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Fantasy Fire Emblem Dawnward Song IC


Shula beamed, obviously relieved that there would be no problems with the room arrangement. “I think we’ll get along just fine.” She stated. “I’m usually awake at odd hours cause I don’t need much sleep. But don’t worry, I’ll only bother ya if ya ask or if I need ya to reach something for me. ‘Kay?”

Whether it was for the words themselves or her down to earth mannerisms, Yurick snorted. “I’ll certainly keep that in mind. Roommates it is then.” He just hoped she wouldn’t hunt him down for favors at all hours of the night. He had learned early on that rarely was anything so simple.

The mage then made his way to their assigned room, taking note of its contents before he deposited some of his belongings into one of the dressers. Muttering a simple ward incantation under his breath, he locked the drawer with a flick of his wrist, small sparks briefly drifting from his fingers to the wood below. It wasn’t a particularly strong spell but would certainly repel any sticky fingers with a shock. He sat on the small bed next to it with a deep sigh, his gaze now firmly set on the green ribbon in his hands. The color had faded and the bell no longer rang like it once did, but the intricate design weaved into each thread hinted at it once belonging to a relatively well-off individual. As he subconsciously traced the fabric with a finger, his sister’s laugher briefly sounded in his ears.

“Well Nat, here I am, still going at it somehow.” His voice was a mere whisper. “I hope the day comes soon when I can return this to you, alive and well sister.” His hands gripped it tighter for another moment before he reluctantly placed it back in his pouch. With another sigh he stood, leaving the room even though he wanted nothing else but to read a book and drift in his thoughts.

Yurick had barely begun to explore on his own when he heard multiple bells ringing throughout the ship. A messenger appeared, guiding him and some of the others to the top deck for the mission briefing. The first mission involved dealing with a band of highly successful thieves, potentially even imperial soldiers among their numbers, at the border. It was nothing he’d not dealt with before but he still felt uneasy about facing his fellow countrymen again, wondering if by slaying them he’d be considered a traitor to his own country or even worse, somehow recognize him on the battlefield. Then there was the matter of killing…even after being a mercenary for years the idea of taking lives remained unappealing.

The second job didn’t sound much better. He hated missions that were sketchy on the details.

Nonetheless he took note of all that Will and Alena said. After a few questions everyone was dismissed once more to prepare for the battles ahead. Time passed quickly and soon the airship landed at what Yurick assumed was the scout company’s camp. But strangely no one came out to greet them. He observed Alena and Will sharing a glance, no doubt realizing that something was amiss as well. The fliers took off, those that were left on the ground left to investigate the area around them.

Yurick sensed magic in the air but whether that had anything to do with the empty camp he was uncertain. For all he knew he was simply imagining it. His eyes narrowed.

Out of the corner of his vision he noticed Bee still looking skywards at their companions. He wasn’t sure what exactly was running through her head but zoning out could be dangerous.

“Snap out of it Bee.” He muttered, gently shaking her shoulder as he carefully avoided the sword she was gripping so tightly. “Focus on your surroundings or you might just lose your head to some bandit.”

Interacting with: Serei2477 Serei2477 Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Mentioned: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun
Zain & Shula

Anyone listening, mostly Alena RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

Mentions: N/A

Zain had taken the hour to organize his belongings within his room and assist Levi with any of the flowers he had purchased. The newly placed nature that decorated the room added beauty to the dullness of the room, which the emerald eyed man appreciated. Any flowers he didn't recognize, he would ask for care instructions. It seemed easy enough, and given that Zain had had to tend to large gardens in the past, these flowers would be child's play.

Meanwhile, Shula had gotten her weapons sharpened and, with that, took it upon herself to throw her bag of belongings onto one of the beds then go explore the ship. There was some small talk here and there, but nothing that kept her in the same place for too long. Maybe she was just excited, or maybe she was nervous as all hell. This was a whole new chapter. New people, new circumstances, and, for the first time ever, new legally obtained coin. There was plenty more she wanted to see, but there was one thing in particular she wanted to see. Something both she and Zain wanted to experience.

The duo would be found at the railing alongside a white haired woman and a tiny girl who was struggling to see. Zain had half a mind to go get her a box, but he'd rather not have his gesture come across as rude, so he let it be. They would keep their distance from the two women so as to not disturb them.

As the ship whirred to life and lifted into the sky, emerald and sapphire gazes were glued to the world, admiring the city growing smaller as they rose. The shift in their bodies and they rose further into the sky and the chill that ran through them as they flew further and further from the ground, onto the same level as the clouds.

"Know what this is?" Shula finally spoke, her eyes never leaving the sky.

"Freedom." Zain answered.

"Yeah! Finally away from all that shit. Finally gettin' to sleep a night without worryin' bout something sharp and metal on my neck. Away from all those damn soldiers for once! I'm glad we made the choice of joining, even if the crew's a little... colorful." The wind had picked up considerably, causing her long dark locks to sway behind her.

"Choice"... I don't think I'll ever get used to having a choice."

"Me neither."

Silence fell between them for a moment before Shula's voice sounded once more. It was less excited, a tone that was obviously about to touch on a heavy subject.

