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Fantasy Final resting.


The local outcast.
Many have said that a world where assassins were useless would be a good world. I agree but unfortunately that is a world we have yet to create and as such we are the ones making room for it. The enemies we face are highly trained and as such lives will be lost and some may be captured. The life of an assassin is hard and in this day and age even the people don't trust us anymore. We used to be able to fight our enemies in the light of day but that was long ago.


We are hunted by both our enemies and the civilians we fight to defend. We only have a few allies in this world's and even those are under suspicious conditions. You are to trust nobody and kill only your targets and their guards. If a person is too strong for you then either call for backup or retreat. We need all the bodies we can get and we can't afford to have you end up with your head on a pike.

Many know our organization's name but only one of our members is hunted by face and name. That is our newest recruit and our boldest one who proclaimed his allegiance before he even left for our base. Our name is Fallengarde and we will achieve liberation.

His name is Hattori Hayato. He is a expert with a pistol and magic but is also a adept swordsman but his stamina and strength are pathetic and make even kittens look like brutes. He will be learning from and training with all of you so let's get a nice clean role call.

(I will provide no character sheet and there is no set race. This world is open for creativity so I expect to be impressed with what I see.)
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Hattori sat on the top of the base watching the river flow along.


He stared at the water moving peacefully before having something hit the back of his head and knock him into the water. He popped back up and climbed onto the shore and gasped. "I told you that you can sit up there all night after you eat not before you weirdo!" Tania said before sighing and heading back inside and saluting to Acerbus with a smile. "Ma'am dinner is served and the recruits should be here any second."
Kamiko walked down a path towards this 'secret hideout' she looked at the little map someone gave her. She had been officially recruited Fallengarde after learning about them in the under ground network. She was wearing the only clothes she had (same as CS pic). She had with her a special bag used to transport all her weapons in. She had her Katana was strapped to her back and one of her wakizashis strapped to her waist. Her feet were bare though, as someone had stolen her shoes.

When I find out who stole my shoes I will introduce them to my foot in-

She stopped when she realized she had reached her end destination.

This place is very different..........

She looked around at the harsh valley she found herself in.

At least there is a river.............

Her childhood home in Kyoto had a little stream that ran through the backyard. She looked up at the building, she wasn't exactly sure how to go about walking into the building. She was just given a map and a note that said 'be here at sundown.' she walked closer to the building, to see if she could see anyone. She had been moving rather quietly till she stepped on a twig. It mad a distinctive snap when she stepped on it.

Oh, come on! I was being so quiet.

"Hello?......Any body here?"

She spoke with a heavy Japanese accent.
Cross leapt quietly from the jagged rocks overlooking the the entrance to the Fallengarde base, he had reached the area some time ago but did not want to enter the base without another "guest" suspecting it to be another trap. He was somewhat relieved and then flustered when the asian girl appeared. She was clearly new to the place so he doubted she was already with Fallengarde.

Taking a moment to weigh his options Cross decided he would chance entering the base with this girl the clothes on his back and some of his flesh changing into bat like wings he spread them before hopping off the rock pillar he was on gliding down in close to total silence. He figured he could have killed the girl by now if he wanted to but shifted his skin to metal under his clothing in case she suddenly struck out at him. He leaned a good five feet behind her noisily putting his wings away/ a.k.a returning that biomass t it's original form as his back and clothes. He looked at her impatiently running the scenarios in his mind of her reaction.
Hattori stood in the way of the Asian woman and held both of his heavy sword cases. "Who are you and what's your business here?" Little did he know Tania already knew the girl and was sneaking up on him rather unceremoniously to deal with his disrespect towards the girl. Hattori went to open his mouth again but was smacked up side his head with a cast iron pan and knocked out. "Quit being rude you moron!" She stayed before waving at the woman then she started dragging Hattori back to the base waving to cross on the way.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

@Lady Luna Ravenswood
Kamiko frowned, she shouldn't have said anything.

They may be hiding, waiting for me to leave....

She set her bag down as she scanned the area. No one or, no one within sight. She still felt uneasy, as if being watched. She placed her hand on one of her wakizashis. She had no idea how to say the organization's name and no way of really telling who was a member besides the leader, so she would have to wing it. She moved fast, faster then a normal human, when she heard someone behind her. She didn't draw her sword just yet, it wouldn't be good manners to draw a sword on a friend. She was about to speak when another man appeared. She answered his question.

