First Aeon: Age of Creation [Dawn of Divinity]


Let others deal with the more mundane aspects of Creation. Xyros turned his head to the things he has created so far. The Overworlds he has created still stood barren and empty. Calling on his powers of Change, he bellowed "Where the Gods tread, we need different laws, or we too might be bound by Fate, Death, and other such misfortunes."


Xyros adds the law of Divinity, whereby the laws and rules the Gods create will not affect them, except for Change.



Laughter could be heard throughout Creation by the Gods as Xyros ACTed. While the main part of his ACT was useless the last part incurred the Wrath of AO, which came down upon him with Change itself. As such until the end of the First Aeon, one random ACT of Xyros will be twisted into the opposite of its intended results.[/hr]<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/jensen(1).jpg.4639793f6f38b603c6533d77a42b0a15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24069" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/jensen(1).jpg.4639793f6f38b603c6533d77a42b0a15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Seeing, death, life, chaos, order, and all the other myriad of things the gods will create. A idea came in to his head, while balance in all things is well. But not everything has to be symmetrical in shape or in order. Life and Death balanced one another out, as well did chaos and order. What if there was more chaos then order? Or more life than death, and vise versa. With the gods already creating the seeds of life, let them be in the liking of all that is Divine.[/hr]

ACT: Creates and adds Affinity a inherent likeness, to the seeds of life, in which all life shall be connected to the divine acts of the Gods. In a way that life will favor a act or group of acts in contrast to other divine acts. As for example, those that have an Affinity to life, will be life-forms that will be able to spread and support life, those that with a affinity to death, will have their purpose to spread death. Those of created life their Affinity will be unable to change, as they will be tied in to with fate, (As Fate shall not be an Affinity) as well as they will not be able to effect their Affinity, for Affinity shines the likeness of the Gods acts on to them, effecting the seeds of life, and not any other act in it self that the seeds of life be affiliated to.



Affinities are created as tools for the Gods to bless the Life they create as long as the Life they create mainly respects their Creating God's Portfolio and Domains.[/hr]
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Auryn[/hr] stood in the void, Helios and Luna before him. There was something missing though, and he was to ensure that it would come to pass. The life-blood of Alazo had kindled something in Helios and Luna. It had not changed anything but rather allowed something to happen. He slashed at both of his wrists, drawing forth his energy as well as energy and light from Helios and Luna themselves. In his hands he held two crimson orbs of his essence and power, the one in the right hand held his blood, essence, and the prismatic illumination of Helios. The one in his left hand held the soft, dancing light of Luna as well as his own blood and essence. Shaping them and allowing their energies to manifest into physical form, Auryn wove the energies around him. He granted these slumbering beings a name, life, and purpose. When he finished, he blessed them with his power and brought them into existence.

Twin lights manifested before Auryn, one shining gold and the other mercurial silver. Both lights were powerful, but both of them were very kind. Their light warmed and illuminated, but did not burn and destroy.

"You are Oracion, champion of Helios," he said to the golden light, "And you are Nocturne, champion of Luna." he said to the silver light. "By your light and your power, you shall both illuminate the worlds of the Gods. You are the first guardians of this world, and you both shall be a guiding light to all whom wish to follow you. I am Auryn, and you are my Heroes."

"I hear and understand, Praetor," Oracion stated, bowing before returning to Helios. And there in the core of Helios did he carve out a place for himself.

"I understand, Father," Nocturne whispered. She smiled gently and vanished into the air, leaving for her home in Luna.

With that part of his work done, Auryn descended to his planet, and noticed life beginning to blossom around him. He began to shape the landscape around him, beginning to form the peaks of mountains around his chosen planet. When he finished, he smiled, for his work was one step closer to completion.

ACT: Auryn creates the heroes Oracion and Nocturne to watch over all of creation. They exist as unique elemental beings of energy within Helios and Luna respectively. Auryn also creates mountains on his planet as well.



Mountains begin to dot the landscape of the Planet Auryn. The Primordial Heroes of Auryn, Oracion and Nocturne come into existence, but the light of Nocturne fades, as Luna has no light, being just another normal planet in the System of Ao. Thus the Hero Nocturne is a being of Darkness, not emanating any Light.[/hr]
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Kuas looks out over his waterlogged planet and tsks, tongue clicking against his daggerlike teeth. The water he had brought forth from his spring, with nowhere to go, had overstepped its bounds and filled the land. He would have to bring it to heel.[/hr]

Reaching into the rock of his mountain, he pulls forth a perfect sphere of stone, and soon molded it into the likeness of his planet, setting it spinning atop a spire in his overworld. He carves the stone with great patience and care, drawing lines down the sides of his mountain and through the surrounding rock, culminating in a steep drop off into a huge crater. As he carves, the ground of Kuas mimics his artistry deep underwater, a path gouged out of the side of the mountain from the lip of the spring's crater to the ground, then running until a steep cliff. From there, the land is carved many miles deep, though five large swaths are allowed to remain at their initial elevation, smaller lines running through them.

