• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 | applications



falling for you™
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


    created by social






coded by social (inspo cred. mortemdocs)

Full Name:
Nicknames: Optional
Age: 20+ (Guards are 23+)
Magic: Do they have magic? How does this present? (this can range from minor healing to conjuring flames to a certain extent. Do NOT make the character extremely powerful, it will cause an imbalance and put more stress on me to correct it. If you would like help, please privately contact me. Do not double up on magic types.)
House. What house are they from (FOR NOBLES ONLY! Refer to the Houses on tab 3)
Role: See tab 3 for available roles! (Please PM me for additional information about any role. For the Prince of Vashil, there is information as to why he married into the family.)

Distinguishing Features:
Face Claim: If using one.
Description: If you are not using a face claim, there is a two-paragraph requirement for a physical description of your character! Include whatever you'd like!

Personal Items
Weapon: If they are a guard, this is mandatory. Optional for nobles and royals (if your character would use one. Feel free to list what they are, what they look like, how they got it, etc.)
Dragon: Optional (if your character has one. Feel free to write about their personality, appearance, how they got it, etc. Depending on where the dragon is from will affect the way they look! FCs or art are NOT required or expected.)
Notable Items: Optional (if your character has any notable items on their person that set them apart [ie. special necklace, book, weapon, etc])

Likes: 4+
Dislikes: 4+
Fears: 2+

Strengths: 3+
Weaknesses: 3+

Vices/Virtues: 3+ each with one sentence explaining how it shows in your character's personality, or you can write out a personality in paragraph form!

Character Questions (Royals Only)
How do they feel about the wedding? (Though the roleplay will start before the wedding's tragedy, I still want their opinion on it!)
How do they feel about arranged marriages? Will they go through with one?
What are their thoughts about other countries/continents aiming for the throne?
Are they loyal to the crown?
How do they feel about this war? (The roleplay will start before the war begins but I still want to know how they feel about this war)

Character Questions (Nobles Only)
How do they feel about the wedding? (Though the roleplay will start before the wedding's tragedy, I still want their opinion on it!)
What do they think of the royals?
Have they aligned with the crown? Or do they support those outside of Nordua?
Do they have any interest in the throne?
What are their feelings on arranged marriages?
How do they feel about this war? (The roleplay will start before the war begins but I still want to know how they feel about this war)

Character Questions (Guards Only)
When did they become part of the royal guard?
How do they feel about the wedding tragedy? (Although the roleplay will start before the wedding, I still want their opinions!)
Have they been involved in previous wars?
How do they feel about the royals and nobles?
How do they feel about this war? (The roleplay will start before the war begins but I still want to know how they feel about this war)

History: Give a brief overview of your character's history from childhood to the present! (a two-paragraph minimum)
Family: Optional (you can list your character's family members and their connections to them)
Relationships: Any important relationships that are worth mentioning (not other player characters yet)

Additional Information
Feel free to add anything to the sheet that you feel is important for your character! If you have any questions feel free to PM me or tag me in the OOC! Happy character creating~


Welcome to 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝! This is not first-come-first-serve, meaning you will be accepted via PM if I feel your character is a good fit. If you do not receive an invite by the time I specify, that means your character has not been accepted. Please do not reach out asking how to get accepted into the roleplay because this defeats the purpose of it being acceptance-based. Please remember that if you do not get in it is nothing personal, it simply is due to the fact I did not feel the character fit the roleplay. That is the only reason. Discord is required for this roleplay as it will be our ooc/lore since it's far easier for me to keep track there. This roleplay also has an 18+ rule as I simply do not feel comfortable with having minors in this roleplay. Please read through the specific character sheet rules. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Please Note: Familial connections between the royals do not have to be first cousins and things of that sort if you do not want them to be. This is especially true for those wanting to possibly ship their characters. We don't have to pull a GOT or HOTD unless you really want to.

Roleplay Rules.
• This roleplay is 18+!
• You are allowed only one heir if you are applying for multiple characters
• More roles may be added but for now, this is all that will be available.
• Currently keeping everyone who is applying at a two-character limit. This will change after being accepted.
• Do not harass anyone over roles or face claims
• Upon acceptance, arranged marriages between royals and nobles will happen but that does not mean the characters have to be considered romantically involved.
• KEEP THINGS EVEN. I do not want all heirs to be fem, all guards to be fem, and then like two masc characters. Please please count before applying. Sorry! Diversity people! Balance it out!
• If you need an extension CONTACT ME. If you do not contact me about an extension, none will be provided.
• This is NOT first come first serve
• No OP characters or dragons. This will be an immediate disqualification for the roleplay
• Realistic face claims or detailed descriptions will be allowed!
• Please keep characters balanced.
• All of RPN's rules apply

Available Noble Houses.
Tun — House Harringlor, House Ackles, and House Vaelor.
Nireath — House Galarius, House Dragen, and House Celaleos.
Araes — House Tartigar, House Caleris, and House Blackmont.
Rhaeclya — House Doreris, House Veltalor, and House Aertheos.

Available Roles.
The Forgotten Spare: 0/1 — Back when they were younger, they were the other possible contender for the throne. They had ambitions for it and they thought that they were the perfect one for the job. But then the Heir was named and they were cast to the side. Anger and frustration seemed to bubble up inside of them and caused them to distance themselves from the Heir as they did not find them fit to occupy the throne. Now, years have passed and those residual feelings may still be lingering, especially with all this talk of usurping the throne. (Royal)

The Rumored Bastard: 0/1 — A member of the royal family and a child of the current rulers, but there are whispers within the castle walls that they are a bastard, and that the King couldn't have any more children. These rumors have haunted them for years so they have tried their best to stay out of the limelight. Because of this, they have suppressed themselves and have not shown off their true colors. Their questions about their parentage have once again started to come to the surface and it is rather unsettling for them. (Royal)

The Rebellious Royal: 0/1 — Since their childhood, they have always pushed back against the rules and regulations that come with being a royal. They never agreed with it. It was always stifling and they wanted more out of life. At the first chance they got, they tried to break free, to run across Nordua and discover a world outside of politics and dances. But this rebellious phase has been forced to come to an end as they have been dragged back to the capital in order to have an arranged marriage, once again trapping them in the world they have rejected. (Royal)

The Fox of Rhaeclya: 0/1 — They have always tried to get involved in everyone's business within the royal family, their whispered words and mischievous glances always getting connected to drama and bad luck. They seem to get great joy out of toying with the royals and ultimately are out to save their own skin rather than the crown. A fox in a hen house, they have abused their power many times in order to get the information they want or orchestrate situations that would shine a poor light on their most recent victim. (Royal)

The New Arrival: 0/1 — Shortly before the wedding commenced, they arrived in the capital from outside of Rhaeclya, a stranger to court and ultimately many within the royal family. Whispers about where they came from and who their parents are have started to pop up around the castle and it seems like it has been pushing them to the outside. Now they haven't done anything wrong, but their presence is new and is ultimately distracting as nobody knows what they want after all this time. (Royal)

The Exiled: 1/1 — They were cast out to a remote location within Nordua over eight years ago due to their temperament and desire for the throne. They were pushed away and told to reflect, to enjoy their own castle and solitude where they could do no harm. Now almost a decade later they have returned and it seems they have matured considerably. Offering their support to the crown, they have been a model royal, but nobody knows what is going on behind that mask. (Royal)

The Heir of Castle Mirkworth: 0/1 — The oldest child of the current Lord of Mirkworth, they are actively preparing for the day that they will be in charge of this castle and will raise their banners in support of the crown. Being the closest castle to Rheaclya's capital, they mostly grew up around the royal family and consider them quite close as both families have married each other over the years. They are dedicated to their House and plan to push it to greatness when they inherit. (Noble of Rhaeclya)

The Heir of the Stormstrong Keep: 0/1 — The next to inherit the Stormstrong Keep, they are quite nervous about what will happen when they take it over. After all, they have been enjoying their independence, going around Nordua, offering counsel to lords and ladies, and entertaining members of the royal family. But now, that may come to an end sooner than later. They have been actively avoiding their future and instead have been talking about dreams of running away and never coming back. (Noble of Rhaeclya)

The Heir of Castle Winterstone: 0/1 — The heart of Tun, this noble family is known for their stoic expressions and strong morals. They tend to be the most politically involved and their heir is just as interested. They often have traveled to Rhaeclya in order to have a council with the royals and advocate for their mountain home. They are very brave and intelligent, able to fend for themselves even if they are outnumbered. Not one to be underestimated, they are a very valuable prize for a marriage. (Noble of Tun)

The Heir of Castle Stormbringer: 0/1 — The sister castle of the Stormstrong Keep, they have had close ties with Rhaeclya's nobility since the royals built the castle. While they no longer populate it, the current heir of the castle has always been fascinated with the royals. Per their country's well-known personality, they are often seen cozying up to royals, as if trying to get their claws into one and secure their tie to the crown. (Noble of Nireath)

The Heir of the Diamond Crest Tower: 0/1 — Well-known for their sharp and impenetrable armor, the nobles that populate this keep are often involved with the military and conflicts that Nordua finds itself in. The heir is in charge of their own small group of soldiers that patrol Araes, keeping it safe and clean from any blemishes that may tarnish its reputation. The Heir is a bit of a perfectionist and this can cause their personality to be a bit rough around the edges. (Noble of Araes)

The Heir of the Fallen Star: 0/1 — A house that is desperate to keep up a facade, they have been pushing responsibilities onto their heir's shoulders, hoping that they will be the key to fixing everything. Falling from the graces of the royal family isn't easily forgotten, and so for years, there has been constant damage control. Despite the fact that Araes is incredibly wealthy, the opinions of the crown are worth more than any gemstone. Will the heir be able to fix this broken reputation? Only time will tell. (Noble of Araes)

The Guards of Rhaeclya: 0/4 — The best of the best, they work in the capital of Rhaeclya and defend those within the royal family. They are extremely skilled in combat and have been training for this position for years. They usually alternate between patrolling the city and protecting the royals, depending on what the occasion calls for.

The Guards of Tun: 0/4 — They are warriors of Tun, strong and bold, but they are also guards of the current heirs of the noble houses. They take great care of the heirs and do their best to keep them alive and untouched by the wars beyond Nordua's borders.

The Guards of Nireath: 0/4 — While they may not be as strong and imposing as those from Tun, they are resourceful and ambitious guards who know how to win a war when push comes to shove. They are currently guarding the heirs from Nireath's noble houses and take great pride in this job.

