Forced To Be


Come take my pocky, I dare you
(This is my first roleplay I've made, so I'm sorry if my beginning is bad)

Chris stood in the palace in the middle of the ball room. His parents were the ones who came up with the idea to bring him and all the other single princes and princesses together. He was waiting for the rest of the royals to get there, but was actually getting nervous.

Breena stood by the door telling each prince and princess to go to the ball room down the hall. She said it really quietly each time because of her shyness and was tired of talking after the fourth person. Once every prince and princess was in she hesitated wondering if there really was only seven young royals coming, but she still walked to the ball room and watched to see if any of the royals would talk or leave, well at least try to leave.

Anna-Sue walked in and followed Breena's directions to go to the ball room, she was one of the last ones to get there. She looked around the ballroom and walked to the side and stayed near the wall to shy to talk to anyone, and too shy to leave.
Jade casually leaned against the wall of the ballroom, watching as princes and princesses filed in. When he took the job as guard, he expected it to be... Well... Much more interesting. This group of young royals didn't seem like they would give him much trouble, which he was partially thankful for, but really. Was this really all it was going to be? Umbria wimpered slightly, resting her worn black muzzle on his shoe. She looked up at him with big brown eyes that reflected hus bordom. "It's okay girl," He soothed, reaching down to scratch her ear, "This game of royal match-maker shouldn't last too long." Atleast he hoped it wouldn't. He would take this job seriously, as he has with every other task he's ever completed, but so far taking an intrest in it was hard.

Lucy tugged nervously on the hem of her dress, making sure it was lying smooth against her body. She had to look perfect. She had to find a husband. It was for her father, and more importantly her kingdom. She took a quick peek in the reflective surface of a silver wall hanging as she made her way to the ballroom, as the quiet maid girl had directed her. She bit her lip and reached up to flatten a section of auburn hair that had come out of place. Then she was there. The large door to the ballroom loomed in front of her, and it took all of her strength to shove it open. Once she was inside the ballroom, she took a deep breath to collect herself, then she strode forward in the most dignified manor she could muster.

Nikolai stormed from the carriage he had ridden to the palace with his parents in. He didn't even say goodbye to them, he was too angry that they were actually making him do this. He stomped up the stone steps and charged through the front door, passing the servent girl, who was no doubt there to instruct him where to go, without even a second thought. He was still fuming over being sent to this miserable place when he entered the ballroom. He noticed he was the fourth royal in the room, there were two princesses and one other prince. There was also a guard, but he payed them all little mind. If his parents thought he would go through this without a fight, they had another thing coming. He would NOT go along with whatever they had in store for him. And to make this point clear from the beginning, he stood clear on the other side of the ballroom, positioning himself far away from the others.
Amelia shifted in her seat, looking outside the carriage window and at the palace that lied ahead. Everything seemed quite peaceful here. She was expecting it to be a little more chaotic.

"My lady?" The maid next to me asked quietly. She turned her head and looked at the maid with kind, blue eyes. Seeing that was her cue to speak, she took out a coat that was lying on her lap, and looked back towards me.

"It's a little bit chilly out today. Would you like your coat when you step out of the carriage?" The maid asked me. A small, caring smile formed on the Princess's face, and she nodded slowly.

"I would like that. Thank you." Amelia murmured, giving her one last glance before looking back outside the window.

Before she knew it, they had arrived at the front gate. The driver of the carriage set down the reins, and walked towards my door. He opened it for her and held out his hand to help her down the steps. Gratefully, she took his hand and slowly stepped out of the white carriage.

"Thank you." She whispered to him when she brushed past him. He simply nodded, and did a slight bow before climbing back onto the front of the carriage. The maid scuttled up behind the Princess, outspreading the coat and gently putting on her coat for her.

"I hope you have a good time, my lady." The maid said, curtsying and flashing her a kind smile. She fled back into the white carriage, and then they were gone. Just like that.

Amelia sighed, turning towards the palace and slowly walking up the steps. She was wearing an elegant white dress that seemed to make her blue eyes stand out the most. Her eyes glanced around as she entered the ballroom. It was quite lovely. But that wasn't what she was mainly focused on. It seemed there was already a few other Princess's and Prince's here. She admired them for a little while, but quickly looked away. She noticed a guard was here, and she smiled kindly at him, even though he probably wouldn't of noticed anyways.

