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Food For Vampire (me and Raneth)


Elder Member


(Name: Tyler Morgan Jackson, Age: 16)

Finally. School was over. At least for the day it was. Still, it had only been the first day of school for them all, so it was all that bad, except for maybe the fact that it meant the end of their Summer vacation, and now it was time for those grueling lessons and hours of homework. As it was, Tyler didn't care about any of that at the moment except to escape these monotonous hallways and teachers, some students having to be reminded not to run by the patrolling staff.

After making a stop at his locker to gather all he needed into his backpack, Tyler shrugged into his Fall jacket and slapped on his cap, tugging it down a little over his dark chocolate brown eyes before slinging his book bag over his shoulder and closing his locker tight for the day, glad to be out of school, despite the Sun already being nearly set for the day thanks to daylight savings time.

Today Tyler had begun his high school career as a freshman, and still had a long few years to go to complete high school and graduate, and possibly even move out of college and make some kind of name for himself in the world. Heading outside with these thoughts, Tyler instantly felt the misting rain they had been having all day this morning, and taking off his cap, Tyler combed his fingers through his dark brown locks before setting the cap back over his head once again and heading off into the misting rain for home, which was only about a fifteen minute walk from the school, not knowing what, or who, was waiting for him in the early darkness...


Elias Onsager

Seemingly Eighteen or Nineteen

Elias walked along a shaded back alley


a line of stores on either side of him. With the end of the summer came the seasons he strove in. There would be no more need to binge and nearly starve due to the merciless rays of the sun bearing down on the Earth. His tongue rolled over his fangs and an eagerness filled him. If there were a living heart within his chest, it would be pounding in anticipation.

He leaned against the corner of the alley way, his eyes peering out and watching the passersby, the sun slowly setting and allowing for the shadows to creep along the streets. He watched and smirked in amusement when a dog tread past him lightly, tail tucked and eyes glaring nervously. Elias took pride in being what he was, and being able to invoke this sort of intimidation in other living creatures-- making even the most ferocious of animals bow in submission.

His eyes wandered from the animal, and he became watchful once again. He always took his time in choosing. Blood could be bitter and even cause him temporary illness, and it typically took him a moment to determine the healthiness of his victims. Even when he was hungry and slightly agitated like now, he knew better than to simply grab and bite into someone. He'd made the mistake enough to know it wasn't worth it after his hunger was sated.
As the walk to home continued, the boy noticed a stray dog who looked frightened of something slink in a hurry past Tyler, its tail tucked between its legs, its ears dropped and seemed to just wanting to be...away...from whatever it was that had frightened the poor dog. Soon though, the animal was gone, and Tyler continued, paying it no mind, figuring just about anything or anyone could scare the creature.

Forgetting about the dog, the auburn haired youth paused for a brief moment to tug up the hood of his sweatshirt when the rain seemed to be getting a bit harder now. It seemed in this town the weather was rainy, cloudy, or snowy, with maybe a 20% chance of sunlight here or there on the rare occasion, even in July. Still, despite the weather and its gloomy castings, Tyler continued on his way, wanting to get home and have a snack and get the homework done that he had so that he had the rest of the night to play his video games.
(( Wow. When I wrote my response, I forgot that you added it was raining. Herpderp. That was a great start. ))

The drizzle began to turn into harder and more defined droplets. Elias simply pulled his collar up slightly, closing his eyes and breathing in the scents surrounding them. Already, a few people within the area were not suitable for a feeding, and a potential handful were found. However, it had been a few weeks since his last feeding, and while the hunger grew furious, he wanted something more than just sub-par blood. He wanted a real treat. His desires were met when someone walked past him and instantly, his instincts roared. Elias' eyes flashed open and he watched for a split second as a young man passed him.

