First Age ahoy! [interest]

Mei said:
I'm going with my Chosen of Secrets that just popped into my head. Works well for both Experienced and Starting characters with little tweaking on backstory.
Basic concept is a shrewd Vizier who is manipulating the new Exalts that she advises. Telling them over and over "A good leader is always willing to take advise, to do otherwise is how mistakes happen." She herself finds pure joy in secretly influencing the Solars (and maybe Lunars as well) in the direction she wants.

She learned from her Sifu that Solars start to not take advise very well as they get more experienced, and she has witnessed some of those outbursts of hubris.
Hmm. Hmm hmm hmm. Tempting. Who do we have going for Established? You, Chaka, Ligier and who else?
Theoretically Mourning was Established, but he doesn't have to be. Concept works less well though.
Ash, the teenage mech pilot, is a Starting Solar.

The, er Orichalcum Avenger is an Established Solar.

Really, depends on which you need more of (and which concept fits better).
Karis, Chosen of Secrets

One could describe Karis in a variety of ways, but if one had to descibe her in one word? It would have to be shrewd. Karis was born in Meru, she was spirited away from her family by the Five-Score Fellowship and began training for her future duties right away. She spent much of her mortal life as a librarian in Meru at the Library of The Deliberative, but she was not to look in any of the tomes, scrolls, books, memory crystaks, dreamstones or at any tablet. All that knowledge. Kept secret from her. It drove her nuts, but making any of the Exalts angry was a bad idea.

Oh, but her thirst for knowledge just continued to grow. All these secrets were right in front of her, just begging to be skimmed though. She could no longer take it anymore. She went to a secluded area of the great library and took a scroll out. It was only a scroll with recipes found around creation, but this was forbidden knowledge. Well, at least to her it was.

And she didn't get away with it. Oh, no. A Twilight Caste had followed her and saw the whole thing. And he was furious. After she had opened the scroll, he stomped over and swatted it from her hands. She fell backwards and he raised his hand again to strike her... But he didn't. She opened her eyes to see that she was surrounded by a green aura. It was her time. She had finally Exalted as was her destiny.

It was not long until she was taken to her Sifu, who would start her new training... And teach her how to influence young Solars and Lunars in what way she want. "Drill into their minds that the need your advise." That's what he told her. And she kept it close to her heart, she has been experimenting with both Solars and Lunars, keeping close track at how they respond. Between her work in the libraries around Creation and her influencing young Exalts, Karis is a busy woman. But she surely doesn't mind one bit.
some more detail on Mina

Mina, Young Wanning Moon Lunar

Motivation: Help creation thrive

I see her more current focus being on figuring out the complex power struggles going on and finding out why her elders seem to be withholding things from her.

Mina was not just a survivor. She was determined to thrive, to make better her life in a world focused on the workings of the exalted. Her energy was infectious, and even though she was still in school and working two jobs, she managed to maintain an energy and drive that seemed to naturally propel her. Some of it could have been pity, but only at the start. Mina grew up an orphan in the north east reaches of creation. A freak fire had collapsed their home and she was the only one to survive. Life here had certainly been touched by the work of the exalted, but many of the advances hadn’t made it all the way out here yet. So, Mina traveled each day to attend a better school than the one in her village. She hurried home from school to work the later shift with the other loggers from town during the week, and on the weekend she helped float logs and any other tasks the river master (the closest thing she had to a father) had found for her. But she was young, and to her it was all excitement and promise. Her better schooling would give her a chance at getting into one of the advanced schools in a few years, and she worked hard to save money for that chance. Maybe she could even join the foresters who carefully tended and bred the giant trees.

But, this was not her future. During the visit of the dragon-blooded magistrate of the area, a group of Fae attacked the village. Mina dove into the river to escape, but the goblins chased after her. Fighting her way through the log packed river Mina found a sudden burst of speed and reached the chain on the other side and used it to fight off her attackers. The young lunar then adopted her new found otter form and hurried back to help fight off the rest of the attack.

