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Fantasy Festival For The Lonesome Noble Or How I Was Tricked Into Attending A Hookup Event For Unmarried Nobles [Characters]



Cuddly enby auntcle
Character template:

Title (such as prince(ss), king, queen, duke, duchess, baron etc.)
Species (see main thread)
Clothing style (no standard outfit unless military or servant)
Nation (see main thread)
Territory (if not royalty)
Knowledge (what your character is knowledgeable of)
Skills (including magic)
Weapon (if you can fight)
Romantic orientation
Ideal partner (optional)
Living situation (at the event)
Home residence (for possible visits by other nobility, please describe how your character lives at home)
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Name: Queen Lilia Wyvernblood of Liviania

Titles: Queen of Liviania, Heroine of the Great Revolution, Witch Guardian of Liviania

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Species: Human
Appearance 1719259210142.jpeg

Clothing style: Initially disguised as a maid in a long black maid dress with a white lace trimmed collar and a purple tie. When figured out, switches between dresses and military style outfits. Formal attire is a knee length dress, either in black or purple with embroidery, stockings, a choker and a hooded cloak.

Nation: Confederated Territories of Liviania

Likes: Cakes, cute things, hunting, "adventuring", being the replacement mother to her nephews and nieces, short effeminate men, cutesy women

Dislikes: Davalandian royalty, men trying to impress her with strength, men expecting her to be submissive, people trying to look down on her

Knowledge: Diplomacy, bookkeeping, basic agricultural theory, gardening, arcane botany, advanced alchemy, advanced arcane theory, military strategy, cooking, butchering

Skills: Advanced combat magic, intermediate abyssal magic, intermediate earth magic, intermediate air magic, intermediate healing magic, basic fire magic, basic water magic, expert swordsmanship, intermediate archery, advanced martial arts, advanced potionmaking, expert cooking, intermediate butchering

Weapon: For close range: Fists or a claymore sword, for ranged combat: either a long bow or magic

Personality: Lilia has a rather dominant personality and likes caring for and protecting others. During official visits, she is mature and sly. She can however be doting and cuddly. It is however absolutely not recommended to speak to her in a dismissive manner or talk down to her. While she will refrain from violence towards nobility of other nations unless in a duel, she is a ruthless combatant which earned her the nickname "The butcher of Fort Dwarfrock" by Davalandians who hold animosity towards her. Occasionally, she will be slightly unhinged.

Romantic orientation: Panromantic

Ideal partner: Submissive, friendly personality. Shorter than her. Feminine. Any gender. Any species except for orcs and goblins.


Lilia was the second daughter of the royal family of Liviania. Her family ruled the nation with an iron fist and were hated by most of the lower and medium income populace. She had early renounced her right to the throne as she didn't want to be involved with her family. Lilia spent most of her time studying the arcane arts and training with the knights. Due to learning swordsmanship and training so much with the knights, she was scolded by her parents and told she should gain qualities that would fetch her a husband. One day, her parents had enough and not only banished her from the palace, but also disowned her. They said they didn't need a tomboyish daughter who invested more time in learning magics than in searching for a husband.

Eventually, Lilia got involved with the resistance and helped plan a revolution as she saw how the people suffered under her family. Once the revolution started, they quickly gained control of most of the country, except for the capital region where the nations forces were concentrated. During the fight for the capital, while some knights joined the side of the revolution, another problem arose. Davaland, Silversand and Nelava fell into the country to conquer land when they had the opportunity.

Lilia hastened her conquest of the capital and in the process destroyed the royal palace. Most of her surviving direct family was executed at her hands while she spared cousins and nephews and nieces as they were uninvolved in the fighting. She was named interim leader of Liviania and immediately after she rallied the troops to take back lands lost to Nelava, Davaland and Silversand. They managed to take back everything from Nelava, most of what Silversand had conquered and not only what Davaland had conquered but about 20% of Davaland itself. Peace treaties were eventually made with Nelava and Silversand with Silversand paying a lump sum in turn for keeping a small piece of land they had conquered. A peace treaty with Davaland was first made when the military leadership of Davaland was executed for striking and no successors wanted to accept the positions as long as the war still raged on.

Lilia tried to improve relations with Davaland, however the Davalandians bore too much animosity towards her and she came to learn how much the Davaland populace suffered at the hands of their king.

Under Lilia, Liviania is a confederation of territories. Most territories are still governed by nobility that supported Lilia. Some are democratically governed. This gives Lilia less administrative work to take care of, gives her citizens more freedoms and allows territories to act more independently towards foreign threats. Lilia however serves as the supreme judge and advisor if there are issues with the territories.

Now, she learned of the event for the unwed nobility. While she didn't intend to look for a partner, her niece/nephew went. So she disguised herself as a maid to make sure the young Davalandian nobility didn't try anything funny. Most of the young nobility shouldn't be able to recognize her.

Living situation: A small mansion on the grounds of Atreyas castle. Most of the rooms are unused as Lilia and her family usually live in much smaller dwellings back home. They took a cousin as a butler and a military advisor as a maid. Though they all do some of the work.

Home residence: Lilia lives in a cottage with a spacious garden on the grounds of the former royal palace. Only a handful guards live and work on the premises. The ground are on top of a forested mountain looking over the capital. The mountain is about 500 meters high. Dwellings line the path to the queen's cottage. About 10% of the capital is built on the southern incline of the mountain. While the mountain isn't as off-limits as it used to be, the area around the queen's cottage is only allowed to be visited under permission or invitation of the queen. Most of the queen's surviving relatives live in the incline portion of the capital or near the confederation council building.

