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Fandom Fate/Zero-Fate/Stay Night based RP?(Interest Check)

I was referring to plot related build up if you so wished, but if you are content on sitting back and just moderating then I am fine with that too.
Archer said:
I was referring to plot related build up if you so wished, but if you are content on sitting back and just moderating then I am fine with that too.
Eheh, I think you might be better off starting the original thing, but I'd be happy to steer from the back seat when it starts ;D

If that's what I do, I'm not sure.
The only thing that might make me a little bit less interested in this idea is the fact that we have to kill other people's characters or their servants, kind of making this into a contest. Still, I'm interested and can't wait for you to make the RP.
I've actually considered that part, but indeed it is a competition in that sense, though technically only the servants need to die although I can twist the rules of the verse a bit to make it more accomodating.

I am still working on how to present mage craft and servant mechanics as well as a detailed description of the grails mechanics in a much simpler form than in canon. I've opted for an original depiction that keeps the core ideas anime only viewers will instantly recognize while leaving out minutiae that may confuse people.
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I had similar reservations as TheSmashbro when I considered running one for some friends. One I did run and actually ended up with several groups that were given various challenges from the mediator. It went okay, but not overly great. The other idea that crossed my mind was to have something closer to Extra. Extra is set in the Moon Cell and I believe at the beginning, there's a few thousand masters and servants. Just throwing my thoughts out there. I'll enjoy it regardless, but PvP tends to lead to inherent ooc conflicts from what I've seen.
Extra is still inherently a battle to the death though, but with more adventure aspects floating around. Lowers still face deletion from the Moon cell.

Due to the mixed responses I have been receiving, I myself am fostering reservations for creating a battle royale type game on this site, as a browsing shows exceptionally few examples of PVP and more group based games. In RPGuild where I came from, PVP was the main sort of fantasy game around and so I have acclimated to such games more than cooperative group games.

I'll still try to see if I can make this work though by having a Church mediator as a more central authority.

--I suddenly had a brilliant idea: I can easily change the nature of this RP from battle Royale to cooperative in a situation similar to that of the Heaven's. Feel route of the VN.
Indeed, indeed.

I'm a bit iffy on HF as I still haven't gotten around to reading through it, but what you mean is there would be some larger threat to deal with? I believe something similar goes on in HF, but I lack the knowledge.
To not spoil anything; yes; there is a much larger threat that forces cooperation among antagonists and protagonists of the other routes.
What if, rather then summoning servants, the characters had a magical device that let them turn into a legendary spirit or at least gain their powers. When they would normally die in this mode, the magic device breaks and turns the master back into their original form unharmed. At that point, they're out of the competition. And if it's PvP we're worried about, why not make it WvW and have our characters from the same "world," meaning we would fight NPCs rather than each other?
Ah another one interested, thank you for showing you interest. It seems that this is more than enough people to start, but the RP itself is taking some time to construct it seems.

I've created the RP thread, but it's going to be under heavy construction for today but will likely be finished tomorrow. Thank you all for expressing interest and I dearly hope that you will join.
um, I've been reaing a bit of the stuff, and I'd like to make a suggestion, If i may. Fate/ Apchraphya had a fourteen man fight going on, 2 teams of 7. There was A Saber of Red, a Saber of Black, An Archer of Red, and Archer of Black, and so on.

In order to make it a thong we could all enjoy, all our characters could be on the same team, so our saber, caster, archer, whatever, will all be on the same sie working to win the grial together

does that help?
I attempted to bypass class and servant number restrictions by just letting the war have more than one of the same class and having no real servant number cap.

I thought about an Apocrypha situation since it would bring people to work together, but in this RP everyone will actually have to work together soon since the plot is way different from the normal Fate anime series currently available.

After everyone summons their servants and people introduce each other, something big will happen and everyone has to be on the same side after that eventually.

How does that sound?
Yeah the workload for this RP is pretty huge so having help might be nice. Shoot me a PM if you want to help me with something, I'll gladly accept.

Caster? I thought something obvious like Saber would be the first servant presented to me, but caster? You have great taste indeed.
That sounds like Extra/CCC I was more than happy to learn enough japanese to read it. Esssentially something screwed up the moon cell, so people ha to work together to overcome it. Is that laong your line of thought?

Well, I like Caster class servants, always have. They require more stratget... and Caster/ EXtra was cute enough to become my favorite character of all time *huggles*
I would love to join this, also I would love to be a Servant. I am not well versed in this, but I am willing to read up.

Yes quite similar to that concept, but using the normal grail created by the three founding families. Essentially took what happened to Kiritsugu in the 4th War and apply it on a more drastic scale like in Heaven's Feel.

Extra Caster is best Caster indeed. Close second was Gilles for me.


Fear not, I have highly condensed all the information you will need into shortened versions inside my RP thread which I forgot to link. Here is the link, but I have not finished constructing the Lore tab which will be useful in understanding the general plot of the RP and some aspects of mechanics.

Good. I have a question regarding the Servants. Do they have to be strictly historical? Can they be from Fairy tales?
Yes they can be from fairy tails, folklore, myth, stories, etc. as long as they were recorded and we know about them today.
Hmm, so would the Headless Horseman be allowed?

Wait, any media right, as long as it's well known, so would video games be also allowed? Sorry for asking these many questions.
Yes indeed, I've been wanting to see a Headless Horseman servant for a while now.

Ah theres a catch I forgot to put in, it has to be beings before the 1800's.

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