Favourite gaming Character and why?


The White Willow
Well Another post on whats your favourite Character from a game specifically, any platform. For me to be honest love the Master Chief from Halo, ive been playing Halo for a while and he's a favourite for me!!
Faith from Mirror's Edge. It has been my number one favourite game since it came out on the 360. She's an amazing character! Sure a lot of people said the game was bad because some of the jump were 'a leap of faith' but I think that was meant to be the point. Not to mention I loved learning the maps and practicing the short cuts.

Another couple would be Rhys and Handsome Jack in borderlands - Rhys in Tale of, is just amazing. I love him to bits, along with Vaughn. Bromance to the end :') Handsome Jack... well he's just great. I love his dark humour. He's the type of character who you can't help but hate to love...after all he created Butt Stallion guys. He poops high caliber weapons. Just sayin'. But on top of this, Handsome Jack is a guy who started out good and just got betrayed time and time again until he just lost faith in people. Part of my heart goes out to him a little.
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Lokipi said:
Faith from Mirror's Edge. It has been my number one favourite game since it came out on the 360. She's an amazing character! Sure a lot of people said the game was bad because some of the jump were 'a leap of faith' but I think that was meant to be the point. Not to mention I loved learning the maps and practicing the short cuts.
Another couple would be Rhys and Handsome Jack in borderlands - Rhys in Tale of, is just amazing. I love him to bits, along with Vaughn. Bromance to the end :') Handsome Jack... well he's just great. I love his dark humour. He's the type of character who you can't help but hate to love...after all he created Butt Stallion guys. He poops high caliber weapons. Just sayin'. But on top of this, Handsome Jack is a guy who started out good and just got betrayed time and time again until he just lost faith in people. Part of my heart goes out to him a little.
mmmm yeah Mirrors edge was really good game!
Ezio from AC series. The reason is more sentimental than technical, his character development in game made me feel like I know the guy. *SPOILER ALERT* I cried when he died in Revelations.
crystaline said:
Ezio from AC series. The reason is more sentimental than technical, his character development in game made me feel like I know the guy. *SPOILER ALERT* I cried when he died in Revelations.
Ezio never died in Revelations. He died in Embers which is a short film set after Revelations

Anyway, Commander Shepard is my favourite - hands down. No one can beat the man/woman.
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The Companion Cube from Portal.

Ha. Kidding.

I really like GLaDOS because she gave what was already a great game a sense of humor. I love her little quips, especially toward the end. And that soothing, sexy robot voice. And the little song she sings during the credits.
I've had it pointed out to be the Legacy of Kain series has some of the hammiest most overwritten dialogue I've found but...

Raziel (especially soul reaver the first) is a wonderful protagonist who remains utterly defiant despite being knocked around like the ping pong ball of fate. He's justifiably vengeful, sympathetic and would win the baddest of asses award were his not scoured off by the abyss. Really felt engaged with his plight and quest.

10/10 would play as to do more vampire impaling than Vlad III and Buffy's lovechild.

Also I'm old enough (barely) to remember Duke Nukem from 3D. Wonderful caricature of masculinity and stuff.

I've heard Ezio was good. GLaDOS best foe. Mirror's edge great game.
Some of mine.

Psycho Mantis (Metal Gear Solid)


Big Boss (Metal Gear Solid)


The Boss (Metal Gear Solid)


Roxas (Kingdom Hearts)


Garrus (Mass Effect)


Thane (Mass Effect)


Legion (Mass Effect)


And by far the best of them all:

GLaDOS (Portal)


(Although I really love Bioshock, and I don't think any characters from the games are among my favourites. Honourable mentions for Elizabeth, Andrew Ryan and Sander Cohen).
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Hmm, I'm trying to decide between Master Chief from Halo and Prophet from Crysis. I can't make up my mind, so what do you guys think?

jk: i mean raiden from the MG series and as well big boss -3- i mean come on raiden the bad ass cyborg ninja and big boss the bad ass soldier! never forget the CARDBOARD BOX! As well master chief because most bad ass space marine -3-

For more resents would be undyne from undertale because of her bad ass personality and explosive attitude...
Favorite gaming character? Oh boy... That's a tough one to say, considering how many I've played. Though really, it's only because my number 1 who I hold near and dear to my heart is embarrassing to say given how he's been in recent years...

It's Sonic, okay? I don't care how bad he's been portrayed or how shitty his games are, I'm still buying every single one of them in the hopes of recapturing the glee that I had running through those 2D levels and smashing my blue spiky body through thousands of Robotnik's robots, freeing my friends... I think the magic just started wearing off on me though around the time Sonic Heroes came out. It was alright, but retconning Shadow's death was a little much, and took away from the impact Sonic Adventure 2 left on me. Then came Shadow the Hedgehog... Then Sonic 06... Unleashed was okay. Same with Generations and Colors. They brought back the happiness the games gave me. But... Lost Planet with a RUN BUTTON is something I just couldn't get over... And now Sonic Boom. I bleed blue, but how can I forgive Sega for that travesty that they unleashed upon the world? Ugh... At least the portable games have been consistent. Maybe Sonic is just doomed to a life on the smaller screen?

Nah, screw that. There will come another great 3D Sonic game. Just you wait.
Lucina from Fire Emblem Awakening! Or Saber from Fate/Stay Night if visual novels count. Ladies with swords are my thing.
Hmm I'd have to say it's a tie between Fallout 4's Maccready, and Deacon.

