First Aeon: Age of Creation [Dawn of Divinity]


Narlon Tarlens

Narlon Tarlens moved to that which was his overworld, expanding so that his rune-body occupied the entire space. Struck with inspiration his body began to change, first forming an empty circle, than a hexagon, than a pentagon with a dot within. He continued to change, each shape leaving a permanent imprint on the fabric of the universe. He formed the runes that meant fire, water, earth, air, heaven, flesh, aether, magic, luck, divinity. He took the shape of the runes that were the names of his brethren and runes that named all of their creations. When he paused his realm took the shape of a vast white sphere, it's interior covered in various black runes. He reached out and tied his creation into the work of the others, forcing shape onto the formless energy that was magic. He was content. Mortals could now summon him with his symbol, or wield magics far greater than themselves by harnessing the power of his work[/hr]

ACT: Narlon Tarlens creates a runic alphabet (with a rune for everything that the gods have made, and more will appear as more things are made) and uses it to create the eighth law of magic: all magic is expressed through these runes. This means that all magical power wielded by mortals flows from his realm.

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