Nicknames given to her by foreign nobility/politicians: "Butcher of Fort Dwarfrock" (Davaland), "Witch Queen" (by many foreign nobles), "Demon Queen" (Davaland, Nevala)
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Name: Isolde
Title: Countess
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Species: Elf
Appearance: 1719363291254.png

Clothing style (no standard outfit unless military or servant): When she isn't attending various social functions and wearing attire to draw the appropriate amount of attention, Isolde prefers to dress in trousers and tunics to be able to explore the mountains more easily.

Nation: Kingdom of Rubin

Territory (if not royalty): County of Aewenys

Likes: Gossip, art, horses, engaging conversation, and beautiful women

Dislikes: Boring conversations, dullards, stifling atmospheres, reading, sewing, overly sweet treats

Knowledge: Music, animal husbandry, well-versed regarding relations between the different species of the continent, diplomacy

Skills: Talented musician with enchantment magic she uses when weaving a song on her violin, equestrian, dance, communication, manipulation

Weapon: Prefers to use her words as a weapon, but she is able to wield a bow with decent accuracy.

Personality: Impish would be the first word to come to mind regarding Isolde. While she is an engaging, charismatic woman, she is also one who becomes bored quite often. When she is bored then she has to liven up her circumstances by causing mayhem in the form of either circulating rumors or assisting in pitting other nobles against one another. She's exceptionally flirtatious, but like a butterfly she just moves on to the next pretty flower.

Romantic orientation: Lesbian

Ideal partner: Someone who can keep up with Isolde and therefore maintain her interest. She needs an equal partner, someone to challenge her rather than being easily cowed by her strong personality.

Background: As the younger of the two children born to House Aewenys, there weren't a great load of expectations placed upon her shoulders. She was given lessons in all manner of things, of course, but none of it interested young Isolde other than when she was taught music and the more scandalous parts of history from her tutors. Social circles were quite convoluted and beyond her older brother's ability to comprehend since he was a more taciturn fellow, but that was where his sister's ability to easily engage with others really became an asset. Their parents began sending their daughter to various events after discussions with her revealed that she had a natural ability draw information out of people who might have been hesitant to do so to Rhodri. Of course, there were more complications as Isolde grew older and her mischievous nature became more pronounced. Not only did she sew discord among a few members of the noble class, but she rejected the few matches that her family attempted to arrange for her. It was Rhodri who suggested sending Isolde to a gala for those who were unwed in the aristocracy, and Isolde agreed on the grounds that she would have the opportunity to speak with others from outside of their realm which could assist the house's standing in Rubin.

Living situation: Not one to need extravagance since she hails from a small estate in the mountains, she has accepted the offer of a room in Atreyas castle. It allows her to also speak with the servants in the castle, and no one knows the gossip better than servants.

Home residence: A small estate near her family's keep is where Isolde spends her days when she isn't trekking through the forests or making social calls. There are a couple of maids that tend to her home, but they don't visit daily.
  • Edwin Wellstein
    The Prince of Silversand
    Edwin Wellstein
    29 years old
    Clothing Style
    Humbly dressed during a normal day. A grey tunic with black pants. During formal events, wears black suits with red and silver accents. The main colors of his Family Crest.
    - Adventuring/Travel. To see new sights, and experience exciting wonders.
    - Swordsmanship.
    - Sweets/Foods in general. Observed the Kitchen a lot as a young boy.
    -Reading, learning, and anything about magic in general.
    - Sailing Ships

    -Intolerant or spiteful people.
    -Boastful people. He likes to keep to himself.
    -Abusive nobles. Edwin is unwilling to force a servant to bend over backwards for him.
    -Mentions of his past in the Royal Silversand Army. His "perceived" failure of keeping Livanian territory.
    Romantic Orientation
    Ideal Partner
    Edwin does not seem to be particularly picky, he will find the one he likes. If he had to genuinely give an answer- any woman with a far more direct and stronger personality than himself (Which isn’t hard) would be a good choice.
Code by: Ambiloquous

Non Coded CS.

Name: Edwin Wellstein
Title: Prince
Age: 29
Species: Elf
Clothing style: Humbly dressed during a normal day. A grey tunic with black pants. During formal events, wears black suits with red and silver accents. The main colors of his Family Crest.

Nation: Empire of Silversand

- Adventuring/Travel. To see new sights, and experience exciting wonders.
- Swordsmanship.
- Sweets/Foods in general. Observed the Kitchen a lot as a young boy.
-Reading, learning, and anything about magic in general.
- Sailing Ships

-Intolerant or spiteful people.
-Boastful people. He likes to keep to himself.
-Abusive nobles. Edwin is unwilling to force a servant to bend over backwards for him.
-Mentions of his past in the Royal Silversand Army. His "perceived" failure of keeping Livanian territory.

Knowledge: Diplomacy and human rights, military strategy, advanced arcane theory, mapping/charting. Knowledge of sailing ships, cooking/baking, and mastered swordsmanship
Skills: Mastered swordsmanship, advanced combat magic, intermediate abyssal magic, intermediate healing magic, basic air magic, basic earth magic. Self-taught cook/baker.
Weapon: Estoc, Spear, shields, also a good “boxer” hand-to-hand combatant.