"Do you think they would-"


Shula turned to look at Zain who shifted his gaze to meet hers.

"I don't think either of us are ready for that subject just yet. And I'd rather not think about that while experiencing my first flight." He told her, and to an extent, Shula agreed.

"I get ya, but it's not somethin' we can keep puttin' off forever. We gotta talk about them at some point."

What followed was a ghost of a smile and Zain's hand ruffling Shula's already messed up hair. "I know. Just not now, alright?"

Shula smacked his hand away with a grin, trying to fix what was already ruined. "Sure, sure."


The next day was uneventful, but once the ship had landed at their designated mission the duo was armed and ready. They followed alongside Alena and her mount, searching for any signs of life and listening for anything that need their attention.

Shula would keep her eyes towards the surrounding area, watching for any sudden movements. She knew that if she were in their position, whe would either book it or try to scamper and hide. There was also a chance that the perpetrators were watching from a distance, waiting to jump them once the group came to them.

Meanwhile, Zain would get to work looking along the ground for fresh prints, disturbed environment, and anything that would clue them in on what direction to go. He made easy work of it due to his time hunting as well as the carelessness of the perpetrators.

"Hm... They're going North." He said to the others, particularly Alena. "Looking at the caravan, we've got time to catch up. We should still stay cautious just in case."
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Levi Grantz
Location: Castillion/
Interactions: Serei2477 Serei2477
Mentions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27

Levi breathed a sigh of relief as the ship departed from where it had been docked, ascending to the air with a quickness that was opposite to its size. Thankfully, whatever errands he and Fiona had ran hadn’t kept them from re-joining the ship and its crew before takeoff. Not for lack of trying in his case however, as he arrived just a minute or two before the airship had departed, panting and out of breath as he cradled his new purchase against his chest.

His time combing the nurturists inventory had taken longer than he had wanted it to, weighing which plants would survive the conditions of his shared room. He eventually decided on a potted hellebore, a hardy flower that didn’t require much sunlight, but still produced a vibrant flower. While he did take longer than he would like to admit on finalizing his decision, that wasn’t what had brought him so close to missing the ship's take-off. No, instead it was what had happened afterwards. While the city itself was rather safe from the average run of the mill criminal, it wasn’t safe from the occasional hoodlum looking for an extra bit of spending money.

A fact that he quickly found out when he was suddenly yanked by the hood of his clergy robe and accosted by two rough looking men. It wasn’t difficult to determine why they chose him. In addition to being a man of the cloth, he looked rather weak and easy to push around due to his size. He tried to protest and tell the men that he didn’t have any time to spare, but a weathered palm covered in nicks and scrapes halted his escape. Not wanting to risk being late for the ship's departure and risk a ride on Fiona’s steed, he complied with their demands, handing over his meager purse contents without much of a fuss.

Of course, being a member of the clergy before his sudden departure meant that he didn’t have much coin to his name. He barely had enough to purchase the potted hellebore, let alone sate their appetite for riches. The two men didn’t take this revelation kindly, accusing him of holding out on them, despite his insisting that he wasn’t. They would eventually tell him to get out of their sight, but not before leaving him with a parting gift in the form of a bruised cheek. If any of the other crewmates would ask about it, he would simply say that it was a reminder from his goddess to not get too comfortable, especially since Levi was about to enter into an area populated by raiders.

In the hours that would follow, he would return himself to his new room, and after unpacking and setting up his plant, he would find himself in prayer. He prayed for the safety of his newfound crewmates, for the strength to see all of them through their trials, and that the pain and suffering that may fall upon them be a reminder to stay humble. He would have to give Zain an impromptu oration once their mission was completed, remembering his promise to teach the man about the goddess Amaria. But for now, he was tired from the days ordeals, and would rest until the next day.

A thick black cloud of smoke greeted them as the ship approached the last known location of the caravan, sending a pang of sorrow through the young priest's chest. Making the sign of Amaria over his heart, he said a silent prayer for the caravan, praying for strength for them to overcome this trial of the goddess. As the ship descended and Alena told the group to spread out, Levi found himself gravitating to his new roommate. He had very little experience in the way of investigation, so he found himself awkwardly shuffling around while the other more experienced members did their work.

He spoke up, nervously fiddling with his staff even as Zain spoke about what he had found. “What if those footprints were just from the scouts that were supposed to be here?” There was no guarantee that those footprints belonged to the brigands, or at least that’s what he thought.

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Alena)

Sevin had remained silent as the mission details were being given. He felt slightly irked at the idea of taking prisoners. He certainly didn't have it in himself to do that. In a way, its the sort of thing he despised. He felt like he should speak up, but he was interrupted by Maxtla. He sighed and just stayed quiet.
Date: 7th of Velvenius - Midday
Location: Supply Cache Base - Verguld, Tavin Region

They arrived at their destination. Earlier in the morning, Sevin was cooking breakfast for everyone, without his helmet concealing his face. A good and hearty meal of eggs, bacon, and baked bread. Once breakfast had ended, Sevin was cleaning dishes when the announcement came. He hurried to his room, but not before finishing the dishes. He put on his helmet once he got there, and slung both axes over his back, before going to the top deck.​

A trade caravan was hit, but it wasn't as if the airship could just land here, a wider area in which they could have the tactical high ground would be better, and a supply depot was on the way. A small crescent lake with a shallow shore, the elements of the recon team would be here, or should be. In place they found a rather empty camp, though one undisturbed from an outside party, at the very least the camp did not seem discovered.

