Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

@Minigunmad He is dressed like this :3:

(<---- like this)
It's fine, no rush :) . I'll slow down the posting until you return, since you should be slightly ahead.

I'll just finish up the conversation with @Minigunmad and then I'll take a break :) .
I'll get to posting as soon as i'm done with this paper... 5/14-15 pages ;_; expect posts around 12 to 3 am EST.
I don't know how tall the port's gate or walls are so i'm going to wing it all and say it's at least 10 feet and a pony wall 4 feet high to keep people from falling off.
Also... I don't know if Laguz speak in beast form.. don't remember if it's telepathically with other laguz or if it's actual words... I'm unsure...

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