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Kane smiled as he looked over the beach. He knew that after today there would be precious few peaceful moments. As he stood to head back to town though, he noticed something in the water. Looking closely he realized that it was a girl around his age. Kane went to rush out to get her, but was stopped by Kuro. The Ronso dove into the water and grabbed the girl, making sure that it wasn't some trap.

When he brought the girl to the shore Kane looked her over. She didn't look hurt, but she was most likely starved. "We should take her with us to the village. She will most likely need some food." Kuro nodded and picked the gril up, making sure that if she woke, Kane wouldn't be in her reach.
Consciousness came to her slowly, faint voices roused Noboru from sleep. The girl opened one eye, before shutting it, and opening both her eyes. She then, promptly, began coughing up water and clumps of seaweed on whatever had the misfortune of being in front of her at the time. She gagged once more, before the coughing fit ended abruptly. Her body relaxed.

Good morning...” she piped up absentmindedly (though it was clearly sometime past morning), her body remained limp and motionless as she was being carried. The sensation of burning in her throat, followed by the salty, dry taste in her mouth made her scowl slightly. “thirsty..” the girl murmured dryly to herself, before lifting her gaze from the ground. She stared up at the dark beast who carried her, before noticing the boy from the corner of her eye. Noboru gave a sideway glance, looking away from both the men now. She opened her mouth to speak, but hesitated, as if the muddled, numb feeling in her mind was affecting her speech. “I’m.. really… really thirsty..” she concluded, her words slow and befuddled.
Kane nodded his head towards the now awake girl as they neared a old structure. "We can stop here so you can drink." He offered as he pulled out his canteen. Kuro set the girl down and Kane offered her the canteen. "You will have to wait until we get to town in order to get something to eat."

Kuro simply moved to the side and watched the girl carefully. He didn't know who she was and therefor wouldn't trust her around his little brother.

(sorry it isn't longer, but I wanted to give you a chance to drink and stuff before I moved towards the village.)
Noboru approached the stranger with wobbling, fleecy footsteps until she found herself in front of him. She took the canteen, murmuring a soft ‘thank you’, her eye contact lingered for a moment longer, before her eyes darted down at the container of liquid. In a slow, sluggish movement, she brought the canteen to her lips, tilting the bottom up and drinking deep from it, swallowing great gulping mouthfuls of the cool liquid, letting some of it run down her chin and drip off onto her dress.

After what seemed like to be forever, she lowered the canteen with a huff, her thirst satisfied, and her mind seemingly clearer. She took a moment to inspect the Ronso, the boy, and her surroundings, her expression something close to curiosity. “
..Where am I?” she asked, eyeing a pretty little insect that flew by. The bug landed square on her nose and her eyes went cross-eyed as she attempted to focus on it.

(It's alright.)
Kane watched as she took his canteen and drank from it. He listened as she spoke. "You are on the island of Besaid. Quite a ways from the village too. Kuro and I found you floating in the ocean. We were going to take you to the village that way you could get some food too. Do you remember what happened, how you ended up floating across the ocean?"
She tilted her head up, placing a finger on her chin, as if thinking. Finally she shook her head in an unhurried, languid motion. “..No, I don’t.” She spoke each word soft, and leisurely. Noboru shot a sideways glance towards the beast she assumed was ‘Kuro’, before holding out the canteen, offering it back to the boy. “I don’t remember anything..” she repeated. The girl blinked a few times, before another question popped into mind. “..Who are you?” she questioned, lethargically leaning forward, as if to inspect the even boy closer.
Kuro narrowed his eyes as the girl moved a little closer to Kane.He didn't trust humans after how they treated Kane when he first came to Besaid. Kane for his part just smiled. "My name is Kane, and this is Kuro. We are on our way to the temple in Besaid."

