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Fantasy ☽₊✩‧₊Found Destiny₊✩‧₊☾



Zombie Enthusiast
₊✩‧₊Welcome to Starburough Citadel...₊✩‧₊

Starburough Citadel, the home of the late King and Queen of Ecrela. The massive land and castle that sat upon it had been turned into the center of their world after the death of the entire royal family. Their death had resulted in chaos, no heirs remained to continue to rule the way Ecrela had always been and after long weeks of debate and discussion, the plan to split the role between the four most powerful families from each elemental group had arose. The castle now housed their government basically, housing for those being trained into prestigious positions as well as simply for those of families that should not be forced to interact within the general public. This was no ones permanent home, but it was where the young men and women and their mentors were until they were strong enough and educated enough to rule. It was also where the powers that be keep their most powerful soldiers and most trusted advisors when meetings and such needed to take place.

The one thing no one in their world would have expected was for the undeniable energy of the Starbend family to return. The King and Queen were surely dead but their twin baby girls had never been recovered, after 21 years everyone had assumed their deaths long ago. But the new rulers of their lands could not ignore the signs... so they sent for a tracker to find the girls and bring them home... as their law demanded.

(yes this is very closely based on Zodiac Academy)

**this RP is full**
Veda “Smith”

21.Gemini.Currently Unknown Order & Element

Just hours ago the girls had been sitting in their apartment, eating dinner and getting ready for the night. Now they were being given the grand tour of the grounds by some fae and being told they were from this world called Ecrela? When the man in the strange uniform had appeared on their doorstep Veda had almost slammed the door in his face but something about his words made him impossible to ignore, her brain had been screaming at her to stop following him and really freaked out when the weirdo opened a glowing purple portal in their hallway but she still couldnt get her feet to stop moving. Once they had arrived at the strange place they were quickly taken to a large and ornate board room of sorts and met with many odd looking people that made her nearly pass out. There were women with wings, men with horns and people who looked just as normal as she did... honestly at this point Veda was certain she was in a coma and sitting in some hospital somewhere.

Thank god that Vesta was here with her, even if she was in a coma she was fairly sure that she couldn't get through this without her. The two had always been inseparable but in the last few years that bond had really cemented. "Vesta!" Veda hissed out low, her hand reaching over and grabbing her sisters as the two walked past a towering building made of seemingly glowing stones. Outside of the large entrance two women in flowing immodest outfits that showed the scales that littered their bodies were creating huge jets of water with their hands to water the gardens surrounding the building. For a moment Veda slowed and watched, in complete awe before shaking her head and catching up with the guide as the girls were taken to a tall mean looking man with long black hair. He had been in their meeting... Rune? It was hard enough to keep up with the fact that they were apparently long lost royal siblings of some unknown order and element, she couldn't be expected to remember names as well.

Then it hit her. He had said something in that meeting about a test to figure out their element. Their order would have to be awoken eventually through their own growth but their element should already be present. In this world children began showing signs early on and began training through schooling at the age of ten. The girls were very far behind but still... "What, you meant NOW?" How in the hell did he expect them to do this now, all Veda wanted to do was be shown to a nice dark room to sleep in until she woke up from this nightmare. "Fuck no, you're out of your mind tall dark and brooding. Not fucking happening. Right Vee?"

Veda flicked her dyed black locks out of her eyes and looked sideways at her sister with her stormy blue eyes, though in this amount of sunshine it seemed much brighter than normal. The two girls were close to identical if you looked at them in black and white, however their coloring made them near opposites. Vesta had bright copper locks that stood out in contrast against Veda's dark brown even without her dying it black. One twin had earthy green and gold eyes while the others were nearly white with how pale they were. Beyond that they both had the same button nose, doe eyes and full lips. Vesta was everything warm while Veda was all things cool. They were the perfect pair.

Rune Finch


"Yes right now. Did you think we meant in a week? At your own leisure?" There was little patience in the deep rumbling voice of Rune's. The towering man stood at a staggering 6 foot 5 with long pitch black locks that fell past his shoulders and down to the middle of his back. Pale skin, striking emerald green eyes he was rather handsome. Yet everyone that moved past the lot of them made an obvious step away from Rune, like he was either toxic or he would bite someone... or both. The tall man took a long drag of his cigarette as they walked the cobblestone path towards the arena. His arena... his home.

It wasn't up to him who he trained, but it was up to him how he trained them. That was unfortunate for the twin princesses because the Basalisk was known for his icy demeanor and his brutal training. "I'm sorry, did you come here to sip tea or train? You want to assume the throne then you need to show your worthiness." The tall man flicked his cigarette into the vibrant green grass near the path and turned to shoot the two girls a not so patient look. "If your magic hasn't at least sparked by now I can assure you that you're hopeless. What, you've never accidentally set something on fire? Caused a storm? Burst a pipe or something?" His large steps slowed down for a moment so he could inquire with the girls a little. It might of seemed that he was coming off cold and callous, and while he was, he was also getting to know the basics of what the girls could do. Human world or not, they had to have some inkling of what their primary power was.

...Or not. With all the tests they were going to throw at the girls they'd find out quickly.

"Two of the heirs to the thrones will be joining us in training. Fire and Earth. I suggest not trusting them and honing your power on your own-- I can only assume the heirs aren't completely thrilled with your arrival. You're threatening everything they know; their titles, their positions. It's a good thing there's two of you, because you're going to need to watch your backs around here." Encouraging as always.

"Come on. It's too late to turn back." And with that said Rune turned back on his heels and continued down the long, daunting path out of the meeting room. They continued to pass by creatures of all shapes, sizes, and colors. In the air griffins, harpy's, and an occasional eagle would block out the bright sun that shone upon them. A sight to behold for the girls, a common occurrence in Ecrela.

Soon the lot of them were approaching a massive colosseum looking building made out of pillars of the glowing rocks with an open ceiling, and surrounding the building were four tall towers. "That's the arena, and those towers are the elemental barracks. Your element will determine which tower you'll be sleeping in. Yes, that means you princesses may get split up. I don't want to hear any complaints."

As they approached the massive doors off the colosseum opened on their own, giving Rune time to put out the cigarette against a nearby garbage can before flicking it in. "Day one of training girls. Let's go."
Vesta “Smith”
21.Gemini.Currently Unknown Order & Element

Truthfully? Vesta was pretty sure this whole thing was some weird twin fever dream. She had no idea why her sister would follow some strange man into a portal, or why she would even agree to something as crazy as this. Vesta tried to object, to get Veda to listen to common sense and to come back into the apartment, but her sister was almost in a... trance? The man looked at Vesta like she should have been under one too, not that she knew why. All she knew was that Veda was going, so Vesta had to go, too.

