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Community Feb25 Event: Vincent x Edwin Stormcrest

Maverick Six

This party stinks

Interaction: Maxxob Maxxob
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane], Novice Tinkerer, Novice Blacksmith, Isekai, Mechanic
Language Key: Common | %Analog% |


Another hour, another round. This time, Vince traced over about three sets of eyes for a brief moment. Overall for the better, at least so it seemed. Aureliana, Demeter and Aedrianna. Now however a new name appeared before him. And immediately Vince muttered.

"Ah fuc-" Before he was whisked away.

Round 4: The Hotsprings


His eyes looked left, and his eyes looked right. He couldn't quite get a read on the place. But he could tell about one thing immediately. It was hot. Like really hot.

"Hey look. It's my ride. Way up here." Running his hand along the hood of his car. For a brief moment, he opened the door and rummaged through it to take some of his things.

The area appeared to atop a mountain. And the source of the steam was a set of bathes that were right before him. Off in the distance, he could see mountain ranges as far as the eye could see. There was a forest below but it seemed a lot like something that he'd have a rough time getting to. The scalding hot bathes he looked down at appeared to be at just the right temperature as he'd expect. Like just about everything around here, it seemed like it was perfect and just beckoning him to get in.

Yet at the moment Vince would be seen fully clothed as he squatted just over the place.

"Hope he doesn't the wrong idea about this."
Within a few moments, just about everything came off. And soon there was a splash.

Soon, whoever showed up would be greeted to the sight of a grown man seemingly naked in the misty waters of the spring. Vince was almost perpetually relaxed but even now in particularly he seemed to keep an eye out for whoever was to show up. His things lay in a pile next to him. And next to that is a large metallic contraption not too far away from him.
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], [Power Potential], [Get Looped], [Dark Knight] - #0E0101

Maverick Six Maverick Six

This time around, as things began to shift and twist, Edwin wasn't caught by surprise. After all, it wasn't as if he was doing anything that required too much attention in the last speed date. However, amidst the hotness of his current location, there was something missing, something that he couldn't just put his finger on it... oh, that is right.

He was wearing nothing, but a towel wrapped around his waist.

"I suppose it could be worse." The baronet murmured to himself, fully unbothered by his nudity.

As he took the first steps, he could feel his soles against the rocks of the mountain top. It was an almost forgotten stimuli for someone who wore armored sabatons throughout the day.

And as the wave of steam danced and blowed, his azure eyes would alright catch someone immersed in the apparently hot waters. "As much as I preferred the fairer sex, at least it isn't a furred animal I have to share the waters with." His tone, uncaring, was accompanied by a shrug and the undoing of the towel around his waist. Rather unceremoniously, he let the piece of cloth fall against the ground, entering the warm waters with a pretty confident expression.

"Mmm, some wine would have been perfect." Edwin said, getting comfortable against the edges of the bath, both arms sprawled and resting on top of it. "So, how has your experience been in this impromptu abduction?" His azure orbs shifted to the man's direction, as if analyzing him.

Interaction: Maxxob Maxxob
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane], Novice Tinkerer, Novice Blacksmith, Isekai, Mechanic
Language Key: Common | %Analog% |


Round 4: The Hotsprings


Peering up, Vincent's eyes did indeed show him that it was a man that he was with. But there were worse things in life. Though he could perhaps freely admit that once that towel came down that his eyes went right up towards the sky -- only falling back down when the man joined him in the water. "I gotta say it'd definitely be nicer to be sharing a pool with a babe myself. But what can you do. Can't even say I chose this damn place." His eyes flicked down to the man upon his remark about beasts. And Vince's demeanor more or less couldn't be said to be angered. Yet one could see his neutral and calm gaze ever so slightly becoming a frown.

"Can't say I'd care either way, about sharing the water with a beast at all. Some drink would be nice though." He said, his tone remaining unchanged. Rather than any outright anger, it seemed like there was a marked lack of enthusiasm.

When asked about how his experience however, Vince spoke about honestly and matter-a-factily.