Alena for her part unloaded from the ship's boarding ramp and walked across on her mount, silver armor gleaming in the sun as old eyes scanned each and every hill and dip, an ambush could be anywhere, or a place to spring them, though there was more relatively flat land around them, this position was hidden away on purpose, a sanctuary that they could leave from to investigate, to rest, or to plan an attack from. Looking at William as he crossed his arms to peer over the camp, Alena extended her right arm in a circular motion signaling the for the three fliers to take off, to report what they could see if anything, as she cast an eye back at her fellow mercenaries, at the least she had taken point rather than hid behind them. Someone had to have known what was going on here... Not all of the scouts would have left, would they? "See anything?! Spread out! We'll head for the burning caravan if nothing turns up here."
Sevin was following alongside Alena, as watched the fliers take off, before speaking up. "You don't think there's any archers hiding in the woods, do you?"
They had managed to get back before the Castellian left. Later that day, Fiona was back in the stable, with plans to brush Hector when she noticed the other Pegasus was gone. It could only mean one thing.
"She left...."
She felt both relieved yet also saddened. She now had no chance to...
Hector whinnied drawing her attention back. She exhaled before proceeding to brush his mane.
Date: 7th of Velvenius - Midday
Location: Supply Cache Base - Verguld, Tavin Region

Fiona was ready to scout when Alena gave the signal. Vierra took off first, transforming into what Fiona could only describe as beautiful. A winged serpent. Zhu took off next, his wyvern evidently taking an interest in Vierra.
"Lets go Hector!"
Fiona spoke, before Hector galloped forth. He spread his wings and flapped them multiple times, before taking off, still galloping as he did so.

As the other two fliers circled the area for signs of movement, Hector flew down to land in the woods. Fiona wanted to make sure nothing was left unchecked, considering there was a chance the enemy could be cleverly hidden from the sky, but on the ground.....

Fiona felt a bit nervous, but she was trained for this. Her lance was steadily held in her right hand, while her left hand was gripped onto Hector's reigns. She carefully scanned the area....​
Supply Cache Base - Ambushed Woodland - Verguld, Tavin Region
So far, all searches of the base turned up nothing, whoever all was meant to be here just were not, Mella's search of the base, as brief as it was and being joined by the others the only clue were the tracks noticed firstly by Zain, had two notable qualities upon entering the main trade route, Maxtla's own Laguz abilities turned up yet even more information to confirm that indeed someone or something, multiples in either case, were around the burning caravan. Which was also not a surprise. Leading the group into the woods and down the auxiliary path it was not long till they reached the main road

What was, was a surprise is when Alena examined them more closely to see one pair of tracks heading South. Turning her attention to Levi, Alena gave a tilt of her head, as if wanting to nod yes, or no, so she spoke up to the facts of the matter; "It likely is them, but at least one or two people should have been left here. I did spot on set of more recent tracks headed south."

Fiona for her part in the flying trio had landed in the thin woodland nearby and the Pink... er, Red Knight, joined Alena by her side, though she was a bit taller, what with being on a horse, the giant of a knight wouldn't have to crane his head much. "Who can say. Though I'm sure they'll loose on me or one of the three flyers before they do you with that steel." Off to the side it seemed Yurick was busying himself with talking to Bee, even knew her name. Maybe in the past day she finally decided to talk to someone?

Not important. Leaving the camp to William and the ship crew, it was in quick order that Vierra and Xunlei would have reports to make from their rather close viewpoint and a nasty surprise would hit Fiona of note in short order, a group of men and women in ramshackle armor, leather and furs, one lone man armed with twin daggers and the clothing one would associate with a Ninja was squaring off with no less than five of them seemingly amused as between them and four feline beasts they more or less had him pinned in place as he or she attempted to defend survivors of the attack. Twelve carts were burning or in the process of being burned as yet more of the barbarians searched and spread the fires on what they attacked, while small groupings of men were policing the wounded and ravaging a number of wheeled and horse drawn carts and wagons, as yet more men scoured the woods to hunt down those who were fled at the start of the attack, even now a handful.

All in all, the estimates would be twenty men and 10 beasts, more of the feline sorts, while no firm counts could have been collected in exact details about those in the woods, it seemed the attack had not started all that long ago... Just what in the hell was the scout unit up to? There were at least three to five beast tamers, several men with axes and a one-eyed warrior on a horse with an axe and more armored than the rest seemed to be in charge, sitting at the back he watched the ongoings with detached amusement. Not even fully armored, he did have a portion of an Imperial Dress Uniform intermixed with his armor;

Enemy Commander​

Fiona on the other hand had chanced upon two of the beasts and their tamer, an overweight and in his 50's, the man had a nasty look to himself and leathery skin, in all accounts he would be the very textbook definition of an actual bandit or pirate. Even if the Imperials were behind it, he genuinely looked like an employed raider rather than any sort of military man. His two feline monsters snarled, hissed and growled as the man smiled crookedly; "Give me the pegasus lil girl and I'll let you keep your head." He said flatly.

