Favourite gaming Character and why?

Garnet Til Alexandros from Final Fantasy 9, because she is so strong and makes me desire to be a woman like her. She does what is best for her people even when that means killing her mother. She puts her feelings aside to save the lives of her subjects.
One of my favorites is Soma Cruz from Castlevania Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow. Put simply, he's the modern teenage reincarnation of Count Dracula. In some endings, he becomes the dark lord and has to be killed. He's even the final boss in a different game mode of Dawn of Sorrow.

Honorable mentions include Henry from Fire Emblem Awakening, Riki from Xenoblade Chronicles, and Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends With You.
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I always liked Serana, from Skyrim's Dawnguard expansion. I agree with many people that she was rather complainy, but let's be fair; if you followed someone who kept sidetracking while your fucked up dad is trying to blot out the actual sun, you wouldn't be in the best mood either. And I love how the player character actually bonded with her.
Probably an unpopular opinion (considering how unpopular the game is) but Merrill from Dragon Age II is probably my favorite, because she is an incredibly nice and gentle person, but still manages to be very intelligent and even a little morally ambiguous. (Also her romance made my heart hurt ssssh)
Mine's Varric Tethras from the Dragon Age series. The why is mostly because I relate to him as a storyteller.
corduroys said:
Probably an unpopular opinion (considering how unpopular the game is) but Merrill from Dragon Age II is probably my favorite, because she is an incredibly nice and gentle person, but still manages to be very intelligent and even a little morally ambiguous. (Also her romance made my heart hurt ssssh)
Being said:
Mine's Varric Tethras from the Dragon Age series. The why is mostly because I relate to him as a storyteller.
Athera said:
My favorite is Anders from Dragon Age.
Yes, yes, and yes. Especially the first one. I can relate to Merrill on so many levels it's scary, and I think she seriously does not get enough love. She's so sweet and naive, shy, a bit awkward, and I love her story arc throughout the game. I also think it's really cool how Bioware revisited that blip of a backstory from Origins and expanded upon what happened after the fact, and how the Eluvian became so important later.

Varric is....Varric. Also chest hair jokes. Need I say more? As for Anders....I liked him more in Awakenings than in II, I think, though I certainly understood the impact merging like that with Justice had on his character. And I can relate to his frustrations regarding the persecution of mages (call me an underdog-lover), but I felt like he was a bit...underwhelming in DA:II. His characterization fell a bit flat, so his role and actions towards the end didn't really elicit a lot of emotion from me.

But as long as I'm talking about Dragon Age characters (and there's going to be more because I can't pick just one), my absolute favorite had to be Loghain MacTir. Just something about him from the moment he appeared with his hooked nose and sullen demeanor said to me "I'm gonna be the weird person and like this guy," and I did. The struggle with his personal demons and the very real ones outside was so engaging to me, I honestly hate all of the choices in how to deal with him. Honest to gods, I just want to give the bitter old man a hug and tell him it's gonna be okay.

Admittedly, I also adore Solas from Inquisition, too. I feel like he gets a lot of unnecessary hate from the fandom, but maybe that's just me. His mystique, his wisdom, his intelligence, and his intriguing views of the Fade and spirits really drew me in. And I actually enjoy his somewhat duplicitous nature.

And last one because this was the answer I was originally going to give until someone mentioned Dragon Age: I frigging love Vanitas from Kingdom Hearts.
I don't necessarily have THE favorite. But, going down memory lane, I can't help but think back to Vincent from the puzzle game Catherine. It's hard to come across characters that actually feel, well, human. Vincent's pretty far up for me in terms of memorability in that regard, especially in regards to the reaction to the "truth" of the game and the "evil" and neutral endings. By far, I love Vincent because of the neutral ending in that game. xD
I ... think my favorite character in video games is Raiden from Metal Gear Solid? Or Big Boss from the same series? I'm really conflicted and here's why.

Raiden - From the moment "Solid Snake" in The Plant chapter of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty pulls off his mask and the player sees his face, there's confusion and a certain level of animosity for this bishounen with long feathery hair and a whiny voice. But as the story goes on, a player who is willing to be convinced can be won over by Raiden, or as Rose his fiancee calls him, "Jack". Raiden learns the fearsome nature of the world as the game goes on, and is faced with insurmountable odds and multiple failures yet he fights on and refuses to give up. Even when the AI manipulating him begins to malfunction and Jack learns its nature, Raiden chooses to fight on, fight against the AI and the mysterious Patriots who control the world because he realizes that he is the only one who can. Also Raiden is in a way an avatar for any player who played the first MGS game and is expecting to see that again, as covered in this amazing paper.