Maccready is just so delightfully Snarky, and Deacon is hilarious.
Gah, I'm tied between three characters.




Why do I like these three? Because the way they stay true to themselves throughout the game brought their own special flavor. Rebellious and Spunky Mint, Energetic and Unique Maya, Bratty to Regal Mercedes. I'm not going to deny that these kind of characters influenced how I roleplay since I like having characters who are true to themselves.
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A personal favorite is Miles Edgeworth, from the Ace Attorney series. He's got all the rotten luck in the world, and everyone comes down on him, but that doesn't stop him from doing what he decides needs to be done!
Ohh, this will be a long list :D


Spyro was my childhood game (Year of the dragon, Spyro the dragon) and i've loved every single one... except Skylanders. That's not my spyro, that's some weird mutant. Idk why, he's just funny to me. Plus he's a purple dragon, I'm a huge dragon/dinosaur fan.


Hydrus a.k.a The 7th colossus in Shadow of The Colossus

He's a cool dude. A gigantic eel-rock-thing? Yes please! He was such a surprise element as I didn't expect anything like it.

By the way, SotC is awesome.


Talking about SotC... Agro! ;-;

He's the best horse in gaming that I know. Brave, sometimes stupid, loyal and a freaking survivor.

I mean, he survived a fall off a cliff, everyone thought he died, but then cried when he came back in the last scene, limping.


If you've played Portal, and don't love/hate GLaDOS, I don't know what's wrong with you. Is there really anything to say? ^u^



Even how much I hate these guys, I also love them. I don't understand half of the stuff they say, but sometimes I get to laugh at them. At least when I begun playing Skyrim.


I like bad guys in games. Especially if they're dragons! I loved Cynder in: The Legend of Spyro - The new Beginning (And the other 2 games of TLoS series).

... There were some of my favourite characters. c:
Frog/Glenn from Chrono Trigger. Loved the idea of a Knight's Redemption, though a badass theme didn't hurt either. And although Magus had a bigger backstory arc, Frog's arc seemed more complete and superversive.
MidnightStar89 said:
Ohh, this will be a long list :D

Spyro was my childhood game (Year of the dragon, Spyro the dragon) and i've loved every single one... except Skylanders. That's not my spyro, that's some weird mutant. Idk why, he's just funny to me. Plus he's a purple dragon, I'm a huge dragon/dinosaur fan.


Hydrus a.k.a The 7th colossus in Shadow of The Colossus

He's a cool dude. A gigantic eel-rock-thing? Yes please! He was such a surprise element as I didn't expect anything like it.

By the way, SotC is awesome.


Talking about SotC... Agro! ;-;

He's the best horse in gaming that I know. Brave, sometimes stupid, loyal and a freaking survivor.

I mean, he survived a fall off a cliff, everyone thought he died, but then cried when he came back in the last scene, limping.


If you've played Portal, and don't love/hate GLaDOS, I don't know what's wrong with you. Is there really anything to say? ^u^



Even how much I hate these guys, I also love them. I don't understand half of the stuff they say, but sometimes I get to laugh at them. At least when I begun playing Skyrim.


I like bad guys in games. Especially if they're dragons! I loved Cynder in: The Legend of Spyro - The new Beginning (And the other 2 games of TLoS series).

... There were some of my favourite characters. c:

Totally second Spyro and Cinder; the Legend of Spyro series will always have a special place in my heart, did you know David Spade voices Sparx in the english versions? I also can't stand skylanders, Spyro should not have been in that game/designed the way he was... altough Skylanders Spyro does kind of, in some really weird way remind me of Nimrod from the tv Surface which is a character I love....

It's been a while since I've last picked up a controller but from the top of my head I'd say I definitely also love Ratchet, Captain Quark and Doctor Nefarious from Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time, Deadpool from his video game, Joker was awesome in Arkham City, and Link and Midna from Zelda Twilight Princess.
Abyss said:
Totally second Spyro and Cinder; the Legend of Spyro series will always have a special place in my heart, did you know David Spade voices Sparx in the english versions? I also can't stand skylanders, Spyro should not have been in that game/designed the way he was... altough Skylanders Spyro does kind of, in some really weird way remind me of Nimrod from the tv Surface which is a character I love....
It's been a while since I've last picked up a controller but from the top of my head I'd say I definitely also love Ratchet, Captain Quark and Doctor Nefarious from Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time, Deadpool from his video game, Joker was awesome in Arkham City, and Link and Midna from Zelda Twilight Princess.
Gasp, how can I forget Midna?! :D

And I have to agree, Joker was awesome in that game. (Never personally played the game, just watched a ton of videos. Too many probably)
MidnightStar89 said:
Gasp, how can I forget Midna?! :D
And I have to agree, Joker was awesome in that game. (Never personally played the game, just watched a ton of videos. Too many probably)
Hehe, yah I do that too; it's one of the perks that comes with living with people who play more than I do, I get a front row seat to all the fun. I don't think the Arkham game (or batman in general, as he's always my favourite character) would be the same without him, Joker's such a dynamic and comical villain that I found the other games of the series less enjoyable simply because the other baddies just don't compare.

(Although, yes they were still good in their own ways.... but still)

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