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Fantasy π…𝐒𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁π₯𝐨𝐨𝐝 | waiting room

Done! I decided to go in a different direction and instead of doing "The New Arrival" I went with "The Rebellious Royal". 😁
I just finished as well. I've shaved off the excess and am ready to remold it to fit our Fallen Star for what this roleplay entails.
Please make sure you do not take a lot of creative liberty when discussing anything lore-related!
If you have a question PLEASE contact me!

To correct a few things I have seen, Vashil has been an ally of Nordua for generations at this point. They have married into each country and the royal family (though not the crown) multiple times and are considered loyal friends of the continent. This wedding between the crowns of Nordua and Vashil was not a willy-nilly thing and is something that would make sense due to the fact nobles in Nordua are usually the candidates outside of the royals. This wedding was a tragedy, not something stupid by the crown. I understand that characters can have this opinion but 9/10 they would be calling their own family stupid as they literally would have Vashil blood or relatives. Keep this in mind.

Tun is Rhaeclya's closest ally and they marry very frequently. They have similar mindsets and Rhaeclya is often involved with Tun and vice versa. THIS IS NORMAL. If you would like to know more about relationships between the countries, PLEASE CONTACT ME.

Rhaeclya may be its own country, but they rule over the ENTIRE continent of Nordua. There are no other kingdoms. Any 'castles' that are around Nordua are due to the fact that Rhaeclya has built them/assisted/approved their construction, as well as naming them and appointing the Nobles to inhabit them. If you need help understanding this, just ask.

Dragons can only be bonded once, so until their rider dies, they cannot bond again. A dragon will kill someone who is not their rider if they try to ride them or bond.

The focus of the roleplay is the war, so things like usurping the throne and shit like that will not fly. Do not change the roles and what they entail. If you need additional explanation on the role, I am happy to provide that.

A royal role will say if they are directly related to the crown or not. If it doesn't, they aren't and cannot be.

Be aware of this and understand that you will not be able to control everything.
Rhaeclya may be its own country, but they rule over the ENTIRE continent of Nordua. There are no other kingdoms. Any 'castles' that are around Nordua are due to the fact that Rhaeclya has built them/assisted/approved their construction, as well as naming them and appointing the Nobles to inhabit them. If you need help understanding this, just ask.
So then Nobility works differently than it did in our world? To my understanding and from what I remember from high school history class, Nobility such as Dukes, Earls, etc were appointed lands by the Monarch in order to oversee the government and agriculture and so on and so forth. They of course answered to the crown and would have to follow any official orders, but they were essentially their own mini-rulers within the whole of the monarchy. If that's not how it would work in this setting, then how to the Nobles fit in?
Please do not answer questions about my lore!! I will do that, just give me a chance to respond.
So then Nobility works differently than it did in our world? To my understanding and from what I remember from high school history class, Nobility such as Dukes, Earls, etc were appointed lands by the Monarch in order to oversee the government and agriculture and so on and so forth. They of course answered to the crown and would have to follow any official orders, but they were essentially their own mini-rulers within the whole of the monarchy. If that's not how it would work in this setting, then how to the Nobles fit in?
Just because Rhaeclya's kingdom rules over Nordua as a whole, does not mean that nobles have no power to govern the area that they are in charge of. The Noble Houses are in fact the minor form of government in each country, they will uphold the crown's law and regulations, as well as their own. That being said, at any point in time, the crown CAN step in and change how things are being run as they have more authority. This does not happen often as the Noble Houses have been well established, having been picked by the crown many years ago. By no other kingdoms, I mean there are no other monarchs in Nordua, even if a Noble House occupies a castle or keep, they are still only a lord or lady. That's it. Nobles are essential to keeping the peace across the various countries as well as running the more intricate businesses and commonfolk that the crown generally doesn't physically partake in. This will be the various trades that have been listed for each country. Nobles are also important politically because they help make up the Royal Court, where the ruling monarchs, along with a few appointed royals, meet with the heads of each Noble House and they discuss any issues that a House or country may be having. This is where the Nobles influence and involvement in running their particular lands and House comes into play. Nobles are also deeply involved with political marriages, particularly with the royal family. This is to ensure loyalty to the crown and put more money into Houses, thus providing more for the people they are in charge of. They aren't just some rich people running around doing nothing. They have jobs and their boss IS the crown and therefore they will listen to the crown or essentially risk being snuffed out by the crown and its allies.
A question. Since there are several roles who have experience "battles" in their character setting, would this conflicgs be a squabble between nobles or with another country? Perhaps with another force entirely, such as rebels etc?

Thanks !
A question. Since there are some roles who have experience "battles", would this be a squabble between nobles or with another country? Or with another force entirely, such as another country whose unidentified.