As Alena got the report of the situation from one of the two other scouts she was quick to issue orders, to attack at once, to take out the men in the woods and to save the head of that Ninja and the civilians, she would take the field and along with Sevin go up the central road to engage the enemy commander, or what seemed to be the commander. For now there were at least 20 enemies, ten beasts. A considerable sum, but between the lot of them there wasn't even a single decently armored target between them. of the 20, at least 12 of those visible had axes, four were normal soldiers with spears and of the last two, Alena's armor let out a sharp TING! as an arrow struck home and deflected, at least one or two archers were in the woods.

It was one hell of a start, but minus the enemy leader, all of them were easy pickings for the more skilled members of the company. Alena also added in; "It's up to you if you wish to take prisoners. Given what they've done I would sooner see most of them dead!" Each unit would be free to do what they wished and at least initially would have the benefit of surprise.

Before them laid hilly land and clearing along the roads, with a forest thicket to the east and west. Not the thickest of tree cover it would not hide anyone for long, the trade caravan might could provide cover, but it favored the enemy far more than it was of use to the attackers far more than they. Speed or positioning would be vital here in all likelihood.

*OOC Note/Edit a shit tier MS Paint map is in the discord ooc to help players visualize, may add image here.

Interactions: All Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Serei2477 Serei2477 Landsharks Landsharks Tellussoil Tellussoil Aura Of Twilight Aura Of Twilight @Carolyn Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko AnonyMouse AnonyMouse Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin IG42 IG42
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Mentions: Levi Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin | Vierra AnonyMouse AnonyMouse

Levi raised a good question, one of which that didn't have a single correct answer. He was right that it could have been a scout but Zain was certain the scouts would at least know the importance of covering one's tracks. Alena had done a good job of answering so Zain didn't feel the need to add anything else, but what did get his attention was a separate set of tracks heading South. It led him to a single conclusion.

"So they split up." He said aloud. One to transport the goods and the other to ransack another camp? Or to ensure if one group was found the other could escape? He didn't dwell on the thought too much since it wasn't that important.

Zain followed close behind Alena towards their next destination, where they'd encounter the enemy. He was able to spot the direction the arrow that hit Alena's armor came from, and surprisingly (or unsurprisingly), the archer had no cover from where Zain was standing. Vierra was in the sky close to where the enemy archer was, and it didn't take a genius to put two and two together for their plan.

Zain moved quickly, readying his bow and arrow and drawing the string. In one swift movement, the arrow launched and whistled through the air, the noise ceasing only when it made contact with the archer's head. The archer fell, leaving Vierra free to roam.



Maxtla IG42 IG42 | Unnamed Barbarian


Thankfully the investigation went without a hitch and the group moved along. They were able to find the perpetrators threatening a group of civilians, and the sight of it made Shula's blood boil. So these pathetic little cretins got their rocks off by fighting innocent people did they? Hmph. Lowest of the low; people that Shula would have no problem stabbing or cutting.

A quick survey let her see that there was a Barbarian up front threatening a civilian. His weapon was ready and the Barbarian seemed like he received orders to leave no one standing. All it'd take was one swing and the poor civilian would surely be a goner. She needed to act now, but she wouldn't be able to do it alone.

She quickly dash forward, giving Maxtla a touch on his arm to get his attention as she ran by. "Oi Fluffy, back me up!"

Shula closed in on the civilian, knocking them out of the way in time for her to block Barbarian's strike. The force of brute strength nearly caused Shula to stumble but she stood her ground, positioning herself in front of the civilian and forcing the Barbarian to have to turn and face her, which should provide Maxtla an opening. She quickly retaliated with a quick slash, drawing Barbarian blood but nothing close enough to kill him.

"Hulking piece of shit! What's wrong? Too much of a little bitch to challenge someone who can put up a fight?!"

Was Shula mentally prepared to be the target of a Barbarian's wrath? Nope. But as long as she wasn't left hanging she should be able to help the civilian get away.
"Who can say. Though I'm sure they'll loose on me or one of the three flyers before they do you with that steel."
He let out a chuckle. "You sure did find a good time to jest! I'm now fired up!"
He replied, drawing his two axes and waiting for anything to happen. It wasn't long before reports from one of the scouts. Enemy forces were ahead it seemed, with a man in need of rescue. Alena lead the charge, Sevin following close behind, before he heard her armor deflect something off it. Sevin quickly turned his head to the direction of the shot and threw his hand axe, which cleaved off the head of the sniper, before the hand axe came back to him and he caught it, before continuing down the path to catch up with Alena, chopping down any foe that would make an attempt to Intercept him.