Since then, her training has opened her eyes to greater opportunities, and Mina pushes on with the same infectious energy. She is eager now not as much for her own gain, but to protect and grow creation. Only recently has her exaltation settled into the waning moon caste, and she still struggles to determine her role in the Silver Pact, weighting the influence of so many powerful and opinionated elders. She has not yet been introduced to her solar mate, but she is certain her elders know who it is. That they hide it from her is only her first concern.
My Exalt has a name: Tama Urshin, who had the sobriquet Valiant Bull Sohei bestowed upon him several years after his Exaltation and is now well known all across Creation as Valiant Bull.

He also has a tributary. The details of this could change if someone wants to do a linked character like a Lunar mate or Dragonblooded General who looks after his tributary for him, but otherwise it’s basic details are as follows:

Steel Blossom Protectorate was so named at the formation of the deliberative by one of Valiant Bull’s past incarnations and is a coastal province in the South of Creation.

Nowadays it is sometimes referred to as The Land of the Lost by people outside of its borders. The reason for this is that it is now the only place in Creation which does not have a righteous Solar ruler. Although Valiant Bull is still it’s ruler in name, he has not performed an act as such since he took on his personal mission over a hundred years ago. At his request, even his young Lunar mate has minimal involvement with the tributary.

Due to this the rate of technological advancement in the Protectorate has slowed recently and fallen behind average for Creation, although not very much thanks to the work of the many Dragonblooded craftsmen who make their home there. It is a place of wonders undreamt of in the Second Age, but it would seem slightly outdated to citizens of Meru.

It also has a unique culture. Because of the lack of any single authority, Steel Blossom prefecture has an incredible amount of social mobility. Dragonblooded, Dragon-Kings, God-Blooded and even Mortals can achieve greater things than they can anywhere else as there is no Celestial Exalt exerting control over all aspects of the civilisation.

This has had the side-effect of causing several independent Gentes to relocate their headquarters to Steel Blossom Protectorate, where they can operate with greater freedom. Currently Steel Blossom Protectorate has one of the highest Dragon-Blooded to mortal rations in Creation because of this, which means that the highest levels of almost every aspect of the society are run by the Chosen of the Dragon. Strangely, a Sidereal has taken particular interest in analysing Steel Blossom Protectorate to help develop a pet theory on whether Dragon-blooded can successfully run their own high-magitech society.

Unlike most tributaries, which sever their ties with the Deliberative so they can treat their country as a personal playground with no oversight, Valiant Bull split from the deliberative because he felt some of the Deliberative’s laws were too immoral. When he departed to dedicate his life to his new ideals, Valiant Bull left a set of laws for future daimyos, mayors, governors, generals and others of authority to follow. They set out extremely high minimum levels of care that must be delivered to all, as well as moral standards and laws regulating freedom.

In the past there have been problems with those in power openly flouting Valiant Bull’s parting laws, but word always trickles back to him and he will briefly return to the Protectorate to punish wrongdoers.
Excellent, all.

Just give me some time to actually compile details and stop being sick and I'll form up the group and request a forum. That cool, all?

I'll make my decision on the Est. Exalts soon.
Okay, this IS the complete list by far, but here's who I've picked thus far for my game. If I've not picked you, it is seriously nothing personal. I loved all the concepts I've received thus far. :D Keep referring here for the next day or so and I'll post everyone I've picked. So remember to check this post often. The Established List precedes the younglings. If you're having second thoughts about the game or something is coming, just let me know if you wish to opt out. Cheers!

New additions will be red.

Established Exalts:

Chaka's Dawn Caste Solar

Sarky's Wood Aspect Dragon-Blooded

Ligier's Zenith Caste Solar

Mei's Chosen of Secrets Sidereal

Young Exalts:

Gulup's No-Moon Lunar

Yu Jie's Fire Aspect Dragon-Blooded

Cameraobscura's Waxing Moon Lunar

Crazy Ivan's Chosen of Battles

Still deciding on the other Exalts and the final Established slot. Got some good ones out there, hard to make the choice. And if some of you could, storm up some connections with the others if it strikes you. We'll start in Meru and I've always felt there's not an Exalt who has at least not heard of the others in the Celestial Hierarchy.