"Been good so far. In this kinda of mysterious strangers shit, I've found myself in worse places I'll tell ya that much. I got kidnapped this time. But last time? I took a job fighting some giant turkeys in some temple. It fucking sucked." He said, before moving onto his perception of the dates.

"First I had this chick. She had fiery red hair and a gem in her head. Seemed pretty serious but ironically kinda a sweetheart underneath it. Real sure of herself and confident but I found out how to dig under that pride of her a little bit." He said with a snicker. "We really hit it off I felt like I both got to know her. Got real hot at the end, if ya know what I mean. Got ripped out pretty quick, though. Vince said, with a sure-of-himself smirk. Though he wasn't one to kiss and tell much.

"Second was a kid. Green all over and covered in leaves. Like some type of nature creature. And she was a nice girl. But she was a kid-kid. Didn't even know what a date was when I asked her. I wouldn't even tell her. I feel a bit sorry for her, cause I was in a bit of a bad mood during that bit. Wasn't her fault at all. Had interest conversation with her though. Smarter and maybe a little wiser than she looks...for a lil' girl anyway." He rummaged through his things and considered grabbing another cigarette almost out of habit...but decided against it. He'd smoked enough. Though there was a bottle of Henessy he spotted among his things. Part of him wondered if he should take it out. As if considering as to whether or not he should drink.

"And finally, there was a nice lady. Probably the nicest one. She was a blonde. Meek lil' thing with a warm personality. She a little lost in her thoughts but when she was talking to me? Kindest thing ever! And get this, she's a celebrity in her previous life! Despite all that, she was down to earth and pretty nice. We were really hittin' it off but you know, time was running short. Didn't have much time for anything but chat and dinner. I'd like to get to know her more." Vince settled, deciding to lean on one hand as he looked the guy over, while the other was reclined at his side.

"Eh but I'm talkin' too much, aren't I? How about you?"

[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], [Power Potential], [Get Looped], [Dark Knight] - #0E0101

Maverick Six Maverick Six

"Maybe if they are dewormed, and have their fleas taken care of, I suppose beasts can be tolerable to some extent." Having noticed the subtle changes in the man's visage, a faint grin began tugging at the corner of Edwin's lips. "Take the lion king of Ryke, for example. I'm pretty it isn't the filthy beast that runs the country, but his human wife, Queen Eirene. Still, king Aiko 'the wise', is rather a good company during banquets of the nobility. Even I have to concede that..." The sarcasm when talking about the king was palpable, dripping from every word. "But enough about that, I would rather not bore you about politics."

"Giant turkeys? In a temple?"
That was a sentence that the baronet never expected to hear, and the visual imagery was ridiculous. Perhaps ridiculous enough as to move him from his usual stinging behavior. "And these turkeys, how well did they fight? Did they cluck between attacks?" A chuckle left the very pit of his stomach, not being able to conceive what sordid play that could have been.

And, when Vincent began to tell the experiences in that event, the noble listened with rapt attention.

"Oh, you met Aureliana?" He narrowed his eyes, being able to easily recognize the woman by her description. "I have met that pyromaniac during a rather mundane task of finding lost kittens. Now, I'm pretty sure I don't strike as someone who would care about mangy felines, because I don't. Still, helping a retired noblewoman that is rather a feast for the eyes have its perks, no? Not at bad option to have fun with from time to time..." A knowing grin tugged at the corner of his lips. "Too bad things were cut short on your end."

"A type of nature thing..."
He repeated those words, as if trying to pull from memory what it could have been. "... you met a fae that is a dryad, no less? She probably didn't grow up in the See: their kind doesn't like ours." The baronet shrugged momentarily.

The last that Vincent mentioned, however, brought a wide grin to Edwin's lips. "Blonde with different streaks of color at the very tips of her hair?" He brought a hand to his chin, talking only after the man had given him the full description. "Aedrianna. She was my first date in this event as well. From the very first second I had laid my eyes on her, I knew I wanted her. And I must say..." His voice would come to a sudden stop, tongue darting across his own lips. "... her taste was delicious. One can't simply pass a little morsel like that." The grin was kept true, splashed on his visage.

