>> Forsaken Betrayal ((One on one RP with Jabber)) <<

Alexa slapped the boy she was dancing with, after he got a bit handsy. She called him a pig and went over to her drunk mentor "Can we go home soon?" she asked with a small voice. She was sad and disappointed with her night.

Sarah looked down the row of drunken men and saw who she was after. She looked away as fast as she could and reached for her gun. She had to get him away from the crowd, so no one could get hurt. She noticed a young girl with him, could this be the girl they had told her about? She had one shot and headed over to where he was, lucky for her he was drunk.
"Mmmm," he replied, pondering the farce of a situation. "But I thought you wanted to go dancing?" His mind was foggy, but nevertheless somewhat rational. At least rational enough to see the suspicious woman attempt to draw a pistol. He slid a glass back to the bartender with a slow nod, signaling for more, perhaps something stronger. The tens of reflections cast in the empty shot glasses produced an incredible view of the club, arranged to catch the spectra at just the right angle.
Alexa grouned and sat down next to Remus "I did, but not anymore." she begane "Please, can we just go home, I'll drive?" she offered. Why was Remus being so dificulte, she just wanted to go home.

Sarah decited to wait until the girl, that was with the rogue, left before killing him.

(So , sorry my muse is dead.)
Bringing his fingers to his scrunched brows, he nodded, slipping two fifties to the bartender to cover his bill and then some. Sighing, he offered her his arm. Clearly she'd had a bad night.
Alexa hugged Remus, happy that he understood. "I'll go start the car, okay?" she said walking out of the club and to the parked car. She really just wanted to go home and take a bath.

Sarah knew this would be her only shot at completing her mission and walked over to Remus. "Hello." she said sweetly, trying to hide her gun. She smiled at him, trying to look normal. Sitting down next to the man, she sighed "Are you here by yourself?" she asked, a bit flirty.
Blinking, he looked to her, lips twisted into a cocky grin. "Yeah, what of it?" he purred, voice a wide contrast to the content of his statement. Pretty women were never so confrontive, and unless she was a hooker she'd probably be hitting on one of the sugar-daddies right now. She had to want something. The reflection of a metallic barrel was reflected by one of the many glasses at his side just as the bartender began to sweep them toward the sink.
Alexa sat in the car and waited for Remus to come out. She turned on the radio, to Make it Stop by Rise Aginst. While singing to the song she wondered what was taking Remus so long.

Sarah looked at the man a bit shocked at his rudness. "Well, I am sorry, I just thought you would like some company." she said, gritting her teeth, it was taking all of her will power not to stab him right there.
"Mmm," he said, backing away, not quite giving her his back until he'd reached into his pocket for his glasses and placed them on the bridge of his nose, his posterior reflected in the side of the lenses. Hands buried deep in his pockets, he'd seized a pocket knife. Being paranoid had its perks.
Alexa disited to go and look for him. Wlking in she saw him talking to some girl. Sarah Looked at the man, wondering wait he was doing. "Can I talk to you outside, in privite?" she asked, losing he patients.

(I am so sorry, my muse is dying.)
"Yeah, why not," he grumbled, making a bee-line for the doors. He couldn't wait to get out of there. The loud waves of music made his head ache.

Romulus was just getting out of the shower, hair wet and disheveled, a towel wrapped loosely at his waist. He had the house to himself and was in no hurry to get dressed, and if it were up to him, he'd be in his birthday-suit whenever he was at home.
Sarah lead the man out of the loud building. They stopped at the side of the building, she could still hear the music very faitly. She stood there sith him for a little the she drew her and held it up to his head, she did thid as fast as she could, so he couldn't run.

(Sorry, dead muse on aisile 4)
On most occasions Remus didn't hit women, but for now he'd make an exception. He sent his elbows firing back into her exposed torso, nailing her in the gut which would surely suck the breath from her lungs. He pivoted on heels, turning to face her in a fraction of a second. Seizing one of her arms in a firm hand, he twisted it acutely, rotating it at an angle dangerously close to dislocating it. With his other hand he gripped the wrist that contained the knife, wrenching it downward with such ferocity that it would stun the nerves, causing the tensed muscles to relax and surely then she would drop the weapon. "You can't be serious?" he chortled. The Sect was getting more and more pathetic with each passing day, needless say that they were behind it.
Sarah felt stupid for yet again leaping before thinking, but she laughed a bit relizing the stupid rouge man didn't even do anything to restrain her leggs. Quickly, she trough her leg up, just enuff to hit him in the groun, one of the most sensitive places on a person's body. She smiled knowing that he would go to grab his groun any second, right then she would spin around and stab him in the cheast a few time killing him, but the she would have to take care of the girl and any other comrades the stupid man had. Sarah didn't even bother to smack talk him for his little insalt, she brefers to lat her fighting do all the talking. She was a bit annoyed about how he was douting her just because she was a woman, but she knew that there was no way he could beat her.