Personality: Gentle but firm when needed. Edwin speaks very little but when he does the words are of a heavy weight, or with genuine merit. Edwin seems the type to quietly mull over events in the background, and never one to usher in the spotlight. Though that may be the case, Edwin has come to learn that nothing ever gets done for yourself or others if you don’t make an attempt- He won’t take the spotlight but he’ll help someone else achieve it. Edwin seeks to see others achieve their goals more so than himself and will probably play matchmaker. Very kind, and selfless attitude. Edwin dares not ask more of those around him than what they already do. He loathes in his own time servants having to help him or even rush to his beck and call. If he had the choice he would help everyone else find their match before he does. If there wasn’t anyone left, he would have to concede to such results and hope for another day. Maybe fate just wasn’t in his hand today.

Romantic orientation: Straight
Ideal partner: Edwin does not seem to be particularly picky, he will find the one he likes. If he had to genuinely give an answer- any woman with a far more direct and stronger personality than himself (Which isn’t hard) would be a good choice.

First Son of The Empire of Silversand, Edwin grew up with all the praise and showering of a King to be. Growing up, Edwin soaked in knowledge from all sorts of avenues. He would grow up to be the King promised to the Empire. A great and knowledgeable King that was for the people. His most favorite activities as a young boy were sword training and magic, so much so the young boy would spend hours simply on those two topics at hand. In his teen years, the young man grew to appreciate other sources of knowledge and craft. A hobby of his was building his very own *one man* ship.
When the Revolution began, Edwin was against meddling with the battles to expand more territory to Silversand. He did not voice these concerns, while still being a crowned prince the voice of reason and empathy was not commonly listened to. Forced to lead an army of his own; Edwin marched for Liviania. He would be lying if he didn’t do well, if he had succeeded in many battles but the growing guilt seemed to burden Edwin.
Eventually Lilia of the Resistance rallied enough strength to take back what was once their own. Edwin didn’t put up a fight. The reason being? He never wanted this in the first place. He believed helping the Resistance would have been a far better option. As Edwin’s forces pulled back, he finally had time to reflect..

The loss of some Livianian land was a sour taste in Silversand’s mouth only bandaged by the fact they needed to pay a lump sum. Edwin on the other hand, had time to continue his own journey through life. Now a man of 23 winters, Edwin took the time to experience the world around him. Traveling across Livania, Nelava, Rubin, Ostlandia, Ortrania, and (what little he could) of Davaland. Fascinated by the different cultures and wonders of the world around him, Edwin began to journal his findings. Perhaps one day his journal would be read by scholars of the future? (If they could find the secret hiding place, of course.) Nonetheless, Edwin was refreshed and had acquired wisdom on his travels.

Edwin finally was 26. He had never put much thought into marriage, or even the event of being married. The young man had completely forgotten that it would BE something that was to happen. Some day, some way. Edwin had always thought he would find someone along his travels but to no avail, the restless nature of his parents seemed to spur him onward. A few dates here, a couple meetings there–But nobody really clicked for Edwin. He remained lost in a sea of potential women that he found quite…boring. Edwin would need to find a perfect bride soon…

It was a normal day for Edwin, and he was soaking in a hot spring when he got the invitation from his mother’s servant. He looked at it with much curiosity, while his parents snickered and grinned in the background. Edwin, as unsuspecting as he was to the festival, decided it would be nice to attend.. Little did he know the puppet strings he would soon be pulled into to find a match of his own.

Living situation: Taken care of by his parents who were in on this plan, Edwin has taken a large suite at Atreyas Castle. Keeping him close to all the action and whereabouts. Giving him an edge on finding a potential bride. Will he find what he's looking for at this unusual festival?

Home residence: Edwin lives in the Castle of the Empire. Considering he will soon be taking full control, it is his by right. The castle is decked out with servants and knights to protect and serve the royal family. Edwin does not seem to use the luxuries as much as his parents would..


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Roland Welden


Age: 28

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Clothing style: When not at social functions, he will opt to wear a dress shirt and a vest. When it is required of him he will wear navy or light brown suits, complimented by a necktie or cravat.

Nation: Rubin

Territory: Duchy of Theris

Likes: Chess, hunting, negotiating, reading, riveting conversations, music, liquor

Dislikes: Decorum, overly respectful people, getting his hands dirty, incurring losses

Knowledge: All trade routes passing through Rubin, diplomacy, economics, personal information of his competitors

Skills: Piano, reasonable skill with the knife, expert gunmanship, expert at negotiation, information gathering

Weapon: Mana crystal powered handgun, knife

Personality: Roland's is a quick witted, laid-back man without a single care for proper decorum in his personal life. In business, he is ruthless and sharp-tongued. He treats those around him with kindness and a constant smile, asking them to address him in a familiar way. He jokes around where he can and is rather indifferent to his title as duke. To his competitors, whether he is making a fair deal or exploiting them for all they are worth, he will show the exact same warm smile. He is not above blackmail to get what he wants. While he will never resort to violence in business, as he has a distaste for getting his hands dirty, he will not hesitate to spill blood to protect himself or those around him.

Romantic orientation: Straight

Ideal partner: Someone who doesn't care about his title as duke. Someone equally witty to go back and forth with. Someone who doesn't much care for what is considered proper. Their physical features are rather unimportant to him.

Background: The only son of the Welden family, one of the wealthiest families in Rubin. His family controls a large part of the kingdoms trade routes, both nationally and internationally. From a young age, he was educated in both economics and negotiation by his tutors, father and grandmother. The skills required for negotiation held his interest from the very beginning, bleeding into his usual conduct through jokes and witty remarks.

As any proper nobleman, he has received an extensive education in diplomacy and etiquette, though he never much cared for propriety. Likewise, he never has been very interested in his title, even when he eventually did inherit the title of duke as his father stepped down due to his failing health.

