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Fandom Final Fantasy: The Age of Ophiuchus [Closed]

Didymus hadn't mentioned it. So perhaps it wasn't something for either of them to mention. Kikiti did feel that guilt creeping up in her, but she figured it was better if they didn't know. And at least then, by sending her parents that letter, they wouldn't inadvertently lead anyone to them as a result. So, she tried to shake off the guilt as the conversation moved onto food.

"Oh, wow," Kikiti smiled, going over towards the food to check it out. "You guys got a nice haul."

Cleon did smile a little at that, even if it was a little bittersweet with how he reacted to all of it. It was nice to at least be a little helpful in all of this. He hoped he could keep that up as time went on.

And there were plenty of opportunities to do that, even now regarding the guard shifts. Cleon looked to Reva, "I can take the first shift, unless anyone wants it."

"Sounds good to me," Kikiti chirped, wandering over her and Didymus' chocobo, where her stuff sat with them. One arm plunged into her bag before coming back out with the clothing and other sewing supplies that they had grabbed the day before. "For now, I'll work on some decent clothes for you all. Gives me something for my hands to do," she smiled before returning to the campfire set up.

It would be good practice for her. It might not look perfect at first, but she could only get better at it. Plus, it brought her a little closer to home, even if she was far away from it.
“Yeah,” Didymus murmured, “just wish there was some wheat or something,” he murmured as he dug through the bag and noticed the vegetables. Rice would have been good, too. He knew they didn’t have that kind of luxury, but he still sighed, “We should consider buying rice, or wheat, or something in the next town to help fill things out.”

It would also help with Reva’s diet, too.

“Perhaps,” was all Reva said to that, although she was aware of the use of grains. Her attention turned easily to the commentary on shifts. Cleon wanted the first shift this time, and though a little hesitant, she nodded, “Very well. Didymus, Kikiti, do you have preferences?”

Didymus shook his head, “Preferably not second,” he considered it the worst shift.

“Third, then,” Reva said. Last shift suited her fine, “Kikiti, will you be all right on second shift this time?” She did notice her beginning to set up shop to work on some clothing, and she moved closer, finding that more interesting to observe than the food preparations that Didymus was starting, skinning the hares in preparation of cooking them.

Reva had little to do with the preparation of clothing in her time. This was a more curious art...and she was likely to get more tired of Didymus muttering about things they needed sooner than she would get tired of Kikiti's commentary.
"Rice..." The thought of it made her drool. Though Ucantis did love its game and meaty dishes, a neighbour of theirs did a fantastic little rice bowl with all the meat trimmings you could ask for in Lalafell Town. She had to shake off the thought of it. What they got here would be great, no doubt, especially with Didymus' cooking skills, but it was silly home comforts like that she would miss while they were on this journey together.

On the conversation of guard shifts, Cleon and Didymus had already taken their preferences for guard shifts. She nodded at Reva's inquiry of whether second shift would suit her. "It should be fine. The full-tummy daze should wear off by then," she giggled, managing to finish setting up what she needed. What she was planning to do was alter some of what they had picked up, because she already knew some of these would have been too big.

After all, Cleon did have muscle that she noticed after brief observation of it the previous night - not that she had wanted to see it, of course - and of course, Reva was taller and thinner, and Didymus didn't seem to be packing on a lot of weight himself. She, of course, was more 'pint-sized' than the rest of them, so hers would need a lot more work.

She wouldn't do anything too tight for anyone. She planned to have them try on some of the attire to see what was more comfortable. She could tighen and cut things, but making things bigger was a hell of a lot harder.

"They're not the most amazing clothes you'll wear," Kikiti told Reva as she approached, grabbing some pins she already carried around with her and starting to mark off what she was thinking of tightening, "but I'll be damned if it doesn't fit anyone right. Can't have anyone sticking out more than what they already are, right?"

In the meanwhile, Cleon had decided to grab his sword. He figured it was better to look over it than stare into space with little else to do. He unsheathed it, taking a look over the condition of the blade. He knew at some stage, it'd have to be cleaned and oiled properly, which reminded him it was something they needed to grab if they were going to be travelling a lot. But for now, he traced the curves of the dark blade with her fingers, looked over the pattern running down the blade that he never quite understood. Then again, it had always been a mysterious sword with stories around it.
Reva chuckled and shook her head, “I am not concerned about that, only that they do fit.” Though viera had their own styles in the wood, many still adapted it to their outside life, as well. She had done what she could with the tabard, making it a dress, while using metal armor to cover what she wanted protected.

