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Realistic or Modern Fate's Flame

Anastasia looked down, frowning. "Well goodnight," she said softly as she turned and entered the house, closing the door quietly behind her. Decimius had always confused her with the way he avoided looking at her or touching her whenever he could. She'd thought perhaps that he found her repulsive, but then he'd escort her home like he had tonight. Perhaps he was just polite, walking her home while it was dark. Shaking her head, she dismissed her thoughts of him and walked slowly into the kitchen and began to make supper for her father. Nothing extravagant, she decided not feeling up to making something heavy. And as she set about cooking, her thoughts wandered back to what could possibly be so wrong with her.
He looked sadly as she left "I love you" he whispered, knowing it was too late and that she'd never hear the words that night. He slowly turned and started to head home. He knew the path quite well and was able to take all the shortcuts down the cold, dark and dank back alleys without having to pay too much attention to where he was walking
Valeria rolled her eyes, a small laugh falling from her lips, as she heard Marcus bid her good night rather loudly. "Dear, dear, dear Marcus..." She shook her head as she walked away from the city of towering white and grey buildings and into the more rural part of Pompeii where the farms were. "What am I going to do with you?"

Out of the males in her circle of friends, Marcus, though she hated to admit it, was the closest to her. When he was tolerable, they could have deep and meaningful conversations that could last for hours, which surprised her that she could actually enjoy his comapny. She could have acted a bit more nicely to him, however, people would think she had fallen for him, like the rest of the girls in Pompeii, or for the fact he was the emperor's son. If the circumstances were different, she would probably have given him a chance.

"... And his eyes the colour of the midnight sky, with only a few stars shining through that whispered secrets only his eyes could tell, and I wish to decipher them. How I wish I could stare into those beau-" Valeria stopped in mid-thought, mentally slapping and berating herself for thinking such things about the man she thought was pompous. There were a lot more men worthy of her heart in such a ways Marcus could probably not provide, she would tell herself every time she thought of him.

She finally reached her mildly dilapidated home next to the slightly overgrown and weed-infested field. It was hard on her father, aging quite so much by the day, and on her two brothers, having to work instead of getting an education to better their lives. Guilt had sunk into her by the time she stepped foot into her house for abandoning her post for a few hours. She greeted her father, who relaxed on his bed in his room, with a hug and a kiss on the head before going to tend to the little ones that ran rampant around the place.
Hi everyone, I'm so sorry but I may have to drop out of this roleplay. It would have been very nice if you all had waited for me, though I kind of understand, but I am in the Army and have a very busy schedule in which I cannot post all the time, and the fact that no one waited was a bit aggravating because I have no idea what is going on. I'll try to catch up and stay in, but if you could maybe try to slow it down a bit? If not I will have to leave this one because I cannot keep up))
((Tavern is good for one, thank you, but like I said, I get pulled away at random.times so you may be on a pause for a bit))

"Get in there wench!"

It wasn't bad enough that she had been ripped from.her parents, shoved on a merchant ship, shipped across oceans and shoved into a cage, but now she was being sold, put on display for tons of these old men now because apparently she was too petite to be shoved into the Colosseum in Rome. Aziza was the young woman, petite, dark skinned with long dark hair plastered to her face from the sweat, and the red hand print across her face. She had been stolen from ebi and Amaunet, her parents from Egypt and sold to the Romans, who bartered and traded her, and now she hung on display here in Pompeii, ready to be sold like a scrap of meat.

"Are you ready wench?" The slaver hissed in her ear, his alcohol stained breath fanned over her face making her gag, "Someone will pay a pretty drachma for an exotic little thing like you." He snickered.

And she hoped so...because whomever bought her would feel the wrath of Egypt on their hands.


"Isaias! Another pint boy!" An older gentlemen called, holding his goblet up and tossing it at the young barhand whom grabbed it and filled it to capacity. The tall strapping man held a long mop of dark hair on his head that obscured his vision, keeping thise dagger like eyes hidden as he surveyed the men in the tavern. Many women were here, wjoring about like usual, men here to feat their eyes on the beauties and to feast on the food and wine, which he never understood. It was a job yes, but one he despised. His family despised him with a passion, his father an abusive man who had more slaves then sense and his mother...he never talked about her.

