Nothing beats a good burger.)
    - Pizza
    - Star Gazing
    - Old Movies (Golden Age of Hallewood, as well as more recent classics. Loves Horror films, especially slasher flicks.)

    - Onions
    - Spiders. (Bad experience with them when she was younger.)
    - Swimming (Never learned properly how to.)
    - Hangovers
    - Fried Eggs

    The Winchester family actually used to live in New Oasis a few decades ago, over on the east side of the city. If you ask Christina, she'd be happy to tell you about them. Hell, her family is why she is what she is now. Her family sucked up to the Azure Dragons, determined to get an invite into their prestigious group. A few got in. Nobody special, really, but it was a true honor for the family to be accepted into the ranks. Eventually, however, the Winchesters decided to move away. And so they did, just after Christina's birth.

    Her father used to talk to her about it with her, likely expecting Christina herself to seek an invitation from the gang if they ever moved back. Especially after they both learned of her blossoming Potential. As she got older, he pushed for her to prepare herself for what was to come. To do any and all that was necessary to earn the respect and reputation that was needed for an Azure Dragon when the time came.

    During that time, Christina became a boxer just as her father had before her. She would go on to become a three time female heavyweight champion, with a record of 37 wins (most of them by knockout), and 4 losses. Boxing helped her take out her frustrations regarding her father's pushing, allowing her to fight and dominate the competition through sheer physical prowess.

    When they moved back to New Oasis a year ago, returning to the East District, it wasn't long before an Azure Dragon envelope showed up at their door. Maybe one of the Dragons remembered the family? Perhaps they were still in their good graces, after moving away? She didn't know. She didn't care, honestly. It was an exclusive club she wanted no part of. She declined the invitation. When her father insisted, the argument that followed drove a very large wedge between the two and ultimately broke her father's heart.

    Hell, it might have been what killed the man, in the end. That, or the damage from the cocaine and steroid use during his years as a boxer, as the doctors told her. He died of a heart attack a week later.

    She moved out of the East District a day after his funeral, moving to the South District. This proved to be the best decision for her. She had heard of the Phoenixes before, over the years. Tight-knit, loyal to a fault to one another. A true family.

    These were her kind of people. This was a good way to stick it to her ancestors before her.

    A fresh Phoenix vet by the name of Ashley Hart happened to be the one to give her a chance, and the rest of that is history.

    As for her actual family, her mother came back into the picture only recently. Wanting to reconcile their issues, and try to get Christina to come with her back to her birthplace. Christina played along for only a week. That's as long as it took to realize what her mother was really up to. Back to New Oasis she returned, leaving the drama behind. However, her mother followed. As it turned out, Matilda Blackwood-Winchester also had her own ties to New Oasis and its denizens and gangs. In particular, the Serpents.

    It wasn't long before she tried to get involved in her life again, sending Karina Zemova to handle some monetary issues. Enlisting Helva's aid an experience, Christina would meet with Karina at a neutral site and discuss money that her father had been slipping into her bank account over the years. After a lengthy discussion, and the demands that Christina leave the Phoenixes and join her mother in the Serpents, Christina outright refused and simply stated that she would stop the payments and pay back what her father took. However, she would keep all the money she made during her boxing career overseas.

    Once that was settled, things were a bit more normal for Christina. For the time being, at least.
    - PHOENIX -

    Ashley 'Ash' Hart
    (aka 'Riot') - The Phoenix vet that decided to give Christina a chance to join the gang. Her sponsor, and pretty much her first friend in the group.

    Charlie Hughes (aka 'Temperer') - Another Phoenix friend that Christina made early on, after a night of work protecting an art gallery. Probably also the shortest man she knows.

    Helva Ezie Linxal (aka 'Revenant') - A Phoenix that Christina immensely respects, having helped her in dealing with her money issues with her mother. Likes her taste in suits.

    Hector Moses (aka 'Pharaoh') - Another Phoenix that Christina respects, after meeting him during the same job she met Charlie. Thinks he's pretty cool.

    Hitoshi Yamakawa (aka 'Mirrorman') - A Phoenix friend that Christina met during a different job. He's a fun one.

    - SERPENT -

    Matilda Blackwood-Winchester
    - Britonnian wealthy business owner, veteran Serpent, and Christina's mom. Currently trying to get Christina to leave the Phoenixes and join her.

    Karina Zemova (aka 'Mockingbird') - A Serpent that works as an professional accountant for Christina's mother, Christina doesn't know really all that much about Karina. Her smile is... unnerving. Especially when its worn by someone close to Matilda.

    - CIVILIAN -

    Ryoko Miyasato
    (aka 'Jester') - Private school student that recognized Christina from her boxing career. Follows her around at times and just tends to bug her and be a sort of gremlin. Has a potential, but it is unknown as to what it is or what it does.
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    Ryutaro Hashimoto
    40 (November 11, 1982)
    6'00" (182.88 cm) | 190 lb (86.2 kg)
    King of the Albino Tigers
    Power-Hungry, Goal Oriented, Ambitious
    Home District
    West District
    Ryutaro is an average man by all acounts in terms of most of his outwardly appearance at a glance, maintaining a normal height and a well-built frame, with the sole exception of a sharp, striking face that could cut through steel and his gaze pierce through anyone his eyes come across. His distinct, golden hair also gives his head a prominent almost regal appearance as well as if it were a crown atop his head that is paired with his expensive taste in fashion - mainly business suits.
    Ryu holds the outwardly stoic demeanour of any Amestrian businessman: cold, calculating, and ever in pursuit of new avenues of profit. That is the persona adopted for the realm of the corporate world, and helps maintain his cover away from his true identity as the leader of the Albino Tigers. With those he considers either his closest confidants, allies, or with some other members of the Tigers, he acts less as a businessman and more as someone running a kingdom in the West in a better. He is more personable and is attentive to people's needs when the situation calls for it and shows empathy to those who deserve it; and as any just ruler does, he works to ensure that - in contrast to how Markus ran things - operations run more smoothly within the organization so that everyone can reap a slice of the benefits.
    Ryutaro's upbringing was that of privilege and upstanding class as his father had been both a business magnate and an aspiring politician. All the benefits of luxuries and power struck Ryutaro at a very young age and made an impression on him, but his world came crashing down when his father was struck down by a scandal that tore his family apart and took the lives of both his parents: his father by assassination and his mother from suicide due to the shame that had been brought. Gone were the luxuries of life, replaced by the destitution of being cast out for being his father's son.

    It would come to be something that made Ryutaro hate the world around him, and enshrine his father as a victim of outside forces in his mind. And thus, Ryutaro survived on the streets to carve out an existence for himself. It was at this time he discovered his potentiality as well and enabled him to continue surviving. His fortunes did change however once he was taken notice by a Veteran Member of the Scarlet Phoenixes and was offered a sponsorship into the gang. He readily accepted and was inducted into their ranks, and by chance met perhaps the most formative person in his life: Hitoshi. The two, despite their disparate upbringings and lives felt a mutual understanding between one another and became friends. Soon after however it became something more as they became Oath Brothers, pledging their loyalty to one another and binding themselves as if they were family. It was the first time Ryutaro ever had someone he could rely upon truly beyond a simple transactionary relationship... but it would also be the last.

    For Ryutaro in the few years following his hunger for power only grew as he continued to labor away. His desire to make something of himself, and bring change, only grew with the passage of time. Unhappy with his situation, and growing ever more daring in his defiance towards leadership in the Phoenixes, it was then he found an opening through a discovery that rocked his world: the people responsible for his father's death were Phoenixes. This was the straw that broke the camels back as he moved to defect to the Albino Tigers; he desperately wanted to bring Hitoshi with him, so they could continue being the partners that they had grown to become, but when faced with this dilemma of choice it broke the two of them. In the incident of their parting, Hitoshi had been faced with an impossible choice. Either choose loyalty to the family in the gang he had grown to love, or choose loyalty to whom he had sworn a blood oath with. For Ryutaro, his oath brother turning his back on him was forever jaded him towards the possibility of trust to that degree again and left him truly alone.

    And so he abandoned the Phoenixes and was welcomed into the Tigers, given veteran status as a reward for his defection and additionally the resources he needed to use his skills that he had learned from his father towards building his power and place in the world. In the years following, Ryutaro now runs a real-estate empire that acts as both a legitimate enterprise as well as a front for some of the Tigers' other activities to bring in great profits and cover to the gang. Yet his hunger was never abated, as he grew to believe that there was only one way to bring about a world where one could take control of their destiny. A world where those with the powers granted to them by their birthright can take charge without rules, restrictions, or regulations from those beneath them.

    For his vision, he wants it all.

    And now, as King after deposing the inept rule of Markus, he has the chance to leave his mark on the world.
    Hitoshi Yamakawa - Former Oath Brother
    Samira Calrissian - Business Friend, Ally, and now Tiger Queen.
    Robin Krantz - Under his thumb, personal attack dog.
    Hiachi Ito - Under his thumb after she lost at poker to him.
    Camila Gaspari - Ally
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    Zentsupa Pei
    21 (April 1st, 2001)
    5'9" (179 cm) | 109 lbs (49 kg)
    Rookie of the Albino Tigers
    The one who clipped his wings.
    Home District
    South District
    Pei holds a definitive presence in any room he enters, his jagged sharp teeth and long ears make him seem like he has the blood of a demon in him. Always looking around his surroundings and observing, there’s little that escapes the man’s observation. Always laughing and grinning, he seems to be right at home within the darkest corners of the South, always on the lookout for the next place to join in a fun game, a challenge or a bet of some kind always are his favorite. Usually accompanied by his Playmates, he was used to the weird looks he gets moving around with his strange friends, but ever since the explosion of his toy company, the commonness of playmates has made him appear almost normal in public.

    Confident but not egotistical, self-sufficient but not a loner, Pei is a man who loves living life around his own rules and going along with his own desires. To him, life is all about having fun and doing what you enjoy, anything that gets in the way of that is an eyesore, and anyone that can be used to help fuel the flames is meant to be used. Concepts such as trust and honesty are unneeded when you’re always playing a game, especially when you’re not intent on losing to the person on the other side of the table. Despite being a former Scarlet Phoenix, he finds the concepts of being family laughable, and believes their connections only go as far as being useful to one another, just like any other gang, as such it wasn't much of a surprise when he decided to abandon them after he felt he had his own fun. He’s only in this to fuel his own interests with money and connections, and in return he supplies the Tigers with whatever they need from him, so long as he can keep his business running in (relative) peace.

    Pei spends all his time and money consuming media, books, television, movies, all of it falls under his radar, not only because it correlates directly with the power of his potential, but he loves to be knowledgeable about everything he can get his hands on. When he locks onto a series he’ll do his best to consume every bit of it until there's nothing left, no matter the price. He has even begun to understand the basics of multiple languages to forward this goal. He has near encyclopedic knowledge about any series you can think of, his speed at reading things and skill at games means he could stand a chance at any world level challenge if he wanted to, but his constantly shifting interest keeps him from locking onto one thing for too long. Out of everything, Pei holds the most intrinsic interest in toys and board games, and when he's doing that he's brainstorming the next big item to hit the shelves, and time not spent investing into a new subject is spent playing something like mahjong, shogi, or go.