The Guards of Araes: 0/4 — The glittering city has nothing on the guards that patrol the streets. Their steel is bright and their armor is blinding, always perfect to look at. It's not surprising that they are the most eye-catching of the guards as they work for the noble houses, protecting the heirs and ensuring the survival of the bloodlines.
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    Basics —
    title. daenara velaeris, princess of [castle here], heir to the dragonfire throne
    full name. daenara melys velaeris
    nicknames. nara (family members use this), the dragon princess, the heart of rhaeclya, the dragon of nordua, the realm's princess
    age. thirty-one
    gender. female, she/her
    sexuality. unlabeled
    role. the heir of rhaeclya

    magic. nullification
    ( this allows the user to temporarily nullify magic from another user. they must make direct contact with a magic user who has active magic. their magic will be unable to be used for a minimum of one minute but this can increase if the user continues to maintain contact. when this is used one someone, the target will feel rather cold and tired, as if they are ill. this is due to them forcing their magic to become dormant, which is ultimately uncomfortable for someone. the drawback to this magic is the physical toll it takes on its user. nose bleeds and a loss of consciousness can occur. it is only able to be applied to one target at a time so until the initial block wears off, the user cannot nullify other magic. )

    Appearance —
    height. 5'7"
    hair. platinum blonde
    eyes. bright blue
    modifications. ear piercings
    scars. various scars, the most notable being on her left forearm and across her right thigh
    distinguishing features. striking eyes, roman nose, defined cupid's bow, cleft chin, freckles, gummy smile, defined philtrum

    style. she tends to dress quite elegantly and in a style that shows off her position and wealth, usually getting custom pieces created before events or public appearances. she takes great pride in her appearance and refuses to be seen in a light that is not fitting for the heir and a royal in general. she likes to pay tribute to her connection to her dragon and often has her dragon's design interwoven into her garments or jewelry, a subtle yet impactful choice.
    face claim. emma d'arcy

    Personal Items —
    weapons. dagger | a knife that was made for her shortly after her birth, the kris dagger has a unique blade pattern in order to inflict more damage when used on her opponents. as this was a gift for the heir of rhaeclya, it has a dragon motif, causing the hilt to be that of a golden dragon. on the blade itself, hidden etchings of phrases and prayers for her protection are there, having been provided by her parents. she wears this regularly due to the fact she worries about someone seeking to harm her or her family.

    personal items. amulet | an amulet that was crafted for daenara's worship of the gods, each side has a different symbol for the two gods that are her patrons. the two gods are athys and imaela, carved into steel and gold of the highest quality. she often wears this beneath her clothes in order to keep them close to her.

    Dragon Information —
    name. marrax, the flame of the south, protector of the skies
    age. thirty-one
    sex. female
    notable features. spikes line the sides of her neck, a lot of horns and spikes on her head, old norduan runes and blessings etched in her horns
    art. 01 02 03

    description. a large dragon for rhaeclya, her scales are a mix of brown and burnt orange, with streaks of black, her eyes bright and piercing red with a halo of orange. a large crest of horns decorates her skull, with carvings of runes and phrases long since stretched and faded due to her aging and growing larger. while somewhat unremarkable in color, she seems to come to life when breathing fire, the pure brightness of her flames causes her scales to glow in her neck and face, a trait not often observed in these creatures. spikes line her neck, body, and legs, making it difficult to properly bite her due to the damage it will do to her attacker. her saddle and riding attire is quite extravagant compared to many others, the gold and red equipment reflecting her bond with her rider and their intertwined souls.

    personality. though tame with her rider at her side, marrax is well-known for her ruthless and aggressive nature to those she is unfamiliar with. teeth barred and fire building in the back of her throat, she is often only in the company of select dragons she has a relationship with. she was bred for war, her parents being prolific mounts of military legends, meaning that war and violence entwined with her dna. her relationship with daenara is very close, often called a complete soul bond by the dragonkeepers, marrax can feel the emotions of her rider and will often react accordingly. if she senses her in danger, the beast will often go to her side to protect her, desperate to keep her rider alive. it is often assumed that marrax will never take another rider when daenara eventually passes. her attachment to her rider can be extended to those closest with the princess, including those within her family and any children she has.

    Personality —
    likes. flying, exploring, reading, learning new languages, her family, new clothes, dancing, succeeding, protecting loved ones, dragons, books, artwork, music

    dislikes. explaining herself, disloyalty, betrayal, funerals, grief, death, being alone, losing family members, dragons dying, feeling incompetent, her injuries, feeling useless

    fears. losing her family, her children dying, losing her dragon, dying due to betrayal

    strengths. political knowledge, dragon-riding, intellect, public speaking
    weaknesses. physical combat, staying impartial all the time, her temper, her family

    vices. not a woman above anger, she can be dangerous to interact with, her words cutting sharper than any blade she could wield. while she has been taught to hold this back behind a respectful smile, she cannot always hold it back. her emotions are intense and she feels them all the time, especially when it concerns passions or loved ones. she can lack mercy or understanding for those who have betrayed her or a loved one, as she holds grudges like no other. though in a powerful position, she is quite insecure and can be paranoid about those who choose to befriend her or get within her good graces as she fears they may be looking to displace her. she will not hesitate to abandon or punish those who are disloyal, unreliable, and ultimately a liability for her. this lack of remorse can cause people to be fearful of her wrath and any ill-opinion she may hold towards them.

    virtues. incredibly charming and witty, her presence within nordua is beloved, much like that of her mother. she is known for her kind smile and helping hand, always looking to make things better for the people she plans to serve and lead in the future. her gentle nature can be observed when she is with her children, always protecting and loving them fiercely. she does not abandon loved ones and will fight to the death to protect them. she is loyal and understanding, but she is not naive enough to believe that everyone has her best interests at heart. she is a strong leader and can captivate armies and raging crowds with her words alone. she is perceptive and intelligent, having been raised since birth to be the future of her kingdom. she is in charge of various areas within rhaeclya as a way to help train her for her future as queen.

    Character Questions —
    how do they feel about the wedding?
    tears seem to form in those icy eyes as her fingers grip the fabric of her clothing tightly, a subtle expression of rage evident on her fair features. "this wedding will never be forgotten as it took the life of my beloved younger sister. i will not forgive those who have robbed me of such a sweet girl."

    how do they feel about arranged marriages?
    "i understand that they are part of our culture and necessary as a royal. i entered one when i was only 19 years old and so i am familiar with how they work."

    what are their thoughts about other countries/continents aiming for the throne?
    "my kingdom has always been envied and desired by those who want power and dragons. but rhaeclya and nordua will not bend the knee to thieves and tyrants."

    are they loyal to the crown?
    "i am the future of the crown. i will do anything to uphold its legacy and protect it."

    how do they feel about this war?
    "there is no stopping it. it is a fitting punishment for those who would harm us unprovoked."

    Background —
    history. the warm summer sun was high in the sky when strong cries broke through the castle. tears of joy and excitement left queen aella as she pulled her healthy baby to her chest, holding her tightly, overjoyed by her arrival. daenara was everything that the king and queen wished for. after years of trying for a child, they were blessed with a strong baby who could one day lead their people into a new age of peace. after her birth, a brilliant golden egg was placed within her cradle, and her parents could only hope that it would hatch alongside their daughter.

    from the beginning, daenara was a spoiled child, constantly doted on by her parents and servants. the maesters taught her faithfully, which was easy as she was enthralled by history and languages. nobody could wish for a better princess of the realm. she had successfully hatched a dragon when she was just a babe, and she excelled in every area of study, including languages, combat, and dragon handling/riding. this caused her to be well thought of by everyone at court and within the royal family, or at least most of the royal family. she was competing for the throne and many knew it. while it seemed to make sense she would inherit, there had been so many conversations prior to her birth about naming someone else that it made sense to some that she would not become the heir.

    her parents never informed her of this and continued to teach her how to become a successful princess and ruler, learning humility and grace, alongside a stern hand and composed heart. the arrival of her siblings was an exciting time for daenara, especially when the youngest girl was born. maeryn seemed to light up the princess’ world as soon as she laid eyes on her, a small present in hand. from the get-go, daenara doted on her younger sister and actively protected her, even from something as simple as a stumble in the training yard. their friendship was deep and precious to both of them. a few years following maeryn’s birth, daenara was officially named and crowned the heir of the dragonfire throne. a huge celebration took place in her honor, all of the realm coming together to bend the knee and swear their loyalty and obeisance to her.

    after being named, daenara quickly learned she had to truly lead her people and also protect herself. at just 14 years old, she was remarked as one of the most skilled dragon riders of her time, though this was unsurprising to her parents who watched her claim her cradle dragon on her eighth name-day. she took an active role as her father’s cupbearer and gave her opinions in the small court when they were asked, and was an envoy for her parents, establishing relationships between noble houses and the crown. she did everything right and never complained. she learned how to fight, knowing that there would be situations where she would be unguarded. while she was not the best fighter in the realm, she was able to hold her end and strike down enemies that approached her.

    this training and dedication caused her parents to decide to marry her early so that she would look even more complete to the realm. after her 19th nameday, she was betrothed to cassian celaleos, a well-known and accomplished nobleman of rhaeclya. their wedding celebrations lasted ten days and were quite the spectacle. however, she had little interest in becoming a mother at such a young age, causing the pair to not only develop a friendship but also a relationship from a military standpoint. together they flew into battle and brought down their foes, securing the safety of the realm over and over again. it was not until she was 24 years old that she became pregnant with their first child, vaerys celaleos. he was born when she was 25 years old and his arrival was unlike what she experienced with witnessing maeryn’s arrival. no, this was different. a pure love that was woven deep into her soul, carefully protected and nurtured.

    it was clear that daenara was a warrior, leader, and future of the crown, but above all else, she was a mother. her love and devotion to her child was akin to that of her mother, ultimately softening the hearts of her subjects who watched them in awe. shortly after vaerys turned one, she found herself pregnant with twins. the pregnancy wasn’t easy but she was not bedridden. their birth was successful and well celebrated. the pair decided to allow her time to rest and see if she would want children later on. years passed and soon the letter it carried informed her of the death of her husband, having fallen in battle across the sea. this utterly rocked daenara’s world and she found herself clinging to her three children tightly. she had long since stopped fighting in war unless it was necessary, and she focused on raising her children. her throne was waiting for her, but for the safety of her family, she knew that she needed to preserve it.

    this way of living did not disappoint her and instead allowed her to spend time with loved ones, both family and friends. she was also excited for her younger sister who had been betrothed to a prince of vashil, a long-standing ally of nordua. her happiness for her sister seemed to blind daenara to any anxieties she may have had.

    family. immediate family only
    Queen Aella Velaeris
    Mother — Alive — Played by Naomi Watts

    a queen beloved by all, she is what holds the continent together. her gentle smiles and kind words soothe even the harshest burns while her intellect leads her bannermen to victory on the battlefield. she is the standard that all royals strive to achieve, and as a mother she is just as talented. her firstborn, daenara, was always a cherished gift, one delivered after a long and draining pregnancy. the two have always been close, aella often taking her daughter out on dragon back, allowing her to explore the heavens before she was able to ride her own mount. this closeness only deepened as daenara aged and more responsibilities fell upon her shoulders. aella taught her how to handle it with dignity and grace, to keep her from falling to ruin from stress or power. since the death of her youngest child, aella has grown even more protective of daenara and does not like to see her in harm's way.

