Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP


Elder Member
The plot: You are an average person living a normal life. One day however, you are grabbed and thrown into a car by mysterious men in black suits. They put something over your face, causing you to pass out. When you wake up, you find yourself in a small cage, much like a cage used to carry animals. You see countless cages, like your own piled high. There are people inside these cages too, but there is something strange about them. These people have animal features. You discover you too now have animal features.

The rules: Do not godmod, kill other people's characters without their permission, only real currently exisiting animal DNA may be used, be active, keep the romance no higher than pg13, do not post until your characters are accepted, post your characters in the character thread.

Creatures at the Farm

Sarah Darling

Ophelia Robins

Marie Natalie

Creatures in the Army

Evan Darling

Ginger Arc

Edwin Parker

Kreg Bael

Bianca Alair

Aaron Zell

Aster Volpes


Azriala Rea Irona

Mariah Winston

Lacy Mariott

Juliette Porter
Sarah sighed looking around. She looked at another girl covered in white tiger fur. She blinked as the girl paced around on her hands and knees. She sighed and grabbed her orange fox tail. She stroked it looking around scared. She looked for her brother Evan. She was surprised he wasn't yelling at this point. She looked at her tail and continued stroking it. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She was frightened.

Ginger looked at the girl staring at her and then sat down. She stratched her body not use to the fur. She looked at her clothes and then sighed deeply. She looked at her flickering tail, she was nervous as well. She blinked and looked at the fox tail. She looked at the girl again. Tilting her head she flickers her tiger ears.
Mia opened her eyes and looked around. She was in a cage, a ridiculously small one at that. As her cool blue eyes scanned the room, she noticed a few others were here as well. All of the other people looked like... "Animals?" she whispered to herself. She started to play with her long white hair, a nervous habit of hers, and as she moved her hand up farther felt a small bump. She jumped at the random thing on her head, but realized it was an ear of some sort. She had a matching one on the other side. She could see her reflection in a piece of glass (window, mirror, whatever could make a reflection) and saw that they were similar to Panda ears. She gasped and fell back when she saw that they were somehow physically attached to her head. When she landed on her butt she smooshed something and it hurt. She had a growth on her tailbone; a panda tail to match her black ears. Her eyes began to water, and she started to cry. "What's happened to me?!"
Ophelia woke up freezing. She opened her eyes and looked around her. She was in a cold metal cage and she could see other cages with people in them too. 'Where am I?' she wondered to herself terrified. The last thing she remembered was being shoved into a car by strange men. She wondered why the men had brought her and the others there. What did they want from her? She felt something with fur crawling on her legs and she fumbled backwards causing the cage to rattle. She looked at the thing that had touched her and saw it was a white tiger tail with black stripes. She realized it was attached to her. She had a tail. 'What is going on!?' she asked herself scared out of her mind. ------------------------------------------------- Edwin grabs the metal bars of his cage and starts shaking them fast. "Let me out of here you b****ds!" he yelled, shaking the bars. "What the h*** did you do to me!?" He was furious. First random men kidnapped him and now he had bat wings. "Shut up boy!" a man yelled. "Don't tell me to shut up! What did you do to me!?" The man kicks Edwin's cage. "I told you freak to shut up!"
Ginger looks at the crying girl. "You're DNA has been mixed. At least you could hide it with a hat! Look at me I have fur and Stripes! So please calm down, it's not as bad as some of us." She said and then sighed looking at herself. SHe sighed and her tail was going crazy with her nervousness. She sniffed and then looked at Sarah and sighed deeply as Sarah continued to stare at her. Now she had got the attention of Evan.
Mia looked at the girl who had just spoken to her. She didn't know if the girl was trying to comfort her or make her feel worse. She wasn't crying because of the ears, or the tail. She was crying because she was in a cage in who-knows-where. She quieted down. "I'm sorry..." She said to the tiger-girl.
Evan started to shake his cage. "SARAH! Where are you!" Sarah looked at the shaking cage. "Evan....I'm here..." She spoke quietly and then sighed deeply. Evan looked up and then sighed. "Oh....well happy yet really sorry that you are here too." He said and then they both sigh.

