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Community Feb 2025 Event: Kane x Amilia

Daddy Dream

Creation becomes Destruction
Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Dice
  4. Quests
  5. Nation Building
My Interest Check
The stars were the first thing that Amilia noticed as she once again came to in another room. The ceiling was of open glass that gave a beautiful view of the evening sky, free from all light pollution and allowing the wonders of the galaxies to shine. Silver eyes sparkled as she took in the glorious sights, a smile coming to her lips when she remembers a bitter memory of a long lost friendship. Taking in a soft breath, she finally turned her attention away from the above to come back to the earth and scan the surroundings around her. The soft yellow glow of the lights illuminated the edges of the Celestial Observatory, keeping the center dark for optimal stargazing. A few intimate tables were arranged in the middle of the large room, places for people to casually sit and still enjoy the stars, lit only with small magic candles should one sit there and quickly snuffed out when they leave.

Looking upon herself, she seemed to be dressed in a knee length, celestial themed dress the color of a deep blue. A long sleeved, cropped sweater covered her shoulders, matching the same color of the dress. Golden stars and moons accented the trim of the dress, giving it something interesting to look at. She Had on and interesting set of dark blue heels with celestial themed accent chains while her dark black hair was done up in a romantic messy bun and adorn with strings of golden stars. She couldn't tell what her makeup was like, but she definitely knew she had some on, which took her out of her comfort zone as she was a very minimal makeup kind of woman. Once she finished looking herself over, she then took the time to look for her partner, which she hoped wasnt difficult since the place looked basically empty.

Gentle clacks of her heels echoed gently through the observatory as she walked through the area, curious eyes scanning the rooms that she passed. Her confidence of the search being easy slowly started to fade as she noted that she had not found her partner after a few moments of walking around. That, and this observatory was a lot larger than she had anticipated when she exited out of the main dome area. There were halls and rooms, all being individually private viewing chambers. She had entered a few, seeing most of them empty while some of them seemed to have had occupants but was suddenly cleared out midway through. The sight unsettled Amilia, but she brushed it off as she continued to search for Kane, now wanting his presence more than she did before.

Kane Blackburne

Daddy Dream Daddy Dream
One of the first things Kane noticed himself were the stars as he looked up into them, he couldn't quite remember the last time he'd seen such a surreally beautiful night sky like this, his red gaze scanning over it. Even if one could enjoy the one in Rota maybe, there were plenty of places one didn't want to be at night or it might be one of the last things they ever see with the monster activity.

Regardless Kane wasn't exactly wearing a super formal garb, instead he found himself wearing one of his usual outfits, dark executioner robes which helped him with his occupation, and some dark underclothing, his body well defined from all the physical training he had undergone underneath, the clothing choice not exactly showing it off however. Thankfully the color was formal enough and it wasn't like it didn't hold some type of formality even so, so at the very least it wasn't the worst choice to end up in the observatory in.

Large space or not Kane figured he'd try to find his partner sooner rather than later not wanting to keep them waiting he'd use his Special Movement: Zen Direction

This special movement would ensure he'd be led in..at least a direction that would head toward them if nothing else rather than getting himself lost. He moved through the space noticing the tables before he stumbled upon Amelia in her..rather lovely outfit which fit her very well. He'd pause, looking to her, before getting closer and approaching her between her hair, the colors, all of it, Kane wasn't a fashion guy but he knew what he thought was beautiful and she definitely was.

"Hey..you must be my new pair partner, Amilia...as you probably saw I'm..Kane, Kane Blackburne." He'd give her a bit of a bow in an effort to be more formal.

"You're the..third person that I've met through this whole thing..and I gotta admit you remind me of nobility with how nice and well composed your outfit is..It really all looks good on you."

"To be honest I actually feel a bit underdressed now.."
He'd chuckle a bit after that. "So..Amilia if you'd like to have a seat with me under these stars, I'd..really like to get a chance to learn more about you if you'd like to share."

Instead of sharing about himself he thought this would be more be more polite, and also just the fact he was genuinely interested in her, and what her story was after learning about the other's.

Kane gestured over to a table with a nice view of the starry sky, before making his way over and pulling out a chair for her. Even if he wasn't used to doing this sort of thing or talking about this kind of stuff it he had learned that much.
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"Good evening, Kane. As you have guessed, I am indeed Amilia."

She smiled gently, responding to his bow with a simple curtsey of her own. It was awkward, and not something she practiced often, but figured it would be more appropriate in this outfit than if she bowed and showed a bit too much. She gave Kane a once over look, not finding his outfit underdressed at all. In fact, she felt overdressed for their location, but she also didn't have a choice in her outfits anyway. Another gentle smile followed a light chuckle as she remembered her previous interactions.

"Well, I can certainly say you are one of my more mature partners in this lovely event. But I must correct you on two things, I am not of any nobility in this world. Maybe in my past, but here I am of humble origins. And secondly, you are not underdressed. You look quite dashing and easy on the eyes, even if the clothes are hiding what is underneath quite well." She gave a nod to his invitation and followed him over to a table. "But hearing you mention me looking like nobility, I have a feeling you are around them often?"

