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Fantasy ☽₊✩‧₊Found Destiny₊✩‧₊☾

Leo Thorn


Rage instantly burned across every synapse of every fiber of his being. His fangs extended and his jaw clenched a couple times as he tried to maintain his composure, trying not to lose that cocky grin on his face. He stared down at the small, dark haired twin as she approached him despite the literal fire that was burning bright in his eyes. He knew the effect he had on her and he was feeding off of it. Out of the twins he liked getting under Veda's skin the most. Vesta ignored him, but Veda? She grabbed hold of the collar of his tank and tugged him down to her level. He could see the effect he had on her, and he loved it.

And that little threat of hers? Music to his ears.

His smirk spread wide across his face as she released him and stormed off, a deep chuckle rumbling in his chest. "Oh, baby girl, you're going to eat your words today..." Leo stood and straightened out his shirt, though as he turned to face the circle he saw Alina and Cy by the arch. His smirk fell, his brows furrowed and he instantly was put into a bitter move. Alina was his trophy. She was the air heir's cousin, the prettiest girl he had met to date. She would provide powerful heirs-- that was all he wanted her for.

And there went his good mood.

"Shut up. Get in the ring." Leo spun on his heels and made his way to where the twins stood by the ring. There was no waiting for them to walk in the ring. No, Leo shoved the girls into the ring with Vesta on the left side and Veda on the right. Leo took a step back and deposited his hands in his pockets. The black ring around the girls completely lit up in flames triple their height, burning hot enough to melt their skin off should they choose to touch it. This fire was wicked, unforgiving, it was deadly. "A normal trial would give you 60 seconds to escape. But, there's two of you isn't there? It only seems fair that time gets cut in half."

The flames suddenly shot down the center of the circle and separated the sisters. A large smirk spread on his face again; this would take care of the girls once and for all.
Alina Diaval
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
22. Aquarius. Dragon. Water & Air

The walk with Cypres was enough to lighten her mood. Their parents were friends and they grew up together, they had countless walks together. Alina was always a sensitive person emotionally and Cy was the one consistent person that could calm the storms she would create. They would walk the citadel grounds and joke around, talk about hopes and dreams, it didn't matter what they talked about so long as she was with him. But he was three years older than her. They started their schooling at different times and were in completely different towers, they hardly saw each other any more and it was just... they drifted apart. Yet to this day he was still able to make her smile, those storm clouds clearing from the sky the further the pair walked.

The only difference was back then the small fae woman would hold onto his hand during their walks. Now that was completely forbidden.

Upon hearing him about the wedding her heart nearly leapt from her chest. It wasn't that Alina was jealous (maybe a little), but Cypres deserved someone who saw past his crown and title. He needed someone to see that bright caring soul, who appreciated him. She wanted him to tuck tail and run from Mari-- everything about that woman was completely fake... though Alina supposed she couldn't say much.

"Ha." Alina rolled her eyes at the thought of wedding planning, least of all with Mari. "Come now, you know my overbearing mother is planning everything. Anything I picked out wasn't good enough. I don't even know my color scheme at this point." She looked up at Cy with a quiet giggle. "Besides, Leo and I are purely a political arraignment. The only time he like me is when he needs a recharge." In which case she charges him nearly a pound of gold. Hey, what could she say? Dragon's liked gold.

Speaking of gold, the sight of Leo and Veda made her heart sink to her stomach. Without a doubt he was going to pour all his mana into this trial, which was the exact thing she wanted to talk him out of this morning. The smile on her face fell and she could just sense this wasn't going to end well. "R-Right..." Alina tried to sound positive, even flashing him a small smile as he touched her head.

The roar of flames sounded as they walked into the arena, Leo's loud announcement to the girls about their shortened time sinking her heart even further. Her brows furrowed and the blonde immediately ran to Leo's side. "Leo what are you doing?! You're supposed to train the girls, not kill them!" Alina looked from Leo to Veda through the flames and felt her stomach do nervous flips. "Rune seriously, you can't let him kill the girls!"
Rune Finch


"Right... fiance." The deep grumbling voice was laced in venom, his emerald green eyes glowing for a second as he said the word out loud, his narrowed gaze still fixated on her golden brown orbs. It was odd; Rune was the biggest loner ever since he was a kid, but Marigold? She meant something to him; she deserved better than some Prince with a pretty face. He would never admit it out loud, in fact he went out of his way to avoid her more often than not. Mari was strong, dedicated, passionate. There was no doubt she could take down almost everyone in the arena in heels and a ballgown without batting an eye-- everyone but him. She wasn't the strongest order, or the highest power, but the woman spent endless hours honing her skills. She was always five steps ahead of everyone... again, save for him.

She was also the only one in Ecrela save for the Kings that knew of his darkest secret.

His jaw clenched a couple times as he twirled one of her beautiful golden curls around his index finger. He recalled the day in the arena and the fear of her outing him to everyone, the terror of his life being over before it even began. The only thing that spared him from public execution with his family for being a shadow wielder was his rare order of Basilisk. He could cure any poison, hypnotize individuals, he could perfectly camouflage himself. "Well tell your fiance to show up to training on time and stop drooling over a certain blonde dragon." Had Mari ran and told anyone about him... that would of been the end of him. Yet she stayed. She wanted to stay with him despite him being a monster. They trained until sunrise, and before he was able to thank her, to work up the nerve and kiss her, people began to join them.