    He’s insanely competitive, to the point it has flooded into his own world view outside of games. He’s incredibly vindictive and spiteful, and will take notice of people’s weaknesses and openings, keeping a list of them to use at any time to blackmail or at the very least, disturb those who he thinks deserve it, for whatever reason he decides. Not a fan of losing, a loss can truly bring out this side of Pei, as he will do everything in his power to utterly dominate, to an obsessive level. Despite all of this, there’s a certain level even Pei won’t stoop to, but it’s a question if it's from his own personal moral code, or just out of a desire to keep that moral superiority to people as a tool in his pocket.

    Despite his absurd level of skill, he doesn’t let it get to his head. He holds much respect to people who actually use their abilities to do something useful, doctors, chemists, teachers, the list goes on. He understands the importance of a functioning society and the people who make it up, and even though it was never made for him he never knocks those who it was, he simply took the door that was more fun. That said, he has little to no respect for those who get into positions of authority and use it to push others around. As such, even though he's become the leader of a massive conglomerate, his approval rating off the charts, running his business with freedom and innovation.

    Oh yeah, he also has a strange fascination with guns and firearms, he just thinks they're cool.

    “Who knew being the youngest child of a family with two older siblings would be such a pain. If you looked at the surface, everything looked fine. My mother and father were married, had been for nearly 15 years at the time, and I had two older siblings, and then finally, I was born. Guess after me, they stopped thinking they needed more; it was for the best. Who would want to be part of such a shitty family? That perfect look they had on the outside was nothing more than what it was, just a look. It was filled with deceit and lies, and as the youngest, the one they considered the most innocent, the kid who had yet to become corrupted or do wrong, they decided I would be the perfect martyr to hold all their secrets. As a kid, before I could even speak, my father was casually talking to the women he cheated with while changing my diapers; my mother wasn’t much better; she would gladly talk bad about my dad and speak of all the stuff she would buy with his money and all the stuff he would do while he was off at work, he’d travel a lot, so she’d use the time to go to parties and get drunk, probably do a bit of drug too. My siblings, unsurprisingly, were corrupted by living in such a household, their age kept them from being anything close to our parents, but they had already gotten their start.”

    “I’m taking Cai’s science project and turning it in for my grade; I’ll act like some bullies beat me up and took it. So don’t tell him, okay?”

    “You hear how Yaun got busted for cheating? I was the one who snitched. You shoulda have seen the look on her face! So don’t tell her, okay?”

    “Stuff like that from my parents and siblings, repeatedly. It was annoying; holding all their secrets felt like my job. And I was holding a lot. How was I supposed to talk to any of them without saying something I shouldn’t and bringing the tower down on top of me? It was such a pain that I decided I’d be better off not talking to them. So instead, I talked to my toys. They had always been there since childhood; while the rest of my family was off doing whatever they wanted, I spent my time with my toys. I would read to them and watch my cartoons with them; they were my friends. I just wished they were alive so they could talk to me. I think it was then when the big guy above decided to bless me because they did come alive one day. I put my hand onto one, and it sprung alive. My first friend, Kiys. I was happy, so happy I wanted to tell everyone. But then I remembered what they were like; this power would just become something else for them to take advantage of, so I decided to start keeping my secrets, then things became easy.

    They were surprised when I was no longer mute, and when I began speaking again, I had a lot to say, years upon years of lies and backstabbing. I watched the expression in their eyes as I told it all! Finally, I was tearing my damn family apart with my hands! It was great! It’s not like I needed them anymore; I had new friends. But, unfortunately, they made the wrong bet placing their trust in me. A flurry of emotions happened next; they were so mad at each other that they forgot to blame me. My big sister rushed to move out with her boyfriend, my brother decided to go to the army to escape everyone else, and my parents divorced that year. I was still the only child in their safety, so what happened? Nothing, in all honesty. The family was ruined, so my parents dug deeper down their holes. My father being a sex addict meant he dumped all his money on hookers and prostitutes; my mother went onto harder drugs and more vices that turned her brain to mush. Eventually, my dad became homeless, and my mother entered a coma. None of my siblings came to save them, and neither did I.

    Instead, I spent my time focusing on school. It was easy to get money by joining competitions like robotics or spelling bees, whatever interested me then. I used that money to feed myself and splurge on my interests until graduation. I was the only guy receiving his diploma, with no one to cheer for him. I was an adult now, completely independent. I pondered what to do next. College would have been easy, and I could have got a degree and become whatever, but I knew a job would take up more of my free time if I wanted to make good money to keep investing in my interests. It would become boring doing the same thing every day anyway. I wanted cash and tried to do it in a way that left me with a lot of time and freedom. A complex demand, and luckily, something happened that opened a door for me.

    A hurricane struck the South, nailing the HQ of the Scarlet Phoenixes. Of course, I knew of their existence, but I never cared outside of staying out of their way. But, with that hurricane, I suddenly became a lot more interested. Surely, such an attack puts them in a weak position; they wouldn’t mind a bit of help, right? So, I rolled up with my own army, toys built to assist and repair. They were apprehensive of me at first, but quickly they had no choice but to acknowledge what I could do; it was easy to infiltrate their ranks. Now I’m living an easy life! I get to sit around and read comics and play games all I want, and only occasionally do I just do a job here and there. I’m satisfied, so I keep the Phoenixes confident in me; that’s all there is. Though… I’m hoping someone can come around and spice things up in the "family" soon...turned out I ended up being the one to fit the bill! Kekekekekek!

    With my abilities, and a long drawn out plan, I finally let those Phoenixes experience their rebirth, yet it seems they didn't like the fire that came with it. Their loss! After all, I went ahead and moved on to bigger and brighter things, and now I'm relishing in it!”
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    Shishido Takakazu
    Shishido Takakazu
    23 (Septemer 17, 2001)
    5'11" (180 cm) | 181lbs (82 kg)
    Rookie of the Albino Tigers
    Well-mannered, a bit plain.
    Home District
    West District
    A fairly new member of the Albino Tigers who has yet to make a name for himself. He's faded into the background as a simple suit and keeps his head down when it comes to gang conflicts and politics, not showing much interest in dealing with other members besides when obligated and as a part of his job. He's not the type to deny a promotion just out of fear of the change, but isn't exactly looking to move up either, a very complacent man.
    A calm and honest worker, Tak embodied the plain black and white suit he wears, he fits in with a lot of the usual salarymen you see across the city, not doing much to stick out besides every so often having rare pockets of eccentricity he quickly puts away. He's a subordinate through and through, he follows the orders of his bosses and tries to stay amicable to everyone he comes across, to anyone who's known him previously he almost seems like an entirely different person. He keeps himself neat and presentable, tries not too indulge too much in any vices besides going out drinking with his coworkers, and even keeps a normal sleep schedule. What a guy.
    Takakazu doesn’t come from a fascinating background. He was raised by a single mother who spent all her time at work, leaving her young son to fend for himself. A lifestyle that eventually led him to the streets. He walked around as a young child seeing the gaudy lifestyles of all people around him. The brilliant lights and rich neon sights dotted his life. Yet surrounded by such a mass of wealth, he had none. It instilled a hatred for his lifestyle and a distaste for those above him. Barely 12 years old, he was already picking fights with adults, most battles which would lead to him getting beaten into a pulp.

    He never gave up his desire to move up the social ladder despite constantly getting laid out. He was desperate to be more than just a broke kid. Yet, he didn’t wanna get there by just running around and nicking change. Part of him just wanted the satisfaction of surpassing someone better than him. He didn’t make any progress and continued making enemies with people who saw him as no more than an annoying brat, gaining the name of “Roach” for his ability to continuously come back without being squashed.

    He didn’t finally get his chance to show his worth until he was 16, and his latent abilities awoke. Takakazu was not an ordinary man; he had a special gift. After once again getting beaten by an experienced adult, he found himself lying on a pile of trash, bleeding from his head as his consciousness faded. Suddenly, he became aware of his beating heart as he felt it throb in his chest, but as he listened closer, it began to sound different. It wasn’t beating. More precisely, it was revving as if one pushed down the gas pedal. His fists clenched at his sides as he rose back to his feet, smoke coming from his mouth and ears.

    His fist soared through the air, delivering a punch that sent his opponent flying toward the wall.

    For the first time in his life, he gained a victory.

    High off the feeling of his new powers, Takakazu took off running, quickly targeting people who looked like they could be carrying suitable amounts of cash. Shakedowns became his primary income throughout the years. But, quickly, he realized that he wouldn’t get anywhere walking around and beating people up for money. He looked up towards the massive buildings. He wanted to stand on top of them.

    He knew exactly what he needed to do. He didn’t hesitate to go forward and figure out how to join the Albino Tigers. He put all his money forward to join the infamous gang, confident they would recognize his worth and he’d be on the top in no time!

    A year later, Takakazu finds himself far from his ambitions. He lives in a messy, run-down apartment with barely enough money to pay for food. Working the occasional job for the Albino Tigers, he’s nothing more than a goon. Even when he gets a big break on pay, he gambles it all away at the casinos.

    Living his life as nothing more than a hired hand with the Albino Tigers name nothing but a thing for show, Takakazu wonders why he even took this life in the first place. Far too deep to give up, he continues to live day by day, the ambitious dreams he had of the past still in the back of his mind.

    One day, surely, he’ll be able to prove himself...

    Well, that's at least what he thought.

    There was a moment where he had no choice but to accept reality. He had felt he was getting somewhere, more reliable, more stronger, able to protect the things that mattered like he really wanted, but in the face of true power he once again found himself weak. The bloody coup, the crackdown that tore through the West, he saw for himself just how little he mattered in the grand scheme of things, how incapable he was of changing anything, and even if he did get power and fame, how long would it be until someone took it away? With Camila's arrest, he realized that nothing was sacred, no longer did he hope that one day he'd make it big.

    It was in this time of change that job openings came, empty positions needed to be filled to ensure the Tiger's growth, and just from a stroke of lucky networking Tak got an interview and had somehow passed. From there a new life began, one of weekly pay, 30/hr, 401k, and paid vacation days. Now his job involved sitting at a desk, meeting clients, spreadsheets and power points. Soon he had a house, he had a car, he had coworkers and a different social life, in the eyes of society he had turned into an "adult." It was rough at first, but now he's at peace, all the days blur together as they used to, but now he's in the comfort of expendable income.

    Though, sometimes he wonders, just where does it go from here?


    Dante: "I've been kind of thinking of getting a tattoo. Maybe I'm just trying to be a bit more like you."

    Hiachi: "Everything good? You always have my number, y'know? Try not to call too late though..."