With a sigh, Isaias, with the build of a warrior, of a gladiator and had the strength to be one, continued on his way to returning the wine to already drunken man, a look of grim sorrow and determination on his face to make a life for himself, outside of slavery and the whores of his father's.
Marcus stood up from his place to go to the restroom. He walked like royalty forgetting that he was dressed as a poor paysans. He knew that he would have to leave a bit earlier than expected since he could see a few guards wandering around the street. It was just a matter of time before he was discovered. Before one guard noticed him, he turned but didn't expect to stumble on some tall and very build man. He saw the drink that he just spilled on the boy, '' I am so sorry for my clumsiness.'' he said feeling guilty for probably ruining the few clothes of this man. He was of equal built as him, maybe one inch taller but not much. Marcus wasn't one that cared tho, people never tended to scare him or Intimidate him. He was very confident of himself but didn't show it too much and he certainly didn't look intimidating when he smiled even with his very dark hair and eyes of midnight color.
(Tonys still there too. Being silent and all xD )

Tony watched the others leave, leaving him with a few who remained. He still didn't speak up, and sighed softly, getting to his feet and wandering out the door. He hadn't said anything the entire night, except from a few hellos, and mumbling under his breath. His friends were likely used to his quiet ways by now, but he still wasn't confident with talking to them
Anastasia finished cooking quickly, just as her father walked through the door and she greeted him with a kind smile. He smiled back, obviously tired, and Ana knew it wouldn't be long until he was passed out in his bed. They ate quietly, as usual neither one really having anything to say before he excused himself and went to bed. She began to clear the table as she listened to him bump into things in the dark, waiting for the moment when his snoring would echo through the house and she could sneak out the back door. It had been this way for the last month or so, but it'd gotten more and more frequent as time went on. Running a hand through her hair, she began to fidget excitedly as she set the dishes down on one of the sides, listening as she waited impatiently.

After a few minutes, her fathers snores could be heard and a wide smile spread across her face as once again she was free to feel what she wanted to. Sneaking out of the front door quietly, she walked down the street keeping to the shadows to the outskirts of town. There was a field of sorts, a meadow really, a short way into the forest and she made it there quickly in good time. Laying down in the long grass, she looked up at the starlit sky and waited.
He sighed to himself and sat down. There had to be some way to learn how to be more like Marcus was. To have the ability to charm a girl with just a few words. He only knew one person who was better with words than Marcus was. He set off to the dilapidated house he knew Valeria lived in. As he approached he could hear the sounds of young children rushing around inside. He nervously approached the door and knocked, hoping she'd let him in and listen to what he had to say.
"Who could that be at this late hour?" Valeria sighed to herself as she looked up toward the door from her seat at the main area of the house. She was mending some of her siblings' clothes after just putting the last child in bed, and she put down the garments, heading toward the door. Before opening the door, she ran a hand through her raven hair, her face setting into a bit of an unpleasant look.

"Decimius?" She said after she opened the door a bit, and poking her head out. She looked at the nervous boy as she slipped out from her home, closing the door behind her. "What is it that troubles you?"
He looked down and blushed as she talked to him "I was wondering if I could talk to you...somewhere more private" he mumbled "I want to see if you can teach me some stuff"
Valeria's eyes widened, her eyebrows raised a bit, and her lips curved into an amused smile. A laugh was trying to escape her mouth, but she kept her lips sealed shut. "Oh my. Maybe I shouldn't have had two drinks earlier..." She knew he didn't mean in it in that sort of way, knowing he wanted some advice on Anastasia and she was happy to help, thinking the two would be adorable together.

"I'd be happy help you," she said and then walked a past him, motioning for him to follow. "We can go to the river. My family is sleeping and I wish not to disturb them."

The river was not far from her home, but still she walked at a fast pace. Excitement was running through her, but she didn't let it show. "Let us see if my advice can help him finally woo the dear maiden and see if their story is set in the stars..."
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He blushed and nodded "I didn't mean it like that" he mumbled awkwardly. He struggled to keep up to her fast pace and followed just behind her. He was starting to worry that maybe it was getting too dark out. There may be robbers in this part of the outer city.
"Oh, I know that, friend. I know just what advice you are seeking after," she said, looking at him as they walked with playful eyes. He was not that discreet when it came to his love for Anastasia. Every time he looked at her, it was like he was bubbling over with the emotion, she noticed. "... And don't be so tense. Nothing can harm us here."

Once at the river, Valeria took a seat on the riverbank. The river's water was running past calmly, the sound of insects lightly humming in the air. There was still a bit of light out, though dark would come soon.
He blushed "what advice do you think I want?" He mumbled as he sat down with her "I'm interested...do I make it that obvious?" The noise of the insects were soothing him slightly and the flowing river made him feel happier about himself
"Oh advice about Anastasia, of course!" She said as she rose an eyebrow, a smirk setting on her lips, as she lightly nudged his arm and giggled a bit. It was odd to see how Valeria acted when she was amongst friends. It was like she was a completely different person. She nodded at his second question, refraining from rolling her eyes. "So very much and I'm not sure to why she hasn't come forward yet. Two shy people are hopeless when it comes to romance, I suppose..."

