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Fantasy Final resting.

Bishop felt himself getting caught by someone as he was jumping away from the fire. "Neon-" he went to say but she had already hopped after the girl who'd just attacked. "Dammit Neon… Throwing caution to the wind like usual…" he stood up and hopped after her, staying in the well within the shadows of the trees. He didn't like the this new girl, and with the chance of something attempting an attack on the base, he wasn't so trusting to this pyromancer. He still held the two daggers, If things got too crazy he'd intervene. "Not my fault Neon. I don't trust everyone like you do."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


Marcus stared into Cross's eyes as the event unfolded. If it had been any normal assassin, he'd have them plastered on the wall in a fine red mist… but this one… "… I feel like you and i should have a… chat." Marcus looked over at Tania. "Do you mind… or should i wait…" He smiled sadistically again. "Cause… you know how much i enjoy waiting…" He giggled and looked at the table. "So… 'X'… how does that sound."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Kamiko laughed at the young man when he tried to talk to the other recruit.

"You..still have stuff..to learn."

She walked over to the other recruit when he turned his hand into a weapon.

"He does not..like you..may not..trust others"

She was remembering basic training. Review the actions of the enemy to understand their tactics.

"You know...about hurting others...yet you miss...language not spoken"

She looked at the symbol the other recruit drew.

Veloce jolted when the girl was suddenly beside her and she reached for her sword pulling it out and swinging in the same fluid and wickedly fast motion, if the girl wasn't quick she'd find herself missing a head. "My business is my own." She ran faster her destination in sight. "Finally." She thought.

Cross looked blankly at the boy his razor claws turning into a normal hand when the girl came up to him, all except his finger which he used to write his name in quite elegant writing beside the symbol after simply shaking his head no.
Azaris contemplated his surroundings from the base's balcony. So quiet and serene, yet he could sense the commotion in the woods. Various recruits were taunting each other and taking care of unwanted visitors. He pondered about being a recruit, the thought fascinated him, never having had to go through it himself. Would he have been confident, or insecure? Outgoing or anti-social? All he knew was following orders and longing for more. Though not completely unwillingly, Azaris simply couldn't refuse an order from a higher ranking Fallengarde agent, so he had never been able to freely explore and make his own experiences outside of "work". He was grateful though, the organization had, after all, given him life, whether it be for a reason or another. When the experiment turned out to be a failure, they might have decided to kill him rather than suspend his animation for later use... Azaris got lucky, perhaps? In any case...

The homunculus' pondering was cut short: he felt something calling out to him. It was a superior agent who couldn't be present for the initiations. They needed his help. He looked down and into the woods. His help wouldn't be needed with this calibre of new assassins. If anything, he might get in the way. "I should go..." Azaris leapt off the balcony, tethering a gravity centre from himself to the various jagged peaks along the river. He jumped aptly from one to another, until he got close enough to create a link to a peak across the water. Long jumps were his favourite, they made him believe, even for a brief moment, that he could fly, a feeling which brought him closest to life.

Azaris reached the other side and continued on his way to help the other Fallengarde cell. Perhaps he would meet the recruits one day, if he survived. That much was never certain.
The slash was the last straw. Bishop pulled backwards hard creating a wire wall in front of the girl. "Speak your business. Now!" He said as he landed on the other side of the wire wall. "Stop moving order by order of Fallengarde i will cut you down." He said as he formed a long axe out of wires behind him. "Now!"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


Marcus looked at the table and turned around, a look of annoyance on his face. He had plans for this Cross… stabby plans… very stabby plans. His smile crept across his face. "Very well then… ill wait." He turned and looked at Cross. "And… respect your superiors… or." a small petal shot from behind him, cutting the boy before returning to Marcus. "I make a masterpiece from your remains." He turned and walked away. He smiled as he held the petal that he shot at Cross, the boy's blood on it. "Another sample to catalog." He said as he started into a hallway, and started towards his quarters.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Neon barely had a chance to react. She had seen the fiery girls muscles tense, and if she hadn't moved when she did, she would be minus a head.

