Aura Of Twilight
☆☆Professional space cadet ☆☆
- One on One
- Group
- Off-site
Shula beamed, obviously relieved that there would be no problems with the room arrangement. “I think we’ll get along just fine.” She stated. “I’m usually awake at odd hours cause I don’t need much sleep. But don’t worry, I’ll only bother ya if ya ask or if I need ya to reach something for me. ‘Kay?”
Whether it was for the words themselves or her down to earth mannerisms, Yurick snorted. “I’ll certainly keep that in mind. Roommates it is then.” He just hoped she wouldn’t hunt him down for favors at all hours of the night. He had learned early on that rarely was anything so simple.
The mage then made his way to their assigned room, taking note of its contents before he deposited some of his belongings into one of the dressers. Muttering a simple ward incantation under his breath, he locked the drawer with a flick of his wrist, small sparks briefly drifting from his fingers to the wood below. It wasn’t a particularly strong spell but would certainly repel any sticky fingers with a shock. He sat on the small bed next to it with a deep sigh, his gaze now firmly set on the green ribbon in his hands. The color had faded and the bell no longer rang like it once did, but the intricate design weaved into each thread hinted at it once belonging to a relatively well-off individual. As he subconsciously traced the fabric with a finger, his sister’s laugher briefly sounded in his ears.
“Well Nat, here I am, still going at it somehow.” His voice was a mere whisper. “I hope the day comes soon when I can return this to you, alive and well sister.” His hands gripped it tighter for another moment before he reluctantly placed it back in his pouch. With another sigh he stood, leaving the room even though he wanted nothing else but to read a book and drift in his thoughts.
Yurick had barely begun to explore on his own when he heard multiple bells ringing throughout the ship. A messenger appeared, guiding him and some of the others to the top deck for the mission briefing. The first mission involved dealing with a band of highly successful thieves, potentially even imperial soldiers among their numbers, at the border. It was nothing he’d not dealt with before but he still felt uneasy about facing his fellow countrymen again, wondering if by slaying them he’d be considered a traitor to his own country or even worse, somehow recognize him on the battlefield. Then there was the matter of killing…even after being a mercenary for years the idea of taking lives remained unappealing.
The second job didn’t sound much better. He hated missions that were sketchy on the details.
Nonetheless he took note of all that Will and Alena said. After a few questions everyone was dismissed once more to prepare for the battles ahead. Time passed quickly and soon the airship landed at what Yurick assumed was the scout company’s camp. But strangely no one came out to greet them. He observed Alena and Will sharing a glance, no doubt realizing that something was amiss as well. The fliers took off, those that were left on the ground left to investigate the area around them.
Yurick sensed magic in the air but whether that had anything to do with the empty camp he was uncertain. For all he knew he was simply imagining it. His eyes narrowed.
Out of the corner of his vision he noticed Bee still looking skywards at their companions. He wasn’t sure what exactly was running through her head but zoning out could be dangerous.
“Snap out of it Bee.” He muttered, gently shaking her shoulder as he carefully avoided the sword she was gripping so tightly. “Focus on your surroundings or you might just lose your head to some bandit.”
Interacting with:
