• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.




Ten Thousand Club
"Wha..? Where am I?..?"

The person asked, blinking open their eyes.

Her head turned side to side, shifting the rough grass that was knee-high. She couldn't see much other than those grey-green strands.

"Ugh.." She sat up with a groan, rubbing the back of her head. Long hair fell, tumbling over her shoulders. Confused by her longer hair situation, but trucking on, she brushed it out of her eyes and looked around.

The girl was sitting in a grassy area, some others were around, seemingly in the same situation as her. A distance away there were trees that began a foresty area. The treeline was perhaps about 400-500 feet away, by her estimates.

She turned her attention back on the others. They were beginning to rouse like she had, groaning and sitting up. Just what-?

A voice interrupted her thoughts, speaking directly into her mind, forcing her to clutch her already-addled head.

Welcome, heroes.
You have been chosen.
This world is exactly like you know.
This is your choice.
If you want answers, if you want to go home, fight.

Death or triumph. It's your choice.

That was all the intrusive voice said, ringing through her inner ears, before the pressure subsided.

That was right! She knew what this was! She put more attention into herself, her outfit.. her equipment.

This was a Fire Emblem game!

Well, not one she recognized, but it was Fire Emblem no doubt.

She was.. no, she couldn't be.. But it was. Not a dream right? No. This was most definitely real. It felt so real.

It was Fire Emblem. She was in Fire Emblem! Isekaid, to a FE game!

Excitement blew up within her. But it was fleeting.

Excitement quickly gave way to dread. Absolute dread.

If this was FE... did that mean?...

She gulped. FE was known for permanent death... She clutched her weapon hard.

She recalled what the voice said only moments before. This world is exactly as you know. Fight. Win. Lose. Die.

Oh no. This was not going to be easy.

1. Follow RPN rules
2. Be friendly and respectful, no metagaming, powermoding, godmoding, etc.
3. This is a brutal rp, so its gunna be a bit mature, be wary of that. Mature stuff will occur or be said.
4. Everything-else rule-related probs applies :>
5. Have fun! :D


Fantasy/Anime/FE-like pic

Weapon: (you can make custom ones, but think "starter equipment")

Personal Skill:

Primary Stat(s):
Weakest Stat(s):
About: (whats the FE char's backstory, personality, motivations. this is NOT your actual char, this is what the FE char is)



Your "Real Life" char's sheet

About: (about the "real life" char "you" are. who they are, what theyve done or not done with their life, how old they are, motivations, etc. why and/or how they were isekaid to FE, if there's any reason or not)
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Name: Edith Jennings
FE CHAR'S Name: Nyxra, the Shadowmoon
Height: 5'3''

Black Orb
Common Dark Magic tome handed out to Blacksteel Mercenaries.
Lacks might, but is an ease-of-use tome, adding to the wielder's skill, allowing for the spell to land more easily.

If you need a simple spell, but want to show your malice, an orb of rotted Black shall do.

Black Grasp (after the prologue)
Medium Dark Magic tome handed out to Blacksteel Mercenaries.
Heavy, but roots a hit target.
The darkest pits reach forth. Their tendrils of dark always seeking fools to claim.

Items: One Vulnerary with 3 uses

Class: Shaman
Level: 1

Personal Skill
Has two effects. Enemies struck by her magic feel lethargic, slowed, and weakened. (For a brief time). Secondly, every time she casts magic, this same negative debuff is applied in a small area around her, to all those nearby. It doesn't discriminate, ally or foe will be afflicted for a short time.

Primary Stat(s): Magic and Resistance
Weakest Stat(s): Strength and Luck

Nxyra joined the Blacksteel Mercenaries with a grudge as black as their blades. She joined them for one reason, she heard they were going to side with Eyozoya against the Krulrund Empire. Krulrund's dark ambitious led to her entire home town being razed. Everyone Nxyra loved and knew were killed, leaving her the town's sole survivor. After that day, a dark pit grew within the girl, allowing her to harmonize well with dark magic.

Known as the Shadowmoon, Nyxra's dark magic is known far and wide for its curse-spreading capabilities. A dark mage that people actively avoid. Her magic is as black as her grudge against the domineering Krulrund Empire, which she seeks to destroy. She has no love for Eyozoya or the Blacksteel mercs, but as of right now, their goals align.