The question came out naturally, even though she did plan on sharing information about herself. She didn't have much to tell about herself here, she had been living pretty mundanely as of late, but if he had interest, she would go all out about her many travels in her past. The countless timelines, the marvelous adventures, and the many, many heartwarming connections were timeless memories she carried with her that waited to be shared. The candle in the center of the table sparked to life as she made herself comfortable in the chair and casts a gentle glow over the two.

"I use to associate with nobles quite often. The most interesting one was a woman who was following her daughter in exile from her home. Scrib-something was her name, and she was a bit reserved and grumpy but made a good bread back then. Her daughter was also fun to talk to, but seemed to have serious suspicions of me and my motives."
Kane Blackburne

Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

Kane was a bit relieved to hear that he was actually correct at getting her name, it would have been sort of awkward if he had started speaking to the wrong person like the but so far as far as he could tell it had only been him and who he had been assigned too who had ended up in these unique spaces, his eyes going from the stars to Amelia once again not so long after.

Noticing her gentle smile he felt a bit more at ease, in that she wasn't being standoffish, never mind the fact thus far she didn't appear snooty which was a big boon in his opinion all things considered given the types he had encountered before.

Hopefully she didn't find his robes too unbecoming is all he could really think to himself, of course a beautiful woman would wear a wonderful outfit to such a nice location..unaware that her thoughts were that she was overdressed for the occasion. He did wonder what was causing her to smile however, was it him? Surely not, maybe something else, a thought which crossed her mind that she found humorous maybe, though he really had no idea for sure short of just outright asking her, which he was not going to do.

But her words quickly corrected his thoughts, to much nicer ones actually, she wasn't nobility, and she didn't think he was underdressed! What a relief, Kane almost made an audible sigh of relief before he refocused on her, and what she was lying.

After listening to her, and stating with her at the table as the gentle glow was cast over them from the nice lighting. His eyes widened a bit with curiosity as she spoke that she was from another world. He supposed that wasn't the strangest thing he'd ever heard, there had been rumors here and there on occasion in his travel he'd heard about people from other worlds but was he actually meeting one of them? If she was telling the truth it sounded like it.

However he quickly refocused and Kane replied,

"Wow, you're uh, right on there, yeah I'm around nobles a good deal, I work with them closely, they're the ones who give the decrees in the Kingdom of Rotia that I'm to carry out." He'd look a bit more apprehensive briefly before getting to the point,

" I think it's only fair that I'm upfront with you that I'm..an executioner, a royal Executioner from the Kingdom of Rotia, the decrees I carry out as you imagine are..sentences where I carry out my orders...so if that's a problem I get it." Figuring she knew well enough what he was getting at there as far as removing heads, he was a tool of the law so to speak.

What she also had to say was of interest to him It was safe to say he'd listen,

"Oh, you've associated with nobles too then?..really from another world? Just like the first one and the second one I met then..it sounds like..I don't think I was expecting to meet more than one truthfully..guess I should stop being surprised by this point."
He'd chuckle a bit.

"Though I gotta say, I'm a bit surprised that Scrib-something's daughter was suspicious of you, I mean I already feel a lot more comfortable around you already." He'd give her a bit of his own reserved smile.

"What do you think made this pair so interesting Was it them or was the lands you went through with them after the exile? I'm sure you've seen all sorts of fascinating places..in that experience alone."

"And I mean..whatever you'd like to share about yourself personally too, It'd be great to hear about..like your interests..aspirations..dreams...if that isn't too forward, you know I've..never really been the best at this sort of stuff, not a lot of experience.."
He'd look a bit more bashful now.
"An executioner? Color me interested, that is by far the most interesting job title I have heard about so far!"

Her eyes sparkled at the mention of his job, reminding her of her times in both the medieval periods and the witch trials era. Both were quite tense for her long life range, but nothing she didn't manage to escape from. Now, she wondered what kinds of executions were done here, the reasons for why they were still around, and the most common reason why someone would receive such a punishment. However, her line of morbid thoughts ended when she realized he was still talking and she had rudely drifted off into her own world. He was inquiring about her time with the ancients and why the daughter was suspicious of her. She sort of cursed herself for being trapped in this timeline that caused her memories to forget the names of these people so easily, but least she could remember her times with them for some reason.

"Well, back then, I was just getting into the aspects of timeline jumping. I was inexperienced, ill dressed, and all around most definitely someone wo be wary of. The daughters suspicion of me was valid, the mother just thought I was just some youth from another land that also got exiled and she let me tag along after a bit of talking." Amilia pursed her lips and thought a bit. "The thing that made them interesting was the fact that they were the first human beings I spotted when I arrived and they wasn't trying to murder me right off the bat. It gave me time to just relax a tad bit and actually experience the surroundings to their full instead of me jumping into the times, grabbing what I wanted, and quickly departing."