    King Corrys Velaeris
    Father — Alive — Played by Adam Levy

    a king who was unable to rule without those opposing his kingdom, he often spent daenara's childhood in a war council, only seeing his eldest child when she was bearing cups for the lords and ladies, quietly listening to their plans and ideas. but still, he remained an affectionate parent and was considered to be a great king, always protecting and leading his people with a steady hand. he had rules for his heir and expected a lot from daenara from the moment he named her his successor. he has been meticulously preparing her for her ascension to the throne, especially with war on the horizon.

    Princess Maeryn Velaeris
    Younger Sister — Deceased — Played by Freya Allan

    daenara's youngest sibling and a dear companion of hers. since her birth, the heir was always by her side, often picking her up from the ground and dusting off her dress, encouraging her to continue doing whatever it was she wanted. she taught maeryn how to defend herself and how to ride both horses and dragons, always wanting to keep her beloved sister safe. their close friendship was greatly reflected in maeryn's marriage prospects as daenara had opinions on every suitor who pursued her sister. it was with deep regret that she agreed a match with vashil would be beneficial and since maeryn's death, rage, hate, and vengeance have consumed daenara's soul.

    Lord Cassian Celaleos
    Husband — Deceased — Played by Orlando Bloom

    she married cassian at the young age of 19, a decision made by her parents to strengthen her position to the other royals. he was a kind but quiet man, much more interested in battles and protecting the name of his house. but he did not complain about being married to the future queen of nordua, it would give him a lot of power. their relationship was a mutual understanding, though daenara did not love him like a husband. he was her ally and provided her with heirs when she needed them. this was what worked for them and for a time, that's all she needed. but when she learned of cassian's death, daenara felt a deep pain in her heart, and it was then that she realized he was much dearer to her than she let on.

    Prince Vaerys Celaleos
    Son — Alive — Played by Harvey Sadler

    her oldest son, he is only six years old and the light of her life. they are incredibly close as he was a rather sickly baby and quickly became attached to his mother. he is always holding onto her and trailing after her, interested in whatever she is doing. he often asks for her to take him on dragon rides as his dragon is still far too young to be ridden. he is desperate to please his mother and does his best to be well-behaved. still, despite his young age, he stands up for his mother and family, not hesitating to yell at people who throw insults their way.

    Prince Malyx Celaleos
    Son — Alive — Played by Oscar Eskinazi

    the younger twin, malyx is quite a shy child and tends to be quiet and withdrawn when in public. he mainly stays close to his siblings or his mother, not wanting to be alone for long. though quite intelligent, he does his best not to attract attention. his relationship with his sister is a close one and he can often be seen playing with her, no matter what game she wants to play. he loves to spend time with daenara, though he is a little hesitant about riding a dragon. he enjoys playing with his mother's hair and will often do this when in the privacy of the family's chambers.

    Princess Maella Celaleos
    Daughter — Alive — Played by Billie Gadsdoni

    the older twin and her only daughter, maella is a precious reminder of daenara's now deceased sister. bright and sociable, she enjoys drawing attention to herself and her family, always boasting about what marvelous things they have done. this could be simply perfecting a language lesson or winning in a practice sword fight. still, maella will brag and talk proudly about her family, and defend them if she hears people saying rude things. she does get overprotective of her younger brother and has gotten into fights with other royal or noble children because of it. like her brothers, she is close to her mother and wants to grow up to be like her one day.

    Additional Information —
    while she worships all eight gods, she often finds herself at the alters of ayths and imaela. due to injuries sustained during the wedding, she is unable to properly fight as her arm and leg have some nerve and muscle damage. she has since refrained and only engages in dragon combat. she is skilled at horseback riding and combat, but due to no longer being able to fight, she does not train as much with combat. incredibly fluent in old norduan, common, and three additional languages.
    coded by social (middle scrolls)
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Whatever you do, do it well.

Walt Disney

heir of starmark keep


full name

Illysia Honora Celaleos






Cis Female






The Heir of Starmark Keep

La petite fille de la mer







Dark Brown




None of note


Standard ear piercings


Sai Bennett




✿ Short Tempered: It does not take much to make Illysia angry. While she doesn’t get angry for no reason, it is quite easy to push the right buttons.
✿ Nosy: Illysia likes to know what is going on around her and often will pry into things that are not her business. She doesn’t necessarily spread this information but she wants it for herself.
✿ Secretive: She is not a liar, but Illysia keeps her true thoughts and her information close to her chest. She may frequently deflect from telling the truth, but will be honest when necessary.
✿ Judgmental: Illysia will judge others that don’t meet her ideals or expectations. She won’t always voice her criticism, but it certainly plays into how she views others.
✿ Stubborn: It is very difficult to change Illysia’s mind. It would take hard evidence for her to admit she was wrong.


✿ Adaptable: Illysia is easily able to adjust herself to whatever circumstances she finds herself in. While she is stubborn with her ideals, she can often either work them to suit a situation or she will reluctantly adjust her attitudes.
✿ Perceptive: With a keen eye, Illysia is quick to pick up on the little details. If she’s lucky, she can pick up on information that is useful to her.
✿ Charming: She is quite sociable and pleasant to speak to. She does well with public speaking and can get along with people quite easily, even if she doesn’t necessarily have positive feelings towards them.
✿ Loyal: Illysia is devoted to her loved ones and would never betray them. It would take a significant betrayal for her to turn her back on someone she cares about.
✿ Confident: Secure in herself, Illysia sees no reason to be anything but herself. She knows she’s in for a challenge but feels she can succeed.


Reading people, public speaking, adaptable, close combat


Inexperienced, quick to anger, physical strength, admitting fault


Clear nights, reading, traveling, the sea breeze, wine, flying, collecting shells and rocks, star gazing, dancing, thunderstorms


The cold, bitter foods, drama, death, war, silence, sunburns, feeling restrained, being deceived, fighting


Losing more loved ones, betrayal, failing at her duties



Alaric and Enid Celaleos, Lord and Lady of Starmark Keep, were very lucky to have a male heir for their first child. Cassian was a lively and healthy baby. A fortune teller, who read the stars, predicted that he would be a strong and successful heir. The couple were overjoyed and provided him with all the lessons and tools to prepare him for his duty. Four years later, they welcomed their second child. They named their daughter Illysia.

She was given lessons in history, languages, dancing, and everything needed to make her a desirable match for marriage. Since she was not inheriting the Keep, they wanted her to make the best match she could to ensure a position equal to or better than she was born into. Many of these lessons overlapped with Cassian’s, so the pair spent quite a bit of time together.

When Illysia was eleven, there was a close call with a pickpocket that got aggressive when caught. After that incident, Cassian decided to teach Illysia how to defend herself physically. He taught both hand-to-hand combat and close combat with both a sword and a dagger. Illysia wasn’t trained to be perfect, but to fight dirty and to do what she could to keep herself alive if there was ever a situation where she was in danger. It was in these lessons that the siblings became very close.

At twenty, Illysia's parents arranged a marriage for her with the eldest son of another noble family in Nireath named Tristan Emeric. They had met a few times, though they did not spend any significant amount of time together as both families were engaged with their own duties.

Once he came of age, Cassian would go off to battle. He believed it was his duty to defend the throne. He had a dragon, Scylla, so he was usually above the chaos and not in it. Each time he went away, he came back. He may have been a bit worse for the wear, but he would heal in time. That’s why Illysia wasn’t too worried when he went off to battle for the last time. Of course, she did worry, but she knew he’d come back.

Illysia wasn’t wrong. Cassian did come back. But this time was very, very different. Scylla had brought Cassian’s body back after he was killed in battle. She gently placed his body in the courtyard.

Illysia would never forget the sound of her mother’s screams echoing throughout Starmark Keep. Illysia helped wash and prepare Cassian’s body for his funeral. It was her final act as a sister.

Once the funeral concluded, it dawned on Illysia that she was now the heir of Starmark Keep. She vowed to continue Cassian’s legacy. Not only did she inherit her brother’s title, but she also inherited his dragon. The pair bonded in their shared grief.

Shortly after Cassian's funeral, the family received word that Tristan was killed in the same battle. Now Illysia was left with no brother, no engagement, and a new title that she was not prepared for. She intends to follow in Cassian's footsteps, but she feels she has very big shoes to fill.





Alaric Celaleos

Alaric’s relationship with his daughter has shifted significantly since Cassian’s death. He has become her mentor now that she is heir. While the pair were on good terms before Illysia became heir, they've grown closer as they have spent more time together.

Enid Celaleos

Despite once being very close, currently, Illysia’s relationship with her mother is very strained. Neither wants it to be that way, but with the grief from losing Cassian, they have grown apart. They don't know how to speak with each other without upsetting the other. Enid doesn't want to talk about Cassian as it hurts too much, but Illysia feels more connected to her brother when talking about him.

Cassian Celaleos

Cassian and Illysia were very close despite their four-year age difference. She was like his shadow, following him around and looking up to him. They’d often spend time on the beach together or he’d take her for rides on Scylla. His death completely devastated Illysia. Talking about him makes her feel closer to him. She enjoys spending time with his children.

Tristan Emeric

Tristan and Illysia's marriage was arranged when they were twenty. Because of various battles and obligations, the pair had not had a chance to get married, let alone spend time together. The pair had only met each other two or three times. Unfortunately, Tristan was killed two years ago in the same battle where Cassian died. Illysia is, of course, saddened by his death, however, she did not truly know him very well.




✿ Scylla: Scylla is long and serpentine with scales of oceanic blues and greens, completely camouflaging her underwater. She has sharp gray eyes that are surrounded by silver scales. Her horns are on the smaller side, though not unusually. Like all dragons from Nireath, she is very fast, though she is not used for racing. She is a protective and loyal dragon, choosing to bond with someone connected to Cassian. She can be quite social with the other dragons but is quick to abandon them for her rider.


✿ Emotional Attunement: Illysia can read another person’s current emotions if she has physical skin-to-skin contact with them. Of course, she cannot read minds or know exactly what another person’s thoughts are, nor can she change their emotions.

Personal Items

Rapier: Illysia never joins in on combat, however, she does have her own rapier she keeps in her bedroom should there ever be intruders. She is familiar with how to use it, though her sword skills are not perfect.

Dagger: This was a gift from Cassian. Illysia always has it hidden on her person should she ever need to use it. She fights dirty and would not hesitate to use it if she feels threatened.

Ring: Illysia has a gold ring with a blue topaz stone that she always wears on her right index finger. It was a gift from her parents when she came of age.


How do they feel about the wedding?
"I do not have words to describe how horrible it was. It will forever be burned into my memories. It was an attack on the crown and Nordua as a whole. The princess didn't deserve such a fate."

What do they think of the royals?
"Well, it depends on the individual. But, as a whole, I take no issue with them."

Have they aligned with the crown? Or do they support those outside of Nordua?
"My brother died defending the crown and Nordua. I will not dishonor his sacrifice by siding against the crown."

Do they have any interest in the throne?
"No. I have enough to handle as it is."

What are their feelings on arranged marriages?
"Arranged marriages are a fact of life. There's nothing to gain by wishing for anything else. I had an arrangement made, but unfortunately my betrothed was killed in the same battle as Cassian."