A woman with a dark streak, just like most shamans. Interactions with others is questionable at best. There exists a certain malice in the gleam of her eyes and she exudes a dangerous aura that deters others from getting to close to her.


Your "Real Life" char's sheet

An "average" girl. Who in her short life, in her past, never really stood out. As school life continued, she withdrew more and more into her shell, until she basically became a nobody. A ghost. The primary student-body all conversed with each other, even if on superficial terms. For her, she was left out, peeps probably just thought "eh, someone else would talk to her" or "eh, she probably has friends, somewhere.. right?" It wasn't malicious, it wasn't bullying, just no one thought interacting with her was their responsibility, or problem. Thus, the girl's life continued on and on that way, until she eventually just withdrew. She found solace in games, comics, movies, manga, a lot of manga. You could almost call her an otaku.. almost.. Not quite, she was never that fully fanatic about anything. But just found some amusement in her life from those sort of pieces of entertainment. She was nice enough, well-spoken enough, but never really asserted herself. It was hard to tell anything was really wrong.

Then one day. She woke up on a plain of rough grass.
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Name: Marcus Blitson
Character name: Zackary"Zack" Fulgur

Marcus: short red hair and blue eyes.,freckles on his face and wears the uniform of his college.
Zack: Long messy blond hair tied in a ponytail,golden eyes,wears white,yellow and orange mage robes with a yellow cloak.

Thunderclap: Zack's trusted Thunder magic tome entrusted to him by his master.

Item: Vulenary

Class: Thunder mage
Level: 1
Adept: Can deal a second hit.
Primary stats: Magic and Luck
Weakess stats strength

Zack was a young orphan that worked most of his teenage years as a bard to get money for food,until an old thundersage who was a former member of the Blacksteel mercenaries took pity on him and took him under his wing,giving him food and shelter and teaching him about thunder magic,giving him his first Thunder magic tome,the Thunderclap.

When Zack was ready,his mentor and adoptive grandfather figure presented him to the leader of the Blacksteel mercenaries and asked them to let Zack in as one of their own,which they accepted.
Now 21 years old,Zack fights as a member of the Blacksteel mercenaries,though he dosen't seem to get along with a fellow membwr named Nyxra. He finds her scary.
Zack can seem to be an anxious ,clumsy and cowardly young man but he's kind hearted and wants to do his best to help his friends.He also enjoys playing lute as a bard when's he not fighting.


Real life self

Marcus Blitson is a college student who studies to become a photographer. He's a studious and pasdionate young man who loves to explore and take pictures of everything around him. He's also a video game nerd and manga and anime fanatic.Hereceived an old GBA Fire Emblem game for his birthday.
After a night of playing his new game...he woke up in an unknown plain of grass,in a body that isn't his.
( more to come)
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CHAR SHEET | Selena Stone ~ Sarina


Name: Selena Stone

FE CHAR'S Name: Sarina

Height: 162cm

Iron Sword - An affordable sword that is easy to wield.

Simple, reliable, effective. A typical, if slightly worn Iron Sword common in Krulrund. Sarina’s first contact with this blade was the feeling of it slipping between her ribs. After surviving the destruction of her village, she’s kept it close as both a memento and a promise. To take back the life that was stolen from her, one foe at a time.

Inexperienced and foolhardy as she is, it could be said that a weapon like this is just as much a danger to Sarina as it is to her enemies. Time will tell if she ever achieves mastery.

Pendant - Pleasant memories are crucial to survival on arduous journeys.

A memento of her late family, as well as a reminder for why she took up arms. Even the humblest lives have meaning.

Class: Villager

Level: 1

Aptitude - “What I wanted, who can say? How can I say, when I never knew?”

The untapped potential of a talented soul. Enhances the growth rates of attributes, particularly upon reaching certain milestones, effectively granting more ‘stats’ on ‘level ups’. With great natural ability comes great expectations, and living up to these can be a difficult task for the untrained and untested. Safeguard those with a natural expertise, lest their latent strengths be wasted.

Personal Skill:
Survivor - "I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me. I fell down into that dark chasm, but the flame burned on and on."

The representation of a strong heart and will to live. If dealt a lethal blow, temporarily persist in a sort of ‘critical’ state, in which most action and movement is still generally possible unless otherwise restricted through some effect, but immediate medical attention becomes necessary to survive longer than the current battle.

Additional damage after this point will almost certainly be fatal. So while a desperate last stand is always possible, it is often better to retreat and live on to fight another day. Still, if a cause is worth dying for, make it a death worth remembering.