Amilia then took a second to follow up on Kane's last inquiry about more information on herself. What should she share? What should she keep to herself? She pursed her lips about a bit, thinking some, before figuring nothing is worse than already telling him that she had jumped timelines.

"Now, you asked for my hobbies, and while I wish I could show you, I can only tell you. I am an avid collector of all sorts of oddities. From mundane, to cursed, and even majickal. I travel to different timelines, sone that even break the rules of logic, and collect items that I find fascinating. That what caused me to be here, I was to jump into this worlds timeline and collect a few items, but heaven forbid the god of this line was quite finicky and cut off my only way back to my own home. Stingy they were, the lump of wasted energy."

She clicked her tongue, eyes swirling with a hit of red, quite agitated to think that she had lost her home, her bloodline, her family, and all her hard work over the whims of some omniscient being. She sighed heavily and recollected herself, her eyes returning to their silvery state, before she looked back at Kane.

"Now its your turn, tell me what makes you tick."
Kane Blackburne

Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

Kane's eyes widened a bit briefly before he found himself chuckling again some. "Really? you think it's interesting? That's not normally the type of reaction I get at first, but it's not an unwelcome one." He'd smile.

He'd listen about the timeline jumping bit, it sure seemed like there were a lot of traveling types he had been meeting through this..whatever someone wanted to call this..meeting of people in different spaces.

"So the suspicion was valid..that's fair, you weren't from there originally then..I've been meeting quite a few people who seem to have indicated they weren't from here originally, meanwhile I'm a native, this place is the only place I've ever known..heh, makes me wonder what might have happened if I got to travel elsewhere like that..but I guess it means I've gotten to explore this realm a bit more in-depth than I might have otherwise."

"But the fact they were first humans who weren't trying to kill you sounds pretty rough. Not a lot unlike when you head to fight monsters in the winter in the Kingdom of Rotia..not that I've had a chance to do that myself really at least yet, but everything and everyone you encounter wanting to kill you is pretty similar based on what I've heard."

"Glad that in that sense it was easer then."

"Oh you collect things? Well I get that you can't show me the past ones that you've found at the moment but if you find some interesting things here you'd like to add to your collection It'd be cool if you'd show them to me some time you know?"

Kane overall seemed a lot less surprised by this point with just how many people had been telling him they weren't originally from where he was from, to the point where he found it much more believable.

"But I am Sorry to hear that you can't get to other ones at the moment .." Kane said sounding more serious. "You think it was a god of time then who cut you off?" He'd wonder.

"You seem like a smart person I'm sure if you want to get to other lines you'll be able to figure it out or do what you need to do eventually." He'd add encouragingly.

"What makes me tick?...Well, I guess I like the fact that I'm able to bring people to justice, helping people along the way in the Kingdom of Rotia. These are the type of people who can't be trusted to even be sentenced to fight on the frontline, some of them too dangerous at higher threat levels, or others committing crimes deemed too serious to not make an immediate example out of..but it's also safe to say that the point a good amount of my time has been used traveling around and helping my..friends, which I have also found to be satisfying, I got to go to the Sky Kingdom which I never thought I would be able too, it takes about two day of travel via an airship..since you like interesting thing it sounds like the type of place you might like to go sometime, instead of the normal black appraisal orb yo see in many settlements around here, they had this large ...more organic looking floating eye which did the job where I went, I don't know if that's uniform but it was pretty interesting I'd say.."

"If you wanna go to the Sky Kingdom sometime I could probably help you get there..anyway if you decide you might want to meet up with me back in the real world, in my realm, just send a letter to the Kingdom of Rotia addressed to Kane Blackburne and I'm sure they'll get it to me..unless there's a place you are commonly found I can do the same, it's just a good bet since i'm around the capital a lot."

Kane just hoped that his explanation and offer would be well received.
"Your travels sound interesting, and I would love to hear more. Maybe I will send you a letter and we can actually get to know each other a bit less rushed than what is going on now. As for where I am mostly at, I am trying to build a home in the rolling hills of some land at the base of a mountain. I am unsure of what the place is called, but it looked untouched."

She smiled softly, thinking about what he just told her. His occupation was interesting for her due to the fact that death was something she often poked a bit at anywhere she went. The more morbid side of that coin tended to startle some, so she kept it hidden. Something also wanted to sort of tag along with him while he did his job, see with her own eyes what these unforgivable criminals were and find out just how much of themselves did they lose to their crimes and sentence. A twisted side of her also wanted to preform some inhumane experiments on their bodies since they were on the death row list, but that would probably put a target on her back too. Then he mentioned how he helped his friends and even visited a new place and her curiosity was piqued again.

"Oh? I would love to hear more about that trip and your friends. I can share one of my storied too." She smiled before she started to feel that familiar pull of the room ending. Her smile fell and she looked almost saddened. "Has it been an hour already?"

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