Fiona on the other hand had chanced upon two of the beasts and their tamer, an overweight and in his 50's, the man had a nasty look to himself and leathery skin, in all accounts he would be the very textbook definition of an actual bandit or pirate. Even if the Imperials were behind it, he genuinely looked like an employed raider rather than any sort of military man. His two feline monsters snarled, hissed and growled as the man smiled crookedly; "Give me the pegasus lil girl and I'll let you keep your head." He said flatly.
Fiona felt intimidated by this man. Her spearhand was shaking, as she was studying the two fealines that were accompanying him.
Hector blasted air out of his nose in defiance and scraped his hoof on the ground, ready to charge.
Fiona turned her spear around and impaled it in the ground, before drawing her sword. Her grip felt stronger with the blade, as she spoke.
"Hector is my partner, fair and square. If you want him, you'll have to kill me for him!"

Hector leaped forward, his wings spread and hoofs out, at the exact moment the cats leaped to attack. His hooves connected in each of the felines faces, knocking them back and out cold, as Hector retracted his wings and ran towards the barbarian. Fiona had her sword at ready, and when the barbarian swung his axe, she brought her sword up, slashing through the axe's shaft, before thrusting into the man's chest, killing him in an instant. Hector kicked the man off the blade, and Fiona seathed her sword, before Hector turned around and trodded up beside the spear Fiona stabbed the ground with. Fiona pulled her spear before Hector took off back into the sky, ready to report that nothing happened aside from finding thee predators in the woods, which she managed to dispatch together with Hector.

She saw the fighting going on, and looked for her fellow fliers, hoping to support them in the fight.

Landsharks Landsharks AnonyMouse AnonyMouse
Location: Ambushed Woodland - Verguld, Tavin Region
Mentions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Alena)

Brazen flames flickered out from the roads as a plethora of wagons were ablaze with the stench of blood, a result of the assault at the hand of unwarranted violence. What was meant to be a recon for the situation quickly got out of control upon the sight of a health caravan which one would not sanely derive an attack for, was massacred. Information was flooding as the original Recon Team took note but ignored it over further requirements down the round. However, the screams brandished with the swings of axes were not to fall on deaf ears today.

One of the recon scouts had decided such was an error, and luckily for the four Civilians behind the purple and black-grabbed ninja his decision had mitigated the harm that had come their way, unlike their caravan. It was added that currently, the Ninja didn't face the full wrath of the enemy, mentally well aware that the general unit of this marauder-like band was indeed enjoying the severity the silent unit had placed itself in while the enemy still reaped the benefits of the attack's success.

The unit in question was a ninja-class person identifiable as male from his body, at a closer viewpoint. His garb was a match to his class though it had unusual additions, to those who had heard the tale of the ninja. From the waist up it matched the stories covered in black cloth with a hood that well hid the individual facial features minus a few tuffs of brownish blonde hair. In addition, it was fitted with a face mask to hide any signs of emotion or thought from view. Yet from the waist down it was different, his legs had purple armor here and there with a strange purple rope tied around his waist where a broken Kusarigama hung at the side of it.

A snarl snapped the confronting face-masked ninja back to his current predicament. Two axe-wielding barbarians on each of his sides flanking him waiting with humored smiles they had fun up until this point unabated, but easy targets were boring when he had jumped out to block them from continuing on the those that fled their hopes for something more succulent as a challenge seemed to bare fruit. Ahead from his view at 2 o'clock, and 11 o'clock were each a pair of Felines beasts and their tamers. At 12 o'clock there was another Barbarian at the front manning this gangled mess of a group it seemed... all of this violence for fun. The flames behind them no doubt made them more intimidating than they were to the unfortunate souls still alive as their shadows loomed toward the victims like festering demons.

"Come on it's no fun if we can't see your face. Don't wanna garble those screams for us do ya," the frontman asked laughing as the panic in the civilians was made evident by their pleadings to be saved. The Ninja himself was still not flinching, and was slow in movement this standoff had been a few minutes in now as if the unit was waiting for something. The advantage of jumping out of nowhere gained time in the belief that more would appear behind him. That's why they hadn't rushed him yet, but as time passed the likelihood of them just being insane was more of a wager to bet on.

Unknowingly, this entire time the Ninja had been counting down, and in a flash his hands shot out with two throwing blades flipping out of seemingly nowhere into his grips, that counter reached zero. At first, there had been a notable flinch in the marauders as the Feline Beats yowled back in challenge to the unit finally bearing his "fangs". The frontman chuckled hitting his axe hilt on the ground.

"Finally some proper fun... send one in let enjoy this while it lasts," he commanded the Tamer on his left who flicked his wrist with a whistle causing one of the big cats to take off for the Ninja.

"Well then. They should be close by now," the Ninja whispered under his breath as he moved his left foot back the feline beast closed the distance. Right at impact though something went off causing a sudden puff of smoke to overtake the Ninja, and the Feline beast. The Beast emerged from the other end of the smokescreen, halting its charge and shaking its head wildly as its advanced yet sensitive senses were overtaken by the smoke bomb deployed. The Ninja himself walked out from the front towards the enemies a tad more spinning his blades with intent to keep their attention.

"Tsk, gut em," The Frontman sneered unhappy that the beast had failed to maul its target, he made a hand movement to signal the other fellow axe-wielding Barbarians to move in. With pleasure, they charged in with battle cries as the Tamer who had sent the Feline in yelled out.