And, well, here they were. Some long, lost princesses in some magical world about to train to regain their throne... yeah. Definitely a fever dream.

Everything about the place fascinated her, not that it showed on her face. Those emerald green orbs of hers with golden flakes took in everything; per usual she spoke only when spoken too and kept it at the bare minimum. Veda was the talking twin, the one who always stood up for them. Vesta? The plotting twin, the conniving one. The one that stole for their survival and had zero regrets about it. "Huh?" Her gaze was pulled from the scale covered women watering the gardens to her sister, those long lashes batting a couple times as she was pulled back into reality... if one could call this that.

"...Training sounds fun." Vesta spoke with a small shrug. If they were going to embrace this world then they might as well put forth their best effort, right? "Worst case scenario? We rob this place blind, find another portal and jump in." The copper haired sister gave her twin a reassuring hand squeeze and a playful grin as she whispered that last line to her. For some reason she felt like the two of them finally fit in somewhere, not that they had magic to water the gardens, or wings to fly in the air. Just... the air felt a lot easier to breath here than it did back in the city.

And being a princess didn't have an awful ring to it.

"Calm down up there tall dark and cranky. We'll do your little tests." The three of them approached the colosseum and she couldn't help but feel something in her stir at his words. Bursting pipes, random fires... that was why they were constantly being bounced home to home. The shorter twin gave her sister a cocked brow that suggested maybe they did have some magic that they didn't know about. She didn't like the idea of being separated from her sister, but they were twins. Surely they had the same powers... right?

Without any other words the girls followed Rune into the massive colosseum. The stands were empty but it was clear that people could join to watch people train. And the air? The air alone tickled her nose, like she could feel the magic in the air. Even the hand holding Veda's felt like it was heating up in anticipation.
Marigold Lycath
◯ ☽ ◑ ● ◐ ❨ ◯


"I just don't understand Cypres, what does this have to do with us? Why should you have to help out these girls who are going to RUIN our lives?" Mari growled as she kicked it into high gear to keep step with her fiancé. Why did it even matter that these random twins showed up out of the blue, if they had been living in the human realm for 20 plus years there was NO way they would be of any use to the fae, especially not as leaders. Cy would be an excellent leader! He and the other three heirs were all great men, well maybe not all of them, and they had been training their entire lives to lead. Their kind were constantly under threat from the various beasts and monsters that lived in their world and it took powerful and straight headed people to keep them in power. Who CARES if some ancient ass law technically gave these girls rights to the kingdom. "Hey! Slow down!"

Mari huffed and closed her mouth, deciding to focus on just keeping up with Cypres as they headed to the arena. Normally if she was headed here it would be to train and she would be dressed for activity, today however she was prepared to present a united front against these... women. A few days prior the heirs had come together to discuss a plan for this roadblock and despite them all not getting along the greatest, they agreed on one thing; these girls were not taking the throne. The four heirs were unable to all be here as two were needed elsewhere so the task of scaring these girls off landed on Leo and Cypres. Leo wasn't her favorite person, and she really couldn't stand his little girlfriend... but it was what it was. So this morning Mari woke and painted on the most regal look she could manage; her golden curls left natural but placed into a delicate twist held up by a jade clip, her nearly yellow eyes were framed with deep brown eyeliner and long lashes, her golden skin glowing in the sun. A loose white linen tank top hung from her shoulders and showed her pack tattoos on her upper back, it was paired with a pair of flowy olive green shorts and some sandals. It was the wolf part of her that would never be caught in a full get up if she could help it... so this was compromise.

"Heads up." Mari nodded towards Rune as he stormed through the front entrance of the arena, she and the others had only congregated a few minutes prior. "They look scrawny. Tch." Her eyes narrowed into slits as she looked over the two girls trailing behind Rune's towering frame. These were their long lost queens? What a fucking joke. "Leo, just torch them now and let's be done with this. I doubt Rune would even stop you." She rolled her eyes before letting out a slow breath and putting on the mask of the poised wife of an heir just in time for the group to reach them.

"Hello!" Mari cheered in a sing song voice, her hands clasping in front of her for a moment before she moved to the girls and took their conjoined hands in her own. "It is so nice to meet you girls! I'm sure this all has to be so crazy for two humans, oh I'm sorry, you're not really actually human I suppose. Oh, you know what I mean." She waved off the last bit before pulling away from them with a overly sweet smile. "I can see our dear Rune isn't going to handle introductions, he's so stuffy that one. But I am Marigold and this is my fiance Cypres, the heir to the Earth throne." As she said the last bit she let it hand in the air for a moment, he wasn't a would be, he wasn't the past, he was. "And this is Alina and Leo." She added the last bit quickly before retuning to Cypres' side and wrapping her hand around his arm, "Aren't they just so adorable Cy! It's so rare to see people so... soft... around here."


Cypres Ettery

25.Capricorn.Nemean Lion. Earth & Air

Cypres wasn't attached to his title for his need for power, for any want for it either... he was attached to it because it was his families honor and right to have him follow in his father's footsteps. Cypres was the eldest son of three and he had always taken his role very seriously. This wasn't about him WANTING anything, it was about it being what was right and just. He had been absolutely rage filled when the news of the twins return had come to their doorstep, he had only been a child when the royal family had died but he could remember that time like it was yesterday. The late king and queen were not well liked leaders, they had grown calloused and cold as their reign carried on... that family had been well respected and loved for years but things had taken a bit of a turn. It had been chaos for a small while but soon all of the most powerful and influential families had decided that the only fair way to continue was with a four party system. A family from each element would have a say in everything that went down in Ecrela and honestly that way made the most sense! So now Cypres had been working his whole life towards a girl that two girls were going to suddenly walk in and take over like that? Ridiculous.

"Because Mari, I do as I'm told. Even if I think it is utterly insane." He rolled his eyes as he continued down the path to the arena from earth tower, a staggering building near the edge of the citadel grounds that was shaped as a mountain spanning one of the guarding walls. Currently he had been living there away from his family home in the forests to focus on training and get away from all the insanity with his mother and Mari planning this wedding. For all he could care just sign the damn papers and move on with it, it wasn't like the two of them were celebrating true love. He and Mari were just good friends and worked well together, it just made sense for their families. "Besides, we already talked with Leo and the others. We aren't going to be helping them as much as we will be trying to deter their pathway to the crown. Now can we just get to where we are going please?"

Leo and Alina were already there when he came into the arena, closely trailed by Mari. "Good morning guys, I thought we were running a bit late but I see Rune's lapdog isn't here yet either?" He smirked a bit when he mentioned Matteo, the poor man was usually around here somewhere doing something or another for Rune or whoever he was forced to help with that day. Honestly Cypres wasn't entirely sure why the kid put up with it, he should just run back to his home and hide with his tail between his legs like the rest of his household. "Whatever, Rune should be here any second."