Established are now filled, you guys had some amazing concepts, but I could only pick one more. Now reviewing for Young Exalts.

And that's all folks!
Since my concept's come more into focus since I posted my idea, I'm going to throw up what I've got here. I've tried to keep the concept neutral so that he could take a slot for either type, but he is intended to be more established.

Exalt's Name: Spider (Walker On The Web)

Concept: Paranoid Spymaster

Spider's life has been a nightmare. Sometimes, he fears that all too literally.

Sijan is not the only grave city in the East. On the fringes of Creation, where the reach of the Deliberative is stretched and thin, there are leftovers; relics of days gone by. Even in the Era of Dreams, the fallout of the Primordial War has not been entirely cleaned up. War machines, gods of Ur, and even objects as bizarre as art pieces that have a devastating effect on the human soul lay in wait for some poor unfortunate to discover. The least of these remains, however, are shadowlands.

Spider was born into a shadowland of considerable size, his blood tainted, several generations back, by the bitter essence of the dead. While he manifested no unearthly powers, Spider's complexion was always pale, his hair dark, and his eyes a slate grey. For as long as he can remember, the nightmares always came, whispering to him in his sleep and showing him dark and disturbing things.

Sometimes, the nightmares came true, but it was worse when they didn't. Every truth revealed only confirmed the boy's beliefs in them, yet the incorrect prophecies led others to think him mad and disbelieve in him, which only made the voices he heard laugh louder when the inevitable ones came true. Spider became isolated and paranoid.

By the time he was thirteen, Spider was considered a very strange boy. He was not educated, spending most of his time off in the woods, afraid of all the horrific things he feared would happen, that would be done. It did not matter that the kindly butcher always helped people out, offering them to take what they needed on a tab when they were down on their luck; the voices had shown him carving up his wife in the basement, just as surely as they'd shown him the barn fire from earlier that summer.

When Spider saw the spectre attack in his nightmares, he tried to warn everyone. He raced through the streets, raving that the hungry dead would swarm and consume them all. He begged people to listen to him, to put salt in front of their doors, to ready whatever weapons they had, but none would listen. Years of truths that had not come to pass caused all but a few to ignore his dire warning. One can only imagine what they thought, come that evening.

In the night, the dreams of the Neverborn cracked the ground, drawing open a great wound between the Labyrinth and the world above. Spectres poured forth, claiming all there for themselves. Many were killed, the rest captured and put into cages, to be hauled back into the Underworld for fates left unspoken. Spider had tried to fight back but he was no match for these supernatural abominations. Thrown in a cell to be carried off to the world below, Spider's well-honed survival instincts kicked in.

Dislocating so many bones as to slip through the cell was one thing. Popping them all back in and freeing other inmates before escaping into the night is another entirely. Spider ran for the hills, eluding the spectre army and charging northwards. Years spent hiding in the woods and the dark places in town, getting into places no-one wanted him to be, had prepared him for this day. Even as the other captives whom he had freed were slowly chased down and devoured, Spider kept going, mile after mile, towards freedom.

However valiant his effort, there is a point at which a mere mortal needs rest, food, and sleep. To Spider's credit, he did nearly escape the Shadowland, but the dead are relentless. They traveled at an unabated pace behind him, trying to trace his steps. Only his excellent stealth had gotten him this far. When they found him, Spider escaped into an abandoned salt mine, where the spectres could not follow. Unfortunately, the mine had but one exit, and its salt-coated walls provided no food or water. He was trapped, and his long struggle now looked to be a choice between painful mutilation and dehydration. Spider spent days sitting in the pit before he started to hallucinate.

The conversation Spider had with the imaginary copy of himself was fruitful. His doppelganger berated him for seeming so likely to give up, demanding he rise to the occasion; it commanded him to survive. He had lived in fear for years now, but had always had the option of cutting his own throat to end it all. The clear desire in him was to survive. The determination in him rose to a crescendo: Even should all of Creation fall into Oblivion, he would survive.

