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Fantasy Festival For The Lonesome Noble Or How I Was Tricked Into Attending A Hookup Event For Unmarried Nobles [Fantasy] (Recruitment Thread)


Cuddly enby auntcle
Note: This roleplay will be made. Also the roleplay isn't necessarily a romance roleplay, however it is at least expected for the characters to befriend each other.

Plot: Getting married is important for nobility not only to produce offspring and therefore successors, but also for political reasons. A marriage can deepen relations between family or potentially merge territories. However some nobles don't want to get married, just suck at finding a partner or have "other" interests. In the worst case scenario, if they aren't the next head of their family or territory, they will be shipped off to military or bureaucratic service in some far off frontier town. But their families don't want to go that far and tricked their adult children to attend an event to meet others like themselves and eventually find a partner. The deception may be something like a promised vacation trip or visiting a big festival. But in the end, they are dropped off at some castle and cannot leave the city for the duration of the event or always have guards on them to keep tabs on them.

Setting: Start at Atreyas castle in the city of Rubinia, Kingdom of Rubin. Potentially other places later on after the initial event. It consists of multiple building along a hillside. The castle grounds are large enough that it could be it's own town. So the nobles aren't confined to a small area. Every noble gets an apartment like room with a spacious bedroom and three butlers or maids to their liking if they desire.

Time and tech: The style of culture is a mix of medieval fantasy and late 1800s, early 1900s fashion. While many carriages are still horse drawn, there are already some horseless carriages. Airships also exist and are either mana crystal powered or pulled by tamed wyverns. Some home appliances are starting to use mana crystals as a source of energy to aid those who have low mana or low magic skill. Mana powered rifles exist, but swords, staves and bows are still prevalent.

Atreyas castle:
Atreyas castle is a massive area that features the main palace and around 100 further buildings. The area has hunting grounds, four different building for guard's residences and armories, sports areas, a wizard's tower, dining areas and much more. The total amount of people living and working at Atreyas castle is around 5000. About 1% of Rubinia's population works at the castle.

Nations: (your character can be a high noble (prince or princess) of a nation or be a lesser noble with a territory within one of the nations. Territories cannot exceed the attributes of their nations)

Kingdom of Nelava - Wealth 3/5, Infrastructure 3/5, Resources 4/5, Military 2/5. Nelava is a northern kingdom consisting mostly of plains surrounded by mountains.
Empire of Silversand - Wealth 5/5, Infrastructure 3/5, Resources 3/5, Military 4/5. A central nation that encompasses about 20% of the continent. Has a very diverse landscape.
United Ostlandia - Wealth 4/5, Infrastructure 4/5, Resources 2/5, Military 2/5. A small eastern kingdom with many small islands along it's coast. Very flat terrain with fields and canals. Highest points are dunes and small hills.
Ortrania - Wealth 3/5, Infrastructure 2/5, Resources 1/5, Military 3/5. A southern nation full of woodlands, swamps and difficult terrain.
Confederated Territories of Liviania - Wealth 2/5, Infrastructure 3/5, Resources 3/5, Military 4/5. A confederated nation with a queen at it's top. Though the land is large and the landscape is diverse, it is one of the poorest nations in on the continent.
Davaland - Wealth 1/5, Infrastructure 1/5, Resources 2/5, Military 5/5. An authoritarian monarchy from the west. Despite it's small size and lack of wealth, the royal family lives in luxury while the people starve. Military service here is compulsory and it often ends at old age. Landscape is mountainous.
Kingdom of Rubin - Wealth 5/5, Infrastructure 4/5, Resources 3/5, Military 1/5. A central nation with middle size mountain ranges and steppes. The capital is near a large lake. Despite lack of decent military, Rubin is a powerful economic player.

Magic: Magic types that exist are elemental (fire, water, air, earth) [ice is water, metal is earth], light/healing, dark/necromancy, abyssal, conjuration, summoning, enchanting, enhancement/combat, illusion.

Playable species:
As higher nobility/royalty: Humans, Elves, Dwarves (Davaland royalty) and any mix of them.
As lesser nobility: Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Wolf-demihumans, Fox-demihumans
As servants: Any of the aforementioned, plus Goblins, Hobgoblins, Cat-demihumans, Lizard-demihumans

1. No game breaking characters. That means you can't play a species that is not mentioned. Your character's territory cannot be more wealth or powerful that it's own nation. No mary sues.
2. No "foreign nations from outside of the continent" as nobility/royalty.
3. If you are going to be gone for more than three days at a time, please notify everyone else so that we arent constantly waiting on you. If you go missing and dont respond to messages, you will be skipped. If it happens again, you will be excluded from the roleplay.
4. No nsfw content. No teen moms (there was actually someone who made such a character before). No incest (someone did this too. It should be pretty clear that it isn't allowed on this site) or any such taboo subjects.
5. Otherwise have fun
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I might also be interested, but I'm wondering how much worldbuilding we're allowed to do. I take it based on the "high nobility/royalty" list that there are no independent orcish nations. I was honestly hoping to play as the half-orc prince and heir-elect of Silversand (recently conquered by my character's father). Would that work for you, or should I just go human?
I might also be interested, but I'm wondering how much worldbuilding we're allowed to do. I take it based on the "high nobility/royalty" list that there are no independent orcish nations. I was honestly hoping to play as the half-orc prince and heir-elect of Silversand (recently conquered by my character's father). Would that work for you, or should I just go human?
There are orc tribes that are part of Silversand. You can be a chief or a "chief prince" of an orcish tribe of Silversand
Hey, I'd be interested! I was just curious about like queer characters and would we be going off actual societal customs of the time where queer relationships would be very secretive and taboo or not?
Hey, I'd be interested! I was just curious about like queer characters and would we be going off actual societal customs of the time where queer relationships would be very secretive and taboo or not?
Lets say it depends on what nation your character is from. In more traditional nations, cohabitation may be fine or homosexual relationships may be fine as long as an official wife or a concubine exists for offspring. Most restrictive would be Davaland while most liberal policy would be in the Confederation. For example, my character, the queen of the confederation, is openly panromantic and the capital territory/nation allows homosexual and non-binary people to serve in the territorial defense units.

Empire of Silversand would also have more liberal policy but not as liberal as the confederation. Basically, royalty and nobility may be allowed to have polyamorous relationships as long as someone can produce offspring.

For Ostlandia and Ortrania it would be a situation where an official same sex partner is not allowed, but nobility can totally get away with having a homoromantic relationship with a military officer, a bureaucrat (such as a minister) or a servant.

Nelava would maybe allow a same sex concubine but not marriage.

So if you want to play a gay, bi or pan noble, go for the confederation or the empire. Though someone already wants to play empire royalty, so once they get their character up, maybe speak with them if you could play a sibling or cousin (if you want to play empire royalty). And if you prefer more suspenseful ventures, take Nelava, Ostlandia or Ortrania.
If anyone wants to play the niece or nephew of the queen of Liviania (my character), thats open. You be a prince or princess

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