With a flap of his wings, the dragon god lifts off from his platform, diving into the ocean and swimming swiftly to the deepest point of his carved crater, exactly opposite his sacred mountain. He places a hand on the ocean floor, and it yawns apart beneath him, revealing a depth-less blackness. "As the spring creates," he says, "so you shall destroy. Consume the waters of Kuas, and nothing else, and thus let them never be seen on this planet again. You are Jala, the Depths-Eating Hole."

The hole obeys immediately, sucking in copious quantities of the produced water, far more quickly than the spring can bring them forth. A massive maelstrom appears on the surface of the planet-wide ocean as the water is sucked down into oblivion. Only when the waters have receded enough that they are lapping at the shores of each of the surfaces he left level does he plunge a claw into the vortex, speaking softly.

"You have done well, Jala, but now I beseech you, view the spring. Her gifts cannot slake your thirst if you drink so greedily. Match your pace to hers, and you may sup for eternity, but do not consume my other creations, especially my wardens, or else incur my wrath." The vortex diminishes until it matches the spring's output exactly, and Kuas returns to his perch, noting with satisfaction the oceans that now cover fifty percent of his world and the rivers that crisscross each of the five new continents, and smiling at the torrential waterfall that now pours forth from his spring. Khlun-Long revels and plays in his new domain, setting forth to explore the new waterways of the land.

ACT: Kuas digs out the surface of his planet in order to create five continents ringing an island that holds his mountain. Two of the continents are connected by a thin land bridge, the rest are all separate, and deep rivers run through each.

ACT: Kuas creates a hole in the bottom of the ocean that will consume the waters of the spring and destroy them, and nothing else, explicitly forbidding it from consuming land or any of Kuas' other creations, including his heroes. This hole drains away the waters produced by the spring until they reveal the continents, leaving the bottom half of his planet an endless sea with a massive vortex at its center.

ACT: Kuas causes Jala to slow its rate of consumption to match the rate of the spring's production, enforcing a hard-coded sea level upon his world. All water that comes from the spring will eventually flow down Jala, after it passes through the sea straits between continents, or through their rivers.



The Continents of Kaus are formed. Also the water only consuming Vortex on the planet Kaus begins to consume the water at a steady pace keeping it in balance so not to overrun the planet again. [/hr]
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Even[/hr] with death looming over all of life balance was still at risk. Bringing Balance, life, death and fate together Allazo made it so that in order for life to strive it would require balance. A being that was created on a low gravity world with thin atmosphere would die on a planet with high gravity and heavy atmosphere, and so to the opposite. All would require similar elements to that of there creation to survive.

Allazo however knew that nothing in the Galaxy would stay stagnant for long and so created a second fail safe. Evolution.. Bringing the forces of balance, fate, and change together Allazo made it so that things would have the ability adapt of generations so that even if a climate started to change on the planet there offspring would be able to survive.

Allazo binds life to require a balance to survive and leaving that balance means death.

Allazo Creates evolution so that in time life may adapt to survive in different balances



Evolution and Balance bind themselves to Life, in order to ensure that Life will survive in its habitat, and that it will evolve over generations if moved to a hostile habitat.[/hr]
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Narlon Tarlens

Content, Narlon Tarlens moves to the world known as Celestis. His world was pleasant and slowly growing, but this one was silent. He gazed out into the void and saw Luna drifting aimlessly throughout it.

That will not do. He mused, reaching out and grasping the moon. He emblazoned the sigils of both Auryn and he upon it, before pulling it into it's proper place, setting it to orbit around Celestis. Satisfied with that he returned to Celestis and focused, causing the skies to darken with clouds and the ground to grow wet as rain began to fall. He watched as the rain slowly filled the world, creating oceans like he had seen on the worlds of Kuas and Sarasti. Finally he turned his attention to the center of the planet, filled as it was with molten rock. He reached out with his mind and willed cracks to form in the rock that encased it. As the rain he had created subsided, lava started to bubble up to the surface of the rock. From the bottom of the ocean the lava rapidly cooled, yet as more came, the resulting rock grew higher and higher until it breached the ocean's surface, first forming islands, than continents as more accumulated.[/hr]