Thanks !
This in particular would refer to the conflicts between the countries before they bent the knee to Rhaeclya (although it has been a long time since this happened so unless the characters are elderly, they would not have participated in these battles). There are smaller internal conflicts that have popped up over the years in Nordua between noble houses essentially trying to usurp each other, which would result in involvement with the crown and the other Houses. This isn't super common but still would be a battle experience. Mostly this refers to countries or continents outside of Nordua that are gunning for the crown as it is considered to be the most powerful monarchy in the world (at this point). Battles with these continents/countries have taken place on their soil and Nordua's. The most recent war was with another monarchy outside of Nordua and this took place about four years ago!
Just because Rhaeclya's kingdom rules over Nordua as a whole, does not mean that nobles have no power to govern the area that they are in charge of. The Noble Houses are in fact the minor form of government in each country, they will uphold the crown's law and regulations, as well as their own. That being said, at any point in time, the crown CAN step in and change how things are being run as they have more authority. This does not happen often as the Noble Houses have been well established, having been picked by the crown many years ago. By no other kingdoms, I mean there are no other monarchs in Nordua, even if a Noble House occupies a castle or keep, they are still only a lord or lady. That's it. Nobles are essential to keeping the peace across the various countries as well as running the more intricate businesses and commonfolk that the crown generally doesn't physically partake in. This will be the various trades that have been listed for each country. Nobles are also important politically because they help make up the Royal Court, where the ruling monarchs, along with a few appointed royals, meet with the heads of each Noble House and they discuss any issues that a House or country may be having. This is where the Nobles influence and involvement in running their particular lands and House comes into play. Nobles are also deeply involved with political marriages, particularly with the royal family. This is to ensure loyalty to the crown and put more money into Houses, thus providing more for the people they are in charge of. They aren't just some rich people running around doing nothing. They have jobs and their boss IS the crown and therefore they will listen to the crown or essentially risk being snuffed out by the crown and its allies.
Oh, and can failing to impress the big boss can lead to some very unpleasant consequences, as with the role for the Heir to the Fallen Star? My main concern that occupies my thoughts would now be wondering why hope is still being held out for their prospective house...

Like you wrote in lore that Araes is a big player when it comes to financing anything within Nordua... but why aren't there any heads on pikes yet for those who fall out of line? How is justice served in the event of failure amongst a noble house?
Oh, and can failing to impress the big boss can lead to some very unpleasant consequences, as with the role for the Heir to the Fallen Star? My main concern that occupies my thoughts would now be wondering why hope is still being held out for their prospective house...

Like you wrote in lore that Araes is a big player when it comes to financing anything within Nordua... but why aren't there any heads on pikes yet for those who fall out of line? How is justice served in the event of failure amongst a noble house?
The crown isn't going to just murder people because they have disappointed them in a way that made them fall out of favor, not lose their status completely. A failed marriage or something like that will not result in executions and banishment or something. It would mean the crown isn't going to approach them for future marriages, will solve their issues last, and ultimately will take their attention elsewhere, benefiting the other houses, and leaving Fallen Star to get breadcrumbs. This is literally the whole reason that the noble house operating Fallen Star has been trying to get the attention and support back to where it once was.
The crown isn't going to just murder people because they have disappointed them in a way that made them fall out of favor, not lose their status completely. A failed marriage or something like that will not result in executions and banishment or something. It would mean the crown isn't going to approach them for future marriages, will solve their issues last, and ultimately will take their attention elsewhere, benefiting the other houses, and leaving Fallen Star to get breadcrumbs. This is literally the whole reason that the noble house operating Fallen Star has been trying to get the attention and support back to where it once was.
Oh, I get it now. So, without having (or failing) a political marriage (or disappointing them in some other way), they can't get the ear of whoever is sitting on the throne as much as they used too.

I was a bit confused as to why that would matter so much to a noble in Nordua... (and especially one in Araes) but for someone who manages some industry related the precious metals or luxury fabrics, they'll probably still be fine? Like, having the older house members obsessing over the potential advantage they lost while my character shrugs their shoulders before the prospect of cozying up to the Crown because they're really sad that they were neglected over it.

And the final irony is that perhaps it was for the better that they focused on improving themselves more than worrying about pleasing the King in the South...
Oh, I get it now. So, without having (or failing) a political marriage (or disappointing them in some other way), they can't get the ear of whoever is sitting on the throne as much as they used too.

I was a bit confused as to why that would matter so much to a noble in Nordua... (and especially one in Araes) but for someone who manages some industry related the precious metals or luxury fabrics, they'll probably still be fine? Like, having the older house members obsessing over the potential advantage they lost while my character shrugs their shoulders before the prospect of cozying up to the Crown because they're really sad that they were neglected over it.