Suddenly, the mark of the Night Caste made itself evident on Spider's brow. The pain of hunger and the weariness of dehydration vanished, along with his salt burns. In the rush of Exaltation, he reduced the spectres to ectoplasmic smears before continuing on his journey towards civilization at a much more leisurely pace. The voices were gone, replaced by a certain sense of calm and ease as he felt the first real rays of sunshine touch his face.

Since that day, Spider has realized what he has become and has spent the years since honing his power. Gradually, he has done all he can to make sure all know his name but few ever speak it. He has spread his spies across the face of Creation, and he is very much aware of all that goes on in his sphere of influence. Should there ever come a threat to himself from anywhere in Creation or beyond, he is most certainly going to be sure to hear of it.

Years of conditioning at the hands of the whispers of the Underworld have left their mark on Spider. Even separated from them, he is, by most any standards, a paranoid individual. Bound at all times from head to toe in an outfit that resembles funerary wrappings, he has not allowed anyone to see his face since he first learned the Deliberative existed. All images containing his face have been mysteriously destroyed or edited.

Where Spider goes, he carries himself with an inhuman grace. His body twists and shifts impossibly with a contortionist's skill, and he frequently spends much of his time hidden from sight. Rarely does he get within more of a few arm's lengths of people, always looking a little on guard and ready to move. He is not fearful to be talkative, but his voice usually gains a shifting lilt based on his mood that trends towards the disturbing when he is afraid.

However, Spider is not insane (all eccentricities suggesting the contrary aside). He has made very certain to cultivate a non-threatening, neutral image while simultaneously being so well informed that everyone finds him useful. He likes making sure that he is always viewed as more of an asset than a liability, for he is very much aware that creatures more powerful than himself exist. Anyone who needs information, either to hear it or to ensure it is heard, will find their way to Spider.

In fits of pique, however, Spider, like all Exalts, has been known to take curious actions, as his paranoia overflows and begins to see danger everywhere...
More character background for Talya (the Established Solar) --

Talya owns multiple suits of armor, almost all of which she built herself; she could conceivably possess any artifact armor in the corebook or Wonders of the Lost Age, from a simple breastplate to dragon armor. Her fabulous Wealth stems from IronWorks, Ltd., which is partly an import-export business that deals in exotic magical ingredients, and partly a series of workshops that design and build customized artifacts (primarily armor and defensive weaponry). She inherited IronWorks from her previous incarnation, but she has done much to build up the business in her own right. Talya will not sanction the creation of magical weapons for mortal use, however, as she does not believe mortals are responsible enough to be trusted with such dangerous toys. Paradoxically, she places a high value on mortal lives, and the callousness of many of her fellow scientists (especially the ancient Bright Shattered Ice) infuriates her. All of Talya’s workshops have very strict guidelines concerning the treatment of workers.

Her two mortal servants are both getting on in years -- particularly Fern, her elderly housekeeper, who has been with Talya since her Exaltation -- and they have gently urged to consider taking a Dragon-Blooded assistant, especially since IronWorks has become much, much too large for one person to handle alone…even one of the mighty Solars. Talya is dragging her feet over this necessary and inevitable step, as the circumstances of her capture have left her somewhat distrustful of the Terrestrial Exalted as well.

Incidentally, her nickname of “the Iron Maiden†is more than a reference to her work: while she was once known for her carefree lifestyle, no Exalt, and as far as is known, no mortal, can claim to have had intimate relations with Talya since her Exaltation. Rumors abound, ranging from a natural darkening of personality due to her imprisonment and torture, to some horrific injury she suffered that left her flesh rotting…or bleeding endlessly…or weirdly mutated, depending on whom you talk to. The only certain thing is that no one has had the nerve to ask.
So, connections anyone?

I can only really find information on Sarky and Gulup's character, with an outline of Cameraobscura.