Ginger sighed and sat in the corner of her cage and sniffled. She hide her face and then looked, she was so nervous she was sheading. She looked at her tail and then sniffled. She sighed again and looked out.
Mia looked around to see if anyone was standing around in the room, maybe the person who had done all of this. "Hello?" She called. "Is there someone there?" She wanted answers. She wanted to know why they were here and why their DNA had been mixed with that of various animals. Her eyes started to itch. She rubbed around them, but the skin was sore. Looking in the same thing she had seen her reflection in earlier, she saw that the skin was slowly getting darker around her eyes. Right now it was pale, the way someone looks after being deprived of sleep. But if she had Panda DNA in her, she knew that eventually the hollow area around her eyes would eventually be black.
Rosa awoke to the yelling of an unfamiliar name which surprisingly wasn't uncommon. She had been experiencing the most terrible nightmare, even worse than the ones involving her past. She had been walking to a shelter when a man in a suit had grabbed her roughly shoving her into a van. Than everything went hazy but it had been filled with pain and shots and surgeries. Sighing Rosa sat up trying to get her bearings, that's when it hit her. She hadn't been dreaming.

Rosa was in fact in a cage and everything about her hurt. She felt like she had a severe case of razor burn all over her body but at the same time she was so soft, like a puppy. Upon further inspection she discovered that she was in fact covered in a thin layer of fur and had a tail. She reached for the top of her head and yelped, almost like a dog, blood was on her fingers. She leaned forward looking into the shiny chrome, the ears on top of her head were battle cropped and still bleeding.
"I told you freaks to shut up!" The man in the room said to those who were talking. He looked at all the people in the cages. They were to be sold and shipped off to locations to serve as slaves. He kicked Edwin's cage again. "Hey! I didn't say anything!" Edwin yelled within the cage. The man just grunted and walked away.
Ginger looked at the man and crawled up to the cage door. She looked at him with eyes like 'Let me out.' She smiled at him trying to seduce him into letting her out. Maybe he liked furry tiger girls? She wrapped her tail around her waist and stared at him. She knew it was a long shot, she wasn't the pretty girl she use to be at all. Well her face was covered in fur but she thought maybe she still was pretty? Maybe? She kept her stare and her smile but on the inside she was scared of him calling her a freak. She use to have boys flirting with her in one place every once in a while, now. Now everything was different but she wanted to try. More like security for herself then really getting out.
"You're the freak!" Mia yelled at the man, standing up and grabbing the bars of the cage. "Only some sick freak would kidnap people, mix their DNA and keep them in cages!!"
Kreg was sick of the yelling. He ran one taloned fingernail down one of the metal bars of the cage, creating a distinct screeching noise, hoping it would shut everyone up. His eyes, sharpened and more acute, was able to make out different figures in the cages. He also felt stronger, in addition to his eyesight. The puny lock might have been weak enough for him to break if he really tried, but Kreg didn't know if the guards had guns or not. He didn't want to test out that theory. Not yet, at least.

No...Not yet...But soon... He thought to himself. At least his mind was still intact, and not turning towards animality.
Mariah's eyes fluttered open slowly to the sound of screeching metal. She shot straight up, realizing she was in a cage. She wasn't surprised.

"Great. I'm stuck in this d*mn place again!" She snapped, her cat-like personality becoming infuriated. Her long black tail poked out the side of the cage and flicked back and forth. Than she twitched her ears in irritation as her yellow eyes noticed there were others around her in cage. She made a deep growl, that actually sounded quite attractive, and than she unsheathed her long claws as a man walked by her smiling.

"Get all of them out of here! Who do you people think you are?" She snarled, gripping the metal bars and glaring at the guard. He just grinned at her and lashed out a whip, than he squinted and leaned closer.

"Hey.. I remember you. Your that Panther girl. And I think they experimented on you the longest. You should be happy." He snickered as she growled louder.