Primary Stat(s): Skill & Speed

Weakest Stat(s): Magic & Resistance

A young girl of nineteen, energetic and hard-working. A simple commoner like any other, but with a drive and desire to make something of her life that once made her parents proud. She’d rush around town, fulfilling errands for her family and the neighbours, roughhousing with the other children, or pestering travellers for stories of exciting adventures or battles they’d been in.

When she was early into her teen years, Sarina and an older boy disguised themselves with a large cloak as a tall, soft-spoken wanderer and convinced the local blacksmith to make them a sword, bought with coin they’d saved up from numerous little jobs and misadventures. The two of them used to ‘practice’ for hours each night, dreaming of one day being virtuous and renowned knights, of saving royalty and even becoming nobility themselves for their heroic deeds.

When the war started reaching their neck of the woods, that boy took up their sword for good this time and bade her a final, tear-filled farewell as he set out to fulfill their childhood dreams, heading off to defend their homeland from invaders. He was recruited by a minor noble alongside many other eager and able-bodied folks to achieve victory for their country and earn tremendous fame and fortune.

He never came back.

Sarina grew up in a small nation, within a smaller village, both of which were absorbed by the Krulrund Empire in a recent but ultimately minor campaign. Few knew of it, and fewer cared of its loss. To the great Generals and Tacticians on high, a little hamlet without a name would never be important, no matter what happened to it.

But it had a name to those who lived there. The only one that mattered.


And it was important. It was important to all of the men and women and children who grew up in its homely embrace, to the families who made that community a lively and welcoming settlement, to the youths who went off to war and never returned, to the elders who saw it grow year by year at a steady and admirable pace.

It was important to Sarina.

The night it was burned to the ground was the worst night of her life. Soldiers came and tore people from their houses, looted what little wealth the village had accumulated, and killed all who resisted.

All except her. Because when Sarina fought back to protect her mother and younger brother, the trained infantryman she rushed at simply stuck her through the chest and kicked her body aside. She laid in a pool of her own blood for hours, fighting to remain awake. She saw her family taken from the building and felt a terrible heat as the wood collapsed from the flames upon her.

And yet, when she was pulled from the rubble later on by a passing group of mercenaries, she was still alive- if barely, and clutching to the weapon in her chest.

It was a miracle.

Healed by their Priests, though not strictly out of generosity, she was recruited to their company for the baggage train, to carry their tools and weapons, carry messages, and do little tasks for the fighters and commanders around the camps.

They treated her well, as one of their own in a way. Though she was desperate to fight too and they’d always blown her off, she endeared herself to a handful in the band and was given enough care by them as to not become truly alone.

Sometimes, it felt a little like her old life.

Now a woman grown, she’s finally been given a test of sorts for all her insistence on learning to fight alongside them instead of just watching from the sidelines.

Use that sword of hers and return from battle alive.

Repay the debt owed to the mercenaries who saved her life.

Fight, or die well.



Your "Real Life" char's sheet

Selena Stone was a young woman from Seattle in Washington State, with a simple, but fulfilling life as a barista and small-time actress. At the age of twenty-six, she’s just recently become a fully self-sufficient adult, taking care of herself and her cat Poirot, while keeping up with her friends and family frequently and happily.

Her everyday life was near stress-free and she had plenty of time to enjoy herself with hobbies like hiking, reading mystery novels and playing video games, all without compromising her work and steady stream of income, which she carefully saved for important life purchases.

She had no partner and no interests in anyone she knew, but would have been open to dating if asked out.

All in all, an idyllic life.

Yes. A very idyllic life.

A very boring, idyllic life…

She could be forgiven for taking up amateur investigation to spice things up a little, right?

A missing persons case! A teenager from her apartment complex suddenly vanishes… It was exciting! So what if the cops gave up and the family did too? She wasn’t doing it for them really, and though it made her feel guilty to think about, she wasn’t really doing it for the victim either.

No, she was clumsily following that trail of clues for her own personal satisfaction, using improv and detective skills sourced from fiction to play at being a Private Investigator, like her uncle over in Alaska. He’d always been something of a role model for her, and was the epitome of a real-life genius detective as far as she was concerned.

And the satisfaction she pursued was hers, despite the gruelling task! After all, she found what she was looking for in the end- or rather… She was found by what she was looking for.