"WAIT SOMETHINGS WRONG," the two ignored the tamer having no desire to have their fun spoiled they closed in on the halting Ninja as they went in for a pincered attack only to whiff as he jumped back from their attack swinging his arms at them. The man on the left was quick to react pulling his axe back with the broad side not shielding a thrown dagger from making a mark as it sparked off the bigger weapon. However no such strike occurred for his friend who had followed suit, and in that delay... the ninja with one blade in hand was upon them. In a single lower leap the knife blade sliced at the barbarian's right leg.

The first Barbarian tried to rush to his friend swinging with all his might for the Ninja's head, but he was weaved past as the Ninja went under the swing at first it seemed the purple-garbed unit was running away until turning around to catch his falling blade from the distracting strike. Infuriated by his nimble opponent the Barbarian ran after him swinging wildly as the Ninja moved about with ease.

"YOU IDIOT RETREAT HES PLAYING AROUND WITH YOU," the frontman shouted causing the Barabarin to look to the right where the Feline Beast from earlier lay on its side dead, foaming extremely from the mouth with purple veins nearly popping out from its body. The Barabarian turned his head to witness his friend going through a similar process clutching at his neck as purple Veins started to pop out against his skin. It was a brutal sight as the second barbarian wince attempting to scream, but unable to as he dropped to his knees clawing at his throat. Yet as the man lurched back in pain he suddenly stopped moving and dropped dead.

The Ninja stood back up returning to his earlier stand still waiting for the still alive Barbarian to make his move. Most would believe a Ninja was never meant for the front lines, and in most cases that was true. Their skills relied on limited supplies, and the unnatural reflexes, and speed they had built up from unique training. Yet when prepared, and knowing all one needed to do was instill a trickle of fear into the mix, and with that, route the enemy into a brittle mess.

The Barbarian weighed his thoughts, the blades had been used to deliver the toxin right? That meant two blades, two delivers right? Surely that meant the interloper was out, he was fast, but the brute was confident this was an easy win without the poison. Frustration was fueled at how easily this one person was making a fool of them, and the Barbarian wouldn't rest on that fact until the Ninja was dead. With Axe in hand, he bellowed his war cry charging the calm and collected target with a wide swing. Again the Ninja weaved under it, but the Barbarian with all his might halted his swing to bring the axe up aiming to bring it down on the closed-range speedster. Yet Instead, the Barbarian would make his last mistake as speed wasn't the only big factor of difference between the two as the bigger entity's body width allowed the ninja to fit perfectly in between the gap made by Barbarian's massive arms as the brute dug the axe blade into the earth.

With a single stroke, the Barbarian's throat was slit wide open as the Ninja stepped over his arms, and his opponent fell dead to the ground. Once again the ninja was in between the the civilians and the rest of the small half-circle of Marauders. The frontman was visibly shaking with fear, and frustrations though the fear wasn't completely with the Ninja as his eyes jolted towards his boss off in the distance. This was quickly turning into a very bad showing, and if it wasn't handled quickly? The boss would no doubt kill them as an example for their inability to axe off one man. Fear was a powerful weapon after all, but no matter who created it was usable by anyone to spot it. Fear made fools of skilled men, and Ninja would play on that card until the lot that should have arrived nearby soon played their hand. Besides, if the reports were right there was a silver-eyed demon out there who wouldn't rest long on the sight of this situation after all. He just had to play it slow and steady until then.


The ambush came with surprising swiftness. Although she and the other fliers had spotted a few enemies, they hadn't realized just how many there were. Everywhere she looked, there were more pockets of activity. Vierra kept her eyes peeled for any signs of archers. As long as she avoided those, she was safe to scan the field and choose her battles. One thing she had learned while serving with the cavalry was that she lacked the speed of other flying units. Pegasi, Wyverns, and even the bird-type Laguz were always faster than her. She usually compensated by being first into the sky and going straight for the target, whenever possible. Today, that meant focusing on the burning caravan.

There were clusters of enemies everywhere. Fiona was on foot and out of visual range, never a good place for a flier to be. But making a u-turn to check on her would put Vierra even further from their main goal. I'll have to put my faith in her, the snake thought as she banked right, toward the road. Alena picked up speed, galloping toward the caravan, but many obstacles still lay ahead of her. Shula engaged a target near the roadside and Maxtla appeared to be moving to support her, while Zain fired a shot at an enemy. Through the dense trees beneath her, Vierra managed to make out a fallen enemy archer.

Oh, how nice. I'll have to thank him later, Vierra thought, gazing down at the fair-haired young man as she crossed the road. From this altitude, he probably couldn't see her smile... if snakes can smile. Her wings spread wide, catching one last scoop of air before she tucked them in and dove sharply. The feathers on her tail fanned out as the serpent's body straightened and stiffened, looking like a scaly arrow herself.

A lone civilian in the road ducked, despite Vierra still being at least twenty to thirty feet above his head as she glided by. The feathered serpent threaded the needle, passing through a gap in the trees as her jaws opened wide. She caught one of the enemy barbarians by his neck. Her fangs sank in as she tackled the man to the ground. There was another axe-wielding bandit nearby, as well as a third man who appeared to be commanding two feline beasts, but the sudden arrival of scaly death from above caught them all off guard. Rather than wait for her venom to run its course, Vierra's long body coiled around the man, constricting his limbs. The sound of crunching bones ended his life swiftly, mercifully.

