Fire Embelm: The Closed Book


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There you go Kitteh :3! I wonder if the priest could just marry himself, or would we have to buy another priest?
I think he could definitely host his own ceremony.

Priest: "and do you, myself, take Kitteh as your lawfully wedded wife? I do."
Pff, Odelle's going to be so enamored with Gaia. It'll be horrible, unless he enjoys having some upstart youngster tripping along behind him, constantly gushing about how cool it is to finally be in the company of another laguz.
This is going to be amusing. Sadly though it'll have to wait, since I'll be leaving the country for a week. But it'll be grand when the meet.

My bad @__@ I forgot about this, then remembered mid road trip and all that. Shall work on post posthaste.
She could probably jump in right now, if she wants. Aris's other character could probably too, we lost our thief guy. Just tell me how you want to hop in and I can make it happen. (probably)
People who just randomly disappeared (I don't know why):









People who left for a reason:




That's more than half. BUT WE ARE STILL GOING STRONG.
I know she's still on Rpn, I saw her online yesterday (Yes I am a stalker). I just haven't heard from her in a while. 
And yes Killi :3! This roleplay has gone on too long to die right now! 3 months!

(Maybe I'll do a little update to collect a couple more eyes.)
I think we are all stalkers. Believe me.... I am. 

OverlyIntricateLove said:
I know she's still on Rpn, I saw her online yesterday (Yes I am a stalker). I just haven't heard from her in a while. 
And yes Killi :3! This roleplay has gone on too long to die right now! 3 months!
(Maybe I'll do a little update to collect a couple more eyes.)
Meh, maybe we continue this battle and maybe whoever isn't here at the end, we separate and stuff. Then we will see if we carry on with what we gots or recruit. Sound good?

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