    Camila: "I miss you, a lot. I'm a bit...embarrassed, honestly. I should have treated you better. There's things I still want to say."

    Musai: "You're probably gonna be pretty weirded out by my haircut."

    Milo: "Mind showing me that trick again? I think I'm starting to get better when it comes to landscapes."

    Missy: "Moving up in the world, huh? Look at ya. Keep yourself safe."
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    Daigo Asanuma
    19 (March 15, 2004)
    6'00" (182.88 cm) | 160 lb (72.57 kg)
    Rookie of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    Reckless, Hothead, Protector
    Home District
    South District
    A young man standing at 6 foot height, and with noticeable golden locks, Daigo sports a lanky but fair build. He often wears simple clothing that isn't flashy or decorative in any way as he doesn't find the appeal in such things. Perhaps his most notable feature is his steely blue eyes that feel as though they can pierce into one's soul, as he has a habit of viewing those he doesn't trust with a powerful gaze that conveys all the words he needs.

    Around those he knows and trusts, Daigo is the definition of laid back as he is easygoing and very friendly. He can always find something to chat about, or otherwise do, with people he takes a liking to and ultimately treats them like the family he never had. However, he has a deep distrust of people outside of those he knows and is quick to judge and view with suspicion before getting to know them proper. A result of his upbringing on the streets of New Oasis, Daigo has learned to doubt first and trust when necessary. However, this dichotomy completely changes when his potential gets unleashed: as any number of feelings can completely take over him. Rage becomes blinding, grief becomes overwhelming, and so on.

    There are certain few who can reach him, which are the kids he looks after and takes care of in a ramshackle and abandoned warehouse at the outskirts of the South District. With no place to go, nor anyone to care for them, Daigo views it as his responsibility to look after them and make sure they're safe in a city rife with chaos and constant fighting between gangs. Having known some of them since he himself was young, they are in essence his family and he is incredibly protective of them.

    Born in 2004 to a single mother in New Oasis, Daigo had a relatively stable childhood save for the financial hardships his mother soldiered on through. He never knew who his father was, and he didn't care so long as he had his mother. Despite the money issues, she tried her best to give Daigo a warm and loving upbringing that he remembers fondly to this day. When he was 8, his mother was killed in a robbery gone wrong where Daigo witnessed the event with his own eyes from the inside of a closet in their home. Now left alone in the world, it led to Daigo being placed into the foster care system. Grief stricken over the death of his mother, and blaming himself for not being able to do anything, he hopped between homes in that year as none were ever truly suitable for him until he finally ran away and left it all behind.

    Life on the streets wasn't easy, but he barely scraped by doing odd-jobs here and there and living in what little shelter there was. He came to befriend other vagrant children and orphans who, collectively, found shelter in an abandoned warehouse far from any prying eyes or wandering feet. It would be their refuge from the harshness of the world as they cobbled together living spaces, some basic amenities, and even stealing electricity from the power grid and rewiring it to their little settlement. Daigo would lead the others in getting by with thievery, schemes, and scams that they would run on unsuspecting tourists and citizens of the South District and be a nuisance for the years following. It was not much, but it was enough to at least bring in food and other necessities for everyone.

    At age 10, a chance run in with some violent thugs that nearly killed one of his friends was the inciting moment that revealed Daigo's potentiality which led to him hospitalizing and permanently crippling the three men who had beaten a kid with lead pipes as retaliation for their stolen wallets. As a result of this, Daigo's strength charged him with protecting the small colony. Since then, he has tried to keep his power in check but in certain instances it breaks through like a flood breaks through a dam but also has kept a steady vigil in making sure that his adoptive family are safe.

    Things remain quiet and under the radar until, by chance, he comes across the Phoenixes who look into his mischievous and petty criminal doings. A small group led by Hitoshi Yamakawa happened upon him and his little family, and - after a misunderstanding and ensuing scuffle - resulted in Daigo being extended a hand by the elder Phoenix. Reluctantly, mainly out of a desire to keep the others out of trouble, he accepted and was thus inducted into the Phoenixes. A year later, he's Hitoshi's first and only sponsor thus far and his worked to both hone his own skills as well as to maintain a between Phoenix life and life with his adoptive family that he provides and cares deeply for.
    Hitoshi Yamakawa - Sponsor
    Charlie Hughes - WIP
    Christina Winchester - WIP
    Musai - WIP

    Hannah - Adopted Sister
    Amy - Adopted Sister
    Peter - Adopted Brother
    Hans - Adopted Brother
    Lana - Adopted Sister
    Mica - Adopted Brother
    augie quinn
    Ainslie Mirabella Quinn
    24 years old (december 1st, 1998)
    nonbinary, they/them | gay gay homosexual gay (nblm)
    prefers 5'6 (168 cm) | 225 lbs (102 kg)
    Veteran of the Albino Tigers
    eldritch horror. biblically accurate angel??? your worst nightmare
    Home District
    East District
    Augie has an effortlessly striking presence, their bright green eyes sharp and expressive, almost glowing against the warm tone of their tanned skin. Long waves of black and vivid pink hair cascade over their shoulders, framing a face marked both by beauty and hardship. A single beauty mark beneath their right eye adds a delicate contrast to the jagged scar that cuts across their face. Augie's expression rarely softens into a smile, but when it does, dimples appear, fleeting glimpses of a tenderness they rarely show.
    Their body tells a similar story of resilience. Their toned, muscular frame is littered with scars that trace their arms, torso, back, and legs, each one hinting at a history they don't speak much of. There are faint scars that cover the soles of their feet and several jagged scars that they often hide with a black choker. Augie's appearance is further accentuated by an array of piercings—a septum ring, snakebites, a stud in their right eyebrow, and clusters of earrings climbing both ears. On their lower back is an intricate medusa tattoo and between their breasts, on their sternum, is a tattoo of a skeleton hand holding a rose.
    Despite the toughness of their exterior, Augie carries an unexpected softness—smelling of strawberries and roses, a subtle sweetness that lingers like an unspoken truth.

    • beauty mark under their right eye
    • heavy scarring on both arms
    • additional scarring on their torso, back, abdomen, parts of their chest, and upper thighs
    • scarring on their throat (often covered with a choker)
    • scars covering the soles of their feet
    • a scar across their face
    • many piercings (septum piercing, snakebite piercing, right eyebrow piercing, a dozen or so ear piercings (maybe more), and others)
    • they have dimples when they smile
    • they have a medusa tattoo on their lower back
    • usually smells like strawberries and roses
    • their voice [xxx] (they sound more monotone, though)
    i didn't feel like making it all flow well sooooo
    yeah (:
    more bullet points kind of

    • Augie's guarded demeanor and pragmatic nature reflect a life built on survival and resilience. Though not an expressive person, they manage their emotions and thoughts internally, preferring to keep their feelings under control and rarely showing outward vulnerability. This restraint can make them appear distant or closed off, but it's a protective measure—one that has served them well through years of hardship.

    • They aren't particularly fond of opening up to others, preferring to deal with everything themselves rather than face the embarrassment of being perceived as vulnerable. They have a habit of downplaying their struggles, frequently saying "I'm fine" even when they are not. This phrase has become so routine for them that it loses its meaning.

    • Augie almost always exhibits a sense of apathy, appearing indifferent to many situations that would typically elicit strong emotions from others. It is something that can make them seem uncaring or distant, even when they are simply trying to protect themself from further emotional pain.

    • Their past has left them both haunted and hopeful, a delicate balance between carrying the weight of their experiences and searching for small joys to keep them grounded. This is most evident in their love for their cats, a source of comfort and stability in an otherwise turbulent life; though their scars sometimes surface as cynicism or emotional distance.

    • Despite their quiet exterior, Augie is deeply compassionate and loyal to those they trust but struggles to express these feelings in traditional ways. Instead, they show care through actions—small, meaningful gestures that speak louder than words.

    • Augie frequently contends with brain fog which can leave them feeling scattered or disconnected. This makes it harder for them to maintain their sharp, decisive edge in every situation and can lead to moments of frustration when their mind feels clouded and uncooperative; it forces them to manage their energy and navigate moments when clarity feels just out of reach.

    • Though they often appear self-reliant, Augie struggles privately with the lasting effects of their trauma. They can be perfectionistic, driven by internal pressure to prove their worth, and they occasionally wrestle with feelings of inadequacy and distrust. However, even during moments like these Augie is driven by an unshakable hope that keeps them moving forward, even when their mind feels hazy. They are determined to carve out moments of peace and stability in their life.

    IMPORTANT NOTES: • after being taken in by tamako they began to branch out more and decided to take gigs playing in bands. they started small, but are now a well-known and rather adored individual in the public eye. they aren't tied down to any one specific group, but there are performers they seem to favour over others.
    • augie can play quite a few instruments but they have a preference for guitar (whether it be bass, acoustic, or electric).
    • they like to collect bones
    • mothman...

    LIKES: + green tea with ginseng and honey
    + string cheese
    + strawberries strawberries strawberries
    + sleep, despite not being able to get much sleep at all
    + knives
    + playing instruments (piano, bass, acoustic guitar)
    + pastel colours
    + cold weather
    + soft textures
    + spicy foods
    + lemons and limes
    + the tigers
    + cats
    + bones, specifically animal bones
    + long walks
    + abandoned buildings
    + capri sun
    + alcohol

    DISLIKES: - very sudden movements
    - rough textures
    - being touched without warning
    - restraints
    - sweet foods
    - when different foods touch on their plate
    - other people touching their things
    - being manipulated
    - law enforcement
    - hot weather
    - oranges
    - being photographed
    - the dark
    - small enclosed spaces
    - alcohol
    tw: mentions of human trafficking + mentions of violence and death

    • Born as Ainslie Mirabella Auinn, they were raised by their biological parents and enjoyed a comfortable, happy early childhood. However, their world was upended at the age of 4 when their parents were killed in a car accident. Their vehicle was t-boned by a gasoline tanker at an intersection. Their mother and father had catastrophic injuries, ones they likely would not survive. The only reason Augie got away with non-life-threatening injuries was because their father shielded them from the impact. Though Augie managed to escape the car just in time, the tanker exploded moments later and claimed the lives of their parents. The explosion injured both Augie and some civilians who had tried to help.
    • In the aftermath of this tragedy, Augie was placed in the foster care system. During their first year, they were moved through multiple different foster homes, each transition further destabilizing their young life. Eventually, they were placed with a lovely couple, Kumiko and Sana.
    • When Augie turned 5, Kumiko and Sana officially adopted them. For a brief time, life seemed to settle. It seemed life had other plans, however, and their new parents betrayed their trust in the worst way imaginable—selling them into human trafficking just a year later.
    • From ages 6 to 14, Augie endured the horrors of child fighting rings. Despite the physical and emotional toll, they clung to a spark of hope that one day freedom might be possible. Over those 7 years, they were shuffled from place to place, never staying anywhere or with any one person for too long.
    • At 11, they were purchased by a prominent politician who kept them for nearly 2 years before growing bored and selling them once again. After being passed between several more buyers, Augie eventually found themselves in the custody of the Albino Tigers. It was there that they were taken in and cared for by a woman named Tamako Chinen.

