Ten Thousand Club
"Wha..? Where am I?..?"
The person asked, blinking open their eyes.
Her head turned side to side, shifting the rough grass that was knee-high. She couldn't see much other than those grey-green strands.
"Ugh.." She sat up with a groan, rubbing the back of her head. Long hair fell, tumbling over her shoulders. Confused by her longer hair situation, but trucking on, she brushed it out of her eyes and looked around.
The girl was sitting in a grassy area, some others were around, seemingly in the same situation as her. A distance away there were trees that began a foresty area. The treeline was perhaps about 400-500 feet away, by her estimates.
She turned her attention back on the others. They were beginning to rouse like she had, groaning and sitting up. Just what-?
A voice interrupted her thoughts, speaking directly into her mind, forcing her to clutch her already-addled head.
Welcome, heroes.
You have been chosen.
This world is exactly like you know.
This is your choice.
If you want answers, if you want to go home, fight.
Death or triumph. It's your choice.
That was all the intrusive voice said, ringing through her inner ears, before the pressure subsided.
That was right! She knew what this was! She put more attention into herself, her outfit.. her equipment.
This was a Fire Emblem game!
Well, not one she recognized, but it was Fire Emblem no doubt.
She was.. no, she couldn't be.. But it was. Not a dream right? No. This was most definitely real. It felt so real.
It was Fire Emblem. She was in Fire Emblem! Isekaid, to a FE game!
Excitement blew up within her. But it was fleeting.
Excitement quickly gave way to dread. Absolute dread.
If this was FE... did that mean?...
She gulped. FE was known for permanent death... She clutched her weapon hard.
She recalled what the voice said only moments before. This world is exactly as you know. Fight. Win. Lose. Die.
Oh no. This was not going to be easy.
1. Follow RPN rules
2. Be friendly and respectful, no metagaming, powermoding, godmoding, etc.
3. This is a brutal rp, so its gunna be a bit mature, be wary of that. Mature stuff will occur or be said.
4. Everything-else rule-related probs applies :>
5. Have fun!
Fantasy/Anime/FE-like pic
Weapon: (you can make custom ones, but think "starter equipment")
Personal Skill:
Primary Stat(s):
Weakest Stat(s):
About: (whats the FE char's backstory, personality, motivations. this is NOT your actual char, this is what the FE char is)
Your "Real Life" char's sheet
About: (about the "real life" char "you" are. who they are, what theyve done or not done with their life, how old they are, motivations, etc. why and/or how they were isekaid to FE, if there's any reason or not)
The person asked, blinking open their eyes.
Her head turned side to side, shifting the rough grass that was knee-high. She couldn't see much other than those grey-green strands.
"Ugh.." She sat up with a groan, rubbing the back of her head. Long hair fell, tumbling over her shoulders. Confused by her longer hair situation, but trucking on, she brushed it out of her eyes and looked around.
The girl was sitting in a grassy area, some others were around, seemingly in the same situation as her. A distance away there were trees that began a foresty area. The treeline was perhaps about 400-500 feet away, by her estimates.
She turned her attention back on the others. They were beginning to rouse like she had, groaning and sitting up. Just what-?
A voice interrupted her thoughts, speaking directly into her mind, forcing her to clutch her already-addled head.
Welcome, heroes.
You have been chosen.
This world is exactly like you know.
This is your choice.
If you want answers, if you want to go home, fight.
Death or triumph. It's your choice.
That was all the intrusive voice said, ringing through her inner ears, before the pressure subsided.
That was right! She knew what this was! She put more attention into herself, her outfit.. her equipment.
This was a Fire Emblem game!
Well, not one she recognized, but it was Fire Emblem no doubt.
She was.. no, she couldn't be.. But it was. Not a dream right? No. This was most definitely real. It felt so real.
It was Fire Emblem. She was in Fire Emblem! Isekaid, to a FE game!
Excitement blew up within her. But it was fleeting.
Excitement quickly gave way to dread. Absolute dread.
If this was FE... did that mean?...
She gulped. FE was known for permanent death... She clutched her weapon hard.
She recalled what the voice said only moments before. This world is exactly as you know. Fight. Win. Lose. Die.
Oh no. This was not going to be easy.
1. Follow RPN rules
2. Be friendly and respectful, no metagaming, powermoding, godmoding, etc.
3. This is a brutal rp, so its gunna be a bit mature, be wary of that. Mature stuff will occur or be said.
4. Everything-else rule-related probs applies :>
5. Have fun!
Fantasy/Anime/FE-like pic
Weapon: (you can make custom ones, but think "starter equipment")
Personal Skill:
Primary Stat(s):
Weakest Stat(s):
About: (whats the FE char's backstory, personality, motivations. this is NOT your actual char, this is what the FE char is)
Your "Real Life" char's sheet
About: (about the "real life" char "you" are. who they are, what theyve done or not done with their life, how old they are, motivations, etc. why and/or how they were isekaid to FE, if there's any reason or not)
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