Throughout his childhood, Roland dedicated himself to his studies, spending his free time playing chess against his grandmother, practicing his skills on the piano or spending time with his younger sister. In his late teens he picked up hunting as a hobby and started traveling around the continent as an emissary for his family's company to further his family's business relations with other countries. He returned to Rubin after receiving news that his father's health was worsening at age 22.

On his 23rd birthday he inherited the duchy and family company after his father stepped down. While he is the one who calls the shots in the duchy, he and his sister both have equal authority over matters concerning the family company. Together, they've spent the past five years making the Theris duchy even more wealthy than it was under command of their father.

Between business and his preferred ways to spend his free time, Roland has had little time or need for romance. He attends social functions with some regularity but the stuffy atmosphere and slew of noblewomen solely after his title often lead to him leaving in a rather foul mood.

He thought little of it when he received an invitation to attend the event at the palace through his grandmother. Choosing to accept purely to sate his own curiosity as to the nature of a festival as grand as this one, leaving the company and duchy in the capable hands of his sister in the meantime.

Living situation: A sizeable mansion on the grounds of Atreyas castle, close to the hunting grounds. He's brought his personal butler and two of his most skilled maids with him from his estate. They have quite a lot of free time as he tends to keep things neat and tidy.

Home residence: A massive estate in the mountains of Rubin, about a 4 hour carriage drive away from the capital. The estate is situated next to a small mountain lake and has its own massive hunting grounds in the forest behind the main building. As duke of Theris, he occupies the main building of the estate. While in the mountains, the estate is easily accessible to allow the various visiting merchants and messengers to visit without being inconvenienced.​
Ezra Atkinson
1/4 Elf 3/4 Human

Clothing style:

His clothing style is rather casual for a prince, and it is not uncommon to see him dressed in military outfits either. Day to day he'll either wear a light take on a military uniform/an actual uniform as in clothing easy to move and fight in or just trousers and a tunic. For formal events he has once or twice shown up in his military dress uniform otherwise he'll often wear a black and red suit sometimes with and sometimes without the coat.


- Swordfighting and Sparring
- Horses and Riding
- Animals

- Water and Water Activities
- Being the center of attention
- Overly pushy people

Knowledge: Military Strategy and Theory, Basic Diplomacy, Survival and Navigational Knowledge, Basic Animal Care, Davaland's Flora and Fauna (particularly the parts helpful to survival)
Skills: Expert Swordmanship, Advanced Martial Arts, Intermediate Combat/Enhancement Magic, Basic Fire Magic, Intermediate Horse-Back Riding, Basic Summoning Magic, Basic Climbing
Weapon: Sword, Dagger(s), Occasional Magic

Ezra is confident and doesn't get nervous easily. He's quite intelligent and likes to think things through when he can, but also will act impulsively from time to time. He is very much a planner and most of his confidence tends to come from his preparation as such he can be thrown off balance by completely unexpected surprises but tends to be quick to regain his composure. Ezra doesn't talk much and tends to prefer quiet and solitude, but he can keep up polite conversation and can talk a lot about topics he is passionate about. He often seems uncaring and is very desensitized to the harsher parts of life. He was taught to be cruel and ruthless and tries his best to follow his father's teachings even if only to avoid casting shame on his family name, but he finds it harder to be cruel than his family seems to make it out to be, and on his journeys has been known to show a little mercy. Ezra also has a soft spot for animals and is quite caring and protective towards them as well as people he cares about although that list is rather short. The only truly friendly face he really had growing up was his sister so he is rather untrusting and very guarded and secretive. He’s quite serious and very hard working. He is also extremely disciplined and tends to stick to a very strict routine that he doesn't love breaking.

Romantic orientation: Bisexual
Ideal partner: Ezra has never truly considered it but he would have to say someone that is kind and doesn't care too much about his past.

Ezra was born to the Davaland Queen's sister who was living in the castle at the time and unfortunately died. He was then adopted by the King and Queen, becoming their third child and second son. Although, him being adopted is quite obvious he was given the same status and treatment as a born son of the King and Queen, and he himself wasn't even fully aware of his adoption until he was older. Being the youngest he was never expected to lead or have any part in running the kingdom, so he was never taught about what it took to run a kingdom, all of that instead falling on his brother. His father instead decided the best course of action was for him to become a military officer, eventually at least. His father was very strict about his kid’s lives and always demanded the best from them. His father didn’t tolerate any weakness and did his best to teach his children to be cruel and ruthless. Once he was deemed old enough to start learning he received rigorous training in swordsmanship, fighting, and magic from the best experts his parents could hire. Ezra found solace in training away from his family where all that mattered was the next hit and what was right in front of him. When he wasn't learning to fight he was studying military strategy, riding horses, or occasionally reading in the library.

Once he reached 16 his father sent him to join the military. Once he joined the military Ezra lost most regular contact with his family except for his sister, and the occasional message he got from his father demanding he help keep the military in line and that he do better. Ezra went through the same basic training course every eligible Davalandian did and served for about two years as a regular soldier, but once he was 18 he became a captain leading his own small squad of men. In the military he was exposed a lot more to life outside the castle and learned more about the world and the reality of his kingdom, although his family and father still insisted they tried their best for their people, at least that's what Ezra was told.

When the Livianian Revolution broke out Ezra was sent to the frontlines at his father's bequest to fight for his country. He led an army as the second in command to his older brother, the crown prince. It was during the revolution and fighting alongside his brother that Ezra learned his family were cowards as he liked to say. His brother was a bit of a fool in his mind with little to no real battle experience who only really rushed in when the battle was already won. Ezra became somewhat embarrassed to call himself a royal when he saw his brother watch their people be slashed down in battle while he just sat there on his horse, only to later kill their already downed and injured enemies claiming he was fighting for his kingdom. Once Liviania came back and reconquered their own territories and more of Davaland his brother had disappeared from the frontlines, leaving Ezra to lead the best he could.