"Join spy group... I followed the map"

She held up the hand drawn map when suddenly the man was knocked out by Tania. She called the assassin group a spy group but, she thought she had said the right word. She picked up her bag and followed the girl, she knew that the girl was part of the organization.

"Base is..in different place then..I thought."

It was obvious by her constant pauses that she was still having issues speaking English. She was trying her hardest though.

"Will he..be alright?"

She asked if he would be alright out of curiosity. He had a bags full of katanas, which meant they had something in common.
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Cross raised an eyebrow, instantly discarding the idea that he was being lured into a trap, thought he kept an eye on the girl noticing her reach for something in her clothes. "......." Cros didn't wave back just followed the others two into the base wondering why any assassin would harm a comrade, it didnt seem right to him nothing did as he struggled to make sense of this group he was supposed to be joining.
"He'll be okay. It's only a bump." Tania said ignoring the fact that Hattori was mumbling about not being hit again. She kicked his side gently before tossing him into the river to wake him up. "Come on you two dinner is done. Hattori I expect you dry before you come in my kitchen." Tania said after Hattori came up and took a big gulp of air. She went inside and started serving the official assassins meanwhile her assistant cooks where running way later than they should. The recruits as she called them would've passed the training dungeon but there was no chance that anything in there's had killed her recruits was there?
"So you thought you could just sneak in?" A voice spoke out from the forest as a struggling man fought with the wires that bound him. "That's a big no no." "I-Im sorry! I-I was only told to go here!" A smile shone from the dark forest. "Oh really?… Then whats the password." The man swallowed. "P-Password?" "Yeah the Password. We gave it to all the people we told to meet at the base." the figure said as he stepped out of the shadows. He was a decently big Corgi anthro, standing around 5'10", who was wearing a dark green jacket, and a range of other green colored clothes. "So you know it or not?" He said as he cracked his knuckles. "Y-yes! I-It's… It's" "Spit it out already!" The man clenched his eyes shut. "It's… WolfPack" The man braced as he shouted out the first thing that came to his mind "Wow." The dog said in a surprised voice. "Im surprised!" The man looked at the dog as he thought he was getting out of the ordeal. "You fell for such a simple trick!" The Dog said as a look of terror spread back across the mans face, and before he could utter a word his body was shredded by the wires that entangled him.

Bishop sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Well… that was easy." He said as he walked over to the remains of the man. Bishop knelt down near the pieces of meat and began searching through them. "Come on…. Theres gotta be something that led him her… AHA!" Bishop pulled a piece of paper with some dried blood on it. He opened the paper to reveal a map. "Sh*t" He said as he recognized the map, as he had handed them out earlier with Tania. "The people we asked to come here…" He said as he got up and looked at the body. "Such a waste… " and with that Bishop turned and stealthily vanished back into the forest, making his way towards the base.
"BISHOOOOPPP!" Neon jumped out of the trees and landed on the anthro's shoulder's, covering his eyes with her big, clawed hands. "Hiiiii! How are you doing my bestie!" She grabbed his cheek and pulled on it with a big cheeky smile. She had already finished off another intruder, so naturally there had been blood on her claws. Now being rubbed into Bishop's face. "Sooooo, what did you fiiiind? My guy didn't have anything on him. He threw everything he had into a river before I could kill him. It was so boring." She asked, her elbows resting on his head.

Azaris focused a gravity pull directly under his feet so that he may walk atop the canopy with ease. He sensed commotion in the forest, apparently intruders were already attempting to raid the yet-to-commence meeting. Recruits would be flowing in any moment, and the Fallengarde homunculus couldn't wait. He always enjoyed meeting new people and interacting, he felt understanding natural living creatures brought him closer to being one himself.

Azaris was thankful to have never had to go through initiation. He was, after all, MADE by Fallengarde, so he could most accurately be described as “born into the family”. He leapt off the canopy as the river came into sight, tethering a gravity centre from himself to the various rock formations in succession, controlling his fall until he finally landed on the base's top balcony.

“I can't wait to meet them.”