"Then there was some mercenary, clad in armor, who swore that justice was the only payment he needed for his services." Scoffing, Edwin shook his head. "The self-serving fool really believed that anyone would believe his altruist act. In truth, he was most likely a vulture, preying on the misery of the weak and meek. And when it came to it, accusing being of being the evil that needed vanquishing..." Leaning forward, Edwin let the suspense build up a bit. "... he showed to be a coward and couldn't raise his sword against me. He probably realized I would gut him and smear the wooden floors of that tearoom with his entrails."

"And the last one..."
He moved back against the edge of the bath, arms sprawling once again. "... just some old bat, a cultist. She swore that the symbols on her garments meant knowledge and scientific pursuit, but when probed about her findings, the only thing she could appeal was that it would be 'too advanced' to be understood." Sighing, he shook his head from left to right. "Half-baked theories, smoke and mirrors that might fool the ignorant peasantry. But, someone of proper birth like myself? Hah!" Edwin would let out a rumbling laughter, which echoed throughout the mountain top. "Seems like you drew a better hand than me, for sure."
Last edited:

Interaction: Maxxob Maxxob
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane], Novice Tinkerer, Novice Blacksmith, Isekai, Mechanic
Language Key: Common | %Analog% |


Round 4: The Hotsprings

Keep calm

With each pass passing moment -- Vince was getting more and more of a read on the man. Though at the moment. Soon he had a face which was well suited for playing poker. Despite the fact that Vince was looking right at him, it only really seemed to be his tone.

"Oh I see. You're some typa noble. Think that checks." Vince said simply.

To the matter of turkeys, he didn't quite have much to say. "Nah. Took all our weapons away and made everyone bit weaker though. Real strange challenge that." Edwin's laugh would fill the pool but Vince's would not. There wasn't a chuckle, no awkward smile nor any attempt to humor him in anyway. There was simply naught but Vince's cool gaze upon him.

Ever so slightly however, Vince's gaze did shift upon hearing that name: Aureliana. His brow raised a bit as it seemed like he'd met her in the real world. "You met here while doing some work for Kittens. Man, story like that makes me think at least the people in it is real." It seemed all too wild, all too varied and all too imperfect for it to be handcrafted for him. The individuals and experiences he had varied.

Towards "The Dryad" however, Vince seemed to have nothing to say ,merely nodding as he kept some of the information gleaned from the man in mind. His curiosity piqued however as he narrowed down who the man had met: An experience with the same woman named. "Yup. It was Aedri. Have to say, despite being a celebrity, she wasn't anything like I thought she'd be."

It seemed to be the only observation he'd make on her.

He listened to the rest of the man's experiences, at least noting the description of the mercenary and the "cultist." One could tell from the outside that Vince seemed to be attentive despite his relaxed nature. And those subtle flickers one might see in his eyes made it seem as though he was keeping note of just about everything he'd known about the two. Perhaps when they were all out of here, he'd be able to make observations.

In summing up his own experiences, Vince spoke plainly.

"Yeah I'd say so. Think until right about now, I've had the luck of the draw." Beat.

"So whattaya nobles do all day? By the sounds and looks of it, you msut be some typa fighter of some type. But is it all parties and searching for lost kittens?" Vince asked, leaning on his fist yet still.
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], [Power Potential], [Get Looped], [Dark Knight] - #0E0101

Maverick Six Maverick Six

"Oh, but your luck has just increased exponentially. It isn't every day that someone can get an audience with me without certain... attenuating circumstances." Edwin said with narrowing eyes, his tone sprinkled with sarcasm.

"I can only really talk about Ryken nobles, but I assume that nobles of other nations have similar duties, obligations and perks." With that disclaimer, the baronet continued. "Nobles are tasked to lord over their given domain. Tax collection for their direct liege, protection against internal threats, keeping order and raising, or better said hiring, of armies are some of our more mundane daily tasks." Probably, that had been the first time the blonde-haired man had shifted his tone to a more serious register.