As if on cue in came Rune followed by two women who at first glance he assumed weren't the twins... but after another few moments he could see it. They looked more like sisters than identical but the similarities were there for certain, that and the energy coming off the two of them was different than anything he had felt before. Besides him Mari spoke up first causing him to let out a chuckle, "Down girl. Watching them crumble slowly will be more fun than turning them to ash." His cocky smirk fell and turned into a polite smile as they all approached, Mari heading to greet the women first as was expected. "Don't scare them already Mari, they just got here."


Matteo Sellis
。 ₊°༺❤︎༻°₊ 。

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

If there was any day of his life to not be running late it was today. But of course everything just seemed to be working against him this morning. His coffee spilled, he broke the door to the barracks and promptly got his ass chewed out by many different members of the fire trainees. Then once he arrived at the academy to gather the items that Rune had sent him for to test the girls. There were ways to test people for their element before it was fully awakened, it was how they tested first year students at the academy at the age of 10. However that process required certain materials. Those were obtained and now he was finally on the way back but he was pushing it for time... so much so that he was fairly certain that Rune might end up kicking his ass but oh well... it was all worth it. At least Matteo hoped it would be.

A lot of people would ask him why he went through the shit he went through and it was a simple answer, honor. Matteo knew in his heart that his family was not responsible for what happened to the Starbend's, they had been their greatest friends and allies for many years and being blamed for their murder was his families greatest dishonor. His mother doted on that family, on those babies, more than their own fucking mother did... being blamed for their death had ruined her. So Matteo went through it all to get close to those in power once more, to figure out what really happened that night all those years ago. Unfortunately that meant dealing with shit like this.

The tall man tore through the side entrance to the area, chest in hand as he ran full speed through the groups of training individuals near the edge. In the distance he could see that everyone else was already there. Amazing. "I'm here! Don't worry!" He skidded to a halt besides Rune and dropped the chest to the ground with a thunk before nudging the scary looking man in the elbow with his own. "Oh come on grumpy, I know ya missed me but I wasn't going to leave you alone forever. You love me far too much." He couldn't help but fuck with the mentor, it was just so easy to get under his skin. His eyes moved from him over to the heirs and their girlfriends, none of them had ever been very kind to him though that wasn't completely shocking, most people either ignored him or actively dissed him. All he offered them was a quick little wave before turning towards the twins.

"You're twins? But your hair is different." Wow Matteo, good thing to be the first thing you say to the Starbend princesses... He offered them a sharp grin, his red brown eyes glinting in the sun before he offered his tanned hand to them one at a time for a shake. "Matteo, nice to meet you lovely ladies."
Veda “Smith”

21.Gemini.Currently Unknown Order & Element

Mmmm... no thank you. This sounded like a bad idea all around and she would really like to wake up now. "I mean I guess I just thought as PRINCESSES you would like us, oh I don't know, use a bathroom? Get some rest? Literally anything before instantly being whisked away to this ancient Greek looking ass place. And I'll have you know we didn't COME here, we were BROUGHT here. That's a difference and it is important." Veda was attempting to stare daggers through the mans head as her sister leaned over and whispered in her ear. The thought of doing exactly that plan did lighten her heart a bit and cause a small smile to crack on her angry face. "Fine. Whatever you say captain asshole."

The inside of the area was just like everything else had been so far, massive and overwhelming. Then as if that wasn't enough, soon they were being grabbed by some insane goddess looking woman and their hands being shook until they nearly fell off at the wrist. "Uh, yeah. Paws off. Thank you." Veda finally let go of her sisters hand after that and crossed her arms over her chest as she listened to the woman, Marigold, give her little introduction. It was quickly apparent that Rune was correct because this bitch was being faker than margarine. "Right, whatever you say Goldie." Her eyes moved across the group of insanely beautiful looking people and once again she found herself entirely sure that she was in a coma. People didn't look like this. Even if they were magical or whatever, herself and Vesta didn't look that crazy! Maybe it was the fucking air around this place. It was doing something to these people.

Then another was running towards them, were all the men giants around here? Jesus H Christ. He too was soon moving to them and holding out his hand, at least he asked... Veda reached out reluctantly and shook it shortly before letting her arms fall back into place across her chest. "Veda. Thanks."

Alina Diaval
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
22. Aquarius. Dragon. Water & Air

"Leo honey, I really don't see why you have to train these girls. Like, why do the kings think that you're just going to hand over the crown to a couple of powerless girls?" The 5'6" thin woman walked next to the tall blonde heir, their steps nearly in sync with one another as they moved towards the arena. One hand was linked with Leo's strong arm, her free hand flipping a gold coin a couple times in the air. Long platinum locks were in twin French braids that fell down the front of her thin shoulders, her hypnotic cerulean orbs peeking up to her fiery counterpart for his reaction. Alina didn't like the thought of Leo losing his crown, mainly because that was the whole reason the two were together. If she couldn't marry for love then she'd marry for power, and there was no way she'd be able to marry a scraggly little human to assume the throne.

The pair walked in just before Cy and Marigold, and seeing the two together never failed to cause her heart to ache something terrible. The man was her best friend growing up, someone she idolized, and admittedly she had a ridiculous crush on him. The two were separated for a while because of their schooling, and by the time they were reunited he was engaged to Marigold. It crushed her, but, her mother would never let her sulk. Alina was a dragon, she was a winner, she had to move on and move on quick. Within six months she met Leo, they started dating, and were engaged. They were to be wed as soon as he assumed the Fire throne.

Even still that didn't stop her from wanting to vomit every time she saw Cy and Marigold together.

Unlike Marigold, Alina was dressed to train. A black crop top that showed off her toned abdominal section, tight fitting black workout shorts, and a fuzzy white jacket pulled over her shoulders. Along her thighs there was a patch of purple dragon scales that reflected in the sunlight. Despite her outfit her makeup was as flawless as ever; highlighter on her cheeks and nose, a sharp cat eye with eyeliner, and a quick gloss on her lips. She didn't need to do much to look amazing. "Why have Leo waste his magic on the two of them?" Alina's brow gave an irritated twitch and thunder could be heard clapping in the distance. By the end of the day they'd surely have a storm on their hands.

Maybe a storm dragon would be the thing to scare off the twins.

"Don't mind her. Even wolves can get catty from time to time." Alina spoke with a chipper tone and a bright smile; it was fake, but not as fake as Marigold's. Her fake was... next level impressive. The manicured hand dropped from Leo's arm to give a half wave to the girls as she approached. "I'm Alina, this is Leo, heir to the Fire throne. Welcome to Starburough ladies. We're eager to see what you have in store for us."

