Forest [Inactive]

::He grabs one of the tree branches and uses it to tie the piece of cloth around Lei's head:: "O-ok you should be good now, j-just try not to move around much, keep your breathing slow and steady. I-if you start to get dizzy while talking just take a break.::He Tells Lei, while patting down the cloth to make sure it is tight enough:: "T-thanks Sakura, I'll be going now I guess.::He stands up as he thanks Sakura and looks to the sky to see that the sun might be setting soon::
::Lei bows his head some:: "Thanks Tristan and sorry for the-" ::Sakura quickly gets up and grabs Tristan's hand:: "Why don't you stay with us Tristan? It will be nice to talk to someone that does not call me crazy all the time." ::She smiles at him:: "And I have no idea what to do if Lei falls again and hurts himself." ::Lei just sits there listening to her sister, He then looks up at Tristan:: "I'm sorry that was mean before and if it makes Sakura feel safe when there is more people around."
::He blushes and jumps back, he isn't really used to talking to people, let alone someone touching him. He shakes his head to calm himself and decides that if they really ARE lost, then the right thing to do would be to stay with them in case something bad happens:: "S-sorry, I guess I could stay with you guys for a bit longer, b-but I do need to know something....::He pauses and slows his breathing to make his heart beat back to normal:: "How much do you guys know about survival skills? L-like howto find food, make shelter, stuff like that..."::He thinks as he says this that if they know about as much as any normal teen, he'll have to stay with them or who knows what would happen...::
::Sakura and Lei both look at him then look at each other then back at him:: "We never went camping or anything like that." Lei says to him:: ::Sakura let's go of Tristan's hand and smiles she then gets out a pocket knife from her back pocket:: "I used to fish with only this. So if we find anything I can cook it up for you." ::Sakura's eyes go wide:: "I mean us! I mean the three of us!" ::Sakura turns around as her face goes a bit red:: ::Lei looks at her and sighs as he thinks that his sister is crazy::
::He sees the knife and is somewhat relieved that they at least have a knife:: "W-well even if you don't know much about wilderness survival, it-its still smart that you have a knife with you, I mean, most girls would carry pepper spray to defend themselves when w-while a pepper spray can only stun something, a knife can cut, stab, even k-kill if you know how to use it.."::He stops talking suddenly, and slowly turns around and listens for any noises in the forest:: "W-we should hurry and find a big tree with long low branches for a shelter, afterwards we can figure out wh-what to do next.." ::He turns back to Sakura and Lei to see if they have another plan in mind, which would not be uncommon in this kind of situation::
::Sakura faces Tristan again and nods:: "Yeah that seems like a very good plan but there is one tiny problem." "Sakura does not know how to climb a tree or anything else for that matter." ::Lei says as Sakura looks over to him:: "Lei!" "Well its true!" ::Sakura sighs:: "Yeah its true."

((Ooc: My hands starting to hurt so I'm going to take a break. Have to make dinner also >.> ))
"O-oh no its fine, Y-you won't need to climb the tree, we need to find a tree with long, low branches so we could go under them, that way when it rains, it will go down to the end of the branch instead of directly on top of us. P-plus if any animals try to attack us in our sleep, then we will hear them moving the branches to get to us..." ::He said to Sakura and Lei, explaining why the need to climb trees would not be important at this time::
"Oh well then I guess we have nothing really to worry about then." ::Sakura says as she looks up at the sky:: "Well tomorrow we can try to find our way out of this damn forest then." ::Lei says as he looks at Tristan.::
"W-well we should get going, can y-you walk Lei?"::He asked while worried about that if he can't then it would be much harder to move around, let alone the fact that if left alone, Lei could pass out and get killed by a wild bear or something::
"Yeah I believe so." ::Lei starts to get up and gets a dizzy rush and almost falls down again, Sakura quickly grabs him:: "I got ya bro, we will walk together." ::Sakura smiles at Lei then looks at Tristan:: "If a bear comes I'll throw Lei at it." ::When she says this Lei glares at her:: "I'm joking!"
::He laughs a little, but knows that if a bear ties to kill any of them, their best bet is to hide and hope it forgets about them:: "H-here, Sakura get one arm and i'll get the other one."::He grabs and wraps one of Lei's arms around his neck, and holds it there so Lei won't fall::
::Lei sighs as he knows that if it was not for that girl with the snake he would not be in this situation:: "So have any idea's on were to go Tristan?" ::Sakura looks at Lei's head and sees that the bleeding is stopping, She then looks at the ground while they walk:: "I need a shower.."
"D-don't worry, I remember seeing a perfect tree a good walking distance away before I saw you guys.."::He replied to Lei as they walked, looking forward to a patch of trees ahead:: "O-oh you d-don't smell bad S-Sakura!"::He closed his eyes and mentally smacked himself. Thinking that he is sounding like an idiot right now and should stay quiet until they reach the tree he saw earlier::
::Lei chuckles when he hears him say that about Sakura as she just gets an embarrassing look on her face:: "Well um thanks for that comment Tristan.." ::Sakura thinks that she should find a pond or lake now::

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