(Sorry, if my post didn't make munch sense. *slaps self for being to lazy to fix it*)
He smirked yet again. A kick to the groin? Was she serious? Standing taut after impact, he raised a brow, releasing the hand that did not contain the knife and punching her square in the jaw, the calloused flesh of his knuckles beginning to fissure upon contact. If the blow was as effective as he'd hoped, it would send her sprawling onto the sidewalk. "It's called cup, hon'. I don't leave home without it," he remarked critically, brows scrunching harshly as he patted the tough plastic veil that kept his junk safe.
Sarah cursed as she fell on the sidewalk. Not wasting a second she jumped up and punched him in the mouth harder than she had ever punched before, hopfully it would help get her time to grab her gun.

(NightOwl, I am so sorry for my awful post, will do better next time.)
He cringed, eyes narrowing as she split his lip open, blood beading at the surface of his dermis as he scowled, rubbing at it before drawing a loaded magnum, aiming it towards her skull, finger resting lightly on the trigger. His lips curled into a ghastly grin, his irritation eminent on his visage. "You've got sixty seconds to get out of my sight," he rasped, finger tensing and threatening to pull back, "if you're not gone, I'll blow your f**king brains out."
Sarah smiled and walked away to her car and drove off, she was smart enuff to not stick around when you the weakest hand. She turned the radio to 96.1, play was So far away by Avenged Seven Fold. Singing along to the words, she drove back to her apartment building. Slowly she got out of her car and made her way up to her apartment. Shuffling through her bag looking for her key, she was still sing to the song. She smiled with satisfaction and victory as she pulled the small silver key out of her bag. Taking a deep breath, she stood in the doorway Home. she thought as she plopped on the couch. She was so tired, she fell asleep right there.

Alexa went back out side to get her mentor, to see him at the side of the building, with his gun out. She ran over to him, he was bleeding and sweaty "Are you okay? What happened?!" she asked him as she lowered, him arm that had the gun up. Looking through her bag, serching for some bandeges, she kept her eyes on him.
"Mmm, some punk ass tried to mug me," he muttered, visage currently suppressing his angst. The Sect was still after them, threatening his friends and allies, and putting him in an incredibly hard situation. They had to hurry and get everyone prepared, because they were on the brink of calamity. He'd have to make it up to her for lying right now, but it was for her own safety. The less she knew about tonight the better, no reason to make her paranoid just yet.
Alexa lookd at him, she felt like he wasn't telling her the truth. She found a bandage and handed it to him slowly. "Well, we should go, come on." she said, shrugging off, her feelings, about him lying. She walked off to the car, not turning around to see if he was following. Taking a short breath she opened, the hevy car door and stepped inside. She sat there for a second, then turned on the engine and waited.
He sighed, rubbing his temples and pinching the skin on the bridge of his nose. Grumbling, he made his way towards her, wiping the blood off on his sleeve and tossing the bandage aside. He could almost hear Romulus reprimanding him to "pick it up you lazy, drunken, earth-hating douche bag!" Approaching the car, he grasped the handle, giving it a single tug and finding it to be locked. He scoffed, rasping his knuckles on the glass for her to open the door.
Alexa smiled, a bit embarested and unlocked the car door. After he got in she pulled out of the parking lot and after a while of driving in silence, they finally reached they house. Alexa took out the keys and opened the car door, as she got out she let out a quick sigh, then headed for the door, not looking behind her to see if Remus was coming.
Romulus was still sprawled partially nude on the couch, flipping through the page of a book and humming.

Remus followed her inside, sighing as he entered the house just behind her.
Alexa hung the keys on the hook by the door and put her purse oon the table. She took of her shoes and headed to the kitchen, "So, Romulus what have you been doing all night?" she asked pulling out some orange juice and slowly pouring it into a glass.
Remus looked into the living room and scowled, taking a wax piece of fruit from a basket that Romulus insisted on getting and pelting him in the forehead with it. The glossy red apple imploded upon contact, dented and mangled by the impact. Snorting, he growled, "Put on some clothes, you god damn sissy."

Romulus shouted his grievances and rubbed his head, wrapping the towel around his waist and calling to Rose, "Nothing much, why's he being such an ass hol--" The explosive power of another projectile was indicated to him by the rush of air against his bear flesh. Ducking, he managed to avoid a butter knife that was hurled at the back of his skull. It whirled just over his hair and impaled the drywall, handle jutting out. "I bet you were a real protegee in Little League, right Rem?" taunted Romulus, not really too concerned that his room mate just tried to stab him from the other room.
Alexa laughed at them "Because, some person jumped him." she replyed to Romusus. She leaned agenst the wall and took a sip of the orange juice. She sighed and put the glass in the sink and headed up the stairs slowly.

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