And then there was Matteo... Honestly, Alina felt slightly bad for the man, but it seemed like he liked working for Rune. Tragic, really. "Rune-y, I really took you for a strict mentor. You must be getting soft in your old age to let Matty run late like this."
Leo Thorn


"Easy there my stormy little dragon. Dad wants us to play with the girls, so play we will. We'll scare them back into whatever realm they crawled in from and send them on their way." Leo flashed his famous grin down at Alina, his famous pearly pointed fangs flashing against the sun. His strong cool hand reached over to give hers a reassuring squeeze. "It'll be fun." Leo was the only son of the fire crown, the rest of his family consisting of six younger sisters. The man wasn't just good looks though; he was strong in every aspect, magical, physical, heightened senses. Being a vampire had some perks, y'know? He wanted the crown simply because he knew he would make a good leader. He would protect the people, protect his wife, his family.

And having a good looking girl on his side always boosted his confidence. He could earn any girl, but Alina? Beautiful, gorgeous. Did he say pretty? She would look good in a crown and that's all he cared about.

"Mari I don't make a habit of frying visitors." A small sigh passed his lips as the arena began to fill up with everyone. Cy... he wasn't his biggest fan. Alina always got weird around him and Leo could just tell that he didn't want his crown. Why bother assuming the role then? Off in the distance he could hear the thunder cracking and he reached over to give Alina another small hand squeeze. "Calm down there, yeah?" He hated the storms she conjured up... more or less he hated the rain.

"Yeah, what she said. Future King Fire over here. Y'know, no big deal or anything." Leo shot another cocky smile towards the twins as introductions were dished out to the twins, not offering his hand to them in the least bit. His hands tucked into the pockets of his leather jacket, his chiseled chest visible from the unzipped portion. They were so... plain looking. Soft was a good word for them, too. His eyes looked over the dark haired twin again, like he was taking her all in. She was... pretty? For a human he supposed. There was no way these girls were royalty though. From his memory of their mother she was breathtaking, jaw dropping.

Maybe they had the wrong girls.

"Aye aye aye, there's only one way we're going to find out the girls elements. Matt SO nice of you to join us, maybe next time do it on time? Anyways. Let's test these girls. Time is of the essence, right? I mean we have all eternity, but I prefer to do it doing other things."

Rune Finch


These girls were already going to be the death of him. It wasn't bad enough he was responsible for Matteo, like some pet the Kings forced upon him, but now two of these humanish twin girls were placed in his hands and essentially told to make them into worthy queens. Rune liked pain don't get him wrong, but this? This was a headache he wasn't prepared for.

"Marigold calm down, hands to yourself. Matteo I feel like the same rules should apply. If these are to be the queens do you really want to be flirting with them? Not like it matters to me." Unlike the heirs, Rune didn't give a single fuck who sat on the throne. He was bound by contract to serve the rulers whoever that may be. To train everyone, to make sure they're tough and fitting fae. It was a job he took seriously... mainly because he didn't have any choice. The only thing that saved him from execution was his Basilisk abilities. If the public knew he could wield shadows? They'd lose their mind. So in this role he stayed until his old, old, old age.

"Alina if you call me Rune-y one more time I'll use your scales to make a pair of boots." Without further wait Rune moved to the chest Matteo had brought in. The towering male reached in and began to pull out objects. The first was a simple ceramic mortar and pestle. Without waiting he circled the mortar with the pestle, which would make rain appear if they were of the water element.

Once done with that he handed it to Matteo before withdrawing the next one, a small bag of seeds. Silently he opened the bag and poured out the invisible seeds out onto the ground; if they were of the earth element they'd be able to see the flowers growing around their feet, like Rune could. Next came a curved horn that he ran his hand over. With his touch it glowed, and if they were air aligned they'd feel a heavy gust of wind.

After depositing horn back into the trunk he then pulled out a loop. The loop had an eternal flame that was lit; it would never burn anything, but it was only visible to those linked to the fire element. It was a quick test, most fae would see one but the more powerful ones could see two.

Not like they would see all four. "Tell me, what do you see?" His thick brow arched curiously as he looked down at the twins.

Vesta “Smith”
21.Gemini.Currently Unknown Order & Element

"...Yeah. I don't do touch. Let's not do that again." As positive of an attitude she entered this with it was quickly out the window as soon as the impossibly pretty woman shook the twins conjoined hands. Vesta quickly pulled her hand away and brushed the germs off of her hand and onto the black jeans with holes all along them. It wasn't as clean cut as the other women there, and it may have looked a bit ratty, but it was the style back in the human world.

The addition of Matteo, however, caused one of her brows to quirk upwards. The others, what were they called? Heirs? She didn't care for. They reeked of arrogance and uppity nonsense. Kings, heirs, those words were vomit. Matteo was the only one that seemed genuine... so she accepted his handshake with one of her own. "Fraternal twins is the word you're looking for. I'm Vesta." Her tone was very matter of the fact, there was little emotion. She did her best to give a small smile but it was... awkward. "Nice to meet you." Not 'you all', just 'you'. She wasn't entirely thrilled on everyone in the arena quite yet.

Luckily Rune was opening the trunk, something that was supposed to help determine what element they would be able to use. The first was a mortar and pestle, and before she could even inquire what he was doing it was raining. "Hey!" Vesta groaned in protest and yanked the hood of her black jacket over her head. Instantly she began to shiver, and without waiting Rune seemed to be pulling out more shit.

Large sparkling golden flowers sprouted from the ground, which would have been beautiful if it wasn't for the rain. And then came the wind. It whipped around the twins like a storm, hard enough for Vesta to grab onto Veda's hand to make sure they didn't fly off. And THEN for some reason this asshole decided to pull out a flaming loop?!

"I see an asshole throwing flowers on the ground, getting my hair wet, causing a horrible storm and holding a fucking flaming loop. What the hell are we supposed to see?!"

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Veda “Smith”

21.Gemini.Currently Unknown Order & Element

Wolves? Veda looked back over to the curly haired woman and looked her over slowly, she supposed she could see it actually. There was a power about her that rolled off her skin, proud and feral at the same time. A small shiver moved through her shoulders before her attention moved from Mari to the girl talking about her, a shorter woman with sparkling violet scales along the tops of her thighs. Veda didn't respond, simply gave her a small nod to acknowledge she had spoken to them before her gaze drifted along to the owner of the next voice. The hair on the back of her neck stood instantly as she looked over the tall blonde male, her face turned into a scowl and her attitude began to boil. He was exactly the type of asshole that she would have gladly raked over the coals and talked into a pretty bag or two. Cocky, overconfident assholes were her favorite flavor of sucker. "Don't worry. We didn't think it was." Veda smirked at him, hoping that the hit to his ego landed exactly where she wished it would. Fucking asshole.