    • On their 18th birthday, Tamako allowed Augie to adopt some pets of their own. They chose two black cats, one with blue eyes that they named Sebastian (affectionately called "Wuss Puss") and one with bright yellow eyes, Mr. Midnight. Later, they welcomed a third cat into their family, a gray-blue striped feline named Cheshire (Chess).
    Tamako Chinen (faceclaim: sage from valorant) - Caretaker and mother figure
    Michiko Chinen (faceclaim: sawako kuronuma) - Younger sister, biological daughter of Tamako
    Hiachi Ito - Bestie

    more tbd
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    20? (?? ??, ????)
    5’10" (178 cm) | 195 lb (88.5 kg)
    Rookie of the Sable Serpents
    Home District
    North District
    A young man with pale skin, spiked blueish-white hair and stony black eyes clouded by confusion, void of the lively gleam one would see in the eyes of most others. Though his demeanor is most often deadpan, it has been confirmed that he is capable of expressing emotion.
    Rude doesn't remember what he used to be like. With no recollection of his past, and no connections to said past for him to interact with, he has taken on a very laid-back, borderline jaded disposition. He lives a day at a time, with a very calm and relaxed temperament, rarely showing any genuine emotion or reaction to situations he finds himself in, no matter how severe they may be. Much like a wild animal, he has a habit of doing what he wants, when he wants— with a complete lack of regard for the people and things around him.

    However, there is one thing that can fan away the fog in his mind— combat. When he is fighting, Rude's head is completely clear. His memories are still nonexistent, but he gains a feeling of true freedom that he has grown somewhat addicted to during his short time in New Oasis.
    He doesn't remember.

    Rude awoke in a vacant construction site in the Central District. That night, he reached out for something, seemingly on instinct, yet his hands gripped onto nothing but air.

    He aimlessly wandered the district for hours before being stopped by a suspicious group. Something about entering their 'turf' and needing to pay them for being 'rude'. Once the gang circled around him, he knew what was going on, and he knew what he had to do. Despite not knowing anything about himself, there was one thing that he remembered. His power.

    That night, Rude singlehandedly murdered the North Central Prowlers in their entirety. Blood covered the handlebars of the bike he stole before he realized he didn't know how to ride one. So instead, he ran. He ran and ran for as long as he could. But the boy wasn't afraid— he felt alive.

    Word of the gangs was quick to reach his ears, and he quickly realized that this city and its groups were the easiest way to obtain that feeling he felt when fighting the Prowlers. Without hesitation, he joined the Sable Serpents, using the gang as an outlet to fight and kill.
    Kim Eun-woo: His friend.
    Viktoriya Medved: His friend.

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    Darius Kennedy
    24 (October 16, 1998)
    The Contaminated
    5'9" (175 cm) | 154 lb (70 kg)
    Veteran of the Sable Serpents
    Oh, that guy?
    Home District
    North District
    Looking at Darius from afar, he seems quite unassuming compared to the chaotic Northern scene around him. His clothing is casual and practical. He hangs at the back of every group. He avoids the attention of most people.

    A facemask always hides his face, and gloves cover his hands, limiting accidental skin-to-skin contact. When the gloves come off, it is a very unappealing sight. The tips of his right fingers up his forearm are raw from years of abuse. His fingers can barely hold their shape, twitching under any sensations he still feels. Presumably, the parts of his body that go unseen have some degree of evidence of the same suffering.

    Darius constantly smells of disinfectant, which barely masks the smell of rot.
    Averting the expectations set by being a member of the Sable Serpents, Darius is a pleasant fellow to be around. A friendly face despite everything. He is more than happy to enjoy a night in with someone, playing video games and eating pizza, rather than skulk around the streets of New Oasis. The streets used to scare him, in fact, though they don't anymore.

    A lot of things do scare Darius though. His preference is always to avoid confrontation and violence. He tries to use his position and potential to his advantage, but he's more likely to leave a comrade to fight on his behalf if things get heated. It isn't cowardice! He just knows that you would fight waaaay better than him in this scenario.

    Despite being friendly in his free time, he is a horrible person to work with. He does try to help, but never at the expense of self-preservation. If an enemy does find themself incapacitated within his reach, he has no qualms against destroying their face to send a message.
    Pre-Season One:
    Darius's life got off to a bad start, with his potential immediately disrupting his own birth. He spent time in isolation at the hospital until it was determined that he had a particularly unlucky potential. His life was spent cut off from the rest of the city. Only leaving the house when absolutely necessary, and only after being covered head to toe in layers of bandages and clothing to assure he couldn't hurt himself, or anyone else.

    Despite his dangerous potential, his childhood was fairly uneventful. His mother homeschooled him, giving him a decent education, but a very sheltered view of life. He once had ambitions to go to university, to study medicine or dermatology, but those dreams were crushed and any mention of them was banned in his house. When he became an adult, he continued living with his family as he struggled to find a job.

    Despite many attempts in all sorts of fields, he was unable to land a job. His nervous nature messed up most interviews, and the jobs he came close to getting were ruined by his potential. He knew he couldn't be a hermit for the rest of his life, and searched more aggressively for a future he could live in, searching in places he never thought he'd be near. The Sable Serpents.

    His jobs were simple at first, just running drugs to clients around the district, but it wasn't long until people became aware of his potential. He never ditched his fashion choices, consisting of many layers of clothing to protect everyone, until it started to be questioned by experienced members. Until then, he only used his potential accidentally, brushing past someone, or colliding on a busy sidewalk. His fellow gang members saw what he could do though when he showed them the marks left by his potential. They looked painful. They looked intimidating.

    He entered a position he wasn't sure he suited from then on, sending messages to those who opposed the gang, varying from rival gang members, to those with huge drug debts. Despite his above-average strength and agility, physical violence is something Darius had to learn on the job, and thus enjoyed the company of powerful allies to do most of his work for him. His job was, as previously mentioned, to send a message. Ensuring that the Serpents would not be messed with, he left each victim with an often-permanent mark from his potential. If they were lucky they'd be left with scarred tissue across their arms, the less fortunate had their fingers rot away under Darius's grip. Sometimes all that would be left is an exposed skull and a missing face. He is known to many across New Oasis for his brutal methods of branding victims.

    None of this is without its costs on Darius's body, and he looks far more beaten up than he did when he was in his mother's care. He is fully aware of how he is slowly destroying himself, and it terrifies him. It isn't just his physical condition that worries him though, it's how long he can keep up the facade in front of New Oasis until he finally breaks. Be it physically, or mentally.

    Arc 1: Darius fought the Tigers alongside some Serpents he wasn't fond of.

    Arc 2: TBA

    Arc 3: Darius became employed at Lab Icarus as a cleaner with his partner, Ten. Darius attempted to retreat downwards to safety after a devastating attack by the Dragons. After being brutalized by something beneath the lab, he did not re-emerge.

    Post Arc 3: Darius was presumed dead by the few Serpents who remembered he existed. He was briefly recognized in a memorial ceremony held by some low-ranking Veterans.

    January 2023: Darius reported for duty as though he was never gone.
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    Boltius Ramone Beckman
    24 (December 14th, 1998)
    5'8" (172cm) | 174 lb (78.9 kg)
    Ace of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    January of 2017
    Says "Dawg" a lot, Hot-Headed, Vulken's Little Brother; Might ask you to fight him
    Home District
    South District
    Boltius Beckman is a character that stands out in both appearance and personality. His height to weight ratio suggests a fair amount of muscle, which he confidently boasts, having worked hard to earn the chiseled, athletic form he has today. From a bright, pointy-toothed smile to a resting bitch-face, his expressions are very animated, and so is his body language. Boltius has short, fiery-orange hair and equally orange, almond-shaped eyes that flaunt bold lashes. Well-known to be, he is a man of accessories—ear piercings, hats, bling, etc. Additionally, he has a tribal sleeve tattoo on his left arm, which extends to his left peck, and a tattoo of a similar pattern on his right leg that extends to his hip and pelvic region (XX | XX). A product of his past hip-hop inspired dance studio environment, his wardrobe consists of vibrantly colored, baggy articles and, most notably, sleeveless articles so that he can show off his tattoo.

    SIDE NOTE: He has a natural scent of oranges.
    SIDE NOTE: He refuses to dress formally or wear jeans.
    SIDE NOTE: Boltius is right-handed.
    SIDE NOTE: Many ear-piercings.
    “Say hello to vodka hell for me... where your friends- Bacardi, Don Julio, and Amaretto are dining with darkness.” Said to a bottle of St. George that he was throwing away during Nightlife clean-up in Arc 1.

    "YO, I DIDN'T CALL FOR A FUCKIN' LECTURE! I GOT QUESTIONS ABOUT BUTTERFLIES, DAWG! Said to NPC Phoenix member, Panda, during their phone call in Arc 1.

    “I think you and I are gonna get along. I like your attitude.” Said to Charlie Hoshizora during their work together in Arc 1 while trying to seek out Nina’s killer.

    “But you're... probably more my type. Not tryna be rude. I'm jus' sayin'. You're really cute.” Said to Charlie Hoshizora during their work together in Arc 1 because he thought Charlie was a girl.

    “Show me yours; I’ll show you mine.” Said to Charlie Hoshizora during their work together in Arc 1 when he asked about Charlie’s potential.

    “‘Sides, everyone who knows me knows me. Get it? Why the fuck would I dress differently all of the sudden just to eat some food? Fuck a dresscode, bro. If there ain’t a genuine reason to dress a certain way, like shorts in the gym for mobility, then I’mma just do me, dawg.” Said to Hector on their way to Lyric’s Arc 2 dinner.

    “Fight back, bitch! What’s up!?” Said to an NPC Tiger member, Toga, during an Arc 2 encounter involving Ashley, Hector, Darren, and Milo versus some Tigers in a narrow alley.

    “Bro, you look like my mom. Fuck outta here.” Said to a woman who was trying to flirt with him in the Lost on Bourbon B-side.

    “I’m a bitch… You’re a bitch… My old math teacher, Mr. Gore, yeah, he’s a bitch.” Said to Hector after being told he shouldn’t call ladies bitches in the Lost on Bourbon B-side.

    “Do your shoes usually try to get you killed?” Said to Dyne Enjyre after she tripped into him in their Nightlife Tryst B-side.

    “I ain’t really got the kind of vocabulary it might take to flatter someone as gorgeous as you…” Said to Dyne Enjyre in their Nightlife Tryst B-side before he asked her out for the night.
    Boltius is best described as a brotherly character, occasionally rowdy and rambunctious. He is both verbally and physically expressive, honest with his words (sometimes harshly), and supportive of his fellow Phoenixes. He loves being relied on, and in turn won't refuse someone in need so long as they’re of no relation to the opposing gangs. On top of his desire to work hard and conquer, he's a health-nut. Early mornings, daily exercise, nutrition calculating, etc. He believes that with a healthy body comes a healthy mind.