ACT: Narlon Tarlens emblazons Luna with the personal symbols of Auryn and himself and binds the moon to the planet of Celestia

ACT: Narlon Tarlens causes oceans to form on Celestis via an intense rainstorm

ACT: Narlon Tarlens causes volcanoes to form on Celestis, creating land



Luna is moved in orbit around Celestis, becoming its moon. Rain appears on Celestis, leading over their extensive length and intensity to the forming of Oceans. As volcanoes appear, tempered by the rain, they lead to the creation of the Celestis continents.[/hr]
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Allazo gathers some of the unused material from the core of Celestis after its shattering and smashed it together in his hands forming a orb like object large enough to serve as a moon for Allazo, then holding it in the palm of his hand flicked it into position so that it could maintain Allazos rotation using the laws of classical mechanics, gravity and balance.[/hr]

ACT: Allazo creates a moon to maintain a proper and balanced rotation of Allazo.



The Moon of Allazo is created in orbit of the Planet Allazo.[/hr]
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Slaps[/hr] himself on the forehead as he feels like an idiot with what he did with luck. "Well let it be an omni-prescience then." he yells in a bit of a frustrated tone. He once again takes the idea of luck, the concept behind it, while he also takes the concept of change as well. Not wanting to change luck, he will create something new, he smack his hands together with change in his hands, and a idea in his head.

ACT: Wright creates things of Random. Change that could happen in both a good way or in a bad way.

"If there is to be Change let it be random. But let us not have Random be brought with Chaos. For we all know Chaos has an order, and with out it there would be no Order. No this will be different." While the two seem to be the same in its intent a random change can be something small and minute, to be able to change something and have it blossom in to a new. All while he had seen it Chaos is sporadic, uncaring, and unrelenting. Chaotic change would be something that would be ugly, disfigured, and a abomination. Random change could bring forth the beauty of what was once hidden.

ACT: Separates Chaos and Random change, Order brings life, as Chaos brings dark, Random is stuck some where in the middle.

As he sees evolution being slapped on to with balance, in which life will need to achieve to prosper. He say that in it self, is unbalanced. Lifes goal should not be to reach a balance, but to do more. Evolution will grow out of the need for balance, but if there is already balance then there is not need for evolution, and if there is no need for evolution it is stagnant. So he sees it fit to help out life, push it self naturally as he sewing in the essence of Random in to the ties of Evolution and Balance.

ACT: Binds Random with Evolution.



Neutral Random appears in Creation binding itself to Evolution. As it is created it favors neither Chaos nor Order. [/hr]
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A toothy[/hr] grin fills Kuas' mouth as he realizes that a glaring loophole has been left by the other gods' rush to create evolution, and he will be quick to capitalize on it. With one claw, he scribes a few arcane runes into the sky, defining what, exactly, "Life," the vague concept that had been bandied about over the last few acts, would mean. "I will divide the classes of matter," he says, scribing more laws onto the fabric of creation.

"The things of drastic change, forced into the universe almost since its inception, shall forevermore be associated with Ka, or Fire. Ka will be representative of desire, passion, and heat. Change, luck, and this new "Random," will all be classified under Fire, as will more material things, such as the sun and magma." With a wave of one hand, a red circle appears in midair before the dragon.

"The things of more subtle change, of growth and movement, shall be categorized as Kaze, Wind. Kaze will be representative of knowledge, of freedom and experience. Movement, which was brought into our work by Xyros, shall fall under the purview of Wind, as will weather." His words take shape, and a green circle appears in the air next to the red one.

"Stability and balance will be associated with chi, or Earth. Chi is stubbornness and resistance to the inevitable change that permeates our creation. Here lie the hard, solid objects: Stone, law, and confidence. Under its auspices will lie the laws that govern the ways in which the other elements operate: Gravity, the laws of motion, and the laws of Time. The stone that makes up each of our planets will be associated with it as well." A yellow circle comes into being, arranging itself next to the other two.

"Mizu, or Water, will be the fluid and formless things that we have created, those that will always remain in flux and motion. It will represent flexibility and suppleness, and will grind things down ever so slowly. Time and Fate, as our brothers have created and bound them to other concepts, shal be classified as Water, along with the water that flows on a few of our planets." A fourth circle, in blue, floats up to join its brothers.

"And then there is our creativity, the spark of ingenuity that motivated this endeavor. It is our power, our gift and knowledge, and it is our responsibility to gift it to the things that we create, under our own discretion, of course. In honor of ourselves, who took the empty void and filled it, I shall name this fifth element Sora, or Heaven. It is symbolic of our creativity and thought, of our spontaneity." Above the other four circles, a fifth, in white and gold, takes its place.