..Temple?” Noboru questioned, before being interrupted by the rumbling of her stomach. She gave a somewhat startled look, holding her stomach with a hand. Kane was right: she needed to eat. Noboru hadn’t eaten since, well, she couldn’t recall, and her stomach had taken a jarring lashing as punishment.
Kane shook his head. "We should get to the village before we worry about anything else. Besides the fiends in the area will attack us eventually if we just stay here. Can you walk?" Kane asked as Kuro stood up and rested his hands on his swords.
She nodded, taking a shaky few steps back, as if to confirm she could indeed walk on her own. Noboru eyed the Ronso's readied stance and gave a slightly worried expression, tilting her head to the side. "Fiends?" she questioned him once more, feeling as if all her questions were beginning to become repetitive.
Kuro scoffed at the question, while Kane shook his head. "You really don't remember anything do you? Fiends are souls of the dead that have yet to pass on. They stay and their hatred turns them into monsters." As he explained Kane heard a monster moving through a bush as it walked into the clearing. It was a normal wolf, a relatively easy enemy.
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Noboru listened to Kane. Their reactions made Noboru slightly embarrassed about how little she actually knew about the world around her, however she hid it well behind an apathetic expression. She exchanged glances with the group. "Is that one of them?" She asked in a low voice, turning to face the monster. The girl stepped behind the two sheepishly. "..Should we run?"
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Kane shook his head as a metalic object fell from his sleeve to his hand. As he gripped the object, the ends of it expanded outward, forming into a metal bow. A string was in his hand the next second and in another the bow was strung. The wolf took that moment to charge forward, but was stopped as an arrow burred into its head. Soon after a second arrow pierced through the wolf's eye and it broke apart, turning into pyre-flies.
Noboru expected Kuro to step forward, however after seeing as how Kane intended to fight, Noboru moved away, as if to give him room. She observed as the staff he held assembled into a bow with interest. As the fiend began to launch itself, she cringed, hiding her eyes. The bowstring snapped twice before she finally peeked through her fingers. “Oh..” She gave an awed expression, watching as the pyreflies slowly disappeared into nothingness.
Kuro simply shook his head, a single wolf could be handled easily. "We should hurry." Kuro muttered.

Kane nodded and moved over to Noburo. "Kuro is right, we should hurry. I forgot to mention this earlier, but my name is Kane." The small framed black-haired boy said with a smile.
"My name is.." —she paused for a bit, and started again. "My name is Noboru." the girl spoke her own name slowly, as if to test it out herself. She nodded slowly, approving of her given answer. "..Nice to meet you, Kane." Noboru replied with a clement voice. She gave him a lazy grin in return.

The girl yawned, and tried to blink the drowsiness away, but that seemed to make her even more sleepy. "
I'll.. I'll be sure to follow close behind.." Noboru assured them, as she got ready to move.
Kane nodded as the three started moving towards the village. There was a few monsters that attacked , but Kane and Kuro made short work of them. An hour later they made it to the village. Kane was about to say something when he was rushed into the temple. Kuro slowly made his way to the temple as well, it seemed like it was time for Kane to make his pact with an Aeon.
She watched from the back of a growing crowd, confused as Kane was rushed away. Noboru looked around the mass of people, enthusiastic, spoke something of trials inside the temple. She held her stomach, a tinge of disappointment in her eyes as she watched the two disappear into the temple. She felt a tug at her sleeve, and glanced down to find a small child trying to gain her attention.

You came here with Summoner Kane right?!” a smaller boy exclaimed, a large curious smile plastered on his face. Nobu sat down on her haunches, meeting the smaller boy's height. She slowly nodded in reply. His eyes grew wide. “Didja’ watch him beat up any monsters?!” he leaned forward excitedly. Noboru bobbed her head up and down once more, and the boy gave an eager shout. “Lucky!” he whined.

...Where is Kane going?” Noboru asked in a quiet voice.

The child gave her an odd look. “
Wow, you’re wierd.” he scoffed, crossing his arms. “The summoner- apprentice summoner is going to pray at the Cloister of Trials, and become a full fledged summoner!

The pain in her stomach grew, she winced. “
..When is he coming back?

I dunno’” The boy only shrugged in response. Two other children seemed to be waiting for him near the villages center. “Hey!” he grinned, “You should come watch us play!” Noboru didn’t have time to protest before she was being lead forward by the child.