How do they feel about this war?
"War sickens me. So much pointless death and destruction. However, actions have consequences and some things cannot be forgiven or worked out."

♡coded by uxie♡
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the royal gem.

the people's princess, the youngest & only daughter of Valli, the ingenue princess

  • requisite.

    full name

    aaleahya saira valli




    cisfemale (she/her)




    calming touch


    the royal gem


    leahya (lay-ah) - by family & close friends, saira - by friends/acquaintances

    name pronounciation

    ah-lee-ah or ah-lay-ah, sigh-ra, v-uh-lee




    165cm / 5'5"


    brown, wavy



    distinguishing features

    mesmerizing eyes, full lips, inviting smile, overall doll-like features




    ears and nose piercings


    on the rare days that she has the freedom to dress as she wishes, Leahya prefers simpler attires: plain, unflashy fabrics and little to no jewelry, even to the point of being indiscernible from the commonfolk. dressing ostentatiously would not be her first choice, though she's learned to accept that it's just one of the things she must do. it used to be bad to the point where her mother had to prep the outfits she was to wear daily. in her opinion (that she's never spoken aloud), glistening like a gilded peacock is simply unnecessary and quite obnoxious; and the weight of them on her head, neck, and hands could feel like shackles.


    aishwarya rai

♡coded by uxie♡



the protector of the crown.

"I swear to ward the future queen, with all my strength, and give my blood for hers."

  • requisite.

    full name

    krish mahavir valli




    cismale (he/him)


    (closeted) bi


    danger sense


    the protector of the crown


    the berserker

    reason for nickname

    while he holds a chilled demeanor in court, it is said he is akin to a beast filled with fury in battle.




    183cm / 6'


    dark brown, wavy


    honey brown

    distinguishing features

    full lips, muscular physique, septum piercing, permanently furrowed eyebrows, brooding eyes


    many, all over


    ears and nose piercings


    ever since he's taken the ranks, it's like his armor's fused with him. outside of that, he dresses like every part the royal he is. not to stand out, just enough to fit in, he likes to add his own flair by making things not too perfect. mismatched jewelry, older style of clothing, one button unbuttoned, etc.


    mihir joglekar

♡coded by uxie♡
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© weldherwings.

the Noble .

Heiress of Dragon's Roost.

Nadja Verltarol .

“Tell me, tutor,' I said. 'Is revenge a science, or an art?” - Mark Lawrence

the basics.

Nadja Verltarol.
date of birth
13nd December
The Heiress of Dragon's Roost

the visage.

173 cm
56 kg / 162 lbs
medium-length, pitch-black strands
brown, icy
missing ring finger on her left hand, masked with an elaborate iron claw
Reptilian Gaze - The user's gaze emits an oppressive aura and may intimidate selected creatures within their sight, making the user’s presence their sole focus. In battle, this ability prevents the target from moving away from the user for 10 seconds.
face claim
Davika Hoorne

With dark brown eyes that belied a halo of black strands cut short below her ears, Nadja exudes a quiet confidence that might be a little intimidating to some. A constellation of scars criss-crossed her body, and many whispered the tale of how she lost the finger on her right hand. Most are exaggerated, but she doesn’t mind the myth that starts to build around it.

Outside of the battlefield, the Heiress brandishes a dangling, elaborate ear cuff on her left ear to soften her harsh edges of her jawline. Abandoning the normal tradition to wear a gown, she chose to don a set of formal armor in her family’s color instead, displaying badges of her military accomplishment and only very rarely choose to settle into a skirt.

the beginning of the end.

the personality.

Nadja cloaked herself in a coat spun out of tales weaved by bards and poets, who sung the tales of valorous deeds of the Dragon's Roost and of herself in battlefield. "Let the masses form their own opinions through our actions," she often declares, though underneath the song and dance, it was her hand that occasionally gifted the gold to steer public perception of herself and her domain. Ambitious, cautious, and exceedingly loyal, Nadja refuses to leave anything to chance. With an easy smile and stubborn determination, she prefers to take matters into her own hands; taking control of her fate and the outcomes around her.

Despite the standard that she holds to herself, she often finds herself exhausted by the burden she chooses to undertake rather than delegate. She can be overly critical who does not meet her high standards, and with how close she tends to isolate herself emotionally, it is a test of mettle to truly form a long-lasting friendship with her. The princess’s death particularly drove her to the edge, brimming with vengeance from the depths of her soul and swore that it shall be served as cold as the marble where she lay dead.

With the whispers of wars looming just above her head, she can’t help but to wonder – will she get out on the right side of history?

/* ------ Strength ------ */]Strength.


Her numerous scars and military badges attest to her prowess in combat and her ability to survive and thrive in hostile environments.


Both physically and mentally tough, Nadjai can endure hardships and bounce back from setbacks.

Strategic Mind

Nadja's cautious nature ensures that she is always prepared, making her a formidable tactician


Emotional Guardedness

Her tendency to keep her emotions hidden can prevent her from forming deep, meaningful relationships.

Resistance to Change

Nadja’s adherence to her own ways and the family legacy can make her resistant to new ideas and approaches.


Her high standards can lead to harsh judgments of those who do not meet her expectations, potentially causing friction with others if she didn't watch her tongue.


a day out in the city, a morning tea before exercises, card games, weapon maintenance


ships, stinks, sweet drinks, doing nothing


losing control, betrayal, .

the history.

Nadja’s tale begins in the heart of Dragon’s Roost, where the sparkling sea and bustling port served as the backdrop of the rigorous training regime that defined her early years. From childhood, her parents brought her aboard their grand warships, teaching her early that the opulent silk they wore also served as the whip which upholds Rhaeclya's grace in the sea. Her father often likened the rolling waves around them to a pool of milk, a nod to the great abundance that blessed the trade and fishery sector of their region. Yet, not all winds bring good tidings. Abundance brings with it a fair share of flies. To purge them and to protect what’s theirs, it was sometimes necessary to paint the sea in the color of red; sometimes with the blood of their enemies, sometimes with their own, paid as the cost of their ambitions.

The Sea’s Tribute, it was called by their family, for blessings never come without a price. Conflicts often come knocking down their door, be it a squabble among neighborhoods or an all out war with pirates and forces seeking to seize control of their portion of sea. Death was a familiar companion, for their battles, though not always grand in scale, were relentless. A life lost is a life still, and to the Sea’s Tribute, Nadja also lost both of her parents.

As Nadja was only 13 at the time, her uncle swiftly assumed the role of her guardian until she reached the age of inheritance. In the shadow of her grief, she immersed herself in a whirlwind of training sessions, from combat drills to courtly etiquettes, from dragon riding to ballroom dancing. Expectations multiplied, weighing heavily on her shoulders, and she was determined to excel. "No rest for the wicked", they said, as she forcefully pushed her limit with each passing days. Half an hour becomes an hour, and an hour becomes two. Initially, her body protested. Gradually, she began to understand the bruises, of the limitation of her cage of flesh, of when to push and when to stop through countless trial and not-so-gentle errors. This grueling regimen continued on for years, shaping her into a formidable force.

Amidst this relentless training, her uncle often involved her in his business as the temporary head of the family. The weight of shared expectations might be the thread that initially drew Nadja’s gaze towards the younger Princess. They gravitated towards each other, finding solace in their companionship whenever circumstances allowed. Seasons went by and their friendship deepened, fuelled by the frequent correspondences that bridged the physical distance between them. Yet beneath the surface, lay a truth hidden: a forbidden feeling that Nadja dared not acknowledge aloud. Unspoken, unvoiced, and unrequited.

And so, Nadja remained silent, resigned to cherish their friendship from a distance. Once she was of age to participate in real battles, she immersed herself in the martial discipline, distracting herself with the passions of the battlefield. Battles after battles, war after wars. All victory was a tribute to the family and the crown. She learned how reputation can be an effective tool to wield, cutting sharply even before a steel was drawn.

If death looms near, love shall vanish, no?

Relationship .

- Second Princess l (the late) : friends, penpal. crush.

Personal Items .

  • Weapon:
    • A Sword. A simple, practical tool aimed for damage, lacking decorations save for a small, twisting of iron serving as the guard.
    • A knife. Heavily ornamental, it was owned by her mother; a noble from over the sea.
  • Dragon :
    • A dark gray majesty with beady red eyes, silent as the night and as practical as the rider, preferring economical movements and efficient yet ruthless tactics.

Questions .

How do they feel about the wedding?
  • "I don't have an opinion. However, i admire the princess for carrying out this duty. I wish her the best."
What do they think of the royals?
  • "They aren't so bad, most of the time."
Have they aligned with the crown? Or do they support those outside of Nordua?
  • "Is this an insult? You question the loyalty of Dragon's Roost?"
Do they have any interest in the throne?
  • "No"
What are their feelings on arranged marriages?
  • "If it provides unique opportunity, why not?"
How do they feel about this war? (The roleplay will start before the war begins but I still want to know how they feel about this war)
  • "Justice will be dished, and revenge will be served."


/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

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  • Basics

    Full Name: Hakim al-Amin II, Little Lion of Vashil
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Asexual
    Magic: Hakim maintains the passive ability to intuitively determine, at a base level, the primary magical ability of who he interacts with. This by no means tells him any exacts; he may be able to tell that someone is able to conjure flame, but not to what intensity, nor how they typically manifest this ability.
    Role: Prince of Vashil


    Height: 5'6”
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Black
    Distinguishing Features: n/a
    Scars: A thin scar that cuts through the end of his left brow, coming down in a jagged mark and barely avoiding his eye. Several more scars from many more duels mark his skin just about everywhere, but are typically concealed by his clothing.
    Modifications: Standard ear piercings

    Description: The second prince of Vashil by no means resembles a man that his country would title "Lion"- one they would call the Little Lion, however, absolutely. Despite a rather unassuming appearance, he is well-known for great ferocity in a fight. He is near-unremarkable in terms of build besides the natural muscle that comes from practice with a sword, and not especially tall for a man of his age and kingdom- a bit shorter than average, in fact.

    He has a soft face (besides a strong nose) that lacks in facial hair, with bronze skin and dark, curly hair that falls just above shoulder length. He's got dark eyes and thick eyebrows, only marred by a razor-thin scar that cuts through his left brow. Many expect someone more grizzled or classically "heroic" looking to receive such praise for courage.

    Personal Items

    Weapon: Hakim, if not carrying his preferred sword, at minimum carries an ornate, ceremonial shortsword wherever he goes. For this particular occasion, he has also been given a concealable, simple dagger of no particular style; their "contingency plan" should all fail to get close to the Royals but Hakim. He prays he will not have to use it.
    Dragon: Hakim has a dragon of his own, uncommon as it is outside of Nordua. His parents thought it would make him appeal more to Rhaeclyan royalty, given Nordua's affinity for dragons. His by no means lords the same strength, size, or firepower as that of Norduan dragons- being rather small, but she is quite fast and maneuverable. Nasir is of no special color; just a simple dark red that borders on black and nothing unique about her scales. She is young compared to many other dragons, about the equivalent of Hakim's own age.