When Selena set out to find a missing person, it wasn’t as though something as gruesome and deadly as a serial killer didn’t come to mind as a possibility, but for many a thrill-seeker like her, an unfamiliarity with danger leads to recklessness.

She ultimately made the wrong choice, getting in over her head as she did.

But as she drifted in and out of consciousness in a shabby warehouse, dragged by her ankle towards a terrible fate as her skull ached from a head wound she’d suffered in an ambush, she idly thought that the killer must have appreciated her diligence at least, for they’d received another victim free of any effort.

Selena doesn’t remember what happened after that, admittedly, whether she died or was rescued. It got a bit hazy, and even after she woke up in a new world she struggled to recall the details.

It has become a bit of a sore topic, to say the least.
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Name: Callan Lennox
FE CHAR'S Name: Caligo Nox
Height: 5'8" foot tall.
Weapon: grim lantern. A ornate lantern that gives a feint blue glow despite no source of flame.
"Where there is light, darkness follows as certain as death."

Appearance: Caligo has wild unkempt mane of long black hair, icey blue eyes, skin pale as bone, Caligo is relatively muscular and looks condescending.

Caligo wears a thin silky tunic that shows off most of his torso, a long robe with necromantic symbols, silky loose baggy pants, boots that go up to his knees, brass jewelry and bands along his arms as well as a brass circlet. His main outfit colors are maroon, Midnight blue with black accents.

Items: two 6 sided dice.
"Six sides, six possibilities, care to take a chance?"
Class: dark mage
Level: lvl 1

Personal Skill:
Devour - devour drains a victim of their vitality and a small portion is abdorbed by the user.

Primary Stat(s): mag, skill
Weakest Stat(s): str, def
About: (whats the FE char's backstory, personality, motivations. this is NOT your actual char, this is what the FE char is)

Caligo is a rather smug man with big dreams, a big desire to learn, and a bigger ego. Caligo is a man who enjoys talking to hear himself talk and doesn't care what anyone else thinks about it. Despite everything and all his pride he wants to be a good person and he wants others to get ahead in life. However Caligo will often struggle with finding a balance between his ambition and desire to fo what's right. The desire for more power is strong.

Caligo was a man whom didn't like limitations, restrictions and rules. Who truly had the authority to say what can and cannot be learned. Caligo was drawn to the dark side of magic like a moth to light. The allure was too appealing. it fed his love of mysteries and secrets unfolding.

Caligo did a lot of independent research. He remembered some of his old tricks of navigating the dark deeb webs, and brokering de as ls with the unsavory sort that will go unnamed and anonymous.

Caligo became quite skilled with eerie dark magics. Unsettling macabre tomes and journals that lie in the shadows where few think to look. He has made a name for himself as 'The one in blue'. In his pursuits, Caligo is a man who seeks out solid alliances and further his ambitions. Caligo has created a web of connections but few are trustworthy which is expected in his pursuit of arcane.

Despite his journey, he has not lost himself amidst his hunger for knowledge. Altruism cloaked and concealed like a well placed dagger. Used when oppertunities presented.


The real Caligo aka Callan. Callan was a fitness coach. He provided exercise routines depending on the individual's age, health, physical limitations and time managment. He also regularly went to the retirement home to help elderly maintain mobility and improve balance. simple exercises that can be done standing or sitting. It didn't matter, he had plans and exercises for anyone who came.

Callan was a smart man that always did his research, always went the extra mile and went above and beyond. Because of this he also looked down on those who don't try their best. This did not include include those unable to do better. Do long as people tried their best, he respected them for it.

Callan spent a lot of time reading when he wasn't exercising. He enjoyed reading about the strange dark and mysterious written in story format. dark mysteries peaked his interests the most.

Callan was a bold man who even delved on the dark webs. He avoided the darker aspects if he could but his curiosity got the better of him and he desired to look around and he was quite capable of getting all sorts of strange cryptic and unusual of items. Cursed items were a favorite of his, he didn't believe in it but was a collector of sorts. One day he got in over his head and that was it.
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Name: Eva Vienna
FE CHAR'S Name: Eleonora Luna
Height: 5'6" (6'3" including ears)
Weapon: Self-made staff (Lance)
Items: Tribal accessories
"Is that gold? Where in the world did a forest-dweller get something like that?"
Class: Rabbit Laguz
Level: 1

Personal Skill: Hare-blood - When outnumbered, becomes faster and more evasive, at the cost of exhausting herself for a while afterwards.