The second barbarian lunged the moment his comrade's gargled screams ceased, but Vierra lashed his face with her tail as she recoiled. The heavy blow left the man staggered and dumbfounded for a moment, but a moment was all she needed. Vierra was upon him almost instantly. She released her first victim and sank her fangs into the second man's unarmored side before he could recover. He howled in pain and horror and raised his axe to strike down upon her, but the snake twisted violently, taking him off his feet. Her long body flowed around him like water, trapping his limbs and contorting his joints into unnatural angles, as if he were her plaything. Meanwhile, the venom began to run its course.

The tamer and his two feline beasts looked on with a mixture of horror and fascination as the man's movements became sluggish and lethargic. The serpent's eyes remained firmly affixed on him as his comrade died in her jaws. As if to punctuate the severity of their situation, she released and bit down a second time, at his neck now, snapping his spine before tossing his limp body aside. Did you like that, hmm? This horror story ought end with an exclamation mark, she thought as she sized up the man and his big cats.

However, she was not a wild animal. She was here to protect. As much as she wanted to etch the fear of every god, seen and unseen, into this fool... it would all be for naught if the innocents panicked, too. "Stay back. Move toward the road," Vierra said to the two civilians as she positioned herself between them and the remaining enemies. Alena and their remaining forces were rapidly catching up. "Go. You don't want to see what happens next.

Interactions: Serei2477 Serei2477 (Zain) | RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Alena / enemies)
Mentions: Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 (Sevin / Fiona) | IG42 IG42 (Maxtla)
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Little Bee

Bee glanced towards the voice that was directed at her -he even called her by name! She blinked her big golden orbs at him. Her hand loosened on her sword, but then she noticed the rest of the group was charging ahead. Turning her look away from him, Bee ran at the enemies alongside her allies, feeling rather supported by them. She pointed up at the billowing smoke above the tree line. Smoke from fires was obvious even to those on the ground. Entering the enemy's zone, she initiated combat with a preoccupied bandit. The bandit's attention had been elsewhere, so he hadn't been prepared for this small girl to attack him out of nowhere. Hell, other than her rather.. ragged appearance, she could've simply been mistaken for one of the civ's child, rather than an adversarial combatant. Or perhaps her raggedness would've added to the effect. Either way, he was not prepared for this small girl to attack him so ferociously.

The combat went smoothly. Bee swooshed down and in, slashing with her Kris at the man. The cut was clean, splattering blood on the nearby tree. Then, she nimbly dodged backwards, easily avoiding his big, hefty swing with his axe that looked like it would've smashed her skull in. With golden eyes fixated right on him, she dashed back in, cutting him once more. Two swift cuts, and two clean wounds. However, even with two, the man still had enough vitality to be a threat. Her attacks had hardly dealt too much damage to the now enraged bandit.

Bee quickly glanced beside her at the civilian she had protected. She opened her mouth to speak, "..." but the civilian heard nothing. Then the small girl was attacked by another bandit, rushing over to the small girl, as she had effectively pulled his aggro, as she had now entered his range, and signified she was, indeed, a threat. If even just a minor one.

However, it was no problem for Little Bee, who was used to dodging hulking attacks from much more ferocious laguz. He lifted his axe straight up -in an attack reminiscent of his twice-wounded friend beside him, and swung straight down at her skull with a grunt. Bee nimbly stepped in and bent her head ever so slightly, the axe missing her by a hair's breadth, causing the man to briefly stumble, pulled by the force of his own swing. Seeing her opening, Bee dashed forward and slashed, slashed. Two quick attacks to his midsection. Easy and smooth as the other one. But like the other one, he, too, was left with enough vitality to keep him in the fight. Her cuts were clean, but a bit too shallow.

"Oi!! You louts can't even kill one tiny girl?! I'll do it then!" Shouted another of the raiders, running over with his axe up. With an even heavier grunt accompanying a massive swing, he brought down his axe upon Little Bee.

She dodged this one as well, but felt the wind from his blow. It made her answer his attack with one equally ferocious. "!!!" Bee's golden eyes gleamed, as she held back her kris knife, letting it glint in the sunlight. Then she dashed forward with such speed that she was momentarily a blur.

With a few deft strikes that the simpletons couldn't keep up with, the small girl slashed the man multiple times, causing him to cry out in pain. That gave her an even bigger opening to land a killing blow, leaping up as he groaned in pain, slicing cleanly across his neck. Landing on her feet, dagger stretched out in a pose, the big man collapsed with a thud. Unlike the other two, he had not lived through the encounter with Little Bee. Perhaps she was, in fact, no minor threat, despite her size. She turned her gold gaze back to the civilian and once more opened her mouth to signify the need to escape now that there was an opening.

"W-who are you?" the civ asked, shocked by what they witnessed, but wanting to at least know the name of the savior. Bee, once more, opened her mouth. But no sound came out to answer. The civ looked perturbed and confused by that.

mentions: Aura Of Twilight Aura Of Twilight
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Jin Reiner
Jin's head tilted at the question of ransom, a small smirk appearing on his face. He resisted the urge to make a sly remark about the 'shamelessness' of such business, not that he personally cared. His gaze turned back curiously to their two commanding officers, noting the twitch on Alena's face and her tone of voice. She was imperial, wasn't she?

