>> Forsaken Betrayal ((One on one RP with Jabber)) <<

"That all?" he said, sounding rather disappointed. That's when Remus vaulted across the room, drop-kicking Romulus in the face and sending him tumbling back into the wall, denting it in with a loud CRACK. Romulus could take a good blow, and stood slowly just as Remus was coming at him again. This time he was ready. He met him with a right hook that sent him spinning. When he turned back he received a wicked uppercut that sent him flying across the room. Romulus's lip was split and his right ear was bleeding as he glowered at Remus--who had a broken nose and blood seeping from a cut under his left eye. Simultaneously the two broke into laughter.
Alexa smiled and continued up the stairs and to her room. She plopped on her bed and closed her eyes. She lay there a moment and sighed as she opened her eyes and got up. She walked into her bathroom and started to take of her makeup. When she whipped of the last of her makeup, she went downstairs to get her purse that she had left down there.
Remus was half way in the fridge by now, rummaging for a pair of beers while Rom cracked profane jokes from the living room about their past exes. Tossing a beer to his friend, Remus chuckled and sprawled out on the couch, twisting the cap off with a faint hiss as carbon was expelled. Condensation seeped down onto his flesh, cool and refreshing. He slowly brought the glass lip to his mouth, tilting it back so that it could flow easily down his throat.

"Why ain't 'cha in bed?" asked Romulus, raising a brow inquisitively.
When Alexa reached the end of the stair case, she noticed from the corner of her eye that Remus was having a beer "Really Remus, really?" she asked, how could he be drinking more? She sighed and swipped away some stray brown hairs away from her icy eyes and picked up her purse. "Good night you guys." she said, walking up the stairs her feet touching each stair, oh so delicatly. She sighed again as she reached the about the middle of the stair case, very diapointed with her night.
Sighing, Remus groaned and leaned back in a sofa, finding comfort in the way the fabric flexed to meet his needs. "Rom, we need to talk..." He then went on to tell him of the night's events, his fears, and his plan of action. As the night waned and the sun slowly began to illuminate the still blackness with its awry beams of pale light, removing the shadows from the two men's tired faces. They'd spent the last few hours conversing, throwing ideas back and forth, ultimately agreeing on one thing. They'd been located, and now with a rookie among them, they had to leave--if only for Alex's sake.
(Time skip to the morning.)

Alexa opened her eyes and sighed. She forced her self out of her bed and yawned. Brushing her teeth she thought about all of the events that had happened the night before.
Why would someone jump Remus? she thought to herself as she spi out her mouthwash. Simply shaking off the thought she headed down stairs, in her monkey PJ's. She yawned yet again as she grabbed a blue bowle out of the cabinet. Opening the cabinet above she grabbed some Fruit Loops and set the on the counter, jurking the refrgerator open she grabbed the milk and headed back to the counter. She put the milk and cereal in the bowl and sat on the couch, turning on the TV. This was a rutine she had been doing since she could remember and she couldn't imagin not doing it every morning.
Remus was laying in her bed, the sheets pulled well over his head as he cursed the sunlight that pierced his curtains and lit the room with a warming weekend ambiance. His heart nearly skipped a beat when Romulus burst into the room, the door moaning as it opened with equal despair. The man held an old blackened-leather suitcase with brass buckles and zippers that seemed to occupy almost every square inch of the material, and a faded blue duffle bag that read "Wo l 's B st G M," in white athletic print. Clearly it'd seen better days. Rom began to pack it with most of Remus's belongings, while Remus watched in horror, cussing in protest and trying to re-stuff things into his drawers.

"NO GET THE F... OUT OF MY ROOM!" roared Remus, trying to pushed the more muscular man out. Panting after a few minutes of desperate shoving and tugging, he slumped over on the edge of his bed dropping Russian insults--which occasionally got him a smack to the back of the head.

"I'm all packed, and now you'll be too. Now go down stairs and make breakfast and tell Alexa before I shower her you collection of Girls Gone Wi..." "--OKAY! I'm going!" snorted Remus, practically flying down the stairs.
Alexa looked up as Remus bolted down the stairs. "Hey, why are you in such a hurry?" she asked turning down the TV. She set down her bowl, that was no longer filled was cereal and milk, gentally on the coffee table, as she got up from her laying pisition and looked at Remus, wondering.

Sarah opened her eyes and got up. She got a big cup of coffee and turned on the morning new, like she did every morning. After watching a while, she turned off and drank the last sip of her coffee. Yawning she went to her room and got dressed into her usual pantsuit and walked out the door to her car.
"We're... eh... leaving for a while. Sort'a like a vacation. So um... go get packed!" rasped Remus, still cringing at the thought of Rom touching his shit. Arms folded over his chest, he scowled then looked back at her. "Well hurry up girlie! We haven't got all day y'know!" Contrary to his attitude, he was somewhat sorry for ruining her night yesterday.