D-T-G || Driving Off the Map

Oh and in MGS 4 he comes back as a Cyborg "Ninja" who is super-fast and super strong to the point of being able to slow down a battleship with his arms. Then in Metal Gear Rising you get to play him as the Cyborg Ninja and it's one of the best action games ever made.

Simply put, Big Boss is the coolest mofo in games, and in a way the most detestable villain, and honestly my favorite characters aren't always heroes, sometimes my favorite kind of character is the sort of woman or man who does all the wrong things for the "right" reasons, because this is where characters can go epicly, horribly astray. In MGS 3 the young Big Boss singlehandedly out-Bonds James Bond (there's actually a hidden conversation where he makes fun of the Bond movies) and sneaks or fights his way through an entire Russian Jungle -depending on how the player decides to play him - all to kill the woman who was his mother figure and mentor on the orders of the country he serves. On the way he has to stop a nuclear weapon and a literally electric sadistic Soviet Colonel named Volgin -best name ever.

In MGS V: The Phantom Pain

Big Boss fucks over your character (Punished "Venom" Snake/The Medic) by having your memories erased and replaced via hypnotherapy with false memories that encompass his entire life. He does this and then sets you up to build a private army on Mother Base which will become the Outer Heaven of Metal Gear 1 (not Solid). At the end of the Phantom Pain you learn that you were his Phantom to make the world not see his actions against the nefarious Cipher, but he sends Solid Snake (the player character of MGS 1 and 4, and MG 1 and 2) to kill you because you've outlived your usefulness. This is the most cowardly and villainous thing ever and with the way the game sets it all up, it happens TO YOU the player, screwed over by the same hero you may have looked up to for 3 decades of Metal Gear (Solid) games.
The Metal Gear Saga is insane and I love it
Dragon Age's Varric Tethras is by far my favorite video game character. From the chest hair to the way he talks, I love pretty much everything about Varric.
Lightning Farron, Shinjiro Aragaki, probably some other people from Persona games
I don't know if I'd call him my favorite, but one character who has particularly stuck in my mind is the Dealer from the game Hand of Fate.

His writing and voice acting is just excellent, the game simply would not function without him.
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Oh, man. I really can't commit to one character. I have played through way too many games to make that distinction, but there are a couple that do stand out from the regulars.

From the top of my head without a particular order:
Andrew Ryan from Bioshock, Abe from Abe's Oddysee/Exoddus, Varric from Dragon Age 2, Naked Snake from MGS: Snake Eater, Spyro from... well, you know!

And I am probably forgetting half a dozen more memorable figures, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

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Dante from Devil may Cry:


Micaiah from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn


And Carrie from castlevania 64:


Tied with:



"Rule of thumb, Hassan. You can't kill the Messiah."

I don't want to ramble about why I love these characters simply because there's too much things that I could write about them.



-Kaz Miller




-Leon Kennedy


-Heather Manson

Glados from Portal 1. I enjoy her because she's one villain whom truly stuck to her convictions. This is easy to do with a computer-based character for obvious reasons, though I've never had quite so much fun stopping something which truly needed to be stopped.
Hmm Multiples come to mind but I'll go with, Chris Redfield from the RE series and Sora from KH!
I see so many Dragon Age characters! I 100% agree they're all so lovely ; w ; Josephine's my current fave, but Cullen's special in my heart.

Hector from the old Fire Emblem games definitely, quickly followed up by Chrom, Inigo, Ryoma, Keaton and Ike. I'm a sucker for the slightly jock/brotherly-type in medieval fantasy settings. Fire Emblem houses most of my favorite video game characters, so it's definitely not worth for me to enumerate them all from the series. LOL

Tales of Series have a lot of great characters as well. Recently played through Zestiria and I have to say, while the storytelling was lackluster at times the characters carried me through it. I love how even my mom got invested and could remember Milk's name when I couldn't during the beginning. LOL Milk's definitely one of my faves, followed by Lailah and Edna.

I have way too many loves. The longer I think the more I'll type and I should probably calm down. LOL
Graaah, it's like being forced to choose your favorite child. If I was bound to a chair with a gun to my head... I guess I'd choose Master Chief. Even though I dislike 343i's work with the new Halo games: I still cannot forget the amount of times I've played through Halo: CE and Halo 2. It was pretty much the only thing I did back in the day, literally.

"Wake me. When you need me."- Master Cheif
I find it hard to pick favourite in terms of story...

But on design and personality: latch from lethal league. Absolute number 1. Great visual design, cocky yet stoic personality, strong jaw (pun intended)

Gah when will my lizard boyfriend come take me T_T

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