"F*ck!" Bishop said as he felt Neon jump on him. "Please stop, I can't se-" was all Bishop could say before he ran into a tree. He stifled his scream and instead pulled Neon off his shoulders. "You should stop that" he said as he set her down. "At this rate you're gonna cripple me." He remembered the day he'd found... Well caught Neon. She had raided the Fallengarde base for food and almost got away with it, until she fell into one of his wire traps. When Bishop found her struggling in the net, he wondered why she wasn't bleeding. That's when he found out about her belt. He wrapped her up and carried her to the base, where they made her join the group... And they made Bishop her supervisor. He never really liked that decision, but he was stuck with her. "Yeah I got something off mine." He said as he showed her the map. "Tania's recruits probably got jumped on the way here. We need to report this." Bishop stared out into the forest "who knows what's on its way."




Marcus sat and watched from inside the base as some new recruits entered the base. "Wonderful." He said licking his lips as he made his way over to Acerbus "fresh meat. I can wait for maiming... Whoops I mean training!" He laughed as he stopped next to the boss "So Aces... Any news on the freshies?" He said as he grabbed a napkin and started cleaning spots of blood off his hands. "Oh and sorry about the mess in the interrogation room. The guy wouldn't talk, so I had to get a little creative. Still didn't talk though... Such a shame." Marcus smiled in his usual creepy way. He was glad that Aces, as he called her, could tolerate and enjoy his company, as everybody else seemed to want to be far away from him... And he couldn't figure out why.


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"Well then! We have no time to waste! Lets go!" She shouted, then grabbed onto a low hanging tree branch and began to dash off through the boughs of green. Her powerful legs pumped as she jumped from tree to tree, giggling and swinging from branch to branch much like a child would.

There had been very few trees where she had grown. And any tree in her home was to be respected, along with the animals. "The trees," they said, "are blessings from above, providing us with life-giving medicines, delicious syrups, and other life." Birds and ground mammals gathered around those trees. She loved to collect the feathers she found around trees. So she felt like a kid swinging from trees. It was just too much fun as she made her way back towards the base.


Akita was anxiously pacing near the front door of the base. Her scissors dripped with fresh blood, and her wiped it off with a spare cloth, and would have attempted to wipe it off her face, but that would only stain her white fur, so she left the blood on her face. She had long ago arrived from showing their "guests" off the premises. But Bishop and Neon hadn't returned yet. Others as well, but she was always worrying about those two. For one thing, Neon gets distracted very easily and Bishop, being supervisor was never strict enough with her. Jut thinking about how Neon kept her quarters made her skin crawl. The human was so disorganized.
Acerbus shook her head. "These recruits don't need training. Hattori does but I'll let him learn from the others." She said having already thought of the way they would be trained. She turned to Marcus and smiled at him. She didn't love the man's insanity but it was useful at times and she needed somebody who was a little crazy. "Maybe if they go too soft on him Marcus I'll send him your way."
Kamiko nodded at Tania's response. She was surprised to see the woman throw the man into the river.

how odd......

She returned her attention to the woman that greeted her. She was going to ask why you would toss a fellow member in the river after hitting them with a frying pan and kicking them. But, she knew it would be rude of her to ask. She was not used to their customs and, she knew little about their relationship. She suddenly remembered something, she should tell them about the lookouts. They were fun to fight and, were tied to some trees.

"Oh and..tell lookouts sorry about..tying them up."

She should have offered to untie them but, she was sure they would not be to happy to see her. She wasn't exactly gentle with the whole thing.

"They were..tough fighters..I can tell..you only take best."

She pulled the sleeve of her shirt back to show a wound that was slowly healing. It ran the length of her forearm.

"I will..be okay"