Humans thought her usual attire a bit too immodest, and being a royal guard, she had bent to their preferences. At least her own long hair had fit right in, within Ucantis.

No doubt, she needed to forgo the tabard soon. It held the colors and symbols of Ucantis upon it, and the further they went from the capital, the more it would cause her to stand out as someone of interest. Not that being a viera didn’t already do that, but moreso.

Perhaps she would have to consider covering up even more.

She did glance over to Cleon as she settled herself, noting how he had taken out his sword. She would not comment on it, or suggest that perhaps he could learn a bit from Didymus right then. He had done enough that day with hunting.

Didymus, for his part, would likely be annoyed to have anyone else helping him as he went about cutting up the food. He was at least portioning out a meal for her, crushing the bulbs to use them as something of a seasoning or flavorful addition to the turnips and mushrooms, while continuing his muttering about what he really wanted with these ingredients. His string of complaints was rather amusing, and Reva suspected he was unaware that she could hear him as he muttered under his breath. Well, she wouldn't call him out on it.

It seemed odd that he did know so much, given what little they know of his life.

Nonetheless, he continued, eventually getting the food over the fire – the rabbits also flavored a bit additionally with the bulbs as they were spit-roasted over the fire, while the mushroom and turnip mixture were sautéed to the best of his ability in the pot.

At least it was beginning to smell good.
Kikiti smiled at that. "I'll make sure they fit. Can't have you running around uncomfortable, after all." It was the same mantra her mother Sosola had. She always did get Kikiti's size just right, and her favourite fabrics, and styles of dress. Kikiti only hoped that she would be able to do the same for her travelling companions.

For now, as Didymus was cooking and preparing their food, which only served to make Kikiti's mouth water even more, she just continued on with her work. Admittedly, she started working on clothing for Reva since she had grabbed the largest of the lot she had bought first. She figured it would be best to show Reva with her own clothing first too, after all.

Much of the work included marking the garment and actually cutting it. Alarming though it may have been to cut fabric like that, Kikiti would reassure Reva that the fabric would be sewn back up and how the sleeves would be sewn back on too. The only thing with doing everything by hand, including the sewing, meant it was a much more arduous process. Her mother had a contraption that made for faster sewing at home. Unfortunately, that wasn't something Kikiti could just carry around with her, nor would she have anyway if she had known they were going to be running away from Ucantis.

Cleon had vastly preferred Kikiti's commentary over Didymus'. She was loud enough anyway that his mutterings couldn't be heard. Though the occasional twitch of Reva's ears signalled that she could, and he smiled knowingly at the thought. He himself had to be careful of anything he muttered about. He only learned that when she had discovered what presents he was gifting her over the years.

Eventually, though, when the food was nearly finished, Kikiti looked up in sudden remembrance. "Oh, Cleon! You wouldn't mind grabbing the bowls and stuff that we need, would you? They're just in my bag over there. I'd grab them myself but..." She lifted the tunic she was working on.

"It's fine," Cleon smiled, sheathing his sword, intending to put it away anyway. He got to his feet, taking Severance with him, and walked over to the chocobos, who had decided to take what they believed would be a well-earned rest. Soon enough, he had returned his sword with his things, before going over to Kikiti's bag to gather what they needed.
There was a lot more cutting than Reva would have thought, although she supposed it made sense to get the shapes right. Sleeves was not something she was terribly concerned with, although she reminded herself once again she ought to try and blend in. It was colder in Rozari. She should feign to be as impacted as the humans in her party, even if she’d literally come from timberlands that had ice and snow quite frequently.

It was no matter.

It seemed Kikiti’s sense of smell was also quite good – she recognized when the rabbit was nearly finished, and Didymus looked up as she called for the bowls, “Yeah, you can bring them here,” he said, as he began to take the rabbits down from the rack to start cutting the meat up to mix into the vegetable mixture – though he’d separate some out for Reva first, a bigger portion of vegetables since the others would be getting meat.

“It’s not too great, but the bulbs are going to add some flavor to the otherwise bland food,” he said, clearly disappointed in his own work here, but he didn’t have numerous spices or other things to work with. He really would kill for more of those, but he would make due. He might have to try and find some on the way, or convince them to head towards the ocean on their way up and along port towns.