"These five elements shall be the building blocks of everything we create henceforth, and will work and mingle together for the good of our creation, but each of them in and of themselves are inadequate to represent the complexity that we call life," Kuas continues, scribing another circle in the air."Therefore, only in the combination of all of them shall the sixth element, Niku, or Flesh, come into being."

Ribbons of coloured energy pour forth from each circle, converging on the final shape the dragon had scribed. It glows in an opalescent hue, displaying the colors of each other element. "Niku holds within itself the concepts of death and evolution, combining the change of Fire, the freedom of Wind, the balance of Earth, the decay and flexibility of Water, and the breath of our creativity found in Heaven. Life, that which has been seeded on our planets, will fall into this category, no matter the complexity."

ACT: Kuas has organized all things in creation into five elements: Fire, representing change, luck, random, heat, magma, and the sun; Wind, representing movement, freedom, knowledge, and weather; Earth, representing stubbornness, resistance to change, the hard and fast laws of creation, law itself, stone, and gravity; Water, representing flexibility and change over time, Time, Fate, and water itself; and Heaven, representing ingenuity, creativity, sponteneity, and the breath of the gods. Each element is capable of merging with others, and work together for the good of creation. None of these elements, however, are capable of representing the grand complexity that is "Life" by themselves, therefore:

ACT: Kuas has defined Life, that which is affected by Death and Evolution, as
Niku (Flesh), the sixth element that is the convergence of all the other five.



The many elements of Creation are grouped into the Five Elements, main groups represent similar elements, each affected by the invisible and subtle Laws of the Gods. There also is now Sixth Element, Life.[/hr]
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Looking[/hr] at the works of the others, Xyros turned in disgust. Too much order, and codification is going on, and things need to be more primal. Turning his back to them, he looked at the planet 'given' to him. Here he will create the things he needed to show his brethren that their path is wrong.

His form shimmers as if he shakes, and wave of chaos erupts from his body, washing over the planet. As the wave of chaos spreads, the conditions on the planet become more erratic. In addition, he reaches to a nearby pool of chaotic energy, and draws from it a perfect being to safeguard it.

ACT: Xyros changes the environment on his planet, making it a wild cacophony of changes, creating an ever-changing chaotic environment. He also creates Xaos, the Slaad Hero, to be the guardian of Change.



The Planet Xyros now has an ever changing chaotic environment. Nothing stays the same for long. On the Planet Xyros, Xaos is born, the Slaad Hero and Guardian of Change.[/hr]
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Narlon Tarlens

Slowly and sorrowfully Narlon Tarlens appears on the clouds surrounding Celestis. He gazes up at Luna, severing gravities hold on her and repelling her away from Celestis, to where she resided before. As she drifts away he erases his mark from the moon, leaving her in Auryn's hands. [/hr]

ACT: Narlon revokes his previous act which related to Luna



Luna returns to its position before the Act of Narlon, and re-becomes a normal planet in the system of Ao.[/hr]
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Auryn[/hr] looked upon Luna before he gently touched her surface. "My deepest apologies my daughter, it will not happen again." he whispers. He focuses his power as Luna begins to shift and change. Her rocky surface begins to glow with light, a silvery light that is not like that of Helios'. It is illuminating, bright yet it is not warm like the golden rays of Luna's counterpart. It is a soothing light that gently caresses the shadows and the darkness. "I shall make you into what you were meant to be. A guardian of the night, a silver beacon rather than a simple moon. Father misunderstood my will, and now I shall make you right." When he finishes, Luna and Nocturne are no longer beings of darkness, but rather beings of light that illuminate the planets.

ACT: Auryn changes Luna into a Silver Sun rather than a moon as per his original intention. In doing so, Nocturne is no longer a being of darkness but rather the spirit and the soul of Luna, the Silver Sun. This is not considered two actions since he is just changing Luna in order to change Nocturne.



Luna begins to shine with Silver Light, becoming the SIlver Sun, on the outskirts of the System of Ao, sending its Silver Light inwards, gently illuminating the night skies of the System's Planets. As a result of the change in the nature of Luna, the Hero Nocturne turns from a being of Darkness into a Being of Silver Light.[/hr]
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Wordlessly, Slithering gathers the divine essence that Belial had scattered across the planet, infusing it with the surrounding dirt, chemical, and primordial life. Taking chunks of rock from the land as well, Slithering crafts each into a mouth, ever hungry, ever vigilant, and scatters them above the planet's surface.[/hr]

Protection. Safety. Experiment life untouched, defense interference divine, defense potential interference mortal.