As the war raged on Ezra found himself badly injured in a battle and was sent back to the castle to recover. It was as he was in recovery that the military leadership went on strike and were then executed. Afterwards his father came to him to order Ezra to go back to the military to rally the troops and use whatever influence he had gathered in his time there to get the military back up and running and so they could win this war against Liviania. Ezra refused. In the ensuing argument including his father threatening to have him killed the two reluctantly agreed that it would make the king and kingdom look weak if his own son was executed and that the official story regarding Ezra and the lack of military leadership is that the prince was too severely injured to return to service and continue fighting the war and would need at least another year to fully recover. His father left with no other choice eventually signed the peace treaty. To keep up appearances, despite the fact that he was back to training and sparring within a month, Ezra lived in the castle for the next few years as a military strategist. In his time in the castle he also studied more diplomacy and started to go to parties, galas, and the occasional other event to represent Davaland, although he was never made aware of Liviania's attempts to further the peace.

After about three years doing that he was given a position in military leadership near the Liviania border although a much more background and strategy position and continues to represent Davaland diplomatically. He was sent to this event under the guise of simply furthering Davaland's diplomatic relationships.

Living situation:
Ezra resides in a spacious suite in the castle that is quite far from the center of activity. He brought along a single trusted maid and butler.

Home residence:
Ezra lives in his family's (rarely used) summer residence a castle nestled in the mountains of Davaland, overlooking a mountain lake. The castle is attended by a small collections of maids, butlers, and a handful of guards. This castle has also served as a small military outpost as it near to the Liviania border and rather well protected and almost never used by the royal family.
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Name: Luciana "Lucia" Wyvernblood

Title: Princess, currently next in line for the throne

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Human (Though her father was quarter elf, she doesn't have any elf traits from that)
Appearance: 1720636772307.png Luciana is a short young woman (1.61m/5ft3in) with shoulder length dark blonde/light brown hair and green eyes.

Clothing style: Normally wears short skirts or shorts with short sleeved tops or tunics and boots. At the event, she wears long frilly dresses with a lot of lace even though she hates them. But its to keep up an act for her aunt.

Nation: Confederated Territories of Liviania

Territory: Capital territory

Likes: Adventuring, climbing trees, learning magic skills, spicy foods, when her aunt treats her like her own daughter

Dislikes: To be called Lucy (you can call her Lucia, but not Lucy), getting on her aunt's bad side, men who treat her like a delicate little flower

Knowledge: Intermediate botany, intermediate alchemy, intermediate arcane theory, butchering, basic military strategy, basic diplomacy

Skills: Intermediate combat magic, intermediate swordsmanship, intermediate archery, expert cooking, basic fire magic, basic earth magic, basic abyssal magic, intermediate butchering, intermediate martial arts, basic healing magic, intermediate potionmaking

Weapon: A spatha sword or fists/feet

Personality: Luciana is tomboyish. She can be a bit fiery sometimes, but has a timid side too. Overall, she is quite friendly and outgoing. She just gets rude and wild when "treated like a girl". Lucia can also be quite cute. She is secretly still terrified of her aunt though, because her aunt killed her parents and her oldest brother.

Romantic orientation: Pan

Ideal partner: A person who views her with respect. She isn't too picky as long as the personality is right.


Luciana is the daughter of Lilia's older sister and a count. She tried as much as she could to escape the clutches of her parents and venture out into the town or into the nearby forests. Sometimes her aunt Lilia even helped her and covered for her. But one day, Lilia was banished and disowned.

The time when aunt Lilia wasn't there was the worst as Lucia was forced to wear long dresses and couldn't leave the palace grounds without her guards or parents. But one day, Lilia returned with an army in tow. The Lilia Luciana witnessed wasn't like the aunt she grew to know, but instead it felt like a monster that looked like Lilia. Any guards who still sided with the royals were ruthlessly cut down.

When Lilia made her way to their residence, Luciana saw as her older brother attacked Lilia and was swiftly decapitated. Luciana and her family were taken to the palace courtyard as prisoners, but Lilia selected Luciana and her younger brother to be freed. "My cute little niece has nothing to do with this." is what Lilia said back then.

Eventually the royals and direct family were led as prisoners down into the city to the main square to be executed. However Lilia took Luciana with her to make her watch. "This is the last time you get to see your parents. They are very bad people." Lilia told Luciana. Thereafter Luciana watched as Lilia executed most of her own family in front of a large cheering crowd. The sight make Luciana vomit. She tried to look away, but Lilia approached her with the heads of Luciana's parents in her hands. "This is what happens to enemies of our citizens." Lilia said.

Luciana had nightmares for months thereafter. But eventually, they faded away. She was treated by Lilia almost like a daughter and was allowed to go adventuring, wasn't forced into uncomfortable clothing and given affection. It seemed like Lilia wanted to raise Luciana to be her successor. However some unease still lingered because what Lilia had done and the things she said.

Eventually, Lilia came to Luciana and told her about the event for unwed nobility and how she wanted Luciana to attend. Of course she'd come along in a disguise. Luciana was unsure though. Lilia stated that Luciana could find a husband and then suggested finding a wife when Luciana expressed her doubts making her blush.
maid, a military advisor as a butler and Lilia also as a maid.

