Mad Magician
"No matter who you are...Your Age, Gender,Race, Sexuality, Religion....You will end up doing Horrific things...just for Survival..."
It was in the Winter of 2015 That it all started, But Like most things no one cared...No one payed attention. This new Fungal Infection had begun to spread in the East coast. It was a bit of an odd one but Scientist's theorized that it should die out before the Winter ends so I guess no one noticed it. However an Incident occurred on Christmas known as the Festive Massacre...One of the patients who had come in with an odd set of Symptoms suddenly went on a Rampage, Taking a fire axe and killing Eight people and wounding five before the Police managed to kill him...It was a Mystery to everyone why it happened and thanks to Human Ignorance I guess no one thought it was because of the Fungal Infection...
Well they began to notice Next year in March that the Fungal Infection rates were getting higher and similar Incidents to the Festive Massacre were popping up all over the East Coast. Hospitals began to overflow with people as others began to Panic and over-react...People suddenly flooding the West coast, Patients in the Hospital began to kill their own care takers as Calls for the Police began to pop up just about everywhere....We were powerless to stop it as the Fungus began to spread and mutate at a faster rate than we could learn about it...
In April it spread across the entirety of America as the Military began to Mobilize...And that's where our sad story begins...
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