Primary Stat(s): HP & Speed
Weakest Stat(s): Magic & Resistance
About: Born and raised with her people, Luna grew up in a moderately sheltered village, too far out of the way in a shady forest to warrant many visitors, learning all of the life-skills she'd need to thrive in such a life; hunting, gathering, tailoring.

Though in an era of war, such a life of peace wasn't meant to last as this small town of undefended rarities would be discovered by the Krulrund empire. Unable to mount a defence against their military might, Luna and all of the other Laguz would be ripped from their home as exotic 'merchandise' for the slave trade, the number of huts they'd lived in their entire lives destroyed in the process.



Your "Real Life" char's sheet

About: Eva is a university student in her early 20's studying archaeology in the hopes of indulging her in her love for historical societies, playfulling dreaming about ideas of finding some lost civilization.

Her and her classmates were brought on regular field trips for practical work, but after one such trip for a government outreach program that she struggles to remember the details of, Eva found herself waking up in a new world with a new body and life, a splitting headache accompanying her thoughts and memories as two lives blended into one, leaving her to have a hard time seperating who she is and who Luna is.
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John Phillips

Height: 6'5
Weapon: His main weapon is a massive, two-handed hammer that requires a great deal of strength to swing. While it can unleash devestating blows upon opponents, it is a very slow weapon and could leave the user vulnerable if it fails to hit or keep the enemy away.

John also has a small assortment of other weapons at his belt, being a firm believer in the mantra "You can never have too many sharp things". These sidearms include:
One handed hammer, ssometimes for throwing
Two daggers
Throwing Axe

He wears heavy plate armor that helps defend him from enemy blows. Most melee attacks have a hard time getting past this, though he has no protection against magic (magic is gross).

Class: Knight

Level: 1


Personal Skill:

Pure Strength:
Everything John does is with muscle. His weapons and fighting style eliminates much of the finese of using a weapon, allowing him to focus on damage. His hits can be crippling and he is able to bash down even the sturdiest of defenses.

Primary Stat(s): Strength, Defense

Weakest Stat(s): Magic, Resistance

John has typically held true to his montra: The best solution is usually the easiest, and hitting the easiest is to use brute force. Whether that applies to fighting, obstacles, or people is up to John, but he seems to take his saying to heart. Knowing the world was vast and dangerous, John figured there was no point in trying to study things like magic and acedamia when he could learn to tackle any obstacle (literally, in most cases) through the power of muscle and steel. John is quick to anger when fighting his enemies and is the first one to charge into combat. He is fiercly loyal to his allies and always puts his best into everything he does.

While his blunt personality and speech may be offputting, those who get to know John learn that there is scarecly a better ally to have in a pinch. Though he distrusts magic, he understands the merit of working together and will shove aside personal problems to get a job done...until he starts drinking.

John has largely kept out of factions, believing they complicate things and bind a man to unrealistic oaths. While he'll typically work with and for anyone, his favorite faction is among friends.

John Phillips was a 22 year old college athlete that spent his entire wrestling career battling injuries. If it wasn't a knee, it was a shoulder. If it wasn't a concussion, it was an ankle. Every time he got on the mat it seemed there would be something else taking him off it. He had wondered if the world was conspiring against him and how he'd ever make anything of himself. He had been a martial artist since he was 10, rarely dealing with injuries until his freshman year of college. The injuries plagued his thoughts and sent him into a deep depression, his apparent identity being lost as his body failed him time and time again.

And them came the new world.

Had he remained healthy, things might have been different. Perhaps if his body held strong or his luck was different he could have moved on to the olympics. But here in the new world John felt like a completely new man. Gone was the pain that had ruined his athletic career and gone was the doubt. He was confused, that was for sure, but he was ready to strike out into this new world with vigor. He had waited years to finally use his body as he had wanted to through college-what he had trained himself to do for over a decade!
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Gender: Male/TRAP

Age: Roughly 3 Millenia, appears as though nineteen

Height: 162 cm/5'4''

Weapon: Bow and knife/dagger

Items: Trapping and hunting tools

Class: Hunter

Level: 1


Tree Hugger: Communicates well with animals and gains bonus defense and evasion in woods.

Master of the Northern Wilds: Can create hunting traps, subsist off any land within the northern nations, and is an incredible tracker.