Home residence: Lives on and off in a townhouse in the capital of Liviania with her brother. Other times, she will live in with Lilia at her cottage.
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(Might alter some of the coding style later)

  • Click Tabs

    • NAME:
      Seraphina (ph makes f sound)





      United Ostlandia


      Duchy of Ravenwood


      Standing at 5'6", Seraphina has a commanding presence that belies her modest height. Her long, dark hair falls in luxurious waves, often styled in intricate braids or adorned with flowers from the duchy's gardens. This playful touch contrasts with her otherwise mature appearance. Her soft amber eyes, warm and intelligent, seem to reflect the golden hues of the Ravenwood vineyards at sunset. Seraphina's athletic build speaks to her active lifestyle and fondness for archery. Her figure is toned and graceful, hinting at both strength and elegance. She favors clothing that allows for easy movement – flowing fabrics that don't restrict her activities but still flatter her form. While her outfits may reveal her figure, they remain tasteful and modest, befitting her status as duchess.

      Jewelry is a constant in Seraphina's attire, though she also opts for gemstones in their raw forms and handmade by villagers around from many elements such as wood, copper, silver, or gold. Delicate ankle bracelets and wooden wrist bangles often accompany her.

      Residing in the Duchy of Ravenwood, a grand stone mansion is nestled on a hill beside acres of vinyard. Lavender bushes are planted all around. There is a nice view of a neighboring island in the distance.

      Currently, Seraphina is staying in a decent sized suite in the castle with her sister, Wren, with a butler and two maids.
    Original Code by Ambiloquous

Illesia Mondessa
    I brought you back to this world, I can take you out.
    Full Name
    Illesia Rin Mondessa
    Duchy of Artor, Kingdom of Rubin
    HEIGHT: 5'9"
    BUILD: Slender
    HAIR: Platinum Blonde, almost white
    EYES: Seafoam Green
    Illesia is a kind, soft spoken elven woman with a stubborn side to her. When she doesn't want do to something, she will make sure she wont do it.

    Illesia loves to study the stars and planets, finding them beautiful amongst the dark void they dance on. Her current study is of a bright blue star with wispy tendrils and a few blistering rocks orbiting around it. She also enjoys delving deep into her magic crat and the dealings of the paranormal. She uses this knowledge to practice how to summon more personalized corpses instead of random piles of bones or flesh. Lastly, she enjoys the relaxing feeling of cooking for herself and a few close friends and family.

    Illesia's list of dislikes is short and sweet. Well, maybe not sweet as she has no sweet tooth in her body. Even a scone is too sweet for her unless she bakes it herself, but even then most of the things she bakes if savory only. She cannot bring herself to make anything sweet. She also has an aversion to the cold, finding that her body seems to fall slightly ill throughout the winter months the moment she steps outside. Lastly is Light magic and it being used on or around her. She can tolerate it being around her as it just makes her skin tingle, however when it is used on her she feels incredibly uncomfortable the longer it is used regardless of if it is helping her out.
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Name: Endrie (pronounced on-dree) Wyvernblood

Nicknames: Dree, Ria

Title: Prince(ss), second in line for throne, Liliania city advisor to the mayor

Age: 22

Gender: Male (femboy)

Species: Human

Appearance: 1722294634265.png Ria has similar height and stature to Lucia. His hair is naturally the same color as Lucia's but is much longer. He passes as female and even trained his voice to sound girl like.

Clothing style: Initially disguised as a maid in a long black maid dress with a white collar, a purple ribbon tie and a black lace choker. Later appears in cute dresses and generally effeminate clothing. Adventure clothing is similar to his sister's clothing style (short skirts, short shorts, blouses, thigh highs, boots). Likes chokers.

Nation: Liviania

Territory: Capital territory/Liliania

Likes: Presenting in a feminine manner, cakes, coffee, cocoa, plushies

Dislikes: Masculine clothing, salty foods, alcohol, being judged as weak due to his appearance

Knowledge: Food science, expert in magical cooking (such as making foods that act as buffs), baking, cooking, intermediate alchemy, intermediate arcane theory, city management, logistics

Skills: Expert combat magic, intermediate fire magic, intermediate healing magic, intermediate swordsmanship, intermediate heavy weapon combat, intermediate marksmanship (with arcane rifle), advanced martial arts (but not as good as Lilia), basic earth magic

Weapon: Mostly fists, but if weapon then he prefers a zweihander for close combat and an arcane rifle for ranged combat

Personality: Ria is a happy-go-lucky type of person and can be described as about as wild as his sister but slightly more mature and experienced. He rarely gets sad and is relatively resilient against setbacks. Ria usually only gets mad if something happens to a friend or a family member. While he enjoys Lilia's company, he is still a little weary of her and tries to stay on her good side.

Romantic orientation: Panromatic, but leans slightly more towards homoromantic.

Ideal partner: While not too picky, Ria likes either masculine, handsome men or strong willed women. Alternatively, if there was someone like him, regardless of femboy or woman, he'd like that too.

Background: Not too much is known about Ria, else than that like his sister, he stayed away from choosing sides in the revolution and avoided any punishment or execution that way. Compared to Lucia, he didn't witness his parent's execution, but remembers what Lilia made Lucia experience. And he has seen his aunt covered from head to toe in blood before. Originally, Ria didn't dress effeminately, though he secretly liked cute things and thought the dresses of the ladies were nice. But after the revolution, Lilia and Lucia would dress him as a girl frequently. He initially didn't like it, but grew to enjoy it and can't imagine presenting in a masculine manner anymore. He grew his hair out longer than even Lilia's and drinks a potion on a monthly basis that reduces his facial hair. He however doesn't desire to be a woman (no dysphoria).

