Five Days Darkness


One Thousand Club
I've got a player who is interested in being the reincarnation of Shadow's Grace, so I need to know some more about Five Days Darkness. I understand he's the first shadow cast by the Unconquered Sun and his name implies he's the god of Calibration, but what else is there to him? Does he have an agenda? Cult? Is he generally malevolent or benevolent?
Odd, I was just reading about him yesterday, waiting for my game to start.

He's not evil, he likes Creation and even the unconquered Sun, he just can't face the Sun's light. He really dislikes the Calendar spirits, who rejected him and were all mean.

His story reminds me a lot of that myth where the girl married the sun in Hindu Mythology, but was unable to bear his brilliance and fled.

Anyway, not evil, but associated with secrets and shadows, so sort of kissing-distance from evil. Worshipping/permitting his essence to pervade you turns you into a 'Creature of Darkness" in game terms.
So why did the Calender spirits ditch him? Didn't like his hair style or something?

Other than being the god of Calibration, what's his purpose in Creation?
When Five Days Darkness could not become a Celestial Incarna, he tried to join the rank of the calendar spirits as the god of Calibration. But then the calender spirits made fun of him for not being able to withstand the sun's light and FDD went :'( and then >:( and then is working toward to beat the living daylight out of them with kung fu.

He is one of the greatest practitioners and teachers of martial arts in Creation. He dislikes the calendar spirits in specific and the Dragon-Blooded by association (and perhaps for having betrayed the Solars, maybe.) He mastered all five Immaculate styles, which he extremely enjoys using against DBs and Immaculate masters. Overall, he's a sullen guy who likes to wear black.
I'd put him quite a fair distance from evil. The common misconception that darkness, secrets, and shadows are hallmarks of Team Evil ignores the agents of good that use the same tools.

He is as neutral as the Incarna he resembles.
He's really just like Snake-Eyes from G.I. Joe.
..Except that Snake Eyes, mercifully, doesn't talk, whereas FDD is all, "ALAS! LISSEN TO MAH TALE OF WOE. WOE I SAY."

and then you have to take away his razors and Linkin Park CDs before he hurts himself again.
Not really no. Hes more "ALAS. Listen to my tale of woe" and then he goes and beat the crap out of DBs and messes with the calender spirits.
Our Storyteller had 5DD show up and our Eclipse caste successfully chatted him up and promptly got pregnant. Luckily we stay on good enough terms with him that we were able to get in and out of Yu-shan far earlier than our occult or Essence would have normally allowed. In our little kingdom Calibration isn't nearly as scary as it is in the rest of Creation, we have little celebrations to honor him like any other god.

I think he's less emo in our game because our Storyteller thinks he's cool. He also failed to mention the martial arts, which my character was seeking to learn. Then again, that could have been because I was studying Golden Jannisary Style. 8)
5DD isn't actually the god of Calibration. If he was, then he'd be a calendar spirit, and would be even more powerful than he currently is. What with Calibration traditionally being a five day long party and him not having any Cult rating at all. He tried to, which is probably where his name came from, but they laughed him off.

So, he's not actually the god of anything. His power is just due to being the UCS's shadow. But he's already on his way to conquering the Calendar Spirits, I think at least one of them is his servant already.
Wait, so he's tracking down the Calender Spirits, kicking their trash, and making them work for him? While being emo?

I like him more and more the more I hear about him.
5DD took the title of god of Calibration. He took for himself as in is not part of the year and therefore cannot be ruled by the Calender Spirits. Also he only actually exists at night. Once day breaks he vanishes and reappears when the Sun sets, as if he never stopped being. Hes not really emo in his right up. He is described as honorable and wise with an air of the tragic and edge of dry sarcasm to his toungue and eyes. He hates the DBs and Abyssals, and avoids the other celestials because they make him feel uncomfortable, though he has no malice to them (I presume he is unaware of the Sids role in the Usurption or else...well that could be a story on its own).

His full write up is in TCoTD: Scavenger lands pg.150-152
The funny thing about him is that he is the son of UcS so to speak and dearly loves his father and all that he stands for and he hates that he can't even be near him. So partly he is trying to his father's name justice and do him proud to gain his approval, while technically avoiding his notice/gaze.

He kind of reminds me of Batman to Superman, 5DD to UcS. Take it how you want, but he tends to be a lot more involved with Creation on the whole even while his father stays stuck in the GoD. So I can't help but respect him more.

He hates the Calendar gods because they shunned him, especially when he honestly wants to be a part of Creation and help it. And the Calendar gods got to play it off because of the fact that 5DD can't even respect the UcS as he should. The fact that he is physically unable to exist in UcS's presence is just an excuse. ;) And they annoy him more since they hardly do their jobs and have grown corrupt.

So as far as I am concerned 5DD is one of the best out there because he hasn't given up on Creation, still stays directly involved, and still does care about what happens to all of the rightful denizens of Creation.
*chuckles* In some ways he's the prodigal son that wants to do good by his father...too bad his father's a worthless crackhead these days.
I like to give Sol Invictus a little more credit than that. The Games of Divinity are pretty much perfectly designed to snag and hold his attention. It's in the Unconquered Sun's nature to seek out and overcome challenges. With the Primordials gone, mortal challenges probably bore him, since he can solve the problem with four hands and one leg tied behind his back. It takes something of Incarnae level to actually have a chance of winning against Sol Invictus, so the Games are his last resort for an actual challenge short of starting a Celestial civil war.

If you could get Sol Invictus to view breaking his addiction to the Games as a challenge, he'd be forced to succeed. It's his nature.
You would have to make him realize he has an addiction of course... and good luck doing that... even for a human it is hard sometimes... so for a millenias old incarna... :mrgreen:
But the UcS has one heck of an MDV, plus every Solar Charm ever created. Sacrosanct Soul Retribution comes to mind (perfect MDV vs. Unnatural Mental Influence) or you can use Supreme Perfection of Resistance, if that's how you want to apply the psychological addiction.
But the UcS has one heck of an MDV' date=' plus every Solar Charm ever created. [b']Sacrosanct Soul Retribution[/b] comes to mind (perfect MDV vs. Unnatural Mental Influence) or you can use Supreme Perfection of Resistance, if that's how you want to apply the psychological addiction.
You are assuming the UCS uses Solar charms instead of Spirit charms. Even without Solar charms "All-Encompassing Divine (Ability) Subordination" can solve just about any problem save DV-decay or a Circle of Essence 5+ Celestial Exalts.

If the Maidens know all of the Sidereal Charms, then it would be a fairly simple assumption to guess that the UcS knows all of the Solar Charms, Luna knows all of the Lunar Charms and Gaia knows all of the DB Charms as well.

I mean, it does say that Sidereals cannot create Charms except through the Maidens making a new Charm for them to learn.
I'm prefer to think that only the Maidens can create Sidereal Charms because only they can weave them into the Tapestry of Creation without fucking the Loom up something fierce. At least, that's how I read the whole "no custom Sidereal charms" part of the MoEP:Sidereals.

That said, the Maidens are very powerful Divinities, not Exalts. As Divinities, I feel it is appropriate for them to use Spirit Charms, not Exalted Charms. Of course, YCMV.


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