Veda didn't have long to focus on being a dick though, unfortunately Rune seemed to be moving along quickly with this testing thing and boy did it make her head spin. The flowers bursting from the ground made her jump back slightly in surprise, then the rain turned her attention to the sky... she had always loved the rain. Rain felt like a cleansing every time, it could wash away something no matter if it was calm or violent. Vesta had never been one for the cold rainy weather just like Veda never liked the bright warmth of summer. Next came the wind that whipped her bangs away from her face and caused a small gasp to escape her lips. Then the fire, Veda stared at it for a long time before her sisters words snapped her out of the awe she was in at the entire experience they just had. "Ditto. What she said."


Everyone had seemed silenced by the fact that the girls contained all four elements, well everyone except for Rune who quickly moved onto the next chore of that day. The two girls were tested via palmistry and they were nearly complete opposites of each other in ranking. Veda's biggest affinity was for water, then air and then earth and fire. She wasn't too surprised to learn that water was her biggest piece of magic, she had always found comfort in rain and rivers. However learning that her new temporary home would be in the water barracks along with Mari as her advisor of sorts... made her rethink that comfort.

It had been five days since they first arrived at this hell hole. Five days of insane tests to try and pull out their element. Five days of Rune and his incessant attitude and rudeness. Five days of dealing with the heirs and their obnoxious fiancés. At least the girls had Matteo, he got along well with them quickly and honestly Veda was jealous that her sister had a friend in their quarters while Veda got Mari and Alina. Alina wasn't terrible and mostly left Veda alone unless it was in training, Mari on the other hand seemed to be there at every damn turn. Even now as she attempted to sneak out of the barracks she was quickly met by the bouncy blonde woman.

"Oh look, its you. Again." Veda sighed and pushed a hand through her bangs, her raven colored locks were pulled into a messy bun today but her hair still remained in her face a bit. Today she opted for a pair of black shorts with a grey crop top with a fishnet top underneath. Thankfully they had been allowed to send someone for their things from home, not that they had much. Today was going to be their first day they focused on an element fully, Rune had chosen fire due to a simple coin flip and Veda was less than excited. So far she had only been able to conjure water and air, earth had at least KIND OF worked out... well she at least felt something stir in her when she tried... but fire just seemed to lie dormant for her. "Whatever, are you coming Goldie or what?"

Marigold Lycath
◯ ☽ ◑ ● ◐ ❨ ◯


Brats! Little insolent brats! That was the only way that Mari could think about these girls who had an attitude about the fact that they were basically being handed a kingdom. Did they not care the waves that they would make because of this? Even if they hadn't CHOSE this path for them they were being given it and it WAS affecting people all around. They weren't just actively ruining the chances for the heirs to take their thrones, they were giving people hope again... hope that based upon what Mari had seen of them wasn't well warranted. These girls lost YEARS of training and growth and Rune was supposed to get them up in going in a short time? The man was annoyingly impressive with what he did but he wasn't a fucking miracle worker. So since clearly their elders weren't thinking straight, Mari and the others stuck to the plan of making this place as undesirable as possible to the twins. Mari made it her personal job to stick to Veda day in and out and pretend to be her perky new welcoming committee!

"Oh Veda, don't be like that. Today is going to be fun! Leo is such a good teacher." Lie. "And we will all be there to help you guys along the way." Lie again. Oh well ~
Mari fell into step next to the small pale creature and made a show of letting down her golden locks, today she had taken the time to blow dry them straight and had placed them in a loose clip to set the style. Today she would simply be watching as she had quite literally zero to do with fire, but she wanted to be there in case anything exciting happened. Today she wore a simple pair of jean shorts with a beige tube top and gold jewelry. The gold was mostly to show off all the pretty things Cy had bought her over the years... instead of that jealous little scaly bitch with wondering eyes. It wasn't hard to see that there was still something between her fiancé and Alina but there was no way in hell that Mari would ever let it be more than a whisper in the wind. "Of course I am silly! Oh Veda isn't fire what Vesta scored highest in? I still can't believe that you both can harness all four... is today going to be hard knowing shes probably going to be like WAY better than you?"

Mari rambled on like that their entire walk to the arena, just trying her best to get under the twin's skin before leaving her with a blown kiss the moment they entered the arena and strolled over to where Rune and Matteo were finishing up with their morning training. "Anything I can do to help with the girls today Rune-y" She hummed the words, wrapping a gentle hand around his shoulder as she smirked at the name Alina had used the day prior. All of their group had constantly put this man through hell but it was just oh so much fun to watch how angry he got. "I mean we all know this day is going to be yet another wash anyways, so why not just drop it now and give us all a day off to have some fun for once. I mean, you do know what fun is don't you big guy? Enjoying yourself? Hobbies? Stop me when any of this rings a bell to you."


Matteo Sellis
。 ₊°༺❤︎༻°₊ 。

Eventually the time would come that the girls learned about the rumors, the theories about what happened to their birth parents and would learn that supposedly the Sellis family was at the center of it all. Thinking about that actually hurt him a little already and he had only known them for a few days... he could tell what his mother meant about them, how there was something so light and true about them. Matteo could feel it even with their standoffish attitudes and general saucy demeanor. Part of him felt like he should get in front of the rumors and tell them both now, but how do you bring something like that up to people you just met? Especially two girls that were already going through it as they were. So for now he chose to just try and do the best he could and avoid the discussion all together.

"Here, eat something before we get in there." Matteo jumped over the back of the couch and landed onto the cushions where he had left Vesta just a few moments ago. As he dropped down he tossed her a pastry from the kitchen and took a large bite of his own as he winked at a few giggling women who walked by. Despite basically being the errand boy around here, being an incubus came with its.... perks. If you could call it that. Don't get him wrong, Matteo loved himself a good flirt and a great time with pretty much any one who caught his eye... but most people only liked him for his order. Incubus' were rare, even more rare to even be inside these walls or accepted at the academy in general due to their nefarious personalities, in general that is. However combined with his families status, Matteo was basically the ultimate "piss off daddy" tool. Worked for him sometimes, other times is was quite tiresome.