    Boltius is confident, aspiring, and rutheless. Once optimistic but now embittered by the city that is New Oasis and its cruelty.

    He supports Hector 100% and will readily risk his life for him. With this, Boltius is extremely protective of his fellow Phoenixes, but he is also sure of their ability to best any opponent that stands in the way of their goal.

    Boltius is vengeful. He'll forgive minor offenses, given that the offender is a friend or acquaintance, but his forgiveness has its limits.

    A bit of a flirt—though mostly in good fun—Boltius addresses beauty when he sees it. One might say he's weak to a pretty face; however, that isn't always the case, as Boltius will fight anyone who's he, she, or they, and he doesn't hold back. He believes in giving his all. If you're going to make a fist, you better throw it, and you better throw it hard. While he typically follows any pre-established rules of a fight, he isn't afraid to resort to dirty tactics if it’s for the sake of his people.

    If you're looking for someone that can keep a promise, Boltius is your guy. He prides nothing more than his ability to be loyal and trustworthy to a friend, but his loyalties are not intransigent—that spot is reserved only for his older brother, Vulken Beckman, first to Hector.

    Not so long ago, he was mostly energetic, passionate, and playful, and loved to bond with others, party, and try out new hobbies. These days, he’s a bit more serious—still temperamental but easily calmed by some reasonable words.

    Additionally, Boltius is fair, reliable, and easily humbled when it seems he's getting too full of himself, but he can be stubborn, moody, and a bit cocky.
    1998, December 14th—Boltius was born the youngest of five (three older sisters and one older brother).

    — —He was born with an immunity to heat and cold, which hinted at the nature of his Potential.

    2004, September—Boltius (5yo) started Kindergarten.

    — —Growing up, Boltius established his older brother, Vulken Beckman, as his role-model. He picked up on Vulken’s speech habits, hobbies, and mimicked his behaviors.

    — —As a kid, he expressed a strong dislike of Markus Weiss, Vulken’s childhood friend, because he saw Markus as an obstacle for Vulken’s attention. When Markus visited their home, Boltius acted out. He would nag Markus and insult him, prank him, or just outright assault him for what a child was capable of. If Vulken defended Markus, Boltius would redirect his frustration and make a mess of Vulken’s room if the door was left unlocked. Boltius took things from Vulken’s room, or hid things where he couldn’t find them. On a good day, Bolt would simply give Markus and Vulken the silent treatment and play by himself in the garden.

    — —Compared to scoldings from his mother or father, Boltius responded much more harshly to reprimandings from Vulken. Against his mother, father, or sisters, Boltius was stubborn and argumentative. However, toward Vulken, Boltius would burst into tears and run away to hide until someone came to find him (usually in Vulken’s closet; if not there, then at the neighbors’).

    — —If Boltius was unable to sit beside Vulken at the dinner-table, he would refuse dinner altogether.

    2007, June 14th or Later—Vulken became a member of the Scarlet Phoenixes, unbeknownst to Boltius (8yo), who had yet to unlock the true nature of his Potential.

    — —Following his joining the Scarlet Phoenixes, Vulken Beckman became distanced from the family. This resulted in a socially withdrawn Boltius for some time, at which point he became very clingy to his mother, as his older sisters were too occupied with their own social activities. Not to mention, he never got along with his youngest-older-sister, Janet.

    2007, September 19th—Boltius (8yo) unlocked the true nature of his Potential. He did so by fooling around with the kitchen stove while his mother was cooking dinner. Being that he was immune to heat, he had no fear of planting his hand smack-dab against the glowing eye (neither did his mother, as she was also gifted with a fire-based Potential).

    As Boltius held his hand against the eye, his little body became increasingly hot, first matching the temperature of the stove’s eye, then increasing on its own until he started yelling that his body hurt (even after he was no longer touching the stove’s eye, his temperature continued to rise). His mother became concerned. She called for Bartolomeo, and he rushed in to find Bolt engulfed in flames. As the fire-alarm blared, Bartolomeo utilized his potential of ice to cool Boltius down. And that was that.

    — —Over the years, Boltius practiced with his mother, father, sisters, and Vulken to hone his powers, and would also spar with his father, who was once known to be a ruthless street-fighter.

    2008, January 9th—Boltius (9yo) met a kid named Matsuda Russo in elementary school, and the two slowly became best friends.

    — —Boltius and Matsuda, at some point, established birthday traditions. These traditions entailed giving Matsuda the silent treatment on his birthday, and harsh pranks against Boltius on Boltius’ birthday.

    — —Boltius was well-known in school for his rowdiness and rambunctious personality, but also enjoyed by, both, members of the faculty and student bodies for his upholding a no-bullying policy, and for his willingness to help out. He was somehow half-and-half teacher's pet and problem-child.

    — —At some point between Vulken joining the Scarlet Phoenixes and Boltius developing his own outlet, Vulken started to mellow. He and Boltius got closer over the next few years, apart from their brotherly quarrels and disagreements, and Vulken began taking the occasional period away from the Phoenixes to teach Boltius a trick or two about defending himself. This is when Boltius started to become particularly competitive.

    2010, July 15th—Boltius (11yo) joined Goldstar Dance Academy in Upper Central, having taken an interest in his dad’s figure skating, but seeking something more suited to his own style. He quickly became a favorite at the academy for his spunk and willingness to take center stage.

    2011, Summer (B-SIDE: A THRILL RIDE)—Boltius (12yo) spoiled an outing between Vulken and his friends at a traveling funfair. [PENDING DETAILS]

    (2011, June 14 - 2012, June 14th—Vulken’s friend, Mika, was killed. A week later, Vulken killed his old mentor who trained him and Markus Weiss.)

    2012, March—Boltius (13yo) and his friend Matsuda began spending a lot of time out on the town, sneaking from their respective homes to meet up at parties, lying about their ages, causing trouble and engaging in petty street brawls. But Boltius always managed to hide any injuries from his mother and father, and especially from Vulken. More than anyone, Boltius didn’t want to be seen as weak by his brother.

    2013, April—Boltius (14yo) became friends with an incredibly bright kid named Nanami Mitsui who, shortly later, introduced him to another kid named Milo Nagisa. Suddenly, Boltius and Matsuda's duo became a quartet. High school was, later, an absolute blast.

    2013, May—After learning of Milo’s artistic skill, the boys forced Milo to play art teacher for them in the school library and judge their artwork. Nanami’s was the worst and he got butthurt. Boltius went on an uplifting tangent to make him feel better, then someone shushed him and he got them kicked out of the library.

    — —Boltius and Matsuda introduced Milo and Nanami to their birthday traditions. It became customary to force embarrassing gifts onto Nanami, and to convince/bribe girls and guys to flirt with Milo all day.

    — —Every Friday became Karaoke night per Nanami’s wishes, as he liked to sing.

    — —Because of Milo’s quiet personality, when Boltius was frustrated or conflicted, he would invite Milo out to the South-East river where they would skip rocks, and Milo would listen to Boltius’ troubles.

    — —Milo, Matsuda, and Nanami attended many Beckman-family dinners at Boltius’ house, and so they each met Vulken at one point or another.

    — —Nanami used to dye his hair often. Boltius, Matsuda, and Milo would take turns choosing his next color.

    2013, August—Boltius (14yo) decided to start eating healthier to improve his way of life. He began his days earlier, experimented with meals, exercised routinely, and he also took to a certain motivational speaker on the internet to boost his mentality. This way of life is one he continues to practice even today.

    2014, March 22nd—(15 yo) Boltius started dating his first girlfriend, Larissa Maynard.

    2014, April 28th—Boltius (15yo) was talked out of hanging with Milo and the others this night by his girlfriend, as she claimed they were always around and never gave her and Bolt much privacy. She had a group of people whom she wanted Boltius to meet that she apparently spent a lot of time with; friends of her older sister, she’d told him. Unknown to Boltius, said group consisted of older men, drunks and drug-addicts, who had no business associating with an underage girl as they were. And so, when Boltius met them and saw what they were about, exchanged a few words and drank a beer, he decided that he wanted nothing to do with them. They were creepy and unhinged, inappropriate and disgusting. However, when he tried to leave, his girlfriend was hysterical, emotions at an all-time high due to drug-influence, and she lashed out. However, having been taught by his sisters that his fists were rated E for Everyone, Boltius lashed back, which made him a target for the surrounding thugs to exercise their false honor by teaching him a lesson for hitting a lady. As expected, Boltius fought back, unleashed his Potential, and laid waste to the entire building; burnt it to a crisp skeletal remnant. To this day, the initial stench of burnt flesh lingers in his mind. When he came to and fully realized what he had done, he panicked. He scooped up the charred corpse of his girlfriend—delusionally believing that she was still alive; he knew she was, she was breathing—and he hastily left the building, only to come face to face with a familiar Lyric Crianza, whom he’d met via Vulken a few times over the years. She was there on business, but it seemed said business had already been taken care of. In that moment, Boltius dropped to his knees and pleaded that Lyric help him save Larissa, but that was obviously impossible. So, instead, Lyric opted to help save him—to sweep it all under the rug. And she did.

    — —For a week after the night above, Boltius was paranoid that he would be found out and convicted of his crimes. During this time, he skipped school and feigned being sick, asking that his mother turn away his friends should they visit.

    2014, July—Matsuda got Boltius (15yo), Milo, Nanami, and himself kicked out of the Summer Theme Park.

    2014, December—Boltius (16yo) got himself, Milo, Nanami, and Matsuda suspended from school for three days.

    2015, February—Milo went out of town for a few days and forgot to inform Boltius (16yo) and the others, so, after Matsuda convinced them that Milo had been kidnapped, Boltius and the others made a big scene around the South District, hanging Missing Persons posters and interrogating civilians.

    2015, March 10th—Ashlyn Beckman (19yo) had a falling out with their mom over wanting to move away from New Oasis to live with her long-distance boyfriend of three years at the time. Mrs. Beckman suggested that Ashlyn tread lightly and think a little longer about making such a hasty decision since Ashlyn had met him only once before that. Offended by their mother's choice of words, Ashlyn left and has not been back to New Oasis since (that they know of), nor has she been in contact with their mother or father. She calls Boltius and Vulken from time to time.

    2015, May 9th—Boltius (16yo) began dating again, this time a girl by the name of Haven Tembergarten.

    2015, June 7th—Boltius (16yo) broke up with his second girlfriend, Haven, after she called his mom a bitch at the dinner table. Vulken and Boltius were both ready to square up with a hoe, but luckily their mother is a savage and took care of the matter herself by discussing Haven’s behavior with her parents.