Slithering creates the Countless Mouths of Endless Hunger, a single entity of Primordial Heroism, a network of living, floating debris above the planet whose purposes are: to safeguard the planet against the works of the divine other than Slithering, to consume objects that would impact the world's surface, to reproduce lost members up to the maximum number necessary to safeguard the planet, and to survive, in that order.



As the Countless Mouths of Endless Hunger come into being they begin they twist and turn until they form the Countless Shields of Ao, preventing Slithering from interfering with his own planet for the next 2 Aeons. The Shields of Ao allow all other Gods and their creations Access, but prevent Slithering and his creations only.[/hr]
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After[/hr] a time Allazo gathered the elements of death, and life, and balance and brought them together to make his hero, and elemental being of magic with the powers of balance and life and death. But its form was that of a simple wisp witch displeased Allazo. He wanted something beautiful to gaze upon and so gathered up clay from and bathed it in the lifeless waters of his planet so that it could be malleable and move when the wisp inhabited its body, he crushed the hardest stones and metals and minerals of the planet into dust witch he mixed in with the clay so that when it hardened it would be strong and durable. He molded the body so that it was large and strong so that non would challenge it, he gave it powerful legs and arms so that it could easily move any obstacles that may obstruct its way, he gave it powerful claws and fangs to rend any enemy who tried appose it, he shaped its skin into overlapping scales so that it could deflect any blow, and gave it large and powerful wings to carry it into the sky when it was needed, and when he was satisfied with the final form he plunged the entire thing into magma to harden it and cook its form. When it was don he pulled the form out of the magma and breathed the wisp into its knew body.

You are Mitra, Dragon of Balance, I have given you the powers of life and death and balance, you will use them to safe guard this planet for your fate will be directly tied to its. You will watch over the life that will come to this planet again and guide its development and insuring its care it preformed, and one day I will bring you children, they will not be as wise as you, and while they will live long lives there lives will one day have to be returned. You will teach them how to take care of this world as you do, how to guard it and its life and to nurture it and they will do your bidding. You will be mother to them and nurture them and they will listen to you. When you have accomplished this and the world is in balance I will come again with yet more children. These however will be my children, they will inherit the world, they will be capable of great and curios works but their curiosities will doom them if not kept in check. You and your children will teach them, guide them and test them, and you will insure they are capable of taking care of this world. Your children will constantly test them to insure their worthiness. You may nurture them if you like for I have given you the will to be a great mother, but remember that they are my children. Take this proffacy into you and know that you will have great works ahead of yourself, Speak now and let me know you understand.

Act: Allazo creates the dragon Hero Mitra, who embodies the element of balance, to safe guard and maintain Allazo.

Act: Allazo uses the power of life death and fate to tie her life and fate to the planet itself so that she will exist so long as the planet does.

Act: Allazo gives Mitra power to manipulate life, death, and balance



The Dragon Hero Mitra is born on the Planet Allazo, as a guardian of Balance on Allazo, with powers of Life, Death and Balance on Allazo. Mitra's Fate is tied to that of the Planet Allazo itself.[/hr]
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Auryn[/hr] stood above the void as he looked upon all of creation. He could feel in in himself, this Aeon was drawing to a close. And so before it ended, he would impart his final gifts to all of creation. He exhaled, even there was no air to breath. He closed his eyes as he drew upon his own power. With his soul in resonance, he began to sing.


It was simple song, yet if one listened, the other planets and the stars began to follow Auryn's lead, adding their own melody to his song. Oracion and Nocturne began to sing as well, as the concepts woven throughout the cosmos began to sink deeper into the metaphysical fabric of Creation. So did the lapping of the waves upon Kuas's planet, as did the weather from the various planets. The mountains hummed and resonated, amplifying and enhancing the universal song. There was no meaning to the song, for language had not been created yet, but that only allowed emotions and Auryn's power to be conveyed better. And when he finished, the song still echoed throughout creation, eventually growing softer and softer, until it could no longer be heard.

ACT: Auryn creates Sound and with it, Music.



Sound and Music appear in Creation.[/hr]
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Sarasti sneaks about the cosmos, carefully touching and tugging all the threads of Fate he placed before, using their freshly mutable nature to shape them, move them, and finally, bind them all into a web. Still changeable, but with their central point located in his own Overworld as his sibling made it - leaving Sarasti at the centre of Fate's web...