For Guan-Te - If you wanted to slightly alter your character, your guy could be the Dragonblooded who's informally in charge of running Valiant Bull's tributary while he runs about Creation kicking Creatures of Darkness in the face. Would have advised and mentored with him when he was simply the newly Exalted Tama Urshin and having his crisis of faith and is perhaps either gladdened or disappointed at the way things have occurred.

Other than that, if you want to be the advisor for a fairly new Exalt then your Solar patron/apprentice could be the new incarnation one of the three Solars that Valiant Bull has killed for their horrible crimes.

Gulup's New Moon: Your Lunar is very spiritual and Valiant Bull won't exactly be quiet about his unorthodox views on how Creation works, so they might have had heated debates in the past regarding this. Also, although Bull's going to have to be something of a Jack-of-All-Trades (Who-is-also-good-at-punching-really-hard) because of how he operates, he isn't going to be an occult master. He could have teamed up with your New Moon for his expertise in the past.

General Lunars: Valiant Bull's Lunar mate hasn't really been fleshed out, so someone could have that spot if they want. I see the relationship being a little awkward between the two, as Valiant Bull will almost certainly rarely see them except when circumstance brings them together. Valiant Bull will have definite views on how his Lunar Mate should act (Should be a constant companion to him, helping him in his mission), but at the same time will respect that he's not a Chosen of Luna himself so he might not understand everything perfectly. The Lunar could very well be involved in the running of his tributary while he's off on his personal quest, or that could be left to Dragon-blooded if preferred.

Generic connections:

- Done heroic stuff together.

- Valiant Bull's done heroic stuff in an area under another PC's jurisdiction without any real care for any laws other than the moral ones he follows, causing problems between the two.

- Established Exalts could have tried to help Bull when he was having his crisis of conscience, offering him solutions and trying to engage him in their pet projects.

- If you have a sneaky character, they could have manipulated Bull into solving one of their problems.
“If you have any school-aged children who predate your Exaltation (or if you are school-aged yourself!) your Sidereal advisor will help you choose the school most suited to their (or your) academic needs.â€

From Meru: A Guidebook to the Exalted City

The chief attraction in playing Ash, on the other hand, would be to experience the perspective of a very young Exalt, to whom Meru and the Blessed Isle are still wondrous and strange. Being welcomed by your Solar peers -- finding your way around the White City -- choosing a place to live -- taking your seat in the Deliberative for the first time -- all those things are prime story fodder.

And that’s before the “school-age†angle. Where would an adolescent Solar attend school, anyway? Who would be her schoolmates? Are there that many school-age Celestials at once, or would they have to share a classroom with God-Blooded and Terrestrials who scored really high on their PSATS? Would it be like a prep school or more like a military academy? And how would they all get along with each other?
I'd assume that young Solars go to the best schools money can buy, but, on Meru, money is less of an issue, isn't it?

The best schools available are probably stocked with Terrestrials and God-Blooded (most likely including at least a few Grandchosen). They also likely have access to Dragon-Blooded tutors. The schools themselves likely vary greatly in style, format, and method, just as today.

The best educations possible, though, would come from direct tutoring by an elder Solar. If you have favours from a past life, or someone who just wants to manipulate you...
I recall another First game, but on Rpol. Where there was a school for the young Celestial Exalts. I believe the ST had this school on a flying piece of land, a major city on it, with the school near it. It was a rather cool idea. xD

Likely though Axelgear has a good fix on what schooling is like there ^^
A third and final character suggestion (an Established Lunar this time) --

“Shortly after Thiassi’s death within the bounds of Asgard itself, the assembled gods were greatly surprised and dismayed to see his daughter appear one day in their midst, to demand satisfaction for her father’s slaying. Although the child of an ugly Frost Giant, Skadi, the Lady of Winter, was very beautiful indeed in her silver armor, with her glittering spear, sharp-pointed arrows, short white hunting dress, white fur leggings, and broad snowshoes; and the gods could not but recognize the justice of her claim, wherefore they offered atonement…â€

Concept: Fae-Blooded loner

Motivation: Find a fair and just resolution to the conflict between humans and raksha

Caste: Half-Moon
Wells I'm gonna try for a concept if the Sidereal doesn't settle well. I like sidereal despite their horrible charm system and I do like my Established-ish Sidereal Concept more. But here is Vel'ceria Arc, a Sidereal Serenity.