    2015, June 20th (B-SIDE: PARK-TIME RECREATION)—Boltius (16yo) and his friends—Matsuda, Milo, and Nanami—all agreed to meet up this day for some typical fun at Central Park in Upper Central District. [PENDING DETAILS]

    2015, July 3rd—Boltius (16yo) and Matsuda were out one night, walking the streets, passing a bottle back and forth (which Boltius stole from his dad’s cooler), when they had a run-in with an older group of people. Intimidating as they were, Boltius already had an ill impression due to past experiences, so he spat some hateful remarks their way, which expectedly pissed them off. They retorted, riling Boltius up more, until eventually it was a back and forth match of who could formulate the best insult. Well, unfortunately for Boltius, these were Scarlet Phoenixes, and he’d landed himself in a bad spot when he swung on the more outspoken of the group, initiating a fight. He activated his Potential and so did the other, taking him by surprise. He hadn’t fought but a few HPs in all his sixteen years. Fortunately, before the scuffle could escalate, someone stepped between Boltius and the Phoenix. Guess who? It was Vulken, and those Phoenixes were his friends. As a result, Boltius finally knew of Vulken’s affiliation with the Scarlet Phoenixes.

    — —Having discovered of Vulken’s being a Scarlet Phoenix, Boltius became worried. At first, it was cool, but as he became more aware of the danger that came with such an association, his imagination spiraled. He decided that the best way to stay close to his brother was to join, as well. This way, he could also protect the rest of his family by always knowing where danger lurked.

    2015, October 18th—Boltius (16yo) started dating a kind girl named Brielle Rousseau.

    2017, January 8th—Boltius (17yo) became a member of the Scarlet Phoenixes with Vulken as his sponsor. It was a late night when Boltius called Vulken out to the basketball court they used to play at, and he told Vulken of his intentions to join the gang. He requested that Vulken sponsor him, but Vulken refused, and so the two fought. Vulken won, of course, but Boltius wouldn’t take no for an answer; he demanded from Vulken what Vulken could not refuse. Rock, paper, scissors. Given Boltius’ win, Vulken was forced to agree to being his brother’s sponsor.

    2017, June—Boltius (18yo) graduated high school.

    2017, July—Boltius (18yo) and Milo had a falling out when Bolt told Milo that he and Nanami had joined the Scarlet Phoenixes together.

    2017, August 14th—Boltius (18yo) and his third girlfriend, Brielle, parted ways when Brielle moved out of the country.

    2018, October 8th—Boltius (19yo) was offered a job at his dance academy as a part-time assistant dance instructor making a steady $18.00 an hour. The majority of his pocket change comes from his gang work.

    2018, October 25th—Boltius (19yo) got his tattoos, courtesy of Ashley Hart.

    2019, December 10th—Boltius (20yo) moved away from home and into his own apartment.

    2020, January 2nd—Boltius (21yo) started hooking up with a girl named Naomi Paydun, but when he showed signs of getting serious with her, she ditched him for someone else.

    2020, March—The hurricane decimated the South District's Nightlife District. Nanami Mitsui's body was never found. Boltius tried to contact Milo regarding Nanami's supposed death, but never heard back from him and was left on read. From here, Boltius started to develop a resentment toward Milo.

    2021, June 4th to June 5th (B-SIDE: LOST ON BOURBON)—Boltius (22yo) and Hector, drunk out of their wits, were taken out of the city on a party-bus that was meant for human trafficking. [PENDING DETAILS]

    2021, September 17th (ARC 1: FROM THE ASHES)—Boltius (22yo) met Charlie Hoshizora for the first time, and the two set out in search of Phoenix-member Nina’s killer. Mostly unsuccessful in their hunt, they rendezvoused back with Lyric and Yong-Yut, and the four turned their attention to the SEC bridge where Vulken and others were said to be engaging in battle with the Azure Dragons. By the time they arrived, however, the battle had calmed. Boltius, Lyric, YY, and Charlie eventually met up with the others who were aboard a boat in the river.

    2021, September 19th, Latenight (B-SIDE: NIGHTLIFE TRYST)—Boltius (22yo) met Dyne Enjyre for the first time.

    2021, September 21st (B-SIDE: FRAUDULENT MEETING)—Having met an interesting stranger who asked to be his friend several days ago, going as far as writing up a Contract of Friendship for Boltius to sign, (22yo) Boltius met with the man named Sang-Cheol this day.

    2021, September 26th (ARC 2: THE RECRUIT)—On this day, Lyric was to be hosting her routine Sunday dinner, which many Phoenixes would be attending. Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. Jack of the gang, Alex, having stolen from the King of the Albino Tigers, set the course for chaos. A precious item, the Tigers came to retrieve it in numbers. While this took place, Boltius (22yo), Hector, and Darren were still well on their way to the dinner when Milo Nagisa suddenly appeared and challenged Hector to a fight.

    — —(22yo) Boltius reunited with Milo again, but not on the greatest of terms.

    2021, September 28th (B-SIDE: PASSING THE TORCH)—(22yo) Boltius met with Hector at Shady’s Clinic where Reika was being held for treatment, for she had fallen into a coma when she pushed her potential beyond its limits days prior. Boltius was promoted to Ace of the Scarlet Phoenixes by Hector, who was now Queen in Reika’s absence.

    2021, December 3rd (B-SIDE: SHAPING UP)—(22yo) Boltius and Vulken trained together at their old basketball court in Lilimare. Following their training session, the two proceeded to meet up with Yong-Yut where they meet Celestine of the Sable Serpents, unknowing of her affiliation with said opposing gang.

    2021, December 12th (B-SIDE: BUILDING BRIDGES)—Passeri Park funded the reconstruction of the West-South bridge. Many Phoenixes gathered to help. There, Boltius met Pascal Corbin.

    2021, December 12th (ONESHOT: THE RIVERSIDE)—(22yo) Boltius and Milo finally worked things out.

    2022, March 29th (B-SIDE: BALLIN')—With a mind to familiarize himself with some of the newest Rookies, (23yo) Boltius arranged for him and some other willing Phoenixes to play a game of basketball at the old court he and his brother, Vulken, often trained at.

    2022, May 27th (B-SIDE: THE ENDURING HURRAH)—An event hosted by Hector Moses, many Phoenixes gathered together at Red West bar to talk of certain upcoming affairs. [Pending Details]

    2022, May 31st (ARC-3, A-SIDE: TACTICAL MAYHEM)—(23yo) Boltius led a Phoenix raid on the Central District Police HQ.

    2022, May 31st (ARC-3)—Upper Central was shaken to its very foundations by a brutal earthquake, which dealt mass destruction to large portions of the Upper District, causing it to rain down into Lower. King of the Scarlet Phoenixes, Lyric Crianza, has since been missing.

    — —The May 31st earthquake, during the Phoenix raid on the CDPD, caused a structurally unsound portion of the CDPD Parking Lot to sink, dropping many Phoenixes into Lower Central. Boltius, saved by Gideon, was dealt multiple injuries in his fall. His left arm was broken in three places; his face was splintered with shrapnel from Gideon's bombs; and he landed folded over a concrete slab of which two rebars impaled him through the right side.

    2022, May 31st (B-SIDE: WE WHO REMAIN)—The Phoenixes raced back to HQ, many injured from the raid on the CDPD and sudden earthquake. Arriving at Shady’s Clinic in the South, Boltius and many others are treated for their wounds. Later, Boltius awakens to find Milo and Gideon at his bedside, Gideon who saved Bolt’s life in the free-fall descent from Upper Central to Lower Central.

    This same night, Bandy, Callista, and Jericho, who happened to snoop through the CDPD Captain’s office during the raid, come to Boltius with pictures of the CDPD Captain’s notebook, which detailed his investigation on one named Yelena Zaysteva. The notes spoke also of city secrets and rituals and cults.

    — —During their interregnum, with their apparent lack of leadership, shadow organizations and rag-tag nuisances began popping up to oppose the Phoenixes.

    2022, July 10th (B-SIDE: BEDLAM BLITZ!)— Pending Details
    Mother - Pam Beckman (HP)
    Age: 47
    A strong-willed and kind woman, albeit with a temper, Pam was the one who did the majority of parenting in the household. She both brought in money and tended to the at-home chores, but not without help. It was important to her that her children understood work no matter how menial. Each child, come the age of seven, was taught to wash their own laundry and properly clean up after themselves. Pam was a neat-freak, which is something Boltius picked up later in life. She was also the cook of the house and gave each of her children chances to help with meal-prep. She loved spending time with her boys and girls, and always found a way to do it. Pam initiated family outings regularly.

    Famous quotes are the following: "You kids are the best thing that ever happened to me." -- "Boltius, leave your brother alone, for goodness' sake." -- "I don't give a damn what you want. We have food at home." -- "Excuse me?" -- "GO TO YOUR ROOM!" -- "I'm sorry, the teacher said what? I'll rearrange that bitch's face." -- "Vulken, leave your brother alone." -- "I'll cut a bitch." -- "That's not how you talk to a lady." -- "BOLTIUS GET OFF THE TABLE!"

    Father - Bartolomeo Beckman (HP)
    Age: 50
    A once distinguished figure skater, Bartolomeo was a stay-at-home husband following an injury on the ice. He was always there for Pam and helped where he was needed, but Pam was mostly self-dependent, preferring to do things on her own. With that, Bartolomeo mostly played with the kids when Pam was cleaning or at work, or when Pam wasn't teaching the kids valuable life lessons. He got to be the fun parent, always the one to either say 'yes' or 'ask your mother'. Though laid-back and lenient, and somewhat goofy, Bartolomeo was a force to be reckoned with from his street-fighting days as a teen. If, specifically, Boltius and Vulken caused trouble for Pam, he laid into them pretty harshly compared to the girls.

    A projection of the way he was raised, he was known for the following quotes: "Suck it up, don't be a pussy." -- "Boys don't cry." -- "Hey, Vulken, look, pretty women~" -- "Boltius, quit being an ass." -- "Apologize to your mother, right now." -- "You wanna do wall-chairs?! I'LL MAKE YOU DO FUCKIN' WALL-CHAIRS!"

    Sister - Peoni Beckman (NP)
    Birthday: October 26th, 1994
    Age: 27
    Peoni and Vulken were close as babies, all the way up until they established their own individual friend-groups in school. While they might have drifted apart slightly, it was never in a bad way. Peoni always checks in with Vulken and Boltius today, Boltius more so than Vulken because he's her "baby brother". She is the ultimate cinnamon bun--not a hate-bone in her body. She struggled with bullies in high-school and a lot of sexual harassments due to her developed form.

    Some notable quotes are: "I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings..." (in response to Vulken telling her to bite back at the girls at school) -- "Can I play with your hair?" -- "Has anyone seen Boltius?" (usually after he fought with Vulken and ran off) -- "Mom, Vulken and Bolt are fighting in Vulken's room again... I'm afraid to interfere." -- "I got called a bimbo again at school." -- "You don't have to fight for my sake!" (usually to Vulken, Bolt, or Janet after being bullied at school)

    Sister - Ashlyn Beckman (HP)
    Birthday: January 8th, 1996
    Age: 27
    Back when they were children, Ashlyn kept to herself, reading alone in a quiet corner and listening to jazz. However, come halfway through middle school and throughout high school, she became self-centered and something of a bully. At school, if she encountered any of her siblings, she looked the other way as if pretending she didn't know them. . . especially Boltius. Around nineteen years old, Ashlyn up and left the city with her boyfriend of three years. She contacts Boltius and Vulken occasionally, but usually to complain about her boyfriend rather than see how they're doing.

