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Realistic or Modern Fate's Flame

Tony shrugged, "Anythings possible" He repeated, and watched her. He shook his head as she commented on his smile, "I only smile when I have reason too" He said quietly, and nodded after, "Of course" He replied to the last question
"I hope that is not what I think you meant..." Playfulness crossed her eyes when he mentioned his smile and she started to walk with him. She noticed she had stolen his shirt and coat.

"Oh, you are probably freezing!" She started to remove his coat and jacket, handing it to him.
Tony shook his head, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, "I'm fine. You need them more" He said softly, again rubbing his aching chest. He raised his eyebrow when she talked playfully, and had chuckled
Valeria let out a sigh. "I am pretty small. I'm sure we can both share this coat?" She suggested, opening the coat for him to join her. She tilted her head, "and I made you chuckle. The Gods must have bestowed some luck upon me tonight."
Tony shook his head, and gently wrapped it back around her, "i'm fine. Honest" He replied, smiling as she mentioned him chuckling, and his eyes gleamed
"Fine, have it your way..." Valeria said with a huff, the smile falling from her lips. She quickly walked ahead of him as she wrapped the coat tighter around her. Her home wasn't that far now.
Tony walked beside her, looking her over to make sure she was ok. He noted the missing smile and frowned, "Hey...Cheer up." He said quietly, smiling gently at her
Valeria rolled her eyes and they finally reached the edge of the property her house sat on. She turned to him, keeping a blank look on her face as her jaw tightened a bit. "Thank you so much for walking me home," she said and then looked down, muttering, "... and being there for me. I'm sorry I hit you..." She then started removing his coat and shirt.

"I won't be needing these," she said with a forced smile.
Tony slowly took them, pulling the two on to hide his aching chest and nodded, "Thats ok Valeria" He said softly, watching her curiously, before nodding to her, "Goodnight" He muttered, and turned
Valeria watched him turn and without thinking, she grabbed his wrist, turning him back to her. "I really am sorry. I don't know what came over me..." She said as she looked up into his eyes. She felt so much guilt for she noticed him holding his chest, like it hurt. Her face neared his and she softly placed a kiss upon the corner of his mouth, her eyes closing momentarily. When they opened she let out a breath and let go of his wrist.

"Goodnight, Tony," she said before she made a dash to her house, quickly disappearing into it. Valeria quietly sneaked upstairs and into her room. She shed her ruined her clothes, pulling on fresh sleepwear and ducked under the covers. She stared up at the ceiling, trying to calm her breathing down. "What do the Gods have set in stone for me...?"
Tony flinched as she grabbed his wrist, and he was about to say that it wasn't her fault when she kissed him and ran off, leaving him standing there bewildered.
Joe thanked Samuel without words as he finished his work and he finally stopped bleeding. After a few hours he was allowed to leave. He couldn't go home in this state, his dad would kill him. He considered going to Anastatia's house but an image of her and Marcus came into his head. He decided he'd be better off heading to his friends dilapidated house. She'd been the only one who seemed genuinely upset by his plight. When he got there he saw Tony outside. He frowned and sneaked in through a secret entrance she had shown him when they were younger. He then proceeded to throw small pebbles at her rooms window to try and attract her attention.
Tony turned with a sigh, and padded back to his small home. It wasn't really a home, more of a barren room with a simple bed, chair and a small wardrobe
Valeria awoke to sound of something hitting against her window. "Who in this hour dares to make such racket?" She thought with annoyance. She had managed to get herself to sleep, but now she was awake again. With a groan, she rolled out from her bed and went over to the window, rubbing her eyes.

"Decimius...?" She said to herself quietly as she opened the window. Was this a dream? She thought he would be surely dead with the amount of blood he lost. "Do you know that it's very late and that it's very rude to wake someone up at this hour?" Her voice came out in a soft, yet annoyed tone. She let out a sigh as she stared down at the boy, who was in horrible shape, before leaning against the frame of her window tiredly.
He looked up at her, pain clear on his face. He shrugged slightly, not able to talk even after everything Samuel did. His eyes were pleading with her to come down to see him and he beckoned slightly
( ok... very unrealistic that he would just leave the castle and just walk like he wasnt hurt oh and ...wtv *sight*)
"You're going to be the death of me. I need my beauty slumber..." Valeria let out a groan as she complied and closed the window. She put on her twine sandals before slipping out of her room, down the stairs, and through the back door. She ran her hand through her messy shoulder length hair as she walked up to him.

In the moonlight, she saw how pale he was and images of his tongue in the dirt flashed before her eyes. She took a slight step back, suddenly feeling light-headed. However, she put on a smile and said, "I'd ask you what is the matter, but I'm afraid you have lost your tongue..." She slightly seethed at him, but kept her cool.
He shrugged apologetically and mimed writing, as if asking for some way he could communicate with her
( but there a lot more stuff like describing the damn room how rich and shit it was and ill be right there to reply and say Marcus went to see him -_- ! WTV!)

Marcus walked down from his room with a candle, he wanted to check on Decimus and make sure he was fine. He felt extremely guilty, deep inside he knew it was his fault that he did what he did. Knocking in the room where he left him, he waited patiently and was surprised to see ruckus from inside. Samuel opened the door in cold sweat, he had just lost his patient when he walked out of the room to talk to some guards in the room next door. Decimius probably took that opportunity to escape but why? Marcus couldn't leave his friend in the street after bleeding so much. Samuel gave him a medicine that he has to make sure to put on Decimius wound to make sure it doesn't infect itself. Marcus immediately went to his room and got dressed into very paysant clothes. He then went to his oldest sister who slightly opened her eyelids seeing he older brother, '' If father asks where I am, say I am busy studying and to not come in my room for the day..'' he said. His sister nodded and fell right back to sleep. he kissed her forehead and left the castle and search for his lost friend.
Valeria didn't have any writing tools or clay. Her family was poor and it wasn't like they knew how to write anyhow. She let out a heavy sigh, not letting her anger get the best of her. She knew what he wanted, to stay over, he asked from time to time when they were children. "You can stay over tonight..." She said and she walked back into her house, heading to her room.
He smiled at her and nodded in appreciation and started to follow her upstairs. He looked around at the house and thought about the squalor his friend lived in. She was a very good friend and she didn't reflect the surroundings that she had been forced to grow up in.
Valeria tensed a bit as she saw him looking about the place. She knew he was judging and that is why she never brought any friends over. She stepped into her room and lied on the far edge of the bed, closest to the wall. She placed a forearm over her closed eyes as she tried to go back to sleep.

"Good night, Decimius..." She murmured.

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