(Her dress:
((where is everyone >_<))

Jade didn't smile back at the princess, that would not be an appropriate gesture for a guard. However, he did nod once in her direction in acknowledgement. He admitted to himself that the princess was beautiful, but that didn't matter. She was here to be married, and he was here to make sure that she was.

"Um... Hello..."
Lucy spoke nervously to the other princess who had entered, trying to fill the silence of the ball room. "I am Princess Lucy Marald... of Terrania...." She gave a small curtsy. ​"And you are?"

Grrrr.... I never saw Lost_in_Paradise's post......
Amelia turned her gaze in the direction of the other princess who was speaking to her. She flashed her a friendly smile and curtsied back.

"I am Princess Amelia Linwood. It's nice to meet you, Lucy." The Princess said in an elegant voice. Amelia's bright blue gaze drifted up toward's Lucy, ad she smiled once more.

"Did you just arrive here?" She asked curiously, beginning to wonder herself if she came late or early. To be honest, Amelia was not completely excited when her Father told her she was coming here to marry. But instead of being a mad about it, she decided to just face the fact that she was going to have to do it, whether she liked it or not. Now that she was here, she began to figure out it actually wasn't as bad as she had thought. She imagined the place crawling with tons of people. But it was very peaceful.

Amelia looked up when she noticed the Guard she had smiled at her simply nodded at her instead of smiling back. It bothered her a little, but not that much.

He was just being polite. Was the theory she decided to stick with.
Eternity marched straight past the other gaurd and into the ballroom without even a glance twoards his existance. To her, only her job exsisted and right now her job was the princesses and princes. Once in the room, her hawk, Honor, swooped in after her and swiftly perched upon her shoulder. "Good boy" She whispered to her noble assistant as she found a spot near one of the corners where she could watch the "Children" and make sure none of them tried to escape. Of course this job was rather easy, considering that these were only noblemen, they were probably pathetic in their fighting skills, and lets face it when it comes to tracking Honor could probably spot their frufru dresses or sparkiling tux from a mile away. Still a job was a job and she was going to do it right, there was no doubt about that.
Eliza walked in the ballroom confidently, but also shrinking back on herself, she could barely breath in her dress and her nerves weren't helping. Today she was dressed up and she felt good. Usually she would wear dresses that went to her knee's and go running about in the gardens, she loved them but she didn't mind getting dressed up. Her waist length dark brown and auburn hair was twisted around it's self in a beautiful plait with flowers from her gardens in it. Her dress, a beautiful but simple one, that didn't poof out to much, but the tight corset did push her boobs up (Which her brothers were not all to fond of) the color was a dark red, with silver details. What she loved about this dress is it did spread out when she span, she did a little twirl as she reached the bottom of the stairs with her brothers, after taking the womans directions and thanking her.

Azaria, Eliza's twin brother was smiling softly as his sister twirled, he wasn't impressed at the thought of any man touching her, but he supposed it had to happen eventually and they were as close as twins could be, she would tell him i anything bad happened to her, she always did. He was in the usual suit with cuffs and details, in the same red as his sister, they always wore the same colours, since childhood. She was the outspoken one, and he the shy one. Her family always had wished it the other way around, Az may have to rule one day, but their prays were never answered. The twins wern't joined to the hip but they did like to stay together, they did look a lot alike however.

Rylan Watched his siblings walk down the stairs with a goofy smile on his face, he was the big brother and they defiantly did not act it, he had come to an agreement with his father he would marry, but he refused to marry all the fake snobs picked out for him, so his father sent him here. He watched his sister carefully, he was so glad that she didn't turn out like . . . a doll, she could look like one with her features but spending time in the gardens gave her a even tan, that most did not have, she stood out indeffinatly. He was more protective of Eliza than Az was and hated the idea of his baby sister getting married.
"Um yes, I just arrived here. actually I was here about three minutes before you showed up.... so technically I didn't just arrive yes, well...." She tugged on the hem of her dress, feeling like an idiot for not being able to carry on a civilized conversation. What kind of a princess was she?? a poor one, she thought. A princess who was never taught proper etiquette because her father was too poor to afford a tutor. "There are only three of us here, just me you and that angry looking prince over there in the corner, so far so I guess we are both a bit early." Just as she finished saying that the door flew open and another guard came in, this one a woman. She seems kind scary.... Lucy thought.

