Favorite/Main Champ in League of Legends?


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Just curious to see what people like as far as champions. I know for certain Shen is my favorite champion design-wise, and his rework really got me excited. I was not disappointed with what I got. His whole kit really feels like a challenge, and I love it.

But that secret main I love to pull out probably has to be Thresh. While not my favorite champion, I've managed to get really good at him over the time since I began playing League of Legends. He's fun, and I like bringing him around ADC or Top on occasion, though mainly just support with him.

So, what about any of you? What champion do you absolutely love, or found yourself to be really good at?
Well depends on the role. I totally love Shyvanna, but I also love Caitlynn, Lissandra, Ahri and Lulu. For top lanes, I love Fiora and Pantheon
Definitely no one up close. So that takes favorites like Nidalee and Katarina out. I can only play ranged characters. Not sure why. Anywho, I like Karma, Syndra, Ziggs, and Orianna. Not a fan of Nami or Caitlyn, but I play them really well.

Love Syndra's design (still shaky on play/her skills are hard to control), Like Karma's design + skills (Always use Order of the Lotus (<3)), like Ziggs' skills (using his mega-bomb is really fun). Orianna has to be my fav though. She's so creepy, but I like the design of her skills. Using the orbs in different combinations for support is a nice workout.

As for Nami, I usually end up with a boatload of assists, but hate playing her support; so boring. Caitlyn I play when I just want to have fun and mess around =P. Leading people into traps, slowing them down for a kill, keeping them away with the peacemaker, and sure-shooting people from across the map with her sniper rifle...( :P ). She is the perfect character for my play-style. Feels like I'm cheating when I use her though =/

adc- Kindred




xD as you can tell I love Kindred
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Hm. I main support and my favourite supports are Thresh, Janna and Bard.

Top: idk, I try to avoid top. I love Fiora's kit though.

Jungle: Nidalee

Mid: Orianna, Leblanc, Lissandra

ADC: Caitlyn, Lucian, Jinx

Support: Thresh, Janna and Bard, but I play all supports pretty much.
Reinhardt said:
^ Oh, it's one of those 'diamond' players. How wonderful.
Don't take the bait. They created an account just to make that comment. It's not even relevant to the thread as there is no article or discussion of strategy here.
Diana is my definite fave, although she unfortunately does not fit many team comps/gets bullied out so I don't play her as often as I'd like. :c

I tend to pick Karma and Zyra; always loved the two even before they got their changes~

Loving Zyra even more now though the delay in/angle of her q is taking me a bit of getting used to. @___@;;
Lets see.._after playing for about 5 years, my "main" would be either Malzahar or Jhin. Been loving support Zed lately though. DEATH IS THE STRONGEST FORM OF CC!
I've been gaming for a while but Im not gonna barg about the years. Anyhow

Top - Vlad/Irelia

Mid - Ahri/Malz

Jungle - Lee

Bot Supp - Blitz/Lulu

Adc - Cait/Jinx

I've been playing since about season 2 and hit Diamond back in Season 4, only to drop back down to Plat in season 5 and presently now in season 6.

I've dabbled in all of the roles and have found enjoyment from each and every one of them at some point in time. I've always stuck to my now-main role though; ADC. It really came about when Jinx came out back in 2013, and only amplified further with Tristana's rework and Caitlyn's rework. I'd say those three are the ones I play the most now.

In all, here's my list of favourites:

Top: Vladimir, Gnar, Kindred

Jungle: Kindred, Evelynn, Elise, Nidalee, Vi

Mid: Ahri, Cassiopea, Orianna, Zed, Annie, Vladimir, Lissandra, Lux

Adc: Jinx, Caitlyn, Tristana, Lucian, Jhin, Kalista

Support: Janna, Lulu, Nami, Soraka, Braum

Top - Doge, Troll

Mid - Tiny Master of Ebil

Jungle - Clown, Bugs

ADC - League of Draven, Two-Masks-Makes-Me-Beautiful

Support - The Toad, Sun on a stick

In all, I'm a terrible person for the champs I like to play and I do not repent at all.
Back when I still played, Udyr. Running up with Bear for a stun and then shredding them with Tiger's built-in ignite was fun. It was especially fun dodging skill shots with Bear and BoMs.
Because of the group I play with, about 75% of my games are Kog Maw, as few on my team are drawn to ADC. I go pure AD glass cannon, with a Runan's Hurricane, and Lord Dominik's Regards if I want to give tanky bruisers a bad time.

If I'm allowed near top lane, it's a toss up between Cho'gath and Singed, but the recent rework of the catalyst has made Singed too funny to pass up.
I absolutely loved Nidalee when her rework came out, I thought she'd actually become the deadly cougar assassin I envisioned when I first bought her instead of a boring, sniper-styled Q spamming mage.

She did, but Trinity Nidalee Top became absolutely absurd, which lead to her current state of retarded OP-ness, the cancer-inducing, one-shotting, tanky jungler we all know now. (thanks, rito)

I make sure she's banned, then I pick Rammus so I can become a Raid Boss late game and laugh at their AD carries as their puny autoattacks do nothing to me, cherried-on-top by the fact that they're killing themselves while doing so.
My fav. champ for support is Sona. She is beautiful and and her abilities are such high spec. support.

Now when I feel like slaughtering, its all Hercarim. I get to engage and disengage when I want, and slam into people going 120 mph!
I'm really big on disruption tanks. Knocking up, stunning, and all around causing mayhem whilst soaking up damage feels super satisfying to me. I tend to play top, jungle, and support for that reason, with my fave champs being people like Zac, sejuani, Alistar, (new) taric, sion, or maokai. Oddly enough, mordekaiser is also a champ I really enjoy - just because he is so oppressive in lane and gets to have a dragon pet later on.

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