Not only could he steal good spices, there was sea salt he could get easily!

“It will be sufficient,” Reva said.

“I know that,” Didymus was still huffy, “I don’t want just sufficient. Who wants just sufficient?” He was still glowering over this, apparently. Reva managed not to laugh at him over it; of course, she understood everyone wanted excess and luxury, and good tasting food. He was likely used to the pains of ‘sufficient’ himself, and wanted more.

That was probably why he learned in the first place.

"We need to get some salt. Like if we could venture closer to a port town...it makes so much of a difference."
Cleon grabbed all the utensils that were needed, bringing them over to Didymus as he was cutting up the meat for them all. It wasn't long however, before he was complaining about how the food wouldn't be too great. Sure, it wasn't going to be like one of the means Cleon had quite often, but it still smelled good - even if he had hunted and killed those hares himself.

"Well, just about anyone who needs it," Kikiti pointed out after Didymus made his sufficient comment. "It could be worse. We could be sitting here with no food after all."

"I suppose that's true," Cleon commented. He believed they very nearly would be without food at one stage. Perhaps in the future, they might suffer without food too. It wasn't something he was willing to think about right at this moment.

"But still," Kikiti smiled, looking to Didymus. "You've done what you could with it, and we still appreciate it!" Whether that compliment would cheer him up or not, who knew. Still, ever the bundle of positivity, she would doss it out anyway.

"Though..." Kikiti sighed again, rubbing the back of her neck. "Aren't some port towns pretty far from Ucantis? I'm trying to think of the nearest one."

"Yeah, a little far out," Cleon pointed out, seeming almost disappointed on behalf of Didymus. "It would take a little while to get to the nearest one around here. It isn't impossible to get to, but salt might not be something so easily to come across for awhile."

"Not if Didymus swipes some from somewhere," Kikiti couldn't help but think to herself. She could imagine him stealing some salt from a bar or food establishment of some sort. Though, what a very odd thing to steal. It was rather ironic, of all the things he could swipe.

"We can survive on sufficiency," Kikiti smiled. "For now, I'm just thankful we're able to eat!"
Just about anyone who needs it was technically true, but Didymus still had an image to keep up. At least, in his head. He didn’t want to be known for passable food. He still had dreams, however ridiculous, of being known for great food, someday. Of being able to show other people how to make great food from very little. Now that he was challenged on it, he didn’t feel like any of this was great.

He had learned to make food in cities, not the wilds.

What he ‘took’ was stolen goods, no matter how bland, not…well, this.

“And our goal is not tasty food,” Reva reminded as the discussion about salt and port towns went on, “a port town is not on our route to Rozari.” It would be the wrong direction to Rozari, really, and they couldn’t afford wasting that kind of time.

And yet, a light seemed to go off over Didymus’s head. “Wait! Aren’t boats faster than walking? Couldn’t we just…hitch a ride on a boat going to Rozari?” Then they wouldn’t risk running into Arkidians, or having to hide all the time. They’d just have a nice boat trip up to Rozari!

“Yes….” Reva couldn’t really deny it, she’d traveled by boat before, and they were faster than walking. Still, “That would cost more gil than we have left, and it is possible they would not take us to Rozari. The detour would take time, to be disappointed.” She noted, as Didymus finished filling the bowls.

He balanced three and brought them over, “Maybe, but there always seemed to be a lot of travel on the boats in Escander, I can’t imagine there isn’t at least one boat going to Rozari. Maybe even one making a quick trip of it since they know the Empire would be cutting that off soon?” They did with Escander and Ucantis, as well as Rozari.

Pirates still came through with goods from the other places, though.

Escander never really suffered.

"Do you truly want salt that bad?" Reva arched a brow, and Didymus flushed a little.

"No it's not--it'd also just be faster...." but yes he also wanted salt.
Reva's words had rung true. Cleon knew how easy it could be to get sidetracked from what the purpose of fleeing Ucantis was. The sooner they got to Rozari, the sooner they could get to Elcid, and take their next steps from there. Whether that was staying or fleeing further, for that matter.

Then came the idea of sea ferrying across to Rozari, which Cleon would admit, sounded like a much better idea than trying to walk the entire way there.

"Still," Kikiti started, looking between them all. "We could try and bring up the funds to get some sort of boat ride. We could always sell the chocobos for some extra funds if we need to. And even if it doesn't take us the whole way to Rozari, we'd be a lot closer to it than just by walking there."