There once was a Lunar who was playful and loveable, she saw the ends of various Devas of the Primordials and even the Surrender Oaths made. She married her Solar but due to their nature they were apart for a lot of their time. But near the end of their lives they gave birth to Vel'Ceria. Now Vel'Ceria has taken the nature of her mother, playful, and lovable. And she exalted midway through her teen years. She was exceptional soothing and loved the attention she gained when singing and dancing. Ceremonies, parties, causual get togethers, she loved these and encouraged them among her peers. And so it was, she was sent to her training and during her training her fell in love and feel out of love, disappointments and joys. But her greatest disappoint was that she was to be trained as a Vizier to help guide the Solars and Lunars in their destined paths. But she wanted love, a true love, a pure love. And it is for this that she waits. Playing and learning with other younger Exalts, and causing them grief sometimes and sometimes bringing them a smile and a true pure laugh.
Hmm, as for connections I think that Valliant Bull is the sort of unorthodox character that could go with Mina (though if it is best for the story there could already be some established relationship there if Ligier is at all interested in that). Alternately, it would be reasonable to expect that the young Lunars know each other.

Still interested in the Lasser Bright-talon concept which could fit in a number of places...
Okay all, the spots are filled! I would really like to thank everyone who posted interest. You had some great ideas and it was like pulling teeth trying to figure out who I'd bring on. Bravo for that. Honestly, I hope I get to run for you all at a later date, amazing ideas all around. There'll be other games. :D

And for those of you I picked. I'll have the forum set up at some point in the near future. Just getting some things sorted out in RL and in the planning stages for this shindig.
'alo everyone i will be playing Venn Dawn-Flier husband to the Dawn cast Deliberator Bright Morning (Also male for those who care?)

if you have questions about him from an IC standpoint hit me up on AIM (CameraObscura83)

for now his description is:

Venn is a dark beauty who is roughly eighteen. He hails from far to the west. He keeps his midnight black hair relatively short and held up in elaborate feathery tufts to accentuate his totemic form. Wide deep violet eyes are set against a lightly freckled face bearing traces of a not lost youth. He has full lips and creamy skin he takes great pains to keep from tanning in the blessed sun of Meru. He accentuates his neck in a elaborate collar of moonsilver that appears to lengthen his neck, perhaps. It bears intricate tracery of both swan feathers and the waxing moon caste mark. When unclothed a matching skin mount amulet rests right above his buttocks bearing a black stone with a delicate print of a leopard skin. In most cases however he dresses at the height of fashion mixing both traditional and non traditional methods. He is never without his breastplate and bow, honoring the memory of those who came before him in that the exalted were created to be warriors first. The Bow serves as a reminder too of who he was in a past life, to others who might forget. The core of his usual attire is a set of deep violet, almost black, silken robes that he further enhances with essence garments crafted from the newest trend in essence amulets. HE isn’t a very tall man, standing just over five feet seven inches and his form resembles that of a boy on the cusp of manhood, many worried that he exalted too young at only sixteen summers. Many whisper of his natural dark beauty, their whispers say that should he age, his beauty will be the work of legends, some favor this, some fear this, many are jealous of this.

His artifacts ( including Panoply, Arsenal and actual artifact) are:

"Silver Death" - Moonsilver Long Powerbow

Moonsilver HS bracers

Moonsilver breastplate

Moonsilver Infinite resplendent amulet

Silken Armor

Skin Mount Amulet (Moonsilver)

Moonsilver Collar of Luna's Kiss (CoDCL)

He has three known hearthstones

Orb of the Unnoticed Predator

Prism of Focused Passion

Gem of Dignity

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