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Fantasy Festival For The Lonesome Noble Or How I Was Tricked Into Attending A Hookup Event For Unmarried Nobles [Characters]



Cuddly enby auntcle
Character template:

Title (such as prince(ss), king, queen, duke, duchess, baron etc.)
Species (see main thread)
Clothing style (no standard outfit unless military or servant)
Nation (see main thread)
Territory (if not royalty)
Knowledge (what your character is knowledgeable of)
Skills (including magic)
Weapon (if you can fight)
Romantic orientation
Ideal partner (optional)
Living situation (at the event)
Home residence (for possible visits by other nobility, please describe how your character lives at home)
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Name: Queen Lilia Wyvernblood of Liviania

Titles: Queen of Liviania, Heroine of the Great Revolution, Witch Guardian of Liviania

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Species: Human
Appearance 1719259210142.jpeg

Clothing style: Initially disguised as a maid in a long black maid dress with a white lace trimmed collar and a purple tie. When figured out, switches between dresses and military style outfits. Formal attire is a knee length dress, either in black or purple with embroidery, stockings, a choker and a hooded cloak.

Nation: Confederated Territories of Liviania

Likes: Cakes, cute things, hunting, "adventuring", being the replacement mother to her nephews and nieces, short effeminate men, cutesy women

Dislikes: Davalandian royalty, men trying to impress her with strength, men expecting her to be submissive, people trying to look down on her

Knowledge: Diplomacy, bookkeeping, basic agricultural theory, gardening, arcane botany, advanced alchemy, advanced arcane theory, military strategy, cooking, butchering

Skills: Advanced combat magic, intermediate abyssal magic, intermediate earth magic, intermediate air magic, intermediate healing magic, basic fire magic, basic water magic, expert swordsmanship, intermediate archery, advanced martial arts, advanced potionmaking, expert cooking, intermediate butchering

Weapon: For close range: Fists or a claymore sword, for ranged combat: either a long bow or magic

Personality: Lilia has a rather dominant personality and likes caring for and protecting others. During official visits, she is mature and sly. She can however be doting and cuddly. It is however absolutely not recommended to speak to her in a dismissive manner or talk down to her. While she will refrain from violence towards nobility of other nations unless in a duel, she is a ruthless combatant which earned her the nickname "The butcher of Fort Dwarfrock" by Davalandians who hold animosity towards her.

Romantic orientation: Panromantic

Ideal partner: Submissive, friendly personality. Shorter than her. Feminine. Any gender. Any species except for orcs and goblins.


Lilia was the second daughter of the royal family of Liviania. Her family ruled the nation with an iron fist and were hated by most of the lower and medium income populace. She had early renounced her right to the throne as she didn't want to be involved with her family. Lilia spent most of her time studying the arcane arts and training with the knights. Due to learning swordsmanship and training so much with the knights, she was scolded by her parents and told she should gain qualities that would fetch her a husband. One day, her parents had enough and not only banished her from the palace, but also disowned her. They said they didn't need a tomboyish daughter who invested more time in learning magics than in searching for a husband.

Eventually, Lilia got involved with the resistance and helped plan a revolution as she saw how the people suffered under her family. Once the revolution started, they quickly gained control of most of the country, except for the capital region where the nations forces were concentrated. During the fight for the capital, while some knights joined the side of the revolution, another problem arose. Davaland, Silversand and Nelava fell into the country to conquer land when they had the opportunity.

Lilia hastened her conquest of the capital and in the process destroyed the royal palace. Most of her surviving direct family was executed at her hands while she spared cousins and nephews and nieces as they were uninvolved in the fighting. She was named interim leader of Liviania and immediately after she rallied the troops to take back lands lost to Nelava, Davaland and Silversand. They managed to take back everything from Nelava, most of what Silversand had conquered and not only what Davaland had conquered but about 20% of Davaland itself. Peace treaties were eventually made with Nelava and Silversand with Silversand paying a lump sum in turn for keeping a small piece of land they had conquered. A peace treaty with Davaland was first made when the military leadership of Davaland was executed for striking and no successors wanted to accept the positions as long as the war still raged on.

Lilia tried to improve relations with Davaland, however the Davalandians bore too much animosity towards her and she came to learn how much the Davaland populace suffered at the hands of their king.

