Finding A Home: A Wolf RP

Lillita Lupus

New Member
Lillita moved swiftly across the grass lands, the summer sun beamed warmly on her back and her ears darted upwards, listening for both predators and prey. This was the first time she was out properly by herself, this was the first time that she wasn't in close range with her family pack.

It was the day in which many newly mature wolves would leave their family packs and find or make new packs of their own. It was a nerve racking task, many wolves would face life threatening situations such as starvation, predators, rouge wolves and worse of all, Man.

Though there was a lot to worry about, Lillita trotted on bravely, she was always the bravest out of her brothers and sisters, being the only one to leave the pack after two years, she was adventurous, she got that from her Mother, and wanted to see more of the world then just the forest that her family pack called home. But she was still a shy girl, and didn't plan on making a pack of her own, she instead wanted to join one.

Lillita stopped dead in her tracks, she sniffed the air, the scent of a running hare flowed past her nose and she stomach growled. If she had learned anything from her Father, it was how to catch a hare swiftly and surely, she turned and stalked after the scent, licking her nose in anticipation.

Cerberus padded through the tall grass his ears perked and his head looking for side to side. He had lost track of his brother once again and was searching all over for him. Cerberus finally gave of dropping his head and starting to sniff. he was in another territory crossing the boundaries of his land. Cerberus knew by doing this he had a large chance of getting attacked by other wolves. But the sent marks seemed old as if the other wolf hadn't redone them in a long time.

The black wolf started to trot through the wooded area in search of something to chase, he had no urge to kill anything, he wasn't hungry, but he just felt like a chase. After searching for a short time he gave uo and simply laid down in the long grass waiting for his brother to find his. Cerberus began to lick his paw which had the smallest of gashes from a guarder snake that had bitten him.


THe small wolf padded quickly through the woods, he was lost, having no idea where he was. Cerberus had left him at the lake and he couldn't catch the sent after. Legacy heard something move in the bushed next to him and his hair stood up. He could smell another wolf and he was rather scared. He had never been out alone with out his brother. And it was just the right time where a larger wolf could kill him.

Legacy saw another wolf moving through the grass. He caught the smell again and found that it was a female. He coat was brown in color. Legacy had never seen her before. He was some what larger then her. After watching for a short time he saw a rabbit dart out ahead of her. She was late with her start and he knew she wouldn't catch the animal.

After a short chase Legacy had the animal in his jaws. Walking back to where he saw the female. He could see she was scared, and angry, so all he did was place the rabbit before her and walk away. Hoping she would come after him.

The air wavered around Bone's nose. By now he was of exceptional age and had to fend by himself without the comfort of his mother or siblings. He was a rather skinny wolf, bearing the pain of hunger for almost a week now. If Bone couldn't catch anything quick, surely he would be food for the crows. Bone was a scruffy gray-white wolf, but he looked barely wolflike which those ribs showing.

Standing both uphill and downwind, he noticed two other wolves hunting a rabbit. It looked rather delicious, but a single hare wouldn't be able to fill his hollow tummy. Bone wanted something... meatier.

A real wolf wouldn't do such a thing, but starvation messes with your head, doesn't it? Bone had the idea that when the two other canines run into eachother, one or the other would be seriously wounded. At least, that's how most wolves would settle a feud. What a distasteful idea. But hunger was already gnawing at him, so Bone wanted to gnaw on something bigger and better than a bunny.

Being a scavenger would be very uncomfortable for the guy, but Bone still laid low and waited patiently.
Lillita watched the black wolf walk away, confused on why he left the rabbit with her, she picked it up with her jaws and chased him, running around and stopping in front of him she dropped the rabbit at his feet. "You caught this, you should have it." The She-wolf stated.

Legacy's ears went back on his head when the female ran in front of him. His hair standing up. " I don't care I just ate not long ago." Legacy said moving around the female Cerberus would kill him if he found out he had been around another wolf, or made a kill without him. The black male started to walk again hoping she would push on abut it. She seemed young, and more then likely didn't know what she was getting into.

Legacy hoped he found Cerberus soon he wasn't sure he would be able to make it a night with out him. The local pack had been killing off wolves a lot and he would be dead meet on his own.