"That's true too," Cleon said, though, he suspected Kikiti was a bit more knowledgeable on that, given how she was speaking, Her father was a merchant. Perhaps he had mentioned such locations or even trade routes before. Even if she wasn't an expert, there had to be some knowledge hidden deep in the recesses of her mind. He looked to Reva. "It's an option, at the very least, if we run into any trouble."

Each of them eventually got their portion, lovingly prepared by Didymus' best standards, with the tools he had in his situation. Regardless, Kikiti was rubbing her hands together after she put down her own work, eager to get stuck in.

Cleon often wondered how hungry Kikiti actually got. Or if she was still growing, hence the amount she ate. They weren't questions he ever asked though, primarily because he didn't want to be rude to the girl.

"I'm sure we'll come across salt at some stage," Cleon reassured Didymus. Though, he wondered if they could even grab salt from somewhere other than a port town. Possibly, but he couldn't be sure of that.

He just knew Didymus really wanted that salt.

"Listen, if Didymus gets salt," Kikiti said, words muffled by her food, "I, at least, deserve to get my hands on rice. You can't mention rice and then not expect me not to want any!"
Why was Reva being outnumbered here?

She supposed they could sell the chocobos for a pretty gil, the birds were clearly of good stock and hardly seemed to tire easily. No doubt, they could easily get more than a hundred for each one, and possibly afford to buy passage towards Rozari. How much faster it would be may be questionable, but it would certainly hold less risk of being caught.

She pursed her lips together as she took the bowl, no longer certain if this might be a wrong move.

Didymus chuckled a bit about the rice, though, “Of course. I could do with some rice, or some bread, or anything more filling than this,” not that this wasn’t filling, as even he began to dig in, “if we can get salt, we can get rice,” rice might even be cheaper in some locations, to be fair. Of course, it was all cheap if he stole it.

Reva spoke up, “Perhaps the boat would not be so bad,” she had let her thoughts continue to dwell on that. “It would be a few days to get to a port town, but you are not wrong. They would still take us faster than we can move on foot, and a route where we do not have to worry about Arkidian soldiers.” She sighed. “Though Cleon and myself would need cloaks.”

Something Kikiti might be able to easily fashion on the way.
Kikiti beamed at Didymus' words. She wondered if she could Didymus to replicate that rice dish that had her mouth drooling earlier. Not that this wasn't nice, of course, but a taste of home might quell the home sickness that popped up every so often.

Reva quickly turned the conversation back to the port town, however, clearly still thinking upon the logic of it. Cleon could tell, mostly because he had glanced over at her when the conversation had turned to rice, she had grown ponderingly silent. Her thoughts had never left the idea of getting a boat and she still tried to justify it as being either a right or wrong choice.

On the subject of cloaks, as if the young girl had read Reva's pondering thoughts, turned and said, "I'm sure I can whip up some cloaks pretty quickly. I can make them first priority if we decide to head to the nearest one."

Though it seemed unanimous about what choice they would make, things could still change.

"That would be helpful," Cleon smiled. They were lucky to pick up people with useful skills as theirs. And oddly lucky for them to all have similar markings...he pondered that himself as he ate his own portion. He thought it would have tasted worse, or it would have been difficult to eat, considering he killed these animals himself. He was surprised that he had little trouble eating.

Hunger and survival, he had quickly learned, took precedence over his own strange morals.
Reva did not need to directly ask, the implication appeared to be enough for Kikiti to latch on to. The idea of shifting towards a port town became more solid in Reva’s mind. It would hasten their way to Rozari, and so, to Elcid. This was precisely what they needed, and if they had a cloak, they stood a chance of not being seen.

It was still likely they would need to send Kikiti and Didymus ahead to get the passage, so that she and Cleon were not in front of anyone for too long. “Let me consider,” Reva said, but she got up to walk towards the chocobos and fetch a map so she could review their distance from the sea, and thus, from the port towns.

She would return to her place soon enough, and unfold the map over her knees as she began the calculation, using the scale provided on the map to consider the distance, fingers tracing it out, bit by bit, as the others continued eating.

Didymus had no trouble eating, of course. He may have complained about it, and wanted it to be better, but it was sufficient – and he’d spent his time getting the meat out of the rabbits. “I don’t suppose you have any idea what typical seafaring, uh, fare is in Ucantis, do you, Cleon?” He doubted it; Cleon didn’t seem to know all that much about things within his kingdom, but it was worth a shot to determine how much they might need.