Under Lilia, Liviania is a confederation of territories. Most territories are still governed by nobility that supported Lilia. Some are democratically governed. This gives Lilia less administrative work to take care of, gives her citizens more freedoms and allows territories to act more independently towards foreign threats. Lilia however serves as the supreme judge and advisor if there are issues with the territories.

Now, she learned of the event for the unwed nobility. While she didn't intend to look for a partner, her niece/nephew went. So she disguised herself as a maid to make sure the young Davalandian nobility didn't try anything funny. Most of the young nobility shouldn't be able to recognize her.

Living situation: A small mansion on the grounds of Atreyas castle. Most of the rooms are unused as Lilia and her family usually live in much smaller dwellings back home. They took a cousin as a butler and a military advisor as a maid. Though they all do some of the work.

Home residence: Lilia lives in a cottage with a spacious garden on the grounds of the former royal palace. Only a handful guards live and work on the premises. The ground are on top of a forested mountain looking over the capital. The mountain is about 500 meters high. Dwellings line the path to the queen's cottage. About 10% of the capital is built on the southern incline of the mountain. While the mountain isn't as off-limits as it used to be, the area around the queen's cottage is only allowed to be visited under permission or invitation of the queen. Most of the queen's surviving relatives live in the incline portion of the capital or near the confederation council building.

Nicknames given to her by foreign nobility/politicians: "Butcher of Fort Dwarfrock" (Davaland), "Witch Queen" (by many foreign nobles), "Demon Queen" (Davaland, Nevala)
Name: Isolde
Title: Countess
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Species: Elf
Appearance: 1719363291254.png

Clothing style (no standard outfit unless military or servant): When she isn't attending various social functions and wearing attire to draw the appropriate amount of attention, Isolde prefers to dress in trousers and tunics to be able to explore the mountains more easily.

Nation: Kingdom of Rubin

Territory (if not royalty): County of Aewenys

Likes: Gossip, art, horses, engaging conversation, and beautiful women

Dislikes: Boring conversations, dullards, stifling atmospheres, reading, sewing, overly sweet treats

Knowledge: Music, animal husbandry, well-versed regarding relations between the different species of the continent, diplomacy

Skills: Talented musician with enchantment magic she uses when weaving a song on her violin, equestrian, dance, communication, manipulation

Weapon: Prefers to use her words as a weapon, but she is able to wield a bow with decent accuracy.

Personality: Impish would be the first word to come to mind regarding Isolde. While she is an engaging, charismatic woman, she is also one who becomes bored quite often. When she is bored then she has to liven up her circumstances by causing mayhem in the form of either circulating rumors or assisting in pitting other nobles against one another. She's exceptionally flirtatious, but like a butterfly she just moves on to the next pretty flower.

Romantic orientation: Lesbian

Ideal partner: Someone who can keep up with Isolde and therefore maintain her interest. She needs an equal partner, someone to challenge her rather than being easily cowed by her strong personality.

Background: As the younger of the two children born to House Aewenys, there weren't a great load of expectations placed upon her shoulders. She was given lessons in all manner of things, of course, but none of it interested young Isolde other than when she was taught music and the more scandalous parts of history from her tutors. Social circles were quite convoluted and beyond her older brother's ability to comprehend since he was a more taciturn fellow, but that was where his sister's ability to easily engage with others really became an asset. Their parents began sending their daughter to various events after discussions with her revealed that she had a natural ability draw information out of people who might have been hesitant to do so to Rhodri. Of course, there were more complications as Isolde grew older and her mischievous nature became more pronounced. Not only did she sew discord among a few members of the noble class, but she rejected the few matches that her family attempted to arrange for her. It was Rhodri who suggested sending Isolde to a gala for those who were unwed in the aristocracy, and Isolde agreed on the grounds that she would have the opportunity to speak with others from outside of their realm which could assist the house's standing in Rubin.

Living situation: Not one to need extravagance since she hails from a small estate in the mountains, she has accepted the offer of a room in Atreyas castle. It allows her to also speak with the servants in the castle, and no one knows the gossip better than servants.

Home residence: A small estate near her family's keep is where Isolde spends her days when she isn't trekking through the forests or making social calls. There are a couple of maids that tend to her home, but they don't visit daily.

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