Now instead, blood exploded from a gaping wound at the front of her neck. She fell to the ground and gagged and wretched, coughing up clods of blood and spit, a hand clasped tightly over the slit in her throat. Yet already she could feel the slit healing. But it still looked horrible. Blood seeped out from between her fingers as she desperately attempted to keep her windpipe closed so she could breathe properly. Gods above, here she was in another life or death situation. God knows how many times she had experienced this.

@BishopOfKings @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Veloce skidded to a stop in front of the wire wall, "You're Fallengarde? Seriously......." Veloce sounded and was unimpressed the razor wire user would have been fried already while his ally would have her head cut off as she choked on the gash on her neck. Veloce looked back to see the girl still alive though losing large amounts of her blood, yeah Veloce would definitely double tap that one in a fight apparently a slice to the neck wouldn't cut it. "Take me to your leader, I'm a recruit."

Cross' cheek healed before the petal reached Marcus, Cross fixed a frigid glare on him but let it go sitting back down in his chair and feeling his flesh starting to writhe under his skin in irritation.
Kamiko frowned at Marcus's action.


She looked back down at the table. She had guessed wrong. She rubbed her chin when she came up with another idea.


She looked at him curious if she had guessed right this time.

"So...you are..weapon? That is...interesting."

She didn't present herself as a threat, instead she moved away while looking out a window. She smelled a familiar scent that was faint and distant. She brushed it off and enjoyed the view.
At the sight of Neon getting slashed, Bishop ditched the whole talk routine. He jumped through a hole in the wires and kicked Veloce to the ground,. "I don't care if you're a recruit. We'll talk later." He continued running until he reached Neon, where he moved her hand way from the wound. He looses a few wires and quickly sewed them into Neon's cut. He new it would work, as this wasn't the first time. "This is why you don't start small talk with unknown people." He said as he snipped the wires and let Neon's healing spec fix her up. He turned back to Veloce. He stood above her a look of anger on his face. "You could've avoided this if you listened earlier." He said as he looked at the girl. "I'll take you to her, when I know you're a legit recruit. And with the stunt you just pulled. You're looking more like an enemy." He looked to her hands and back to her face. "And don't attempt your fire tricks. I'm faster than I seem and my wires don't burn." He pulled one of his daggers out and pointed it at her. "So start talking."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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Another cough and glob of blood and spit on the ground, and Neon stood up, moving her hand away from her neck and touching the wires. "Point taken." She managed to get out. Her voice was raspy at best, but her neck was already closing up with the help of the stitches Bishop had "applied". In a few minutes she wouldn't even need the wires. So she got up and wiped her dress off, then made her way over towards Veloce. "You think she's a recruit? .... I don't know, seems kinda suspicious.... You sure I can't just beat the shit out of her?" She hissed, her eyes narrowed, and she idly cracked her knuckles, "I REALLY. Want to beat the shit out of her."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @BishopOfKings
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Xyla silently walked through the forest. She was near this cam, she could smell it. She pulled out her dagger incase it was a trap. She hears voices and spins behind a tree just as two guards looking for intruders walk past. They fully pass her and she swings around and begins silently walking again, no noise escaping from her or the ground bellow. She reaches the edge of a forest and sees her new 'base' and just studies it for a moment.
Veloce flips up to her feet, "Easy girl, don't loose your head, ok that was bad...I'm sorry, it's been....a long day I had to fight three ONI not to mention a whole..never mind can we go?"

Cross looked at the girl and put his hand on her shoulder nodding to what she said. Letting her go and turning his right arm into a blade, while turning his left hand into a massive mace. "..........." His red eyes locked on the girl's even though she was looking away.

@Lady Luna Ravenswood
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Bishops eyebrow twitched. "Loose her head... Very funny." He said in an angered tone. "We'll go when you've explained yourself." His grip tightened on his dagger. "Your on thin ice already, so you'd better cooperate." He said as he looked around making sure no one else was listening. "Who are you. Where'd you get this map. And what else did you run into."