And the final irony is that perhaps it was for the better that they focused on improving themselves more than worrying about pleasing the King in the South...
They aren't just missing out on 'getting the ear' of whoever is on the throne, they are missing out on getting backed by the crown if issues arise. This means if they are having issues or conflicts within their area, the crown will be focusing on other houses and more 'important' matters, therefore leaving Fallen Star to its fate. Without the backing and support of the crown, a House can easily lose its income as its trades will not be of interest to the other houses or the crown, meaning that it will have less income and influence over anything. The crown will always view them last and will take their sweet time in assisting them, so yeah, having the crown back and favor your house is a HUGE priority for literally every Noble House.
They aren't just missing out on 'getting the ear' of whoever is on the throne, they are missing out on getting backed by the crown if issues arise. This means if they are having issues or conflicts within their area, the crown will be focusing on other houses and more 'important' matters, therefore leaving Fallen Star to its fate. Without the backing and support of the crown, a House can easily lose its income as its trades will not be of interest to the other houses or the crown, meaning that it will have less income and influence over anything. The crown will always view them last and will take their sweet time in assisting them, so yeah, having the crown back and favor your house is a HUGE priority for literally every Noble House.
Oh, I was also going to ask about the state of financial instruments in Nordua next and the crown's involvement in trade but this addresses that.

But in essence, the favor of the crown is essentially a guarantee over the House's area of trade. And the Fallen Star is servicing a fragile supply chain that can collapse due to anything ranging from peasant or slum-dweller revolts, caravan raiders, or just plain dumb luck with the forces of nature.

Because to me, my opening salvo now would be just to trade with the north for construction materials for tooling/weapons manufactories subsidized by gem/metal/fabric profits, staffed with former slum dwellers, and to either see the eastern trade hubs aligned or bypassed in some way and secure profits through capitalistic forces instead of feudal/royal ones. But I imagine it would be difficult without any kind of assurances from the crown to achieve such economic ties between those regions.

And that's the part where you informed me that while they may succeed... they'll end up being nobodies outside the west. (and maybe that's how they'll end up being, a star burnt out from failure). But I guess it all doesn't matter because this is about the period of the war rather than some overarching long-haul secure-our-investments scheme. And any development like this takes time beyond the scope of what's happening, right?
Oh, I was also going to ask about the state of financial instruments in Nordua next and the crown's involvement in trade but this addresses that.

But in essence, the favor of the crown is essentially a guarantee over the House's area of trade. And the Fallen Star is servicing a fragile supply chain that can collapse due to anything ranging from peasant or slum-dweller revolts, caravan raiders, or just plain dumb luck with the forces of nature.

Because to me, my opening salvo now would be just to trade with the north for construction materials for tooling/weapons manufactories subsidized by gem/metal/fabric profits, staffed with former slum dwellers, and to either see the eastern trade hubs aligned or bypassed in some way and secure profits through capitalistic forces instead of feudal/royal ones. But I imagine it would be difficult without any kind of assurances from the crown to achieve such economic ties between those regions.

And that's the part where you informed me that while they may succeed... they'll end up being nobodies outside the west. (and maybe that's how they'll end up being, a star burnt out from failure). But I guess it all doesn't matter because this is about the period of the war rather than some overarching long-haul secure-our-investments scheme. And any development like this takes time beyond the scope of what's happening, right?
Okay so as said in previous messages, I would pump the brakes on going down the rabbit hole of the economic position of a role and things of that nature. It is NOT needed when completing the character sheet. Pretty basic information or vague ideas of what is going on is fine. This is the application stage so characters haven't been accepted yet and there is no guarantee on who is getting in. With the information that has already been given, you should be able to come up with a basic position for the House to be in, ie. they don't have the favor of the crown so they are suffering compared to the other noble Houses. That's all that's needed to be said.
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Okay so as said in previous messages, I would pump the breaks on going down the rabbit hole of the economic position of a role and things of that nature. It is NOT needed when completing the character sheet. Pretty basic information or vague ideas of what is going on is fine. This is the application stage so characters haven't been accepted yet and there is no guarantee on who is getting in. With the information that has already been given, you should be able to come up with a basic position for the House to be in, ie. they don't have the favor of the crown so they are suffering compared to the other noble Houses. That's all that's needed to be said.

Yes, and I really want to get into the details of 'But why?' I don't mind if I don't get accepted, because I'm really interested in learning more about your world and how it works and trying to put someone in who is shaped by and lives in it.

And yeah, I do believe I have the general gist down for my character. I've written up someone who is competent with politics in their backyard but is about to get a rude awakening at the Southern Court.

But I guess I couldn't put together how much in the hole they are, you got me there.
If invites don't go out before midnight, this is due to me losing power for the second day in a row.
I am expecting a huge storm to hit within an hour so if I am radio silent that is why!
If invites don't go out before midnight, this is due to me losing power for the second day in a row.
I am expecting a huge storm to hit within an hour so if I am radio silent that is why!
Stay Safe!

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