"Leo said he was going to head to the arena with us but he had some shit to do first but I figured he would have been back by now. Maybe we should just get going?" Matteo stood up from the couch and shoved the rest of his food into his mouth before wiping his hands on a napkin and handing Vesta a clean one. He was never very... classy? For lack of a better word. Once he swallowed he offered her a boyish smirk and raised brow, "Oh come on don't make that face, Leo might be a royal ass, literally, but he knows his element. Plus I'll be there too to help out when he inevitably finds something more fun to run off and focus on instead."
Cypres Ettery

25.Capricorn.Nemean Lion. Earth & Air

Cypres had never in his many years of studies had never heard of anyone holding all four elements... not even the entire old royal bloodline. Why did these girls get all this power? What made them so fucking special to be so favored? It made him so instantly bitter... he worked and worked to be as strong as he was and they were already just better than him without even trying. Having two elements was already a step above most and thought to be rare... once again he was just shown how easily outmatched he was despite all his work to make his family proud.

The first five days of training made Cypres feel a little but better about everything because the girls were so clearly struggling but in all honesty it didn't make him feel as good as he thought it would. Instead it just made him worried about all of their futures... sure they had to prove that they were worthy but what if the elders still decided to go down this path even without them getting much better? A parliament based on blood line was just so completely asinine to him, the four current families had been chosen for strength and social ability, these girls just were born lucky. Maybe Cy had a bigger chip on his shoulder than he thought he did.

Cy was deep in thought as he walked towards the arena, his cell in his hand as he stared down at his overly filled calendar and tried to make sense of the days to come. So much so that when he shouldered right into someone he nearly didn't notice until he caught the flash of purple scales out of the corner of his eye. Quickly he looked up in time to reach out with his free hand and steady Alina by the shoulder, his eyes widening in shock. "Oh Alina! I'm so sorry I nearly just tackled you. God. Sorry." He huffed sheepishly and stuffed his phone in his pocket before finally releasing her shoulder. He and Alina had once been close friends, honestly he had hoped they would end up having similar classes through their time in the academy but it seemed as if time was just against them... they grew apart a bit but Cy still held a small flame for her deep down, hidden. "Headed to the arena then? Didn't want to walk with your other water couterparts?" He smirked a little at his comment, it was less about the new member of their tribe than it was about his own fiance... the two girls really didn't seem to get along even though they tried to hide it.

Vesta “Smith”
21.Gemini.Currently Unknown Order & Element

Being separated from her sister was essentially Vesta's worst nightmare. She didn't care if they could use all four elements, she didn't give a shit about that. She cared about being away from Veda. Luckily for her she seemed to have gotten the better of the towers. Matteo was... nice. He didn't seem to mind Vesta's cold and bitchy demeanor, and she didn't mind his presence. Veda was always the twin people flocked to, Vesta never had a friend. Not that Matteo was her friend or anything... He was just nice to have around. And maybe the only person in the entire place that she trusted.

Though with all of the attention from women he had she certainly didn't know why he was wasting his time hanging around her. "Leo's going to burn me to a crisp and you want me to eat a pastry?" She spoke with a quirked brow as he landed beside her once more, taking the pastry and quietly munching on it. Her bright green and golden orbs watched the girls walk by and and she instantly gave an eye roll. She had heard a few girls whispering about the 'incubus', and while she didn't know much about orders still she didn't see the big deal. If there was anyone nefarious around here it was Vesta. Speaking of...

Leo was a prick. He seemed to be targeting Vesta, making her life harder at every turn. Insisting Rune make her training harder, worthy of a royal. So what did Vesta do to those who pissed her off? "Speaking of Leo. Like my new necklace?" With cocky smirk she flipped some of her copper hair to show off the gold pendant with a flame made of rubies. It contrasted the black crop top with red fishnets underneath and black shorts, matching her sisters outfit to a tee. Twin telepathy.

"He's going to kill me, so if I survive today you've gotta help me find someone to buy this." With a small thanks she took the napkin, dusted the crumbs of pastry off of herself, and grabbed hold of Matteo's hand. The contact heated her cheek and instantly let go of him-- it was just instinct to old Veda's hand. "I, er, let's go. Yeah?" Always the awkward twin.

And with that she was off towards the arena. "What was your first trial like? Any tips?"

Alina Diaval
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
22. Aquarius. Dragon. Water & Air

The twins weren't bad. Scratch that-- Veda wasn't bad, Vesta scared her. It went against everything Alina agreed to going into this; the sisters were a threat to literally everything they knew, everything they had planned for the future. Did they deserve to rule? No not at all, not at their level. But they tested for every single element. They were taking whatever Rune threw at them in stride. The fact that she hadn't thrown Mari out of the window alone meant that Veda had the patience to master an element... or four.

She stayed clear in the tower simply because Mari seemed to always be with Veda, and to be frank Alina tried to keep to herself and her inner circle... which mainly consisted of Leo now-a-days with all of the wedding planning. Her family had great expectations of her and she always had to be prim, proper, a queen. It was hard to do when she was an emotional person.

"Ass." Alina scowled down at her phone at Leo's latest reply, or lack there of. They were supposed to grab coffee this morning and he bailed on her for absolutely no reason. She asked why and he ignored her. Gray clouds were beginning to block out the sky and she felt a storm building. Well, until she walked straight into the one person that always soothed her nerves.

"Cy! No, I, uh, wasn't watching where I was going. My apologies." She flashed him a sweet smile and dusted off her light blue sundress and matching cardigan, thankful that today she wouldn't have to test the twins today. She felt bad about how ruthless things had been for them, hence why she wanted to meet Leo before the trial. He had been especially hard on the girls. Him and Marigold both, Rune it was to be expected.

The mention of her water counterparts made thunder clap in the distance. Alina smirked and gave a small shake of that waist length blonde waves of hers. "You know I think Marigold failed to invite me on their walk. It also seems like you didn't receive an invitation." Alina always respected his relationship with Mari, mainly because she just wanted him happy. If he loved a psycho then, well, more power to him. "Come on, I'll walk with you if that's okay."

With a small smile she turned and moved towards the arena... maybe a bit slower than her usual speedy pace to get a few more minutes out of being alone with him. "Your wedding's coming up soon, it's literally all Mari talks about in the tower. You excited?" An event that Alina would be forced to witness alongside Leo. Joy.
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Rune Finch


Four elements. The girls had four fucking elements. Two alone in the time crunch he had been given was an exhausting thought! The power tests proved that the girls were legitimately the exact opposite of each other; Vesta stronger with Fire and earth compared to Veda who was the exact opposite in her water and air affinities. It made him semi grateful that there was a person from every element to help train the twins... so long as they were willing.

So for the next day they trained, and trained, and trained until the girls couldn't physically manifest anymore magic. There was so much pressure from the Kings themselves to train the girls and see what they can do, to make sure they weren't capable of ascending to the throne. Rune wanted the girls to have a fighting chance. His family wasn't the most notorious or wealthy, they barely scraped by most of the time. He knew what it was like to be an underdog she was pushing the girls for their own good.