She was self healing, thanks to her demon side.
Veloce ran through the woods thundering steps following close behind, he glanced over her shoulder noting the two massive ONI chasing her their kanabō clubs at the ready "One......two......where's three?!" She thought, a disturbance in the corner of her eye alerting her to a kanabō coming her way. She jumped over it and shot a fireball into its face. She just got an angry roar as the demon swung again ,missing and spinning due to the momentum. Unfortunately it had good balance and ran after her the other two catching up quick. Veloce kept running hearing a thundering sound as a tree was split in half and a loud whoosh as the tree was thrown at her. She jumped over it and as she landed she heard a stomp behind her and turned just in time to see the Oni swing it's kanabō again. She read the swing as it came towards her and jumped placing her feet against the club and staying on it until the oni's swing stopped them pushed off using the momentum to rocket into the air. As Velora slowed down and began to fall she turned towards the ground and the ONI she thought would be waiting. Instead two were in midair leaping up at their prey Kanabō at the ready. She let herself fall towards them her hands beginning to glow brightly like hot metal, sparks starting to fly from her fingers. She had her hands like knives and crossed over her chest swinging them forward as she got into range two blade- like waves of fire rolled off of her fingers and split the demons in half turning them to ash before they hit the ground. The third who was still on the ground watched and put his club up. Velora grabbed her sword which was still in its dagger from and whipped it out of her robe, the two clashed and made their move in the end Velora had her sword going through the kanabō and into the oni's skull. She pulled the now full-sized sword out of both objects and shrunk it down putting it back into her robes under her armor. "Told you it wasn't smart to cross me." She began walking towards the base pulling out the map to verify where she was going before continuing.

Cross followed the others in just watching the events around him through those crimson eyes of his just taking in his surroundings. He saw nothing odd beside the way the cat kids acted other than that he was pretty sure this "Fallengarde" group was legitimate which was encouraging for his long term goal but from what he saw knew he would have a great deal to get used to... An idea that he was not very fond of.
Tania taped Akita on the shoulder. "We can wait inside. Hattori will go check on them by himself." She said as Hattori nodded and ran off to do exactly that.
"Yeah, yeah..." Akita huffed, closing her scissors and tucking them into her back sheath. She then blew a stray piece of hair out of her face, and pulled on her hair ribbon. Her hair fell out of he ponytail, slipping off the silk ribbon with ease. She laced her fingers through the red silk for a moment, idly moving her fingers as she thought. Then she pulled her hair back again, tying the ribbon into a simple bow. "Lets just hope he returns with those two in tow. We need to report back to the Boss."

"He'll do his best. That's a lot you know. He's got a secret technique he keeps calling his trump card." Tania said with a smile on her face. She pulled out a chair for each member of the team and set the table. "And knowing the kid's stomach he'll be back before the food gets cold."

Bishop sighed as Neon took off into forest in her usual fashion. She was always a handful and always fun to be around… even if she drives everyone insane. Bishop was about to head after her when he heard a crash come from the forest. Bishop looked back between where the sound went and where Neon went. "F*ck it. She must've heard it too." He said as he took off towards the sound. A few seconds later Bishops landed quietly in the brush where he got a good look at what made the sound. It was a girl, dressed in red holding a map. Bishop could see the remnants of something a little ways back. "Crap… this could get bad." He thought as he let wires loose from his gloves, silently making a wire trap in front of and around the girl. "Hopefully this works." He thought as he pictured what would happened. She would walk forward into the trap and all Bishop would have to do is pull and the girl would be tied up. Now all he had to do was wait.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


"I'd like that very much." Marcus said as thoughts of how he would 'train' the little kitty. "Now if you'll excuse me… I'd like to examine our new members." Marcus walked off towards the table where everyone was going to be sitting. He walked passed Tania with a sadistic smile on his face as he looked at the two new members closely. One was dressed in what looked like a battle kimono while the other was dressed in all black. "Interesting…" Marcus said as he walked around the one in the back. "This one is quite exciting." He put his hand on Cross's cheek and turned his face so he could look into the new assassin's eyes. "You're experienced." He thought as he removed his hand and looked at the asian girl. "such an amazing halfling." Marcus's head was abuzz with disturbing thoughts. "… such possibilities!" He exclaimed without realizing it before spinning around and exhaling, calming his bloodthirsty mind. "Greetings future 'assassins'" Marcus said emphasizing the last word. "I'm glad you decided to give your talents to this organizations… and your dead bodies to me." He smiled, not realizing he'd spoken his thoughts aloud. "i hope you can excuse the squabble created by the ones who showed you in. They are always like this, until i have to intervene." He glanced at Tania with a very scary grin as he remembered last time… when he… borrowed some blood from her for one of his tests. "oh, and I'm Marcus." He said with a bow. "I am the torture expert here… and also the second-in-command. I do hope you enjoy your stay!"


@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

@Lady Luna Ravenswood
Kamiko looked at the guy who entered the room. She kept a stern face as he examined the other recruit and her. She got an off vibe from this man.