It was crickets since then. Just this palpable air between them when they were alone together... which wasn't often. Even still, she deserved so much better than Cy; not that Rune could offer her better than a soon-to-be king. Rune's jaw clenched once more as he worked up the nerve to say anything to her-- literally just ANYTHING, but by the time his mouth opened up Leo was shoving the girls in the circle and lighting the ring ablaze.

The tattoo covered hand dropped from Mari's face and broke their gaze so he could spin on the heels of his combat boots. Leo's intentions churned his stomach, but at the same time... "I'm not going to order him to stop, Alina. If the girls are worthy they'll live. If not, well, we have our answer." Strong muscled arms crossed across his chest and his 6'5" stature shifted slightly from foot to foot. It wasn't the morally just thing to do, but they were fae. Their leaders needed to be resilient in every regard.

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Veda “Smith”

21.Gemini.Currently Unknown Order. All Four.

Baby girl, Veda could nearly vomit. It took a lot for her to not turn around and clobber him right then and there but thankfully Vesta was finally here and she could have that little bit of comfort. Though before she could even have a single moment to think about anything more before she was shoved forward to stand in the middle of the circle. "Hey!" Veda roared and turned to shove Leo away from her but thankfully she was too slow her her arms would have been singed from the flames that rose all around her. The girl fell back on her ass from the shock, staring up at the intense wall of oranges and red for what felt like a lifetime. Outside the circle she could hear Leo screaming something at them about only having moments to react before the situation turned deadly.

"Vesta!" Veda screamed over the roar of the fire, trying to make sure she was still alive on the other side of the wall that divided them. Through the angry orange lights she couldn't make out anything but she could still feel her twin's energy on the other side. She was okay. That was all Veda kept telling herself. Vesta was okay. Now it was time to try and do something about not dying herself. For a second Veda attempted to summon that feeling that Rune explained to them throughout the week, the feeling of your magic rising to meet you and help you... the issue was as she called to her fire to try and move or slow the flames she simply felt nothing. Water, Veda could always use water, she was good at water... technically it was cheating but wasn't trying to kill them also cheating? As soon as she felt the cooling wave rise within her core a small opening appeared in the outer wall of the fire and she didn't think, she just moved.

Suddenly the scorching heat was much less intense and she could finally feel the wind moving around her face and blowing back her hair. Veda turned back and looked at the roaring fire and let out a small whimper as she realized Vesta was still within the flames. From outside she could realize how truly large it all was, there was no way that she could fight against that, not with fire and not with water... this was too much for their fifth day here.

Veda began to panic, she had to do SOMETHING. Anything. Wildly she looked around and saw the others all just standing there, watching. "What is WRONG with all of you? You're fucking psychopaths!" This wasn't even just Leo, this was all of them. He may have pushed them, he may be doing this... he was doing this. The response came instantly. Veda turned and stared him down as he smirked at the flames, the same cool wave rising again only this time it was with all the power of her rage and fear behind it. With a push of her hand a large wave came from the ground before her and went tunneling towards Leo, crashing into him with a sound that was loud enough to battle out the sounds of the fire behind her. Only when it hit him it didn't stop the flames as she had hoped.

Vesta “Smith”
21.Gemini.Currently Unknown Order & Element

The last thing Vesta expected was to be literally shoved into the circle, least of all away from her sister. They were supposed to tackle these things together, but before she could even move towards Veda the flames were consuming their every exit and shooting down her only path to her sister. Losing Veda was the only thing she ever feared in life and she wasn’t going to do it now.

Vesta couldn’t hear anything past the roaring towering flames. The orange burning wall reflected in those emerald and gold eyes of hers, her freckled splotched face illuminated by the heated light. Everything around her felt… peaceful. The warmth, the heat, it was like a meditation for her. Her twin senses knew that Veda wasn’t sharing in her emotions though and that was her first point of business. As she glanced through the flames a gap appeared on Veda’s side, like the flames were listening to Vesta’s order at releasing her sister. It took her some serious concentration but, it worked.

Only for a second though. As soon as Veda was gone Vesta lost her focus, the gap closed, and she attempted to open a gap for herself. Time was ticking quickly. The fire had completely consumed Veda’s side and was devouring Vesta’s half, and despite every order, every request to the flames they wouldn’t open. It was like she was fighting with someone to open them… Leo. She was fighting with Leo. He wanted her dead and this was how she was going to do it.

Thirty seconds came and went, and the flames consumed every single inch of the circle. On the outside it would appear that Vesta had been lost in the fire trial.

…Only, that would have been far too easy for the heirs. Suddenly the large flames began to whip around, swirling in the air, before every bit of the fire dove into the center of the ring. The heat flicked by Rune, Leo, anyone who was close to the ring felt the intense heat rush by their face until all of the fire had been absorbed by the thing commanding the fire.

Which just so happened to have been a collapsed ginger headed twin in the middle of the now flameless circle. All that was left was an unscathed Vesta and burn marks beneath her, the pattern resembling large feathered wings. Her eyes slowly flicked opened and she sat up to see that she was actually alive still…somehow. “Um… did we pass?” Dark lashes blinked a few times as she looked over to see Veda and the others.

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