    Likes: Folktales and mythos, wine, birds, art
    Dislikes: Cold weather, monotony, bitter tastes, boat travel
    Fears: Being found out, never returning home, and never discovering who he is.
    Strengths: Swordsmanship, insight, adaptability
    Weaknesses: Paranoia, emotional unintelligence, taking responsibility


    • Self-Serving: He'll do nearly anything to benefit himself, though rarely does he ever seem happy with the consequences others face because of his actions. Hakim seems aware of the negative effects of what he's doing, and seems guilty or sorrowful about them to some degree, but it seems he is too cowardly to refrain from them when it comes to action.
    • Uncertain Identity: To be more desirable as a marriage candidate, Hakim's traits have often been lied about by the crown- "proving" he excels at things he is really only very average at, or being told to say he enjoys this or that. Hakim is rather uncertain as to where his own personhood lies- where the Prince of Vashil ends and where Hakim begins.
    • Complacent: He's not lacking in self-esteem, but after having his wants and desires walked over in favor of political machinations, he's mostly given up in the ways of protesting against what he thinks is wrong. Internally, he has a lot to say and quite strong opinions- but he rarely acts upon them if he is ordered to do something else. He believes he has no agency, which creates a self-fulfilling prophecy of having no agency in turn.
    • Personable: He has a rather humble and disarming persona. This is one of the few of his natural traits that are permitted to shine through, partly because it is advantageous to the crown. The image of a humble, kindly yet strong Prince is very desirable to Vashil. Its strategic uses, however, have been taught: Hakim has been taught that his friendliness could become weakness, and thus he has become well-versed in getting people to let their guard down around him in an attempt to intuit their traits and motives.
    • Well-spoken: His skill in intuition would be little if it did not go hand-and-hand with his eloquence. Hakim is oftentimes well-articulated and is quite good at expressing himself; he's not necessarily a people-pleaser, but he puts substantial effort into ensuring he says only the right things.
    • Strategic: Hakim has become versed in strategy, both battlefield and otherwise. Observing his father's skill in politics and the social realm and his mother's military prowess has brought him similar skills. It was important that he learned to be carefully-thought, as he would be working under people's noses much of the time.


    How do they feel about the wedding?
    Hakim was never thrilled about the prospect of being married off to a kingdom a continent away, but after years of being molded into the perfect candidate for it, he came to accept his fate. His wants were never the priority of the crown- he was beyond used to things like this.

    Still, a feeling of dread overtook him from the very start. He knew the plan- murder the children of Rhaeclya so that he may become its king. Hakim was by no means happy with it, nor did he feel any motivation to undertake it besides to solidify his purpose, but he was and is too deep in complacency and cowardice to refuse. He hid a sense of deep foreboding as he took in the faces that were to become his enemies- or friends, should their houses so choose. Really, he regrets that she in particular had to die, and still feels a deep sense of guilt for having been complicit in her death through his inaction.

    Still, he acts as if he did not know a thing, too bent on saving his own hide.

    How do they feel about arranged marriages? Will they go through with one?
    Despite being trained for the role, Hakim has never been fond of the concept of forcing a marriage between individuals who might hold no love for one another. He will, of course, go through with any arranged marriage without question if he has been told. Given that this has been the plan all his life, he's uncertain as to what he plans to do once Vashil's machinations are accomplished.

    What are their thoughts about other countries/continents aiming for the throne?
    Hakim understands why Nordua's throne is so coveted. Those in prosperity rarely understand what it means for those that lack it. All in all, he disapproves of the collateral damage: but Nordua must understand that any bid for the throne is the result of years of animosity, not an act of sudden malice. If they do not realize this- then they truly are ignorant. Hakim only seeks the throne because of the will of his parents; otherwise he would have no desire to do so, content with his well-off life across the sea. He has been trained his whole life for this one purpose- who will he be if he fails?

    Are they loyal to the crown?
    Only for as far as it will keep him alive; even then, it is a superficial loyalty, not a true one. Really, Hakim is only following his parents' decrees- without their guidance or an order on what to do, he is making whatever best judgment saves himself another day. He is uncertain when his parents or the Vashilan guard might finally help him; as days go on, he begins to fear that he will have to achieve their aims entirely on his own.

    How do they feel about this war?
    He knows it is coming, and he dreads it with all his being. Not in the sense that he despises having to fight himself, but that he'll be at the very forefront of the schemes leading up to it. A pawn, really- but one that acts without protest nonetheless, despite his inner feelings.

    History: Since his birth, Vashil has had a plan for him.

    His elder brother, Mahir, would be the crown prince of Vashil- a much more dubious path was set on the horizon for Hakim, their second son. Mahir was perfect to rule Vashil itself, but after generations of work, Hakim was perfect for its intrusion upon Rhaeclya. As such, the brothers were often made to go about their teachings separately, given the differing nature of their assigned goals. The plot for the throne guided him in nearly every aspect, though he never really saw the full scope of it until recently. He knew he was being molded for Rhaeclya's kingship- not Vashil's.

    Thus Rhaeclya's preferences are what guided him, despite never seeing the nation. Rhaeclya enjoyed those of strong will, and thus Hakim's lessons reflected a desire to bolster his resilience, guiding his actions and undertakings so that deeds of great courage would spread to Nordua's borders. These were not lies, necessarily- he did indeed perform them, but it was out of fear of his nation's own crown, not the will to persevere.

    Tales of courage, strategic mind, and social skill spread, all in scenarios engineered by the crown under the nose of the people; Hakim their swordmaster, Hakim their dragonrider, Hakim the Lion, Hakim and Mahir- the conquering heroes of Vashil.

    He might've minded the plan-from-birth more if he'd had a chance to try anything else.


    • Nadira al-Amin: The ruling lady of Vashil, and his mother. Nadira excels in combat and strategy, never one to sit safe in her tower away from hardship. She is a rather cold lady by nature, extremely practical in her actions. She taught Hakim most of what he knows of battle, having decided to teach him personally for the best shot at Rhaeclya's crown.
    • Basir al-Amin: The other ruler of Vashil, his father. Basir is the political mind and who Hakim most greatly imitates when it comes to matters of politics. Though Hakim by no means flounders socially, politics is not his strong suit, having been told what to support and what to do in a political game since birth. As such, he most often wonders what his father would do when faced with any political issues on his own.
    • Mahir al-Amin: The crown prince, Hakim's older brother. They used to be closer, but as they grew older, Mahir's responsibilities took him farther and farther away from Hakim. They found time for each other where they could, but most interactions had to be under the guise of training or teaching- Mahir is the cause of the thin scar near his eye after accidentally scraping him while sparring.


    • The Princess of Rhaeclya: She is who he is arranged to. He was hoping that the princess would be far more terrible; then at least he could justify the deaths in the family. No- no, she is kind and understanding towards him, which is much, much worse. It turns his stomach to know. Hakim knows what waits around the corner, and despite his positive feelings towards her, cannot tell her what comes. If an assassination is due, he hopes they will take the life of another and avoid her death. Really, she does not deserve it.

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  • belphoebe.

    • req.

      heir of sea's heart

      * name
      belphoebe iolanthe galarius
      * age
      twenty three
      * gender
      cis female, she/her
      * sexuality



      miracle baby


      * height
      * build
      delicately framed, though her indulgence has whittled away at what was once a thin dancer's body and left her sweetly plump
      * hair
      strawberry blonde, naturally falls into bouncy curls that are often styled in a way that's a little immature for her age and position
      * eyes
      bright sea-glass green, though one is a little bluer than the other
      * distinguishing features
      belphoebe is as freckled as freckled can be! the longer she spends in the sun, the more they seem to darken into honey brown. they cover all of her visible skin. she's also fond of wearing a bit too much jewelry, and she can be heard jingling along before she can be seen.
      * scars
      * modifications
      though it's a carefully guarded secret amongst her family, belphoebe's hair is frequently magically altered to keep it bright and eye-catching. without regular treatments, the strawberry blonde gets mousier and mousier.
      * style
      having been indulged in her passion for the stage for most of her life, she favours bright, showy things - big jewels, polished silver, rich fabrics in blues and greens that compliment her colouring and speak to her house's heritage. in order to keep up with the costs of her demands, the jewelry and accessories that she wears are often... a little less valuable than she would claim them to be. she takes a 'more is more' approach, and will attend public appearances laden with rings and necklaces unless one of her advisors can stop her in time. when she has to attend important meetings, she boosts her height with heels that give her rapid gait a signature tapping sound.
      * description
      belphoebe is a petite, delicate little thing, often coiffed and curled until she looks like a porcelain doll - or somebody's pampered poodle. she has a heart-shaped face, with full, high cheekbones, a stubborn little chin, and bright eyes that she puts to use when she needs to wring sympathy and favours from people. there's an almost countrified air to her appearance; where other noble offspring have proud noses and strong brows, belphoebe has the warm, freckled features of a village sweetheart.

      she carries herself like she's performing almost constantly. her steps are light and nimble, her gestures flourishing, her delivery as perfectly tailored to her audience as she can manage, though always with an undercurrent of theatrics. her small stature only allows her to pass notice for as long as she keeps her mouth shut, because the moment she becomes animated, it is clear that belphoebe is one of niraeth's lyrical nobles.
      * personal items

      * weapons
      until recently, the only weapons that belphoebe had ever wielded were stage props. now that she has been thrust into the world of politics, it has been instilled in her that she must be aware of danger and the necessity for self-defence - factors she had not yet considered. her weapon-training lessons have been proceeding... slowly, to say the least, so for now, the little heiress has been trusted only with a discreet dagger that is sheathed beneath her copious skirts.
      * dragon
      developing a connection with a dragon had never seemed useful to her, so she has lagged far behind her peers. when it became clear that it would be an asset to her family to have their daughter seem competent and capable enough for such a thing, she was immediately 'encouraged' to explore her options. the more mature dragons at sea's heart showed little interest in bonding with the frivolous lady, but belphoebe quickly developed a kinship with a hatchling named siora. siora is a long, slinky creature, whippet-fast with a bright and curious expression. she's currently around the size of a large dog, and is not yet big enough for belphoebe to ride. regardless, belphoebe has delighted in finding ways to match her accessories to siora's verdigris-blue scales.
      * notable items
      like any good noblewoman, belphoebe wears a chatelaine around her waist almost constantly. unlike most noblewomen, hers is elaborate and impractical. it carries a number of makeup implements - a compact mirror, a powder puff, a tube of rouge, a kohl stick - and little trinkets to entertain her during long, boring meetings. much like her jewelry and heels, the sound of it clinking announces her arrival. she is often seen with an incredibly prized possession: a large sapphire known as the jewel of the sea. strictly speaking, it's her mother's, but it was entrusted to her as a symbol of her entry into the world of politics.