    Some quotes are: "Can you please not?" -- "Leave me alone." -- "I don't concern myself with fools." -- "You're an idiot." (probably to Bolt) -- "Vulken, can you get your clothes out of the bathroom? I don't want the smell wafting while I'm trying to shower. It's fucking gross." -- "Vulken is better than you." (to Bolt) -- "Boltius is better than you." (to Vulken) -- "Love you..."

    Sister - Janet Beckman (HP)
    Birthday: May 31st, 1997
    Age: 25
    Janet, like Ashlyn, was a quiet one. However, unlike Ashlyn, she always joined in on the family fun while Ashlyn sat back and silently judged. Throughout school, she was still quiet and made only a select few friends. Despite apparent behaviors, however, Janet was and still is, like their father, a force to be reckoned with. She's blunt with her words and opinionated. Similarly to Boltius, she looks up to Vulken the most and is very protective of Peoni. As for her relationship with Boltius. . . Boltius just annoys the hell out of her until she talks to him. On the surface, one might think she dislikes her younger brother, but deep down she holds great love for him and wouldn't hesitate to defend him.

    Quotes: "Boltius, please be quiet." -- "Stop yelling" -- "I'm not interested, Bolt." -- "Vulken, wanna go on a walk?" -- "Can someone tell Bolt to leave me alone." -- "Bye." -- "I don't like that." -- "Funny." -- "You're ignorant."
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    Audley Vyelith Chrome
    (Character Art: taigami_mi)
    25 (November 05, 1997)
    5'04" (162 cm) | 138 lb (62.5 kg)
    Rookie of the Sable Serpents
    2022, September
    Keeps introducing herself as a Veteran to make Rookies do dumb stuff
    Home District
    North District
    She is of snake-like appearance, characterized by thin lips coated in raven gloss, jet-black hair that falls straight and ends in the front with clean-cut bangs to canopy her playful, almond-shaped eyes, and sharp canines displayed by an often mischevious smile. Her fashion aesthetic is cohesively chaotic, a blend of street and punk and full of buttons, pins, and chains. Audley exudes confidence, possessing a rebellious charm; though, her typical demeanor hints at boredom.
    Audley typically comes off as aloof or uninterested in most situations, lacking enthusiasm toward things unless they directly benefit her or spark a twisted sense of amusement. She can often be found staring blankly at people or events around her as she ponders her next scheme, and she's always got a pocket full of sarcastic remarks at the ready. Her personality is one of cool detachment, biting humor, and a nonchalant approach. She cares not what others think of her but her mind is sharp and always calculating.

    Easily bored, Audley's restlessness leads her to stir up trouble just to see what happens. She doesn't necessarily want to be the center of attention, nor does she act out of malice, but she finds amusement in creating ripples that disrupt the status quo. Cryptic comments, planting seeds of doubt, or poking at tension-driven situations are all keys on her piano. While her chaos-seeking might seem random, Audley is usually calculated in her actions, trying not to provoke situations that could backfire on her directly—at least not without a clear exit strategy. Her ability to manipulate people and situations subtly makes her havoc less reckless and more like controlled anarchy. Now, should the ripples find their way back to her, she is a master of plausible deniability, often slithering her way out of trouble.

    Audley rarely shows guilt or regret for the trouble she causes, usually deflecting responsibility with a casual shrug. Additionally, she is irritated by repetition and monotony, typically avoiding structured tasks or taking shortcuts to avoid boredom. This impatience sometimes puts her at odds with others in her work circuit.

    Furthermore, Audley has a knack for crafting elaborate and believable false identities or scenarios on the spot, purely for her own amusement. Whether she’s playing the victim, pretending to be someone important, or fabricating a dramatic backstory, her lies are as convincing as they are absurd. She enjoys the reactions her performances elicit, especially if they put others in awkward situations.
    1997, November 5th—Audley Chrome is born.

    Closer look: What You Don't Know Might Surely Kill You—Audley grew up in a modest household in the South District. Her parents (Elias and Maris Chrome) worked ordinary jobs, enough to make ends meet, and they did what they could to shield Audley from the dangers of New Oasis. Typical of HPs, her parents figured out early on that she was one; however, Audley wouldn’t discover the nature of her Potentiality until later on.

    Chrome Clockworks was the name of her father’s shop, a humble business nestled in a quiet corner of the South District. Audley spent much of her time here, where she studied after school while her father worked, repairing timepieces for people from all backgrounds. For the most part, the Chrome’s kept to themselves. However, unbeknownst to Audley and her mother, Elias had a darker history than they could have imagined.

    You see, while the four heavenly gangs of New Oasis are regarded as the most dominant and renowned for their large HP population and influence, they are not the only criminal organizations that skulk about. Before settling down, Elias Chrome had once been a forger, crafting counterfeit documents and disguises for a small mostly-NP gang known as the Golden Fangs. When he left to start a new life with Maris, the Golden Fangs allowed him under the condition that he could not refuse should they ever request his services again.

    Amidst his fresh start, he began serving as a quiet savior for those desperate to escape the clutches of gangs from all over the city, using his knowledge to craft fake IDs, transfer papers, and safe passage plans for individuals and families looking to leave the gang life behind. During this period of his life, he went by ‘Houdini’. However, Elias’ work as ‘Houdini’ was perilous. If the Golden Fangs were to discover he was helping people defect, it would mean certain death for him and his family. Vigilant, he chose his clients carefully.

    As the years passed, Elias truly thought that the gang life had forgotten him, but he was foolish. The Golden Fangs came knocking one night, and they demanded his help to create fake IDs and transfer papers for a major operation that would allow them to infiltrate a larger gang and dismantle them from the inside.

    Elias initially refused, hoping his services weren’t so desperately required, but the Golden Fangs threatened Maris and Audley—his baby girl. And so, in order to keep them safe, Elias reluctantly agreed, secretly vowing to sabotage the operation. If the Golden Fangs were to cease to exist, he could return to his simple life without another cautious glance over the shoulder. Elias crafted the documents as requested but left subtle flaws in the work—details that would eventually expose the Golden Fangs once discovered.

    2010, December 9th—Audley’s parents are killed, and Audley unlocks the nature of her Potential.

    Closer look: The Betrayal—After secretly betraying the Golden Fangs by subtly butchering some documents, Elias’ clandestine operations helping people escape gang life came to light, discovered by the Golden Fangs. One of the individuals he’d helped escape was an HP named Liona, a mid-level enforcer for the gang who, after winding up pregnant, grew disillusioned with the gang’s escalating brutality and sought to leave. Elias, moved by her desperation but also empathetic toward the similarity of her circumstance with his own many years ago, agreed to forge her escape documents and help her flee the city.

    Liona successfully disappeared, but her escape did not go unnoticed. HPs were valuable to the gang for their scarcity. The Golden Fangs were suspicious of how she had managed to vanish so cleanly, and an internal investigation eventually uncovered discrepancies in her records, subtle signs of tampering that pointed to a skilled forger—someone like Elias Chrome. Suspecting this, the Golden Fangs looked into Elias’ recent work with them and uncovered the flaws in the documents he had forged for their infiltrators in the rival gang—Element Liberation. What had initially seemed like minor errors now appeared as deliberate sabotage.

    Elias’ betrayals were undeniable. The Golden Fangs acted swiftly, mobilizing to eliminate him and send a message to anyone else who might consider crossing them. His actions had humiliated the gang, which meant a spectacle was required. When one of Elias’ safehouses was burned down, he knew something was up. A message. Soon after, a trusted friend and fellow member of the Golden Fangs, Gregor, who often pointed clients in Elias’ direction came to him and told him of the danger he and his family were in—that the Golden Fangs had uncovered everything.

    Together, Elias and Gregor discussed a plan to get Elias and his family safely out of the city. Elias hastily gathered his things, imploring Maris and Audley to pack lightly, and set out to one of his fallback escape routes. The plan was to move through a network of tunnels beneath New Oasis to reach a safehouse outside the city limits. It seemed solid, and Elias believed they might just make it.

    But Gregor had betrayed him. Under the guise of loyalty, something the man had staunchly been, Gregor had fed the Golden Fangs the details of Elias’ escape plan. As Elias led his family through darkened streets, they were unknowing of the trap that lay ahead. There, at the tunnel entrance, the Golden Fangs waited. Armed with enforcers and a few HPs, they ambushed Elias and his family, surrounding them. Being that they were only NPs, there was little they could do, but they fought—hopelessly, but relentlessly.

    In the midst of the chaos, Audley, just 13 years old, found herself frozen with fear as an HP enforcer bore down on her. She heard her father’s voice, telling her to run—her mother’s dying screams and the wet squelch of her skull slowly crushing beneath a man’s boot as several camera lights obscured her vision. They were recording. She couldn’t move. Then, as her emotions surged—the enforcer’s hands closing in around her throat—something within her snapped.

    Awakening—Suddenly, the world shifted. The air around Audley rippled, and the chaos of the dimly lit tunnel was replaced by a hazy, monochromatic expanse. Structures and objects from the real world remained, but they were stripped of their substance, reduced to glowing white gridlines that stretched into the void. Shadows no longer existed; only the faint glow of this skeletal dimension illuminated her surroundings.

    What remained of the enforcer was only a blurred silhouette, white and the edges faded. He appeared to look around, but Audley didn’t waste time trying to figure out what was happening. With one last glance toward the prone figures that she knew were her parents, she turned and ran. Without understanding how or why, she moved—effortlessly, weightlessly—through the grid-like framework of the city. She didn’t think, didn’t plan; her legs carried her forward, each step feeling lighter, faster, and freer than anything she had ever known.

    Then, as abruptly as it began, the monochromatic world shattered. Colors, sound, and textures flooded back to her perception and she fell. Her head cracked against the hard brick of a building, and her vision doubled, faded, then blackened.

    2010, December 29th—Audley is adopted by Quintus Alexandre, becoming a member of the criminal organization called Element Liberation, rival to the Golden Fangs.

    Closer Look: The Whispered Survivor—After the Golden Fangs’ ambush that killed Audley’s parents, which the gang’s enforcers had recorded to send a brutal message to potential defectors and traitors, word spread about the girl who mysteriously escaped. The footage showed Elias’ and Maris’ deaths, the chaos, and the sudden vanishing of Audley before the recording stopped.