Living situation: A small mansion in Atreyas castle together with is sister, aunt and a military advisor disguised as a butler.

Home residence: Lives in a townhouse in the Livianian capital with his sister.
Name: Ari Cantrell
Title: Countess (Or count either works for them)
Age: 28
Gender: Demi-Girl
Species: Wolf demihuman

Clothing style: Ari’s clothing style tends to be pretty casual and practical often just consisting of light pants and a light shirt.
Nation: Silversand
Territory: Cantrell County,
Cantrell County consists mostly of the city of Andaron and it’s surrounding areas.
The Cantrell family controls the port of Andaron, and many of the trading vessels that sail in and out of it. They are responsible for the majority of Silversand’s trading done by sea through that port.
Likes: Sweets, Animals, The Ocean
Dislikes: Small Spaces and Feeling Trapped, Storms and Rainy Weather
Knowledge: Sailing, Trading and Business Knowledge, Navigation, Survival Tactics, People Reading, Basic Cooking
Skills: Advanced Air Magic, Advanced Water Magic, Expert Illusion Magic, Intermediate Enchanting, Basic Dagger Skills, Basic Cooking
Weapon: Mainly Magic but will use a dagger when necessary, she has no real combat experience though
Personality: Ari is a pretty bubbly person, they tend to be very cheerful and optimistic. She appears to be rather naive but is a lot more scheming than many realize. She conducts her business with a certain lighthearted friendliness and playfulness that most do not expect. Ari is extremely bold and daring, she loves trying new things and can be a bit of a daredevil. She seems to have little care for what others think of her, but she’s careful at the very least to preserve an image of a trusted and loyal merchant. She holds very true to her values and can be quite stubborn about her opinions.

Romantic orientation: Panromantic
Ideal partner: Ari's definitely looking for someone with some sense to them who can act and think independently.
Background: Ari was born the only child to the Cantrell family. She was given a fairly proper noble upbringing, learning all of the proper decorum, etiquette, and manners expected. She also studied history, politics, and most importantly of all she learned about the economics and trade knowledge required to run the family business. She was taught to sail from a young age also, and she spent a lot of time on her family’s trading vessels as her parents found it a good way to teach her about the family business and sailing. From a young age they were also trained in magic, finding they had an affinity for it and a strong interest in learning magic. She was about 8 when she first met Prince Edwin Wellstein and the two became fast friends.

When the Livianian revolution broke out and Silversand went to war Ari stayed home but her family did what they could to help support. During the war Ari also found herself taking her existing magic skills and training and tweaking them to be more useful in combat situations, as she had become overly concerned about having to fight eventually.

When the war ended Ari’s life went back to normal for the most part. When she was 24 her father fell terribly sick out of nowhere, he then died less than six months later leaving Ari in charge of the County and the family business. She’s been running it ever since with the help of her mom and a few advisors.

Their mom insisted they attend this event for unwedded nobles. Her mom has been subtly pushing Ari getting married for years and this event was the perfect push to help aid in her campaign.

Living situation: She lives in a fairly sizable suite within the main castle. She brought along a well trusted family maid as well.
Home residence: Ari lives in Silversand’s port city of Andaron, they live in a small manor near the ocean.
TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen I've cooked up another character. Please accept my damaged boi :3

TLDR: Crown Prince of Ostlandia who is super gifted in glass making. He's also an insomniac that sees spirits but he hates and is terrified of them ever since his mom rescued him from a vengeful spirit when he was young that turned into a demon and she sold her soul to him (she still kickin it rn tho dw). So now our flashy glass artist has devoted his life to finding a way to break the pact (secretly ofc). He's arrived at this match making event under the guise of finding a partner, only to truly seek an audience with the infamous Witch Queen in hopes her expertise in dark arts can guide him closer to his goal. Will he fall in love along the way? Will he cure his disdain towards spirits? What glass art will he make next? Who knows.

Drakkar Dierlock

Male / 27 / Human / Pansexual
Crown Prince | United Ostlandia
Dark gray hair / silver periwinkle eyes / dark attire and cloak obsessed/ glasses boi
(OG code by Serobliss)

Upon first glance, Drakkar may seem more like a wayward traveler than a nobleman, but his actions are carried out with grace befitting his royal stature. He's a very focused man, sometimes to an obsessive extent, trying to be 10 steps ahead.

Drakkar is a maelstrom of conflicting emotions and constant vigilance. His ability to see spirits weighs heavily on him, causing a perpetual undercurrent of anxiety. He's always on edge, his eyes often darting to focus on something random – places where he can attempt to deceive the spirits from realizing he can see them.

While adept at handling formal, structured interactions, Drakkar becomes noticeably uncomfortable in more casual, intimate settings. His aloof demeanor in these situations isn't born of arrogance, but rather a deep-seated fear of forming close connections. He worries that getting too close to others might expose them to the supernatural dangers that plague his life, or worse, force him to reveal his burdensome secrets. In romantic or deeply emotional scenarios, Drakkar becomes almost comically awkward. He might stumble over his words, avoid eye contact, or find sudden, urgent reasons to excuse himself. This behavior stems not from a lack of interest, but from a genuine uncertainty about how to navigate these waters without compromising his carefully constructed walls.

