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Fantasy Final resting.

(Sorry. Finals had me distracted.)

Bishop stood watching the fight as Neon hid behind him. "You can help him." he said as he watched Veloce charge Marcus. "Cause I'm not. But before you charge in there, remember." He looked at Neon. "Would you rather be yelled at for interfering… or cut down because you got in his way."

The sound of metal on metal rang as Marcus's discs swung forward blocking the attack. "Oh! I remember you! I dishonored you!" He said laughing before knocking Veloce's weapons back. "I beat you, but let you have the kill…" He laughed as his discs let more petals out. "How bout i repeat that moment!" and his discs shot towards Veloce.
Veloce roared in anger and burned a brilliant white the petals near her going up in flame and her tattoos burning a crimson red, "Your head is mine!" Veloce shot ten massive balls of white hot plasma she leapt at him her burning sword raised high she swung down and more flame arced towards the boy.

Cross noticed the quiet and then his ears picked up a faint sound he stood and walked to the door motioning for her to follow. He stood near the door and looked down the path to see Marcus and something else fighting....whatever it was Cross did not want Marcus to have the satisfaction of killing anything today and bolted off his arms becoming armored and his hands becomgin slightly larger. It was time to put and end to this. Now.

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Kamiko quickly jumped out of the window when Cross left. That faint feeling earlier was battle, she felt like a fool for ignoring it. She had her Katana grasped in one hand as she moved quickly towards the growing sound of battle. She did not draw her blade when she neared the battle. Instead, she found the highest ground and looked down on them. She crouched close to the ground, there was really no place to hide. So, she kept a low profile.

First, see what the situation is and who is involved.

She looked down at the battle, she didn't know why they were attacking the recruits. She scanned the scene.

2 members of the guild....no wait, that beast is a member....so three members of the guild.....Cross, and possible another recruit.

She kept her breaths deep and steady. She was waiting to see if they would back away or, what Cross was going to do about it.

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