"We act as shepherds for the sheep, the peasantry. I suppose it is not entirely their fault that they would be lost without us." The index finger of his right hand began to tap against the stone at the edge of the bath. "Nobles often act as judges as well, applying the law and correct punishments to those who breach it. I often prefer to handle punishment personally, as I see weakness of character to task others with duties that one is too squeamish to perform. As for my martial prowess..." The tone which had been flat up to that point, gained some animus, along with the sides of his lips curling upwards. "... I did have quite the competent instructor growing up. His teachings gave me a solid base, so I could develop the rest myself. But being capable of fighting is not really common in my midst."

And then there was a sigh, a shift on his expression, growing graver. "Of course, there are those who use their position to have their kicks and revel in degeneracy." Creases formed on his forehead, eyebrows furrowing. "For example, there are whispers of a certain baroness who keeps quite a number of beastkin in her domain. Apparently, she has a kink for tails. I can only imagine the level of abuse and indignity that those poor animals must endure under her rule. More than any of my words could ever cause." Disgust was etched in every line present on his face.

"Curtailing the influence of the Merchant Guild is also an important aspect of being a noble in Ryke." His expression had slowly begun shifting back to neutral. "Let alone for too long, the money grubbing curs will think they are the ones ruling the country. Still, they are a necessary evil to allow Ryke to export their goods and import whatever we are missing."

"There is also engaging in social niceties with other nobles during feasts and whatnot. Trading between villages ended up being necessary, and those events can be a way to catch a baron or count in a rather... unprepared state. While unity exists, each lord clearly looks after their own domain more."
Edwin threw his head backwards, resting its back against the edge of the bath.

"We sometimes act as dignitaries to foreign nations as well, even if that is a job more pertaining to diplomats." There was an audible click of his tongue. "I had just arrived at The Kingdom when I was plucked away into this." Lifting his head, Edwin stared directly at Vincent. "That sums up the duties of a noble." There was a moment of silence from him, until he spoke up again. "And who are you in this world?"

Interaction: Maxxob Maxxob
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane], Adept Tinkerer, Adept Blacksmith, Isekai, Mechanic
Language Key: Common | %Analog% |


Round 4: The Hotsprings

Keep calm

In contrast to the sarcasm, Vince seemed to speak very plainly. "Could be worse." For a few brief moments, Vince would reach over into his things and withdraw from it something he'd been considering before.

It was a bottle of Henessy. One which was partially finished. It seemed something he carried on his person from his world. As he brought it to his lips as he took a swig.

For a while, Vincent was quiet. As Edwin went through explaining the various duties and daily going-ons of being a noble. There was a bit of intrigue in Vince's eyes as he did gain some insight into what it was that the guy did. His expression however would slip more over into something more neutral as he went to the various matters. Shepards for the sheep. Personal executioners. His martial prowess. He nodded at least, as if to quietly encourage answers and for Edwin to keep going.

"Heh heh heh." A brief chuckle, at the mention of degenerate noble who pet tails.

"So a Politician." He summed it up in his mind in just three sentences. "And you do all that in Ryke?" He asked, the question narrowing down to him. To Edwin. What did he do specifically?

A question to Vince himself was asked and he didn't seem to hesitate to ask.

"For me? I guess it's pretty simple." He shrugs, the water stirring around him as he reclines back, and motions with his hands. "I'm a mechanic from Widersia. I fix things. Particularly cars these days. Ever since coming here, I've been trying to get myself settled and oriented. Thankfully, I learned some stuff from place that made being here a bit easier. Bein' a mechanic means I fix and maintain cars." A smile which was perhaps a little wistfully, though it wasn't one particularly meant for Edwin as he stared off as if reminiscing.

"Some things never change. A lotta things don't really fix themselves, so I help get 'em fixed. For a while I been doing pretty peaceful stuff. Maybe helping an old lady fix a leaky pipe here and there. Have helped out a few constructs of certain make with their internal workings. Taken up blacksmithing, since weapons seem to be in demand." His hand motions in circles.