Jade looked up as the other guard entered the room, she was supposed to be his partner but she didn't even acknowledge him. "Well she seems like a barrel of rainbows and sunshine, doesn't she Umbra?" he muttered to his dog, who simply rolled over on the floor and continued to sleep. "Fun fun fun..." ​he sighed.
Honor, gave his human partner a soft nudge on the head, as if asking permission to leave his post. Eternity gave a small smile, small enough so that no one far away could tell and she whispered "Okay stay in the ball room though, if any of these Noble Brats try to escape I want you to be the first on it okay?". Honor's head sprouted up and he lifted off Eternity's shoulder, Increasing his altitude till he hit the top of one of the many giant glass windows. On the edge of the top sill is where his new position rested, this way he could see with greater ease the bodies below.
Amelia giggled a little bit, flashing Lucy a reassuring smile.

"Oh. Do you know him?" She asked, turning her gaze towards the angered Prince. She felt the same as the Prince, but in a more calm way. She wasn't to happy about coming here either. She wished she was back home, drinking tea. But her father strongly insisted she came here, and she had no choice.

She let out a long sigh, quickly turning her gaze to the Guard that stepped into the ballroom. She seemed like she took her job a little to seriously. Amelia looked away, realizing she had been staring for to long. Once again, she found herself staring at the other guard. She blushed a little bit before he noticed and glanced back to Lucy.
Eternity's cold, rough gaze rested upon Amelia, who ahd been previously looking at her. She only caught the last sign that Amelia's eyes were darting in her direction, but enough tim to assume that there were there in a judging manner. Though a gaurds job is not to assume, anyways why would she waste her time on a royal. They pose no threat and this was just a stupid dating service to put their parents at ease economically. Eternity shut up about your own beliefs and focas on the prize...She often thought to herself, since of course she had no friends besides Honor who would listen. Scratch that, she had no friends at all except for Honor.
Jade couldn't help but smirk a bit when he saw the blush spread across the princess's face. But he shook his head quickly. Remindind himself once again of social ranking, and of course, his job.

Lucy nodded, "His name is Nikolai, our kingdoms are neighbors so I've been to all of his father's balls and vise versa. He's kind of hard to get along with, and I'm pretty sure that scowl is always on his face." She shrugged, as if to say "oh well". Then she glanced around "I wonder when more royalty will arrive so that we can actually get this thing started.... I'm getting kind of hungry..."
Amelia nodded slowly, realizing she was quite hungry herself.

"I agree. We've been waiting a pretty long time." She said, looking around the room. Her eyes stopped on Nikolai, and she flashed him a warm smile. She was a little afraid he would just ignore her and continue what he was doing. But she didn't blame him. With a small sigh, she looked back to Lucy.

"Do you have any siblings?" Amelia asked in a soft voice, her blue eyes sparkling slightly.

She noticed the smirk on the Guard's face, and she couldn't help but smile a bit. He was pretty cute, she had to admit. But she wondered why he kept stopping himself from being friendly towards her.