Act: Sarasti centres Fate on his Overworld, so that he can feel it's vibrations and pull the threads as he pleases.



All of Fate begins in Sarasti's Overworld and spreads from there.[/hr]
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Narlon Tarlens

As the landscape of his world slowly changed, Narlon Tarlens rose up from the clouds. Auryn had not agreed with his thoughts of what a moon was, and now the silver sun orbited Helios at the very edge of this system. But he was now sure of what was needed. He reached out and saw that the system of Ao was in disarray. Helios was in it's place in the middle and Luna in hers on the outskirts, but the other worlds were drifting chaotically, their order constantly changing. He grasped each planet and moved them, so that they reflected the times that each of his brethren had appeared in the Universe. He placed Celestis after Lividus out of respect and paused, momentarily satisfied. He then focused, creating a globe of molten rock directly opposite of Celestis then encasing it in rock. He purposely left many cracks in the rock causing the new world to be covered in seas of lava, with an atmosphere of smoke and sulphur. Pleased with this, he named the world Infenus. He then returned to his world and did his best approximation of a frown. His world did not accurately reflect who he was. So he shattered it, and used the resulting rocks to create 2 planets and 3 moons. The planets were Narlon and Tarlens, and were both symmetrical an opposites. They had a core of water instead of lava, but Narlon had 3 massive continents taking up half of it's surface, where Tarlens had many tiny islands scattered across the planet. The moons were Primus, Secundus and Tertias, and they reflected the light f both Helios and Luna onto the plannet. Primus was the focal point that both Narlon and Tarlens revolved around. Secundus acted like Luna, revolving around Primus but further out than Narlon and Tarlens. Tertias was the smallest and most chaotic. He imbued it with it's own energy, so that it would shine with green light and be visible even during the day. He then set it on it's course, watching as it completed a rotation of first Tarlens and then Narlon over the curse of seven days. [/hr]

ACT: Narlon Tarlens reorders the system of Ao, so that the order of the planets is thus: Sulvan, Xyros, Lividus, Celestis/Infernus, Sarasti, Narlon/Tarlens, Wriath, Auryn, Kuas, Allazo, Slithering, Luna.

ACT: He also creates a planet named Infernus, that shall always be on the opposite side of Helios when compared to Celestis.

ACT: Narlon Tarlens splits the world of Narlon in two, creating the smaller planets of Narlon and Tarlens. Narlon Tarlens also reates the moons Primus, Secundus and Tertias and sets them to orbit Narlon and Tarlens. Primus stays in the centre of Narlon and Tarlens, Secundus slowly rotates around them both in a wide circle and Tertias orbits both in a figure eight, moving from the orbit of Narlon to the orbit of Tarlens and back



The System of Ao has been organized, with the Planets of the Gods aligned accordingly with the Gods appearance in Creation. Also, on the opposite side of Helios, compared to Celestis, the Planet Infernus appears. As for the Planet Narlon, it is split in two smaller planets, Narlon and Tarlens., with three moons who spin around the two planets in a figure eight.[/hr]
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Allazo[/hr] stood over his planet, the ending on of the Aeon was drawing near, he could feel it coming. As he Had don before He went to work pouring life into the planet as he had don once before so that he could nurture its evolution into something more grand.

Act: Allazo gives life to his planet once more.



The Planet Allazo is once again gifted with Life.[/hr]
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Kuas looks at the elements that he has created, and finds them to be good. But the universe, he realizes, allows no beings but the gods the ability to manipulate it. Perhaps a method of harnessing the elements is in order?

With that in mind, the dragon god regards his circles, the perfect shapes that represent the six elements, and with a wave of his claw causes the five base elements to arrange themselves in a pentagon around the sixth. He draws shimmering trails in the air between each of them, explaining as he went. "The elements will, by nature, exist in harmony. However, under the auspices of the fifth element, Heaven, power over each of the base five elements may be granted to our favored entities. An individual with power over the elements shall be able to use them to enforce their will upon the universe, in a smaller, more intimate manner than that which we as gods do."

He continues, scribing a symbol inside each circle. "No single entity granted these powers may wield control over more than one, for without this limitation, what is to stop our own creations from endeavoring to usurp us? The runes that I am creating will be the most basic symbols involved in the manipulation of the elements."

The first rune, drawn onto the ka circle, is a stylized flame in deep crimson. "The Rune of Flame will grant its bearers control over the physical embodiments of the element of fire: flame, heat, and combustion. Those naturally gifted by ka will be brave, but rash and impulsive, given to fits of passion. Should one gain mastery over their element, they will be able to manipulate fortune itself."