She leaned back, her arms propping her up as she stared up at the sky. "So, what exactly would you like to know?"
He sighed deeply as she talked " it's not advice about Anastasia" he mumbled "I want to know how to be better with words...like you or Marcus" he blushed and started to fidget with a blade of grass "how I can make people smile just by saying something"
Valeria chuckled a bit at Decimius' naivete, though she mused a bit at how wordy he said she was, wondering why he thought that. "No, no, you mustn't be like Marcus or I," she said and then quickly added with a dry laugh, "Especially not like Marcus! I guess why girls like him is because of his forwardness and that may be refreshing, but that is not the way to woo someone you deeply care for. That's just mindless flirtation, don't you worry about that. You must be yourself for you do not want to deceive people to who you actually are. I'm confident that Anastasia likes you for you."

She continued after she collected her thoughts. "And it's not about the wording at all. Yes, it can be convenient, but it is so much more than that..." Her eyes softened a bit as she spoke and she brought her hand to lightly brush against his. "Touch is just as important, even more so. The simple brush of the hand against hers as you walk beside Ana or even when you reach for the water jug at the same time as her, your fingers lightly touching hers, when you sit beside her in the tavern..."

She looked over to Decimius with a serious look. "Just to quickly note," she pointed between the two of them, "we are just friends, though I have nothing to worry about since your eyes are set for dear Ana. I just wanted to make that clear so you don't get any ideas if I get a bit close..." She cleared her throat, waving her hand to clear the awkwardness that hung above them in the air.
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He blushed again at his last comment "of course...I just didn't know where else to go" he sighed and looked away from her "it's not necessarily being good with words but just being able to talk to her would be great. Whenever I try my mouth dries up and I end up looking like an idiot"
Valeria let out a small laugh at his description of his feelings. A happy sigh escaped her lips after her laughing settled. "Oh, Decimius, you are but in love! That is a good sign for you know that is not lust, but love. Just be close to her, and not in that just friends sort of manner. Act as a subtle lover, never too forward. You should ask her if she'd like to accompany you on a walk, somewhere away from the bustling city, she'd love that, and don't be discouraged if your mouth is a bit parched or if you stumble upon your words. I'm sure she will understand. Take one small step at a time, there is no rush. Start by asking her tomorrow, if you're both free, of course."

A soft smile came across her lips. "I am glad you came to me, Decimius. You can come to me with whatever ails you and I'll be happy to be of help," she said with utmost sincerity. Usually the others would avoid her for they probably felt she looked a bit uninviting at times. Perhaps how nonchalant she could be intimidated them. It didn't bother her at the least; she preferred the solitude most of times anyhow.
After a few minutes, her fathers snores could be heard and a wide smile spread across her face as once again she was free to feel what she wanted to. Sneaking out of the front door quietly, she walked down the street keeping to the shadows to the outskirts of town. There was a field of sorts, a meadow really, a short way into the forest and she made it there quickly in good time. Laying down in the long grass, she looked up at the starlit sky and waited


After excusing himself to the tall male, Marcus directed himself to the restroom like planned. He looked at himself at the very small mirror fixing his curls, not that he usually did that: He just wanted to be presentable to his beloved. Grinning at his reflection, he walked out of the tavern excitedly waving at his friend calling it a night but once in the street, he immediately hid his head in his hood and kept a low profile. He couldn't get cut now. After making sure that no one was looking at him, he walked in the forest. It had been like that for months, these small and brief meetings. They couldn't go public, the stack were too high. He knew how severe his father was when it came to woman from the city. He slowly stepped in the the meadow field and saw his secret lover laying on the floor. Finding it amusing, he slowly walked towards her making no sounds until he playfully attacked her with tickles '' I finally found you!'' he said softly while chuckling. (@Vaila )
He smiled at her slightly "well you're one of my friends...there is no reason for me not to come to you with my problems" he looked at her encouragingly "I was thinking maybe it would be better if I wrote her something...I'm better at that"
After making sure that no one was looking at him, he walked in the forest. It had been like that for months, these small and brief meetings. They couldn't go public, the stack were too high. He knew how severe his father was when it came to woman from the city. He slowly stepped in the the meadow field and saw his secret lover laying on the floor. Finding it amusing, he slowly walked towards her making no sounds until he playfully attacked her with tickles '' I finally found you!'' he said softly while chuckling.


Anastasia sat up abruptly and smiled at him brightly laughing loudly as he tickled her. "Stop!" she giggled out, looking up at him with an excited smile. "You came," she said, grinning. Everytime they agreed to meet, she would always be a little surprised when he finally did show, her insecurities taking over briefly. She gazed up at him with her bright blue eyes as she began to brush grass from her hair.
Marcus sat next to her but facing her. He stopped tickling preferring to admire her beauty, his smile not fading, '' Of course I did, why wouldn't I? It's not the first time Ana.'' he said giggling and trailing his finger on her soft pinkish cheek as he placed one of her lock behind her ear. Because of the night sky, he couldn't exactly see her perfectly, but it was enough to make his breath almost stop all the time when looking at her. It was like this from the first moment they met, before they were friends before they became something when no one was watching them.

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