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Fantasy Fate Of The Universe: Chosen Servants! (Salem's Allies)



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Name: Salem
Gender: Female
Age: 35000
Species: Human

Personality: Salem is a cruel and manipulating woman. She loves to watch as people suffer and die. She toys with others before killing them but most often gets others to do her bidding for her. This does not mean she is weak though, not bar far. She is a cold and calculating person who will always side with logic as well as her personal goals. She is not ruled by emotions but instead her black heart.

Power: Black Forbidden Magic
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Cs
Pet Name: Sabozkin
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Age: Unknown
Pet Species: Mutated Death Snake
Pet Appearance:

Pet Power: Adaptive Evolution
Name: Ivy
Gender: Female
Age: 27000
Species: Dark Angel

Personality: Ivy is overconfident and cocky. She's extremely arrogant when she believes she is going to win although gets serious when she is struggling or she knows it will be a tough fight. She follows Salem to her last breath, listening to her orders and proceeding with her plans. She is cruel and often toys with her enemies before finishing them off. She often mocks them and makes sure they suffer a little before she finally kills them.

Bio: Ivy met Salem who explained to her that she was seeking allies to help her. Salem made a contract with her and the terms were fairly simple. Ivy would be Salem's loyal servant and in return, she helped Salem corrupt the world and all worlds connected. Ever since then Ivy has been Salem's right hand. She is always with Salem unless she is specifically doing something to serve her.

Power 1: Plant Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon: A long, thin, red and black vine whip sword.
Name: Prim
Gender: Female
Age: 15000
Species: Human

Personality: Prim is a sadistic and twisted girl who loves the thrill of torturing her victims. She treats everyone as 'playthings' and is always excited to get a new toy. Sometimes she can become a little too attached to her toys and becomes angry when they are broken. To punish and threaten her toys sometimes Prim will eat the more useless of the bunch that she no longer requires. Prim is always willing to test new toys out and if they are not good enough she will just dump them and find something else to play with. Prim gets bored very easily and has to frequently be entertained. Prim enjoys the feeling of pain and will laugh whenever she causes it or even rarer, feels it.

Bio: Prim is the overlord of the Land of the Dead but she didn't start out that way. It was when she met Salem that she was given an offer. land and eternal life and in return she would serve Salem and help her create a world of everlasting darkness. It was an offer that Prim couldn't bring herself to refuse. It was an offer that was so good in fact that Prim accepted it without a single thought or hesitation. It was then on that she worked for Salem and ruled over the Land of the Dead. She made sure her toys knew that so they wouldn't try to hurt her or any of her followers.

Power: Voodoo
Sentimental Attachment:
Name: Orion
Gender: Male
Age: 205,000
Species: Dark Elemental Dragon

Personality: Orion is a ruthless and efficient killer. He studies his enemies and makes quick and precise strikes targeting specifically for his enemies weak points. He is extremely smart due to being an elder dragon as well as extremely powerful. Orion can get a little cocky and overconfident at times while he is fighting especially if he begins to defeat his enemy rather easily. When the situation turns dire he quickly becomes serious and starts focusing on the battle more.

Bio: Orion has lived for a long time constantly growing stronger each and every day he grows old. He has spent most of his life training and fighting for fun. He was getting bored and looking for some sort of new entertainment.

Power: Solar Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
Name: Orochi
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Species: Inumimi Demon

Personality: Orochi is a serious and relentless samurai. He will focus on battle and is the type of person who will always go for the kill if he can. Orochi is a smart and logically person who is always one step ahead. He predicts the movements his enemy is about to make through magic and reading their battle movements.

Bio: The moment Orochi was born it was clear that he possessed a disturbingly dark aura about him but still, the Samurai gave him a chance though sadly he proved to be exactly what his aura had suggested, a cold and calculating killer who was extremely skilled. He had been born with the power and ability to control a demonic snake that inhabited his body. Orochi was quickly banished and was forced to live alone.

Power 1: Demon Physiology (Demonic magic)
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Name: Maru
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Age: 20
Pet Species: Demon Snake
Pet Power: Demon Physiology
Name: Vergal
Gender: Male
Age: 2412
Species: Soul Wraith

Personality: Vergal is a malicious and cold-hearted being whose goal is to gain power by stealing the souls of others. He doesn't hesitate to kill for the kill when he sees the opportunity. He is confident in his ability and power to take on multiple opponents at once and has done many times before. He knows however when he can and can't win and will tactically retreat whenever he needs to.

Bio: Vergal has drained and eaten many souls before. He is one of the strongest wraiths in his world and is known and feared by many. Over the years Vergal took on the identity of one of the more powerful souls he had eaten. A man with shadow like abilities named Vergal. Before then, he was nameless. Had no face or name to go by.

Power: Wraith Physiology
Sentimental Attachment:

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