Romulus came thudding heavily down the stairs, two massive suitcases in his calloused hands and a beaten gym bag draped over his shoulder. "Hey, Mr. Do-Nothing, take these to the car while I help out Miss. Alex."

Grumbling, Remus was about to tell him off when the glossy sheen of magazine paper glittered from Rom's back pocket. Snorting with defeat, he turned and jerked the bags off his accomplice and headed out to load the van.
Alexa shot him a quick look of Are you serious? but even faster she wipped it off. "Where are we going?" She asked, as she slowly walked up the stepps to her room. Grabbing a suit case, she sighed "How long are we leaving?" she asked, needing to now how much to pack. Waiting for answeres she grabbed some clothes from her closet and stuffed them in her black suitcase. Putting her thick hair in a lose ponytail, she ran to her messy bathroom and grabbed, like any other teenage girl, almost everything. Alexa was was exited to take a break, but was also spectical about why they were leaving.
Remus hurled the luggage into the back of the van, the shock-absorbers taking the brunt of the abuse as the entire vehicle rattled and shook. Beads of sweat forming slowly beneath his hairline, he looked to the sky and sighed as the ever-present blue of morning radiated down in his irises, shifting them to a soft hazel that reflected the cyan pigment.

Romulus flailed as he bounded through the foyer to gather anything of value and stuff it into bags which he kicked out the door to be loaded afterward. "Hurry up, girlie!" he roared, lips curled into a slight smirk.
Alexa through in her last item and closed the suitcase. She quickly through on her favorite outfit; skinny jeans and a blue shirt that has a giant smily face on it; she truged down stair hugling the suitcase behind her. She ran out side and gave her stuff to Remus, to put in the van. "Where are we going?" she asked them both her eyes focused, not letting them not answere her question.
Slamming the door behind him, with massive bundles of miscellaneous items wrapped in clothes and stuffed in bags, Rom lumbered towards the car, huffing with each step. Remus, being an ass hole, retrieved Alexa's bags and tossed them in as well, closing the door after him and sliding out of Rom's way. Unable to open the door, Romulus's knees began to tremble under the weight of it all and he glared at the man. After a brief stare-down, Rom's legs gave in and he crouched down releasing his encumbrance, snorting as it sprawled out with a clatter. Gripping the backdoor of the van, he hauled it open and began shoveling his random crap inside. Remus sat as smugly the cat who ate the goldfish in the front seat, arms folded across his chest as a wicked grin shaped his lips. "Miami," announced Rom, voice raspy and chest pounding to oxygenate his body.
Alexa got in the car and shut the door behaind her. She put her curly hair in a tight pony tail and looked at Remus "What are we going there for?" she asked. she looked out the window at everything pacing by. She hadn't gone anywhere since she was 13, so this was a big deal. She grabbed her sketch book and started to draw a humming bird.

(Sorry, I was hurrying.)
"Mmm, Mr. Schizo here," he pointed vengefully to Remus, "thinks we're in trouble. We're going to go check up with a friend."

Remus scowled and muttered Bulgarian profanity before looking out his window.

Romulus crawled into the seat and buckled up, gripping the wheel in one hand and the shift in the other before plowing forwards over the front yard and turning harshly around. Remus gawked at his lawn, horrified by the dark brown patches of dirt and ripped up foliage that had been disheveled and thrown in the process. "Oops," said Rom, voice dripping with venom and satisfaction as they headed out down the road, speed now a major factor as they sailed by, tires slowly degrading by the friction.
Alexa sighed and plopped back in her seat. As she finished up her quick drawing she asked "How long are we staying?" she looked at them with a spectical eye. She looked back out the window and started to hum quietly. She turned the page slowly of her sketch book and started another drawing, but of a cat. Alexa had always loved drawing animals, since she was a little girl.
"Hey, kid, enough with the questions, OK?" growled Remus, still in shock about his lawn. He was contemplating his adverse move against that ass hole that wrecked his yard.

"Depends on how bad the situation is," rasped Rom, releasing the wheel to slap the side of Remus's head and then winking. "Alright, was the exit on A1A or Roscoe?" he inquired to his pissed associate. He had a feeling he wasn't going to get an answer any time soon, so he then directed the question to Alexa. "D'you know which one it is?"
"No Alex said simply, not taking her eyes off her sketch. She was getting annoyed with them and wanted answeres, but knew she wouldn't get any. She finished up her drawing and through it in the back. She fluffed the pillow she had been laying her head on and closed her eyes, trying to drain out Remus and Remusus, which was not an easy task.

(So sorry I have not been posting! My mom will only let me RP on the weekends now and I feel really bad! I am so sorry!)
(It's fine. ^w^)

Romulus and Remus argued and bickered like girls through three states. Luckily, their voices grew hoarse and eventually neither could really speak without searing their throats. They had withdrawn their conflicts and were sitting with their arms crossed, scowling as the trees passed by in a flurry of green.
As she danced, she found that the transfer of a woman in the crowd, she looked like she's hiding something. She read for a long time, and she looked back, her date and focused dance.
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