Reva didn’t look up, at any rate, to offer Cleon an ‘out’ to answering the query.

“I know in Escander, it can be pretty ridiculous, though things are getting a bit more regulated,” the Empire was starting to push against the capitalism that ran rampant and unchecked in Escander, but it was going to be a long fight, no doubt. “Not sure how you handle these things in Ucantis.”

“We are unlikely to get on a passenger vessel,” Reva did interrupt with that, but no more.

Odds were they’d have to ‘bribe’ their way onto a goods vessel.
No one argued with Reva when it came to her 'considering' their next port of call. As she returned with a map, calculating distances among such other things, the rest of them continued eating, conversation stalling. It wasn't awkward, more a justified silence in everyone enjoying their food.

Cleon, however, paused, food still caught in his mouth as Didymus asked about sea travel fares in Ucantis. If he knew little about deals for potions and echo herbs in Ucantis, then he would have little knowledge on such travel fares. He tried not to seem so spooked by the question, even as Didymus went onto clarify, and he would admit he was waiting on some help from Reva.

Though, the only help that he got from Reva was the mention it would be harder to procure a passenger vessel.

Cleon at least knew the differences between the two. Not when it came to the fares, however.

"So, if we don't get passenger boats," Kikiti started, rubbing her jaw, "we could grab enough gil for a boat going on a trading route. Else sneak aboard. It depends on how much it costs." She shrugged. "My papa complained about how hefty the prices and fares for that got, but I think that's with the amount of stuff he had transported when he used to take those trade routes..." She rubbed her head.

"Your father used to trade overseas?" Cleon asked, curious, but also, having been tempted to change the course of the conversation.

"Yeah," Kikiti beamed. "He travelled all sorts of places. Though, eventually he narrowed down his scope, and then he eventually ended up in Ucantis with mama after he met her."
Reva lifted her head from the map, “Kikiti, do you know any traders or trade organizations that may be easier to use?” If she had family in the business, even historically, that could be useful for them. They could use those connections to get somewhere. “Or what port cities your father may have preferred?”

Either of those would be useful, and Didymus caught on to the why of it, and nodded, looking hopefully at Kikiti. Cleon may not know much – nor did it seem Reva was the expert here – but Kikiti could help them figure out a bit more about who was more trustworthy in the business, or what cities were better.

Although, Didymus suspected the ‘better’ cities might also have better security. He didn’t know what that might mean with the Arkidian issues in play. It could mean good things, it could mean bad. Conflicts usually meant things, and people, got overlooked in the chaos, after all.

They’d find out soon enough, even if Kikiti didn’t have any advice to offer about the port town they should head towards. They’d end up in one of them…and no doubt he and Kikiti would have to figure out how to get passage.

He might leave that to her.

She did know what she was doing.

Kikiti looked to Reva, then, lowered her head in some thought. She was sure her father had mentioned names - several actually, for he always did like to reminisce - but there was an organisation he had been with before he left to strike out on his own. "He always mentioned plenty of names, but I know he was associated with one for a long time...uh..." She tapped her chin for a moment before she snapped her fingers. "Folke's Mercantile Front! They tend to do business between Ucantis, Prumoor, and Rozari, for the most part. The other ones less so, due to Imperial occupation...and mostly because the tax rates are pretty high."

Her father did always complain about tax rates. And any rates. She was just convinced he hated paying for just about anything as a merchant.

"As for port cities...my papa spent most of his time running to and from Aerilon, which is somewhere here in Ucantis," Kikiti went on to explain, "I think the company ships to a town called...Qusai, I think, in Prumoor. I can't remember the one for Rozari though." Kikiti admitted sheepishly, rubbing her head. The one place they needed to go, and she didn't have the name of.

"Don't get me wrong, Papa has complaints on just about everywhere," Kikiti shrugged. "But those names are places and a company that he likes, or at most, tolerates rather well. I'm sure if I brought his name up, we could get on board one of their vessels."

It seemed as if Kikiti had a well, or perhaps just a bucket-full, of knowledge than the drips of information that the rest of them had. And, judging by her knowledge, she had some inkling of what cities they might have been able to steer clear from.

Cleon knew it could have just been a matter of convincing them with her father's status as a merchant and hoping that they were going where they wanted to go.
Reva and Didymus both waited for Kikiti to summon to mind the information that she’d been given from her father. It did not take her long, bringing forth the name of a group that apparently had ‘fewer’ complaints. Reva nodded, humming in thought as she looked back down at the map and looked for the town that Kikiti mentioned.