Nobu settled down next to a makeshift tent, sitting criss-cross on her legs. She watched, exhausted, as the children chased each other around with sticks, probably part of some game they had made up. She then turned her attention to the large temple Kuro and Kane found themselves in. Noboru swayed slowly, her eyes half lidded. She blinked several times and then promptly closed them again, dozing off in her sitting position. The last thing she heard was the giggling of children, before falling asleep.
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Kane sighed as he entered the Chamber of the Fayth. The Trials themselves were puzzles, and although few people knew of it, they were designed using Machina. Kane opened the door that led to the chamber and took a deep breath. Kneeling to the floor he started praying.

For a moment he thought that the Fayth may not answer him, but after a few minutes the stone that held the fayth started glowing. Make your promise.

Kane took a deep breath. "I want to defeat Sin. So many others have tried, but all have failed, I want to keep Sin from coming back, so that no one else has to suffer. I promise that if you lend me your aid I will do everything in my power to save this world from that monster."

All was quite for a moment before the Fayth spoke. We accept you as our summoner, but be wary of those you meet near the end. Some refuse to see the cycle broken.

Kane wasn't sure what the cycle was, but he would be sure to head the Fayth's words. As a ball of light hit him in the chest, the boy could feel a new power take root within him. He wasn't sure how to describe the experience, it was like nothing changed, but at the same time everything about him changed. Moving towards the exit Kane smiled to his bodyguard. "Lets go Kuro."
Her chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm as she remained asleep. The children stifled a laugh as they used their fingers to paint on Noboru's unconscious face. "Waaah! It's the Summoner!" One of the children exclaimed, wiping paint off onto their shirt. Immediately the group of kids stood, running over to the now fully fledged summoner. Upon his arrival, some of the villagers cheered.

Nobu woke up with a startle, and something sticky on her face, curiously, she wiped her forehead, looking down at her palm to see she had smeared some ink-like substance off her face. She shrugged it off, and slowly stood to her feet. Noboru shuffled towards the town center, where the villagers seemed to be gathering. Her appearance garnered some laughter and strange looks from nearby villagers. She stifled a yawn with her hand, watching as Kuro and Kane emerged from the temple.
Kane watched as many of the villagers cheered for him. He remembered how most of them glared at him when he came to the village, but being a summoner had come with its share of perks. Then he noticed the girl he had brought to the village, she had paint on her face and a section of it was smeared. Kuro quietly snickered when he saw her, but Kane kept a straight face. After all there was something he had to do before his summoning ritual was complete.

Taking a deep breath he walked to the center of the village and closed his eyes. Focusing on the power that now resided within him, the black-haired boy drew on the power. After a second he started glowing and the clouds in the sky started to disappear. When the sky no longer held a cloud, a summoning circle appeared in the air above Kane. Something flew at a high speed through the cloudless sky before crashing into the circle.


Dust was kicked up around Kane and when it cleared a winged creature was standing next to him. Kane touched the creature's head and it made a sound.
Noboru didn’t move from her place, she held her hair back from the wind of the impact. The air cleared, and at that moment, murmurs of amazement and joyful laughter rippled through the audience. Some stumbled back, scared, while others stepped forward, closer, eager to get a closer look at the Aeon. Nobu couldn’t help but watch as a few of the villagers bowed their heads, doing a strange motion with their arms, It felt oddly familiar, comforting in its own way. Eventually the applause died down, a few citizens came forward to congratulate the summoner, while others dispersed.

Steadily, Noboru approached with her still empty-stomach, keeping a good distance away from the Summoner’s Aeon. Strange looks were thrown around as she waited for Kane to finish.
The creature next to Kane tilted its head and stared at the girl who had gotten closer. Kane looked at her, and realized that he had forgotten about getting her something to eat. Turning towards one of the townspeople, he asked if she could bring Kuro, Noboru, and himself some food. As she nodded Kane dismissed the Aeon.
Noboru braced herself as the Aeon lifted itself off the ground, and flew away into the distance. She paused for a moment, before turning to Kane. "The children told me a little bit about the.. 'trials'" as she spoke, Nobu rubbed her tired eye with a balled up fist, further smudging the ink on her face. "I don't really understand.." She admitted, giving a sideways glance. Noboru clumsily shifted on her feet, forcing a lazy smile. "But, congratulations".

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