"Why do..I give bodies..to you."

She eyed him, she didn't exactly trust him. And she was wondering why he needed bodies.

"It is...alright I just hope...they can forgive...me."

When he introduced himself she bowed to him.

"Kamiko Hamamoto. I am a ..trained samurai or ..onna-bugeisha."

She felt like she needed to add something.

"Sorry if..my English is..not good..I am...still learning."
Cross grimaced when the boy touched him and glared when he turned his head, his anger showing in the intensity of his glare. As usual he said nothing to the boy but just sat there making a mental note that if he ever died he would make sure to set himself on fire before he went. At the sound of a new voice Cross looked over towards the other recruit with the katanas. She said he was a trained samurai and Cross had no reason not to believe her, he was curious about how good she was with them considering he had faced multiple samurai who couldn't even put a nick in his arm blade he hoped she was much better than them.

As Veloce walked she kept her eyes on the map her peripherals on her surroundings she wanted to look non-threatening. She thought she would have a relatively up eventful end to her journey but as her map was cut into seemingly out of nowhere she only sighed out of exasperation. "Razor wire..." She dropped the other half of the map having memorized it anyways her right hand glowed red hot again and she held her palm forward a jet of flames shooting out another ten feet in front of her heating up the metal wires and exposing the trap. "You can do better than that....come on out... I know your there yada yada." Veloce just sounded bored as she turned her head to either side of the path and readied her flames making her hands glow once again. "I'm on my way to an important meeting, if you get in my way you will be eliminated.
Bishop smiled as the girl stopped moving… right where he wanted her to. Bishop pulled one of his arms backwards and clenched the other hand. Wires moved directly below the girl, entangling her legs and hoisting her into the air. Bishop pegged the wires into the tree in front of him, and drew two daggers from his belt. "State your business." Bishop said from behind a tree. "Your trapped, those wires won't break or melt." He moved up into the tree and readied himself in case she shot fire at him. "You're on thin ice, and i have orders to remove anyone who gets this close." He stared at her from the shadows. She had a map on her, meaning that she could be a part of whatever group had already attacked the people Tania had asked to come here. "This could get crazy really fast…" He thought as he watched the girl.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira


"Its just an option!" Marcus said as he turned to Kamiko "I like to experiment on dead bodies so i can learn new ways to torture without killing a person… It helps get information." He smiled in his usual manner "And its a pleasure to meet you. I do believe there is someone in here that can help with your english… your not the first who we've had to teach." Then he turned to look at Cross. "I don't think i caught your name." He said as he walked back around Cross. "I think you'd better introduce yourself to one of your leaders." He said as his discs started to release a few sakura petals as he walked. "It would save me from having to… test you, right here." He giggled a little bit as he stopped in front of the new guy. Marcus stroked his finger down Cross's chest. "So… who are you?"

@Lady Luna Ravenswood

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Veloce huffed, "I warned you." A pillar of fire the width of the path roared to life around Veloce and in the diversion she watched where the red hot wires led eventually converging on the peg, Veloce threw a fireball just to the side of it the explosive force and burning dislodging it from the tree. The moment the wires loosened Veloce slipped out and leapt into the air jets of flame keeping her in the air as she stood above the circle of scorched earth and burning tree. "Look anymore attempts to impede me will lead to your death, I have no time to waste her with you." With that Veloce hurled three more fireballs in the general area of the tree all in a ten foot radius. She jet further down the path and landed going into a fast but manageable run towards her destination angry that she would be late.

Cross grabbed the boys arm in his right hand and pulled it away from his chest, he turned his left hand into it's claw form and used the razor edge of his pointer finger the draw a cross in the table all he while his blood colored gaze was on the flower boy in front of him, he would not speak for this boy that he was sure of.
A flash of green shot from the trees, grabbing Bishop before he could be engulfed in flames, and off into the trees once again.

"you know, you're really bad at the whole 'gathering information' thing, aren't you?" Neon said, carrying Bishop in her arms as she jumped along through the trees. "Look, lemme talk to this chick. Girl to girl, yeah?" She said, leaving Bishop on a low hanging branch before taking off again. She caught up to the fiery girl very quickly, and matched her stride easily.

"Where are you gooooooing?"

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

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