Elias allowed him to walk on for a short distance before turning the corner. With the gathering mass of dark clouds and the sun's rays fading behind them, he was hardly worried. His fangs tingled before they began to extend out, preparing to get ready to latch onto his new found prey. The brunette's throat burned and ached, but he kept an unsuspicious pace and made sure he was at an inconspicuous distance. But his eyes never left the hooded figure in front of him. Elias wouldn't dare lose this boy.
Wanting to get out from the rain, Tyler continued on his way after the stray dog had passed him, and adjusting his backpack and cap slightly, the boy made his way. But yet, as Tyler continued the short walk home in the darkened clouds and heavier rain, the boy could swear he felt that strange sensation of...someone watching him. Frowning, Tyler stopped in midstep and turned his head to look backwards, first to the right, then to the left, frowning when he saw no one or no thing following.

/ Sorry this is so short, but I really don't know what to write that isn't overly repetitive... \

(( It's cool, I understand how you feel xP. ))

Elias had quickly moved away and hidden in a small doorway when the young man had stopped. Doing this would lead to no where. Once he was home, everything would become overly complicated if he lived with other people. While the boy was looking, Elias closed his eyes and his body momentarily took to an ethereal form. This spell was never his strong suit, and it would be even harder to keep up in his current blood-craving state. With an exhale, he moved through the building, passing through till he was on the other side, and manifested into a solid form again, right in front of the boy. His eyes opened, and he peered at the human. Knowing he'd try and run or shout when looking forward again, Elias reached out and went to snag his wrist, as well as cover his mouth.
Frowning, the boy simply rolled his eyes and chose to ignore it, but as soon as Tyler turned back around, the boy's eyes widened in surprise when there was someone standing before him, and for a few moments, the boy didn't know whether or not to bolt or just stay put. But by the time Tyler was able to make a decision, the man before him took hold of one of his wrists, gripping firmly so that Tyler couldn't escape, and before Tyler could get out a good yell for help, the man was covering his mouth with his other hand, quickly silencing Tyler as the boy struggled, muffled grunts and complaints coming from him.
Elias growled a bit, sounding like a primal animal. His eyes seemed to be blazing. "Knock it off!" He hissed, his brows narrowing. "Struggling like this is just going to make everything worse for you." Elias informed the young human. Though his head was throbbing and he was shaking in excitement, Elias couldn't help but admire this young man's handsome features. "If you don't squirm and keep quiet, I might just let you walk out of this. If I can hold myself back." He spoke in a harsh whisper, baring his teeth on occasion, causing his long fangs to stick out. "I'm not an evil man, kid. But I want to live like everyone else." Elias pinned the teenager's shoulder into the wall in an attempt to hold him back as he brought the other arm out, bringing it to his barred teeth.
The boy grunted in complaint, stumbling along with the man as whoever this was dragged Tyler with him, pinning him against a wall suddenly, grimacing as the boy felt one of is shoulders get pinned against the wall, the boy's cap having fallen off and was lying on the sidewalk, Tyler's hood thrown down, revealing his hair, face, his neck, although by now it was getting ever harder with the rain. Just what was this man talking about? But before Tyler could register in his mind as to whatever was happening, the boy let out a growl within his throat when Tyler suddenly felt sharp fangs pierce into his soft neck, drawing out blood instantly.

Holy...Just what was this guy doing?!? Grunting, Tyler struggled, and moved into self defense mode, suddenly bringing his right knee up and hitting the man pinning him twice, hoping it would force the guy to let go of Tyler.
(( Sorry for the long wait x.x. I was a little brain dead on this. ))

Elias could hardly control himself as the blood coursed through him. However, despite the small amount he'd taken, he almost felt full already and his brows furrowed, and he loosened his grip ever so slightly. When he was about to pull away, he felt the human knee into him and he pulled off, backing away slightly. It didn't hurt him as much as it caught him off guard at the moment. Elias gave him a look. "Completely unnecessary. I wasn't going to kill you. I took half of a pint from you, at the most." Elias straightened himself out, moving over in an attempt to keep him from running off. "I can make you forget this ordeal. Though if you leave now and try to tell someone about this, just know they'll see you as delusional or playing stupid tricks. Getting help to 'cull' me is not something you have in your favor."

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