Aerilon was actually further south than they were. Technically, out of the way – but the time would easily be made up if they got a ride on the ship. Where they were heading in Rozari wasn’t far from the coast as it was.

It would be a shame to lose their chocobos, though.

“If we offer to help out on the ship, maybe we’ll even get cheaper passage,” Didymus used, and Reva arched a brow, “I’ve done it before – offered to cook to get passage, and it made my fare free.” He supposed there wasn’t much Cleon could do.

He wasn’t sure about Reva.

“Kikiti could probably repair sails or clothing or something. That might save us the price of two, at least.”

“They just trust that you can cook?”

“No…usually they’ll plan to make you swab the deck and clean up if you can’t do that, or ask for a deposit. If they’re even willing to negotiate,” Didymus noted. He supposed Cleon could swab the deck, although he couldn’t actually imagine it. He couldn’t imagine Reva doing that, either. “So, are we gonna try this?”

Reva sighed, “Aerilon is further south,” she noted, “it would be in the wrong direction,” still, she looked to Cleon, “It may yet save us time. What do you think, Cleon?”
Kikiti, too, couldn't help but consider Didymus with curiosity herself. She didn't think he was well-travelled. Then again, there wasn't much they knew of Didymus either. She at least knew bits and pieces about Cleon and Reva.

At the very least, she knew Didymus had a sister.

"At least we'll be able to offer them something," Kikiti said. "It'd take me twice, heck, thrice as long trying to swab an entire deck."

She imagined it could have taken Cleon much longer, though, she chastised herself for having such a thought.

Cleon knew he hadn't much to offer for cheaper passage aboard a ship. Still, he knew that they had to get to Rozari and quickly, and perhaps this would be one of the only ways of making it to there without Arkidian forces catching up to them.

Who knew how quickly they would have all trade routes locked down and monitored?

Cleon looked to Reva then. "I think we should go there. Like you said, it might save us time, and who knows when the Empire might start monitoring sea routes."

Kikiti patted her legs with a smile. "Then I guess it's settled then. We can make our way there and hopefully secure some sort of passage." She grabbed the last of her food, chewing, before adding, with a mouthful, "And grab Didymus his salt."
Didymus allowed himself a stifled laugh at the thought of Kikiti trying to swab a deck, and how long it might take her. Ideally, she wouldn’t end up in that role, though imagining Cleon or Reva in it was somehow harder to do. Probably because Kikiti did, obviously, have experience working. She’d probably mopped the floor of her shop or home before.

Reva and Cleon? Probably not.

‘Wonder if boat is going to make things easier for me?’ Probably not, but Didymus knew this was his fault for getting excited about the idea. Now they were going along with it. Perhaps they’d get caught heading towards the town? Maybe run into Jagger? They were heading back south, it was possible, right?

He’d have to keep his fingers crossed.

“I’ll be glad to have the salt. It’ll make the trip easier if we can’t get on a boat. Tastier food.” Though he had a feeling they’d find a way on somehow. They were all proving to be rather resourceful. It was hard to think of this as a coincidence with the marks, too, though he wasn’t going to ask them about it.

They were clueless.

Jagger, though, he was going to ask her a thousand questions when she caught up. If she caught up. He’d never wanted to see Jagger so much in his life before. That wasn’t saying much, but it was still saying something, he supposed.

Reva nodded. “Then in the morning we will begin our journey anew, and get to Aerilon. It should be…perhaps 2 or 3 days, by chocobo.” She wasn’t as good with estimating their speed. Maybe it would be even faster, but she did not think so.
"So, technically, it's a win even if we don't get on a boat?" Kikiti suggested, looking to the others with a slight smirk playing on her lips.

"I...suppose?" Cleon wasn't wholly convinced it was a win for them, bar Didymus, who didn't seem to shut about the salt. Come to think of it, the hares would have benefitted from some more seasoning, in his experience.

Then again, they were working with very little. Didymus had a very good excuse. They were lucky to even have someone who could cook in the first instance.

And someone who could sew.

Cleon wondered how coincidental this all was...including with the markings. But then it wasn't as if they would get answers among themselves. He had to wonder just how much the Empire knew about these markings.

