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Fight or Flight

Rhea flushed at Estenheim's question, "Pardon?" Roen laughed though. "Just one." he answered for Rhea.

Sage just gave Kat a shrug. She was having fun, though she really did want to be leader now. Though everyone already thought she was being sleezy. However a few plans were brewing in her mind.

When they started getting deeper into the jungle, it was extreamly humid and kind of hot. Speically as the day start to go on. The group was almost as moist as the air and even felt a bit hard to breathh. The bugs were a miner annoyance as well. Roen was getting beyond annoyed.

Reyes evenetually came back, "Prey a head-- I think." He flew right into Rhea's arms.
Shania was lucky as a fire based creature heat as not her enemy. The humidity however was not something she was used to. She was a native mountain dweller from birth and was used to dry air and harsh winds. Kat was loving it even as his hair was sweat soaked he would run around to look at new things and touch new plants amazed. He would get super exited and pull Sage to see flowers that Fae would like. Though since poisonous flowers were common he never picked any.

Shania was pretty amazed at the little dragon "you think?" she asked with a raised brow.
Sanz was very glad that he only had a vest on his torso right now. Heat didn't bother him normally but this was flat-out ridiculous. It was like a sauna combined with a greenhouse.

"What manner of creature is it?"

Sanz asked the little dragon

Estenheim, oddly enough, did not seemed to be bother by the temperature or the humidity. Despite the fact that he was wearing a dark trenchcoat. He didn't seem to be sweating overly much or having any issues with the temperature.
Sage was sweeting pretty hard as well and not near as hyper as her hyper counter part. Though like him, she kept an seemingly up beat aditude.

Roen however seemed fine, unlike Rhea who also looked like she was heating up. Rhea had eventually removed her uniform jacket, being the main cuprit of her overheating.

Reye's curled around Rhea's neck to look at Sanz, "Looks like a deer... but I'm not sure."

"Oh, sounds like supper possibly." Sage said putting her hands on her hips.

"I would go get it... but It would be hard to fly and hunt in this dense trees." Roen said with a snort.
Shania looked at Rhea "I can hunt it," she said. Shania had her swords but she preferred to hunt the natural way hands and teeth she was a wolf not a human like she looked. She saw Rhea take off her jacket and Shania briefly thought about taking off her leather armor, however she only wore a simple tunic and shorts under the armor.

Kat smiled "deer is good" he told the group "Deer also run away so we best be fast about it,"
Sanz shook his head

"I can cook food once I have it, but I'm no good at hunting. That'll have to be someone else's job."

Estenheim's head cocked to the side when the little dragon spoke

"Perhaps we could set a trap?"
"I'm a pretty good cook myself." Sage said with a grin before wiggling an eye brow at Sanz, "Perhaps we can cook a bit together some times..."

Rhea sighed lightly before looking around at the group, "Maybe perhaps we should send Shania and Kat. They both seemed like they could hunt. They did say it was their skill."
Shania nodded she was ok with hunting with the elf. Not that she needed help to take down a deer. However it would not look good on her to push away a forced ally.

"I'm a good hunter!: Kat said happily though he was chuckling at Sage.
Estenheim made an almost comical bow at the two

"Be my guest. That is far out of the area of my expertise, so I will leave it to you."

Sanz raised his eyebrow at Sage before turning away. He wasn't going to play this game. Especially not now.
"Lets go then." Rhea said with a soft chuckle. She took the lead as it was Reyes who was telling her where to go. Eventually they did stop near a heavy brushed area. Behind it were several deer looking creatures.

They were 6 legged much like the cat thing they saw earlier. They were also Green and White. Under chin, belly and legs were all white. The top half of them were a dense green, almost looked like moss. If they laid down and stayed still, they could look a lot like the foliage.

There were 7 of them. 3 looks very young, most likely children. 1 of them had a very large head of horns, most likely the male. 3 of them looked like females.
Shania closed her eyes and with a shift of power she began to change her skin shifting to fur her hands and feet to paws when the shift was over there stood a rather large white wolf with exotic black markings in her fur. She was a few heads taller and bigger then a regular wolf a child could easily ride on her back.

Kat would have made a joke but they needed to be quiet when hunting he signed to sage. 'she turned into a puppy,' he smiled. Kat counted the prey and judged taking the male would be hardest the antlers a good means of defense.
Sage giggled a bit to herself as Kat signed to her.

"Alright... Good lucky guys." Rhea told them. Reyes even flew ahead to show them.

"We should stay close by." Sage told them. "Just not so close that we can see each other.. you know?" Sage suggested.

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