And maybe he fed off of their emotional pain. Such is the life of a basilisk.

"Leo I'm not quite sure if the girls are ready for something like this." Rune grumbled quietly across to Leo as they finished drawing the circle. Rune had been pushing them hard but not this hard. He knew he gave the heir free reign to push the girls during the trial but this just felt extreme. However all his protests went out the window when he heard the voice that had been giving him a raging migraine all week.

"Marigold," Runes deep voice grumbled her name, acknowledging her but clearly not thrilled about it. He hated fake. He turned his striking emerald green orbs to her to notice the only thing not fake on her today was all the gold she was dolled up in. "No. Leo and I have it handled, the fire should be contained in this circle. If I need your help dousing something though I'll let you know." His tone was very matter of fact, not giving her teasing an inch or reaction.

"You do know you're in the arena, not a beauty pageant. Show up in something less flashy next time." He looked back at the circle as Leo finished up his end before turning back to Mari. A small smirk spread on his face and one of his tatted hands lifted, pushing a stray gold lock out of her face, his warm fingertip brushing against her cheek before falling down to his side. "While I do appreciate your effort into your appearance, make sure you show that same effort in the arena during your trial." A compliment and an insult all at once, what a gentleman.

"Where's your pretty boyfriend? He's late."

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Leo Thorn

"I'm telling you Rune, if they can't do this then we can't even think of letting these girls near the throne. Besides a challenge like this might be what they need to trigger their magic!" Thankfully Leo was a natural born leader, it was how he managed to convince Rune to let him take the full lead on this fire trial. Losing his crown would mean losing everything he had worked so hard for, everything the other heirs worked hard for. The Starbend's weren't well liked and everyone knew it-- it was a GOOD thing they were executed. The blood line shouldn't of mattered at this point!

Hence why he canceled Alina's little coffee date this morning. An emergency meeting among the heirs... save for Cy. That man had always been a goody two-shoes, air and water heirs didn't want him anywhere near this plan of theirs. And after the week of HELL living with Vesta he was more than ready to get rid of her.

"Oh joy look what the wolf dragged in. Get it?" Leo stood from finalizing the giant circle on the ground and tossed the black chalk back into the magic trunk of Rune's. Leo's sparkling blue eyes glanced once at Marigold before settling on Veda and he couldn't help but smile a cocky smile. "You know I hope you survive the ordeal, Veda. I'm going to be awfully hungry afterwards and dare I say, you're the most delicious looking of the twins. Not anywhere near as majestic as Alina but, she likes to break my wallet whenever I feed from her." The sun glinted off of his large canine as he smiled.

His arms crossed across his chest and he took a few long strides closer to the dark haired twin, his impressive biceps and muscles on full display for her since all he wore was a tight black tank top and matching jean shorts. Hey, it was going to be hot today, he had to dress appropriately... and maybe show off his good looks to the girls before they burnt to a crisp. "You're pretty shitty at fire. Think you'll make it out?"

Veda “Smith”

21.Gemini.Currently Unknown Order & Element

"Not at all." Veda scoffed at Marigold as they walked and turned to look at her, stopping dead in her tracks for a long moment as she looked over the woman with a cocked eyebrow. "You really don't have anyone you actually care about do you? I mean if you did you would know that true friends, true family... all the want is to build each other up. I'm not jealous of Vesta for being good at fire, or any of the many things she's better than me at. I'll be cheering her on while I likely get charred. That's what sisters do." Then she turned with a flick of her head and moved on towards the arena. Thankfully Mari was quickly bouncing off towards where Rune and Leo stood causing Veda to let out a quick sigh of relief. A sigh that was pretty quickly for naught when she realized that Veda wasn't yet here and Leo was striding over towards her.

"Oh thanks you big ugly mosquito. I'm sure Alina would be absolutely over the moon to hear that you don't think she's worth a small fraction of all your riches you like to brag about. Constantly." Veda refused to be intimidated by this fuck, even if the fact that he was a vampire... and the fact that vampires are real... did indeed scare the shit out of her. She moved forward until she was nearly toe to toe with the fucker who was nearly an entire foot taller than her. All of these psychos pissed her off and set her on edge but something about Leo made her unbelievably annoyed. After a moment of staring at him with steely intent Veda reached forward and grabbed the neck of his shirt and yanked until he was bent over at eye level with her. She had never been one to take anyone's shit despite her small size and sure as shit wouldn't start now. Thankfully Veda had the aspect of surprise on her side otherwise she was fairly sure he wouldn't have moved a fucking inch.

"If you come within a foot radius of me again pretty boy, I will mess your face up so badly that even your mother will think you're finally as ugly outside as you are in. So come for my neck, try and char me to bits, see what happens." With that she released his shirt and stepped away from him, walking past with a rough shoulder into his as she made her way over to Rune and Mari. Shockingly those two sounded less awful than Leo at this moment in time. "What, another circle of fire? Can we like not change it up and try a square?"

Marigold Lycath
◯ ☽ ◑ ● ◐ ❨ ◯


"Bite me Leo." Mari's eyes went bright golden yellow for a moment as she snapped her teeth at him in a short snarl, following it with a sarcastic smirk. They may have been "friends" but that didn't mean much in their circle, only that she was on his side through her allegiance to Cy. She watched him for a moment as the blonde moved from the circle he had just finished over to Veda with a cocky stride. "Douche." Mari rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Rune with a half way upturned smile. "Oh come on Rune, you know I could win a spar against nearly everyone in this arena right now even if I was in a ballgown and heels." Mari scoffed, her weight shifting from one hip to the other as she crossed her arms across her chest. It was true, she might not be the strongest person here or the one with the highest power rank in water here, but she knew how to fight. She knew fights were less about strength and more about strategy and no one had been able to pin her since day one in Starburough. Well, almost no one. Her family was made of warriors and despite her father's refusal to accept his daughter as one, Mari wouldn't let her talent fade and just sit by being another pretty face.

As she lost herself in the thought for a moment Rune had moved closer, his hand nearing her face when she finally focused again. The smallest touch made a shock shoot down her spine and she did her damndest to set her face in stone as she watched his mouth spread into a small smirk, his lips that she probably stared at for a moment too long before moving her gaze back up to his. "Don't insult me, you know I take this shit more seriously than any of them, that fuckwad included." With a small movement of her chin she gestured to where Leo was standing toe to toe with Veda, her eyes not leaving Rune's once. Then he mentioned Cy and she felt the shock again and her eyes narrowed the tiniest bit at the insinuated challenge. "Fiancé. Cy is my fiancé."