'Bit of a grudge, eh?' He thought to himself, not needing more than what was said to put together the picture.

Giving a lackadaisical two-finger salute as they were dismissed, Jin returned to where he tossed his things to sort himself in his room. Once the ship landed, he strolled off the ramp looking rather nonchalant, behind but a bit off to the side of their Commander. However, his eyes did scan the surroundings diligently. It was quite odd for a camp's inhabitants to just vanish into a rapture, and if they were attacked or mustered in a hurry, there would be signs.

His eyes were drawn to Vierra as light took her form and replaced it with that of a giant serpent. A soft whistle escaped him. He had encountered laguz freelancers before, but that transformation never quite was normalized, no more than a mage snapping their fingers and bombing the ground underneath a person.

His gaze was only captured for a few moments, however, before they returned to search the camp. Jin strolled off, peering inside tents and kneeling down to inspect any prints, scuffs, or abandoned items. A few things he picked up with mild interest, either stuffing in his pocket or dropping. However, none of it was what he was looking for, which was some kind of imperial insignia.

He brought his hands to his knees, pushing up and off of them as he stood up from a crouched position and made his way back to the main group in time for them to move in pursuit of the few tracks they did identify. Unsurprisingly, they came upon a fubar situation.

"Well, their teeth're crooked enough to be real bandits," Jin mused aloud as he took some steps forward after Bee sprinted off. "...There she goes..." He murmured, rotating his neck a bit as a stretch. As he came ahead of Yurick, and Marcille, he nodded to them briefly. "Try'n keep up, kiddos," He remarked, seemingly too relaxed for his own good. However, to his credit, the monk then moved with swiftness and purpose.

Jin dashed along the right of the road, past Shula and the bandit she was dueling with. His aim was a group of bandits and a tamer that were attacking a pair of civilians. As he drew closer, Vierra swept from the sky and took them by surprise. He made a mental note of the way the woman mauled the barbarian's so easily, reminding himself not to later aggrieve the snake lady. However, her display did draw the beast's and handler's attention.

This gave the monk ample opportunity to strike, aiming first for one of the cats. Jin focused his ki into his closed fist as he ran, cocking back the enhanced appendage while outstretching his other. He leaped forward before bringing his fist down on the neck of the targeted beast. Despite its bulky frame, this was a technique capable of breaking through armor, and so striking at a weak point brought severe damage to the creature's vertebrae and spinal column. An audible snap was heard as the beast's head tipped up as its body was brought to the ground with force.

Jin then pushed up from his crouched position as he dashed forward toward the handler before leaping again, spinning in a counter clockwise motion, landing a kick with each rotation. The tamer brought up his weapon and arms to block, but was pushed back nonetheless. As the monk came to land, the tamer countered by swinging his blade recklessly down, however Jin nimbly twerked his body to the side to allow the saber to glide parallel with his body. Jin's left arm deftly took hold of the swordhand's wrist as his right struck from under, smashing against the bandit's elbow joint. Jin twisted his body more, pushing in towards the injured elbow and sliding his right foot under the bandit's, causing him to stumble as he was shoved. As the bandit's hand lost control of the saber, Jin took it, spinning around and cleaving it into the naked side of the tamer. The monk then turned to the angered and now panicked beast looking to attack as its master crumpled to the ground from his own weapon.

Interactions: Aura Of Twilight Aura Of Twilight AnonyMouse AnonyMouse Tellussoil Tellussoil
Mentions: Various

Zhu Xunlei

Finally,, some fun! From his vantage point up in the sky,, Xunlei grinned in anticipation as he spied bandits finally emerging on the road. Mostly beast tamers, axemen, and some better-dressed fool half-garbed in Imperial gear.

"At them, girl! Or else we fall behind!" Xunlei bade Xueying forward, manuevering his wyvern down into a dive. Everyone else had been closer to the ground or on it, leaving him with scant few scraps in the front lines. But what was this?

The wyvern rider raised an eyebrow as what was obviously a ninja emerged deeper in the bandit formation, causing chaos in their back lines. A crooked grin crossed his face. A tug back on the reins had Xueying moderating her dive, stabling out for more horizontal movement rather than vertical as the two went deeper into the lines. Brave of the ninja to just reveal themselves like that. Even with the element of surprise, they were still left surrounded by several other bandits and beast. Fortunate that he and his wyvern had the speed to even the odds, then.

"Come, fools! You face Zhu Xunlei of Heilong!" He bellowed as they began their attack run, Xueying roaring in unison with him. His mount came crashing down, talons raking into one of the tamed cats surrounding the ninja as Xunlei lashed out with his poleaxe, outright lopping the first barbarian's head off before lightly kicking his wyvern in the sides, urging her forward so that he could slam the axe head of his weapon down into the skull of a beast tamer.

"Ho there, enemy of my enemy!" He called out joyously to the ninja as he worked. "You a fellow mercenary, or an unattached bystander?"

Azurian Dream Azurian Dream

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