    Though the Golden Fangs believed they had secured control of the narrative, one of Element Liberation’s infiltrators within the gang managed to leak the footage, and the story quickly spread through the underworld. To most, it was a show of the Golden Fangs’ ruthlessness. To Quintus, it was a revelation, as he’d been collecting HPs like baubles to grow his army. Quintus studied the footage obsessively, hardening the girl’s image to memory. The grainy frames showed Audley’s first activation of her Potentiality—a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it warp into the monochromatic grid. To others, she seemed to vanish into thin air—invisibility—but Quintus recognized what had happened. The Golden Fangs hadn’t failed to kill her; they had failed to understand her. Such raw, untamed power—he had to claim it.

    Quintus tasked his ElLiberators with locating the “ghost girl” from the video. He needed her. Not just for her being an HP, for her power, but for the ego-stroking victory of stealing the survivor of the Golden Fangs’ wrath. However, Audley was elusive. Her potential came easy and she quickly mastered it. Regardless, Quintus was able to draw her out—not with force, but with persuasion. Following the rumors, each report bringing him closer to her whereabouts, he found and approached her with an offer: join Element Liberation, a group opposed to the Golden Fangs, and turn her survival into revenge.

    But Audley refused. Their close family friend, Gregor, had betrayed them, and that turned her against trust. However, she also didn’t have many options. The promise of revenge planted a seed in her mind. Over the next week, Quintus continued to visit, each time bringing small tokens of goodwill—food, blankets, even and old clockmaking book that reminded her of her father’s shop. Slowly, Audley’s defenses lowered, and by December 29th she accepted his offer. Quintus took her in, not just as a recruit but as a protege. He cultivated her hatred for the Golden Fangs and molded her into a weapon. And though Audley joined Element Liberation, she never fully trusted Quintus. Somewhere in the depths of her grief and anger, a part of her remained aloof, waiting and watching for the cracks in his facade.

    From Prey to Predator—Under Quintus’ guidance, Audley became a cold and calculating force. Her time with Element Liberation shaped her into a seasoned combatant, honing her ability to warp between dimensions with precision and speed. Quintus pushed her beyond her limits, recognizing the value of her Potential in executing covert operations, sabotage, and ambushes. He taught her the art of manipulation, and through all of this Audley became aware of Quintus’ true nature—the cracks started to show.

    During these years, Element Liberation systematically weakened the Golden Fangs. Quintus, with his small but powerful army of HPs and well-placed infiltrators, initiated a series of operations aimed at destabilizing the opposing gang from the inside, and Audley played a pivotal role in achieving this. However, for Audley, it wasn’t just about filling a role or fighting back, but also about striking a psychological blow. Each success, each mission, was a small step toward avenging her parents.


    2022, September 22nd—Audley becomes a member of the Sable Serpents.
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    Yong-Yut Somsri
    Yong-Yut Somsri
    29 (Jan. 10, 1994)
    5'9.7" (177 cm) | 142 lb (64.4 kg)
    Jack of the Scarlet Phoenixes
    The Only Voice of Reason
    Home District
    South District
    Yong-yut now is different from Yong-Yut from ten, maybe even just one year ago. Still 5’10, still 145lbs… but where a cowering young girl once stood with her eyes to the ground, where a nervous young adult had stood with hair reaching to her ankles, now stands a person that had found a bit more footing in her place in the world.

    This new person now stands with brown locks reaching her mid-back and ribbons plaited through her long bangs. Their silver eyes are a bit heavier; stress is catching up to them. Their taste in fashion is a bit more refined now. Still preferring baggy, oversized clothes for both comfort and practical reasons, they’ve now got a sort of academic flair to them. Though, she never truly lost her taste in cool patterns.
    Yong-Yut’s an introvert at heart. That’ll probably never change. But her heart’s thawed over the years. Unlike when she was a child, jittery and cold, Yong-Yut’s found some warmth in the people around her. The Phoenixes. That isn’t to say she can’t be an absolute nervous wreck in the face of strangers— it’s that she’s found a safe space that spans further than, like, two people.

    A person like Yong-Yut prefers to watch rather than participate. She spends her time learning and planning, taking things slow and looking at them thoroughly. And maybe judging them a little bit. Or a lotta bit. It’s how she’s always been. But lately they’ve found a little proactive spark in them that they want to nurture. She’s not exactly sure how to go about it, but it’s the thought that counts.

    And maybe she can be a bit bitchy, too. It’s the Phoenixes. They’re all bitchy.

    But she’s scared, too. All her life, her relationships had been a revolving door. People coming in and out at seemingly random. And though she feels stable in the entirety of the Phoenixes, Yong-Yut can’t help but feel her heart quicken when she thinks about her closest friends. Any one of them could leave again at any moment.
    Before Yong-Yut was born, her mother, Chailai, was happily married to a nice, professional man with a lot of money. They had a great life together. He was sweet and kind, doting on her like any man should. There was never a day where Chailai felt unloved.

    Which, of course, is why, three years in, Chailai strayed. She missed the unmarried life, so what better way to feel young again than to mess around with a man with the free spirit she wished for?

    But that light feeling in her chest soon sank when she learned the news. The affair that she had used to make herself feel young again had aged her like milk as it resulted in one of the worst mistakes she had ever made.


    She couldn’t hide the pregnancy forever. It took four months for her husband to find out; four months for her life to fall into ruins. She was divorced. And he didn’t give her anything for it. Yong-Yut’s mom was forced to find a new place to stay, and, despite their differences, her sister had managed to scrounge up a well-paying job for her. When her bastard child was finally born, she was exhausted. She was angry.

    Yong-Yut had ruined her perfect marriage. Not only that, but the girl was a damn weirdo.

    Stupid, stupid girl.

    Yong-Yut grew up with a condescending, vindictive mother. A mother who talked down to her, like she was dumb, or deaf, for all of her life. As if they couldn’t understand what she was saying. And any failures, real or perceived, just proved her right.

    Her only respite, for many of her younger years, was her cousins. Decha and Chet. She spent most of her time hanging out with them. They were her first friends. Even though she was cold and aloof, they still gave her the attention and respect that she craved from her mother. Her first words were spoken to them, at age five.

    A year later she met her first best friend. A young boy, whose mother was friends with theirs. While she couldn’t exactly remember how they got to be so close, she could remember that she was practically inseparable from him. It felt like he was the only kid in the world who could understand her.

    As they grew up, Yong-Yut began sparring with her cousins. They taught her everything she needed to know, between strategizing and utilizing her potential to the fullest. Not like she needed much help with the latter; she’d already been using her cloth manipulation abilities for years. They were, essentially, her mentors.

    Until they grew distant.

    Around the age of fourteen, her cousins had joined the Scarlet Phoenixes. At that point, they heavily withdrew contact with her. She didn’t understand it at that point. It felt like a betrayal. But they had only done it in an effort to keep her safe. Chet and Decha had assumed that Yong-Yut’s friend would keep her company while they were gone, but later that same year, that friend had left for the Tigers.

    Loneliness was a leech. Yong-Yut made a few surface-level acquaintances, a few empty relationships, but none of them settled the ache in her chest. So for a good while, Yong-Yut was alone.

    But, you know what was a bigger leech?

    The Phoenixes that decided to annoy the shit out of her for the rest of her life.

    Thrust into a new friend group, Yong-Yut found herself growing close with some fucknuts that give her the worst migraines in the world. Then her cousins came back into the picture. Considering the amount of Phoenixes she knew that also couldn’t keep their mouths shut, it was a sure thing for her to be sponsored and pulled into the fray. And, for nearly eleven years, Yong-Yut’s been a tight-knit member of the Phoenixes.
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    Give in to your fears. Find hope in your sin. Fear not the dark, my peers. And let the feast begin.
    Mid to late 80s (1940s)

    Mother of Monsters;The Sworn Savior; Empress of the World; Our Lady of the Abyss; The Light That Was Darkness;She Who Waits in the Shadows;All-Mother;Master Matriarch;The Dragon's Harlot;God-Maker;Evil Embodied;Gray Wanderer;She Who Brings Gifts
    8'0” | 300 lbs
    King of the Sable Serpents
    Build-A-Beast Workshop
    Home District
    North District
    A a tall, frail, wrinkly frame of a woman. Her skin being grayish in color, her finger nails are long and sharp, and her hair is unkept but she keeps it mostly hidden under her hood. The whites of Khydnah's eyes are pitch black and her irises are amber in color, though they appear duller in the day time. Khydnah is mostly seen drapped from head to toe in an foreign robe, while also being adorned in aged jewelry.
    Khydnah is a cunning and well-spoken woman. She is a forward thinker, adapting to all her problems as if they were minor inconveniences or not even problems at all. She prefers to speak with firm sincerity with any and everyone. Khydnah doesn't display a whole lot of emotions and is nigh impossible to anger her, showing almost an infinite amount of patience. Despite her stand-offish nature, Khydnah can be rather sociable and understanding of her peers. She is willing to help anyone who is in need of her help, even if it's mostly transactional.
    The nature of Khydnah's birth is a mystery. She was found by a tribe of gypsy zealots in a dried up marsh. At the senter of the marsh was two large, barren trees that took the shape of hands stretched up towards the sky. On the fingertips were smaller hands and from those figner tips where limbs that stretched out until they met at the center of both trees; and at the center, the limbs coiled around into a nest where Khydnah would be found sleeping in this strange nest

    Since being found, the tribe began to worship Khydnah as some prophesied savoir but despite this reverence, they had starved and tortured her most of her childhood, believing they were preparing her ascension to godhood. Despite the harsh conditions she endured, Khydnah's innate resilience allowed her to adapt and learn quickly. The gypsy zealots, in their twisted belief, inadvertently shaped her into a cunning survivor. As she grew older, Khydnah began to subtly manipulate her captors, turning their rituals into opportunities for her own gain. Despite the trials of her past, Khydnah harbored no resentment. Instead, she viewed her upbringing as a peculiar foundation that shaped her into the enigmatic woman she had become.

    One faithful day, she was brought to a cavern and stood before a black pool of sorts before descending into it. It was unknown how long she stayed submerged in the poll but upon arising, she had fully transformed into something new. Not long after her transformation, she was offered up into an arrangement to a chimeric monarch named Jorwynn to provide permanant asylum within his country. He accepted and Khydnah was now royalty, the two Potentials taking a great liking to each other as they waged war on their neighbors with Jorwyn's army and Khydnah's kin and brought forth a reign of terror like none have seen before. Unfortunately for them, it wouldn't last as they found themselves facing powerful adversaries who sought to put an end to their malevolent rule. The alliance between Jorwynn and Khydnah was formidable, but it couldn't withstand the combined forces of those who opposed their tyranny.

    As their dominion crumbled, Khydnah's cunning mind went into overdrive. She devised a plan to escape the impending doom, leveraging her potential to escape, while unknowingly leaving her husband behind to cover for her escape. The escape was swift, leaving behind the chaos they had sown. Now alone and being a wanted criminal, Khydnah remained in hiding for years as she traveled across the world while avoiding the general populace, until fate finally shined on her when she made it to a paradisial cesspool known as "New Oasis."

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