The second, drawn in chi, is a triangle writ in a dark, almost brown yellow. "The Rune of Stone will grant its bearers control over the physical embodiments of the element of stone: Rock, dirt, and coal, and, with mastery, gravity on a local scale. Its users will be stolid and stubborn, unafraid to stand up for what they believe in, but slow to accept new ideas."

The third, drawn in kaze, is a set of wavy lines, evocative of a summer breeze. "The Rune of Air will grant its bearers control over the physical embodiments of the element of wind: air, lightning, and motion, along with localized weather, should the user be skilled enough. Its users will seek knowledge and experience, seeking to better themselves and others through education. At the same time, their caprice will be legendary, and they will find it difficult to stay in one place for long.”

The fourth, drawn in mizu, is a curled shape that represents a wave. “The Rune of Water will grant its bearers control over the physical embodiments of the element of water, specifically the water that covers some of our planets. With enough skill, however, users of mizu can actually learn to manipulate time on some small level, speeding it up or slowing it down around themselves. They will be infinitely adaptable, able to respond to any situation with an equal amount of force, but they will also lack any truly defined self apart from their interactions with others.”

The fifth and final rune, drawn in sora, is an inverted V, having the appearance of an arrow pointing heavenwards. “The Rune of Insight will operate differently. Rather than granting its bearers control over a physical element, it will instead passively empower them, making them insightful and creative, but also spontaneous and unpredictable. They will be the crafters of great wonders upon our planets.”

“Of course,”
he continues, turning from his pentagon in order to scribe out words in midair, “This gift must come with some restrictions. Therefore, as there are six elements, I propose six rules.”

“Rule the First: No individual may hold dominion over more than one element, unless granted the ability to do so by the gods.”

“Rule the Second: Those who are gifted with magic by the gods will bear the mark of this covenant upon their bodies: their particular Rune will be graven into them, and shall impact their personality.”

“Rule the Third: No magic shall permanently alter the metaphysical laws of creation. A powerful user of Earth magic might reverse gravity for a time, but it will always revert to its original state.”

“Rule the Fourth: Magic is inherently bound up with the user’s sense of self. Therefore, magic used by mortals may not affect an area larger than b x 102 square meters, where b is indicative of the surface area of their body.”

“Rule the Fifth: Magic can neither truly create nor truly destroy. It may only change and manipulate things that already exist. For example, should a user of fire be in an environment without flame, and have no body heat from which to draw power, they will not be able to use their element.”

“Rule the Sixth: No power short of a true god may take magic away from an individual after it has been granted.”

With that, Kuas draws forth a massive cloth, bristling with the energy of the five base elements, and throws it over his planet, ensuring that a rational proportion of individuals brought into existence on Kuas, by any means, will be born with a Rune on their bodies.

Act: Kuas has created magic, a system of mastery over each element. Fire grants control over flames and heat; Wind over air, lightning, and motion; Earth over rock, stone and dirt; Water over...water; and Heaven a passive empowerment of creative faculties. In addition, truly powerful users of each element may manipulate Luck (Fire), Weather (Wind), Gravity (Earth), and Time (Water).

Act: Kuas has bound magic by the Six Rules:

Rule the First: No individual may hold dominion over more than one element, unless granted the ability to do so by the gods.

Rule the Second: Those who are gifted with magic by the gods will bear the mark of this covenant upon their bodies: their particular Rune will be graven into them, and shall impact their personality.

Rule the Third: No magic shall permanently alter the metaphysical laws of creation. A powerful user of Earth magic might reverse gravity for a time, but it will always revert to its original state.

Rule the Fourth: Magic is inherently bound up with the user’s sense of self. Therefore, magic used by mortals may not affect an area larger than b x 102 square meters, where b is indicative of the surface area of their body. (For a human-sized individual, roughly 100 meters.)

Rule the Fifth: Magic can neither truly create nor truly destroy, though the impacts of its use may be creative or destructive. It may only change and manipulate things that already exist. For example, should a user of fire be in an environment without flame, and have no body heat from which to draw power, they will not be able to use their element.

Rule the Sixth: No power short of a true god may take magic away from an individual after it has been granted.

Act: Kuas has placed a blessing of magic upon the planet of Kuas, ensuring that one out of every twenty individuals who comes into existence on that planet will naturally have a Rune on their bodies.