Personal Skills:

Immortal Knowledge - [Dormant. Will awaken slowly and suddenly at times]. Knows all forms of language from the last few thousand years. Remembers histories long since passed on to legend as shining stars and auroras dancing in the sky.

Gen Z Gamer - Has played every game up to 3 Houses since Awakening. Has played, but not completed, Sacred Stones or Fire Emblem (The one with Eliwood and Ninian). Gives general knowledge of broader trends. WARNING: Unlocking of Immortal Knowledge too soon may cause a sudden shock to the mental state strong enough to trigger the onset of draconic madness.

Halmr - Halmr is the owl. Raised from an infant, Halmr has been trained to assist with hunting and scouting. Due to the silent flight of owls paired with excellent hearing and night vision, Halmr is an integral part of Baldullr's routine as a hunter. Hlamr is more than that, though; they are a dear friend and companion to their master, even if both know who will outlive the other.

Primary Stat(s): Skill & Resistance

Weakest Stat(s): Luck & Strength


Baldullr is more of a myth than a legend, to most people at least. Living a thousand years in solitude wandering the tundras has created many different stories. People speak of a beautiful and kind hunter who is often noted for saving people in the dead of winter.

Of course, long-lived manaketes gain something of a reputation, which is who Baldullr, the person, really is. They are a three thousand year old manakete, a child of the Great Northern Dragon who protects the Northern Alliance, which is a collection of duchies and small kingdoms who banded together to fight off the Krulrund Empire. His existence is well-known to them, especially of the high ranking dukes and kings. Technically the uncle of the Aursburg household which claims to be descended from the White Dragon of the North and lead the Northern Alliance.

The reality, though, is that Baldullr would rather live life as a hermit, and everyone who knows him knows this. Oftentimes, they send their children to him as a right of passage, to teach them how to duel and hunt. Overall, he would really rather not get involved in the war, but any day and someone from the family will come knocking. That much is inevitable any day now.

But first, he has to find who stole his dragonstone.

Emblem: N/A


Your "Real Life" char's sheet


Henry Akerman was a 24 year old male about to graduate after six long years of higher education. The reason it took so long was because he was a local student, and often needed to work part-time due to his ill mother and the needs of his sister. Video games often offered an escape, leading to him alienating himself from the problem, hoping it would one day go away. His sister Lena understood and often made an effort to play with him on nintendo consoles, each time taking turns picking various games.

Personally, Henry liked the games with a story as a teenager and began picking up Fire Emblem, starting with Awakening and has played every game since that one diligently, though he felt a sense of dread when the new game, 'Engage' was announced due to remembering the disappointment in Fates, and how Three Houses had gained a special place in his heart similar to Awakening.

"If only I could really escape..." he said to himself one night before falling asleep after a gaming marathon.
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Sophie Unni Aursburg

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Height: 5'6''/171 cm

Weapon: Standard Longsword & Blizzard Tome

Badge of the Northern Dragon - Symbol of the Aursburg household, details include an ice dragon with an aurora above and a great blizzard below. Showing this to anyone in the Northern Alliance basically guarantees preferential treatment most of the time.

Polar Bear Cloak - Cloak tailored from a Polar Bear she hunted. Unfortunately the bear she tracked was a mother, so by request she added the cub's taxidermied and stuffed head to the cloak which was made from the mother's hide.

Class: Northern Lord

Level: 1

Fencing - Trained in the art of fencing and dueling, unlocks use of Rapiers.

Equestrian - Trained in the art of riding horses and pegasi, unlocks flier and cavalry promotions as well as the ability to use mounts as long as they're equestrians.

Personal Skills:
Crest of the Northern Dragon - Aursburg bloodline draconic crest, boosts ice and wind magic talent.

Primary Stat(s): Speed & Charisma/Leadership

Weakest Stat(s): Strength & Constitution


Sophie was born to a union between a Priestess known as Regina Agnete Åström and Captain Ismo Ragnvald Aursburg. While it was a marriage with political benefits in mind for both families, Regina and Ismo were unusually close, probably because they were childhood sweethearts and had been seeding the idea in the brains of adults around them. While it wasn't a relationship without challenges, a young Sophie was born shortly after their union.

Sophie was reportedly a happy child and brought a smile to the faces at the Aursburg mansion her father lived in. At the age of ten, however, the Northern Alliance called upon her father to fight the Krulrund empire, which had launched an expeditionary force into alliance territory. One day, Ismo's force was ambushed, and he never returned. Lost in the chaos of the ambush, but his body was never recovered.