"Lately I've branched out to outside Widersia. I figured I'd knock out two birds with one stone by earning money and getting close to some of my cliental." Two fingers were raised.

"Before here. I was in the Republic. "Adventure" they call it. Mission to save a beastkin village that was left behind by local lords. Helped 'em did some good. Even sold some weapons along the way. Killed some bandits and cultists" He said, as though it were but another day. "But I stayed behind after to try to fortify the village. Humble little place I hope to go back to. If local lords won't fix, someone's outta try." There was a slight shift in tone as he said that last bit.

"At some point, it probably would do me some good to cozy up to a nice merchant guild and hopefully make a quick buck. And you know what they say about merchants. Right next to the adventurer guild. Hopefully I can be a bit of both. At the end of all this, hopefully I'll have a little shop to my own at the end of this second chance at life I have." Another sip before the Henessy was pushed aside, sliding along the stone.

"But no one said I had to drag anyone down on my way up."

[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], [Power Potential], [Get Looped], [Dark Knight] - #0E0101

Maverick Six Maverick Six

Edwin shook his head momentarily. "A politician is what the ignorant masses from Widersia choose to be their representative. Proper ruling stems from divine mandate and peerage." He correct the definition brought up by Vincent. "We shall see how far that gets them. I wonder if they will be reincorporated by the East Empire or The See. War is always looming on the horizon, after all." His tone became a bit more prophetic with an edge of unnatural certainty. "That is correct, I do all of that. There isn't enough hours in a day to do it all, however."

When it was his turn to listen about Vincent, he would rest his cheek against a balled fist, arm resting against the edge of the bath. With a neutral expression, he heard all there was to it, but only a few topics really caught his attention. "A village neglected by their beastkin overlord? Hah! It doesn't surprise me." He clicked his tongue. "The beasts were slaves to humans, all over the continent, not too long ago. I suppose they have yet to learn how to govern themselves." Narrowing his eyes, Edwin continued. "And a human had to fix their problems? Amusing. The bandits and cultists, were they noteworthy? I heard that cannibal cultists are in not shortage. Were those you killed?"

The baronet grinned at the end of it. "So you actually have a long plan? Interesting..." He seemed to consider something for a moment. "If your products can withstand the pressure of war, I would be interested, considering my ever-growing retinue and garrison. Free advice: choose well which nation you decide to settle in. Ryke Merchants trade with most of the continent. Republic Merchants? Not even worth the mention." With that, Edwin simply relaxed, knowing that this rare moment of relaxation was coming to an end.

Interaction: Maxxob Maxxob
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane], Adept Tinkerer, Adept Blacksmith, Isekai, Mechanic
Language Key: Common | %Analog% |


Round 4: The Hotsprings

To the Top

"Can't say I agree with being handed power on a silver platter. But somethin' tells me we won't come to an agreement on that." Things had been run like that before, but he could hardly tell.

"When it comes to that mess of a war, guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Or better yet, if." Any plan he makes now might be apt to be thrown out the window on that front.

Vince began to give a summary of the full story. "Cultists were mixed. Seemed to hire bandits for muscle. We didn't find anyone eaten. They were sacrificing the people to this undead thing for god knows what. We put a stop to that after defeating their King Skeleton. I killed a few bandits and cultists, but honestly rest of the group had more heads to their name." He shrugged, nonchalantly.

"I was in a party lead by a Raccoon-Man. We saved the village together. Then we all helped rebuild it after and prepare it for what was to come. Trained some of the citizens up. Fortified it some. And that was that. Story of that place might not be over, but I'll have to check back in a few years." His eyes wandered off a bit, imaging what that little village might be like in the future.

"Long as I make enough, I'm good. As for selling to you, well...." A shrug.

"You didn't leave the best impression, but we'll see. Really, it depends a lot on what you actually do." Part of him was tempted to shunt the man outright.

Vince could sense that the time was drawing near. Yet while he enjoyed the hot springs, part of him was fine with this particular interaction being snipped. He was pretty content with a bit of quiet after. He took a swig as he'd enjoy the rest of his time in the pool.

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