Likes: Bustling environments, complicated puzzles, hot teas
Dislikes: Quiet spots, deep waters, cold foods, spirits

Theme song:


Born into royalty as the firstborn child of the King of United Ostlandia, Drakkar grew up surrounded by siblings, predominantly sisters. His mother, a noblewoman of extraordinary gifts, served as a high priestess in the capital before meeting the King. Renowned for her ability to commune with spirits, she faced unfounded rumors of necromancy.

During his childhood, Drakkar discovered his own ability to perceive spirits. His mother began teaching him to communicate with them, but tragedy struck when a vengeful spirit demon attacked the young prince. Though his mother saved him, she was forced to bargain her own soul in exchange. This secret weighs heavily on both of them.
Since that night, Drakkar has feigned an inability to see spirits, fearing further harm to his mother. Like his father, he suffers from insomnia, relying on a nightly tonic to find rest. His gift has become a curse, as he now perceives only malevolent or sorrowful spirits, which he studiously ignores despite his inner terror.

As Crown Prince, Drakkar is committed to following his father's path of neutrality, which has kept United Ostlandia out of recent conflicts. However, he aspires to improve relations with other nations over time. While his parents urge him to marry, Drakkar's true focus lies in finding a way to free his mother from her demonic pact. He has trained extensively in various magical disciplines, attempting to master the dark arts necessary to confront the demon. However, his efforts have been hampered by either an innate incompatibility with such magic or the resurfacing of his childhood trauma.

Drakkar's attendance at the current matchmaking event is a ruse; his true intention is to seek an audience with the legendary Witch Queen, hoping to gain insight into demon-binding and dark magic. Until the right moment presents itself, he plays along with the social expectations of the gathering.

Event Residence: A guest room within the main castle hosting the matchmaking event
Home Residence: The Dierlock Palace, also known as The Crystal Oasis Palace is located in the heart of United Ostlandia's desert. Rising from the dunes, its spires and domes of seamless, magically reinforced glass shimmer with an opalescent sheen. The palace is surrounded by a lush oasis, protected by massive glass walls that regulate the harsh climate. Inside, prismatic halls create ever-changing light displays. The building reflects the King's primary magic ability to manipulate glass. This has passed onto his son as well.

Knowledge: Extensive understanding of various magics, historic arcana, and combat tactics

Magical Abilities:
  • Vitromancy (Master): Drakkar possesses a unique and powerful connection to earth/sand and its transformation into glass. His mastery over these elements allows him to:
    • Manipulate sand with precise control, from creating intricate patterns to summoning mild sandstorms
    • Transform sand into glass instantly, creating structures of varying transparency and strength
    • Shape and control existing glass, able to liquefy and reform it at will
    • Form complex glass mechanisms, such as lenses that can focus light or prisms that can bend it
  • Photomancy (Intermediate): Complementing his glass abilities, Drakkar has begun to explore the manipulation of light:
    • Generate and control sources of radiant light, varying in intensity from a soft glow to blinding flashes
    • Channel light through his glass creations, amplifying or dispersing it
    • Manipulate existing light sources, able to intensify or dim them at will
    • He's still developing this ability and often struggles with fine control, especially under stress
  • Spiritual Awareness (Uncontrolled): Due to his childhood experiences, Drakkar possesses an involuntary ability to perceive spiritual entities. This "gift" manifests as:
    • Constant, often unsettling awareness of nearby spirits and supernatural energies
    • Occasional, uncontrolled visions of past events tied to locations or objects
    • A heightened sensitivity to magical energies, sometimes causing physical discomfort in areas of intense arcane activity

      Weapons: Twin Blades - "Prism" and "Lumina"
    • Prism: A masterfully crafted sword with a straight, double-edged blade made entirely of magically reinforced glass with similar properties to diamond. The blade is perfectly clear but can refract light in dazzling patterns when Drakkar channels his vitromancy through it. It can change shape and sharpness at will, transforming from a longsword to a rapier to a shower of glass shards.
    • Lumina: A slightly shorter companion blade to Prism, wakizashi-like weapon has a blade that seems to softly glow from within. When infused with Drakkar's photomancy, it emits pulses of radiant energy. Combined with his glass manipulations, it can create blinding flashes or focused beams of intense light.
    Both weapons were created by Drakkar himself, a testament to his mastery over glass. In combat, he wields them with a fluid, almost dance-like style that combines swift strikes with dazzling displays of light refracted through spontaneously created glass structures.
Irvine Monet
    The best way to win is to let the enemy believe they are right.
    Full Name
    Irvine Fost Monet
    Prince of Davaland
    Prince of Davaland
    Half Human, Half Dwarf
    HEIGHT: 6'2
    BUILD: Slender with hidden muscles
    HAIR: Black like night with a mix between curls and waves
    EYES: Unknown, no one has seen his eyes. Some suspect they are golden and glow bright
    IDENTIFYING MARKS: Under the veil, a large scar is marked across his cheek
    Illesia is a kind, soft spoken elven woman with a stubborn side to her. When she doesn't want do to something, she will make sure she wont do it.

    Irvine takes his time learning about multiple different strategies' and finds it enjoyable to talk with other about the happenings of the world. When he is not out in a high end setting, he takes his leisurely time walking across sandy beaches and hunting for small treasures washed up from the waters. He has also found enjoyment in the pleasures of women, though no one has actually talked about engaging in such matters behind closed doors.

    Irvine cannot stand the more muscle headed company of his brothers and finds that they are ill-fitting to the throne of his homeland. however, dispite his feelings towards his brothers, he refuses to raise his hand against them due to them still being useful and a slight family bond. Another weakness of his is the consistent need for physical touch at night. This weakness is why he has gained a reputation as a playboy, to which he uses to his full advantage as a perfect cover.
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