"Hey! Don't you walk away from me!" Lillita shouted after the wolf, she looked back at her rabbit and back to him, she groaned to herself and her stomach groaned in reply, the she-wolf grabbed the rabbit once again in her jaws and followed the wolf, trotting closely behind. "It's a bit rude, killing another wolfs prey right?" Lillita asked, though the sound was muffled through the body of the rabbit.
Cerberus and Legacy

Legacy turned and looked at the female. " Would you leave me alone." He snarled. " You wouldn't have caught it so I did so for you." He said rolling his eyes. " How old are you anyway." He said looking over the female she couldn't be over three years of age. Legacy's head then shot up when he heard Cerberus's call. He wasn't far away. " Crap." He mumbled. Looking at the female with his head low. Cerberus was going to kill him.

Cerberus had been lying down when he heard his brothers voice. The large male stood up and let out a howl waiting for a reply. Not getting one he started to trot in the direction he heard his brother from. " Legacy." He called with no answer he then came across the smaller male with another wolf and his ears went back. As he started to growl. " Legacy!" He snarled and the young wolf moved a side. Cerberus looked at the female. " Who are you?"

(( I have to get off line now sorry)

Lillita's ears flattened against her skull, and her tail fell slightly, "I'm two..." She mumbled through the rabbit, she heard the other wolfs call and her stomach turned, "Oh God, another one..." She thought to herself. The she-wolf became nervous when she noticed how the black wolf reacted to the howl, and she was right to do so, as when she saw the massive black wolf come trotting towards them, her jaw dropped and the rabbit dropped with it.

She heard the growl and danger in his voice, and her hackles rose up her back, in a futile way to make her seem bigger than what she was. "I...erm, I'm Lillita, but you can call me Lilly." The she-wolf replied sheepishly.
Bone barked at himself. "So they didn't fight after all...?" He mumbled and plopped onto the snow. "Freeze is almost here..." Bone looked up at the sky. Today just wasn't his day. Bone gruffed in frustration and decided to watch the wolves down the hill. It seems that agitation was starting to waver around, so the young wolf yawned and made himself confortable.
Cerberus and Legacy

Legacy stood behind his brother just looking att he two wolves. He hoped Cerberus wouldn't hurt her.

Cerberus looked at the young female as she spoke. " I won't call you anything." He snarled. " What pack are you from?" He had been trying to find out who's land this was all day and no he had found this wolf. " Answer me!" He snapped when the young wolf just stood there. Cerberus wasn't a very nice wolf, and he wasn;t about to become one. " You're just a pup what the hell are you doing out here alone?"

(( Okay mis shadow. You are starting to bug me. I understand that you are a beginner and you are not from the US, but will you please watch your grammar and try to make since... because at this point I don't understand what you are trying to do...))
(( I didn't say I wanted you to leave, nor do I have to power to tell you to. I would just like you to reread your posts before sending them. Make sure they make since=) ))
Lillita choked slightly, her tail now in between her hind legs and her hackles raised even higher, if this wasn't the stance of a scared and submissive wolf, she didn't know what was. Considering she was scared for her life, as she never saw such a big and intimidating wolf before, besides her Father, she was trying her best not seem like she wanted a fight.

"I...I'm from the Autumn tribe, the wolf pack from the south of here, I'm the daughter of the alpha." She started quietly, her voice shaking, "A-and I'm not a pup, I'm two...therefore I'm ready to join or even make another pack of my own! Though the last part makes me feel queezy..." She stated, though mumbled the last part to herself. 
((Okay guys, sorry, but I please don't do this here, Shadow, don't leave unless you want to, and Abi, you don't look bad, I'll delete these brackets tomorrow, when everything is sorted out, okay? :) ))
Kima moved slowly toward one of the larger trees in the forest, she could here the scuffling of wolves, she thought she heard a howl but wasn't sure. Kotahu looked up from his mothers back, lifting his little paws over his head to hide from the light, "Where are we?" he groaned. "Quiet!" Kima snapped, Kotahu hesitated and began to climb down from her back. Poking his head around the side of the tree, he glanced up to his mother, she seemed worried... again.

Kima sniffed the air, squinted her eyes and scoped the area, "I think there's a lake near by" she replied finally, "Call the pack, it's a stream of running water!" Kotahu shouted sarcastically, Kima turned slowly "and three wolves", Kotahu widened his eyes and lowered his head, "Sorry" he begged, burrowing his face into the fur of Kima's leg. "Two of them are together, one is a stray." looking back at the tree line, "What do we do Kotahu?".

He paused for a moment considering the circumstances, "We move slowly in attempt to identify the threat level" He replied. Kima smirked, she always knew he was smart and that he was a quick learner.

Kima moved left, following the perimeter, Kotahu followed cautiously behind...