Regardless, it was something they couldn't figure out now between them all. They had bigger things to think about. Cleon nodded to Reva, not really sure of how long it would take them to get to Aerilon by chocobo. Much faster than by foot was all he could think.

"Okay. Then we can get prepared for the long haul then," Cleon said, setting his bowl down beside him for a moment. "But we at least need to get through the night first. I'm still okay with taking the first shift if everyone is okay with that."
Didymus was willing to give an enthusiastic nod to Kikiti’s statement that it was a win, even if Cleon was more reluctant to agree with the situation. He also nodded about Cleon taking first shift, “Yeah, I don’t have any problems with that,” he confirmed, “it’s going to be nice sleeping in a tent with some cover.”

“Mm. You and Cleon will be sharing,” Reva imagined that wasn’t actually a given, considering her status as guard. She did not have any concerns sharing with any of them, but given how the bathing and washing went the other day, she did not want to subject Kikiti to sharing with the boys.

She also preferred it that way herself. More space for her in a tent with Kikiti.

Didymus bit back a false hypothetical of being attracted to men to see if that would change Reva’s tune. Jagger always made him think of things like that when there was gender segregation. At least he and Jagger often had similar tastes.

He could only imagine how quick he’d be hit of he tried to mention that with Jagger in the party, and her sharing with Reva.

He tried not to let the thoughts of Jagger sober him.

Or that she might get some amusement from this group he found himself in.

“I think I’m gonna go ahead and settle in,” Didymus said with that information passed on. He’d finished up. “One of you can clean the dishes,” he’d cooked, he wasn’t also cleaning the dishes. He drew the line there!
Kikiti breathed a silent sigh at the news that she would not be sharing a tent with either Cleon or Didymus. She didn't expect either of them to get up to any funny business with her. Cleon seemed too polite (and perhaps a little naive?) to try anything and Didymus didn't seem like he went skirt-chasing all that often. Still, the thought of sleeping next to either of them, no less having nearly saw them with no clothes the night before, was something she wanted to avoid.

At least with Reva she could be a bit more relaxed, and not have to worry about her in the tent with her.

Cleon knew Kikiti was an instant out, having seeing her relieved reaction. He probably would have preferred sharing with Reva - on account of simply knowing her longer - but for Kikiti's sake, he would share with Didymus.

So, he made his stance fairly clear. "I don't mind that," he had said in response to Reva.

And that seemed to be that. Didymus decided to go on ahead and make himself comfortable for the night - or at least until his shift came up - and left someone to wash out the dishes. It was fair, on all accounts, seeing as he actually made the food.

Kikiti was the one to rise to her feet first, lifting her bowl as she did so. "I'll wash them out," she told the remaining two. Surprisingly, she quite liked wash-up duty. The drying was another story, though, she assumed with the fire here they would dry up rather quickly.
It didn’t seem to take Didymus long to get settled in his own tent. He did dress down a bit, at least taking off his shirt, before he’d slip into the tent and hide away from the rest of them. There wasn’t much movement, or suggestion of movement, from that point on. That left Reva, Kikiti, and Cleon to share the warmth of the firelight for a while longer, while Kikiti cleaned the dishes Didymus left behind. It seemed almost unfair to Reva that she had to do it, but then again, she and Cleon had hunted the food.

Still, Kikiti was preparing clothing for them.

Division of labor was still a thing to work out, no doubt. It wouldn’t be solved that night. “Is there anything that is needed of me?” Reva inquired, thinking she would also head to sleep if there wasn’t. She needed to be rested for her own shift, and for the days ahead.

The journey may be faster on chocobo, but it would be no less tiresome. Riding was its own source of exhaustion – not to mention the risk of dozing off or getting off track when one wasn’t moving their own feet. She preferred walking for that reason, but understood how much more useful chocobo riding was.

She still just wasn’t accustomed to it, not after all these years.
Kikiti hadn't minded doing the dishes. Sure, she hoped she wouldn't have to do it every time, but she didn't mind doing it for now. It kept her busy, kept her thoughts on something else. The other two hadn't known, but Didymus knew that even being a day or two away, Kikiti was seriously missing home. She was sure the two of them would pick up on that homesickness soon, but she'd rather keep it at bay, keep herself busy until then.

When Reva asked if there was anything that they needed her to do. Cleon glanced to Kikiti, who had glanced back to Cleon as if to think before she shook her head and smiled at Reva. "No, I think everything is done that needs done," she told her.

