Favourite RP Settings

I am a huge fan of the Shadowrun universe, with its' quixotic mixture of technology, magic and 'Blade Runner' style grittiness. Also enjoy the Exalted setting but seem to have more fun with my tech.
Hmm, maybe I will try to put a shadowrun game together.. I came in to post that Shadowrun is one of my favorites, but I would also list Warhammer and Pendragon pretty high on there. I play a fair bit of D&D and Exalted, but the settings for those aren't as interesting to me as the formerly listed. Also L5R with the right group, but it depends on how detailed and picky you decide to get about every little social more (it is harder for new players and old players of the system to play together imo, which can be problematic).
L5R is great, but you need experience in the setting to get the very best out of it, in my experience. That said, very rewarding for the familiar.
Grey said:
L5R is great, but you need experience in the setting to get the very best out of it, in my experience. That said, very rewarding for the familiar.
Indeed. :) I play with this group: http://www.heroes-of-rokugan.com/whatis.php But I've been toying with the idea of trying to bring some local L5R noobs into it and its a bit overwhelming trying to figure out what pace to bring people into the full setting at.
Ah, L5R, my next great love after Exalted. And then it's old Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Garou Nation, unite!
Mostly I like the mass combat system that L5R has. It's really great for handing lone heroes who may or may not change the outcome of a battle. I really wish that Exalted handled it like that, and I keep meaning to write a homebrew adaptation for it.
L5R does have utterly beautiful mass combat.

I'm going to take some cues from there for mine, though Crucible is distinctly less heroic. So, you know, one tweak of the rules for more heroic characters, and one version for the trauma of being a peasant levy with nothing but a wooden spear in the face of charging knights.
The guy running the L5R campaign I'm playing in is a writer for the new books. He did the Pheonix chapter in Great Clans and Ogres in Enemies of the Empire, and a couple more bits and pieces. He's dropped our party into several mass battles at this stage, and I'm absolutely in love with the mechanics. They just... work. Mad, I know, but they really work! They're quick, straightforward, provide ample opportunity for one-on-one duels, physical and magical, plenty of scope for heroics of all sorts. Would be great to shoehorn in to Exalted instead of the current mass combat.

Anyway, favourite settings...

I <3 L5R and Exalted, to get the weeaboo stuff out of the way first. I am a great fan of WHFRP 2nd ed (No, I don't care what you think, it's superior to 1st and 3rd!) and the Warhammer 40K series from Dark Heresy to Black Crusade. There's an awesome GURPS setting called Transhuman Space, which is utterly sublime in every respect. I am an unashamed fanboy for a setting called Corporation, which is basically Syndicate-The RPG. And Call of Cthulhu, of course should go without saying. Hunter is the one WoD setting that I actually like instead of my more natural response of withering contempt and whiskey-fuelled rage. There's something brutally satisfying about having half the party holding down a vampire while the rest removes his fangs by beating it in the mouth with a lead pipe...
Love the idea and setting for Dark Heresy but I loathe, and I mean loathe, the system for it. Oddly enough it works so much better for Space Marines
I've generally found the Dark Heresy/WHFRP system to be the complete opposite. You could be a Lord High Inquisitor in power armour with the best weapons available, and get ambushed by three hobos who proceed to twat you to death with sticks.
Dark Heresy is worryingly balanced.

But then, I wrote a system where a lucky peasant with a rock kills a knight by landing a headshot.
I absolutely love the Legend of the Five Rings setting. I do love me some magical samurai drama.

I also have a soft spot for Scion, because of my love of mythology in all forms.

Also, both WoD, though my heart especially goes out to Changeling: The Lost.
Favorite game is Mummy: The Resurrection. Go ahead, slay me with your snark. I'll just rise from the dead in 70 days. :P

Also love Exalted, and I've become fascinated with Scion.

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