Magic is created based upon the Six Elements. With its creation the Six Rules of Magic also appear in effect. And then upon the planet Kaus, every twentieth individual born will have a rune on their bodies.[/hr]
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Saw the work that Kuas did with his magic, and wondered why stop there with its abilities. He grabbed the essence of what he called Magic, laws and everything included. He took that essence and seeds it to the center star Helios. "Let magic have its source." Once he infused the star to not only give off heat, and light but also the essence of Magic it self, he spread it all across the other planets, infusing them with magic as Kuas did with his own, though giving the ones with a Affinity of Magic should not be labeled, or so limited in number, so while he will take Kuas Magic, he will apply it differently, let his fallows be marked but mine or the rests that is up to them.

ACT 1: Seeds the Star Helios with Magic, it effectively radiating Magic along with light and heat.

ACT 2: Spreads Magic to all of the planets as well, but dose not limit the ones born with an affinity to magic, or mark them. But leaves that up to the individual God that hold domain over their bodies.



Elemental Magic is now propagated by Helios the Sun, and changes the way individuals are affected by Magic originally by leaving that up to their patron God.[/hr]
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Still[/hr] annoyed that his planet was not in its proper rotation he grabbed up the planet of Allazo and placed it back in the perfect rotation, not to close to the sun as to be scorched by its flames, but not so far away as to be void of its heat and set its rotation so it wouldn't wobble out of orbit from the sun.

Act: Allazo sets the planet of Allazo and its moon into a balanced rotation around Helios, just close enough to feel its warmth without scorching the planet but not far enough away to be frozen or desolate.



The Planet Allazo, is moved back to its original position.[/hr]
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Narlon Tarlens

The god that is the glyph was content with his work. But he had one last thing to do. He reached out to the universe and willed hundreds of rocks to come to him. As they arrived at his location he moved them, placing most in a circle that lay between Sarasti and Narlon/Tarlens. The smallest rocks and the dust that came with them were placed in a smaller circle around Celestis and Infernus, so that they framed the planets. [/hr]

ACT: Narlon Tarlens creates and asteroid belt between the orbits of the planets Sarasti and Narlon/Tarlens, as well as creating ringhs of rock and dust around both Celestis and Infernus


With the rise of Magic, Xyros rises from the ever-changing surface of his planet. His voice booms across the universe "Where there is Magic, we need a safeguard, for this Magic you have created is somewhat similar to the Acts of the Gods. Therefore, I henceforth bind Magic with the powers of Change and Entropy, and add in a healthy dose of Illusion to it."

ACT: Magic's laws now include that it cannot create anything eternal, and all it's workings will eventually decay. Also, Magic worked by anyone other than the Gods will never truly be codified, since the element of Change is added in, making it so those who work it are not always guaranteed success. And the last law of Magic is the addition of Illusion as an element of Magic.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/jensen(1).jpg.3f614681bb9bdc18f2cad31678fd8cbd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24088" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/jensen(1).jpg.3f614681bb9bdc18f2cad31678fd8cbd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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This collection of planets all moving circling around one giant star, is a bit unbalanced in its approach. There is light, there is energy, but it is just unbalanced. Thanks to the distance, and Decay, and Change the energy and light given off the sun to all of the planets is uneven. Some getting more, a lot more then needed, while other getting less, unto where there is none at all. So to change this thanks to the new order that was given to these earthly shapes, by Narlon he need to balance out the effect of this rearrangement.

ACT: With the rearrangement of the planets and the unbalance of power given off by Helios Wriath brings balance to the realm so that all the planets get the right amount of light, heat, energy, and magic given off by Helios.



Balance is brought to Helios' aura of light and magic, allowing it to touch all of the planets in the system of Ao equally. [/hr]
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Auryn[/hr] Auryn looked upon his creations before he wove something else into the concepts of Magic that his brother had made. He engraved a single symbol into the void before him. It was a half of a hexagon, intersected by two lines from the vertices of the original shape. "The seventh element of Magic is Aether. It is between fire and water, between earth and air. It stands apart from the original elements, for it represents the immaterial, the soul, the void, and the gods themselves. All magic has a bit of Aether to make them more than illusions, but an individual possesing only Aether may fully utilize its powers. Those gifted by the Gods with the pure element of Aether are destined to lead and do impossible things. They would have the ability to see the unseen, shape energy and matter as the gods would. But an Individual wielding Aether will never seek to harm others, or use their powers for their own greed. They will be kinder than others, altrusitic, but posses the will to make things right in the world. They would be born to save the world from disaster, but they would vanish the moment disaster is gone." With that, Auryn wove the element of Aether into creation. He adjusts Luna's light and magi so that it would reach all planets equally in balance.

ACT: Created the 7th element, Aether, while he also infuses Luna with the elements of S

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