Favourite gaming Character and why?

I couldn't possbily list all of my favourites, but Riou and Jowy from Suikoden 2 are definitely up there.
Rico Rodriguez.

To me, this choice was obvious. He's a one-man army with a massive arsenal at his fingertips. He's like the God of Blowing Stuff Up, and I feel super powerful whenever I'm playing as him in Just Cause.
Gladius said:
I couldn't possbily list all of my favourites, but Riou and Jowy from Suikoden 2 are definitely up there.
Oh my gosh, someone has actually played Suikoden II. Such an underappreciated work of art.

I never knew I could be so devastated by a fictional relationship in a video game...
It is difficult to choose just one, but the first character that comes to my mind is James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2. I like how complicated he is and his story broke my heart. Another prominent example is Sheogorath from the TES series, especially in Shivering Isles. Man, that was such a fun character.
[QUOTE="Saccharine Cyanide]Oh my gosh, someone has actually played Suikoden II. Such an underappreciated work of art.
I never knew I could be so devastated by a fictional relationship in a video game...

I played Suikoden 1 as well which had a similar tearful relationship...but nowhere near as what happened in Suikoden 2. One of my favourite games for playstation ever.

Nanami's fate made me cry as well. ;_; and yes I know you can save her but still
Mmmm...this is easy. My favorite character from any game would have to be Lilith from the "Borderlands" series.
Zaslamel, hands down. As a villain in Soul Calibur III, he has a realistic and quite tragic motivation for doing what he does (even though it blows up in his face when he morphs into the final boss), his fighting style is pretty nicely designed (seriously, try to find a fighting game character who uses a scythe that outdoes Zaslamel's way of using it!), he's one of the only black characters in video games that I've seen who isn't a blatant stereotype (I'm looking at you, Zack from DOA!), he's extremely intelligent, and the best part? Because of his immortality, Namco has an excuse to include him in literally any game they put out, regardless of the time period. Now who wants to see this badass scythe-wielding mage in the next Tekken?

One of my favorite gaming characters is John Marston from Red Dead Redemption.

He struggles to let go of his past and life on with his family while almost everyone around him sees the same old him.
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. Nostalgia factors in to why i like him, i just sorta grew up watching my dad play the game and i savored the times i got to play. because why not be an extinct mammal and throw 'rangs around and explore the lands? that shit was fun.

Sonic the Hedgehog- another nostalgia factor. xD

Gabriel Belmont/Dracul and Trevor Belmont/Alucard of the Castlevania Lord of Shadows series- i lot of people give the series shit because it's not at all like the previous castlevania games, but i dont care i'm late to the party. the games are exceedingly emo and have a cliched story, but i still found it fun to play as them.
Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. It's just so tragic to see such an upbeat, innocent woman transformed in a very short time - all because of what you did. There's not one person who's played this game and didn't want to take her to France, admit it. And when she asked you to dance with her? There should have been an option to do so. When I first saw the trailers of this game I hated her; I was like, "Oh no, another Ashley!" (RE4) But Elizabeth is very useful, never gets in the way, has saved my butt numerous times, and not once did I find her annoying. I was ticked off at myself (Booker) for being such a selfish jerk and screwing over her chances of happiness. Though, I do pity Booker too to some extent, especially near the end. You hear the desperation and frustration in his voice and he just wants it all to end.

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