At this point it was taking everything in her to not turn away from his intense stare, she felt her face growing warm and a fire spreading through her chest. What the fuck was it about this absolute prick that made her feel so... she didn't even know how to explain it. The two of them were a one time maybe almost? There was no other way to explain the night the two of them had just a few months after her first night at Starburough. Mari hadn't been able to sleep so she had gone to the arena to train and found him there, not found really... caught. It was the night that Mari learned what shadow wielding looked like, what it was and that Rune was one of them. Up until that point she had thought he was immovable but she saw genuine fear in his eyes when he noticed her, he never asked for her to not tell, it was like he knew she would run off and yell for help. But Mari didn't because she honestly held such a respect for the man, even if he was fun to ruffle. Rune was such a respectable person, he didn't bullshit and he was so good at what he did. So she didn't run, instead she asked him for a spar and they trained until nearly sunrise. At the end Rune finally took her down, he probably could have hours prior but he never did and then they almost... but then people began to come in for the morning and they never talked about it again. Only moments like this where they tested each other.

Cypres Ettery

25.Capricorn.Nemean Lion. Earth & Air

Cypres' smile warmed a bit as he listened, his eyes lighting with a soft chuckle as she mentioned her absence of an invite. Alina and Mari not getting along wasn't news to him, he appreciated Alina dealing with his fiancé's antics from time to time however. "You know, oddly enough you're right. I too did not receive an invite, seems my place has been taken by her new bestie Veda." The man nearly chuckled out loud at the idea of the two women, throughout this week it sure had been something to watch and as much as he hated to admit it, maybe the dark haired twin was stronger than he thought to put up with Mari's constant goading. "I would love to invite you to my walk Alina, always." He gave her a warm smile and slid his hands into his pockets as the two of them walked.

"Not really." Cy said it plainly, his shoulders moving up and down in a quick shrug as he turned his attention to the clouds overhead. He wouldn't call her out on it but he knew they were from Alina. "I just don't understand why it needs to be a whole ordeal, between Mar and my mother I don't think I can handle another question about a color scheme or floral arrangement." He chuckled curtly and finally turned his attention back to the small dragon walking besides him. "What about you? Are you telling me that you and Mari don't sit around drinking wine and obsessing over your wedding plans. You and Leo have to be making some sort of arrangements by now yeah?" The question caused a small twang of pain to rattle through his chest. Even if he and Alina could never be a couple, it sucked to see her attached to a guy like Leo. He didn't know the gem that he had sitting right in front of her and treated her like she was a trophy more than a woman.

As the two neared the entrance to the arena Cy slowed even more until the two were at a stop in the archway. Across the arena he could see two separate face offs occurring and he let out a low groan before pulling his hands from his pockets and wiping them against the material of his jeans. He watched as Veda grabbed Leo and fought against a loud laugh escaping his lips. "Oooo he's not going to be in a good mood about that one is he?" He gave a fake wince as he glanced at Alina out of the corner of his eye. "Though I think he could use a good wallop here and then, don't you?" He smirked at her, ruffling her hair gently before nodding towards the arena. "We should go stop this yeah?"


Matteo Sellis
。 ₊°༺❤︎༻°₊ 。

"Rune wouldn't let him burn you, not to a crisp at least." Matteo added the last bit as silently as he could manage in order to avoid causing her any more stress than she was already clearly under. Then when they stood up Vesta brought his attention to the necklace hanging on her chest... "Oh my.. Vesta!" A booming laugh erupted from his lips and the man nearly doubled over at the sight of the pendant. It was familiar to him instantly and all he could do was laugh. This woman acted like she was afraid of today's trial but she truly did have a death wish to steal from Leo.

"How did you even get into his room? Normally he has that place locked up or a gaggle of his little groupies hanging around. Very sneaky you little firebug." Matteo stood up and went to give her a little ruffle of her hair when her hand reached out and grabbed his. It only lasted for moments before she let him go and sprang away but it made him grin a small bit. Vesta was absolutely gorgeous, she was so real and not scarily perfect and obsessed with that perfection. Admittedly Matteo didn't know her very well but he could already tell it was going to be far to easy to tumble further into his little crush on her, especially if she kept trying to hold his hand.

"Hey! Slow down chica." The man caught up to her in two quick strides and tossed his arm around her shoulders lazily, though that was about the only way to do so when the top of her head barely hit his chest. He hoped that the casual touch would let her calm a bit, there was no need to be embarrassed about what she had just done. For one the fae were a... touchy... group and for second he had seen that it was Vesta's second nature with her sister. It was her reaching for comfort. "My first trial..." Matteo's voice faded away as he tried to think of how to explain it. "My situation was a bit different from everyone else, I didn't do trials at the academy like everyone else here. My family... they aren't very well liked around here so I wasn't going to be allowed to attend at first." Thinking back on those times made him so fucking angry that it was hard to keep his voice from shaking. "Instead they made my mother beg. They made me prove myself before they would even let me step foot on campus. So I only had one trial after they tested for my element and it was unnecessarily cruel. But it wasn't actually to test me, it was for a vendetta and I'm just lucky I was strong enough to pass." After they had found out Matteo held fire, they set his home aflame and told him to get it under control. His parents were inside... his siblings... No one could have ever expected a child to overcome that sort of task but he had. It was the only reason that they had to allow him to go to school though even to this day he wasn't sure it was worth it.
Vesta “Smith”
21.Gemini.Currently Unknown Order & Element

Vesta was just... awkward. She didn't have girl friends, least of all of the boy nature. With Matteo though he was easy to talk to, easy on the eyes, she could see why girls were always flirting with him. The truth of the matter? Vesta wasn't pretty like the fae women, she wasn't talented, all she offered was her gift of stealth and picking locks. So... no matter what little crush she developed it didn't matter. She'd be Matteo's last pick, point blank.

That didn't stop her cheeks from heating as his warm arm tossed around her shoulder. Her thin fingers nervously played with the stolen pendant around her neck and her chin lifted so she could look up at the tall man, giving him her full attention as they walked side by side.

"I'm... sorry they did that to you, Matteo." Though Matteo didn't go into exact details Vesta could just sense how deeply the trial hurt him. Suddenly her trial didn't seem so terrifying, though there was a pain that shot through her chest at the thought of his mother literally having to beg to get him in. "I know I'm just a thieving princess, but if I ever get any sort of power I'll make sure no one has to go through what you did."

The two of them finally made it to the arch of the arena and she offered him the gentlest of smile on her pretty lips. "That'll be my motivation to survive this; that and I need to teach you how I snuck it into the Pretty Prince's room." That smile turned into a playful smirk before she walked past Cy and Alina and straight to Veda. "Didn't we do a circle two days ago? What makes this one different?" Her hands slipped into the pockets of her dark shorts and looked around.


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