He's probably just doing his job. ​She thought, looking away from him.
Eliza smiled at her oldest brother who was half way down the stairs and turned to face the others in the room they were talking amoungst themselves and she didnt want tp interupt she looked shyly over and her twin brother smiled to himself and whispered into her ear "Liza, I didnt know you were so shy" She rolled her eyes and poked him, pulling him by the hands towards the group of royal teens "I just dont want to interupt anyone" she said looking around for someone to talk to,Azaria was standing beside her protectivly Rylan looked around th room, wearing his usual goofy grin again and stood near his siblings looking for someone to talk to.
Breena looked around the ballroom mainly paying attention to any one who stood alone and wasn't talking. She knew that she was mostly there to keep the young royals at the palace, but she was also there to help them get married. She noticed Eliza and her brothers then went up to Rylan and Azaria first, trying to keep her shyness out of her way, she said, "Prince Rylan Prince Azaria there's a princess standing alone over there," she gestured to Anna-Sue standing near the wall shyly, "would one of you care to go talk to her, please?"
Azaria looked nervouse so Rylan smied and claped him on the sholder "I will Az, Keep an eye on Liza" he said walking over to Anna-sue. he reached her and smiled at her, slowly and gently taking her hand to make sure she was okay with it and kissed it his eyes meeting hers and he bowed "Hello, Princess, may i know your name?" he striaghtened his spine "I'm Prince Rylan, Of Andalainia" he added pulling a pale blue Calla Lily out of his suit nd handing it to her gently
Anna-Sue let him kiss her hand blushing. "I-I'm Anna-Sue of Elaeven, b-but you can just call me Annie." Annie took the lily shyly, she loved any kind of nature, especially flowers. She smelled the flower and smiled a little from it's beautiful scent. "Thank you."
Rylan smiled at his blush, he had to admit she was cute when she did that and he nodded and said "Hello, Annie, It's no problem honest, they are from my sisters garden." He smiled pointing out his sister who waved shyly and then he turned back to her and said with a goofy grin "The flowers there are beautiful"
Annie looked at his sister and smiled waving back shyly then looked back at him. She giggled a little from seeing his goofy grin and asked, "How big is her garden?"
Rylan's grin only grew seeing or rather hearing her gigvle, he always was a bit of a clown, ge loved making others laugh. "Oh It's huge, she loves the outdoors, shes tanned from all time she spends out there" he smiled and said "Perhaps, Annie, if you wish that is, you might allow me to give you a tour of our gardens? only if you wish that is" he said the last part in a rush, kind of shyly he had never really asked a girl to do anything with him before
Tick and Tock had been there for quite some time now,watching everyone talk with one another.They stood together with quite a bit of distance from everyone else,Tick had a small satchel carried between his chest and both arms and he held it tight.The boys talked to one another quietly,they did not care for this thing they were stuck in.The sooner it's all over the better so they thought,"Do you think this will last too long?..."Tock asked with a slight tilt to his head as he looked at Tick after looking around first."Definitely..."Tock replied as he glared around,not liking this at all.
Annie smiled noticing his shyness, which gave her a little courage to say, "I would love that." She smiled at him and added, "Maybe after this you can take me there." She was surprised she didn't stutter at all out shyness. She started wondering if just seeing a goofy grinning guy like him act shy gave her more convidence than she thought.

Breena looked over at Tick and Tock then back at Eliza and Azaria then smiled with an idea. "Princess Eliza would you mind talking to that prince over there?" She gestured to Tick. Then she looked over at Azaria saying, "And would you, Prince Azaria, mind talking to the prince next to him?" she gestured to Tock.
Kaleo entered the ballroom quietly trying not to be seen.

her black knee length dress puffed out a little.

Her white and green tipped hair fell over her eye.

She stood against one of the walls watching everyone.

There was a few others who didn't talk to people. She

just was shy around people at first. Her father sent her

here because she didn't come to liking of the others he


Kaleo walked along the wall with Bandit her wolf-dog

at her side. she leaned against the wall closing her eyes she

hummed to herself. a melody unknown to her but she loved

Rylans grin was back and he nodded "I'll arange it . ." he was exited that she said yes, as said before he never really interacted with girls so he wasnt sure they would like him. He smiled when he realised she didnt stutter, did that mean she had little bit of courage? Eliza smiled and nodded, atmittedly a little afraid though, one of the two was glaring at nothing, it scared her a little "Sure, come on Az" The two walked over Eliza hiding behind her twin, which made him chuckle they reached the two and Az bowed, smoothly stepping away from his sister who flicked him in the ear and curtsied "Hi, my brother here is Prince Azaria" she said smiling "and my sister Princess Eliza of Alainia "(I needes to change the name sorry) and in unison they said "We were asked to talk with you" they turned and grinned at eachother happily
Prince Leo emerged into the ball room, wearing a suiting tux that obviously made him look very professinal. Though it was painly noticable that he was uncofmortable in this sort of atire. He may be a prince but did it really mean dressing like this? Leo let this one slide for the acceptance of his family and that only. Leo walked across the walk, staying on the outer reigions of the room to avoid any interaction. Unfourtunatley, he walk straight into a girl with a black knee lenth dress, which he hadn't notice staring at the middle of the room instead of watching were he was going. "Ah! Im sorry Miss please exuse me!" he felt very embarassed and sorry for the young lady he had possably hurt and most likley angered.

Eternity watched the royals closley, observing anything that went wrong. She caught eye of the boy and his incident, letting it slide since it was merely a accident. After all it seemed like he looked baffled to the fact she was there. She tilted her head up to look at her hawk Honor, who had his wing spread out and was ready to fly twoards the two. Eternity shook her head to give him the signal it was all okay and there was no point in intervening.

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