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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Veloce glared back at Bishop, "Look DOG the only people I have explain myself to are my higher ups and judging by your skill you are NOT one of them, so how about you run off and fetch your MASTER and I will explain myself to HER." Veloce's glare was piercing and a look of annoyance was on her face, she was quite tired of being threatened by someone she clearly had the skill to kill.
Bishop gave a small laugh. "Yeah I'm not a higher up, but..." His hand tensed. "You're in my forest. And you are in no place to command me." He twitched his hands and wires glinted all around the area and in between the two assassins." I took advantage of your talking to set this up" he said as he looked at Veloce "You so much as twitch and you'll lose something." He held up his hands and the wires tensed "So... Get to talking"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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Veloce growled "Were seriously doing this right now?! You don't recognize one of your recruits stupid? Look as bad of a situation as I'm in you're in worse unlike you're little girlfriend you're not fireproof and a can light you up faster than you can blink. Believe me I'm trained to do that, and think about it we get to your base and I'm not who a say I am I'm dead so just leave me alone! Ever think about why I scatter shot the tree instead of blasting you out of it, or why I jet away instead of killing you or even why I didn't finished her off when her throat was open? You're wasting my time and yours now get this stupid string outta my face.." Veloce glowed again but this time she was white hot instead of red heat already rolling off of hr in intense waves.
"We are doing this now, because I'm being cautious." He said as he flexed his hand. "I don't care if you think I'm wasting time." He looked at the girl "I won't take you one of our leaders until I know you are not one of the people who could be trying to destroy it." Bishop said as he felt wire coil up his arms. "So if you tell me where you got the map I'd be happy to let you g-" at that a pink petal zoomed through the air, sticking in the ground behind Bishop, leaving a small cut in the dogs cheek. "Looks like it's not your day." He said as he retracted his wires. "You get to meet one of our leaders, but not the one you want to." The Anthro stepped back as a figure surrounded by pink petals descended from the sky.


Marcus smiled as he touched down in front of Bishop. "Hello you two, and hello future cadaver!" He said as he bowed. "I heard some commotion from the base and I thought there might be someone dying!" He looked at the girl more closely and smiled "I feel as if I know you from somewhere... Eh. If it slipped my mind, it means your not worth remembering." He chuckled as he looked over the girl, she looked familiar, but he couldn't place her face. "I'm Marcus, the second in command of this fine murder squad!"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


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Kamiko looked back at Cross who had turned both of his arms into weapons. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do you think...I am a threat or...do you ...like showing...off"

She set her bag of weapons down. She needed to inspect the blades. She removed the blades she was wearing, including a dagger she had strapped to her thigh. She sat down and pulled out a sharpening stone and a small bag with fine powder in it. She held up her Katana and took it out of its sheath, revealing the a carefully made and detailed blade. Running her finger along the length of the blade she checked for any damage to it. She took her time, her katana was her favorite and it needed to be perfect.
"Lose my head...?" She said, confused. Her head tilted to the side. She stood there for a second, then it dawned on her and she glared at Veloce. "Seriously, lemme just gouge an eye out? Maybe both?" She begged Bishop, her claws itching to dig into the fiery girl's flesh. She cracked her knuckles anxiously, then jumped back when Marcus showed up. A shiver crawled up her spine and she his behind Bishop. She never liked Marcus. He gave her the chills just being in his presence. She eyed Marcus nervously as she his behind Bishop.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @BishopOfKings
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Veloce saw the petals and then the boy and burned with rage her white hot glow bursting into white flames as he landed, the one person to ever defeat her in combat stood before her now. All she heard was the blood rushing through her veins but her lip reading was on point still informing her of his cocky statement. "I give give a flying f*ck who you are you. die. NOW!!" Veloce dashed forward the roar of her flames rising and echoing through the forest and as she activated her sword and even it seemed to become fire. Her first move was a wide horizontal slash sending an white crescent of fire at her target. Though to be perfectly honest she wasn't aiming specifically for him disregarding the two other assassins that could get caught in the explosion the blast would make, she wanted Marcus to burn with nothing left no ash, not even a memory she wanted him fully and irrevocably GONE.