Cerberus chuckled as the young wolf spoke and shook his main. " You're still young." He said his his hair went down on his back. His ears went back up and he looked at the young wolf no longer mad. It wouldn't be fare for him to hurt such a young female. Cerberus sighed thinking things over. " You need to be careful, and running around out here on your own is going to get you killed. We are on another packs land, and if they find you they will kill you wil a quickness. You're not strong enough."

Legacy's ears perked hearing his brother talk. He was being nice to this other wolf, something that Legacy had never seen before it was odd. He just watched as Cerberus talked to the girl.

" If you want to come with us you can. But you would need to help hunt and keep up with us." Cerberus said looking the young wolf in the eyes.

Lillita's ears shot up and her tail started wagging, the she-wolf smiled widely "really? Thanks!" She yipped happily, "I promise that I won't be a burden!" Lillita was obviously excited with the proposal, she had been alone for a while now, and being with other wolves would increase her survival rate and her chances on finding her new home. Lillita looked down at the dead rabbit, thinking that they could probably share the meal if they wanted too, even though she didn't catch the rabbit herself, she felt obliged to share it.

"Do you, erm, share this rabbit with me?" She asked the largest of the two wolves, suddenly it dawned on her, she didn't know either of their names, "What are your names anyway...?" The she-wolf asked, cocking her head to one side.
Cerberus and Legacy

Cerberus gave an annoyed growl as the young wolf started to jump around. " Don't do that." Cerberus could tell the animal was giddy. He turned to his brother giving him a small snap. " Don't you ever do this again!" Legacy gave a quick nod as he watched the larger male pad off and lay down in the grass.

" Like I said we just ate, you eat it." Legacy said sitting down and licking at his paw. " I'm Legacy, and that's my brother Cerberus." He gave a sigh. " Just stay away from him, he's not the most friendly animal in the world." The small wolf said as he watched the female.

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Lillita's ears flattened against her head once again, she lied down on the soft grass and started to tear open the rabbit, carefully separating the fur from the meat. She looked at Legacy, with slight guilt in her eyes "You know, if I'm really so much trouble for you two, I can leave."

Lillita didn't like being a burden on other wolves, she was always quite depended on her family pack, and when she left to make a fresh start, she thought she'd try her best to change herself for the better too. Though she would prefer to stay, she would find it best to be alone then be around wolves that didn't want her there.
(Just going to jump in now...)

May stopped running as she breathed and panted heavily. She finally outran the other wolfs who attacked her as she slept. 'I didn't know I was on their territory.' May thought to herself quietly as she looked at her white/silver coat which was now coated with a dark red substance, the substance being blood. Most of it was hers but some of it was other wolfs which made her smile slightly. May hadn't been able to sleep, have a drink, or have something to eat since days and ir was finally catching up to her. She growled softly as she continued to walk.

A few hours later May stumbled upon a new wolf territory. She bends down and sniffs, noticing that the scent isn't very strong which means it wasn't new. "I might be able to tend to my wounds here then go off on a hunt." May mumbled as she looked around before walking even more. She didn't even go a few yards when she saw three other wolfs up ahead, two of them were midnight black and the other, which was the only female, a nice brown color. May narrowed her eyes slightly before she closed them and sighed, mumbling to herself in the process, "This day just keeps getting better and better."
Legacy cocked his head looking at the female. Where had that came from, she had just been told she could run with them. " Don't start that. You were told you could stay with us, and it's up to you if yu want to or not." The male gave a sigh and plopped down on the ground panting lightly as he did so. 
Cerberus's ears flicked up as he heard the all of paws. His head came up and he looked passed his brother and the female wolf. He then groaned seeing another young wolf watching them. Cerberus stood and shook the dirt from his amazing coat before walking over and licking Legacy's ear. " Hurry." He mumbled to the female wolf who was eating. Keeping an eyes on the silver wolf not far away.
Lillita's ears pricked up at the sound of Cerberus's voice and she devoured the rabbit as quickly as she could while trying to not get any fur in her mouth, the she-wolf would have to get use to the dominance of the largest male, as her Father was a more laid back wolf, but she felt like here she was a born submissive, which was a good thing in this case, especially if she wanted to stay out of Cerberus's way.

The female stood up from the remains of the meal and looked in the direction that the jet black male was, she noticed the white wolf, as she licked her muzzle clean, she sniffed the air and could smell the wolf's scent and one more thing, blood. Lillita knew this wasn't the rabbit's blood, as the she-wolf could tell the difference between the two scents, she turned her head back to Cerberus.

"That wolf is no threat to us, I think she's wounded." Lillita stated, "They're bleeding."

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