    ♡coded by uxie♡

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full name: finnian blackmont
nicknames: finn
age: twenty six
gender: male
sexuality: bisexual
magic: finnian possesses light healing capabilities that are triggered through physical contact. while unable to fix serious injuries such as internal bleeding or major stab wounds, he is able to repair smaller blemishes and cuts. some doubt his capabilities due to the fact that he chooses to solely use his healing capabilities on himself. he maintains his perfectly clear skin, keeps himself in peak physical condition, etc.
house. house blackmont of araes
role: the heir of spinel keep


height: 6'0 ft - 183 cm
hair: dark brown
eyes: dark brown
distinguishing features: finnian's distinguishing feature is his eyes.
scars: due to the nature of finn's ability and how he chooses to use it, he has no scars.
modifications: n / a
face claim: kim sunwoo

personal items
weapon: finnian's weapon of choice is a beautiful sword that his parents had forged when he was of age to begin training. what makes the sword special is a beautiful diamond carved into the handle to represent the wealth of the nation.
dragon: finnian's dragon lives up to araes' reputation. dromeda is sleek and elegant with a silvery blue coloration that seems to glisten in the sunlight. finn takes immense pride in the beauty his dragon possesses. dromeda, like finnian, has never seen battle before. she is young for a dragon and very finnicky. she is known to have quite the attitude but around finnian that goes away. dromeda also adores pretty objects. finnian will bring her brightly colored jewels that she keeps in a little nest. nobody, not even finnian, is permitted to go near them. she protects them fiercely.
notable items: when finnian was a baby, his parents had a silver necklace made with a blue gemstone in the middle. they made him a matching bracelet as well. he wears them both wherever he goes.

likes: horseback riding, swimming, fashion (and designing clothing), exercising, and stargazing.
dislikes: dirtiness, excessive heat, bugs, being outshined, dealing with other people's problems.
fears: losing his wealth and status, lonliness, the araes curse, the secret of the underground dungeons being revealed

finnian is very strong willed, borderline stubborn even. he has a strong sense of self and knows exactly what he wants and the drive to pursue his ambitions relentlessly. raised within a noble family, finn is well educated on the politics of the nations as well general education. he is quite athletic, opting to pursue sports in his free time. finn takes immense pride in his creativity. he has begun designing clothing and his bedroom is full of dressed up mannequins and scattered pieces of fabric. while uninterested in strangers, finnian cares deeply about his friends. he wants the best for them and shows his care for them through gifts and spending quality time together. finnian is also really good at keeping secrets. well, the ones that really matter at least. he's known about the horrible dungeons that prisoners and those deemed unworthy of living in araes are sent to die in. he was told by his father to die before ever telling anyone of their existence and he will take that secret to the grave.
due to his appearance and the nature of the nation he hails from, finnian is quite used to receiving compliments. over the years, he has allowed those compliments to feed directly into his ego. while his handsomeness is well known, his personality leaves quite a lot to be desired. he is quite vain and takes his appearance quite seriously. additionally, finn is selfish. he is a healer but chooses to use it solely on himself to maintain his polished appearance. while araes has a lot of wealth inequality, he chooses, like many others, to turn a blind eye to the issues those poorer than him face as he lacks the maturity to deal with the roots of the issue. he has also never been involved in a real battle before and therefore lacks experience in strategic planning and the cruelty of war. his father, a well respected warrior, looks down on him for that. furthermore, finnian is cunning. while not inherently a negative trait, he chooses to use his cunning to try and upstage others. he wants to be the center of attention and gets jealous when he's not. also, finnian loves to gossip. he practically lives for it. while previously stated that he is good at keeping secrets, that is more so secrets that relate to himself. he has absolutely no problem talking about other people's business.

finnian is as stubborn as they come. he has a "my way or the high way" philosophy and is often unwilling to hear others out. he is quite judgemental as well. he constantly compares himself to others and will not hide his disapproval of others. additionally, he chooses to ignore issues in hopes that they will dissipate instead of tackling them head on. the wealth inequality in araes is a prime example. finnian can also be quite blunt. while trained extensively in how a noble should behave, behind the curtain he can be quite mouthy. despite the picture perfect aesthetic that his family puts on, finnian has a lot of pent up frustration. he releases his anger through sword fighting instead of processing and discovering the root of his anger.
finnian is a very creative individual, truly embracing the ideologies that araes is known for. he has an eye for fashion and for aesthetics in general. finn has a vision for araes or what araes could become (but lacks the maturity to handle the reality of leadership). despite finn's vanity, deep down he is a kind individual. while he does not always act that way, he has lines he won't cross. finnian can also be quite charming. his family takes great pride in appearances and he knows how to play his role for the public eye. he knows how to say the right things to the right people to achieve the desired objective.

how do they feel about the wedding?
"what took place was terrible... my dearest sympathies to the royal family."
what do they think of the royals?
"they could throw a couple more balls every year but otherwise what's not to like?."
have they aligned with the crown? Or do they support those outside of Nordua?
"of course i support the crown. that being said, i'm nothing if not adaptable..."
do they have any interest in the throne?
"who wouldn't? the people deserve more of this beautiful face."
what are their feelings on arranged marriages?
"they're of no interest to me. i deserve the freedom to marry whoever i fancy."
how do they feel about this war?
"who wants to oversee a war torn nation? everyone becomes so depressed... where's the fun in that?"

finnian grew up in araes as part of the blackmont family. being part of a noble family, he was granted many privileges throughout his childhood. he had access to the best tutors and was showered in riches. these privileges affected the way that he viewed the world from a young age. anything he wanted he could have as his family was wealthy beyond belief and influential across the nation. he never properly learned what it was like to work for your accomplishments as everything had been handed to him on a silver platter. additionally, from a young age he was always complimented on how handsome he was. from a baby boy to a twenty six year old man, he had been showered in compliments for as long as he could remember. he allowed those compliments to feed into his ego and he became quite narcissistic. from birth, his father dreamed of molding finnian into a strong warrior and a successor that the people would rally behind. however, his mother had other plans. she w anted an heir that followed in her footsteps with an education in the arts and philosophy. when finnian was six, he was in the middle of a horseback riding lesson when his horse got spooked and threw him off. the young noble landed on the frosted ground and cried out in pain. by the time the medic arrived, by some miracle, finnian was walking around as if nothing had happened. his family then realized he had a healing factor. his mother was ecstatic but his father was disappointed. he had hoped for something stronger that could make him a fierce warrior. growing up, finnian would be taken out hunting with his father and then take drawing lessons with his mother. both of his parents began to notice that finnian's passion was not with politics but with fashion. he had always been picky with what clothing his parents had outfitted for him but his father had just passed it off as his rebellious years. out of fear of his son not becoming a warrior, finnian's father pushed him hard with multiple classes on geography, military strategy, and anything else he could think would force finnian to "grow up". however, the more his father tried, the more finn ran toward the arts instead. he rebelled by not participating in his tutoring sessions and as a consequence, did not retain as much as he should in how to successfully lead. instead, he enjoyed the luxuries that came with being a noble in such a profitable corner of the land.

despite finnian's complete disinterest in anything political, his family benefitted for decades due to their ability to play their roles. his father, a strong leader and excellent fighter. his mother, as beautiful as she is intelligent. as the only child and sole heir to spinel keep, finnian knew that he had to keep up appearances. to pacify both of his parents, he would look like the perfect heir on the outside but do what he wanted when there was no one around. while his father's motivations was to make positive change and to honor and cherish the monarchy, finnian's motives were a lot more self interested. he wanted more influence and more people to feed into his ego. he wanted to be a socialite, not a political leader. beneath all of the glitz and the glam, finnian is not prepared to lead. he lacks the maturity to be able to handle difficult decisions. he still remains entirely self interested and has yet to feel the consequences and weight of his decisions.

andreas blackmont (father) - andreas is the head of the blackmont family and is very popular amongst the common folk. he's proven his capability and competency leading his men into battle and has become a well respected leader. he's given a favorable opinion to the blackmont name and finnian especially has enjoyed the riches of that. however, andreas, like the entire blackmont family harbors a sinister secret. with a strong desire to make araes as beautiful as possible, he has been complicit in the systematic disappearing of those that do not match the araes standard. he has kept the dungeons underneath areas' gilded surface a tight knit secret. he's made his entire family create the most picturesque and angelic personas possible to hide the monstrosities their family and the other araes nobles have partaken in. additionally, andreas is disappointed that finnian didn't follow in his footsteps. he wanted to mold finnian into a strong heir to one day take his place. try as he might, finnian ended up much more like calluna. that being said, andreas was nothing if not stubborn and still took finnian to meetings with other nobles, military strategy sessions, and much more in hopes that one day finnian would grow up and take an interest in being a leader.
calluna blackmont (mother) - calluna is highly respected in her own regard. she is extremely intelligent and has had her nose in books for as long as she can remember. she was praised on her high iq and ability to problem solve. she's cunning and counters andreas beautifully. the two were the perfect pair. the brains, the brawn, and of course they were both beautiful. just like how their arranged marriage was planned. calluna had never had any interest in leadership but recognized the benefits that came with having a seat in the high court and subjects to rule over. she let her husband handle all of the business while she relished in the care-free life that she was given. she would hand out gems to the poor (for optics of course; and naturally they were the cheap gems) and took up philosophy in her spare time (which was all the time). she was also in charge of raising finnian. she instilled in him the same disinterest that she held for leadership and taught him to enjoy the privileged life that he had. she coddled him and tried to protect him from all of the horrors of the outside world. to this day, they have an extremely close relationship. she will style his hair for big events and he'll go to her for fashion advice. she wants nothing more than for finnian to shine brighter than the jewels that they mine and all of the other noble heirs.

andreas - finnian has a weak relationship with his father. there isn't any bad blood but over the years they just never got very close. he respects his father but they are polar opposite individuals in terms of interests and lives.
calluna - finnian has a strong relationship with his mother. after all, he took after her in many ways. her passion for the arts, her narcissism, and her fake persona in front of the public. their conversations over dinner typically include passionate discussions about his latest paintings or about the latest rare jewels discovered in their mines. he admires her for her intelligence and for raising him while his father was busy running the region.

* wish i knew how to code to make this look better :(
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  • "There can be no unity without purpose." - The Bear of Tun
    Cassius Harringlor
    Male | 30 | Heterosexual
    House Harringlor | Heir of the Eryas Keep
    Cassius has a deep connection with the earth, allowing him to understand and monitor the terrain of Tun. His geomantic talents enable him to sense shifts in the land, such as impending avalanches, landslides, and cave-ins, providing an invaluable early warning system for the inhabitants of Eryas Keep and its surrounding territories. Cassius's abilities allow him to predict and respond to natural occurrences, helping to minimize damage and protect his people. However, when employing his magic, he must remain stationary and fully concentrated, as even sensing changes in the earth demands his complete attention.
    HEIGHT: 6'3"
    HAIR: Dirty Blonde, which when grown out is typically fashioned in a tight ponytail
    EYES: Light Gray
    SCARS: From his left wrist to his elbow, Cassius's arm is riddled with thick scars, never fully healed since his father's unfortunate accident.
    FACE CLAIM: Burak Celik

    Personal Items
    WEAPON: A simple sword, the same you would find in any of the barracks within the North. After all his lessons, Cassius firmly believes no sword is better than another if your technique is right. From time to time he may exchange the sword for a standard longbow.