Cross let out some air and turned his limbs back into, well limbs. He watched as the girl sat down to tend to her katana and sat cross-legged I front of her, simply watching he kept his attention on the care and attention she gave to the tending of her weapons.

@BishopOfKings @Lady Luna Ravenswood
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Bishop knelt in a tree nearby, after he had grabbed Neon. "So much for a peaceful-ish chat." He said as he set Neon down looking at the explosion that the fire blast had made. "This could get a little hectic." He thought as he watched the fire subside.

Marcus laughed as he floated in the air above the explosion that the girl had created. "Oooo interesting. I must have done something to you in the past… Did i kill your family? I feel like i killed your family." He said landing again in the now charred ground. "You are expressing the 'You killed my family vibe'… or you could just be mad… they have the same reaction." He put his hand on his chin and looked at the girl. "You have nice… blood red hair… I love blood… Can i have some!?" He said as his discs flew out beside him. "I won't take no for an answer." And the discs released a tidal wave of petals. "Enjoy being mist!" and he let the wave of petals surge towards Veloce.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Neon watched Veloce attack Marcus, her muscles tensed. She knew he could handle himself, but still... She felt protective of her friends... Even if she barely considered Marcus a friend. He was her boss, a higher up, and so she had to respect him as a comrade, and... Oh f*** that, she don't care about Marcus. The asshole is creepy as hell and makes her want to barf when he smiles at her. He's like mad scientist creepy. And he was always trying to steal Nadr, her belt, so he could use it's healing powers on his... Victims. To make them last longer.

She slid into hiding behind Bishop further.

"Should we um.... I mean, I know he can handle himself, but um.... Shouldn't we like.... Help?"

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Kamiko was happy that her katana had not revived any damage. She looked up to see Cross had sat across from her she balanced the sword on her finger. It did not lean more in any direction, it was perfectly balanced.

"A samurai...must have perfect weapon...see...it is perfectly even....."

She grabbed the hilt with her other hand presented it to him.

"See for...yourself..this katana was...handmade 75 years ago."

If he decided to take it from her he would see that the katana was heavy yet , easy to wield.

"I only use...hand made blades.."
Veloce watched as the petals came towards her knowing all too well what they can do but she also knew that they were harmless once burned and so she concentrated all the white hot aura into her hands and by the time it was all collected her hand shone a bright white with flickers of other colors of the rainbows she held her sword and it channeled her fire she ran head first into the petals a massive ball of flame rose around her she burned her way through them and rushed Marcus taking the more direct approach. She knew they both could keep at it for ages using just fire and flowers but she was well versed in close and long range combat something Marcus seemed a bit weaker in than her. Less than five feet in front of Marcus Veloce jabbed her dagger-length sword at Marcus' head extending it in time with her jab her shield which typically looked like a gauntlet was now active and she covered her arm and herself with it. If he wasn't lucky he would find himself in a worse position than his friend.

Cross nodded and took hold of the sword being careful not to knock it into anything or to harm her, it was heavier than he expected it to be but not as heavy as some of the things he had thrown around...having superhuman strength really threw off his gauge of what's was and wasn't heavy for normal people. Though he could still respect the fact that she had the strength to wield the katana. When she mentioned that it was handmade Cross seemed impressed. He examined the blade an looked at the design from all angles memorizing it so that he could use it later. He held the handle the way Kamiko had done, handing her katana back to her.

@BishopOfKings @Lady Luna Ravenswood
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Kamiko watched as Cross examined the blade. He was like most she showed it to, impressed by the blade. She took it back when he handed the Katana back to her.

"Cool right?"

She grabbed a piece of fine tissue paper and wiped the blade down. She then grabbed a ball out of the powder bag and gently taped it on the blade releasing powder.

"Uchiko powder...makes sure...blade stays clean..."

She wiped the powder off and repeated it on the other side of the blade. She then grabbed an oiled cloth and wiped the blade with that, she then returned the katana in to its sheath. She then picked up one of the short swords when she realized they were alone in the room. It was an odd feeling. She grabbed her katana after setting the short sword back down.

"Should there be...someone from the...group here..."

She felt like they were going to test them again.

"Are they...going to...test us?"

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