"Happy? HAPPY?! Look what you people have done to us! None of us deserved this!" She screeched, her tail flushing up, but she shut up when he lashed out the whip again, this time slicing her straight across the hand.
Kreg heard the whip lash, saw the blood from the panther-girl's knuckles, and was infuriated. He whistled lowly, trying to attract the guard's attention. He noticed that the guard had a set of keys on him, and surely one of those would unlock the cages. He whistled again, cracking his taloned fingers as he waited.
Evan growled and then shook his cage. "Stop that you (Sensered!lol xD )" He growled and let out a bark that sounded like a husky. His tail lifted up in a threatening manor and then his ears became alert. He continued to bark and even Sarah joined in, She started snarling like a fox and her tail was straight out. She had her hand out of the cage and then slashed at him with her long finger nails.
Mariah's eyes gleamed angrily, and she leaped to her feet and used her cat like reflexs as she leaped up and grabbed onto the top bar of the tall cage and swung herself back and forth. She was looked straight at the cage door and she suddenly swung herself as hard as she could at it. Her foot slammed against the metal door and it shot open, breaking the lock that held her in. She grinned in satisfaction and leaped out with her tail lashing quickly. She did three crazy back-flips, dodging six bullets at a time. The man grunted in anger and shot at her again, but missed, and she quickly sliced him across the throat with long claws.

She snatched the keys up and unlocked everyone's doors.

"Hurry. All of you get out before more of them come. I'll try to hold them off." She hissed quickly as she stepped to the side and gestured toward the way out.
Mia stepped out of the cage and stretched. The area around her eyes had become even darker than before and now resembled bruises or someone who had gotten in a fight and got 2 black eyes. "Does anyone even know where we're supposed to go?" She asked to no one in particular as she followed everyone else out of the room.
Kreg's cage was unlocked and he was free. He walked out of the cage, his wings folded around his body tightly. His chance to be the hero had passed, yet another one arose. He tapped the girl who had killed the guard on the shoulder and gestured for her to leave and he would stay. His wings slowly unfurled from around him and reached their peek of 8 feet, from tip to tip. He flapped them a few times, then flew up into the darkness. He appeared a moment later above the door opposite the group was. He perched in the darkness, using this to his advantage, waiting for the next poor fool to walk through the door.
((hey guys, we can't have anyone escape yet. So I'll have them get trapped. Sorry but if they escape, the rp will die. Will post later.))
As the rest of the people began to escape Rosa didn't waste time and breaking the lock. Whoever had created these cages had not put enough thought into them because they were just as flimsy as dog kennels and upon further inspection she discovered they smelled like a petstore. "Idiots," she huffed letting out a throaty growl as she was encircled by guards.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(That was what I was thinking maybe we don't make it out of the room?)
The man pressed the button on his walkie talkie ((yes, I'm going old school here)) "Problem in storage room B 12." he spoke quickly into it, "Need backup." Edwin hurried out of his cage. He flapped his wings and flew above the crowd below. Guards rushed in and Edwin laughed at the panic below. "Take this you f******s!" He grabbed one of the empty cages and threw it at a guard, knocking him out. Ophelia crawled out of her cage slowly. She looked at all the choas. "Hey! You! Get back in your cage now!" A guard yelled at Ophelia seeing her coming out of her cage. Ophelia ran, faster than she had ever ran before. "Shoot them all!" a guard yelled to his comraids as he loaded his tranqulizer gun. ((sorry writers block))
Kreg saw all of the guards rush into the room and took his chance. He grabbed one guard out of the air and ripped his throat out, throwing the body at a different guard. He then landed on a different man and began ripping into him, letting his rage spill out just as the blood was. He barely felt a sting as he was shot was something, which he shrugged off as he ripped through guard after guard. Slowly, though, he felt drowsy, then fell onto his face, finally unconscious.
Ginger looked at the gaurd and shook her head no as he pointed the gun at her. She sniffed and then stared at them again, she hopped it would work. She looked at the fur all over her body, she was a freak and she slowly crawled into her cage and then stared at them again. She blinked and then sighed deeply, Sarah went quietly but Evan ran and screamed and punched till he was knocked out. They all were frightened Ginger was one of the most scared. She was a furry white tiger girl. She would never fit in now. She couldn't hid it like the others, well most of the others.

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