This marked a permanent change in Sophie's teenage years. Her mother and Jöran Anders Aursburg, head of the Aursburgs and her uncle, argued over what seemed to her to be who would control her fate. Her mother wanted her to return with her to the temple she had met her father at, while her uncle wanted to take her under his wing and train her as he had no heir at the time.

One fateful night, with insults and broken glasses, Sophie willed herself to make her choice. She chose her uncle. Her mother, devastated, left the mansion shortly after to return to her life as a priestess. Sophie continued to live in the mansion, and although she had servants and tutors waiting on her every need and drilling her in what it meant to be an Aursburg, she never felt lonelier. Her only solace was when her uncle visited in spite of his busy schedule, which he always made an effort to do.

As she approached her second decade, though, she was given a task by her uncle in a letter. Go out to the woods north of the mansion and look for a specific person in a specific spot.

That's how she met the man who claimed to be her 'great uncle with too many greats,' a strange man who did little to teach her directly but still taught her valuable lessons as she assisted him with various daily, seemingly menial tasks, which served to mount her frustration until one day she was told to go stalk and hunt a polar bear to 'prove' herself and show what she had learned.

With a bitterness weighing on her heart, she did as told and eventually found a bear dragging a baby seal back to its den. Angered by the death of the infant seal, she determined to stalk and kill the mother.

When she entered the den, however, she suddenly found herself in a life-or-death struggle with the bear, who seemed to have been waiting for her. Through sheer luck, she managed to take its life and avenge the baby seal's. At least, that's what she thought until she noticed a pair of eyes attached to a smaller polar bear frame. That's when it hit her; the bear she had killed was a mother just trying to feed its cub.

An arrow flew through the cave and struck the baby bear. Looking back, she saw the figure of the man she had come to know as Baldullr, bow in hand. Initially she felt anger and expressed it as such.

At least, until Baldullr walked up and held a knife out to her. After a while of switching her gaze between the knife and Baldullr's unmoving expression, he deadpanned, "Then grant it mercy."

Finally it clicked. In her rage, her quest for vengeance to right what she thought was a wrong, she had inadvertently ended an innocent life. She had seen it during her months with him after all, babies died without their mothers, surrogate or otherwise. That's when an idea sparked.

"Then we can take it in. You've raised animals, right?"

"It remembers; it's seen our kind kill its mother."

"But it's just a child!"

"It's old enough to understand what just happened."

"Then how is any of this mercy?!" Sophie screamed in despair, her mask finally breaking as tears glistened in her eyes before dropping to the floor, mixing with the bloodied snow.

Baldullr didn't change his expression, but he did speak, "The line between cruelty and mercy is both fine and blurry. At this point, nothing will change this cub's fate. Even if you left it to its own devices and it somehow survived, what's to stop it from seeking vengeance itself? Even if it caught you by surprise and ended you, someone would claim vengeance for you."

Sophie looked down, her balled fists trembling slightly until the soft sound of boots trudging through the wet snow.

"I am your family, no matter how distant. If you won't let it join its mother, I will."

Baldullr's shoulder moved and pulled him back. He stopped and looked back to Sophie.

"Give me the knife..." she whispered without looking him in the eyes.

After that, Baldullr left one day. All Sophie found in the old shack he used as a home was the treated skins, and she returned. While many gave her congratulations with happy eyes, she didn't care. The weight of her actions and choices was already burned into her mind. A lesson she wouldn't soon forget.

Afterward, her uncle assigned her to train at an officer's academy the alliance had set up. During her year there, the story of the an Aursburg with a polar bear cloak with the unusual addition of a taxidermied head was a focal point in gossip among the attendees.

Emblem: N/A


Your "Real Life" char's sheet


Lena Akerman was a 19-year-old graduate about to enter university after a gap year, following in the shadow of her brother's footsteps. Seeing how Henry wasn't a diligent student, unlike her, Lena's relatives pushed her to succeed where her brother failed. Though adults around her often talked about Henry's 'gaming problem,' she saw him through a different light as they played games together, sometimes for nights on end during a particularly long break.

Having been accepted into a prestigious university, she decided to join her brother in a marathon of gaming together until she fell asleep watching him play a favorite game of his. She told herself before falling asleep, "I should ask if I can play it when I wake up."

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