    DRAGON: Skalnir, ancient and imposing, stands out among his kind for his size and plain, unassuming appearance. Covered in scales of muted beige, Skalnir lacks the vibrant hues typical of younger dragons but compensates with a robust physique and a commanding presence. His amber eyes hold a deep intelligence and at the same time a restrained fury, seemingly accumulated over decades, a stark contrast to his outwardly plain exterior.

    No one can speak on the creature's personality except for Cassius as Skalnir has not been seen interacting with any other humans in a decade. Cassius does not let anyone near the dragon, so Jorunn must sneak out with a small group of guards and a wagon to drop some food by the entrance of the cave he sleeps in. Every few weeks, seemingly out of nowhere, Skalnir flies over Eryas Keep before disappearing behind the snowy mountains of the North.

    Since Cedric Harringlor's mysterious disappearance, the dragon only descends to feed himself, and every once in a while he will let out an ear-shattering roar on top of one of the mountain peaks as if to lament for lost companionship.

    NOTABLE ITEMS: Always accompanied by a weathered leather-bound journal, Cassius meticulously records the minutiae of Tun's logistics, from supply chain management and patrol schedules to infrastructure improvements.
    Cassius Harringlor is a figure of quiet strength and unwavering determination, shaped by the burdens of leadership and the shadows of past tragedies. His commitment to Tun's autonomy is matched only by his deep-rooted sense of responsibility towards its people. Cassius is often found immersed in strategic planning sessions, his mind a constant labyrinth of logistics and defensive measures aimed at safeguarding the North from any eventual threat.

    Despite his noble birth and responsibilities as heir to Eryas Keep, Cassius forgoes the formality expected of him, preferring to walk among his people like an ordinary citizen. This approachability over the last decade has earned him respect and admiration among the common folk, who see him not just as a leader but as a fellow protector of the North's interests. Despite his reserved demeanour, Cassius possesses a keen intellect and a sharp wit, honed through years of rigorous education and practical experience. He values pragmatism over sentimentality, a trait that sometimes distances him from deep emotional attachments but also ensures his decisions are grounded in practicality rather than impulse.

    Though he would never say this out loud, the Bear of Tun views himself as the unofficial 'leader' of the North, seeing himself as the only one fully devoted to Tun's legacy.

    • Direct Interaction with His People: He values the direct connection with his subjects, often seeking their perspectives and feedback on various matters affecting the North.
    • Strategic Planning: He enjoys delving into the complexities of defensive strategies and logistical challenges, constantly refining his approach to imaginary battles based on the defence of Tun.
    • Architectural Design: Cassius takes pleasure in drafting and refining plans for the construction and fortification of Eryas Keep, envisioning enhancements that marry practicality with aesthetic appeal.
    • Reading: He finds solace in scholarly pursuits, particularly historical texts and treatises on governance and military strategy.
    • Political Intrigue: Cassius distrusts the manipulative nature of the political court, preferring straightforward honesty and action over deceitful maneuvering.
    • Judgment Without Understanding: He dislikes when people make hasty judgments without understanding the full context or complexities of a situation.
    • Excessive Luxury: Cassius views lavish displays of wealth and opulence as frivolous distractions from the practical needs of the people.
    • Disloyalty to the North: Cassius holds a deep-seated hatred for anyone who betrays what he believes to be the interests of Tun.
    • Dragons: Despite having a dragon of his own, Cassius harbours an extreme fear of them. Even being near them is enough to make the hairs on his body stand up and crumble his composure.
    • Skalnir Incident: Cassius fears that if the truth about Skalnir's 'mishap' were publicly exposed with proof, it could tarnish his reputation and undermine his efforts to lead and protect Tun.
    • Strategic Vision: Cassius excels in long-term planning and foresight, adept at anticipating challenges and devising effective solutions.
    • Master Tactician: His keen tactical mind allows him to devise innovative battle strategies, making him an effective leader from behind the front lines.
    • Connection with His People: His approachable demeanour and genuine concern for his people foster strong bonds of loyalty and trust.
    • Dependence on Planning: Cassius relies heavily on meticulous planning and preparation. When circumstances demand quick, spontaneous decisions, he can struggle to adapt, feeling out of his element without the opportunity to strategize thoroughly.
    • Overly Self-Sacrificing: He sometimes prioritizes Tun's needs above his well-being, neglecting personal rest and recuperation.
    • Impatience with Inefficiency: Cassius can be impatient with inefficiency or incompetence, expecting high standards from himself and others.
    • Rigidity in Principles: While his principles guide his actions, Cassius's rigid adherence to them can sometimes hinder compromise or adaptation to changing circumstances.
    • Reluctance to Delegate: Due to his meticulous nature and deep sense of responsibility, Cassius sometimes struggles to delegate tasks, preferring to handle everything himself to ensure it's done correctly.
    • Distrust of Outsiders: Cassius harbours a deep-seated distrust towards individuals from outside Tun, making it challenging for him to form alliances or accept help from those he perceives as foreign influences. If there was a way to conduct trade without involving them, he would take it in an instant.
    Character Questions
    "The what? Let them revel in their ceremonies; I'll be here ensuring the North is prepared for the challenges that lie ahead."
    "Southern crowns may dazzle, but in the cold grip of winter, only steel and stone fortify the North's true strength."
    "I support those who are interested in the prosperity of Tun. That is all I will say on the matter."
    "The throne? Some chair perched in some distant castle? It holds little appeal to me. My focus lies squarely on the welfare and autonomy of Tun. If the throne serves that purpose, then perhaps it warrants consideration. But for now, my duty is here, among the mountains and people I call my own."
    "In the reality of our world, true alliances are forged through shared purpose and mutual respect, not empty vows. My commitment is to my people."
    "It is no secret I care little for politics. Little games that can be ended with a sword through the neck... however, the opportunities of war wait for no man, and for Tun... there will be many."
    HISTORY: Cassius Harringlor is the eldest of three siblings hailing from the Eryas Keep, nestled between the great snowy mountains of the North. From a young age, Cassius was known to be distant from his family - not because he was shy or quiet but rather because his father poured an immense amount of money into his education, paying tutors and instructors from all over Nordua to educate his son and he was determined to see those resources put to use.

    Unfortunately for those in the Keep and its surrounding villages, Cassius's father, Vaughn Harringlor was not nearly as gracious. Known for his neglectful governance and harsh treatment towards the poor, Vaughn prioritized cozying up with Rhaeclya over the welfare of his people, which initiated his son's resolve to one day lead with devotion to Tun's interests.

    Raised under the watchful eye of educators and instructors, Cassius honed his physical martial skills to a respectable level, but his true prowess lay in other areas of study. He displayed a natural affinity for magic, particularly earth manipulation, which he diligently cultivated alongside his exploration of Tun's rich history, its intricate commerce networks, and the strategic importance of its exports; the minerals and metals lodged within the icy mountains. His fascination with these subjects was not merely academic but stemmed from a profound desire to understand and safeguard Tun's resources.

    In the rare times he could escape his lessons, Cassius found companionship in his dragon, named Skalnir, originally intended to be passed down to his father. Unlike his deceased uncle who was Skalnir's previous rider, Cassius possessed the discipline and dedication required to earn the creature's trust and loyalty.

    As he matured, Cassius's bond with Skalnir deepened, spending countless hours soaring above the peaks and valleys of Tun, forging an understanding of the land that would prove invaluable in his strategic planning for the future. Despite his father's disapproval, Cassius's love for his dragon and the land only grew stronger, setting him apart as an heir who prioritized Northern unity over political gamesmanship and external influences. Over time, the young heir became more expressive and spent more time with his family, eager to prove himself to his father and his elder brother, Cedric.

    A few years later their bond shattered during an ill-fated night when Cassius, against his mother's wishes, tried to surprise his returning brother's convoy, returning from a diplomatic mission in the South. Eager to meet the convoy as it passed into the northern territories, Cassius set out with Skalnir at the first sign that his mother was asleep. The same night, unsatisfied residents of the North set upon his brother's convoy with the plan to kill him when they set up camp. Witnessing the beginning of the conflict, Cassius ordered his companion to descend and aid his elder brother's retinue.

    Before Cassius could fully understand what was happening, the encounter with the assassins turned into a horrifying massacre. Cassius attempted to physically restrain Skalnir, sustaining severe injuries from the dragon's thrashing tail that left his left wrist to elbow scarred. Skalnir ripped through the attackers and his father's forces alike, leaving none but Vaughn alive, though not unharmed. Vaughn suffered severe injuries, but with extensive healing, he recovered his mobility, albeit with a cane assisting the constant throbbing in his legs.

    Unwilling to take responsibility, Cassius meticulously orchestrated a cover-up of the tragic incident. He immediately dispatched guards to secure the site and ensure that any evidence linking Skalnir to the massacre was swiftly removed or obscured.

    His parents, consumed by grief, began to forego even more of their responsibilities to the people of the North, leaving Cassius emotionally adrift and burdened with the weight of familial and political responsibilities. Overwhelmed by his guilt, Cassius strictly distanced himself from Skalnir, restricting his duties to patrolling Eryas Keep's outskirts. Rumours swirled throughout the North and beyond about the circumstances surrounding his father's condition. Whispers of guilt and betrayal circulated, but without concrete evidence, speculation remained just that. Cassius bore the weight of these rumours stoically, focusing instead on strengthening Eryas Keep and preparing for the day he would assume leadership—a role he once cared little for but now embraced with solemn resolve. The young heir immersed himself in the affairs of the Keep, bonding with soldiers, smiths, miners, and other figures across the North who contributed to the development of Tun.

    Known as a "man of the people," Cassius spent years training and strategizing alongside notable soldiers, using his magic to fortify the defences of the Keep. When not in Eryas Keep, he can be found touring Tun, looking for ways to contribute to the development of the region. His commitment to Tun's independence deepened, motivated by his desire to heal Skalnir's devastation. Rumours persisted, but Cassius remained resolute, preparing to lead Tun into a future free from neighbouring powers' shadows.

    FAMILY: Cedric Harringlor (deceased, eldest brother) - The previous heir of the Eryas Keep, two years senior to Cassius. Like their father, Cedric had very little ambition for Tun itself and truth be told, cared more for the approval of his father than the people of the North. If Vaughn was the one to increase the taxes to line his own pockets, his eldest son would be the one collecting it. Unlike his younger brother Falkor, Cedric was terrible with the blade and much more skilled in persuading people to do what he wanted; a skill he had picked up from his mother.
    Jorunn Harringlor (22, sister) - The youngest in the family and the closest to Cassius. Like her eldest brother, she has an extreme interest in the inner workings of Tun and the Keep, often seen aiding her brother with managing supply lines. The biggest difference between Jorunn and Cassius would be their opinion on politics. Jorunn gets a kick out of finding out how different people work - what makes them tick and what makes them laugh. She figures the best way to do that is to get into politics. Every few months she will take trips to the South, returning stories to tell her brothers.
    Falkor Harringlor (27, brother) - The second oldest of the Harringlor children. The man, by most people, would be described as useless. He is quite skilled with the blade but for him to prove it, he would have to put down the bottle of ale seemingly attached to his hand. Unlike his siblings, he often takes trips to the East and West, finding the lands beyond Tun much more interesting than home.
    Vaughn Harringlor (father) - The current lord of Eryas Keep. At one point in time, some feared the man's short temper when asking him to help with their affairs but now, they'll seek out the assistance of Falkor or Cassius. After the incident with Skalnir, Old Man Vaughn can be seen limping around the Keep, offering menacing glares to anyone who dares to look at him. Like everyone in the North, he is aware of the rumours that have the potential to plague Cassius's reputation but is certain of his son's loyalty and capability.