Cleon had nothing to add to that, and so nodded to Reva. "Yeah, get some rest. We'll see you in the morning," he managed a smile. He knew she needed the rest as much as the rest of them did.

Twelve knew that he needed it with all the thinking he had been doing lately.

Cleon looked to Kikiti, who was putting away their cutlery a bit of time after Reva had most likely have been moving back to their tent, and said, "You should get some rest before your shift."

Kikiti looked up to Cleon. "You're sure?"

Cleon nodded. "We need every bit of rest we can get before we get to Aerilon," he reasoned.

Kikiti paused, considered his words, before she nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right. Okay, I'll go get some rest. You'll wake me for the next shift?" She smiled, and Cleon once again nodded. "Goodnight." She walked towards the tent Reva and she were sharing, disappearing behind the flap.

Then, Cleon was alone. He sighed quietly in his own company before he rose to his feet, approached one of the chocobo saddlebags and lifted out the parchment from which they had all read from earlier. He returned to his spot at the campfire to looked over the parchment again as if to search for something they had missed some time ago.

Instead, he ended up looking over the other names on the parchment.

Taurus. Virgo. Sagittarius. Capricorn.

He didn't know what they or their accompanying markings meant. Only that they were important, that there were others who had some sort of dormant power none of them could understand.

Cleon wondered, again, for the fifth, or the one-hundredth time that day, what the Empire knew they none of them did.
Aerilon smelt of fish and salt – like any port town, really, in Didymus’s opinion. There were a few notes of other produce and trading goods in the air, but nothing could really beat out the scent of salt, which after a few days of food with no salt, was a welcome scent to the would-be chef as he and Kikiti entered the city.

It was larger than the other cities they’d been to on this journey, save perhaps Ucantis itself, but even that was debatable – the port was wide, and the city sprawling in a mismatch of directions, built over time based on needs and not cleaned up. It was the kind of place Didymus was terribly familiar with – winding alleys, ghetto spaces, and forgotten homes. He knew it wouldn’t take him long to get used to Aerilon.

However, he wasn’t there to get used to it, even if he kept looking into dark spaces in the hopes of seeing Jagger.

He was there to find Folke’s Mercantile Front to see if they could get passage on one of their boats to Rozari. Thankfully, Aerilon’s ports were relatively organized and spaced out, with large signage to indicate what parts of the port were operated by which mercantile empires – and then another section of the port for those who didn’t come there frequently enough, or were small traders.

“Hey, that’s their sign, right?” Didymus asked, gesturing up to a sign with ‘FMF’ inscribed on it, and then a small image of a boat beneath it, with a single person upon it, seeming to stare through a looking-glass. It was hard to tell, given the relative size of the image, and the fact it was high up.

Still, he thought that was what Kikiti had told him to look for.
Kikiti was grateful that she was able to actually walk into town, not having to ride in for once. Riding a chocobo for the majority of the past few days had made her legs, and well, just about everything stiff. She was waddling much more than she normally did, rubbing at her thighs occasionally and muttering her complaints.

Thankfully, she had an easy time of weaving in and out of the crowded port areas. It was one of the few good things about being so small, though, it came with the disadvantage of not being able to keep up with Didymus as well as she hoped to.

At least the salty sea air was a pleasant change from the smell of chocobos.

Didymus spent most of his time looking down dark alleys and sprawling streets, no doubt looking for the trading company's sign. Though, the Lalafell-Human did wonder why he thought a trading company would be situated in one of several dark alleyways. Then again, the city looked as if it hadn't been renovated or restructured in years, or perhaps even from its creation? It had similarities to Ucantis that way, with the very traditional streets and buildings it had on display.

Kikiti stopped beside Didymus at the gesture of the 'FMF' sign and squinted. Mouthing the name to match them to the letters, she looked to Didymus and nodded, beaming. "That's their very logo!" She looked around her, first, at the looming warehouse belonging to the Front, then, across to the port's harbour, where some larger trading ships had docked. Now, if they could just get themselves on one of those ships, they'd be well on their way to Rozari.

"We just need to find the proprietor - or at least, the person who's in charge around here." Kikiti, unfortunately, didn't have a name, or well, she didn't remember any names mentioned. She looked back to Didymus again. "They might have some sort of office space in the warehouse? Or else, maybe they're on one of the ships right now?" She suggested. Really, it would have been easier just to ask someone where the company's owner was.
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