    Since the Skalnir incident, Vaughn has grown more withdrawn and melancholic, his once fierce demeanour replaced with a sorrowful and haunted expression. He is often seen pacing the corridors of the Keep, lost in thought, and is rarely involved in the day-to-day management of the territory anymore. The disappearance of his other son has cast a long shadow over him, and he is plagued by suspicions about the South's involvement in this mysterious event. His mind is constantly troubled by the possible betrayals and hidden enemies lurking beyond their borders.

    Despite his sadness, Vaughn remains a pillar of strength for his family, offering counsel to Cassius and Falkor. He shares his extensive experience and wisdom, although his advice is often tinged with a deep-seated mistrust of the South. His injuries have rendered him physically weaker, but his influence and authority within the Keep remain unchallenged.
    Morgana Harringlor (mother) - Although Vaughn is the head of the family, Morgana is left with dealing with diplomatic trips to the South since her eldest insists on staying in the North. Since her son died, it is rare to see a smile on her face if you see her at all.
    Relationships: n/a.
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And all I loved. I loved alone.

Edgar Allan Poe

Bastard Daughter of Veltalor


full name

Sapphira Odessa Veltalor


Phi, Soves, Phira




Cis Female






The Rumored Bastard Child

Who Is She?

I Monster






Platinum Blonde


Light Green

Distinguishing Feature

Her eyes as she is the only one in her family with such color

scars & modifications

Has a scar from mid chest down to her pelvis when she was sword fighting with her eldest brother and it resulted with him nearly killing her.


Daenerys Targaryen




Authenticity: Phira is not one to try to appear herself as more likable for the pleasure of others. Staying true to herself was something her dear mother always advice her to always keep as regardless of where the crown lays on, she must remain the strong girl Sapphira is known to be as the youngest and only daughter of their house.

Intuitiveness: Not basing her whole understanding of life through the books she read and was taught to fully remember to keep herself at float. Whenever she has a gut feeling of something, Phira will always go through her feelings and fights against even her father and brothers whenever the time calls for it.

Loyalty: Something she was taught from a young age was once someone shows you they are worthy of your time and energy, and had shown their true colors to you, your loyalty shall always stay with them no matter the means. Her father is someone who keeps his promises and connections deeply and has kept them running for as long as he has been lord. Which only showed her the importance of loyalty.


Resentment: One of the less wanted traits of her father that she learned was the never forget and never forget mind. Once the loyalty and honesty has been tainted, there is no moving pass it. For Sapphira, if someone were to do you wrongfully, she does not punish lightly nor will she ever forget the words or actions that were shown towards her. She shows no pity when it has been striped from the core of her heart.

Stubbornness: She sticks to her words and promises, not letting nothing move her from the set goal in front of her. No one to change her mind once it has been made, and only when someone or something goes to the extremes to change her mind, will she even bat an eye of reality. Other than that, she stands firm with her mind.

Opportunism: Sapphira learned from her mother that when certain doors are open to her, she would step head and feet first regardless of the outcomes. When the slights of good opportunities comes out to her , she is not fearful to the consequences but rather live a life where 'you ask for forgiveness not permission'


Bold, Swordmanship, Listening to everything and everyone, Good memory


Conflictive, Emotionless at times, Physical combat, Cunning


Her daughter, horseback riding, philosophy, her family, traveling, cold weather


Th heat, gossip, extreme sweets, betrayal, sitting still for too long, summer


Betrayal, Loss of Self, Losing her mother


----* * * section title here----


After Lord Aragorn and Lady Linnette had their first son, Erix, they seem to be living their lives happily but Linnette's biggest wish was for one day bring a beautiful baby girl to the family rule as she would one day give them the grandchildren that were truly theirs by blood. They knew that one day their sons would be bad reputation with their lack of responsibility when it came to girls but they knew this child, this daughter would be different to them. As the two sons started to grow older, Linnette became to grow inpatient with herself as she knew she was able to bare a child but there was no effect of one being created through her husband. Her desperation became one that she could not bare and she took it in her own hands to have a child. Regardless if it was Aragorn or not. Finding the finest guard of the king but instead fell for the head guard Severus who has been part of the family for many years.

The secret that Linnette takes to her graves as well as Severus as they both know that if Aragorn were to ever know the true relation the two had with one another, it would result in the death of three lives. But in some twist way, Linnette did not regret committing adultery as she had gotten the one thing she truly loved more than her own life, a daughter. The two rejoiced together once the baby was born, feeling a sense of pride from Aragorn as he could finally have a daughter under his wing to protect. The only part of the child that made Aragorn question the blood between the two was the strange eye color that she was birthed with. Such a beautiful, vivid green that he was unsure ever ran through his family but Linnette coughed it to probably a change of genetics with her family that could have caused a color to be created. The small voice in his head reminding him the only person he has seen in the living with this eye color was in fact Severus but then again, they were the same race so it could be due to those reasonings.

Sapphira lived her life with content whispers and muttering behind her back whenever she was alone in the castle, always feeling like her ever moved being watched by everyone. She knew being the only daughter would grant her with an extra seal of protection over her but she always felt as if there was more to it that meets the eye for her. Her childhood was one she loved darely as she looked up to her brothers for their leadership and free spirit, often getting themselves into trouble by being a handful for their caretakers. Soon enough, when she came to age, her eldest brother Erix decided to start teaching her the way of the sword as he would tell her 'One day, I'll be too busy protecting our people to just be protect you dear Phira.' So that exactly what he did. Being a quick learner, Sapphira caught on to the way to hold and bring honor to the sword in her hands. Unfortunately, there was an incident when she was 15 where she began to practice more aggressive with her brother and in the moment, he completely forgot that he was fighting his sister and sliced her. The castle was in choas as they all tried to bring some safety to Princes Sapphira as she had been gravely injured. She lost enough blood that the medics of the royal family were fearful that she would simply pass. After a very long recovery, they were able to get her to at least awaken from her coma like state, Phira was bedridden for a year and she rarely got to see Erix after the incident.

After a few years since the accident, she was finally able to see Erix but he was already married and with his first born. Confused with the sudden change of lifestyle, Sapphira soon discovered that her father sent Erix away the day of the accident, telling him he was only allowed to be back when he had fully learned his lesson. From that point, her relationship with her brother was quite strain and never truly recovered from the seperation. The only person she has left was her mother was stayed by her side through it all.

Once she came of age to be married, Aragorn had already a suitor for her to be married to. The son of the neighboring kingdom that he had good relations with and wanted to grow the bond between the two lands. Instead of rushing the two, her father told them to take it easy and to fall into it rather than being forced into a relationship. To Sapphira, no matter what Hale did, she felt no romantic feelings towards him but not wanting to hurt the relationship her father wanted for the two, Phira simply followed to what was expected of her and soon enough the two were wedded. Her view on Hale became much softer as she began to see him more as a dear friend instead of her husband, he knew she didn't loved him but her beauty and brains were too beautiful for him to ignore. He didn't mind being simply someone she could rely on and not love him as a partner.

Having children wasn't something Sapphira nor Hale truly wanted but knew was expected of the two, once again she thought perhaps this would create a change in their relationship knowing there was a blood bond between the two but the only change it had in Sapphira was that she truly knew what love was when she was able to lay her eyes on the baby girl that she gave birth to. Phira couldn't believe was able to bring such a beautiful creature to this world but there was Harmony in all her glory. She made sure no one but one handmaid was allowed to even breathe the same air as Harmony, even Hale wasn't allowed to even see her daughter until she was several moons ago. Her overprotectiveness of her daughter was something everyone in the castle was scared of as they knew that Sapphira was capable of doing more than just harm to someone if anyone laid a finger on top of Harmony's head. Only a certain amount of individuals were allowed to know off Harmony's existence.





Aragorn Veltalor

After the incident, the two of them rarely spoke with one another unless ever needs or if her mother forced her to speak to her father. Only once she was wedded was she fully able to speak to her father more as she felt it was fit to inform him of anything of the now merging lands of her husband.

Linnette Veltalor

The only person who she would trust her entire life as well as Harmony's life. If her mother was not with her during everything, Phira is sure that her mental state would be decreasing as we spoke but for now, Linnette is the peace of mind that Sapphira wants and only needs in her life.

Erix Veltalor

Their once strong bond has now been long gone after their accident and he still has a sense of gulity for putting her in such a deathly spot as he did to her. He often fonds over her from a far as he does want a close relationship with her once more especially with Harmony as to him, it's a piece of the two women he loves most of all, his mother and his sister.

Hale Bozzelli

Although he wishes that one day Sapphira would love him as her husband, he is more than happy to be there by her side for what she needs. Though they fought sometimes, he knows she just means good intentions and doesn't wish ill on him. They both care about each other dearly even if it is not romantic.




How do you feel about the wedding?
It truly is a shame that they could ever bring harm to the princess as I have met her and she was such a dear and pure soul, I only wish for them to find the culprit who took the life of the princess and make them suffer. Only then do I believe justice has been truly served.

How do you feel about arranged marriage?
I completely understand why families to do as to keep their power and wealth amongst those with the luck, although I always wonder what life could be if love was real. I do wonder how does that feel? How do you know it is real as many of the servant girls speak of it so highly in their stories.

What are their thoughts about other countries/continents aiming for the throne?
It is expected in truth, people will always want what others have and envy towards us is no shock to me. It's pathetic. I honestly believe that you must be so shallow to believe anyone but the one already in throne are the rightful leader.

Are they loyal to the crown?
My father has shown me that once loyalty is given to one, that loyalty shall stay. I will stand with the crown no matter the outcomes.

How do they feel about this war?
It's only fitting as it is for the loss of the princess and I too would do the same if someone took a love one from me.

Personal Items

☆ A gold necklace: It was a early marriage gift from her husband Hale that she holds dearly as it is one of the few gifts she has ever gotten with so much care to her. The gem that is held by a golden dragon claw is the finest scarlet red rudy from Hale's homeland mines.

☆ A sword: She usually has it hidden in her room and often pratices her swordmanship frequently as she does not want to lose said skill. Made from the strongest silver her father could afford for her as it is beautifully decorated with


Memory Reading: When Sapphira is came to come skin-to-skin contact, she is able to revision the past memories of the individual. Able to put herself in the time and place as iff she was truly there to fully feel what the individual had lived through.

♡coded by uxie♡
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